Liphook Community Magazine Winter 2021

The Liphook Community Magazine exists to help maintain, encourage and initiate aspects of community life in which individuality, creativeness and mutual fellowship can flourish. It is produced and distributed by volunteers, free, to every household in the Parish of Bramshott and Liphook. It is financed by advertising and donations from individuals and organisations.

The Liphook Community Magazine exists to help maintain, encourage and initiate aspects of community life in which individuality, creativeness and mutual fellowship can flourish. It is produced and distributed by volunteers, free, to every household in the Parish of Bramshott and Liphook. It is financed by advertising and donations from individuals and organisations.


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A weed is a plant that grows in the wrong place. This summer

Liphook in Bloom had first-hand experience of a broad range of

plants growing in the wrong place. There were dandelions - we all

know about them, they have very deep roots and are quite persistent,

but are a staple food for some wildlife. Then there’s green alkanet

which has pretty blue flowers, herb bennet with yellow buttercup

flowers, herb robert with pink flowers, creeping buttercup and

groundsel. They were all growing in our flowerbeds, but the most

prolific were the chickweed and oxalis. One of our helpers is always

happy to take home sacks of chickweed for her chickens - so it

does have some use! Over the years we have often had to deal with

chickweed, but oxalis has become a recent nuisance as it spreads

by explosive seeds and underground bubils. All these plants have a

place in our ecosystem, but not in a formal flowerbed. Liphook in

Bloom is working hard to encourage wildflowers in the right place,

as in our designated wildflower beds on the Millennium Green; the

Parish Council also have designated wildflower areas on the grass

verges outside Radford Park.

The summer started well, the flowerbeds and baskets looked wonderful

at the end of June and early July but then the weeds took over and

were literally choking the flowers that we had spent time and

money nurturing. One of the reasons was probably the warm wet

weather, but another reason was that this year we did not mulch

the beds. Usually we spread mulch over the beds after planting and

this helps to suppress the weeds. The decision not to mulch this

year was financial. Liphook in Bloom is a voluntary organisation

largely dependent on sponsorship. Due to the pandemic our funding

has been significantly less and just as businesses have been struggling,

so too has Liphook in Bloom.

We know that the community appreciate all that we do. It is lovely

on a working day when a member of the public comes up and says

thank you for all that we do.

For the first time ever, we are now appealing to you to help us

financially by making a donation if you can, however small.

Fletchers Field after


Millennium bed before weeding.

Fletchers Field before


We would be pleased to receive your donation either by

Cheque/Cash or Electronic Bank Transfer.

Please make cheques or transfers payable to Liphook in Bloom

Cheques/Cash should be sent to:

The Treasurer, 36 Longmoor Road, Liphook GU30 7NY

Electronic transfers should be made to:

Account No 29610360. Sort Code 30-93-94

Please state ‘Appeal’ and Your Name as reference.

Thank You

Millennium bed after weeding

We understand that you may not be in a position to help us

financially, but we are always pleased to welcome new members

and helpers. If you are able to help us in any way we would love to

hear from you.

Please contact us via our website: www.liphookinbloom.co.uk

or give Joan Holdsworth a call on: 01428 724903.

Barbara Miller


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