The Shakerite VOL 91 ISSUE I

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world outside,” he said.

Polster proposed one solution

to religious intolerance: adding

more varied and diverse religious

material to school curricula. “The

only religious material I see in

school is our English teachers

saying, ‘Do you get this Bible reference?’

And I think that’s hard

for people who either are not religious

or follow a different religion,”

Polster said. She said that

the curriculum should match the

diversity in the community. “In

time, hopefully this can inspire

other schools around the state

and the country to adopt a more

inclusive curriculum,” she said.

While circumstances in Mexico

and India demonstrate severe

religious inequality, in America,

religious intolerance is appearing

Data from bestplaces.net, photo

by Hilary Shakelton.

on college campuses.

The University of Indiana conducted

a multi-institutional study

on the frequency of students facing

religious discrimination. The

sample size included students

of multiple religions and ranged

from undergraduate colleges to

graduate schools. They were each

asked if they experienced religious

intolerance in the past year.

One in four students reported experiencing

at least one instance

of religious intolerance in the

past year, with non-Christian relgions

such as followers of Islam,

Judism and Hinduism making up

the majority of that number.

As SHHS graduates enter college

and the workforce, they must

be aware of the differences between

the Shaker community and

those they are entering. Having

little experience with religious

intolerance means students may

not know how to deal with being

a witness to or victim of persecution.

“If students are met with general

hate speech, try to report to

counselors or authority, and understand

we are in a world that

doesn’t always understand your

beliefs,” Palmeri said.

Palmeri stressed the importance

of having a supportive community

to talk to. Said Palmeri,

“Try to find support in social circles

or your religious community,

and don’t be bothered by the opinion

of others.

Spring 2021 THE SHAKERITE 21

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