24 Seven November 2021

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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Novembe`r 2021 Issue

Cultivate an Abundance Mindset

Written by Linda Mitchell, CPC, LMT


Have you caught yourself

thinking with a scarcity mindset? These types of thoughts

come from a scarcity mindset: there isn’t enough, I can’t do

that, it’s already been done, this will never work, it’s too scary,

etc. It’s an easy rabbit-hole to go down but if you catch yourself,

you can flip the switch. What would it be like to adopt an

abundance mindset and squash that scarcity mindset?

An abundant thinker welcomes competition, looks for

collaboration opportunities and feels optimistic about the

future. It’s not about a winner and a loser. There are many

winners because there’s enough for everyone. With an

abundance mindset you’ll feel more in control of your life.

You’ll feel empowered, more engaged and more positive about

life in general.

Those are some pretty great benefits, so let’s start with some

foundational concepts for cultivating one.

Think big and see the big picture. When setting big goals

immediately start believing you’re capable of achieving it.

You’ll see it when you believe it - read that sentence again -

because it’s true!

Positivity is pivotal. An important part of cultivating an

abundance mindset is the practice of finding good in any

situation. Are you a glass half-empty or a glass half-full type

of person? If you’re not quite there, don’t worry. Optimism

is a trait you can develop. You can train yourself to be more

positive and as a result, you’ll also be happier and more


Expect good outcomes. In addition to the happiness that

optimism brings, it can also make you wealthier and healthier.

How? When you expect good outcomes, you more readily take

consistent action to make them happen. Foster optimism

daily by squashing the negative self-talk in your head and

choosing more empowering words instead: I can and I will,

I’ve got this, there’s a solution, etc. These positive phrases

prime your subconscious, help re-wire your brain for success

and reinforce self-confidence.

Set a daily intention. Before stepping out of bed, take a

moment to set your intention for the day. There are many

different ways to do this but begin by simply choose a word

or phrase that resonates with the energy, spirit, or attitude

you want to carry throughout your day. This will be your

compass, helping focus your thoughts, energy and time more


Celebrate the success of others. When people close to you

achieve something, feel happy for them, even if it’s something

you also want. Just because they have it doesn’t mean you

can’t. The success of others is not your failure; it just proves

it can be done. And, you can too! Recognize that there are

plenty of opportunities and there is enough for everyone. Be

proactive and keep an open mind. Remain in the energy of

celebration, possibility and expectation.

Practicing gratitude is another important piece. Every

morning name one reason you’re grateful for the day ahead.

Every evening before bed identify at least one thing you’re

grateful for. When you dwell in gratitude regularly, you

expand the positive circumstances, relationships and energy

in your life. The more you practice gratitude the more you’ll

find to be grateful for – it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy which

certainly leads to more abundance and a more joyful state

of being.

Abundance is about much more than money and finances.

An abundance mindset is about the expansion of possibility.

It’s about the expectation of success, joy, love, good fortune

and enjoyable relationships. Adopt an abundance mindset

and watch each of these expand in your life!

About The Author


Linda Mitchell is a board-certified coach, speaker, intuitive healer

and LMT. She empowers people who are stuck, overwhelmed,

or ready for change, to move through life’s transitions and challenges

with more ease, clarity, confidence and purpose as they

release stress and struggle and step into their highest purpose.

To Learn More Visit:


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