OCT 2021 Blues Vol 37 No. 10.1
OCT 2021 Blues Vol 37 No. 10.1 WE REMEMBER: We say good bye to a true hero, Senior Police Officer William “Bill” Jeffrey. FEATURE STORIES: • Biden Try’s To Eliminate Border Mounted Officers • Washington Try’s To Shift Focus From Drone Strike To Baseless Whipping Story At The Border • Who Wants To Be A Cop Part 6 DEPARTMENTS • Publisher’s Thoughts Part I. • Editor’s Thoughts • Your Thoughts • News Around the State • News Around the Country • Products & Services -Alternative Ballistics • Honoring our Fallen Heroes • Warstories • Aftermath • Open Road-Mustang Mach E Goes to Patrol • Healing Our Heroes • Daryl’s Deliberations • HPOU-From the President, Douglas Griffith • Light Bulb Award • Running 4 Heroes • Blue Mental Health with Tina Jaeckle • Off Duty with Rusty Barron • Parting Shots • Now Hiring - L.E.O. Positions Open in Texas • Last Page -Take Out the Trash
OCT 2021 Blues Vol 37 No. 10.1
WE REMEMBER: We say good bye to a true hero, Senior Police Officer William “Bill” Jeffrey.
• Biden Try’s To Eliminate Border Mounted Officers
• Washington Try’s To Shift Focus From Drone Strike
To Baseless Whipping Story At The Border
• Who Wants To Be A Cop Part 6
• Publisher’s Thoughts Part I.
• Editor’s Thoughts
• Your Thoughts
• News Around the State
• News Around the Country
• Products & Services -Alternative Ballistics
• Honoring our Fallen Heroes
• Warstories
• Aftermath
• Open Road-Mustang Mach E Goes to Patrol
• Healing Our Heroes
• Daryl’s Deliberations
• HPOU-From the President, Douglas Griffith
• Light Bulb Award
• Running 4 Heroes
• Blue Mental Health with Tina Jaeckle
• Off Duty with Rusty Barron
• Parting Shots
• Now Hiring - L.E.O. Positions Open in Texas
• Last Page -Take Out the Trash
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<strong>OCT</strong>OBER <strong>2021</strong><br />
On the Cover:<br />
WE REMEMBER: We say<br />
good bye to a true hero, Senior<br />
Police Officer William<br />
“Bill” Jeffrey.<br />
FEATURE STORY: Washington<br />
Politics try and shift<br />
focus from mistaken drone<br />
strike to a fake whipping on<br />
the border.<br />
82<br />
48 Remembering Those We’ve Lost<br />
Hpd Senior Police Officer William “Bill” Jeffrey<br />
64 Biden Trys To Eliminate Border Mounted Officers<br />
68 Washington Trys To Shift Focus From Drone Strike<br />
To Baseless Whipping Story At The Border<br />
72 Who Wants To Be A Cop Part 6<br />
8 Publisher’s Thoughts Part I<br />
12 Editor’s Thoughts<br />
16 Your Thoughts<br />
22 News Around the State<br />
38 News Around the Country<br />
44 Products & Services -Alternative Ballistics<br />
52 Honoring our Fallen Heroes<br />
82 War Stories<br />
86 Aftermath<br />
90 Open Road-Mustang Mach E Goes to Patrol<br />
96 Healing Our Heroes<br />
98 Daryl’s Deliberations<br />
102 HPOU-From the President, Douglas Griffith<br />
104 Light Bulb Award<br />
108 Running 4 Heroes<br />
110 Blue Mental Health with Tina Jaeckle<br />
112 Off Duty with Rusty Barron<br />
116 Parting Shots<br />
118 <strong>No</strong>w Hiring - L.E.O. Positions Open in Texas<br />
146 Last Page -Take Out the Trash<br />
86<br />
90<br />
OUR TEAM<br />
founder & publisher<br />
editor-n-chief<br />
contributing editor<br />
creative editor<br />
outdoor editor<br />
contributing editor<br />
contributing editor<br />
contributing editors<br />
HPOU contributing editor<br />
sales manager<br />
T. EDISON<br />
contributing writer / light bulb<br />
contributing writer<br />
contributing writer<br />
contributing writer<br />
contributing writer<br />
contributing writer<br />
contributing writer<br />
contributing writer<br />
aftermath<br />
The BLUES Police Magazine is published monthly by Kress-Barr, LLC, P.O. Box 2733, League City Texas 77574. The opinions<br />
expressed in articles, op-eds and editorials are those of each individual author and do not reflect the opinion of<br />
The BLUES or its parent company. Rebuttals or submission of news articles and editorials may be su<br />
For more information on how your<br />
For more business information can participate, on how your<br />
business click on the can link participate, below.<br />
click on the link below.<br />
PART I - Cancel Culture<br />
Sweeps Biden & Washington<br />
Thirty-seven years ago, this<br />
magazine was founded on one<br />
principal and one principal only.<br />
To give the employees of the<br />
Harris County Sheriff’s Department<br />
a method by which their<br />
voice could be heard. Was it<br />
popular with the brass who got<br />
an earful on a monthly basis?<br />
<strong>No</strong>. Was it effective in opening<br />
up lines of communication between<br />
the two? Absolutely.<br />
The First Amendment guarantees<br />
us freedoms regarding<br />
religion, expression, assembly,<br />
and the right to petition. It guarantees<br />
freedom of expression<br />
by prohibiting Congress from<br />
restricting the press or the rights<br />
of individuals to speak freely.<br />
The BLUES has always operated<br />
within the framework our<br />
ancestors crafted. For <strong>37</strong> years,<br />
anyone that had something to<br />
say, good or bad, had the opportunity<br />
to voice that opinion<br />
here in the BLUES, and that continues<br />
to this day.<br />
But what about national politics?<br />
Should the BLUES, a magazine<br />
devoted to serving law enforcement<br />
and first responders,<br />
take sides on a national scale?<br />
For the first time in our lengthy<br />
history, our cover and feature<br />
story take us to the dirty side of<br />
national politics. <strong>No</strong>w if you ask<br />
our business consultants, they<br />
will tell you that the minute you<br />
choose a side, you’re going to<br />
lose half your reading audience.<br />
You could in fact loose ad revenue<br />
if your political opinions<br />
clash with the beliefs of your<br />
sponsors.<br />
Well, I guess that’s a risk I’ll<br />
have to take. What’s happening<br />
in this country is an atrocity<br />
and to sit back and say nothing<br />
is exactly what they want you<br />
to do. And by “they” I mean the<br />
extreme left, the entire Biden<br />
administration, Pelosi, and her<br />
evil bunch in Congress.<br />
Their entire agenda is to force<br />
you into silence for fear that<br />
anything you say will be construed<br />
as racial bias and therefore<br />
you are CANCELLED. YOU<br />
become the problem. YOU are<br />
the reason for their failures, not<br />
them. Everything that doesn’t<br />
fit their agenda is the fault of<br />
someone else.<br />
I’m not going to get into voter<br />
fraud and lost elections or even<br />
what the world would look<br />
like if Donald Trump were still<br />
President. This goes way past<br />
that. When you see billboards<br />
on the interstate in California<br />
promoting the fact that you no<br />
longer have to choose the sex<br />
of your child at birth and have<br />
the option to indicate on their<br />
birth certificate that the sex is:<br />
what’s wrong with this country.<br />
At birth, GOD decided your<br />
sex for you. PERIOD! If you elect<br />
to change that at a later date,<br />
that’s a personal choice for you<br />
to make. When you’re mature<br />
enough to make that decision.<br />
The government shouldn’t be<br />
encouraging young kids to make<br />
a choice as to what SEX they<br />
want to continue to be.<br />
But again, it’s the entire CAN-<br />
CEL CULTURE. If you don’t agree<br />
with us, you’re against us. You’re<br />
the problem, not us. We can<br />
disagree on this and a million<br />
other things, but that doesn’t<br />
mean your opinion, or my opinion<br />
doesn’t matter. They both<br />
matter. One doesn’t cancel out<br />
the other.<br />
But I’m not writing a book<br />
here, so I’ll get to the point and<br />
our feature story: the agenda of<br />
the Biden administration to do<br />
619.326.4411<br />
whatever they see fit. And if they<br />
make a mistake, they find something<br />
or someone else to blame,<br />
to shift the focus. Take for instance<br />
the loss of thirteen brave<br />
soldiers last month in Kabul, one<br />
of which was the son of our Blue<br />
Family in California, the Lopez’s.<br />
To try and shift the focus of this<br />
tragedy in Kabul, Biden and his<br />
inept General Milley, decided<br />
to launch a last-minute drone<br />
strike to “take out” an alleged<br />
ISIS member who was allegedly<br />
responsible for the bombing that<br />
killed our soldiers at the airport.<br />
What they did, was take out an<br />
innocent family of ten Afghanistan<br />
civilians, including seven innocent<br />
children. Biden’s response<br />
– “OOPS.”<br />
A few weeks later, our border<br />
is overrun by thousands of immigrants<br />
feeling Haiti. Almost<br />
20,000 packed under a bridge in<br />
Del Rio and local law enforcement<br />
and border patrol were<br />
overwhelmed. What you may<br />
not know, is that it all started<br />
with seven hundred Haitians.<br />
Border patrol and ICE gathered<br />
them up and took them to the<br />
airport to fly them back to Haiti.<br />
But when Biden found out, he<br />
CANCELLED the flights and said,<br />
“Just let them stay.”<br />
Well, those seven hundred<br />
people took to their cell phones<br />
and started calling friends and<br />
relatives that had been gathering<br />
in Mexico and said, “The U.S. border<br />
is open, they aren’t sending<br />
us home, get here as fast as you<br />
can.” And they did. Thousands of<br />
them hauled ass to the border<br />
and joined up under the bridge.<br />
<strong>No</strong>w you have a crisis on your<br />
hands on US soil, in Texas and<br />
not a damn government official<br />
in site. So, the governor takes<br />
over and sends in the troops.<br />
Border patrol agents, yes some<br />
on horseback, do their best to<br />
‘corral’ these folks and stop the<br />
masses from entering the U.S.<br />
illegally. And in ONE photo, taken<br />
by ONE photojournalist from<br />
New Mexico, Biden and the “left”<br />
have their smoking gun. They<br />
have the one thing they need to<br />
make you stop asking how all<br />
these people got here in the first<br />
place. A diversion!<br />
One piece of leather flying<br />
through the air suddenly becomes<br />
the diversion they were<br />
looking for. These border agents<br />
are “whipping” immigrants like<br />
they were slaves from the 60’s.<br />
These horrible racist agents trying<br />
to beat these innocent people<br />
into submission. To punish<br />
them for coming to America.<br />
How dare they!<br />
And if you question what they<br />
are saying, you’re CANCELLED.<br />
You are the racist. “This is our<br />
own people being racist and we<br />
won’t stand for it.” said Pelosi.<br />
Yes, we accidentally killed<br />
seven children and three adults<br />
in Kabul, but that was an accident<br />
and a tragedy of war.<br />
BULLSHIT. Border Patrol Agents<br />
in Texas and all along the border,<br />
are some of the bravest men and<br />
women on this planet. What they<br />
endure on a daily basis is unbelievable.<br />
Regardless of what anyone<br />
in Washington says, all of us<br />
in law enforcement support the<br />
men and women of the US Border<br />
Patrol. You are heroes and no<br />
one, not even the President can<br />
take that away.<br />
Certainly not with one piece of<br />
flying leather.<br />
In closing, the bottom line is,<br />
if you feel that we’ve crossed<br />
a line that The BLUES shouldn’t<br />
have crossed and your feelings<br />
or pride are hurt, I just have one<br />
thing to say to you. YOU’RE CAN-<br />
CELLED. Find another magazine<br />
to read and tell all your friends<br />
how “un-WOKE” we are. I don’t<br />
care. We believe…. I believe<br />
that God gave us all the right to<br />
believe what we want when we<br />
want. And the First Amendment<br />
gave us all the right to make that<br />
belief known. If you disagree<br />
with that, well that’s your God<br />
given right.<br />
God Bless America and God<br />
Bless all our Children of God.<br />
PART II<br />
Is it a different world today, or is<br />
it just more of the same?<br />
When you tell someone, this<br />
is a different world we live in<br />
today, they look at you with a<br />
blank stare. What do you mean?<br />
Is it better? Is it worse? What?<br />
What makes today any different<br />
than yesterday, or for that matter<br />
last year?<br />
Take flight for instance. One<br />
hundred eighteen years ago,<br />
Orville and Wilber Wright flew<br />
their glider a total of 852 feet<br />
in 59 seconds of flight and the<br />
world of aviation was born.<br />
Last month, we sent four civilians<br />
into space for three days<br />
at over 17,500 miles an hour<br />
575 kilometers over the planet.<br />
The achievements by man over<br />
the previous 125 years are truly<br />
remarkable.<br />
But these, as well as the sheer<br />
magnitude of other advancements<br />
in our lifetime, should be<br />
what stands out when someone<br />
says, “Today is a very different<br />
Ready To Serve You<br />
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world.” But for me, it’s the staggering<br />
amount of people dying<br />
each and every day. It’s overwhelming.<br />
Our Blue family is shrinking in<br />
numbers at a very rapid pace.<br />
Just last week, we laid to rest<br />
Senior HPD Officer William “Bill”<br />
Jeffery who was shot and killed<br />
by a man who should have<br />
been locked up. His partner, Sgt.<br />
Michael Vance was also shot<br />
and only for the grace of God is<br />
still here fighting for his life. Our<br />
thoughts and prayers are with<br />
both families today.<br />
Then there are literally hundreds<br />
of police officers that<br />
have died from COVID, 198 in<br />
<strong>2021</strong> alone. And another 300-<br />
400 first responders in 2020.<br />
This is horrifying and truly<br />
unbelievable. I was told in a<br />
special task-force meeting in<br />
January of 2020, that statistically<br />
speaking, out of the forty-two<br />
people in the room that<br />
day, over half would be dead<br />
within a year. Of course, I didn’t<br />
believe it. Who the hell believes<br />
anything this government says?<br />
I also didn’t believe that schools<br />
would close, businesses would<br />
fail, or that our friends and family<br />
would be locked inside their<br />
houses for almost a year. But all<br />
that did in fact come true.<br />
So, compared to 2019, 2020<br />
and <strong>2021</strong> are true shit shows.<br />
But it’s not just the loss of police<br />
or first responders. Citizens<br />
are being shot and killed across<br />
this country every single day in<br />
ever growing numbers.<br />
Maybe because of the instant<br />
news world we live in, it sure<br />
seems like it’s out of hand.<br />
Houston is becoming another<br />
Chicago. There are shootings<br />
several times a day all over the<br />
city and the county. A police officer’s<br />
14-year-old son shot and<br />
killed in a park in one of the nicest<br />
neighborhoods in Kingwood,<br />
by a classmate from his school.<br />
It used to be that if you stayed<br />
out of the “bad side” of town<br />
you’d be OK. Well, that “bad<br />
side” is everywhere. When a<br />
NOLO officer is gunned down in<br />
broad daylight at one of Landry’s<br />
most expensive restaurants in<br />
the Galleria, you know “it’s a different<br />
world.”<br />
The fact is, you can’t even drive<br />
on freeways in the greater Houston<br />
area without getting shot<br />
and killed. Carry all the guns<br />
you want; you can’t protect you<br />
or your family from a threat you<br />
can’t see. Bullets out of nowhere.<br />
The truth is the violence in the<br />
Houston Metro area is exploding<br />
at an incredible rate. And the<br />
man who is truly more stressed<br />
than me, is HPD Chief Troy Finner.<br />
You can hear it in his voice<br />
and see it on his face behind that<br />
mask. He is a man of true compassion,<br />
and he treats every single<br />
gunshot victim as if it where<br />
his own family. A man who<br />
was raised in this city and rose<br />
through the ranks to become<br />
probably the finest police chief<br />
in the history of the department.<br />
But one man can’t stop an army.<br />
So, what is the answer? Honest<br />
to God, I don’t know. But one<br />
thing is for sure. The world is<br />
going to keep changing and I<br />
don’t think there’s a damn thing<br />
we can do about it.<br />
PART III Final Word<br />
Any finally I can’t help but<br />
comment on Biden’s attempt to<br />
control every aspect of our lives,<br />
starting with mandatory vaccine<br />
shots.<br />
Personally, I do not believe the<br />
conspiracy theorist that the vaccine<br />
will eventually kill everyone<br />
who got the shot, nor do I believe<br />
that the government is embedding<br />
chips in everyone.<br />
For me personally, it was the<br />
better choice to risk long term effects<br />
vs getting COVID and possibly<br />
ending up on our “Officer’s we lost<br />
this year due to COVID” segment in<br />
my own magazine.<br />
But if you feel like it’s the opposite<br />
for you, then you should have<br />
the right to say no. Since when<br />
does the government have the<br />
power to tell you what medicines<br />
you HAVE to take? Doesn’t HIPPA<br />
afford you the right to make your<br />
own personal heath choices and<br />
ensure that those decisions remain<br />
private?<br />
And tell me this, according to the<br />
CDC, once you’re vaccinated, the<br />
virus won’t be as severe if you are<br />
a “breakthrough case” and there’s<br />
a 90% you won’t die. So basically,<br />
you’re protected.<br />
So why in the hell should Biden<br />
care if you don’t get vaccinated?<br />
You’re only hurting yourself and<br />
other unvaccinated Americans. If<br />
that 20% want to take a chance on<br />
dying, that’s certainly their right.<br />
If you haven’t realized this, our<br />
rights as Americans are evaporating.<br />
It’s time we unite as a people<br />
and take a stand to protect our<br />
rights.<br />
If your employer demands you<br />
get vaccinated or be fired, hire an<br />
attorney, and sue the crap out of<br />
them. If the companies had any<br />
balls at all, they would be united<br />
and suing the government.<br />
I hope everyone remembers all<br />
of this come midterms next year.<br />
Attention<br />
Recruiters<br />
Run your<br />
Recruiting Ad in<br />
The BLUES for a<br />
One Time Fee of<br />
ONLY $250.<br />
Bryan, Texas<br />
The Bryan Police Department, a Civil Service Department, is currently accepting applications for Police Officer (<strong>No</strong>n-<br />
Certified or Certified). We are seeking individuals with integrity who are committed to public service, dedicated and<br />
professional, with a willingness and compassion to work together with the citizens of Bryan to maintain a healthy<br />
and safe community.<br />
Starting Salary:<br />
$57,000 (as non-certified Cadet) up to $82,762 (depending on certification)<br />
*Range pending approval 10/4/21<br />
Application Deadline:<br />
Friday, October 8, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Written Exam Date:<br />
Friday, October 15, <strong>2021</strong><br />
(For those who successfully pass the written exam, the physical fitness assessment will be immediately following.)<br />
Minimum Qualifications:<br />
• U.S. Citizen;<br />
• High School Diploma or have a high school equivalency certificate/GED;<br />
• At least 21 years of age and not more than 44 years of age at the time of hire;<br />
• Valid Texas driver’s license with good driving record at the time of hire;<br />
• Good moral character, stable employment record and no history of any conduct which may affect suitability for<br />
law enforcement work;<br />
• If applicable, military service discharge must be under honorable conditions as stipulated on DD-214 form;<br />
• <strong>No</strong> felony or Class A misdemeanor convictions; no Class B misdemeanor convictions within the past (10) years.<br />
Application Instructions:<br />
To apply and/or to view more information regarding the application and testing process click here and follow the<br />
instructions provided. You will receive an online confirmation number upon successfully submitting your application.<br />
You will also receive a confirmation email from Human Resources within a week of submitting your application.<br />
The City of Bryan is an Equal Opportunity Employer
They followed procedure and the<br />
law, and they still lost their jobs.<br />
On April 21, <strong>2021</strong>, a tragic<br />
incident occurred in which a<br />
man, lost his life. This man was<br />
in a mental health crisis and,<br />
the Houston Police Department<br />
responded to numerous 9-1-1<br />
calls for immediate and urgent<br />
assistance.<br />
Upon their arrival, Houston<br />
Police Officers and an HPD<br />
Sergeant began the tense and<br />
traumatic task of trying to reach<br />
and de-escalate the incident.<br />
However, the male subject was<br />
impaling himself with what was<br />
initially believed to be a knife.<br />
(Later determined to be a piece<br />
of rebar).<br />
Every Officer on the scene<br />
plead repeatedly with the subject<br />
to stop, to calm down, to<br />
peacefully stop and let them<br />
(HPD Officers) help him. Unfortunately,<br />
the individual did not<br />
comply, at any time. Instead, he<br />
continued to resist any assistance,<br />
impaling himself and<br />
acting in a hostile manner.<br />
Officers deployed a “Beanbag<br />
Shotgun” and a total of three<br />
rounds were deployed. All three<br />
rounds deployed did strike. Unfortunately,<br />
the effect was not<br />
enough to stop the aggressive<br />
and highly traumatic incident<br />
from continuing. Officers also<br />
attempted to use Electronic<br />
Control Devices (ECD’s) in an<br />
attempt to stop the individual<br />
from continuing to harm himself<br />
or escalate into harming others.<br />
After approximately 16-18<br />
minutes, this individual reached<br />
forward for an ECD which had<br />
been dropped by an Officer<br />
during the earlier struggle with<br />
said individual, in an attempt<br />
to subdue him. It was at this<br />
time, per Departmental Training,<br />
Industry Standards and Texas/<br />
Federal Laws, Officers with one<br />
last frantic plea for this individual<br />
to stop, were forced to deploy<br />
lethal force, bringing the incident<br />
to an extremely traumatic end.<br />
The Houston Police Officers<br />
who discharged their firearms as<br />
a direct result of this incident,<br />
were all FIRED by then Chief of<br />
Police, Art Acevedo. (<strong>No</strong>w, the<br />
embattled Miami Chief of Police)<br />
At that time, Chief Acevedo<br />
indicated and stated he “Could<br />
not defend the actions of the<br />
Officers.”<br />
As if the incident, the use of<br />
lethal force and the ensuing IAD<br />
and D.A. investigation was not<br />
enough trauma for these Officers<br />
and their Families, they<br />
now faced the very real threat of<br />
losing their homes, cars, livelihood,<br />
their families themselves<br />
and ultimately, their freedom.<br />
Thus, an extra-ordinary amount<br />
of trauma, stress, worry, suffering<br />
and fear was bestowed upon<br />
these Officers and their family<br />
members.<br />
Fast forward to September<br />
<strong>2021</strong>, the Harris Co. District Attorney’s<br />
Office presented four<br />
days of testimony and evidence<br />
in this case for a duly appointed<br />
Harris County Grand Jury with<br />
the very real possibility of criminal<br />
charges being leveled against<br />
the now fired Houston Police<br />
Officers. Those criminal charges<br />
ranged from criminally negligent<br />
homicide to murder. All of which<br />
would have destroyed these Officers<br />
careers, lives, and families.<br />
Thankfully, this Grand Jury,<br />
after carefully listening to and<br />
reviewing all the evidence presented,<br />
DECLINED any criminal<br />
charges against these Houston<br />
Police Officers because of this<br />
terrible and tragic incident.<br />
And so, the Houston Police<br />
Officers Union will thankfully,<br />
immediately engage in dialogue<br />
and efforts to regain the employment<br />
status for these officers.<br />
This is something desperately<br />
needed for their families to<br />
survive and of course, to right a<br />
profoundly serious wrong.<br />
men will have to live with the<br />
incident itself, watching a man<br />
impale himself multiple times,<br />
their pleas for him to stop and<br />
let them help, going unanswered<br />
and, being forced into a decision<br />
to deploy lethal force. <strong>No</strong>ne of<br />
which, is something they’ll ever<br />
forget. Couple all of that with<br />
the loss of their jobs, the stress<br />
of their families grieving and<br />
hurting along with the very real<br />
possibility of being sent to prison,<br />
one can begin to see, these<br />
men and truly suffered.<br />
I along with any other sensible<br />
human being grieve for the<br />
loss of this man’s life and for his<br />
family, with all the loss and suffering<br />
they have had to endure.<br />
There are never any “winners”<br />
or “losers” in such terrible situations.<br />
Only a path of heartache,<br />
loss, grief, and little hope of<br />
internal, heartfelt resolution.<br />
My final thought is this, no<br />
matter what, there is never a resolute<br />
ending to any deployment<br />
of lethal force by an officer, for<br />
that officer. I live with those moments<br />
to this very minute, and I<br />
always will. This profession takes<br />
a huge toll on those who answer<br />
the call. Long after we retire even,<br />
what we have seen and somehow<br />
managed to endure/survive, remains<br />
a heartfelt haunting, forevermore.<br />
get your<br />
to The BLUES, scan the<br />
QR code or click here.<br />
Watch the video above and decide what you would have done,<br />
had you been faced with this individual.<br />
I am not writing this from an<br />
uneducated and inexperienced<br />
point of view. I am not a person<br />
who does not have firsthand<br />
knowledge of the use of and<br />
deployment of lethal force. In<br />
my career, I have had no other<br />
choice but, to do so on more<br />
than one occasion.<br />
<strong>No</strong>w, that alone does not make<br />
me a “Use of Force Expert.” However,<br />
the caveat to that statement<br />
is, I am well versed in the<br />
trauma resulting in the aftermath<br />
of such an action. The ensuing<br />
nightmares, time stopping daytime<br />
moments and the feeling of<br />
what I can only describe as the<br />
absolute weight of the world,<br />
upon your shoulders, your mind,<br />
and your heart.<br />
These Houston Police Officers<br />
were dealt with in a very unfair<br />
manner. They were presumed<br />
“guilty” simply because of the<br />
badge and had to fight for the<br />
right to be “innocent” simply<br />
because of the badge. It’s such<br />
an awful position to be placed<br />
in, especially when you’re placed<br />
there for following your training,<br />
the Laws of the State and Federal<br />
Government, and Department<br />
Policy.<br />
I do not know the officers and<br />
Sergeant involved. But I do know<br />
what it is like to have no other<br />
choice left but to pull the trigger.<br />
I know what it is like to endure<br />
the “walk through,” “debriefings”<br />
and “legal interviews” along with<br />
a county grand jury. I assure you,<br />
no matter how “right” you are in<br />
the actions you took, you’ll always<br />
“feel” the weight of the decision.<br />
You’re left with feeling the<br />
weight of all the investigators,<br />
district and county attorneys,<br />
state, and federal agents and of<br />
course, the grand jury members<br />
themselves. For all these eyes<br />
are looking at you, your life, your<br />
family, and everything you’ve<br />
ever done…such weight is soul<br />
crushing, to say the least.<br />
<strong>No</strong> matter the outcome of<br />
arbitration, these officers should<br />
at least be free from any further/<br />
additional criminal prosecution.<br />
All of this aside though, these<br />
1. Based on the body camera<br />
video posted by the officers who<br />
pulled Gabby and her fiancé over<br />
for suspicious driving, some<br />
viewers assumed Gabby was<br />
suffering from mental illness<br />
and Brian was the stable one.<br />
2. Some people may have<br />
assumed both partners were<br />
equally abusive and equally at<br />
fault. The old “it takes two” myth<br />
that doesn’t really apply to most<br />
abusive situations.<br />
3. Some people may have even<br />
assumed Gabby was the abuser<br />
and Brian was the victim.<br />
4. These assumptions are classic.<br />
Why? Because, in many cases,<br />
the target manages to keep<br />
things together until her breaking<br />
point, at which time others<br />
may see her crying or hear her<br />
yelling or see her breaking, and<br />
then they assume she’s “crazy.”<br />
5. Meanwhile, the abuser plays<br />
the part of the poor, patient<br />
partner who must deal with this<br />
crazy person. But all the while,<br />
