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ACTIVE Lifestyle



The Holiday Hustle

By Marietta McClure, Head Trainer, McClure Fitness

Holiday season is upon us, which

means the hustle and bustle of life

increases. Adding the shopping, parties

and decorating to our already busy

lives can be exhausting. So it is only

normal that when things start piling

up, exercise is one of the first things

you cut. If you’ve done that before, it’s

time for a come-to-Jesus moment.

Look, I know you’re tired. I

know you’ve got too much on your

plate right now. But I promise that

sacrificing that one hour you spend

on yourself won’t fix anything. It will

just set you up for a tougher road.

If you hear me out, I’ll explain why

you should stick with your workouts

and how you can beat the fatigue

and gain more energy. SPOILER: It’s

not a magic pill (sorry not sorry).

Why Even Bother?

“I’m too tired to work out.”

Have you ever said that?

Want to hear something crazy?

Working out actually gives you

energy. It’s hard to believe that

when your alarm goes off for that

5 a.m. bootcamp, or when you just

got off work from the Monday-est

Tuesday ever, but it’s still true.

Skipping a workout because you’re

too tired is a very slippery slope. The

more sedentary your lifestyle becomes,

the harder it is to break out of that

cycle. If you’re sick or injured, you need

10 • Saline County Lifestyles

to rest. Otherwise, don’t let the excuse

of being tired stop you from something

that can help you beat the fatigue.

When you get your workout in,

you are creating energy by releasing

endorphins, managing stress, and

getting blood flow and oxygen to

the brain and organs. You’ll also

have improved sleep, which helps

you feel more refreshed during

the day (I’ll come back to this).

When you have that negative

talk in your head trying to

convince you it’s no biggie to skip

a workout, just remember…

Get Over Yourself

Seriously, you can’t let that kind of

negativity bring you down, because

it will (and fast). Think about how

good it feels when you finish a

workout. Imagine the rush you get

when you are pushing through.

Even if you don’t feel up for

your regular workout, you’ve got

options. No matter what, get

your body moving. Here are some

exercises that are guaranteed to

snap you out of that tiredness.

HIIT Class

A HIIT class when you’re tired

is like jumping into a cold pool.

It’s more mind over matter – you

know it’s going to be intense, but

you have to stop over-thinking and

do it anyway. This will quickly get

your body and mind in gear.

High-Rep/Low Weight

Lifting heavy weights requires a

level of focus to avoid injury that you

simply may not have when you’re tired.

Lifting lighter with more reps can be

rhythmic, and you can rely a little on

muscle memory to get through the

sets (don’t slack too much, though).


If you need a reset and are

determined to get moving, give

yoga a shot. Yoga is a great way

to re-center, especially if you feel

mentally scattered and fatigued.

It’s relatively low-intensity but can

still give you a boost of energy.

Check Your Priorities

Trust me, I know what it feels like to

over-commit. Everyone has a million

things going, and we all have our

breaking point. When fatigue sets in

and something has to give, I know for

me, it’s time to check my priorities.

One thing I would never give up is

my workout even if I didn’t run a gym.

I want to make it easy for you to get

that workout in, no matter what. So

stick with your workouts—especially if

you’re tired. The future version of you

will be so grateful that you invested

in the today version of you! •

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