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The Pittsburgh Patrika, Vol, 22, No. 1 , October 2016

mills, fossil fuel industries, and mining/metal industries, but lived comfortably,

with all the accoutrements of a good life — two-car garages, boats,

vacations... ... Globalization and Free Trade wiped out these jobs, and

the less educated working class bore the brunt of this brutal transition.

In the 2012 election cycle both the GOP and the Democratic candidates

were vying with each other to offer tax cuts for the “middle

class.” When pressed to define middle class, they said it was families

with an annual income under $250,000! In the US, only around 6% of

households have annual income more than $200,000. See below (Source:

US Census, 2014):

That is, political candidates saw themselves as “Middle Class,” even

though in terms of their income, net worth, and other intangible assets

like access to resources and their wide social and political network, they

are the Ruling Elite. With this bizarre definition of middle class, people

making between $60,000 and $100,000 can call themselves the “working

poor,” while the American median family income is around $55,000.

No wonder, the upper echelons of the GOP establishment was outof-sync

from the problems of the white working class, the base of the

GOP. In the primaries, these Republican voters, in disgust, opted for a


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