he’s been acting very differently<br />
behind closed doors, pushing her<br />
to this point intentionally and<br />
feeding on her emotional break.<br />
He LOVES to see evidence that he<br />
has hurt her. He LOVES to see her<br />
pain.<br />
6. For this reason, “breaking<br />
her” has been his goal from the<br />
start. It may take him hours,<br />
weeks, or months or even years<br />
to break her, but he won’t stop<br />
until he gets that reaction, and<br />
then he’ll point the finger and<br />
say, “See? She’s crazy. I’m just<br />
trying to keep her calm.” And<br />
then he’ll do it again. And again.<br />
And again.<br />
7. As a result, some people<br />
will buy into that false narrative.<br />
Even the target. Which brings me<br />
to my next point.<br />
8. In the video, we see Gabby<br />
making many excuses for Brian’s<br />
behavior, and she takes all the<br />
blame for everything he does.<br />
9. We also see Brian blaming<br />
Gabby and saying he was just<br />
trying to keep her calm.<br />
10. This is also the norm for<br />
victims of long-standing abuse.<br />
A target becomes conditioned<br />
to believe everything the abuser<br />
does is her fault.<br />
11. Also, she clearly doesn’t<br />
want Brian to be in trouble.<br />
She’d rather pay the price and<br />
protect the man she loves. Also,<br />
remember she honestly believes<br />
he only acted this way because<br />
of her, so she doesn’t want him<br />
to be blamed. This is also the<br />
norm.<br />
12. Smart officers see right<br />
through this. Others buy the<br />
cover-up story. (And because<br />
some officers are also abusers,<br />
they all too frequently side with<br />
the abuser even when they know<br />
exactly what’s going on.)<br />
13. I credit the police in Gabby’s<br />
situation. They were calm,<br />
they separated the couple, they<br />
interviewed them individually,<br />
they split them up for the night,<br />
they did everything right. I’m sure<br />
the officer has tremendous guilt<br />
about the end result and wonders<br />
if he could have prevented<br />
it, but I don’t blame the officers<br />
in this case. I was pretty surprised<br />
and impressed with how<br />
well they treated both Brian and<br />
Gabby (and, sadly, I was thinking<br />
how rare it is to see that).<br />
14. Many people have been<br />
shocked by Brian’s family’s refusal<br />
to cooperate with police. I’m<br />
not shocked at all. Let’s look at<br />
that a little more closely.<br />
15. I’m also not surprised to<br />
learn that Gabby lived with the<br />
Laundrie family for a year. We<br />
all see this family will do anything<br />
to protect their son, even<br />
at the cost of an innocent young<br />
woman who was a real part of<br />
their family and soon to be their<br />
daughter-in-law. While most of<br />
us can certainly understand them<br />
wanting to protect their child,<br />
they crossed a moral line when<br />
Gabby went missing.<br />
16. But it goes deeper than that.<br />
It shows them as a system of<br />
enablers who not only allowed<br />
Brian to abuse Gabby over a long<br />
term (which led to her intense<br />
anxiety) but also a system of gas<br />
lighters who were always shifting<br />
the truth to keep Gabby confused<br />
and make her believe she’s<br />
the problem. She was caught<br />
in an entire system of abuse.<br />
And once you’re in that web, it’s<br />
exceedingly difficult to see a way<br />
out.<br />
17. I imagine they contributed<br />
to her abuse from the start and<br />
encouraged their son’s abusive<br />
behaviors by rewarding him,<br />
making excuses for him, blaming<br />
Gabby, flipping the script,<br />
and keeping her in the fog that<br />
breaks down a person’s psyche<br />
and spirit over time.<br />
18. Gabby and Brian had been<br />
together since their teens. This is<br />
also common. These immature<br />
relationships work beautifully<br />
when both partners grow together<br />
and mature emotionally.<br />
But when one wants to keep the<br />
other down, naive, and under his<br />
control…and the other is growing,<br />
learning, and maturing, it<br />
doesn’t work.<br />
19. We hear Gabby tell the<br />
officer that Brain didn’t think she<br />
could do her travel blog. It seems<br />
clear that he didn’t believe in her<br />
and was trying to make her not<br />
believe in herself.<br />
20. She also says he didn’t like<br />
her working and that he locked<br />
her out of the van because she<br />
wasn’t in her seat when he was<br />
ready to leave. Control issues?!<br />
He squeezed her face with his<br />
hand in anger. He cut her down<br />
and criticized her, verbally abusing<br />
her until she was a wreck of<br />
tears. He was breaking her spirit,<br />
intentionally.<br />
21. Why? Because her focus<br />
wasn’t 100% on him. And because<br />
she had found a job she<br />
enjoyed and was good at and<br />
that allowed her to connect with<br />
other people, when he wanted<br />
her all to himself.<br />
22. She now had this one little<br />
piece of her life that he couldn’t<br />
completely control, so he wanted<br />
to get rid of that. It angered<br />
him. He punished her for it. See<br />
the pattern?<br />
23. The overall takeaway?<br />
When you see someone crying<br />
like this, don’t assume she’s crazy.<br />
Don’t buy into the false narrative<br />
given by the abuser. Don’t<br />
believe the cover-up story by<br />
the target who has been conditioned<br />
to carry all the blame and<br />
shame. And don’t assume she’s<br />
going to be okay. She just may<br />
end up your next recovered body.<br />
24. If you or someone you love<br />
are in an unhealthy relationship,<br />
please don’t assume it will get<br />
better in time. I haven’t heard<br />
one single story where it got<br />
better. <strong>No</strong>t one. <strong>No</strong>t with therapy.<br />
<strong>No</strong>t with church. <strong>No</strong>t with prayer<br />
or forgiveness or complete surrender.<br />
<strong>No</strong>thing works when the<br />
abuser is determined to destroy<br />
that target. He will not stop until<br />
she is erased from this world or<br />
from her life. And in many cases,<br />
he’ll walk away without any<br />
consequences.<br />
Please don’t let the next Gabby<br />
be you or someone you love.<br />
Domestic violence hotline:<br />
1-800-799-7233<br />
So many of us have been<br />
gripped by the Gabby Petito case.<br />
Those of us who have been in<br />
toxic and abusive relationships<br />
know all too well how these stories<br />
can go. As I looked at footage<br />
of Gabby and her boyfriend<br />
Brian Laundrie, on their road trip,<br />
I was reminded of how easily we<br />
can fool outsiders looking in that<br />
everything is okay.<br />
More than that, how we fool<br />
ourselves.<br />
I know firsthand, that it is not<br />
easy to leave. I was in my thirties,<br />
heading into my forties,<br />
when I found myself in something<br />
toxic and dangerous to my<br />
wellbeing. I had no clue what<br />
had hit me. It didn’t start off<br />
abusive. In my case, he started<br />
as my Knight in Shining Armor.<br />
Troubled, of course. Battling<br />
demons of his own. I was the<br />
perfect empathetic soul to make<br />
up a recipe for disaster.<br />
I was going to help him fight<br />
those demons.<br />
Only, he didn’t want that... he<br />
preferred to unleash those demons<br />
onto me.<br />
Unapologetically.<br />
Repeatedly.<br />
Behind closed doors.<br />
He made me think it was me.<br />
I was the cause.<br />
I was flawed, and he was just<br />
reacting to what was inherently<br />
wrong with me.<br />
As I looked at Gabby and Brian’s<br />
footage, I saw smiles... laughter...<br />
playfulness... adventure... affection...<br />
all of which I remember<br />
experiencing myself.<br />
This is what forms those<br />
TRAUMA BONDS and makes it so<br />
hard to let go.<br />
Those aspects are very real,<br />
and we hang on to them with a<br />
fierce grip. We are conditioned<br />
to. However, they hide another,<br />
much darker side.<br />
Brian fled to his parents, where<br />
he returned, alone. He was hidden<br />
and enabled not to cooperate.<br />
This lack of accountability is a<br />
huge part of the problem. I recall<br />
fleeing to my mother-in-law’s<br />
house, after having been shaken<br />
and thrown out of a vehicle earlier<br />
in the night. I had two black<br />
eyes, visibly forming.<br />
She didn’t even let me in.<br />
I remember calling the pastor<br />
and friend of my abuser to help<br />
me hold him accountable on<br />
other occasions. He did nothing<br />
but excuse away the behaviors.<br />
Do we enable out of love?<br />
What good did that do for Brian<br />
Laundrie?<br />
One life is gone, and another<br />
will be marred for a lifetime, at<br />
the very least.<br />
Please remember this:<br />
Happy photos and social media<br />
highlight reels do NOT equal<br />
a happy or healthy relationship.<br />
You have no idea what is going<br />
on behind closed doors. Do not<br />
judge by a snapshot.<br />
Yes, we need to teach our<br />
daughters (and sons) to leave<br />
toxic relationships, but that is<br />
not as easy as it sounds. It starts<br />
with modeled behavior, and the<br />
types of relationships we grow<br />
up seeing is critical. Emotional<br />
intelligence is never taught<br />
in our society. This needs to<br />
change!<br />
Yes, we need to teach our<br />
sons to be respectful, caring,<br />
loving, empathetic and kind. We<br />
also need to hold our sons (and<br />
daughters) accountable, 100%<br />
of the time. This is a parental<br />
responsibility. All people who<br />
care about an individual would<br />
be holding them to a standard of<br />
Pay attention to the details.<br />
Things are not always as they<br />
seem. If someone is ever distraught<br />
and asking for help (or<br />
they aren’t even wanting help) do<br />
whatever you can to intervene in<br />
the moment. It may not produce<br />
the result you are looking for, but<br />
it should be our duty to act on<br />
what we know, and feel is right.<br />
Never disregard a plea for help.<br />
Do not judge what you do not<br />
know. I’ve read so many awful<br />
accusations floating around<br />
about Gabby, by people who<br />
don’t know a thing about abuse.<br />
If you don’t know, be thankful<br />
that you don’t, and simply be<br />
kind and compassionate in your<br />
words.<br />
A young girl’s life was taken,<br />
and a family is grieving.<br />
Bill Jeffrey has had my back<br />
for the last 11 years and he was<br />
not only a friend but a true hero.<br />
He was the hardest working officer<br />
I knew. The city of Houston<br />
lost a great officer, and he will<br />
be missed.<br />
These are called Split Reins. If<br />
you know anything about horseback<br />
riding you know what these<br />
are. This is an agent using split<br />
reins. <strong>No</strong>t a whip you liberal idiots.<br />
Stop listening to everything<br />
the media tells you.<br />
TJ WHITE<br />
Went for a quick bite to eat<br />
today, and while standing in line,<br />
I was asked by a large group of<br />
bikers to cut in front of them. I<br />
declined, but they insisted. As I<br />
made my way past them, they all<br />
thanked me and shook my hand,<br />
each one introducing themselves.<br />
When I got to the front, they<br />
asked if they could pray for me.<br />
Said a quick prayer for me and I<br />
for them. They then tried to buy<br />
my lunch which I politely refused.<br />
Get to the counter to pay<br />
and the owner told me it was on<br />
the house. So, I dumped all the<br />
cash I had in the tip jar. It was a<br />
pleasant change of pace to feel<br />
appreciated and respected instead<br />
of feared or hated. Thanks<br />
for making my day!!! #JeremyLedford<br />
#TheButchersBBQWellstonOK<br />
For those of you who have<br />
never had to wear this piece of<br />
fabric.... this by far is the heaviest<br />
piece of fabric on the planet. The<br />
weight is staggering. It can be<br />
so heavy that it takes your breath<br />
away and hurts your heart.<br />
Heavier than a uniform. Much<br />
heavier than a vest. And each<br />
time you wear it, it gets heavier<br />
and heavier.<br />
Got something to say?<br />
Send your comments to:<br />
bluespdmag@gmail.com<br />
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Senior HPD Officer William “Bill” Jeffery lost his life and Sgt. Michael<br />
Vance remains in the hospital.<br />
HPD officer killed, another wounded while<br />
executing warrant in NE Harris County.<br />
HOUSTON - A Houston Police<br />
Department officer has died, and<br />
another remains hospitalized<br />
after they were both shot while<br />
executing an arrest warrant in<br />
northeast Harris County on Monday<br />
September 20th.<br />
Senior Officer William “Bill”<br />
Jeffery, who was with the department<br />
for more than three<br />
decades, passed away at Memorial<br />
Hermann hospital.<br />
“Thirty-one years of service,<br />
just a few days short of that.<br />
Most of us know him personally,<br />
I’ve known him my entire career,”<br />
Chief Troy Finner said.<br />
Sgt. Michael Vance, who was<br />
wounded in the shooting, was<br />
hospitalized in stable condition.<br />
The shooting occurred as<br />
officers with the Major Offenders<br />
Division were executing a<br />
high-level felony warrant in the<br />
5300 block of Aeropark Drive,<br />
authorities say.<br />
According to Chief Finner, the<br />
officers knocked on the door and<br />
asked the woman who answered<br />
the door where the suspect was.<br />
Chief Finner says the suspect<br />
came to the door and began<br />
shooting at the officers. The police<br />
chief says the officers returned<br />
fire, and the suspect was<br />
pronounced dead at the scene.<br />
Both wounded officers were<br />
transported to Memorial Hermann<br />
at the Texas Medical Center.<br />
Officer Jeffery, 54, who passed<br />
away upon arrival at the hospital,<br />
had joined HPD in December of<br />
1990 and was assigned to the Major<br />
Offenders Division for almost<br />
13 years.<br />
Sgt. Vance, 49, who joined HPD<br />
in June of 1998 and has been in<br />
the Major Offenders Division for<br />
the past two years.<br />
“This has been a tragic day<br />
today. It is another reminder that<br />
police work is inherently dangerous.<br />
And you never know, police<br />
officers never know what they<br />
are going to face when they leave<br />
their homes during their duty. It is<br />
inherently dangerous,” Mayor Sylvester<br />
Turner said. “So, I want to<br />
lift up both of these families. I’m<br />
going to ask the City of Houston<br />
to pray for both families. Pray for<br />
the Jeffery family, and then pray<br />
for the full recovery for Sergeant<br />
Vance.”<br />
The suspect who died has been<br />
identified as 30-year-old Deon<br />
Ledet, who was a wanted fugitive.<br />
The shooting occurred in unincorporated<br />
Harris County, and the<br />
Harris County Sheriff’s Office is<br />
leading the criminal investigation.<br />
HPD’s Internal Affairs Division and<br />
the Harris County District Attorney’s<br />
Office are also investigating.<br />
The funeral and memorial service<br />
for Officer Jeffrey was held<br />
at Grace Memorial Church.<br />
A fund raiser is currently being organized for the Vance<br />
Family on <strong>No</strong>vember 5, <strong>2021</strong>. The BLUES will provided<br />
all the details as soon as they become available.<br />
Hundreds come to say final goodbye to fallen<br />
HPD Senior Officer William ‘Bill’ Jeffrey<br />
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) --<br />
Family members and brothers in<br />
blue are came together to say<br />
their final goodbyes to Houston<br />
Police Senior Officer William<br />
“Bill” Jeffrey.<br />
HPD escorted Jeffrey’s body<br />
from Klein Funeral Home in Tomball<br />
to Grace Church in southeast<br />
Houston ahead of the funeral.<br />
The Houston Police Department’s<br />
Honor Guard as well as<br />
hundreds of officers from around<br />
the country filled Grace Church<br />
on the Gulf Freeway to honor this<br />
fallen hero.<br />
Jeffrey joined the Houston<br />
Police Department in December<br />
1990. He was assigned to the<br />
department’s Major Offenders<br />
Division, a unit that routinely<br />
deals with dangerous criminals,<br />
including accused murderers.<br />
Officer Jeffrey is the 120th HPD<br />
officer to die in the line of duty<br />
since 1860. He leaves behind a<br />
wife, who is a recently-retired<br />
HPD officer, daughter and his<br />
beautiful grand daughter.<br />
“I’ve know him my entire career...<br />
and just as his wife said,<br />
‘What a great man. What a great<br />
officer,’” said HPD Chief Finner.<br />
His daughter lacie vowed to<br />
keep his memory alive until she<br />
met her dad at the gates of heaven.<br />
Here are just some of the<br />
moments from Officer Jeffrey’s<br />
Memorial Service.<br />
Surfside Beach gets a new police chief.<br />
Does a relatively inexperienced former Town Marshall from<br />
Santa Fe Texas have what it takes to turn the dept around?<br />
SURFSIDE BEACH — Back last<br />
August, after more than 20 years<br />
of service to the village of Surfside<br />
Beach, Police Chief Gary<br />
Phillips headed off for retirement,<br />
leaving a vacancy at the<br />
top of the department.<br />
“He was ready to retire, and he<br />
headed for retirement the first of<br />
this month,” Mayor Gregg Bisso<br />
said. “We all hated to see him<br />
retire. He’s been the backbone of<br />
this department for years and it’s<br />
going to be hard to replace him.”<br />
Phillips had been the chief of<br />
Surfside since 2010. Before that<br />
he was captain under former<br />
chief Randy Smith. He has served<br />
on the village force since May<br />
2000.<br />
The search was on to find a<br />
new chief to take the reins and<br />
guide the police department<br />
for the near future. Applicants,<br />
including former Chiefs of Police<br />
from various other agencies,<br />
applied for the position, Bisso<br />
said, and city officials began the<br />
process of narrowing down the<br />
list.<br />
Ultimately, they choose a former<br />
Town Marshall from Santa<br />
Fe Texas, Robert Wood, to fill the<br />
position.<br />
“We needed change and we<br />
needed to get someone in here<br />
who could lead the department<br />
as it needs to be in <strong>2021</strong>,” Alderman<br />
Bob Petty said.<br />
A fresh set of eyes could also<br />
help alleviate some of the problems<br />
the town has seen in the<br />
past, Petty said, such as people<br />
not following rules on the<br />
beaches.<br />
The job description posted<br />
on the village’s website states<br />
the ideal candidate must hold a<br />
Master Peace Officer certification<br />
through the Texas Commission of<br />
Law Enforcement and at least 10<br />
years of full-time, executive-level<br />
experience in law enforcement.<br />
Also, applicants for the new<br />
chief’s had to oversee the village’s<br />
emergency medical responses.<br />
“Our police officers are both<br />
police and EMS,” Bisso said.<br />
“They have to wear two hats<br />
every day.”<br />
But by the time Woods took<br />
over, the department had dwindled<br />
down to a small handful<br />
of officers, most of which were<br />
reserves.<br />
But before that, things were<br />
anything but perfect in this small<br />
town of barely one thousand<br />
residents.<br />
Under the former Police Chief’s<br />
watch, former Surfside Beach<br />
Sgt. Randy Heckler had been<br />
suspended for disposing of items<br />
from the department’s evidence<br />
room.<br />
Ultimately, he served a month’s<br />
suspension with pay after the<br />
issue came to light.<br />
To provide background on<br />
what happened, Heckler took responsibility<br />
for cleaning out the<br />
evidence room and eliminate any<br />
items the department no longer<br />
needed to keep. In addressing the<br />
situation with council, Heckler<br />
admitted he didn’t have experience<br />
or training for the task but<br />
did his best based on research<br />
and consultations with Phillips.<br />
His misjudgment came in<br />
how he chose to dispose of the<br />
obsolete evidence. Instead of<br />
ensuring all the items had been<br />
destroyed, Heckler put the items<br />
in a bag, smashed it repeatedly<br />
against concrete and tossed<br />
it in a dumpster near the boat<br />
ramp, the sergeant told council.<br />
He never looked inside the bag<br />
to confirm items had been sufficiently<br />
ruined, and some items<br />
were retrieved by a dumpster<br />
diver.<br />
For the error of improper evidence<br />
disposal, Phillips recommended<br />
Heckler be demoted to<br />
patrol officer and suspended for<br />
seven days. The chief is not able<br />
to demote or suspend an officer<br />
without pay without council’s<br />
approval, prompting council’s<br />
discussion at the end of its July<br />
13, <strong>2021</strong>, meeting.<br />
Council voted against Phillips’<br />
recommendation with the expectation<br />
members could then discuss<br />
and institute a punishment<br />
they considered more fitting. But<br />
since an official vote had been<br />
taken, attorney Patton Ritter<br />
told them, they could no longer<br />
discuss it.<br />
Ultimately both Heckler and<br />
Phillips left the department,<br />
which was left without a chief<br />
or for that matter many officers,<br />
Ready To Serve You<br />
since last August.<br />
Robert Woods took over the<br />
day Hurricane Nicholas rolled<br />
through Surfside wrecking half<br />
the structures in the small town.<br />
The old saying “You have your<br />
work cut out for you,” certainly<br />
applies to Chief Woods and his<br />
mission to rebuild Surfside Beach<br />
PD.<br />
If you’re looking for a sleepy<br />
little to town to call home and<br />
you’d like to be one of the town’s<br />
police and paramedics, perhaps<br />
Surfside is just the ticket for you.<br />
For information contact:<br />
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722 SW Loop 410<br />
Texas troopers credited with retaking<br />
control of Del Rio border.<br />
By Anna Giaritelli, Homeland<br />
Security Reporter<br />
DEL RIO, Texas — State troopers<br />
deployed to the border by<br />
Gov. Greg Abbott are being<br />
credited for doing the federal<br />
government’s job and stopping<br />
thousands more migrants in<br />
Mexico from illegally crossing<br />
into the United States after well<br />
over 15,000 made it through here<br />
late last week.<br />
A swarm of Texas Department<br />
of Public Safety officers, known<br />
as troopers, descended on the<br />
riverbank Saturday afternoon as<br />
a show of force to deter people<br />
in Mexico from wading across<br />
the Rio Grande. Approximately<br />
150 black SUVs were still lined<br />
up Sunday afternoon on the dirt<br />
road that runs parallel with the<br />
river.<br />
Their arrival on the scene Saturday<br />
had an immediate impact,<br />
stopping foot traffic from primarily<br />
Haitian migrants who had<br />
been going back and forth between<br />
the U.S. and Mexico.<br />
“With our DPS troopers, there<br />
have not been any crossings<br />
from that specific area,” Lt. Chris<br />
Olivarez, spokesperson for the<br />
department’s South Texas Region,<br />
said in an interview on<br />
Sunday.<br />
The impact DPS’s arrival has<br />
had on Border Patrol agents has<br />
been significant. Despite it being<br />
the responsibility of Customs<br />
and Border Protection to patrol<br />
the nation’s borders, virtually all<br />
agents have been pulled from<br />
the field to transport migrants to<br />
and from holding facilities and<br />
then process and care for them<br />
once in custody.<br />
Those under the bridge are in<br />
an unusual go-between point as<br />
they are not in custody, but they<br />
are waiting under the bridge in<br />
hopes of being taken into custody<br />
and then released into the<br />
U.S. They may claim asylum to<br />
avoid being flown back to Haiti,<br />
though Homeland Security Secretary<br />
Alejandro Mayorkas said<br />
Sunday that most families will<br />
be released into the country and<br />
adults will be repatriated.<br />
Jon Anfinsen, a Border Patrol<br />
agent who is president of the<br />
national union’s Del Rio chapter,<br />
said it was “great” seeing<br />
the state police officers pull in<br />
and hold the line because they<br />
regained control of the land that<br />
had fallen out of the federal<br />
government’s control.<br />
“Literally, we could not have<br />
any semblance of control down<br />
here without DPS,” Anfinsen<br />
said in an interview beneath the<br />
bridge. “DPS has thankfully come<br />
out here and helped us out dramatically.<br />
We literally could not<br />
control this or have even some<br />
semblances of control without<br />
DPS, National Guard, all the other<br />
local stakeholders that are out<br />
here.”<br />
Brandon Judd, a Border Patrol<br />
agent who is the national union<br />
president of the National Border<br />
Patrol Council, estimated<br />
that troopers outnumber federal<br />
agents by 3 to 1. He said as many<br />
National Guard soldiers as troopers<br />
are also on site.<br />
The thousands of police and<br />
military near the bridge are also<br />
bracing for a worst-case scenario<br />
as tensions build in the camp.<br />
Temperatures will hit triple digits<br />
again on Monday, and water<br />
and food are already in short<br />
supply. Those in the camp have<br />
been living outside for several<br />
days with little to no communication<br />
from federal agents<br />
running the site.<br />
Desperate, the government<br />
bought meals at the nearby<br />
Rudy’s barbecue restaurant and<br />
A&W fast food restaurant. Before<br />
troopers arrived on the scene<br />
Saturday, many migrants had<br />
been crossing back to Mexico to<br />
buy food, water, and supplies<br />
and then bring them back to the<br />
U.S. while they awaited being<br />
transported to a processing<br />
station. When the troopers took<br />
control, it also meant no more<br />
supplies from outside the camp,<br />
though migrants at a nearby part<br />
of the river were able to sneak<br />
in some goods. Olivarez also<br />
confirmed migrants are crossing<br />
elsewhere.<br />
“Anywhere we can scramble to<br />
bring massive quantities of food,<br />
we’re doing it,” Anfinsen said.<br />
“That, I think, is probably going<br />
to be the number one pressing<br />
concern.”<br />
Olivarez did not disclose how<br />
long DPS expects to have its personnel<br />
on-site. Troopers from the<br />
north, west, and east regions were<br />
called in, some driving more than<br />
five hundred miles to fulfill Abbott’s<br />
order.<br />
“We’re here to support our federal<br />
partners, who is Border Patrol.<br />
We will be here as a deterrent<br />
and more as a security presence,”<br />
Olivarez said. “With the large group<br />
you have here, potential threats<br />
are possible. We do know that this<br />
group right now, they are getting<br />
frustrated. It is very hot down here.<br />
There’s not sufficient water or food<br />
for some of the groups to eat or<br />
get their water in a timely manner,<br />
so we’re ready for those potential<br />
threats with the teams that we have<br />
in place already.”<br />
“This, believe it or not, is somewhat<br />
under control — frankly,<br />
only because the crowd’s allowing<br />
it,” Anfinsen said. “I mean, if they<br />
wanted to make an issue of it, they<br />
could. What are we going to do?”<br />
<strong>No</strong> One is More Professional Than I.<br />
By Paul Farr, Military Liaison<br />
Dallas Police Dept.<br />
Dallas Officer Paul Farr, with State Representative Yvonne Davis and<br />
Houston Police Officer Maria Cabrera.<br />
Those words make up the first<br />
sentence of the Army’s <strong>No</strong>ncommissioned<br />
Officer Creed, a<br />
creed I have lived by since 1993<br />
and continue to live by even after<br />
retiring from the Army in 2013.<br />
When the opportunity arose to<br />
interview for the Military Liaison<br />
position with the Dallas Police<br />
Department, I seized it. As one<br />
of the largest law enforcement<br />
agencies in the state of Texas,<br />
the need for a full-time Military<br />
Liaison was made clear during<br />
the surge years of Operation Iraqi<br />
Freedom, where the Department<br />
was faced with over fifty officers<br />
being called to active duty at the<br />
same time.<br />
In 2017, I became the second<br />
full-time Military Liaison which<br />
was a culture shock. I had been<br />
a street cop for most of my<br />
career, and now I had a desk at<br />
headquarters and assigned to<br />
the personnel division. I have<br />
had some great Supervisors who<br />
have allowed me to constantly<br />
practice another phrase in the<br />
NCO Creed, “I will exercise initiative<br />
by taking appropriate action<br />
in the absence of orders.”<br />
In August 2017, just one month<br />
after assuming the duties of the<br />
Military Liaison, Hurricane Harvey<br />
struck the Gulf Coast of Texas,<br />
