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The ultimate flight over the reservoir

With the Flying-Fox-Golm, you “fly” – equipped with a safety harness and suspension device

– over the Latschau reservoir attached to a 565 m-long steel cable. From the starting

platform at Waldseilpark-Golm to the landing platform at Alpine-Coaster-Golm, you’ll traverse

an elevation difference of 47.5 metres with the steel cable slide. And all this

at an incline of approx. 8.4 degrees! Speeds of up to 70 km/h make this enormous

Flying-Fox-Golm an absolute adrenaline kick. For safety reasons,

you must weigh at least 25 kg to use the Flying-Fox-Golm.

The weight limit is 110 kg.



Where nature and culture blend

What makes this hike a unique experience is not only the breathtaking view of the imposing

mountain scenery of the Rätikon, but also the wooden sculptures designed by local artist

Roland Haas. At a total of 13 locations, works of art provide exciting insights into the lives

of the shepherds and the centuries-old Montafon Maisäß and alpine pasture tradition. This

themed trail, awarded the Austrian hiking seal of quality, is approx. 13 kilometres long

and is suitable for the whole family, despite the walking time of four to

five hours. Dining and refreshment options:

Berghof Golm, Lindauer Chalet, Gauertalhaus or

Gasthaus Matschwitz


Did you know that Golm

Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus

GmbH was named the

first climate-neutral cable

car in Austria in 2018? The

company is constantly lowering

its CO 2

emissions and

compensates for the remaining

emissions through the

active support of high-quality,

certified climate protection


Continue reading on page 63

More information on the Golm family paradise in the Montafon

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