November-December 2021

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New NHEG Heights Magazine Educational | November Group - December

According to the National Center for PTSD, there are three factors that

increase the risk of a child developing PTSD. They are: how severe

the traumatic event is, the parental reaction to it, and the physical

proximity of the child to the event. Children who have experienced the

most severe traumas are at the greatest risk. When the families of

distressed children are supportive and/or when children are further

removed from the trauma, they are less likely to exhibit symptoms of


PTSD symptoms in children can include:

• recurring nightmares

• sleeplessness

• fearfulness

• irritability

• agitation

• intense vigilance

• avoidance

• separation anxiety

• change in school performance

• emotional numbness

• social withdrawal

• lost of interest in activities

• angry outbursts

• difficulty concentrating

• guilt

• worry for others

• physical complaints

Children with PTSD often have persistent, frightening thoughts and

are preoccupied with danger. They may reenact the traumatic event

in repetitive play, retell it often, or use art to illustrate what happened.

However, unlike most children, their reactions are compulsive and do

not seem to reduce their level of anxiety.

Some children are able to recover from a traumatic event by themselves,

while others cannot. Children with severe symptoms can recover

by participating in therapy with trained mental health professionals

who have expertise in treating PTSD victims. Medication to alleviate

serious symptoms may be prescribed by a psychiatrist. Taking medicine

can assist children in coping with school and other daily living

activities while treatment continues. Support groups or group therapy

can be useful in helping children learn that they are not the only ones

who have PTSD. Groups also provide a safe atmosphere in which children

can share personal feelings.

A child’s teacher and/or school counselor can play an important role

in recognizing and facilitating a child’s recovery from a severe

Help the Child at School

Provide a familiar, calm, consistent environment

Create an atmosphere in which the child feels safe to reenact or discuss

a trauma, or express his or her feelings without judgment -- yet

do not pressure the child to do so

Be aware of certain activities that may trigger the child’s anxiety or

regression and safeguard against them

If you suspect that the child is a danger to him or herself or others,

seek help immediately

Elicit Parental Cooperation

After observing and recording the child’s behaviors, share the information

with the parent

Listen to the parent’s ideas concerning the child and any exposure

he or she may have had to a traumatic event * If deemed appropriate,

encourage the parent to seek a professional opinion concerning

the child’s condition

Ways To Help a Parent

Stress that the parent should consider the child’s developmental

level when discussing a traumatic event

State the importance of keeping a child’s routine as normal as possible,

and that the child may need extra love, support and reassurance

to feel safe

Encourage the parent to listen if the child wants to talk, but not to

force him or her to do so

Stress the importance of reassuring a child that his or her feelings

are normal

Emphasize that the child needs to hear that he or she is not to

blame for what happened

Comment that distressed children often exhibit regressive behaviors

such as those of a younger child, so being critical of a child’s

immature actions could be detrimental

Since feeling out-of-control is a common symptom, propose that the

parent provide opportunities for the child to make simple decisions

for him or herself

If the parent seems distraught, suggest that he or she try to find

emotional support, so that the parent can be available to help the


Keep lines of communication open between the parent and school




By Leah Davies, M.Ed.

Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) have difficulty processing

information. They do the same thing again and again to alleviate

their unwanted and distressful thoughts. These illogical thoughts, urges

and images are called obsessions and can include marked fear of germs,

being hurt, hurting someone, and doubting themselves. It is estimated

that one to two percent of American children have OCD and that a correct

diagnosis and appropriate treatment are often unavailable.

Obsessions lead to compulsive actions or rituals that individuals are driven

to perform. Some examples are: excessive hand washing, hoarding, arranging

things in exact order, and repeatedly checking to see if the stove

or faucet is turned off. Other compulsions are continually repeating words

or numbers and avoiding certain objects or situations that an individual

may perceive as harmful.

Although OCD usually begins in adolescence or young adulthood, elementary-aged

children, as well as preschoolers, have been diagnosed with

OCD. In primary school children with OCD usually become aware that

their thinking or actions are different than those of their peers and family

members. They often begin to think of themselves as being stupid or crazy.

Other common reactions are embarrassment or hiding or suppressing

their symptoms. As a result their self-esteem is adversely affected.

OCD can significantly interfere with a child’s normal functioning, academic

progress and social relationships. Particular obsessions seem to

change as children grow older. Some sufferers experience a progression

of traits, while others have symptoms that increase and decrease over

time. The disorder may last a lifetime.

A child with OCD may exhibit the following behaviors at school:

• Rechecks work repeatedly;

• Erases and rewrites assignments;

• Orders or arranges things in a certain way;

• Insists that his or her things must stay in exactly the same place;

• Repeats words or numbers over and over;

• Tries to avoid certain areas of school;

• Hoards items;

• Tattles on other students;

• Appears preoccupied, anxious, temperamental, and/or pressured;

• Washes hands often;

• Exhibits poor eating habits;

• Lacks energy and physical well-being;

• Complains often of having a headache or an upset stomach;

• Displays inadequate social skills; and/or

• Hides or ignores his or her compulsive behaviors.

Behaviors that may occur at home, include:

• Exhibiting symptoms that take up most of his or her energy and time;


• Spending more than one hour per day to complete rituals;

• Taking long showers;

• Changing clothes often;

• Expressing concern that if the rituals are not completed correctly,

the day will be ruined;

• Becoming antagonistic if someone tries to interrupt his or her

• Following a predetermined set of procedures without variation; with the disorder see: www.schoolbehavior.com .

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• Having unrealistic fears;

• Expressing concern that germs, dirt, or toxic substances may

cause him or

• her to become ill;

• Avoiding eating certain foods for fear that they may be contaminated;

• Stating safety concerns about him or herself and/or family


• Repeatedly checking to see if the doors and windows are


• Having worries involving religion and/or moral issues;

• Praying repeatedly;

• Stating the fear that he or she may have harmed himself or

others; and/or

• Verbalizing concern about losing control and behaving inappropriately

or aggressively.

Questions to Consider

1. Has the child been diagnosed with other disorders such as

Tourette’s syndrome, tic disorder, panic disorder, social phobia,

developmental disability, depression, oppositional defiant

disorder or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder?

2. How long (weeks, months, years) has the behavior been


3. How often during a day does he or she exhibit illogical behavior?

4. In what ways do the child’s actions interfere with his or her

daily living activities?

If a child’s behavior is extreme, the teacher, school counselor and/

or administrator need to meet with a parent or guardian to share

their concerns.

Children with OCD are usually treated by an adolescent psychiatrist

with a combination of cognitive and behavioral techniques

and, at times, medication. The disorder often occurs in families,

but a child may be diagnosed with OCD without a family history

of the disorder. Open communication among all of those involved

with the child is necessary to increase understanding of the complex

issues associated with OCD.

For more information on OCD and ways to accommodate students

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