prompting Governor Greg Abbott<br />
to activate the entire Texas National<br />
Guard, roughly 12,000 personnel,<br />
which included 20 Dallas<br />
Police Officers. For many of<br />
these officers it created a hardship<br />
in the form of no paycheck<br />
from the police department or<br />
the National Guard for weeks.<br />
Each one of these Officers had<br />
exhausted the fifteen military<br />
days afforded to them through<br />
Government Code, Chapter 4<strong>37</strong>,<br />
Section 4<strong>37</strong>.202 LEAVE OF AB-<br />
AND EMPLOYEES. In addition to<br />
having exhausted those military<br />
days, most were returning from<br />
annual training at the beginning<br />
of a pay period, which meant<br />
they were not going to be paid<br />
by the City of Dallas, nor would<br />
they be paid by the National<br />
Guard for a week or more.<br />
Upon return from the call-up,<br />
many of the Officers expressed<br />
disappointment in not receiving<br />
any form of payment for several<br />
weeks, with many of them having<br />
families that suffered due to<br />
lack of money. Hearing their stories<br />
motivated me to begin researching<br />
how other states look<br />
after their constituents who are<br />
active members of the Guard and<br />
Reserve. The general consensus<br />
was fifteen military days were<br />
provided, with the exception being<br />
30 days. I drafted a proposal<br />
requesting an additional 7-days<br />
in the event of a disaster.<br />
In 2019, before the convening<br />
of the Texas Legislative Session, I<br />
drove all over <strong>No</strong>rth Texas to visit<br />
three State Representative’s to<br />
pitch my proposal, but my request<br />
fell on deaf ears. However,<br />
State Representative from Dallas,<br />
Yvonne Davis’ office contacted<br />
me and requested I go to Austin<br />
and testify in front of a committee<br />
who took up the proposal<br />
but wanted to hear more. I went<br />
to Austin, testified in front of the<br />
Committee and they voted on<br />
the spot, 9-0 in favor. However, it<br />
was at the end of the session and<br />
there were more pressing issues,<br />
so my proposal died on the vine.<br />
Fast forward to March <strong>2021</strong>, I<br />
was again contacted by Representative<br />
Davis’ Office and asked<br />
if I was still interested in pursuing<br />
those additional days off. Of<br />
course I was interested and this<br />
time I had an ally who was excited<br />
to go with me. Police Officer<br />
Maria Cabrera is my counterpart<br />
with the Houston Police Department<br />
and between my testimony<br />
and her additional examples of<br />
the need for those additional<br />
days, the Bill passed unanimously<br />
both through the House and<br />
Senate, but was not signed until<br />
the 1st Special Session. For those<br />
in Texas who are unaware of this<br />
particular Bill and have Officers<br />
who are still active members of<br />
the Guard and Reserves, please<br />
share it with them:<br />
Sec. 4<strong>37</strong>.202. LEAVE OF ABSENCE<br />
PLOYEES. (a) Except as provided by<br />
Subsections (b) and (c), a person who<br />
is an officer or employee of this state,<br />
a municipality, a county, or another<br />
political subdivision of this state<br />
and who is a member of the Texas<br />
military forces, a reserve component<br />
of the armed forces, or a member of<br />
a state or federally authorized urban<br />
search and rescue team is entitled<br />
to a paid leave of absence from the<br />
person’s duties on a day on which<br />
the person is engaged in authorized<br />
training or duty ordered or authorized<br />
by proper authority for not more than<br />
15 workdays in a fiscal year. During a<br />
leave of absence, the person may not<br />
be subjected to loss of time, efficiency<br />
rating, personal time, sick leave, or<br />
vacation time.<br />
(a-1) In addition to the leave provided<br />
under Subsection (a), a person<br />
described by Subsection (a) called<br />
to state active duty by the governor<br />
or another appropriate authority in<br />
response to a disaster is entitled to a<br />
paid leave of absence from the person’s<br />
duties for each day the person is<br />
called to active duty during the disaster,<br />
not to exceed seven workdays in a<br />
fiscal year. During a leave of absence<br />
under this subsection, the person<br />
may not be subjected to loss of time,<br />
efficiency rating, personal time, sick<br />
leave, or vacation time. For purposes<br />
of this subsection, “disaster” has the<br />
meaning assigned by Section 418.004.<br />
“Competence is my watchword.<br />
My two basic responsibilities<br />
will always be uppermost<br />
in my mind-accomplishment of<br />
my mission and the welfare of<br />
my soldiers.” I began a mission<br />
at the beginning of the year to<br />
bring together Veteran Service<br />
Organizations and organizations<br />
who work with the First Responder<br />
community. The number of<br />
vendors grows each day as word<br />
gets out about an event being<br />
put on in October and I’m excited<br />
to invite anyone who is able<br />
to attend as it looks to be the<br />
first event of its kind here in the<br />
States.<br />
The Dallas Police Department<br />
in partnership with the VA <strong>No</strong>rth<br />
Texas Health Care System, Texas<br />
Veterans Land Board, and Dallas<br />
County Veterans Services is<br />
inviting all Military Veterans, First<br />
Responders, Active Military Servicemembers,<br />
and Spouses to a<br />
one-day Benefits & Resource Fair.<br />
The Frontiers of Flight Museum<br />
at Love Field is hosting this event<br />
on Tuesday, October 26th from<br />
0845 – 1600. This is an excellent<br />
opportunity for Military Veterans,<br />
Active Military Servicemembers<br />
and their spouses to learn about<br />
the benefits afforded to them for<br />
their Military Service. It is equally<br />
important for our first responders<br />
and their spouses to learn about<br />
resources available to them for<br />
resiliency purposes, healing from<br />
post-traumatic incidents, and<br />
alternative counseling/treatment<br />
programs outside of those provided<br />
by their agencies.<br />
Although I am the Military Liaison<br />
for the Dallas Police Department,<br />
I am here to advise all law<br />
enforcement in the State of Texas<br />
to the best to my ability. I leave<br />
you with one parting thought, “I<br />
know my soldiers and I will always<br />
place their needs above my<br />
own. I will communicate consistently<br />
with my soldiers and never<br />
leave them uniformed.” Take<br />
Care of Each Other and Be Safe.<br />
BBQ Fundraiser for:<br />
Senior Police Officer William (Bill) J. Jeffrey &<br />
Sergeant Michael W. Vance<br />
Officer William (Bill) Jeffrey and Sergeant Michael W. Vance were shot in the line of duty on September<br />
20, <strong>2021</strong>, while serving a felony warrant. Tragically, Officer Jeffrey did not survive his injuries.<br />
Sergeant Vance was critically injured and has a long road to recovery. Please join us in supporting our<br />
extended family in blue by attending the upcoming BBQ fundraiser.<br />
What: BBQ Benefit $15 per plate – sponsored by Goya Foods<br />
TICKETS AVAILABLE AT HPOU OR CONTACT: Lt. Jose Rosas 713-308-3170<br />
Where: HPOU Building, 1602 State Street<br />
When: <strong>No</strong>vember 5, <strong>2021</strong> 11am – 2 pm<br />
Live Auction will take place at NOON<br />
If you would like to donate an auction item,<br />
Contact Lieutenant Jose Rosas at jose.rosas@houstonpolice.org<br />
Or Sergeant Baron Glover at baron.glover@houstonpolice.org<br />
Live/Silent Auction will be announced at the event.<br />
Please send all donations to:<br />
The Assist the Officer Foundation<br />
1600 State Street, Houston, TX 77007<br />
All proceeds from BBQ/Auction will be split between the families of Off. Jeffrey & Sgt. Vance<br />
All donations are tax deductible, please make checks payable to<br />
ATO fbo Jeffrey/Vance<br />
However, if you would like to make a personal donation to either officer, please stipulate on the check in<br />
the memo line.<br />
ONLINE DONATION CAN BE MADE AT www.assistTheOfficer.com<br />
Funds raised from this event will go directly to the families of Off. Jeffrey and Sgt. Vance.<br />
Austin PD to reroute non-emergency calls<br />
over staffing shortages, COVID protocols.<br />
Police Chief Joseph Chacon says he is working to determine if a non-sworn unit could be<br />
used in some situations (Maybe your city council shouldn’t have de-funded your department).<br />
By Michael Barron<br />
AUSTIN, Texas — The Austin<br />
Police Department will be<br />
changing how it responds to<br />
non-emergency calls starting<br />
October 1, according to local TV<br />
station KXAN.<br />
Instead, the department will<br />
ask people to call 311 – not 911<br />
– to report crimes that are no<br />
longer in progress and if there<br />
is no immediate threat to life or<br />
property, the report says.<br />
APD officials say the change<br />
comes amid staffing challenges<br />
and a review of its COVID-19<br />
mitigation protocols. Police<br />
Chief Joseph Chacon says he is<br />
working to determine if a nonsworn<br />
unit could be used in<br />
some situations.<br />
“We are looking at response<br />
protocols that are directly related<br />
to the staffing to determine if<br />
there are opportunities to have<br />
either a civilian unit within the<br />
department go ahead and handle<br />
it, depending on the criticality,”<br />
Chacon told reporters on<br />
Wednesday. “If somebody is in<br />
danger, we’re still going to send<br />
a marked unit and a uniformed<br />
officer to go handle it. But for<br />
crimes that may have already<br />
happened and are now being reported,<br />
we are looking at alternative<br />
measures.”<br />
An example might be a crime<br />
technician who goes to the<br />
scene to gather evidence, according<br />
to KXAN. Police said the<br />
change also better aligns with a<br />
move toward reimagining public<br />
safety response, the report says.<br />
Earlier in the year, the Texas<br />
Municipal Police Association<br />
placed billboards around Austin<br />
warning motorists entering the<br />
Austin City limits, that the Austin<br />
Police Department had been<br />
de-funded by its city council and<br />
that you should enter the city at<br />
your own risk.<br />
At the time, the mayor and<br />
city council scoffed at the billboards<br />
and insisted that despite<br />
the cuts, the city would have an<br />
enough police officers to protect<br />
its citizens<br />
Apparently TMPA was correct<br />
and now THERE AREN’T ENOUGH<br />
police officers on duty to answer<br />
all the calls into 911. So, the<br />
solution...call 311 instead. Ok yes,<br />
that sounds like a real solid plan.<br />
ED-As we went to press, Austin<br />
PD had stopped responding to<br />
non emergency calls.<br />
COPS has a new home on Fox Nation.<br />
Following the murder of<br />
George Floyd last year, the<br />
Paramount Network abruptly<br />
canceled the law enforcement<br />
reality TV series Cops. <strong>No</strong>w the<br />
show has found a new home.<br />
Fox Nation, a subscription-based<br />
streaming service<br />
owned by Fox News Media, has<br />
given the green light for the return<br />
of the controversial series,<br />
which will premiere its 33rd<br />
season on October 1, the company<br />
announced Monday.<br />
“COPS is one of the most iconic<br />
brands on television with an<br />
incredibly passionate fan base,”<br />
Jason Klarman, president of Fox<br />
Nation, said in a statement.<br />
In addition, Klarman said the<br />
company would be showing<br />
appreciation to first responders<br />
by offering them a free one-year<br />
subscription to the streaming<br />
service, saying it’s a way to “give<br />
back in a small way to those<br />
who place their lives on the line<br />
every day to keep us safe.”<br />
The show will start its reboot<br />
with four episodes at once and<br />
then have episodes premiering<br />
every week on Fridays. Fox Nation<br />
has also picked up an additional<br />
15 episodes from the 32nd<br />
season.<br />
Cops premiered on the Fox<br />
network in 1989, giving viewers<br />
a transparent look into the life<br />
of law enforcement as camera<br />
crews captured police answering<br />
calls, going out on patrol and, of<br />
course, making arrests — all on<br />
live television.<br />
In 2013, the Fox network canceled<br />
the show after 25 seasons,<br />
but Cops eventually moved to the<br />
Paramount Network.<br />
Shows similar to Cops have<br />
also faced controversy, which<br />
led to their abrupt cancellation.<br />
Popular A&E television show<br />
Live PD was also pulled from the<br />
air after further details emerged<br />
from the arrest of Javier Ambler,<br />
a black man who died while being<br />
arrested by Austin, Texas, law<br />
enforcement in 2019.<br />
“This is a critical time in our<br />
nation’s history, and we have<br />
made the decision to cease<br />
production on Live PD,” A&E<br />
Network said in a statement last<br />
year.<br />
With the return of COPS, maybe<br />
A&E will see fit to return LIVE<br />
PD to the air.<br />
A survey sent to union members comes after a series of gaffes<br />
and staffing shake-ups by Acevedo. Some say he needs to go.<br />
Miami police union holds confidence vote<br />
on Chief Art Acevedo.<br />
By Charles Rabin<br />
Miami Herald<br />
MIAMI — Miami police union<br />
members are being asked if they’ve<br />
lost confidence in Chief Art Acevedo<br />
after just six months on the job and<br />
want him gone — a vote that comes<br />
less than a week before a pivotal<br />
meeting before city commissioners<br />
that could determine his fate.<br />
The results could provide fodder<br />
for a majority of city commissioners<br />
who say they are fed up with the<br />
dissension within the ranks caused<br />
by the chief and the department’s<br />
low morale.<br />
Last month, Miami commissioners<br />
angered after a series of controversial<br />
moves and gaffes by Acevedo<br />
called for a special meeting in<br />
which the only item discussed was<br />
decisions made by the chief and<br />
how the city should move forward.<br />
Commissioners, led by Joe Carollo,<br />
were particularly upset over<br />
a statement Acevedo made during<br />
a morning roll call last month in<br />
which he said the department was<br />
run by the “Cuban Mafia.” The chief<br />
later apologized, said it was intended<br />
as humor and that he was<br />
unaware the term was coined by<br />
Fidel Castro to paint Miami’s exiles<br />
who opposed his dictatorship<br />
as criminals. Three of the city’s<br />
commissioners are either exiles or<br />
have family members who suffered<br />
under the Castro regime.<br />
Since taking the helm in April,<br />
Acevedo has fired the highest-ranking<br />
police couple in the department<br />
for not properly reporting a patrol<br />
vehicle accident. He relieved a popular<br />
sergeant-at-arms from duty<br />
and demoted four majors, including<br />
one of the city’s highest-ranking<br />
Black female officers, without explanation.<br />
He posed for a selfie — unaware,<br />
he said — that it was with a leading<br />
member of South Florida’s white<br />
nationalist group the Proud Boys.<br />
He’s rankled members of the judiciary<br />
by repeatedly blasting them<br />
for early inmate releases from prison<br />
and jail. He’s also angered commissioners<br />
by filling at least one<br />
high-ranking position with someone<br />
he worked with in Houston and by<br />
trying to create a post for another<br />
former subordinate.<br />
The city’s Fraternal Order of Police<br />
has taken particular umbrage<br />
towards Acevedo over the past few<br />
months. President Tommy Reyes<br />
was incensed over an interview<br />
Acevedo did with a Spanish language<br />
radio personality in which<br />
the chief warned officers to get<br />
vaccinated or find another job.<br />
The poll, which began Tuesday<br />
September 22 and ended at midnight<br />
Wednesday September 23,<br />
is far from scientific. But it could<br />
offer a peek into the mind-set of<br />
the city’s 1,300 sworn officers. It<br />
asks two questions: Do you have<br />
confidence in Chief Acevedo to lead<br />
the Miami Police Department? And<br />
should Chief Acevedo be fired or<br />
forced to resign?<br />
The poll is being done through<br />
email and the questions were sent<br />
to everyone on Reyes’ email list,<br />
which also includes hundreds of<br />
retired officers. Reyes said he has<br />
requested that only non-retirees respond,<br />
though that could prove hard<br />
to quantify because the responses<br />
are anonymous.<br />
Just last month, Reyes complained<br />
that the chief was being<br />
hypocritical for not filing a report<br />
on a smudge mark and slight damage<br />
to a fender on his personal unmarked<br />
vehicle. Earlier this year he<br />
fired Deputy Chief Ron Papier and<br />
his wife, Cmdr. Nerly Papier, for not<br />
properly reporting an accident Nerly<br />
Papier had in her city-issued SUV.<br />
After some high-ranking officers<br />
claimed to have found nothing<br />
more than a smudge mark that<br />
they wiped clean, the city manager<br />
weighed in. Art <strong>No</strong>riega, generally<br />
shy about using social media<br />
to express points of view, said he<br />
personally reviewed the facts and it<br />
“seems to be another attempt by the<br />
Fraternal Order of Police to baselessly<br />
undermine our police chief.”<br />
The city’s independent Civilian Investigative<br />
Panel will also look into<br />
the alleged damage to the chief’s<br />
vehicle after someone filed an anonymous<br />
complaint. But that doesn’t<br />
necessarily mean the chief did anything<br />
wrong. The panel, which looks<br />
into potential police misconduct,<br />
investigates every complaint that<br />
comes before it.<br />
Commissioners set to question<br />
Acevedo are also still a bit steamed<br />
over the way <strong>No</strong>riega and Mayor<br />
Francis Suarez hired Acevedo. The<br />
two halted a lengthy search for a<br />
new chief in March that included<br />
several internal candidates — some<br />
supported by commissioners —<br />
when they announced the surprise<br />
hiring of Acevedo. He was Houston’s<br />
police chief at the time and a<br />
national figure who became popular<br />
marching alongside Black Lives<br />
Matter members during last summer’s<br />
marches.<br />
Acevedo had not responded to<br />
interview requests by the BLUES<br />
before we published this issue.<br />
Bodycam shows Ohio officer shot in<br />
head, return fire hitting suspect.<br />
By Parker Perry -<br />
Dayton Daily News<br />
DAYTON, Ohio — A Dayton police<br />
officer shot in the left side<br />
of his face Tuesday night who<br />
returned fire, striking the suspect<br />
multiple times, was able<br />
to request help for himself and<br />
the wounded suspect as well as<br />
direct bystanders to safety.<br />
The officer shot was identified<br />
as Thadeu Holloway, an eightyear<br />
veteran of the Dayton Police<br />
Department, said Matt Carper,<br />
interim director and chief, during<br />
a Wednesday afternoon news<br />
briefing.<br />
The officer-involved shooting<br />
began with an investigation into<br />
a fake bill passed at a Dollar<br />
General store, Carper said.<br />
Holloway responded around<br />
6:45 p.m. to Dollar General at<br />
888 S. Gettysburg Avenue for a<br />
fraud complaint after a customer<br />
passed a counterfeit bill earlier<br />
in the day, Carper said.<br />
Holloway arrived at 7:26 p.m.<br />
at the rear of 609 Ingram St. and<br />
approached 39-year-old Antwyane<br />
Deon Lowe, who matched<br />
the description of the suspect<br />
in the Dollar General fraud call,<br />
Carper said.<br />
As Holloway approached and<br />
addressed Lowe, he ignored the<br />
officer and began to walk away.<br />
As Holloway got closer to Lowe,<br />
he turned and punched Holloway<br />
in the face without warning,<br />
Carper said.<br />
The officer used his taser, and<br />
Lowe fell to the ground but was<br />
able to reach into his pocket and<br />
pull out a handgun, firing one<br />
round that struck Holloway in the<br />
left side of his face, Carper said.<br />
“The officer fell to the ground<br />
and immediately returned fire<br />
with five rounds, striking the<br />
suspect multiple times. Despite<br />
his injuries, the officer was able<br />
to effectively request assistance<br />
for himself and the wounded<br />
suspect. The officer also provided<br />
for the safety of witnesses<br />
and bystanders by directing them<br />
to a place of safety.”<br />
Dayton PD played radio traffic<br />
of the incident during the media<br />
briefing.<br />
“609 Ingram. I’ve been shot. ... I<br />
returned fire. I need medics and<br />
I need crews, please,” Holloway<br />
told dispatchers. “609 Ingram.<br />
Please hurry. I’ve been shot on<br />
the left side of my head. I can<br />
barely hear my earpiece.”<br />
Another Dayton officer took<br />
Holloway in a marked cruiser to<br />
Miami Valley Hospital. His left<br />
temporal artery was torn in the<br />
shooting, but he was in stable<br />
condition.<br />
Dayton police who arrived<br />
provided aid to Lowe, and Dayton<br />
Off. T. Holloway was released from the hospital two days after being shot in<br />
the head in the line of duty.<br />
medics took him to Miami Valley<br />
Hospital. Police said he was in<br />
critical condition Tuesday night,<br />
but he has improved and on<br />
Wednesday was in stable condition,<br />
police said.<br />
Holloway’s bodycam video,<br />
which was played during the<br />
media briefing, showed Holloway<br />
try to speak to Lowe and<br />
the point when Lowe suddenly<br />
turned around and punched the<br />
officer. Holloway immediately<br />
used his taser and Lowe fell to<br />
the ground but the taser appeared<br />
to have limited effect.<br />
Lowe ignored Holloway’s commands<br />
to put his hands behind<br />
his back and get on his stomach.<br />
Lowe pulled a gun from his<br />
pocket and shot Holloway in the<br />
face; the video showed.<br />
Holloway returned fire, and<br />
requested help. He maintained<br />
contact with police dispatchers<br />
and asked concerned residents<br />
to stay inside and assured them<br />
that help was on the way.<br />
get your<br />
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Carper said charges that will<br />
be filed against Lowe include two<br />
counts of felonious assault on a<br />
police officer as well as carrying a<br />
concealed weapon, weapons under<br />
disability and counterfeiting.<br />
At the time of publishing, Officer<br />
Holloway had been released<br />
from the hospital and was at home<br />
recovering.<br />
Our thoughts and prayers are<br />
with him and his family as he<br />
recovers from this almost fatal<br />
encounter with the suspect.<br />
87-year-old Riverside woman found dead in freezer<br />
at home is former LA County Sheriff’s Detective.<br />
By Ruby Gonzales<br />
RIVERSIDE, CA. —The mystery<br />
that was Miriam Travis’ life after<br />
she retired as a Los Angeles<br />
County sheriff’s homicide detective<br />
and moved to Riverside more<br />
than 30 years ago now extends<br />
to her death.<br />
Travis, 87, was found dead Sunday,<br />
September 19, in a freezer<br />
in the garage of the home where<br />
she had lived since 1990. Her<br />
live-in daughter, identified by<br />
neighbors only as Carol, was<br />
questioned and released while<br />
detectives attempted to learn<br />
how Travis died and what role,<br />
if any, her daughter played in<br />
either her demise or the handling<br />
of her body.<br />
Both mother and daughter<br />
were noted for being obsessively<br />
private.<br />
“Shocking. Very shocking. Especially<br />
because she’s little old<br />
sweet Miriam,” said Randy Hayes,<br />
63, who has lived next door to<br />
the Travis home on New Ridge<br />
Drive next to Sycamore Canyon<br />
Park for 27 years.<br />
A relative of Travis, Kerri Nickell<br />
of Oklahoma, identified Travis<br />
in a phone interview Monday.<br />
The Riverside County Coroner’s<br />
Office was not officially<br />
announcing the dead woman’s<br />
name Monday, a spokesman<br />
said. Deputy Maria Lucero, an LA<br />
County sheriff’s spokeswoman,<br />
said Travis was a sergeant at the<br />
homicide bureau from 1979 until<br />
she retired in 1990.<br />
Another relative had called<br />
police Sunday, asking officers to<br />
check on the woman, said Officer<br />
Javier Cabrera, a Riverside<br />
police spokesman. Officers went<br />
to the home in the Mission Grove<br />
neighborhood at about 9:35 a.m.<br />
They questioned the daughter,<br />
whose statements on the whereabouts<br />
of Travis were inconsistent,<br />
Cabrera said.<br />
Officers searched the house,<br />
which Cabrera described as<br />
“disheveled,” with hoarding-like<br />
conditions and trash piled high.<br />
There was a foul odor, and officers<br />
eventually discovered Travis<br />
in a working freezer in the garage.<br />
Her body had not decomposed,<br />
Cabrera said. An autopsy<br />
is planned.<br />
Nickell, who said she was<br />
Travis’ step-granddaughter, said<br />
Travis and her husband moved to<br />
the Riverside home in 1990 after<br />
her retirement.<br />
Travis was a “great grandmother,”<br />
Nickell said, taking Nickell<br />
and her 11 cousins to Disneyland<br />
every year at Christmas.<br />
Travis’ husband died in 1992,<br />
and suddenly Travis changed the<br />
locks on the house and cut off<br />
contact with extended family,<br />
Nickell said.<br />
“It was like this is my grandmother<br />
one day, and then we<br />
never heard from her again,” said<br />
Nickell, who described Travis<br />
and the daughter as “kind of hermits.”<br />
A cousin would sometimes<br />
mail pictures of relatives on her<br />
side of the family to Travis, but<br />
there was never any response.<br />
Hayes said that despite being<br />
decades-long neighbors, he<br />
knew little about Travis and her<br />
daughter, such as whether they<br />
ever traveled or had any hobbies.<br />
“I cannot overstate enough<br />
how reclusive they were,” he<br />
said.<br />
Hayes rarely saw service vehicles<br />
come to the house except<br />
for deliveries by Home Depot.<br />
Storage units dotted the backyard<br />
and changes to the property<br />
drew the interest of city code<br />
enforcement, he said. A wide,<br />
wooden gate was erected to the<br />
left of the garage and behind it,<br />
a tarp could be seen Monday. An<br />
awning, storage unit and individual<br />
cinder blocks, some still<br />
shrink-wrapped, filled part of<br />
the driveway.<br />
There was no discernible path<br />
to the front door, which was<br />
not visible from the street, and<br />
the windows on the two-story,<br />
2,650-square-foot-home were<br />
covered.<br />
Hayes would have brief conversations<br />
with Travis over the<br />
years, ones that became less and<br />
less frequent. Travis, if she left<br />
the house, would work in the<br />
garden out front or quickly get in<br />
a car and leave.<br />
Travis appeared to be in failing<br />
health, Hayes said. She was<br />
stooped and was moving slower<br />
and slower. Hayes said he last<br />
saw Travis in <strong>No</strong>vember.<br />
Cedric Valentin, 63, who landscaped<br />
Hayes’ home, said he<br />
would stop to talk with Travis<br />
as well. He last saw her four<br />
months ago.<br />
About a month ago, he saw<br />
Carol out in front of the house.<br />
“I asked Carol, ‘Where’s Miriam?’<br />
She said, ‘She’s in the<br />
house.’ I didn’t think anything of<br />
it. … It’s sad. Especially because<br />
she’s little, sweet Miriam. She’s<br />
in my heart, you know?” Valentin<br />
said.<br />
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alternative ballistics<br />
Bridging the Gap Between Less Lethal and<br />
Lethal Force.<br />
Officers confront a man with a knife, moments later he’s dead.<br />
Justified? Yes…but necessary? The debate Continues.<br />
It’s 11:23 pm. Two officers get a<br />
call of a report of a man with a<br />
knife acting erratically. They arrive<br />
within minutes and confront<br />
the suspect who is standing in<br />
the middle of the street with no<br />
shirt on and no shoes, yelling at<br />
no one in particular. They believe<br />
he may be high on drugs or simply<br />
mentally unstable, but they’re<br />
not sure.<br />
Following their department’s<br />
protocol and because he has<br />
a knife, they both draw their<br />
firearms. They tell the suspect to<br />
put down the knife…he ignores<br />
them as if he didn’t even hear<br />
them. They get his attention by<br />
shining their flashlights at his<br />
face and repeat their demands<br />
to put down the knife. He doesn’t<br />
comply.<br />
The suspect begins to walk in<br />
circles. They yell louder, “Sir, put<br />
down the knife and get on the<br />
ground!” He stops and stares at<br />
