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The Pittsburgh Patrika, Vol, 22, No. 1 , October 2016

medical college.” Padma Venkatraman, with whom I now work to help

the leprosy patients, is R.Venkatraman’s daughter.

I could not have become a doctor if the annual fee was any higher than

Rs.200! Only the government-subsidized education enabled me to accomplish

whatever I did in my life. This is probably true for most of us.

In that spirit, I appeal to all of you to help the less fortunate children in

India to reach their full potential.

In the past several years I have met many dedicated NGOs in Tamil

Nadu helping the needy -- AIM (All India Movement) for Seva, The

Tamil Nadu Foundation (TNF), Ekal Vidyalaya, Udavum Karangal, to

name a few. I am sure there are equally good or better NGOs in other

parts of India.

I always feel if each one of us helps our own village where we come

from, India will be a better country. Two years ago, I saw a big banner in

the Guindy Engineering College in Chennai, once a premium institution

in Chennai. It read “EDUCATE A CHILD WHO IS NOT YOURS” Let

us do this together.

If you want for further details, contact me at 724 438 8242 (H), 724

322 7175 (C) or e-mail: balus61@mail.com •

For Getting Free Copy in the Mail or

Contributing Articles

On and off many people send us e-mails asking us how we can get

copies of the magazine in the mail. These are people who have heard

about the magazine, or seen the on-line version of it, or seen in their

friends’ homes.

The magazine is mailed free every quarter to nearly 2000 homes of

Indian-Americans living within a 40-mile radius around the Point. For

your friends to get their free copies in the mail, ask them to send their

names and mailing addresses to: thepatrika@aol.com

Also we get periodic enquiries from readers for writing articles on

events being organized under different social and cultural banners, travel,

first-person accounts... ... For these enquiries also contact the editor at

724 327 0953 or e-mail your enquiries to: thepatrika@aol.com •


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