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Mel’s International Mission Trips

Beginning in 1968

Baptist World Youth Conference, Berne Switzerland,

England, Amsterdam and Paris

1970--Radius School of Drama--

England and Spain

Countries I went to once: Brazil, Greece, Tanzania,

Uganda, Hong Kong, Calgary, Canada,

Kazakhstan, Romania, Austria & Hungary.

Twice to Sweden and Trinidad.

Three times to Czechoslovakia,

Four to Taiwan & England

Five Years to Russia with 13 visits.

Twenty years to Poland with 31 visits.

Total of 70 trips to International Countries

Destiny In Poland--From Top to Bottom

Ustka--Location of 18 annual 10 day camps

Gdansk/Sopot--Old Towne and Airport for Marwica

Elblang-Baptist Church, Pawel Kugler, Pastor

Warsaw--Seminary, Orphanages and Camps

Otwock--Church ministry and Orphanages

Lodz--First Baptist, Leszek Wakula Pastor and

Daniela Hoppe--Human Trafficking

Wroclaw--First Baptist Camps

Krakow--Beautiful City used to go to Auschwitz

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Wisla-Church with Conference Center in Mountains

Praha--Prague-Group trips there.


Looking back at over 53years of International mission

work, it represents 70 trips and being gone over

200 weeks, which is equivalent to being gone four

years of my life.

In 1968, having the opportunity to take a group to

the BWYC and to travel to four countries I realized

how much is gained through those experiences. In

England seeing Westminister Abby and close by the

tower of Big Ben and parliament, so many sights to

see. Then to have go to Coventry which was the first

town blitzed by the Germans and see how they had

built a fantastic cathedral with help from all over the

world. Next to Amsterdam and Ann Frank’s hiding

place and on to tulip and wood shoe country. While at

the BWYC we heard from Billy Graham, Paul Tournier

and Kenneth Chafer and many others during the

week in Berne. On to Paris to the Eiffel Tower, Louvre-statue

of David and the Mona Lisa. The last night

we were on artist hill overlooking all of Paris for a fantastic

last meal. So during all my trips I realized my

main responsibility was to those going with me and to

make sure of their safety but also to make it a meaningful

experience in addition to the mission segment

of our trip.

In 1988, traveling with a Creative Ministry team to

Brazil, I realized I did not have to speak the language

of the country. I would teach their leaders how to lead

the group and once they knew how to lead we no longer

needed a translator as they had made a huge step

in becoming a leader. So where ever we went we often

taught the local leaders and they have continued being

able to lead the activities.

In 1991, I received a phone call from Ralph Hopkins,

Associate Director of the Kentucky Baptist Collegiate

Department, asking if I would take eight people

to Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan was apart of the USSR

and their camp was lead by communist. My response

was yes, however December 26, 1981 the Soviet Union

was dissolved. So when we arrived at Camp Zhalin,

we asked if we could teach from the Old Testament

thinking they were Muslims and they said yes. They

had no problem with us showing the Jesus film and

teaching from the New Testament. The camp director

even ask if we could teach other religions. During the

eight weeks there, I reflected on the book Halftime,

since I was fifty and wanted to see how to finish the

next half. That is when I realized that taking

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