them. This standoff lasts about<br />
30 seconds as the police officers<br />
repeat their demands.<br />
The officers keep their distance,<br />
as the suspect turns and<br />
begins to walk toward one of the<br />
officers, who emphatically tells<br />
him to stop and put down the<br />
knife, but the suspect continues<br />
walking forward, and the officer<br />
fires three rounds.<br />
The suspect is pronounced<br />
dead at the scene; another<br />
officer involved shooting of a<br />
suspect with a knife. Was lethal<br />
force justified? Yes… but was it<br />
necessary?<br />
The situation we’ve described<br />
is one that is awfully familiar to<br />
law enforcement agencies in the<br />
US, as it seems to happen frequently<br />
throughout the country.<br />
In August, Scout Schultz, a<br />
21-year-old Georgia Tech student,<br />
who battled depression,<br />
was reported to police after being<br />
seen on campus with a knife.<br />
When officers arrived on scene,<br />
Schultz approached them holding<br />
the knife - in reality, it was<br />
a multi-tool with a small blade,<br />
which a family lawyer says was<br />
closed.<br />
In an amateur video of the incident,<br />
Schultz is walking toward<br />
the officers and can be heard<br />
saying, “Shoot me!”<br />
“Drop the knife, man, come<br />
on!” a police officer pleads with<br />
Schultz. “<strong>No</strong>body wants to hurt<br />
you,” another officer tells him.<br />
Schultz ignores repeated requests<br />
to drop the knife, then<br />
takes a few steps toward one of<br />
the officers. The officer opens<br />
fire, hitting Schultz in the chest.<br />
The student was transported<br />
to the Grady Memorial Hospital<br />
where he died from the gunshot<br />
wound.<br />
At a press conference, Schultz’s<br />
father was asked what he<br />
would like to say to the officer<br />
who pulled the trigger. “Why did<br />
you have to shoot?” Bill Schultz<br />
said. “That’s the question, I mean<br />
that’s the only question that matters<br />
right now. Why did you kill<br />
my son?”<br />
It’s this question that goes to<br />
the heart of a shift in policing<br />
tactics that is taking place in<br />
many parts of the country – an<br />
attempted move away from the<br />
use of deadly force and toward<br />
de-escalation tactics, and perhaps,<br />
toward the use of more<br />
appropriate less-lethal options<br />
for certain situations.<br />
With these examples of recent<br />
shootings, questions continue<br />
to be raised over when and why<br />
police resort to deadly force.<br />
Reports show that police officers<br />
in the United States, on average,<br />
fatally shoot about three people<br />
per day as reported in a Statista<br />
Research Report, September<br />
<strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Sergeant Mickey White was<br />
driving home in his patrol car,<br />
his shift over, when a call went<br />
out about a man harassing<br />
customers at a local grocery<br />
store in Arlington, Georgia. The<br />
employee who dialed 911 said<br />
the man was behaving oddly,<br />
accosting people, and singing<br />
strangely, as he walked up and<br />
down the aisles.<br />
Sgt. White took the call. When<br />
he arrived, the man was outside<br />
of the store sitting in his car,<br />
the door open and his hazard<br />
lights on. The suspect was Derry<br />
Touchtone, a 58-year-old man<br />
from Headland, just over the<br />
state border in Alabama.<br />
As Sgt. White pulled up behind<br />
Touchtone, the dashboard camera<br />
in his patrol car was recording.<br />
In the video, the officer can<br />
be heard telling Touchtone to<br />
get out of the vehicle. Touchtone<br />
complies but then ignores<br />
repeated instructions to put his<br />
hands on the car. Instead, he<br />
walks slowly out of the video<br />
frame, toward White, and begins<br />
to sing.<br />
Sgt. White fires his taser, but<br />
it fails to stop Touchtone. Off<br />
camera, a tussle can be heard,<br />
followed by two gunshots.<br />
Thirty-five seconds after Sgt.<br />
White had arrived, Touchtone<br />
was dead. He was unarmed. The<br />
dashcam kept recording as other<br />
officers arrived on the scene, and<br />
the camera overhears Sgt. White<br />
talking to another deputy.<br />
“You know the bad thing about<br />
it, Brent?” White says, “I could’ve<br />
fought him.”<br />
“Don’t second guess yourself,”<br />
Brent replies. “You did what you<br />
had to do.”<br />
These types of controversial<br />
police shootings have continued<br />
to raise questions over exactly<br />
what officers should and must<br />
do to protect themselves against<br />
suspects who threaten them<br />
with fists, knives, bats, or other<br />
non-firearm weapons.<br />
Over the past several years,<br />
many highly publicized police<br />
shootings have drawn national<br />
attention to officer-involved<br />
shootings, some of which may<br />
be the result of a significant<br />
amount of police departments in<br />
the US not having the resources<br />
or programs in place to properly<br />
train and prepare their officers<br />
on how to recognize and engage<br />
with a suspect suffering from a<br />
mental health crisis, or exactly<br />
how to de-escalate a threat from<br />
a knife, for example, without<br />
resorting to a gun.<br />
While additional training will<br />
be extremely helpful, using<br />
effective less-lethal technology<br />
will also help save lives while<br />
protecting officers. One such<br />
device is a product known as the<br />
‘Alternative,’ which is manufactured<br />
by a Las Vegas company,<br />
Alternative Ballistics Corporation.<br />
The Alternative instantly<br />
mounts onto an officer’s duty<br />
weapon and acts as a blunt<br />
force impact device for less than<br />
lethal situations. It was designed<br />
to stop a non-compliant suspect<br />
with a weapon, other than a gun,<br />
to safely affect an arrest.<br />
It’s been tested by NTS Chesapeake,<br />
a company that specializes<br />
in ballistics testing for a broad<br />
range of weapons and various<br />
types of munitions. The testing<br />
series demonstrated extreme accuracy<br />
up to 32 feet and AIS levels<br />
between 2.2 and 2.6, which<br />
are expected to incapacitate<br />
an individual with little risk of<br />
death or critical injury, and once<br />
the device is fired, the firearm<br />
instantly reverts to lethal force<br />
for follow-up shots, if absolutely<br />
necessary.<br />
Retired <strong>No</strong>rth Las Vegas Chief<br />
of Police, Alex Perez, has personally<br />
tested the Alternative.<br />
“At first, I was skeptical, as in my<br />
28-year career in law enforcement<br />
I’ve seen many less-lethal<br />
devices, some good…some not<br />
so good. But, after I took the time<br />
to go through the training and<br />
personally fired the Alternative, I<br />
quickly realized the advantages<br />
and benefits that this technology<br />
would have in the field as well as<br />
the numerous situations where it<br />
could be safely utilized.”<br />
Chief Perez additionally told us<br />
that, “It’s highly effective, because<br />
within seconds, it converts<br />
an officer’s duty weapon to a<br />
less-lethal device while instantly<br />
preserving lethal force if the situation<br />
warrants it. It’s also lightweight<br />
and takes up very little<br />
space on the duty belt, making it<br />
easily accessible.”<br />
Retired Detective Tony Lettieri,<br />
with 20 years of law enforcement<br />
experience, has investigated<br />
all types of violent crimes,<br />
including OIS (officer involved<br />
shootings). He has also fully<br />
tested and evaluated the Alternative.<br />
“The real beauty of this is that<br />
it’s with me, on my duty belt,<br />
so there is no reason to return<br />
to the trunk of my car to get a<br />
bean bag device, pepper ball or<br />
rubber bullets and I never have<br />
to take my eyes off the suspect,”<br />
explained Lettieri. “Plus, I was<br />
very impressed with how accurate<br />
it was,” he added, “and if<br />
taken from an officer, it can’t be<br />
used against them, unlike if the<br />
suspect gets a hold of the officer’s<br />
taser.”<br />
The company’s CEO, Steve Luna,<br />
told us that his company wants<br />
to bridge the gap in the market<br />
by providing an effective less-lethal<br />
option for law enforcement,<br />
once a duty weapon is drawn,<br />
and one that can be utilized at<br />
longer ranges to optimize officer<br />
safety.<br />
“When the suspect has a<br />
knife, bat, broken bottle, or<br />
anything other than a gun, our<br />
device gives an officer the ability<br />
to stop the suspect, so that<br />
an arrest can be made without<br />
shots being fired, because the<br />
Alternative uses a blunt force<br />
impact projectile that will likely<br />
incapacitate the suspect without<br />
the internal damage that a bullet<br />
causes,” explained Luna.<br />
He further suggested that<br />
“Once an officer has the opportunity<br />
to test fire the Alternative,<br />
the light bulb goes off, and<br />
they immediately begin to think<br />
of situations where the device<br />
could be used; situations where<br />
lethal force may be justified but<br />
not necessary.”<br />
In these dangerous and challenging<br />
times for law enforcement,<br />
we appreciate and empathize<br />
with the hard work, the<br />
complexities, and the risks that<br />
officers face every day, and we<br />
see that officer involved shootings<br />
of suspects in possession<br />
of a knife, or another type of<br />
potentially lethal weapon (other<br />
than a firearm), has the public<br />
continuing to rally against their<br />
decisions, and in some instances,<br />
the officers are charged with<br />
crimes for deploying their service<br />
weapon.<br />
These situations beg the question…<br />
do officers have everything<br />
they need to effectively protect<br />
themselves and citizens in complex<br />
encounters? To answer this,<br />
we must examine the fact that<br />
officers currently only have their<br />
firearms for encounters that rise<br />
to a possible lethal threat, and<br />
perhaps, some of these conflicts<br />
could be resolved in a more effective<br />
and appropriate manner,<br />
if an alternative tool provided an<br />
option that was readily available.<br />
Perhaps the ‘Alternative’ just<br />
might be an effective tool.<br />
For more information, visit<br />
their website at www.alternativeballistics.com.<br />
Senior Houston Police Officer<br />
William “Bill” Jeffrey<br />
<strong>No</strong> police officer ever left home thinking, “Today, I’m<br />
going to be killed in the line of duty.” Yet the memorial<br />
wall in Washington is filled with the names of thousands<br />
of officers who did just that. They left home, never<br />
to return again to those they love.<br />
End of Watch: Monday, Sept. 20,<strong>2021</strong><br />
What would they say, what would you say, if you were<br />
allowed one opportunity to send a short note to the significant<br />
people in your life? What final message would<br />
you send to your wife, your husband, your son, your<br />
daughter, or your parents? What would you say before<br />
you walked out the door one last time?<br />
What would Bill Jeffrey say to his loving wife Susanne,<br />
a former Houston Police Officer herself, or his beautiful<br />
daughter Lacie, or his precious granddaughter Laney?<br />
I’ve tried to put myself in their shoes and construct<br />
words for those left behind after their tragic and sudden<br />
exodus. This poem is dedicated to the memory of Senior<br />
Police Officer William “Bill” Jeffrey of the Houston Police<br />
Department as well as all our fallen brothers and<br />
sisters in blue.<br />
Bill Jeffrey<br />
To My Partner<br />
You did all that you could, I fell and yet you stood,<br />
You know sadness was never my style.<br />
Those were the cards we drew, nothing else more we could do,<br />
Except remember me, my friend with a smile.<br />
To My Wife<br />
Don’t think of me as gone, but away, though I wish I could have stayed,<br />
I may not be there, but our love did not end.<br />
We had faith, we had love, sure as God is above<br />
I feel your love from here that you continue to send.<br />
To My Daughter & My Grand Daughter<br />
I know for you it must be hard to be alone,<br />
In all the places where we laughed, and we played.<br />
My sweet baby girl, you know you still give me joy,<br />
Live your life as I did, brave and unafraid.<br />
To the Officers I Leave Behind<br />
Every day that you hit those streets,<br />
Be sure and watch your six for all the dangers you’ll face.<br />
Train hard, wear your vest, for you’ll surely be put to the test,<br />
with all the bad guys, right up to that last chase.<br />
To the Criminals<br />
<strong>No</strong>w that I’m here and God’s plan is so clear<br />
To you, there is but one thing to say.<br />
You steal, you rape, you kill and abuse your free will<br />
Your time will come when there’s Hell to pay.<br />
To Everyone Else<br />
I may seem gone from all you now, but I know that somehow<br />
We will reunite in another place.<br />
For “The good they die young,” is a song often sung,<br />
But this verse is flawed on its face.<br />
You see the good don’t die young, but instead, they live on,<br />
In memories, and in many a heart.<br />
Officers Lost Due to COVID in September <strong>2021</strong><br />
Officers Lost Due to COVID in September <strong>2021</strong><br />
Officers Lost Due to COVID in September <strong>2021</strong><br />
Officers Lost Due to COVID in September <strong>2021</strong><br />
Lost in the Line of Duty<br />
Investigator Dusty Wainscott<br />
Grayson County Sheriff’s Office, Texas<br />
End of Watch Wednesday, September 8, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Age 38 Tour 16 Years Badge # 29<br />
Investigator Dusty Wainscott collapsed and died after chasing and getting into a<br />
physical altercation with two suspects who fled on foot during a traffic stop near<br />
Park Place and McGee Street in Sherman.<br />
Investigator Wainscott had served with the Grayson County Sheriff’s Office for<br />
16 years. He had also served with the Van Alstyne Police Department and Pottsboro<br />
Police Department. He is survived by his wife and parents.<br />
Officer Blaize Madrid-Evans<br />
Independence Police Department, Missouri<br />
End of Watch Wednesday, September 15, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Age 22 Tour 2 Months Badge # 1744<br />
Officer Blaize Madrid-Evans was shot and killed when he was dispatched to the<br />
2300 block of South <strong>No</strong>rthern Boulevard to check for a wanted subject at a residence<br />
at about 11:30 am. As officers encountered the wanted subject the man<br />
opened fire and critically wounded Officer Madrid-Evans. Other officers on the<br />
scene returned fire and killed the subject. Officer Madrid-Evans was transported<br />
to a local hospital where he succumbed to his wounds later that evening.<br />
Officer Madrid-Evans had graduated from the academy only two months earlier<br />
and was still in field training. He is survived by his parents and fiancée.<br />
Lieutenant John Stewart<br />
Lake City Police Department, South Carolina<br />
End of Watch Friday, September 17, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Age 48 Tour 21 Years Badge # N/A<br />
Lieutenant John Stewart was killed during a vehicle pursuit in the 1000 block of<br />
<strong>No</strong>rth Matthews Road.<br />
The subject involved in the initial pursuit with Lake City police officers then<br />
carjacked another vehicle. He was taken into custody following another pursuit<br />
involving members of the Florence County Sheriff’s Office.<br />
Lieutenant Stewart was a United States Marine Corps veteran. He had served<br />
with the Lake City Police for 13 years. He had served in law enforcement for<br />
over 21 years. Lieutenant Stewart is survived by his two sons and seven siblings.<br />
Senior Police Officer William Jeffrey<br />
Houston Police Department, Texas<br />
End of Watch Monday, September 20, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Age 54 Tour 30 Years 9 Months Badge # N/A<br />
Senior Police Officer Bill Jeffrey was shot and killed in the 5300 block of Aeropark<br />
Drive at about 7:30 am while serving a warrant in Harris County.<br />
He and other officers had gone to the apartment to serve an arrest warrant as<br />
part of a high-level narcotics case. They made contact with a female subject<br />
who answered the door. As they spoke to her the wanted man emerged and<br />
opened fire without warning, striking Officer Jeffrey and another officer. Officers<br />
were able to return fire and killed the subject.<br />
Officer Jeffrey had served with the Houston Police Department for 30 years.<br />
He is survived by his wife, daughter and granddaughter. His wife had recently<br />
retired from the Houston Police Department.<br />
Lost in the Line of Duty<br />
Deputy Sheriff Luke Ryan Gross<br />
Hancock County Sheriff’s Office, Maine<br />
End of Watch Thursday, September 23, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Age 44 Tour 20 Years Badge # 2N/A<br />
Deputy Sheriff Luke Gross was struck and killed by a vehicle investigating a<br />
crash on Route 3 in Trenton at about 4:00 am.<br />
Deputy Gross had served with the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office for 18 years.<br />
He had previously worked for the Sabattus Police Department. He is survived by<br />
his wife, son, and daughter.<br />
Deputy Sheriff Matthew Locke<br />
Hardin County Sheriff’s Department, Tennessee<br />
End of Watch Saturday, September 25, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Age 30 Tour 7 Years Badge # 565 Veteran<br />
Deputy Sheriff Matthew Locke was shot and killed while assisting other officers<br />
during a domestic disturbance at a home in the 3000 block of Nance Bend Road<br />
in Clifton. An officer from Clifton Police Department and other deputies contacted<br />
the subject who was armed with a gun. As officers were ordering the man to<br />
drop the gun as Deputy Locke approached the home. The man suddenly opened<br />
fire, fatally wounding Deputy Locke. Deputy Locke was transported to a nearby<br />
hospital where he died shortly after arrival.<br />
Deputy Locke was a Tennessee Army National Guard veteran and had served<br />
with the Hardin County Sheriff’s Department seven years. He is survived by his<br />
wife and child.<br />
Deputy Sheriff Joshua Moyers<br />
Nassau County Sheriff’s Office, Florida<br />
End of Watch Sunday, September 26, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Age 29 Tour 6 Years Badge # 1205<br />
Deputy Sheriff Joshua Moyers succumbed to gunshot wounds sustained two<br />
days earlier while conducting a traffic stop near the intersection of US-301 and<br />
Sandy Ford Road. During the traffic stop Deputy Moyers was given a false name<br />
by the driver and learned the tags belonged to a different vehicle. As he opened<br />
the driver’s door to place the man in custody the subject shot Deputy Moyers<br />
in the face and back. The man fled the scene over a railroad crossing just as<br />
the arms were coming down and a train passed, blocking other deputies from<br />
immediately pursuing him.<br />
Police Officer Darrell Adams<br />
Memphis Police Department, Tennessee<br />
End of Watch Saturday, October 2, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Age 34 Tour 5 Years 6 Months Badge # N/A<br />
Police Officer Darrell Adams was struck and killed by a tractor-trailer on I-40<br />
near <strong>No</strong>rth Watkins Street shortly after 11:00 am.<br />
He and other officers were investigating a vehicle accident when he was struck<br />
and killed.<br />
Officer Adams served with the Memphis Police Department for 5-1/2 years.<br />
Deputy Sheriff Moyers had served with the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office for<br />
over six years. He is survived by his fiancée, parents, and brother.<br />
Biden administration stops<br />
Border Patrol using horses in<br />
Del Rio amid Dem outrage.<br />
Democrats falsely accused agents of carrying ‘whips.’<br />
The Biden administration is<br />
prohibiting Border Patrol agents<br />
from using horses in the Del Rio<br />
sector amid Democratic outrage<br />
over images that lawmakers<br />
falsely claimed showed agents<br />
using “whips” to stop Haitian migrants<br />
getting into the U.S.<br />
White House Press Secretary<br />
Jen Psaki said at a press briefing<br />
Thursday that the images, which<br />
involve a Border Patrol agent<br />
grabbing one of the migrant’s<br />
shirts, are “horrible and horrific”<br />
and noted that an investigation is<br />
ongoing.<br />
“I can also convey to you that<br />
[DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas]<br />
also conveyed to civil rights<br />
leaders earlier this morning that<br />
we would no longer be using<br />
horses in Del Rio,” she said.<br />
The revelation comes on the<br />
fourth day of controversy related<br />
to the false claims that agents<br />
used “whips” against Haitian migrants<br />
on Sunday – a claim that<br />
was initially debunked by Mayorkas<br />
and Border Patrol chief Raul<br />
Ortiz on Monday, who noted that<br />
agents were wielding long reins<br />
to control their horses in difficult<br />
riverines.<br />
Other Border Patrol sources<br />
have noted that agents will<br />
spin or twirl their reins in order<br />
to move the horse forward as<br />
a signal to the horse. So far, no<br />
images have been presented of<br />
migrants being hit by the reins.<br />
However, as the White House<br />
condemned the images, by Tuesday<br />
Mayorkas had changed his<br />
stance.<br />
“I was horrified by what I saw,”<br />
Mayorkas told CNN. “I’m going<br />
to let the investigation run its<br />
course. But the pictures that I observed<br />
troubled me profoundly.<br />
That defies all of the values that<br />
we seek to instill in our people.”<br />
On Tuesday, Vice President Kamala<br />
Harris said she supported<br />
an investigation and was “deeply<br />
troubled” by the allegations.<br />
Senate Majority Leader Chuck<br />
Schumer decried “images of<br />
inhumane treatment of Haitian<br />
migrants by Border Patrol—including<br />
the use of whips.”<br />
The agents involved have since<br />
been moved to administrative<br />
duty.<br />
The narrative that the agents<br />
used “whips” has continued to<br />
gather steam among activists<br />
and left-wing Democrats, who<br />
have then infused a racial narrative<br />
into the mix, given that the<br />
Haitians are Black.<br />
“What we witnessed takes us<br />
back hundreds of years,” Rep.<br />
Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said this<br />
week. “What we witnessed was<br />
worse than what we witnessed<br />
in slavery … cowboys with their<br />
reins, again, whipping black<br />
people.”<br />
As those claimed to continue to<br />
move forward, without evidence,<br />
agents expressed anger to Fox<br />
News about the move, which<br />
they said will make them less<br />
safe.<br />
“It will make patrolling extremely<br />
difficult along with security.<br />
This is insane. The agents<br />
did nothing wrong,” one agent<br />
told Fox.<br />
“I Never Saw Agents<br />
Whipping Anyone.”<br />
Says the Photographer of Images at<br />
the Center of Border Patrol Hoax.<br />
By Bob Price<br />
The photographer who witnessed<br />
the incident where horseback-mounted<br />
Border Patrol<br />
agents attempted to control<br />
Haitian migrants crossing the Rio<br />
Grande last week said he never<br />
saw agents whipping anyone. His<br />
photographs led to unfounded<br />
claims from many officials including<br />
President Joe Biden that<br />
agents were whipping or “strapping”<br />
the migrants with whips.<br />
In an exclusive interview with<br />
KTSM NBC9 in El Paso, photographer<br />
Paul Ratje said he “didn’t<br />
ever see them (the agents) whip<br />
anybody. ” He was swinging it<br />
(the reins), but I didn’t see him<br />
actually whip someone with it.”<br />
Ratje said the incident occurred<br />
when Haitian migrants<br />
attempted to run around the<br />
horses. He took the infamous<br />
photos that have “really been<br />
misconstrued” from the Mexican<br />
side of the river.<br />
Among those who apparently<br />
misconstrued the images is the<br />
President of the United States.<br />
“To see people treated like they<br />
did, horses running them over<br />
and people getting strapped, it’s<br />
outrageous I promise you those<br />
people will pay,” the president<br />
said during a press conference<br />
on Friday.<br />
One day earlier, the White<br />
House announced a policy banning<br />
the use of Border Patrol<br />
horses in the Del Rio Sector. “[W]<br />
e will no longer be using horses<br />
in Del Rio,” White House press<br />
secretary Jen Psaki told reporters<br />
during the daily briefing.<br />
Horse Patrol Units of the U.S.<br />
Border Patrol have a long history<br />
of carrying out migrants rescues<br />
in remote and hazardous terrains<br />
all along the southwest border.<br />
Breitbart Texas regularly reports<br />
on the rescues and apprehension<br />
of migrants and the seizure<br />
of drugs carried out by the men<br />
and women of the Border Patrol<br />
who serve on horseback.<br />
KTSM Anchor Christina Aguayo<br />
and Photojournalist Johnny Munoz<br />
were in Del Rio investigating<br />
the incident and found that even<br />
though most of the headlines say<br />
that Border Patrol Agents were<br />
using whips to threaten and<br />
intimidate the migrants, Ranchers<br />
and horse experts in Del Rio<br />
disagree.<br />
According to a sixth generation<br />
Rancher, Kerr Wardlaw, the<br />
Border Patrol Agents were using<br />
something called split reins in<br />
order to have more control their<br />
horse. Wardlaw said that agents<br />
also use the tail end of the reins<br />
to help with quickly move the<br />
horse from left to right.<br />
The video – which shows<br />
several border patrol agents on<br />
horseback blocking migrants<br />
from entering into a migrant<br />
camp underneath the Del Rio<br />
International Bridge – sparked<br />
strong reactions from the White<br />
House to across the nation.<br />
Vice President Kamala Harris,<br />
who was put in charge of<br />
the crisis at the southern border<br />
back in March, condemned the<br />
agents’ actions saying,<br />
“What I saw depicted, those<br />
individuals on horseback treating<br />
human beings the way they<br />
were, was horrible.”<br />
On Monday DHS Secretary<br />
Alejandro Mayorkas said that the<br />
long reins used by the agents<br />
were to ensure control of the<br />
horses, but then said on Tuesday<br />
that the pictures “horrified him.”<br />
Wardlaw explained that the<br />
agents who appeared to be swinging<br />
their reins in the air were actually<br />
using their reins as a tool,<br />
to quickly move the rear end of the<br />
horse from left to right. He said that<br />
the agents were using non-lethal<br />
force by using their horses as tools.<br />
Wardlaw also said that one of his<br />
friends who works in Border Patrol<br />
revealed that the agent in the video<br />
reached for the migrant only after<br />
that migrant tried to gain control<br />
of the horse, which if gained, could<br />
have been very dangerous. The<br />
rancher asserts that the agent could<br />
have been seriously hurt.<br />
Pentagon acknowledges<br />
that a drone<br />
strike in Afghanistan<br />
was a tragic mistake<br />
that killed 10<br />
civilians, including 7<br />
children.<br />
children.<br />
Want to know why the Biden White House is spinning<br />
a tail of Border Agents allegedly whipping Haitian<br />
immigrants trying to cross the border illegally?<br />
So, you’ll forget that only weeks earlier they mistook<br />
a white Toyota Corolla for a terrorist vehicle and<br />
launched a missile that killed 10 innocent civilians<br />
including 7 children.<br />
By Marcus Yam<br />
KABUL, Afghanistan – After a day at work, Ezmari<br />
Ahmadi was just arriving at his home Sunday in<br />
Khwaja Burgha, a working-class neighborhood a<br />
few miles west of Kabul’s airport, when calamity<br />
struck.<br />
As he pulled into the driveway about 4:30 p.m.,<br />
children — his own as well as those of his brothers<br />
and other relatives — swarmed around Ahmadi’s<br />
Toyota Corolla. His 12-year-old son, Farzad, asked if<br />
he could park the car. Ahmadi obliged, put Farzad in<br />
the driver’s seat and switched to the passenger side.<br />
That’s when what the family says was an American<br />
missile fired moments before from a drone buzzing<br />
nearby drilled through the car, slammed into the<br />
ground below and detonated.<br />
In an instant, 10 people were<br />
killed, including at least seven<br />
children, Ahmadi’s brother Emal<br />
said Monday. Among the dead<br />
were Ahmadi, 40, who the family<br />
said worked for a Southern California-based<br />
charity; a 25-yearold<br />
nephew who was about to<br />
be married; and five kids who<br />
were 5 years old or younger.<br />
In the driveway, what remained<br />
of the Corolla was a blackened,<br />
incinerated heap of metal, melted<br />
plastic and scraps of what<br />
appeared to be human flesh<br />
and a tooth. Somewhere near<br />
the passenger’s side was a hole<br />
where a projectile had punched<br />
through. Two Los Angeles Times<br />
journalists who visited the site<br />
examined metal fragments consistent<br />
with some kind of missile.<br />
U.S. forces, who pulled out<br />
of Afghanistan on ???, say they<br />
launched a drone strike that destroyed<br />
a car loaded with explosives<br />
and suicide bombers heading<br />
for Kabul’s airport, where a<br />
terrorist attack killed more than<br />
180 people, including 13 U.S. service<br />
personnel.<br />
It remained unclear whether<br />
the drone strike was linked to<br />
the blast that hit Ahmadi’s car.<br />
In an initial statement after the<br />
strike, U.S. Navy Capt. Bill Urban,<br />
a spokesman for the U.S. military’s<br />
Central Command, said the<br />
strike had hit its intended target<br />
and that there were no indications<br />
of civilian casualties.<br />
But in a subsequent statement,<br />
Urban said the Pentagon<br />
was aware of reports of civilian<br />
casualties and was investigating.<br />
“We would be deeply saddened<br />
by any potential loss of innocent<br />
life,” he said.<br />
He said the U.S. strike “disrupted<br />
an imminent ISIS-K threat,”<br />
a reference to the Afghan affiliate<br />
of the militant Islamic State<br />
group, which claimed responsibility<br />
for the deadly bombing on<br />
the outskirts of the Kabul airport.<br />
In the wake of that attack, the<br />
Pentagon launched an airstrike<br />
in eastern Afghanistan that it<br />
said killed both the “facilitator”<br />
and “planner” of the bombing.<br />
Urban said there were powerful<br />
secondary explosions from<br />
Sunday’s drone strike, which he<br />
said indicated a large number<br />
of explosive materials inside the<br />
targeted vehicle. Those secondary<br />
explosions “may have caused<br />
additional casualties,” he said.<br />
In Khwaja Burgha, members of<br />
Ahmadi’s family said there had<br />
been only one explosion and that<br />
the resulting fireball had partially<br />
burned a crimson Toyota SUV<br />
that was also in the driveway.<br />
“We heard a loud bang, and the<br />
whole house shook,” said Abdul<br />
Khalil, the Ahmadis’ neighbor.<br />
One of the rooms in his house is<br />
adjacent to the Ahmadis’ driveway;<br />
the blast had dislodged<br />
large chunks of plaster from the<br />
wall.<br />
The outside walls of the Ahmadis’<br />
home were spattered<br />
with bloodstains that had begun<br />
to brown.<br />
If the deaths of Ezmari Ahmadi<br />
and his family members are<br />
determined to be the result of<br />
an errant U.S. drone strike, the<br />
horrific tragedy would lay bare<br />
the dangers of the Pentagon’s<br />
long-term plans for so-called<br />
over-the-horizon attacks as a<br />
centerpiece of its counterterrorism<br />
mission. Even when U.S.<br />
troops were fully deployed in<br />
Afghanistan, with CIA operatives<br />
and American special forces<br />
working alongside Afghan security<br />
forces, mounting civilian<br />
casualties soured many Afghans<br />
on the U.S. presence and boosted<br />
the Taliban’s popularity.<br />
Family members insisted there<br />
was no way Ahmadi was involved<br />
with ISIS-K. If anything,<br />
they would have been considered<br />
targets by the extremist group,<br />
which counts all who worked<br />
with the U.S.-backed Afghan<br />
government and its foreign allies<br />
as spies, traitors, and collaborators.<br />
The family said Ahmadi had<br />
worked for the last 16 years with<br />
Nutrition & Education International,<br />
a nongovernmental<br />
organization based in Pasadena.<br />
Ahmadi’s business card identifies<br />
him as a technical engineer, and<br />
it bears the logo of the organization,<br />
whose homepage carried<br />
this message Monday: “Due to the<br />
security issues in Afghanistan,<br />
our website is temporarily disabled.”<br />
Ahmadi had applied for a special<br />
U.S. immigration designation<br />
that would allow him to leave<br />
Afghanistan and go to the U.S.,<br />
his brother Emal said. Thousands<br />
of Afghans who worked<br />
with Western organizations have<br />
fled since the Taliban took over<br />
Afghanistan earlier this month,<br />
but thousands more are in danger<br />
of being left behind as the<br />
U.S. wraps up its airlift at Kabul<br />
airport Tuesday.<br />
Ahmadi’s nephew Nasser, who<br />
was also killed in the explosion,<br />
had worked with U.S. special<br />
forces in the western Afghan city<br />
of Herat, and had also served as<br />
a guard for the U.S. Consulate<br />
there before joining the Afghan<br />
National Army, family members<br />
said. The 25-year-old, who relatives<br />
said was to be married this<br />
week, had come to Kabul to see<br />
if he could push along his own<br />
application for a special immigrant<br />
visa.<br />
Sitting on a pile of sandbags<br />
outside the family compound,<br />
Ezmari Ahmadi’s other brother,<br />
Ramal, could barely speak<br />
through the grief of having lost<br />
three children in the explosion:<br />
Binyamin, 5; Arwin, 3; and Aya,<br />
just 1.<br />
He had been in his room when<br />
the missile struck. “There was<br />
just this big explosion. I was totally<br />
in shock. I didn’t understand<br />
what happened,” he said, his<br />
eyes red from crying.<br />
For two hours after the blast,<br />
he remained dazed, but then<br />
began to understand that his<br />
three children had piled into the<br />
car with their uncle Ezmari and<br />
cousin Farhad and had been<br />
killed.<br />
Mohammad Fawad, a relative,<br />
stood enraged in front of the<br />
incinerated Corolla.<br />
“I want Joe Biden to know<br />
about this. Why do you attack<br />
these people and say it’s Daesh?”<br />
he said, referring to Islamic State<br />
by its Arabic acronym, which is<br />
considered a pejorative by the<br />
group.<br />
“All of these kids were martyred,”<br />
Fawad said, furiously<br />
scrolling through pictures of<br />
those killed on his phone. “Look<br />
at them. Which one of these<br />
people is Daesh? These people<br />
worked with the government —<br />
with the U.S. And look at these<br />
kids. Do you think they’re Daesh?”<br />
Emal Ahmadi was also distraught.<br />
“They shouldn’t do this kind of<br />
action, killing civilians,” he said.<br />
“I lost my family.”<br />
New series takes deep dive into St. Petersburg Police Academy<br />
PART 61<br />
The Run<br />
“Get him to the grass!”<br />
Times Staff Writer<br />
The Shoot House<br />
You’re having a bad day. You’ve gotten punched, you’ve gone down, and some bad guy, much<br />
bigger than you, is sitting on your stomach, grabbing for your gun.<br />
“Just<br />
“What do you do?”<br />
like<br />
a coach asks<br />
that:<br />
the cadets. “What?”<br />
Bang. You’re Dead.”<br />
They’re working in pairs today, the first day after winter break, spread around the mat room<br />
practicing defensive tactics. One recruit plays the officer, the other the suspect. They take turns<br />
with the roles, as coaches call out commands and questions.<br />
“Pull them in with your legs, don’t keep your knees tight, so you’ve got room to punch. Don’t<br />
panic. Don’t gas yourself.”<br />
Go with what the guy gives you, the coach says.<br />
“If you can still reach your mic, call for backup. When he goes for your gun, that’s when you go<br />
for it. He’s got to let go of something. As soon as he reaches, that’s when you escape.<br />
“Posture up. Play with it. Ready? Go!”<br />
The cadets look like they’re<br />
waging an aggressive game of<br />
Twister, everyone climbing on<br />
each other, pushing, and shoving,<br />
trying not to fall, fighting<br />
to gain control.<br />
One of the woman recruits,<br />
held on the ground in choke<br />
hold by another, looks at the<br />
instructor, standing above,<br />
showing with his hands how<br />
she should respond.<br />
Brittany Moody gets instruction<br />
on how to escape an attacker.<br />
The biggest guy in the class<br />
tackles KeVonn Mabon. He’s on<br />
top of the former football player,<br />
pushing his head into the<br />
blue mat. “He’s going to break<br />
your wrist!” shouts the coach.<br />
“He’s going to crush your trachea.<br />
He’s going to crack your<br />
jaw.”<br />
Mabon is struggling, sweating.<br />
“Try the excavator, Mabon!<br />
Use your legs!”<br />
Mabon grimaces. “He’s very<br />
energetic, sir!”<br />
At St. Petersburg College’s<br />
police academy, recruits learn<br />
defensive tactics based on Jiu<br />
Jitsu, By LANE moves DeGREGORY, they have to master<br />
Times and Staff demonstrate Writer during an<br />
exam. They learn how to “hip<br />
They can’t get over the wall.<br />
out” and “shrimp out” of a<br />
It’s 6-feet tall, made of smooth<br />
take-down; how to cup a suspect’s<br />
on. chin so they can’t turn<br />
wood. <strong>No</strong>thing to hold or stand<br />
their Even head; the tallest how to men drive are struggling.<br />
into someone’s face.<br />
their<br />
shoulders<br />
“Run “The at only it. Get escape a grip. is Haul to fight yourself<br />
up,” shouts the coach a coach shouts. in a red<br />
harder,”<br />
“What shirt. “Don’t are they give on? them Drugs a huge and<br />
alcohol. target.” They’ll start tapping<br />
out, You and never when know they when do, you’re don’t<br />
disengage.<br />
going to have<br />
De-escalate.<br />
to chase a suspect<br />
That’s<br />
over a wall.<br />
the only way to control that.<br />
It’s a drizzly day in late September.<br />
The police recruits are lined<br />
You have an audience. They’re<br />
watching you. Be professional.<br />
Don’t just go for your gun.<br />
That’s what officers do when<br />
they panic.”<br />
“Use this,” the coach says,<br />
tapping his head. “And this,” he<br />
taps his mouth.<br />
Mabon is still on his back,<br />
rolling from side to side, trying<br />
to force a space below one of<br />
the big guy’s elbows. But the<br />
guy keeps pushing back.<br />
“Man, hey, you’re choking me!”<br />
Mabon gasps.<br />
The coach stands over them.<br />
“Disengage!”<br />
He stops the other recruits in<br />
their scenarios. “What’s going<br />
on with the neck there?” he<br />
asks Mabon’s partner. Silence.<br />
He shouts across the room,<br />
“What’s in the news now?<br />
C’mon!<br />
“Your arm is not around their<br />
neck. It’s between the side and<br />
shoulder. Don’t squeeze. It will<br />
look like a chokehold.”<br />
Florida’s police academy curriculum<br />
includes a chokehold.<br />
But the St. Petersburg school<br />
had stopped teaching that tactic<br />
up behind long before St. Petersburg a Minneapolis College’s<br />
cop Allstate killed Center, George between Floyd. the The rifle<br />
range and shoot house.<br />
coach tells the recruits, “We<br />
Three weeks into training,<br />
don’t do that here.”<br />
they’ve learned to keep their eyes<br />
on<br />
“If<br />
the<br />
they’re<br />
door, do<br />
coming<br />
push-ups<br />
at you<br />
on cadence,<br />
tell force, reasonable you’re allowed suspicion to<br />
with<br />
deadly<br />
choke. from probable You can cause, do anything frisk someone,<br />
search the coach a car says. and carry “But that’s coffee<br />
at<br />
all,”<br />
always in their left the hand last resort.”<br />
they can grab<br />
their Pairs gun of with recruits their practice right.<br />
holds Brittany on each Moody other. is first woman<br />
Cadets in her class have to conquer master the 28<br />
defensive obstacle course. tactics. She Here, played Mabon five<br />
sports growing up and works out<br />
subdues a suspect during an<br />
every morning.<br />
exam.<br />
This morning, they’re starting the<br />
obstacle course that’s designed to<br />
Over the holidays, the recruits<br />
didn’t get much of a break.<br />
Agencies sponsoring them<br />
made them keep working.<br />
Hannah Anhalt, who loves<br />
dogs, worked with K-9 handlers<br />
from the Clearwater Police<br />
Department, hiding in the<br />
rafters of a house until a dog<br />
found her. She learned that it’s<br />
harder for dogs to find people<br />
who escape on concrete than<br />
it is if they run through a field.<br />
Grass holds the smell of sweat<br />
and fear.<br />
Mabon and Brittany “Mama”<br />
Moody reported to the Pinellas<br />
County Sheriff’s Office, where<br />
they worked out every day. Mabon<br />
loved it.<br />
At the academy, he had started<br />
leading drills during the<br />
lunch break, pushing classmates<br />
to do more sit-ups,<br />
squats, side-straddle hops.<br />
Faster. Trying to prepare them<br />
to pass the physical assessment.<br />
Pumping them up with<br />
his positivity.<br />
“Slow down, hotshot,” called<br />
Coach Joe Saponare, who<br />
works out with the recruits half<br />
predict his age. their “<strong>No</strong> perils: one can crawl keep under up a<br />
fence, with you!” slither through a tube, hoist<br />
yourself<br />
The academy<br />
into a make-shift<br />
walls are<br />
attic.<br />
filled<br />
They’re slick with sweat, covered<br />
with framed photos of officers<br />
in dirt, cheering each other on.<br />
riding<br />
“You<br />
horses,<br />
got it! Come<br />
steering<br />
on! Keep<br />
boats,<br />
going!”<br />
charging If you with fall, SWAT you have shields. to start<br />
over. Recently, someone hung a<br />
new “You one have in three the hall chances,” by the the cafeteria:<br />
says. Mabon running past the<br />
coach<br />
parking In the real lot, world, far ahead you might of his only<br />
get classmates. one.<br />
Class One of 219 the is mostly recruits white uses and a lint<br />
male, roller but on it his is slacks. the most diverse<br />
yet,<br />
Coaches<br />
said Joe<br />
call<br />
Saponare,<br />
Mabon<br />
who<br />
“a Greek<br />
oversees<br />
recruit training at St. Petersburg<br />
College’s Law Enforcement<br />
God.” Here, he makes sure his<br />
Academy: seven women, five Black<br />
pants are lint-free between<br />
classes.<br />
“A Greek god.” That’s what<br />
Coach Sap calls Mabon: 6-foot-<br />
2, 223 pounds, broad shoulders,<br />
bulging biceps, sculpted calves.<br />
He’s lost weight since COVID<br />
canceled people, his two professional Latinos. Half went foot-tball<br />
college. career, Six but were that in only the military. made<br />
The youngest, age 19, lives with<br />
him faster.<br />
his parents. One of the oldest is<br />
“He’ll be great in the community,”<br />
raising a son. She’s already earned<br />
a nickname,<br />
Coach<br />
Mama<br />
Sap said,<br />
Moody.<br />
“connecting<br />
Some with registered other athletes for the academy and<br />
African last spring, Americans, before inspiring George Floyd<br />
kids. was He’ll killed, get before out there people in took the to<br />
trenches, the streets break demanding down the that barriersernments<br />
help change defund perceptions.”<br />
the police. They<br />
gov-<br />
Mabon decided grew to attend up in anyway. St. Louis,<br />
just Others him applied and his because mom. of those<br />
Dad outcries. “wasn’t really in the picture<br />
much,” he said. His mom<br />
They know they will be insulted,<br />
targeted, hated — some critics<br />
worked double shifts at a ca-<br />
are openly hostile. But 30 young<br />
people signed up for the first class<br />
sino, bowling alley, jail. Sometimes,<br />
his uncle came around.<br />
His uncle, Keith Brown, played<br />
for the New York Giants, then<br />
became a police officer in a<br />
“super dangerous area” of St.<br />
Louis. since the pandemic closed the<br />
academy. Mabon started playing peewee<br />
Saponare, football who at 6; cadets his coach call became<br />
his mentor. “He’s always<br />
Coach Sap, expected applications<br />
to plummet after the protests last<br />
been the team captain, a great<br />
year. Instead, he said, more people<br />
leader,<br />
than ever<br />
very<br />
applied.<br />
driven,” said Reggie<br />
<strong>No</strong> Crume, agency who tracks now how coaches many at<br />
Calvary people apply Christian to U.S. High police School academies,<br />
Clearwater. according “Whatever to the National he<br />
in<br />
put Police his Foundation. mind to, he Anecdotal was going ev-tidence<br />
only from achieve the country’s it, but be 18,000 one<br />
not<br />
of law the enforcement best.” agencies is<br />
contradictory. With seated Some recruits departments on the<br />
right, are struggling another to stands fill vacancies. against<br />
And officers are quitting at record<br />
the wall with a life-sized baby<br />
rates, many after only a few years.<br />
In September 2019, even before<br />
dummy held in his right arm.<br />
Mabon, who moved in with<br />
his uncle when he was 14, holds<br />
a first-aid dummy baby that the<br />
cadets practice saving.<br />
When Mabon was 14, he<br />
moved in with his uncle — and<br />
a the private protests, school the Police gave him Executive a<br />
scholarship Research Forum to play released football. a report He<br />
was about one the of “workforce only 25 Black crisis.” kids It<br />
in<br />
said<br />
the<br />
the<br />
school<br />
job of<br />
with<br />
policing<br />
1,000<br />
has<br />
students.<br />
“I had to drive through a<br />
become<br />
more challenging, as officers<br />
grapple with social issues<br />
nice<br />
like<br />
neighborhood<br />
mental illness, and<br />
to get<br />
new<br />
there,<br />
types<br />
and of criminals, I got pulled like over those at who least deal 10<br />
times,” in cyberspace. he said. Three of those<br />
times, St. Petersburg cops made Police him Chief get out Anthony<br />
searched Holloway, his an car. officer for 35<br />
and<br />
years, “So many said last people,” summer he was said, the<br />
“the first only time experience he questioned they whether have<br />
with he still law wanted enforcement to serve. is “It negative.”<br />
like everybody was against us,” he<br />
felt<br />
said.<br />
Mabon<br />
“I’d<br />
played<br />
like to see<br />
every<br />
the<br />
posi-<br />
naysayers<br />
see what our officers have to deal<br />
with every day.”<br />
tion on the field in high school,<br />
moved in with Coach Crume<br />
his senior year. Seven colleges<br />
recruited him, and he chose<br />
Ball State, where he majored in<br />
criminal justice and psychology<br />
— and never missed a game.<br />
His sights always were on the<br />
NFL. After football, he thought<br />
he might work for the FBI. He<br />
sees himself as a sort of Derek<br />
Morgan, the dashing agent from<br />
his favorite TV show, Criminal<br />
Minds.<br />
Three minutes after the NFL<br />
draft, in 2017, the Tennessee<br />
Titans called to offer him a free<br />
agent contract. Mabon played<br />
wide receiver in the preseason,<br />
then got picked up by the Indianapolis<br />
Colts.<br />
One of the recruits lies on his<br />
back in a locker room, laughing<br />
with other seated and standing<br />
recruits.<br />
In the locker room, Mabon<br />
jokes with fellow cadets. He’s<br />
always pumping up his classmates<br />
and giving high-fives.<br />
After the NFL, he played a<br />
year for a German team. He<br />
was working out with a Canadian<br />
team last year when<br />
COVID-19 canceled sports. He<br />
thought he had a few years left<br />
to play pro football and was<br />
hoping to record recent game<br />
films to get back to the NFL.<br />
But by June 2020, sports were<br />
still shut down, so he moved<br />
to Florida to live with Coach<br />
Crume, his wife and two small<br />
kids.<br />
Crume introduced Mabon to a<br />
friend from the Sheriff’s Office,<br />
where a recruiter told him: We<br />
need more young men like you.<br />
Mabon’s mom didn’t want him<br />
to give up his dream. For days,<br />
he agonized over the decision.<br />
How long could the pandemic<br />
last? What if professional<br />
sports came back, and he had<br />
committed to another job?<br />
What if they didn’t, and he<br />
was still unemployed?<br />
A football game on the TV<br />
screen fills the frame, silhouetting<br />
a man’s head.<br />
When a classmate showed<br />
videos of Mabon’s college<br />
football highlights, Mabon<br />
recounted every play before it<br />
happened.<br />
A week after the mat training,<br />
cadets’ jog past the flagpole,<br />
take one last swig from their<br />
Camelbacks and line up by the<br />
obstacle course.<br />
To graduate from the academy,<br />
they have to pass the Cooper<br />
Test.<br />
The fitness exam standards<br />
vary depending on age and<br />
gender, but men under 30 have<br />
to do at least 33 sit-ups in a<br />
minute, pump out 22 pushups in<br />
a minute, run 1.5 miles in under<br />
17:04, sprint 300 meters in less<br />
than 66 seconds.<br />
This morning, everyone<br />
passed the sit-ups and pushups<br />
— the youngest recruit just<br />
barely.<br />
<strong>No</strong>w, they have to do the runs.<br />
They’re on the edge of the<br />
road, stretching, jogging in<br />
place. The long run is first — the<br />
only part Mabon dreads. “You’ll<br />
never run 1.5 miles for football,”<br />
he says.<br />
When they take off, he and<br />
Moody lead the pack. Anhalt<br />
is near the rear. By the second<br />
lap, Moody has fallen into the<br />
middle of the group, and Mabon<br />
is walking, clutching his back.<br />
As he crosses the finish line, a<br />
coach with a stopwatch calls,<br />
“11:35!”<br />
Mabon shakes his head. “Terrible,”<br />
he says. “I had to stop<br />
four times because of a stitch<br />
in my side.”<br />
As each classmate crosses the<br />
finish line behind him, he slaps<br />
their hand.<br />
When he started at the academy,<br />
Mabon said he was “as<br />
single as single gets.”<br />
But just before the holidays,<br />
when he moved out of the<br />
coach’s house and into his own<br />
apartment, a female classmate<br />
came to help. Strong and statuesque,<br />
a Bosnian refugee who<br />
grew up in Germany, she knows<br />
the town where Mabon had<br />
played — and started bringing<br />
him Gatorade after workouts.<br />
As she sorted through boxes<br />
that Saturday, he unpacked<br />
memories: trophies, magazine<br />
clippings, fan mail from kids.<br />
His high school helmet, a glass<br />
plaque for Ball State’s 2016<br />
MVP, gloves from his first NFL<br />
catch.<br />
A man stands in a living<br />
room, unpacking items from a<br />
cardboard box.<br />
Mabon unpacks the receiver<br />
gloves he used in the NFL. His<br />
mom didn’t want him to give up<br />
his football dream.<br />
“That’s my whole dream<br />
there,” he told her. “I did it.”<br />
He still FaceTime’s with<br />
former teammates but doesn’t<br />
watch much pro ball anymore.<br />
Too painful. “I should still be<br />
playing football.”<br />
Once he committed to the<br />
Sheriff’s Office, he tried not to<br />
look back. He cut off his long<br />
braids, shaved his goatee and<br />
started trying to imagine life as<br />
a deputy.<br />
But he can’t picture himself, a<br />
black rookie cop, out at protests,<br />
trying to control people<br />
who might see him as the enemy.<br />
“To me, that would be more<br />
stressful than being sent to an<br />
active shooter call,” he said.<br />
Over the break, the German<br />
football team called, asking<br />
to hire Mabon back. “Football<br />
was a lot less stressful, a lot<br />
less dangerous and a lot more<br />
money than being a cop,” he<br />
told his classmate. “But I signed<br />
a two-year contract with the<br />
Sheriff’s Office, sooo,” he<br />
paused.<br />
“If after two years I don’t like<br />
it, I told Germany I’d be available.<br />
Of course, they can’t hold<br />
my spot …”<br />
A trophy football reading<br />
At Ball State, Mabon was<br />
honored as the school’s alltime<br />
leading receiver.<br />
The cadets have to leave their<br />
phones in their lockers at the<br />
academy, so on January 6, they<br />
didn’t get the news until later.<br />
Mabon and Anhalt read it on<br />
their phones during a break.<br />
Moody saw it on TV in the lobby<br />
while she and three other<br />
cadets were heading out to<br />
take down the flag.<br />
CNN headline “US Capitol<br />
secured, 4 dead after rioters<br />
stormed the halls of Congress<br />
to block Biden’s win.”<br />
CNN headline, Jan. 7, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
That night, they all watched<br />
footage of a U.S. Capitol police<br />
officer being crushed by the<br />
crowd, between riot shields.<br />
Coaches seldom address<br />
current events, trying to avoid<br />
anything political, leaving the<br />
cadets to talk about the news,<br />
if they want.<br />
The next day, a recruit did a<br />
presentation about bear spray<br />
used during the riot.<br />
“Buckle in, guys,” says a<br />
coach. “You’re going to have a<br />
wild ride.”<br />
The siege scared Anhalt. It<br />
made Mabon mad.<br />
“It was just stupid,” he said.<br />
“The officers were outnumbered<br />
45 to 1.”<br />
Moody tries to ignore classmates<br />
who think Joe Biden is<br />
going to defund the police and<br />
the coach who talks about QAnon.<br />
But later, she said the Capitol<br />
Police seemed complicit.<br />
“They didn’t take the same<br />
precautions because these protesters<br />
were Trump supporters,<br />
not Black Lives Matter,” she<br />
said. “They should’ve sprayed<br />
them with gas and treated them<br />
like they treated all the other<br />
protesters.”<br />
From the shoot house to<br />
the rifle range, recruits rim<br />
the road. They’re sprinting in<br />
groups of six while a coach<br />
clicks a stopwatch and notes<br />
their times.<br />
Mabon is shadow boxing in<br />
his sneakers. When you’re the<br />
fastest runner and help your<br />
team break the obstacle course<br />
record, a lot is riding on your<br />
run. He enjoys that; expectations<br />
fuel him.<br />
Today, he wants to break his<br />
own record for the 300-meter<br />
dash: 35 seconds.<br />
That means running faster<br />
than 19 mph.<br />
“Let’s go, Mabon!” classmates<br />
call from the grass. They’re<br />
watching, clapping.<br />
He crouches slightly, elbows<br />
back, chin out, and leaps off<br />
the line. His long strides propel<br />
him past classmates and quickly,<br />
he’s yards ahead. He digs in,<br />
pumps his arms, gains speed.<br />
Then, more than halfway<br />
through the sprint, he stops<br />
and doubles over, clutching his<br />
sides, his head almost touching<br />
the pavement.<br />
A long view of a street with<br />
several runners, the one in<br />
front is no longer running, but<br />
has gone to his knees, head<br />
down with exhaustion.<br />
Mabon falls to the pavement<br />
while trying to break his own<br />
academy record in the 300-meter<br />
dash.<br />
“Finish it, Mabon! You’ve<br />
worked too hard!” someone<br />
shouts. If he can’t complete the<br />
course, he’ll get kicked out of<br />
the academy.<br />
His face is contorted in pain.<br />
A classmate races to his side,<br />
bends close and says sternly:<br />
“Finish! You can do this.”<br />
He offers Mabon his arm,<br />
helps him stand. Slowly, still<br />
holding his hips, Mabon limps<br />
across the finish. And falls<br />
face-first on the asphalt.<br />
“Get him to the grass!” calls a<br />
coach.<br />
But he can’t get up. When another<br />
recruit tries to help, Mabon<br />
shakes him off. One cadet<br />
puts his hand on Mabon’s back.<br />
Another gets his water bottle.<br />
He can’t even lift his head to<br />
drink.<br />
“You okay?” asks the woman<br />
who helped him move in. She<br />
reaches for him. He slides up to<br />
his knees and tries to crawl but<br />
collapses.<br />
For more than five minutes, he<br />
lies there, curled by the curb.<br />
“He was on track to beat his<br />
own record,” says a coach.<br />
“At least he finished,” says<br />
another.<br />
Mabon had fractured his back<br />
playing football, and sometimes,<br />
the injury flares up,<br />
pinching a nerve.<br />
While a coach gets a golf<br />
cart to drive him back to the<br />
academy, and Mabon struggles<br />
to stand, over and over, his<br />
classmates watch, helpless, not<br />
sure what to do.<br />
The next week, they start<br />
first-aid.<br />
Last call of the day.<br />
I only had ten minutes left on<br />
my shift. I worked nights and as<br />
long as I was at home before<br />
the sun came up, I was good for<br />
a peace full 7 hours sleep. Unless<br />
of course some salesperson<br />
was unfortunately enough<br />
to knock on my door and wake<br />
me up…but that’s another war<br />
story unto itself.<br />
At 555am, I received a call to<br />
see a complaint at the 7-11 on<br />
Bender Avenue about a person<br />
being held captive. Great just<br />
want I wanted at t-minus 9<br />
minutes until OD.<br />
“Unit 30D62 show me enroute.”<br />
I was really only a few blocks<br />
away and with any luck at all I<br />
can clear this INFO ONLY and OD<br />
and get home before the sun<br />
really starts shining.<br />
“Unit 30D62 show me out. Reportee’s<br />
name?”<br />
“An unidentified female sir.<br />
They hung up before giving a<br />
name.”<br />
“10-4”<br />
I went inside and before I<br />
could even ask the clerk if<br />
someone called 911, a young<br />
girl stuck her head out from<br />
around the last row of food,<br />
and motioned me over. As I<br />
approached her, I could see<br />
that she was wearing what<br />
appeared to be an extra-large<br />
men’s shirt that was really<br />
dirty and had what appeared<br />
to be splatters of dried blood<br />
all across the front. She looked<br />
terrified and was trembling<br />
uncontrollably.<br />
I walked her over to a few<br />
tables and chairs at the back<br />
of the store, git her a bottle<br />
of water and tried to calm her<br />
down.<br />
“What’s your name ma’am?”<br />
“Susan….Susan Walker”<br />
“Ok Ms. Walker, are you hurt?<br />
Is this your blood on this shirt?<br />
Tell me what’s going on.”<br />
She blurted out “…They’ve<br />
been holding me and my boyfriend<br />
hostage for days, maybe<br />
weeks. They beat us and tied us<br />
to a wire frame or something.”<br />
“How long ago did this happen….how<br />
did get here?<br />
She said, “It’s happening<br />
now…right now. I broke out a<br />
window in the bathroom and<br />
ran as fast as I could until I<br />
saw this store and called 911…<br />
we need to hurry before they<br />
realize I’m gone and they’ll kill<br />
Bobby.”<br />
“Bobby is your boyfriend?”<br />
“Yes.”<br />
“How did you and Bobby end<br />
up at this house? I assume it’s a<br />
house, huh?”<br />
Yes, it’s an old, abandoned<br />
house…all broken down and<br />
boarded up…but you can crawl<br />
through the broken window at<br />
the back…they grabbed us at<br />
pool hall on 28th street, threw<br />
us into an old van or something<br />
and took us to that old house<br />
and tied us up…to like an old<br />
bed or something….and then<br />
they beat us.”<br />
By now she is crying uncontrollably<br />
and I decided to<br />
move her to my car and call an<br />
ambulance to check her out. I<br />
also called dispatch and told<br />
her to have an on-duty dayshift<br />
detective call me ASAP.<br />
The FD medics arrived within<br />
a few minutes and while they<br />
were checking her out, Detective<br />
Williams called and I said,<br />
“Dude you need to meet me at<br />
the 7-11 on Bender…I’m really<br />
not sure what I’ve got going,<br />
but I’m damn sure I need you<br />
here.”<br />
One of the paramedics<br />
walked over and said she was<br />
ok, but that I needed to see<br />
something. I walked over and<br />
stepped into the ambulance<br />
and the paramedic lifted up the<br />
back of her shirt and it was<br />
clear that she had been hit or<br />
struck with something…maybe<br />
a whip or leather strap…dozens<br />
and dozens of bloody marks<br />
and tracks all over her back…<br />
this girl obviously had been<br />
beaten or tortured just like she<br />
said. They advised she really<br />
need to go to the hospital, but<br />
it wasn’t a life-or-death thing.<br />
I knew we needed her help to<br />
find this house, so I asked her<br />
if she was up to staying and I’d<br />
take her to the hospital myself.<br />
She agreed and I cut the paramedics<br />
loose.<br />
Detective Williams pulled up<br />
as the ambo was pulling out<br />
and I had the complainant sit<br />
in my car while I ran the deal<br />
down to Williams.<br />
“Man, at first I thought this<br />
was just a domestic gone bad,<br />
but she’s got bloody marks all<br />
over her back and she’s obviously<br />
terrified of whatever or<br />
whoever did this. So, we agreed<br />
to drive her in his unmarked<br />
car through the nearby neighborhoods<br />
to try and find this<br />
abandoned house. Problem<br />
was, this was a shitbox neighborhood<br />
and every other house<br />
was abandoned or boarded up.<br />
Junkies, pushers, pimps, you<br />
name it, were all squatting in<br />
these old shacks and it could<br />
anyone of hundreds scattered<br />
over a 12-block area.<br />
“Susan, how long did it take<br />
you to run to the 7-11? Do you<br />
remember how many blocks<br />
you covered or what direction<br />
or turns you took?<br />
Before she could answer, I<br />
spotted an old beat-up black<br />
Ford Econoline Van parked at<br />
the end of a long driveway of a<br />
boarded-up house.<br />
“Williams, stop, back up….<br />
Susan is that the van? Is that the<br />
house you were in?”<br />
“Yes…oh my God yes…please<br />
don’t let them see me”…and<br />
she dove onto the floorboard<br />
of his Crown Vic and stayed<br />
there until we drove around the<br />
block.<br />
“Dude, we’re gonna need<br />
some backup, is this is for<br />
eal….whoever the hell that is<br />
inside that house isn’t just gonna<br />
welcome us into their party…if<br />
you catch my drift.”<br />
So, we went back to the 7-11<br />
and called for backup and a<br />
female officer to sit with the<br />
complainant until we could<br />
sort this shit out. As soon as a<br />
couple of units arrived, Williams<br />
and I went back to the<br />
block where the house was and<br />
made our way through several<br />
backyards until we could get<br />
to the back of the house. One<br />
of the windows has the boards<br />
ripped off and that’s the room<br />
Susan stated they were tied<br />
up in. So, we made our way<br />
up the side of an old garage<br />
and looked in the window and<br />
holy shit, there against the wall<br />
was an old wire box spring<br />
and tied to it was I assume her<br />
boyfriend, Bobby. He had been<br />
stripped naked and by the looks<br />
of his back, had been beaten<br />
severally as well.<br />
We both looked at each other<br />
and without saying a word, got<br />
needed to get a statement from<br />
the complainant Susan before<br />
she went to the hospital. So, I<br />
told Williams I was staying behind<br />
and to call me when they<br />
made entry.<br />
I sat in the back of the female<br />
officer’s car and went over every<br />
single detail of what happened<br />
prior to and after these<br />
guys were kidnaped. I knew the<br />
detectives would get her statement<br />
once they started working<br />
the case, I just needed to finish<br />
my report so I would be free to<br />
go, whenever this whole shit<br />
box deal was over.<br />
Luckily, the SWAT commander<br />
on duty was a former Ranger<br />
and he didn’t screw around trying<br />
to make contact with anyone.<br />
Someone was in eminent<br />
danger and they flash banged<br />
and kicked doors in as soon as<br />
everyone was in place. Within<br />
30-minutes, they advised they<br />
had made entry, two suspects<br />
were in custody, no shots fired<br />
and get an ambulance ASAP.<br />
We had the paramedics sitting<br />
We decided to let Susan ride<br />
to the hospital with her boyfriend.<br />
When I opened the back<br />
door of the ambo to tell her,<br />
she jumped straight out of that<br />
bench and into my arms with<br />
the biggest bear hug I’ve ever<br />
had.<br />
“You save me and my boyfriend.<br />
I’m soooooo thankful.<br />
I will never forget this day or<br />
you. You are my angel and I love<br />
you and what you do for people<br />
you don’t even know. Thank<br />
you, thank you, thank you.” She<br />
gave me a big kiss on the cheek<br />
and jumped back into the ambulance<br />
and off they went.<br />
The next day, I ran into Williams<br />
and he told me the whole<br />
story. How the suspects were<br />
drug dealers who thought these<br />
two had ripped them off. The<br />
bottom line was, they grabbed<br />
the wrong two people out of<br />
that pool hall. Mistaken identity<br />
that almost cost two innocent<br />
people their lives. And for what<br />
it’s worth, I never did go to<br />
sleep that day.<br />
the fuck out of there. Pretty<br />
sure we started running once<br />
we turned the corner and didn’t<br />
stop until we got back to his<br />
with us, so we sent them<br />
on ahead to the house. I cut<br />
the female officer loose and<br />
told her I would take over from<br />
car. He was already on the here. I drove the complainant Have a unique story you’d<br />
phone with dispatch and called back to the scene and the medics<br />
had the victim on a gurney<br />
in the Texas Law Enforcement community as a founding member of the East Texas 100 club, and corporate members of the <strong>No</strong>rth Texas<br />
KeyWarden is the Texas distributor of Morse Watchmans industry-leading key and asset management systems. We are actively involved<br />
like to share with the<br />
in the troops….this was a SWAT<br />
BLUES readers?<br />
deal now.<br />
and were wheeling him down<br />
Police Chiefs Association, the East Texas Police Chiefs Association, the High Plains Police Chiefs Association, and the Central Texas Police<br />
Send it to: bluespdmag@<br />
It took about 30 minutes for the driveway. This poor woman<br />
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the cavalry to arrive and once started screaming and crying<br />
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it was their deal to run on the he was alive, but barely. According<br />
to the paramedics, sev-<br />
other high-value assets.<br />
house and extricate the victim<br />
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I wanted to run on that house have bled out. Turns out, he<br />
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Fallen Marine, Hunter Lopez ‘died a<br />
hero,’ friend says at funeral.<br />
One day years ago, Juan Carlos<br />
Lopez walked into his nephew’s<br />
bedroom and noticed a day circled<br />
on his calendar.<br />
Graduation.<br />
“Uncle J.C.,” Lopez recalled his<br />
then-teenage nephew telling<br />
him, “When I graduate, I’m letting<br />
you know now I’m going to<br />
be a Marine.”<br />
Among the many reasons U.S.<br />
Marine Cpl. Hunter Lopez was<br />
beloved, he never rescinded a<br />
promise, family and friends recalled<br />
Saturday, September 18,<br />
during a memorial service at the<br />
Palm Springs Convention Center<br />
honoring and thanking the fallen<br />
22-year-old Indio native.<br />
“Hunter always had a plan<br />
and was able to execute,” longtime<br />
friend Nick Conway said.<br />
“There aren’t many people from<br />
our generation that have that<br />
strength and discipline. He was<br />
the kind of friend you always<br />
wanted by your side, the kind of<br />
friend who would do anything<br />
for you.”<br />
Heroism marked the final moments<br />
of Lopez’s life, Riverside<br />
County Sheriff’s Lt. Tim Brause<br />
said Saturday.<br />
The 2017 La Quinta High School<br />
graduate was one of 13 U.S.<br />
service-members killed in an<br />
attack at the Kabul airport last<br />
month as the U.S was pulling out<br />
of Afghanistan. Two other Inland<br />
Empire Marines, Lance Cpl. Kareem<br />
Nikoui, of <strong>No</strong>rco; and Lance<br />
Cpl. Dylan Merola, of Rancho<br />
Cucamonga, also were killed.<br />
Brause and others noted that,<br />
on that afternoon, Lopez was<br />
rescuing young girls from a rioting<br />
mob before the blast took<br />
his life.<br />
“He died a hero saving the lives<br />
of those he did not know,” Conway<br />
said.<br />
Saturday’s memorial began<br />
with a prayer and a song.<br />
The hundreds of family members,<br />
friends, law enforcement<br />
officials and service men and<br />
women in attendance, as well<br />
as those watching a livestream<br />
on YouTube and Facebook, then<br />
watched a slideshow of photos<br />
chronicling Lopez’s 22 years, set<br />
to the alternative rock songs, “Mr.<br />
Brightside,” by The Killers; and<br />
“Best of You,” by Foo Fighters.<br />
“There aren’t enough words to<br />
express how much of a hero my<br />
nephew was,” Juan Carlos Lopez<br />
said, “not only to his country,<br />
but to his extended family and<br />
friends.”<br />
Lopez, the eldest of three children,<br />
was part of a special crisis<br />
response team sent to provide<br />
security and help State Department<br />
officials process thousands<br />
of people a day at the airport<br />
gates. His mother, Alicia Lopez, is<br />
a Riverside County deputy sheriff<br />
and Riverside Sheriff’s Association<br />
board secretary. His father,<br />
Riverside County Sheriff’s Capt.<br />
Herman Lopez, is La Quinta’s<br />
police chief.<br />
Learn more at axon.com/AIR<br />
In a statement, the Lopez family<br />
said news of their son’s death<br />
was “the news that no parent<br />
wants to receive.”<br />
“Our family is overwhelmed<br />
by the outpouring of love and<br />
condolences we’ve received in<br />
the wake of Hunter’s sudden<br />
passing,” the couple added.<br />
“Please know that Hunter wore<br />
the United States Marine uniform<br />
with love and pride, and it is very<br />
apparent that the community<br />
will never forget his sacrifice and<br />
our family.”<br />
A history buff who loved the<br />
burger chain Rally’s, the popular<br />
video game “Call of Duty” and<br />
Star Wars, Hunter Lopez always<br />
wrote his grandparents in Spanish<br />
because he knew they would<br />
have difficulty reading English,<br />
Juan Carlos Lopez said Saturday.<br />
His nephew always signed<br />
those letters: Cazadora, the<br />
Spanish word for hunter.<br />
“I watched this young man go<br />
from lightsabers and Nerf guns<br />
to having his whole life set before<br />
my eyes,” Juan Carlos Lopez<br />
said.<br />
Hunter Lopez was a sheriff’s<br />
explorer scout with the Palm<br />
Desert Station and after enlisting<br />
was assigned to the 2nd Battalion,<br />
1st Marines. He planned to<br />
join the Riverside County Sheriff’s<br />
Department like his parents<br />
after his deployment ended, according<br />
to a statement from the<br />
Riverside Sheriff’s Association.<br />
A procession Thursday, September<br />
16, drew residents with<br />
American flags on a route from a<br />
Cathedral City mortuary, past the<br />
Palm Desert Sheriff’s station and,<br />
finally, to St. Francis of Assisi<br />
Catholic Church in La Quinta. A<br />
similar procession passed Friday,<br />
September 17, by three Coachella<br />
Valley schools that Lopez once<br />
attended.<br />
Earlier this month, Indio staged<br />
a candlelight vigil for Lopez in<br />
front of Indio City Hall.<br />
U.S. Marine Cpl. Michael Chambers<br />
met Lopez at the recruiting<br />
station in Palm Desert and said<br />
Saturday the two became inseparable<br />
in the years that followed.<br />
Lopez – four years Chambers’<br />
junior – could recite war movies<br />
scene-for-scene, his comrade<br />
recalled.<br />
“He idolized men that made<br />
sacrifices for others,” Chambers<br />
said. “Those huge men of high<br />
caliber. I don’t think Hunter realized<br />
that he became that, and<br />
that his heroes would become<br />
his peers.”<br />
by Michael Barron<br />
Ford Mustang Mach-E Gears Up for Police Duty.<br />
EVs make a lot of sense for city services, but stateside departments are a long way<br />
from adopting them.<br />
While a number of police<br />
departments in the US have<br />
purchased a few Tesla’s—perhaps<br />
not as fully outfitted patrol<br />
vehicles with all the gear—yet<br />
another electric model is showing<br />
police potential, this time<br />
with all the trimmings. Ford is<br />
currently working with a number<br />
of police agencies in the UK<br />
that are evaluating the Mustang<br />
Mach-E for patrol duties, including<br />
London’s Metropolitan Police<br />
Force.<br />
The automaker has brought a<br />
Mustang Mach-E police vehicle<br />
demonstrator in standard-range,<br />
all-wheel-drive guise to the<br />
Emergency Services Show at the<br />
NEC in Birmingham, England,<br />
eager to show off the electric<br />
crossover to the UK’s finest. Essex-based<br />
Safeguard SVP outfitted<br />
the Mach-E to UK police<br />
specs and livery that, you might<br />
notice, are designed to increase<br />
the visibility of police cars, instead<br />
of intentionally decreasing<br />
it.<br />
“The Metropolitan Police Force<br />
has already appraised the standard<br />
Mustang Mach-E and has<br />
now requested a full evaluation<br />
of the marked concept,” the<br />
automaker said. “Also waiting<br />
for an opportunity to try the<br />
new 999 vehicle are the Sussex,<br />
Surrey, South Wales, Dyfed Powys,<br />
Devon & and Cornwall, and<br />
Police Scotland forces.”<br />
The Mach-E already has a lot<br />
going for it when it comes to<br />
police needs, including a 0-62<br />
mph sprint time of just 3.7 seconds<br />
offered by the GT version.<br />
But its range also makes it ideal<br />
for fleets, as such vehicles tend<br />
to have fairly set daytime driving<br />
needs, and can recharge in<br />
their garages between shifts.<br />
The interior accommodations of<br />
the Mach-E are also quite generous<br />
by UK standards, able to<br />
carry plenty of gear while offering<br />
some light off-road ability<br />
which comes in handy in dense<br />
cities, when police cars need<br />
to crawl up on the curb to park<br />
or turn around when responding<br />
to calls. Sourcing power for<br />
the radios, lightbar, and other<br />
equipment is also fairly straightforward<br />
and is designed to avoid<br />
drawing power from the powertrain<br />
battery.<br />
A number of police agencies in<br />
the UK are evaluating the Mach-E<br />
for patrol use.<br />
“The vehicle range is uncompromised<br />
as the blue light equipment<br />
is being drawn from the<br />
vehicle’s 12V battery and not the<br />
drive battery,” said Terry Adams,<br />
BlueLight Direct sales manager,<br />
Ford of Britain, and Ireland.<br />
“In future developments we<br />
will look to increase this battery<br />
capacity to allow for additional<br />
equipment to be fitted.”<br />
We can’t help but feel that the<br />
Mach-E could make for a suitable<br />
police vehicle in the US as<br />
well, though the vast majority<br />
of police cruisers tend to have<br />
pretty rigid equipment requirements,<br />
including those for a<br />
perp cage for the rear seats.<br />
Police agencies in the UK tend<br />
to use special vans for suspect<br />
transport, so the bulky partition<br />
inside is much less of a concern.<br />
Just how well the Mach-E<br />
could lend itself to that sort of<br />
equipment remains to be seen<br />
if it’s outfitted for regular duty.<br />
But there’s nothing really that<br />
prevents it from being used as<br />
a supervisor’s vehicle in departments<br />
stateside.<br />
Even if the Mach-E doesn’t<br />
quite take off in the US as a<br />
police vehicle, surely an electric<br />
Ford Explorer is around the corner<br />
anyway. So, it probably won’t<br />
be too long before that model<br />
will be able to pull off sub-foursecond<br />
launches as well.<br />
The Ford Mustang Mach-E Passes the Police Test.<br />
Ford’s Mustang Mach-E becomes the first EV to pass the Michigan State Police test..<br />
Ford’s Mustang Mach-E ferences between the Mustang<br />
police-ready variant of the Police to see if it has the tests.<br />
only a matter of time be-<br />
passed the Michigan State<br />
Mach-E that Ford sent Mustang Mach-E for the chops to live up to the<br />
Michigan state police fore EVs start to flood your<br />
Police test, making it the in for police work and the UK, so it probably isn’t a demands necessary for a evaluate the Mustang local streets. That also<br />
first battery-electric vehicle<br />
standard-issue Ford Mus-<br />
surprise that state police police cruiser. Looking over Mach-E, and every other means police departments<br />
to live up to the rigors tang Mach-E.<br />
in the US wouldn’t be far last year’s Michigan State vehicle slated for its 2022 will slowly switch to elec-<br />
of the test. There’s no word The Ford Mustang Mach-E behind. Even less surprising,<br />
Police <strong>2021</strong> Model Year Po-<br />
model year evaluation, tric power. Of course,<br />
if the police-ready Mustang<br />
is Ford’s first real jump<br />
the folks testing Ford’s lice Evaluation, it looks like right now. That should we’ll have to see how well<br />
Mach-E will roll into into a mass-market EV, latest is none other than this Mustang Mach-E will mean we’ll have the data Ford’s Mustang handles<br />
the Michigan State Police’s which means it was only the Michigan State Police. run through various tests from the state police soon. these Michigan State Police<br />
fleet yet, but it at least has a matter of time before it Ford has officially submitted<br />
ranging from standard<br />
As companies bow out tests first.<br />
passed the test. Ford also saw use in the police force.<br />
the Mach-E to the brake and vehicle dynamic of internal combustion<br />
has 92 The yet BLUES to mention POLICE MAGAZINE the dif-<br />
Ford recently debuted a folks at the Michigan State evaluations to ergonomic engine development, it’s The BLUES POLICE MAGAZINE 93<br />
Be Your Own Advocate.<br />
Recently, John Salerno and I<br />
had the pleasure of interviewing<br />
a subject matter expert in the<br />
area of post-traumatic stress.<br />
The organization she is with<br />
does a lot of research and connects<br />
grassroots organizations<br />
together to fill the gaps where<br />
treatment for stress, post-traumatic<br />
stress and mental health<br />
might not be available for first<br />
responders. During our discussions<br />
we talked about the gaps<br />
that still exist for law enforcement<br />
officers; The size of the<br />
agency, the willingness of the<br />
command staff to provide support<br />
to its officers, and budget.<br />
We all agreed on one major<br />
point. It is still up to us to ask<br />
for the help when we realize we<br />
need it or if another officer or<br />
supervisor approaches us. We<br />
must rid our vocabulary of the<br />
word “FINE” and bust through the<br />
stigma. There is a huge advantage<br />
here that sometimes gets<br />
overlooked. The reality is that<br />
you are not trapped by your<br />
command staff or organization.<br />
You can go outside your agency<br />
for assistance.<br />
Over the years, the “control”<br />
that our agencies exercised in<br />
the area of mental health and<br />
wellness or the outright “suck<br />
it up” mentality influenced and<br />
bolstered the stigma associated<br />
with asking for help for stuff<br />
going on in our heads. <strong>No</strong> one<br />
wanted to risk being assigned to<br />
“the rubber gun squad,” or have<br />
other officers question our fitness<br />
for duty. The solution - say<br />
nothing, ever. As the suicide rate<br />
increased, the need to provide<br />
assistance of some kind was addressed<br />
by some agencies. Those<br />
agencies who took on the battle<br />
to help officers with their mental<br />
health sort of figured it out.<br />
I say sort of because the stigma<br />
continued to lurk in the shadows.<br />
Officers were not going to ask<br />
to “go to the department shrink”<br />
or the in-house employee assistance<br />
program. Why? Confidentiality.<br />
Their “stuff” would be<br />
known throughout the department.<br />
Officers were left with a<br />
no-win, no-way-out solution.<br />
Again, say nothing, ever.<br />
Over the years as some departments<br />
saw command staff retirements,<br />
it seemed to usher in<br />
a new, younger, and more open<br />
personnel. The discussion of a<br />
budget for mental health and<br />
the creation of a Mental Health<br />
Liaison officer began. However,<br />
most officers that we have spoken<br />
to and departments we have<br />
visited have that liaison officer in<br />
an office right next to the Chief<br />
or Assistant Chief. So, while the<br />
open-door policy to get help<br />
for mental health was there, we<br />
were told that officers were not<br />
going to go to that office simply<br />
because of the proximity to the<br />
command staff where a conversation<br />
might be overheard or<br />
where questions might linger<br />
when the officer walked out of<br />
the liaison’s office. The solution,<br />
say nothing ever.<br />
While these changes were<br />
occurring, the grassroots programs<br />
started. The realization<br />
that while the departments were<br />
trying, it was easier for an officer<br />
to go outside his/ her agency<br />
for assistance. The grassroots<br />
program provided confidentiality,<br />
which meant that the officer<br />
could get the help without the<br />
fear of reprisals or questions. In<br />
fact, many of the officers I met<br />
while I traveled to speak at conferences<br />
confided in me that they<br />
went outside their agency and<br />
were on the path to healing, all<br />
the while successfully maintaining<br />
their jobs and family life.<br />
As some departments continued<br />
their awareness journey to<br />
aid their officers, the grassroots<br />
programs continued to grow.<br />
Some of them with the ability<br />
to offset department budgets<br />
which meant the departments<br />
could rely on them to help their<br />
officers. The departments were<br />
on a “need to know” information<br />
stream. Only if an officer stated<br />
they were going to hurt themselves<br />
or someone else was the<br />
department informed. Confidentiality,<br />
anonymity, and a comfort<br />
level were provided to the officer.<br />
As a result, we started to see<br />
dents in the stigma.<br />
When departments created<br />
Peer Support programs, those<br />
that were successful saw a<br />
decrease in suicides and an<br />
increase in positive outcomes<br />
for the officers. Supported from<br />
the top, with an emphasis on<br />
ZERO reprisals by the department,<br />
officers could get the help<br />
they asked for. The result. The<br />
dents in the stigma grew larger.<br />
As the command staff’s awareness<br />
grew about the positive<br />
outcomes for their officers, the<br />
indicators showed that the department<br />
functioned better. And<br />
a good functioning department<br />
means a healthy department.<br />
Are these “successful” departments<br />
the outliers? Maybe.<br />
The hope is that the grassroots<br />
programs and the departments<br />
work together to continue to put<br />
dents in the stigma, ultimately<br />
smashing it completely one day.<br />
What we still do know for sure<br />
is you are your best advocate. As<br />
Help us reach our goal<br />
of 100,000 subscribers.<br />
CLICK BELOW for your<br />
Please share with<br />
all your friends and<br />
co-workers.<br />
hard as it may be, you must be<br />
the one to reach out and ask for<br />
help. The grassroots programs<br />
like A Badge of Honor are here<br />
to assist at every level. We allow<br />
you to be in control of your<br />
mental health journey, leaving<br />
behind the one thing that still<br />
hampers some requests from<br />
within the department…STIGMA.<br />
So, find the courage to be your<br />
own advocate. And remember,<br />
your journey may help to save<br />
another brother, sister, and/or<br />
BLUE family. You are not alone.<br />
Samantha Horwitz is a regular<br />
contributor to The <strong>Blues</strong> Police<br />
Magazine. She is a 9/11 first responder,<br />
former United States<br />
Secret Service Agent, speaker,<br />
and author. She and her business<br />
partner, ret. NYPD detective<br />
John Salerno created A Badge of<br />
Honor, a 501(c)(3), post-traumatic<br />
stress and suicide prevention<br />
program for first responders.<br />
John and Sam host MAD (Making<br />
a Difference) Radio each Wednesday<br />
7pm central live on FB @<br />
Makingadifferencetx. For more<br />
about Sam and the wellness and<br />
resiliency workshops for first<br />
responders, visit ABadgeofHonor.<br />
com.<br />
619.326.4411<br />
“Family” and Sr. Police<br />
Officer Bill Jeffrey<br />
What exactly constitutes a<br />
“family?” Sociologists, anthropologists,<br />
and even insurance<br />
executives have difficulty defining<br />
the term. Indeed, our culture<br />
in America is wrestling with the<br />
nature of familial relationships<br />
in the light of modern issues<br />
through the lenses of postmodern<br />
and traditional world views.<br />
The distinctions about what<br />
constitutes a family are blurred<br />
in a societal milieu that cannot<br />
even define gender in a way that<br />
is acceptable to everyone. I was<br />
approached by an individual I<br />
see occasionally who said he<br />
heard a police officer<br />
on a local radio show<br />
refer to a slain officer<br />
as his brother. He was<br />
puzzled, “Was the officer<br />
on the radio the<br />
late officer’s brother?”<br />
I said, “Yes.”<br />
The Houston Police<br />
Department is a large<br />
organization by anyone’s<br />
standards. The<br />
people who work<br />
there, or worked<br />
there in the past, are<br />
connected by a bond<br />
that transcends the<br />
understanding of<br />
most people. It is a<br />
connection born of<br />
pressures that are<br />
better handled by a group than<br />
by an individual. It has been theorized<br />
that modern man caused<br />
the extinction of the Neanderthal<br />
by working together in groups<br />
to solve complex problems and<br />
engage prey or enemies. Cooperative<br />
endeavors capitalize on<br />
a diverse set of skills and thinking.<br />
At the police department<br />
we rely on each other to help us<br />
in our workaday world. The job<br />
is not like working in retail or<br />
service-based businesses. Most<br />
police officers work for multiple<br />
decades and have known<br />
their peers and co-workers very<br />
well. The combination of work<br />
pressures and familiarity with<br />
one’s co-workers establishes a<br />
bond that is relied on in ordinary<br />
circumstances or in moments<br />
of terror and great<br />
peril. The hunters<br />
of our distant past<br />
have bestowed<br />
their DNA on their<br />
modern-day descendants<br />
who still<br />
hunt dangerous<br />
men jointly. This<br />
is an evolutionary<br />
trait that cannot be<br />
turned off or on.<br />
The cooperative and<br />
familial bond that<br />
develops is not only<br />
natural: it is inevitable.<br />
Sr Police Officer<br />
Bill Jeffrey’s wife,<br />
children, and close<br />
friends are experiencing<br />
their own intense grief<br />
which I cannot pretend to understand<br />
or even imagine. I do<br />
sympathize with them and offer<br />
my heartfelt condolences. My<br />
thoughts and prayers approach<br />
the Lord’s Throne each day beseeching<br />
Him for mercy on behalf<br />
of these good people. Without<br />
taking anything away from<br />
their special grief and place in<br />
Bill’s life, I would also like to offer<br />
my condolences to Bill’s Blue<br />
Family of which I am a part.<br />
There is a sociological concept<br />
known as “six degrees of<br />
separation.” This notion basically<br />
states that we human beings are<br />
all connected by six steps in the<br />
global population network. The<br />
theory requires that each person<br />
have at least forty-four contacts<br />
in their network. In order to<br />
illustrate the application of this<br />
concept to “Blue Family,” I will<br />
use my closest social network<br />
and how it shares both my biological<br />
blood and my blue blood.<br />
As many readers know, my biological<br />
family is represented in<br />
HPD by a considerable presence.<br />
My family is a very typical one<br />
and is no different than many<br />
others in HPD. Very many HPD retirees<br />
enjoy a similar connection.<br />
Our Blue Family remembrances<br />
from my network are as follows.<br />
I knew Bill from the 1990’s<br />
when I was a lieutenant at <strong>No</strong>rth<br />
Shepherd. I knew him to be a<br />
pleasant fellow and his significant<br />
physical presence was<br />
something that I thought would<br />
be beneficial in tight spots on<br />
the north side. It was a rough<br />
neighborhood and having Bill on<br />
your side was comforting. I knew<br />
that as he gained experience and<br />
knowledge with his job he would<br />
blossom into an extraordinary<br />
officer.<br />
Additionally, I know the father-in-law<br />
of Sergeant Michael<br />
Vance who was seriously<br />
wounded in the same episode.<br />
Sergeant Vance’s father-in-law<br />
is Sergeant (retired) Gene Yanchak<br />
who was a seasoned Homicide<br />
Division detective when<br />
I was assigned there. Sergeant<br />
Yanchak is one of the finest men<br />
I have ever had the privilege of<br />
knowing and I am still grateful<br />
for his patience in showing<br />
me the ropes of being a new<br />
homicide detective. My prayers<br />
for Sergeant Vance accompany<br />
those for Bill’s family and close<br />
friends.<br />
I asked my biological family<br />
members if they would submit<br />
their experiences with Bill in a<br />
brief statement. They mentioned<br />
that there were other officers<br />
who were much closer to Bill<br />
than they were and that those officers<br />
could share more intimate<br />
anecdotes. While that is very<br />
true, my goal is to demonstrate<br />
to the public that the Blue Family<br />
is just that--a family. So very<br />
respectfully, they offered their<br />
insights on Bill.<br />
I received my first response<br />
from my brother, Sr. Police Officer<br />
(retired) Bobby D Lott:<br />
“I worked with him when he<br />
was assigned to the SC TAC unit.<br />
They did all our take downs from<br />
our narcotic buys and assisted<br />
us when we ran our warrants. I<br />
always liked it when Bill and his<br />
regular partner Gary Young were<br />
our arresting unit (the entire<br />
SC TAC squad were top notch<br />
people). Everything I saw them<br />
do was exactly how it should<br />
be done.... the right way.... Every<br />
time. <strong>No</strong> short cuts... hard work....<br />
Photography<br />
Professional<br />
Video<br />
Professional<br />
- 3D Walk Through<br />
Matterport<br />
Showing<br />
Virtual<br />
Houses<br />
Open<br />
Tips<br />
Staging<br />
media marketing for<br />
Social<br />
extra Ah Ha!<br />
the<br />
And they volunteered to assist<br />
us....... <strong>No</strong> begging for help... they<br />
jumped at the chance to do their<br />
jobs. It was an honor to have<br />
worked with Bill and his squad.”<br />
My nephew, Police Officer Travis<br />
D Lott (Narcotics K-9) and his<br />
wife, Police Officer Cassie Lott<br />
offered some information. Travis<br />
has a classmate, Police Officer<br />
Paul Lowrey, who was very<br />
close to Bill. Travis also offered<br />
that his wife Cassie worked with<br />
Bill’s wife, Sr Police Officer (retired)<br />
Susanne Jeffrey, in Internal<br />
Affairs. They both have fond<br />
memories of Bill and Susanne.<br />
Like all of us, they were shocked<br />
and saddened with Bill’s passing.<br />
Travis has another classmate,<br />
his sister, who also happens to<br />
be my niece, Police Officer Jessica<br />
Lott Lopata, who is assigned<br />
to the Major Offenders Division.<br />
Of course, being assigned to the<br />
same division, she saw Bill and<br />
offers this observation.<br />
“I was in the Houston Police<br />
Academy with Paul Lowrey, who<br />
was best of friends with Bill<br />
Jeffery. Lowrey explained to me<br />
how Jeffery knew my parents<br />
and enjoyably worked with both<br />
of them. Jeffery even pinned on<br />
Lowrey’s badge during graduation.<br />
“When I transferred to the<br />
Major Offenders Division in 2014,<br />
I had the pleasure of working<br />
in the same division as Jeffery.<br />
When I stood next to Jeffery, he<br />
seemed like a giant, and it felt<br />
like one of the safest places to<br />
be. Jeffery was all smiles one<br />
day telling me how he knew and<br />
worked with my parents. He also<br />
told me my voice sounded just<br />
like my mother’s.<br />
“I recall one time Jeffery’s<br />
squad superbly and successfully<br />
executed an arrest warrant on<br />
a police impersonator suspect I<br />
was investigating. Additionally,<br />
Jeffery saw a shot gun in plain<br />
view in the suspect’s home,<br />
which enabled me to file an additional<br />
charge. Watching them<br />
in action was a blessing.<br />
“Warrant squads always have a<br />
special place in our hearts. Every<br />
time they go out, they potentially<br />
encounter someone who will<br />
refuse to go to jail at all costs.<br />
“We protected City Hall together<br />
at least one of the nights<br />
during the protests and ate our<br />
boxed lunches together. It was<br />
so nice having a seasoned officer<br />
around, I knew he would lead the<br />
pack if needed and stand up for<br />
what was right.<br />
“The morning Jeffery was<br />
killed is a police department’s<br />
worst nightmare. Those of us in<br />
the office gathered in the hall<br />
as soon as we heard our guys<br />
were possibly injured. We looked<br />
at each other with the heaviest<br />
hearted looks on our faces. Then<br />
we quickly got our marching orders<br />
and moved. We were all reminded<br />
of the ultimate sacrifice<br />
this job can take and how cherished<br />
we all are to each other.”<br />
Travis and Jessica’s mother is<br />
Sr Police Officer (retired) Diana<br />
Lott Bocanegra who also knew<br />
Bill. She was anxious to do anything<br />
to help cherish and preserve<br />
Bill’s memory:<br />
“Bill Jeffrey was always such<br />
a gentlemen and made sure to<br />
always acknowledge everyone.<br />
I worked with Jeffrey and Gary<br />
Young whenever we (Narcotics<br />
officers) were doing buy bust<br />
operations in South Central. It<br />
was such a pleasure and less<br />
stressful whenever these guys<br />
helped us and arrested our suspects.<br />
We could always count on<br />
them to be prepared for anything<br />
and they always handled every<br />
arrest with precision. For example,<br />
they gathered all the needed<br />
information, searched, and found<br />
needed evidence and protected<br />
the scene. Bill and his partner<br />
were the absolute best and we<br />
could count on them to make all<br />
the right decisions and handle<br />
the suspects properly according<br />
to their demeanor. They were respectful,<br />
but could chase down<br />
and catch any suspects that ran.<br />
When they had to physically<br />
restrain suspects, they definitely<br />
could handle that and they did it<br />
appropriately. What an honor it<br />
was to have worked with Bill. He<br />
was the epitome of what every<br />
policeman should strive to be.<br />
Anybody that knows Diana<br />
knows that she doesn’t offer<br />
positive praise when it’s not<br />
warranted.<br />
My cousin, Commander Christy<br />
Smith, is assigned to the Clear<br />
Lake Division at this time, however,<br />
she had worked in Major<br />
Offenders with Bill prior to her<br />
promotion. She, too, wanted to<br />
show the immense respect that<br />
she had for Bill:<br />
“I didn’t know Bill as well as<br />
some who had worked with<br />
him for years, but I feel like just<br />
seeing how others interact and<br />
speak of him says a lot. Everyone<br />
knew that Bill always wanted to<br />
be in the front. He is an example<br />
to others of how to be a leader,<br />
regardless of your rank or assignment.<br />
He was a leader in his<br />
unit. It was beyond obvious that<br />
other officers knew they could<br />
count on him. Everyone knew<br />
him as a cop’s cop, who would<br />
teach others and lead the way.<br />
He was a role model to others<br />
on how they strive to be true<br />
leaders.<br />
“After hearing his family speak<br />
about him, it showed how much<br />
he loved them, and they loved<br />
him. It showed that being a<br />
leader who cared for others was<br />
who he was both at work and<br />
home.”<br />
I have included these remembrances<br />
to show how police officers<br />
are bonded to each other.<br />
Using my own biological family<br />
as a typical HPD circle of companions,<br />
the interdependence is<br />
vividly displayed. There are no<br />
degrees of separation between<br />
my brothers and sisters and me.<br />
When a good man or woman<br />
falls, we are all diminished.<br />
Though some hurt far worse<br />
than others, we all hurt.<br />
All of us in Bill’s Blue Family<br />
know his sacrifice on the altar<br />
of justice is the ultimate act of<br />
nobility and honor. We, above<br />
all others, know what it is like<br />
to serve criminal warrants on<br />
lifelong violent offenders. We,<br />
above all others, know that<br />
sometimes courage, training, and<br />
the utmost skill are not enough<br />
to save us. We, above all others,<br />
know the infinite number of<br />
things that can and do go wrong<br />
in an explosive environment that<br />
includes monsters. Others who<br />
act as criminal court judges,<br />
political mouthpieces of “social<br />
justice,” and biased journalists<br />
who have been educated by<br />
college professors who make<br />
no claim to be objective, can<br />
never know or possibly understand<br />
what Officer Bill Jeffery<br />
and Sergeant Michael Vance<br />
went through on that infamous<br />
doorstep in our own community.<br />
That’s where Bill and Michael’s<br />
Blue Family intervene.<br />
The haunting images of Bill<br />
and our other brothers and<br />
sisters brought to mind a poem<br />
written in 2006 by Michael<br />
Marks. The original setting of the<br />
poem is military, but it so mirrors<br />
our Blue Family’s condition<br />
that I feel compelled to include<br />
the poem’s conclusion:<br />
And maybe just remind the<br />
few, if ill of us they speak,<br />
that we are all that stands<br />
between the monsters and the<br />
weak.<br />
On that somber day when the<br />
forlorn and lonely bell rings at<br />
the church, we will remember<br />
our brother in like manner as<br />
we have done so many times in<br />
the past. Other faces from other<br />
times and other places will flood<br />
our memories as we unite Bill<br />
to that sacred fold in our hearts<br />
where the loved and lost now<br />
dwell.<br />
We will not make that age old<br />
inquiry, “For whom the bell tolls”<br />
- we know it tolls for us.<br />
heelllloo nneeiighboor<br />
H I N K I N G S E L L I N G ?<br />
about<br />
____________________________________________________________<br />
T<br />
NOW IS A<br />
T I M E<br />
T O S E L L<br />
great<br />
Kriistiinna Martiinnak<br />
KMartinak@TheJamieMcMartinGroup.com<br />
___________________<br />
Concierge Service<br />
281.505.4747<br />
____________________________________________________________<br />
call or text<br />
As the deadline looms, there are<br />
still no answers from the city<br />
To<br />
We have been working very<br />
hard on the latest “mandate”<br />
from the mayor. The very first<br />
time we heard about the mayor<br />
wanting to have vaccine mandates<br />
was during a weekly City<br />
Council meeting when he stated<br />
that he was looking into all city<br />
employees get vaccinated. We<br />
immediately began to research<br />
if this was legal, and what we<br />
could do to prevent it. Our attorneys<br />
reached out to the Labor<br />
Relations Institute and found<br />
that there was case law and<br />
actual Supreme Court rulings on<br />
this, though the Supreme Court<br />
case was 1905. I<br />
believed that there<br />
must be other<br />
case law out that<br />
would prevent this<br />
from taking place.<br />
We do have constitutional<br />
rights,<br />
right?<br />
I know we have<br />
all paid very close<br />
attention to the<br />
Methodist Employee<br />
case. The<br />
ruling from the court was that<br />
they can be fired for refusing<br />
the vaccine. I felt that this must<br />
have been because they are a<br />
private business, but its not. The<br />
Minnesota State Police just lost<br />
their case against the state of<br />
Minnesota over a full vaccine<br />
mandate. I continued to speak<br />
with the head attorney with the<br />
LRIS, and he provided case after<br />
case in which the employer has<br />
won in court over vaccine mandates.<br />
We then reached out and<br />
had a long discussion with the<br />
mayor and city legal. The mayor<br />
agreed to give us the option<br />
of vaccination or testing twice<br />
a month. As much as we hate<br />
the testing component, we hate<br />
being told to vaccinate more.<br />
We were all surprised by the<br />
mayor’s mandate came out<br />
saying that city employees had<br />
to get the test on their own time<br />
and at their cost. Obviously, we<br />
completely disagree with this<br />
mandate. Our attorneys along<br />
with the LRIS attorney believe<br />
that this is a contract issue and<br />
that we may have to file a contract<br />
grievance as like any other<br />
mandated activity like drug<br />
testing, it must be on duty and<br />
free to employees.<br />
Though, I am involved<br />
in the Moderna Study<br />
and have been vaccinated,<br />
I completely and<br />
firmly believe that is an<br />
individual right and no<br />
one should be forced to<br />
receive the vaccine. This<br />
fight is not over, and<br />
we continue to work<br />
with the Attorney Generals<br />
office as well as<br />
our attorneys to protect<br />
our members rights. As of<br />
today, there is still no “portal” to<br />
upload our information, and the<br />
city still does not know how or<br />
where testing will be….<br />
To be continued……<br />
KPRC 2 Investigates: Suspects charged<br />
with killing someone while out on bond.<br />
‘What is the point of having bond conditions when you are not making them accountable?’<br />
Houston – Theresa Seck was<br />
to have celebrated her brother’s<br />
birthday nearly two weeks ago.<br />
Instead, she finds herself - like so<br />
many others - without a response<br />
to a one-word question, why?<br />
“I don’t know what the point is<br />
of having bond conditions when<br />
you are not making them accountable,”<br />
said Seck whose brother,<br />
Patrick Aikens, was gunned down<br />
on September 20, 2020, outside of<br />
his apartment in Houston’s west<br />
side.<br />
The storyline? A similar one, the<br />
man charged with his murder was<br />
out on multiple felony bonds. It’s<br />
a growing trend causing families<br />
across our area a lifetime of pain.<br />
KPRC 2 Investigates highlighted<br />
Aikens on Monday night as the<br />
third-worst example of a failure<br />
in the bond system, according to<br />
Andy Kahan of Crime Stoppers.<br />
Seck blames the Judge in her<br />
brother’s case, Lori Chambers Gray<br />
out of the 262nd Criminal Court,<br />
“She was the last line of defense<br />
to protect the public,” said Seck<br />
who feels judges in these cases,<br />
“just don’t care.”<br />
The other two cases we highlighted<br />
involved suspects provided<br />
bond by Judge Natalia Cornelio<br />
out of the 351st Criminal Court<br />
and Judge Chris Morton out of the<br />
230th Criminal Court.<br />
But what about the others?<br />
To identify who<br />
made the list and<br />
who didn’t, Kahan<br />
spent hours examining<br />
his nearly<br />
140 cases where a<br />
person was killed<br />
by a defendant<br />
who was out on<br />
multiple bonds.<br />
The takeaway<br />
for Kahan, the<br />
Director of Victim<br />
Services<br />
and Advocacy at<br />
Crime Stoppers,<br />
“I couldn’t do it<br />
justice if I had to<br />
do three and that<br />
is pretty sad,” said<br />
Kahan.<br />
Here are the top<br />
eight who made<br />
Kahan’s complete<br />
list of the most<br />
egregious alleged<br />
repeat violent<br />
offenders in Harris<br />
County who went<br />
on to be charged<br />
with murder while<br />
out on bond. Also<br />
listed, the judge<br />
who granted at<br />
least one bond<br />
for each suspect<br />
according to court<br />
records.<br />
Judge Hilary Unger,<br />
248th Criminal Court<br />
Judge Chris Morton,<br />
230th Criminal Court<br />
Judge Abigail Anastasio,<br />
184th Criminal Court<br />
Judge Ramona Franklin,<br />
338th Criminal Court<br />
Judge Lori Chambers Gray,<br />
262nd Criminal Court<br />
Judge Natalia Cornelio,<br />
351st Criminal Court<br />
#8 Michael Mosley<br />
248th Criminal Court, Judge Hilary Unger<br />
#7 Louis Ybarbo<br />
338th Criminal Court, Judge Ramona Franklin<br />
#6 Randy Lewis<br />
3<strong>37</strong>th Criminal Court, Judge Herb Ritchie (Left Office)<br />
Michael Mosley’s criminal history spans<br />
20 years in Harris County. Court records<br />
show Mosley has been charged with<br />
several felonies, including felon in<br />
possession of a weapon. Records show<br />
Mosley was previously charged with<br />
capital murder in 2006 and murder in<br />
2009, but both charges were dropped.<br />
Mosley was charged with murder in<br />
the shooting death of 61-year-old<br />
Larry Lawrence at a convenience store<br />
in December 2020. Two others were<br />
charged with capital murder alongside<br />
Mosley. Detectives said surveillance<br />
video showed one of the suspects shot<br />
Lawrence in the back before taking<br />
items from him.<br />
Harris County records show 21-year-old<br />
Louis Ybarbo has been charged with<br />
several crimes, including assault, aggravated<br />
robbery with a deadly weapon,<br />
and murder. Ybarbo was charged with<br />
the murder of 18-year-old Macario<br />
DeLeon in December 2020. KPRC 2<br />
Investigates highlighted Ybarbo’s case<br />
after reviewing dozens of cases where<br />
repeat violent offenders bonded out<br />
only to later be charged with murder.<br />
Macario’s parents told KPRC 2 Investigates<br />
that they were still angry and<br />
not only blamed Ybarbo, but the judge<br />
who granted him bond. “The judge has<br />
as much blood on their hands, just as<br />
the guy who pulled the trigger,” said<br />
Armando DeLeon, Macario’s father.<br />
In May 2020, Randy Lewis was shot and<br />
killed by HPD after stabbing 80-yearold<br />
Rosalie Cook to death as she was<br />
getting into her car at a Walgreens. Joe<br />
Gamaldi, then-Houston Police Officer’s<br />
Union president, said Lewis had been arrested<br />
67 times and that he was out on<br />
two felony personal bonds at the time<br />
of the murder. Cook’s son said it was<br />
hard to understand his mother’s death<br />
after learning Lewis’ criminal history.<br />
“Yet, on his own personal recognizance,<br />
with a felony conviction for assault, you<br />
let him out. Where’s the sense in that?<br />
The justice system can’t be counted on<br />
in these situations, clearly,” said Chuck<br />
Cook in 2020.<br />
#5 Raul Leon<br />
262nd Criminal Court Judge Lori Chambers Gray<br />
#2 Zacchaeus Gaston<br />
351st Criminal Court, Judge Natalie Cornelio<br />
Raul Leon has been charged in Harris<br />
County with misdemeanors and felony<br />
crimes. His earliest charge, driving while<br />
intoxicated, dates back to 2018. Leon<br />
made bond on several charges, including<br />
evading arrest and carrying a handgun<br />
in a motor vehicle. Leon is charged with<br />
the shooting death of 17-year-old Raul<br />
Zarco in January <strong>2021</strong>. HPD investigators<br />
say it happened when “rival groups” met<br />
for a drug transaction when an argument<br />
broke out that ended with shots<br />
fired. HPD says Leon was out on a felony<br />
offense bond in Harris County when the<br />
shooting happened.<br />
Gaston’s criminal history dates back<br />
to 2011 in Harris County. Court records<br />
show his criminal history ranging from<br />
misdemeanors to felonies, including burglary,<br />
indecency-child exposure, failure<br />
to register as a sex offender, and murder.<br />
Gaston is charged with the murder of<br />
Layla Steele, the mother of his child. The<br />
child was also injured in the shooting<br />
in July <strong>2021</strong>. Family members say Steele<br />
died protecting her son. “I want justice;<br />
and Harris County, I blame you for letting<br />
that boy out on seven felony charges,”<br />
said Shirley Steele, Layla Steele’s mother.<br />
Gaston cut of his ankle monitor the<br />
day of the shooting according to Harris<br />
County Pretrial Services. He was wearing<br />
it as a condition of his bond related<br />
to an aggravated assault charge.<br />
#4 Frederick Jackson<br />
184th Criminal Court, Judge Abigail Anastasio<br />
19-year-old Frederick Jackson’s criminal<br />
court history goes back to 2020 with a<br />
misdemeanor charge of evading arrest.<br />
Jackson has been charged with multiple<br />
burglary charges, both misdemeanors<br />
and felonies, aggravated robbery, and<br />
capital murder. Jackson is one of three<br />
people charged in connection with the<br />
murder of New Orleans police detective<br />
Everett Briscoe and his friend Dyrin<br />
Riculfy. HPD believes the shootings were<br />
a result of a “robbery gone bad” outside<br />
of Grotto Ristorante on Westheimer.<br />
Jackson’s attorney has previously said<br />
that the severity of the charges was just<br />
sinking in and hopes his client will get<br />
the “fairest trial possible in a place that<br />
has not had a history of fair trials.”<br />
#1 Jesus Gallegos<br />
230th Criminal Court, Judge Chris Morton<br />
Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers puts<br />
Jesus Gallegos as number one on his list<br />
of violent offenders who bond out and<br />
go on to re-offend. Gallegos criminal<br />
history in Harris County dates back to<br />
2009 with burglary of a vehicle. Records<br />
show his criminal charges escalated<br />
from misdemeanors to felonies, including<br />
several assault charges, felon in possession<br />
of a weapon, and murder. Gallegos<br />
bonded out at least 10 times over<br />
a span of 12 years, according to court<br />
records. Gallegos is now charged in the<br />
murder of his girlfriend. He’s accused of<br />
beating her to death last <strong>No</strong>vember, just<br />
two days after failing to get fitted for<br />
a GPS angle monitor as a condition for<br />
another bond.<br />
#3 Deerrian Caraway<br />
262nd Criminal Court Judge Lori Chambers Gray<br />
Crimes range from misdemeanors like<br />
theft and indecent exposure, to felonies<br />
like evading arrest, aggravated assault,<br />
and murder. His oldest case in Harris<br />
County dates back to 2012. Harris County<br />
court records show he repeatedly bonded<br />
out or had his bond lowered despite<br />
being charged with violent felonies.<br />
Caraway is charged with the murder<br />
of Patrick Aikens in 2020. Aiken’s sister<br />
recently spoke with KPRC 2 Investigates<br />
and said, “I don’t know what the point is<br />
of having bond conditions when you’re<br />
not making them accountable.”<br />
unning 4 heroes<br />
Total Miles Run in <strong>2021</strong>: (as of 10/2/21): 244<br />
Total Miles Run in 2020: 401<br />
Total Miles Run in 2019: <strong>37</strong>6<br />
Overall Miles Run: 1,021<br />
<strong>2021</strong> Run Stats:<br />
Total Miles Run for <strong>2021</strong> fallen LEO’s (<strong>No</strong>n COVID-19): 119<br />
Total Miles Run for <strong>2021</strong> fallen Firefighters (<strong>No</strong>n COVID-19): 55<br />
Total Miles Run for <strong>2021</strong> fallen COVID-19 Heroes: 24<br />
Total Miles Run for <strong>2021</strong> fallen Canada LEO’s: 2<br />
Total Miles Run for <strong>2021</strong> <strong>No</strong>n Line of Duty Deaths: 0<br />
Total Miles Run for 2020 Fallen LEO’s: 24<br />
Total Miles Run for 2020 Fallen Firefighters: 6<br />
Total Miles Run for 2020/<strong>2021</strong> Fallen K9’s: 0<br />
Total Tribute Runs by State for <strong>2021</strong>: 14<br />
States/Cities Zechariah has run in:<br />
Zechariah<br />
Cartledge:<br />
a True American Hero<br />
Florida - Winter Springs, Lake Mary, Clearwater, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Orlando, Temple Terrace, Blountstown,<br />
Cocoa, Lakeland, Daytona Beach, West Palm Beach<br />
New York - New York City, Weedsport<br />
Georgia - Cumming, Augusta, Savannah<br />
South Carolina - <strong>No</strong>rth Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Sumter<br />
Pennsylvania - Monaca<br />
Illinois - Springfield, Naperville, Glen Ellyn<br />
Texas - Houston (2), Fort Worth, Midland, New Braunfels, Freeport, Madisonville, Irving, Sadler<br />
Kentucky - Nicholasville<br />
Arkansas - Bryant, Hot Springs<br />
Nevada - Henderson<br />
California - Mt. Vernon, La Jolla<br />
Arizona - Mesa<br />
<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina - Concord, Raleigh<br />
Virginia - <strong>No</strong>rton<br />
Tennessee - Bristol<br />
Delaware - Milford<br />
Minnesota - Arden Hills<br />
Indiana - Sullivan, Spencer<br />
Mississippi - Grenada<br />
Missouri - Springfield<br />
Iowa - Independence, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids<br />
Challenges and Strengths of Law Enforcement<br />
Families, Our Unsung Heroes<br />
According to the IACP resource<br />
page (<strong>2021</strong>), the job of a law enforcement<br />
officer is often stressful,<br />
demanding, and dangerous.<br />
The lifestyle and culture of law<br />
enforcement affects more than<br />
just officers. Spouses, partners,<br />
parents. children, and companions<br />
of law enforcement officers<br />
play an integral part in an officer’s<br />
health and wellness. Recently<br />
I read a posting in a social<br />
media forum asking for thoughts<br />
on the greatest challenges encountered<br />
by law enforcement<br />
spouses, partners, and families<br />
and what steps were taken to<br />
adjust or mitigate the consequences.<br />
The insight and feedback<br />
to this post was powerful<br />
and led me to dedicating this<br />
month’s article to our unsung<br />
heroes who support and love our<br />
law enforcement officers every<br />
day from the home front. This<br />
article will provide a very brief<br />
overview of some of the major<br />
challenges, strengths, and offer<br />
a few suggestions for resources.<br />
Many law enforcement spouses,<br />
and partners have described<br />
often feeling alone while their<br />
loved one is working and during<br />
rotating or ever-changing shifts.<br />
One LEO spouse anonymously<br />
shared the following experience,<br />
“It is difficult learning to do<br />
many things alone even though<br />
you’re married. I can’t tell you<br />
how many breakfasts, lunches,<br />
and dinners I have eaten alone<br />
at a restaurant because he got<br />
a call after we ordered or just<br />
never got to the restaurant at all.<br />
Then there are the missed holidays,<br />
birthdays, anniversaries,<br />
and family gatherings. You have<br />
to get to the point where you<br />
understand they are aware and<br />
just as upset or bothered by the<br />
things they miss. Being married<br />
to a LEO is not for everyone. It’s<br />
hard. Then of course there is the<br />
constant fear a spouse carries,<br />
worrying about their LEO, which<br />
has always been there but is<br />
compounded by the hate mongering<br />
these days. I had been<br />
living with the anxiety and fear<br />
for so long that I never realized<br />
the level it had gotten to until he<br />
retired. I was ALWAYS so proud<br />
of him, but the relief was so vast<br />
that for a while after I would find<br />
myself crying from relief at the<br />
weirdest times. Took me a while<br />
to figure out what was going<br />
on and why I was weepy sometimes.”<br />
It is not unusual to experience<br />
a change in communication<br />
patterns in law enforcement<br />
relationships and marriages. As<br />
a law enforcement officer becomes<br />
more ingrained in the<br />
policing culture and with more<br />
years on the job, he or she may<br />
become less communicative<br />
which can decrease intimacy.<br />
This is frequently a psychological<br />
and physiological response to<br />
the biological roller coaster of<br />
exhaustion and hypervigilance.<br />
Hypervigilance on a 24/7 basis<br />
can have profound consequences<br />
to all areas of an officer’s life,<br />
including mental health. Furthermore,<br />
the combination of critical<br />
incident(s), cumulative stressors,<br />
and emotional exhaustion from<br />
hypervigilance can lead to post<br />
traumatic stress disorder which<br />
can also have devastating consequences<br />
for both an officer and<br />
the family.<br />
I have met countless law enforcement<br />
spouses, partners,<br />
and family members over the<br />
years. One of the most consistent<br />
and valuable characteristics<br />
most possess is resiliency. It is<br />
without question once of their<br />
greatest strengths. They often<br />
learn and grow to embrace that<br />
becoming a part of the blue<br />
family requires commitment,<br />
dedication, and understanding.<br />
According to a 2017 Police1<br />
article on marriage and relationships<br />
(Olson and Wasilewski),<br />
officers are often encouraged to<br />
be “more than a cop,” not because<br />
there is anything wrong<br />
with that identity, but it is an<br />
easy identity to get lost in and<br />
so is that of spouse or partner.<br />
Policing can become all-encompassing,<br />
not just for the ones<br />
wearing the uniform, but also for<br />
those who love them. The lifestyle<br />
can become “who you are”<br />
instead of just a part of who you<br />
are. It becomes essential to find<br />
your own purpose and identity<br />
outside of the blue family responsibilities.<br />
One of the most central and<br />
impactful recommendations for<br />
LEO families is to learn how to<br />
enjoy birthdays and holidays on<br />
different days if needed and consistently<br />
practice flexibility for<br />
family events. Embrace the moments<br />
together and make time to<br />
communicate effectively and establish<br />
a safe place to build trust<br />
and intimacy. According to those<br />
in long term law enforcement<br />
marriages or partnerships, these<br />
steps are absolutely instrumental<br />
in having a solid foundation.<br />
Fortunately, there are now numerous<br />
resources today to assist<br />
law enforcement marriages,<br />
relationships, and families. The<br />
IACP has published very valuable<br />
information on their website,<br />
and I highly encourage you<br />
to take a deeper look and most<br />
get your<br />
to The BLUES, scan the<br />
QR code or click here.<br />
importantly please reach out to<br />
a mental health professional if<br />
you need help navigating any of<br />
these challenges.<br />
A Cool New Boat Emerges<br />
with Axopar Brand<br />
Within 30 days of entering my<br />
retirement, I set out on fulfilling a<br />
dream I have had for a long time. I<br />
have always wanted to own a nice<br />
center-console fishing boat and use<br />
it to take family and friends out in<br />
the beautiful waters of the Gulf of<br />
Mexico. I have been on countless<br />
charter fishing trips in my life and<br />
always have been impressed with<br />
the knowledge of the captain and<br />
crew on how to find and catch fish,<br />
regardless of the conditions. It appeals<br />
to my sense of being a hunter<br />
and I too want to learn how to read<br />
the signs given by the open water<br />
and know I can find tuna, mackerel,<br />
mahi, grouper, snapper, and all of<br />
the other great game fish in the Gulf.<br />
The boat acquisition journey<br />
began with my usual amount of<br />
research determining what brand,<br />
size, equipment package,<br />
etc. that would<br />
best suit my area of<br />
Florida and the type<br />
of boating I want to<br />
do. Additionally, my<br />
wife and I agreed<br />
that we wanted a<br />
boat that she would<br />
enjoy as much as me<br />
when we take our<br />
family and friends out<br />
for cruising, not just<br />
fishing. Well, I found<br />
some nice hybrid<br />
boats that offer a lot<br />
for both fishing and<br />
family cruising and<br />
was almost ready to lock down on<br />
a boat when I by chance went to an<br />
in-the-water boat show in Maine<br />
and discovered a most unusual<br />
looking boat called the Axopar <strong>37</strong>XC.<br />
The “<strong>37</strong>” stands for <strong>37</strong>-foot long and<br />
the “XC“ stands for Crossover Cabin.<br />
When you climb on board this cool<br />
looking vessel you feel like it is a<br />
cross between a center-console, a<br />
cabin cruiser, and a family boat but<br />
my wife describes it as an RV on the<br />
water. Axopar is a company based<br />
in Finland and the boats are built in<br />
Poland. They are luxury recreational<br />
boats that serve as family cruisers,<br />
offshore fishing boats, and commercial<br />
charter boats. Their unusual<br />
look comes from their sharp bow<br />
that cuts through waves and chop<br />
and the pilot house that totally encloses<br />
the helm. I am going to outfit<br />
an Axopar <strong>37</strong>XC for fishing along the<br />
Florida Coast, complete with outriggers,<br />
live well, and a rigging table<br />
but will also have full AC in the pilot<br />
house and cabin below and wet bar<br />
at the stern. Axopar really wants to<br />
be known as the adventure company<br />
so they also equip their boats<br />
with a rack on top of the pilot house<br />
to allow for a kayak and a couple<br />
of bikes for those day trips to local<br />
ports where you can explore both<br />
onshore and offshore. Sounds like a<br />
perfect day on the water to me.<br />
There are just some many cool<br />
features I have discovered about<br />
Axopar that if you are in the market<br />
for that boat of a lifetime, you<br />
must experience an Axopar. While<br />
my boat is going to fit my retirement<br />
lifestyle in Florida, the<br />
Axopar 28 that won the<br />
2020 boat of the year<br />
would be great for the<br />
many lakes around the<br />
US, and for 2022 they<br />
are introducing a 25’<br />
model. Go check out<br />
their website (axopar.<br />
fi) for full videos and<br />
press releases. My boat<br />
will not be ready until<br />
March of next year, so<br />
for now I just have to<br />
dream so more, but<br />
soon it will become a<br />
reality.<br />
For local inquiries, contact Jordan<br />
Thomas Nurse at Nautical Ventures,<br />
jordan@nauticalventures.com or (727)<br />
518-5021.<br />
Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/10/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Frisco Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/07/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Plano Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/30/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Calhoun County ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/10/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Woodway Public Safety Department Get Info Public Safety Officer 10/28/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Texas State Technical College Get Info Police Officer 11/12/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Bryan Police Department Get Info Police Officer 10/08/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff 10/08/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Texarkana Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Texas State University Police Department Get Info Director & Chief 10/09/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Get Info Peace Officer 10/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Texas Woman’s University Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/13/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Texas State Technical College Police Dept. Get Info Peace Officer 11/12/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Dallam County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 10/17/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Victoria Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/16/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Windcrest Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/17/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Crtoss Roads Polilce Department Get Info Police Department 10/18/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Ector County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 10/17/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Plano Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/22/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Rollingwood Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer 10/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Highland Village Police Department Get Info Criminal Investigation Detective 10/25/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
West Lake Hills Police Get Info Peace Officer 10/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Dallas County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 11/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 12pm<br />
Bexar County Constable Pct. 3 Get Info Peace Officer 11/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Onalaska Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
El Paso Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office Get Info Arson Investigator (Part Time) 12/08/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Office of Attorney General Get Info Peace Officer 11/07/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
City of Spur Get Info Chief of Police 11/08/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Argyle Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Amarillo Police Department Get Info Peace Officer (Recruit & Lateral)12/07/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Mesquite Police Department Get Info Peace Officers 10/29/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Wise County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Peace Officer 11/08/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Chapel Hill ISD <strong>No</strong>rtheast Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/29/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Somerville Police Department Get Info Chief of Police 10/10/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
City of Llano Get Info Peace Officer 10/10/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Crowley Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/10/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
University of Texas at Arlington PD Get Info Peace Officer 10/06/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Denison Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/09/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Southwestern Baptist Police Department Get Info Peace officer 11/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Randall County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Peace Officer 10/07/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Bruceville-Eddy Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/31/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Johnson City Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/13/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Carrollton Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/16/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Delta County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 10/31/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Springbranch ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Garza County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 11/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Austin Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/14/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Ferris ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Stratford Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Marfa Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/16/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Granite Shoals Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/16/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Shelby County Sheriff's Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/17/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Austin ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 12/17/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Iowa Colony Police Department Get Info Investigator Sergeant 11/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Iowa Colony Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Rains ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Liberty Hills ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 8am<br />
City of Leon Valley Get Info Peace Officer 10/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Mesquite Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/29/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Lee County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 10/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
South San Antonio ISD Get Info Peace Officer 10/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Ochiltree County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Peace Officer 11/19/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Meridian Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Clifton Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Friendswood Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/15/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Memorial Villages Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Hollywood Park Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/20/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Alief ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Lancaster Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 10/07/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Armstrong County Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 11/27/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
College of the Mainland Police Department Get Info Peace Officer (PT) 11/26/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Mainland Police Department Get Info Peace Officer (FT) 11/26/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Sachse Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 11/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Denton County Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 12/20/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Ector County Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 10/17/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Denton County Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 12/20/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Richardson Police Department Get Info Jailer 11/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 12pm<br />
Van Zandt County Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 11/01/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Delta County Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 10/31/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Lee County Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 10/23/<strong>2021</strong> - 5pm<br />
Bryan, Texas<br />
The Bryan Police Department, a Civil Service Department, is currently accepting applications for Police Officer (<strong>No</strong>n-<br />
Certified or Certified). We are seeking individuals with integrity who are committed to public service, dedicated and<br />
professional, with a willingness and compassion to work together with the citizens of Bryan to maintain a healthy<br />
and safe community.<br />
Starting Salary:<br />
$57,000 (as non-certified Cadet) up to $82,762 (depending on certification)<br />
*Range pending approval 10/4/21<br />
Application Deadline:<br />
Friday, October 8, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Written Exam Date:<br />
Friday, October 15, <strong>2021</strong><br />
(For those who successfully pass the written exam, the physical fitness assessment will be immediately following.)<br />
Minimum Qualifications:<br />
• U.S. Citizen;<br />
• High School Diploma or have a high school equivalency certificate/GED;<br />
• At least 21 years of age and not more than 44 years of age at the time of hire;<br />
• Valid Texas driver’s license with good driving record at the time of hire;<br />
• Good moral character, stable employment record and no history of any conduct which may affect suitability for<br />
law enforcement work;<br />
• If applicable, military service discharge must be under honorable conditions as stipulated on DD-214 form;<br />
• <strong>No</strong> felony or Class A misdemeanor convictions; no Class B misdemeanor convictions within the past (10) years.<br />
Application Instructions:<br />
To apply and/or to view more information regarding the application and testing process click here and follow the<br />
instructions provided. You will receive an online confirmation number upon successfully submitting your application.<br />
You will also receive a confirmation email from Human Resources within a week of submitting your application.<br />
The City of Bryan is an Equal Opportunity Employer<br />
• Paid Vacation<br />
• Sick Leave<br />
• Paid Holidays<br />
• Personal Days<br />
• Compensatory Days<br />
• Certification Pay<br />
The Walker County Sheriff’s Department is now accepting applications for the position of Patrol Deputy. We are a family based department that is dedicated to<br />
preserving the lives and property of the citizens of Walker County which is currently around 73,000 residents. As a Patrol Deputy within our department, you would<br />
be patrolling over 800 square miles of small towns, national forest and East Texas countryside. Our county seat is the town of Huntsville, Texas which has many of<br />
the comforts and amenities of larger city while still providing a small town atmosphere.<br />
now accepting applications for<br />
Full-Time Police Officers<br />
Salary starting at $50,000<br />
with no experience<br />
OR<br />
Contact the Personnel<br />
Department at<br />
281-985-7571<br />
OR<br />
Contact Sergeant R. Hall at<br />
281-442-4923<br />
• Physical Agility Test<br />
• Written Exam<br />
• Oral Board Panel Interview<br />
• Complete Personal History Statement<br />
• Psychological Evaluation<br />
• Medical Examination<br />
• Interview with the Chief of Police<br />
Perks:<br />
• Starting Salary: $55,160.00<br />
• Retirement: Vested after 8 years in TCDRS. Every $1 invested in retirement is matched 210%.<br />
• Insurance provider: Blue Cross Blue Shield<br />
• Equipment: Uniforms & Patrol Equipment Provided. Currently issuing Glock 22’s and Colt SBR Rifles.<br />
• Vehicles: Take home Chevy Tahoe • Schedule: 12 hour shifts, every other weekend off.<br />
• Time Off: Paid Vacation / Holidays on a yearly basis. • Patrol Style: Proactive /Community Based Policing<br />
Requirements: Must be TCLOE Certified; Must have a valid Texas Drivers License;<br />
Must pass a written & physical test; Must complete a rigorous Field Training Program in a timely manner.<br />
Memorial Villages Police Department<br />
Bunker Hill • Piney Point• Hunters Creek<br />
Police Officer<br />
EOE/M/F/D<br />
5+ Years Patrol Experience Required<br />
The Memorial Villages Police Department (Located on the West Side of Houston) currently has<br />
openings for experienced officers who are self- motivated and enthusiastic about community<br />
policing. We have overwhelming support of our communities and encourage our officers to be<br />
proactive and innovative.<br />
$1500 Sign on Bonus<br />
Starting Salary Range<br />
$71,179 – $82,808 (DOQ)<br />
• Healthcare Insurance, DHMO Dental, Vision – 100% paid for employee, 50% for<br />
spouse/dependents.<br />
• Paid long-term disability and life insurance for employee, with additional life insurance<br />
available for spouse/dependents.<br />
• Health Savings Account with departmental contributions up to $4200 annually<br />
• TMRS Retirement 2 to 1 match, 7% Employee ,14% Employer Contribution.<br />
• 457 Plan with employer contribution of 2% of annual salary<br />
• Bi-Lingual Pay (2.5% of Base salary)<br />
• Shift Differential Pay $3600 annually<br />
• Tuition reimbursement<br />
• Longevity Pay up to a max of $2400 annually at 10 years of service.<br />
• College Education incentive up to $3000 for a master’s degree<br />
• LEMIT or FBI NA pay $1200 annually.<br />
• ECA (Emergency Care Assistant) $1300 Annually, training provided to each employee.<br />
• 12 hour shifts with every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.<br />
• Officer certification pay, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master up to 7.5% of Salary.<br />
To learn more or apply, visit our website at www.mvpdtx.org<br />
Or contact Sgt. Owens 713-365-<strong>37</strong>11 or lowens@mvpdtx.org<br />
Or Commander E. Jones 713-365-<strong>37</strong>06 ejones@mvpdtx.org<br />
11981 Memorial Dr. Houston, Texas 77024<br />
MAKE A<br />
IN YOUR<br />
We are looking for outstanding individuals to<br />
join our team! As a Pearland Police Officer your<br />
mission will be to prevent crime and disorder, build<br />
partnerships within the community, and positively<br />
impact the quality of life for all our residents.<br />
• Competitive Salary • Outstanding Training<br />
• Career Advancement • Exceptional Benefits<br />
The City of Pearland is one of the fastest growing<br />
communities within the region. Pearland is located<br />
approximately 20 minutes south of Downtown Houston<br />
and the current population is approximately 130,000<br />
residents.<br />
$5,000 Hiring Incentive for T.C.O.L.E Certified Police<br />
Officers who qualify with at least 2 years of experience.<br />
TEST DATE:<br />
SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 8:30 A.M.<br />
Register by: April 12.<br />
Pearland Recreation Center & Natatorium<br />
4141 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX 77584.<br />
Doors Open: 7:15 a.m. <strong>No</strong> admittance after 7:45 a.m.<br />
Candidates must park in the north parking lot.<br />
• Attendance limited to first 150 arrivals<br />
• Mandatory temperature checks<br />
• Masks required, hand sanitizer available<br />
• Candidates seated 6 feet apart<br />
<br />
<br />
•Be a citizen of the nited tates able to read,<br />
write, and speak the English language<br />
• Have a high school diploma or equivalency certificate .E.. certified by<br />
the issuing agency with:<br />
0 credit hours with a cumulative PA of 2.0 or higher on a .0 scale from an accredited<br />
institute of higher learning or<br />
- Minimum 24 months of active duty service with an honorable discharge authenticated by<br />
a Member 2 or Member orm 21 or<br />
15 credit hours with a cumulative PA of 2.0 or higher on a .0 scale in addition to Basic<br />
Peace Officer Certification from TCOLE or<br />
An Intermediate Peace Officer Certification from TCOLE<br />
• Valid driver’s license with acceptable driving record<br />
• Must meet all legal requirements necessary to become a licensed Peace Officer by the Texas<br />
Commission on Law Enforcement TCOLE.<br />
• Be between 21 and 5 years of age at the time of the examination or<br />
• Be between 18 and 21 years of age if the applicant has received an associate’s degree or 60<br />
semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university or has received an honorable<br />
discharge from the armed forces of the nited tates after at least two years of active service.<br />
: Cadet $1. hourly Police Officer $2. hourly.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
April 12, <strong>2021</strong>. Applications will not be accepted after this date.<br />
Submit applications online by visiting pearlandtx.gov/careers.<br />
pecial accommodations are available when necessary to aord equal opportunity to participate<br />
in testing. Please make request in writing, five business days prior to the test date to City of<br />
Pearland, HR Department, 3519 Liberty Drive, Pearland, TX 77581.<br />
or questions regarding the application process please contact Terene uddsohnson at<br />
281.652.1617 or hr@pearlandtx.gov.<br />
List will remain in eect for one 1 year or until exhausted, whichever is sooner.<br />
126 The For BLUES additional POLICE information MAGAZINE and to register for an upcoming Civil Service Exam, visit<br />
Come join the Plano Police Department<br />
Plano Police Department currently employs over 414 peace officers, who are dedicated individuals that<br />
work with the community to create and maintain a safe, secure environment for our residents and visitors.<br />
We are a diverse department, which is a reflection of the various cultures within the community, and offering<br />
many different opportunities to promote the safety of the citizens which we serve.<br />
Registration Deadline:<br />
Friday, July 30, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Register at:<br />
https://www.plano.gov/1183/Employment<br />
The Plano Police Department will conduct<br />
a Civil Service Examination in order to<br />
establish an eligibility list for the position<br />
of Entry-level Police Officer. The eligibility<br />
list is created as a result of this examination<br />
and application process will remain in effect<br />
for a period of (6) months (beginning<br />
on date of test) or until the list has been<br />
exhausted, whichever occurs first.<br />
For more information:<br />
Contact the Plano Police recruiter<br />
Officer Andrae Smith at:<br />
andraes@plano.gov<br />
or go to our website at:<br />
ppdrecruiting@plano.gov<br />
Washington County 911<br />
E-911 Director<br />
Responsibilities:<br />
• Directs and administers E-911 operations;<br />
• Supervises E-911 Dispatchers and other department personnel;<br />
• Prepares and maintains reports and files for federal, state, and local authorities;<br />
• Defines goals, sets expectations, and provides performance oversight and guidance to hiring and<br />
retention plans, quality assurance program(s), budget/purchasing, support service projects,<br />
department records management and Public Information Requests;<br />
• Provides administrative presence during emergency management situations.<br />
Education and Experience:<br />
• Requires High School graduation or graduate equivalent degree;<br />
• Valid Texas Driver’s License or acceptable alternative transportation method;<br />
• Five years of experience in emergency dispatching;<br />
• Five years progressively responsible experience in emergency communications management<br />
with broad exposure and practical application of emergency communications systems and<br />
associated software support systems;<br />
• Experience in a county governmental entity preferred;<br />
• Equivalent combination of education, training, and experience that provides the required<br />
knowledge, skills and abilities.<br />
Knowledge Skills and Abilities:<br />
• Must possess a working knowledge of current laws, operations, trends and overall management of a<br />
911 center;<br />
• Must be available for emergency call-ins on weekends, holidays, disasters and after hours to support<br />
mission critical 24/7/365 operations;<br />
• General management principles, Computer Aided Dispatch Systems, 911 call-taking and<br />
dispatching procedures;<br />
• Ability to perform as a telecommunications operator.<br />
Certifications and Licensure:<br />
• Certification as an operator of the Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications system (TLETS) or<br />
ability to acquire within one year;<br />
• Bachelor’s degree in Business, Communications or a related field preferred;<br />
• Association of Public Safety Communications Officials Registered Public Safety Leader (APCO<br />
RPL), National Emergency Number Association Center Manager Certification Program (NENA<br />
CMCP), or NENA Emergency Number Professional (ENP) certification(s) preferred.<br />
Human Resources Office<br />
Washington County Annex Building<br />
105 West Main, Suite 101 • Brenham, Texas<br />
hr@wacounty.com<br />
Equal Opportunity Employer<br />