Woodbridge Advertiser/AuctionLists.ca - 2021-12-22

Woodbridge Advertiser/AuctionLists.ca - 2021-12-22

Woodbridge Advertiser/AuctionLists.ca - 2021-12-22


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Old Time News<br />

Originally Published in the January 17, 1946 Issue of The <strong>Woodbridge</strong> <strong>Advertiser</strong><br />

EARLY DUCK EGGS, Malton — A duck owned by Mrs. William Brander, Malton,<br />

is getting down to work early this season. The duck produced her first egg on<br />

Saturday and followed this up with a second one on Sunday. Such and early<br />

start is considered quite unusual by poultry-men.<br />


MOURNED — Mrs. Elbert C.<br />

Pillsworth, 30,<br />

fatally assaulted<br />

in her home at<br />

Brampton on<br />

Saturday evening.<br />

Jan. <strong>12</strong>, is widely<br />

mourned by a host<br />

of friends not only<br />

in Brampton but<br />

also in <strong>Woodbridge</strong>,<br />

Orangeville and<br />

other Peel County<br />

communities.<br />

Collapsing near the<br />

telephone in their<br />

home after the operator<br />

at Brampton<br />

exchange heard only a<br />

few words of her plaintiff<br />

<strong>ca</strong>ll for help, she<br />

later was found unconscious<br />

by her husband.<br />

He had rushed home from<br />

his Brampton radio store<br />

after advised by the telephone<br />

operator that something<br />

was wrong. She died<br />

in a Toronto hospital the following<br />

morning without<br />

regaining consciousness.<br />

Brampton town council has<br />

offered a reward of $1,000<br />

for information leading to<br />

apprehension and conviction<br />

of there murderer.<br />

Until two and a half years ago,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Pillsworth had<br />

resided in <strong>Woodbridge</strong> where the<br />

former had operated a radio<br />

store. Leaving <strong>Woodbridge</strong>, Mr.<br />

Pillsworth be<strong>ca</strong>me associated with<br />

Trans-Canada Air Lines at Malton<br />

and later opened his radio store in<br />

Brampton. Their two children,<br />

Linda, four years, and Donald,<br />

seven months, are with relatives in<br />

Toronto and still unaware of their<br />

tragic loss.<br />

Mrs. Pillsworth was the former Mary<br />

Ellen Rutledge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rutledge, Orangeville. Her mother,<br />

Mrs. Rutledge, was former Nellie Husband, daughter of the late Rev. William<br />

Husband and Mrs. Husband. Mr. Husband, daughter of the late Rev. William<br />

Husband and Mrs. Husband. Mr. Husband has at one time been pastor of the<br />

Palgrave, Shiloh, King, and Black Horse Methodist Church circuit. Mr.<br />

Rutledge, retiring from his monument business in Orangeville recently on<br />

account of ill health, was in Florida with Mrs. Rutledge on a holiday hoping to<br />

regain some of his former vigor. They returned by plane for the funeral which<br />

was held on Wednesday.<br />

COMPULSORY MOTOR INSURANCE — Compulsory insurance for<br />

Saskatchewan motorists is regarded as virtually certain, reports The Financial<br />

Post. Main Point remaining undecided is whether drivers shall be allowed to<br />

choose any insurance company they prefer, or whether they will be required<br />

to deal with the Government Insurance Office.<br />


Princess Abbekerk Texal Fayne, a member of the Holstein herd of C. J.<br />

Cerswell, of Beeton, has just completed a yearly Record of<br />

Performance test of 1,037 lbs. fat from 25,701 lbs milk, average<br />

test 4,.03% butterfat. Made on three-times-a-day milking as a<br />

five-year-old, this is the largest record reported from any part<br />

of the Dominion during the past month. Last year she stood<br />

third for fat in the honor list with her twice-a-day milking fouryear-old<br />

record of 754 lbs. milk.<br />

Her production was expected to be larger but unfortunately<br />

she suffered an injury that crippled her for a month of two<br />

and cut down her productions. She received no special <strong>ca</strong>re,<br />

running regularly with the rest of the herd.<br />

A granddaughter of the noted Lonelm Texal Fayne, she was<br />

bred by W. Witherspoon, <strong>Woodbridge</strong>, and was Grand<br />

Champion at the 1944 Simcoe County Black and White<br />

Show held at Beeton.<br />

HAVE CROKINOLE PARTY, Macville — The first of a<br />

series of community crokinole parties is begin held this<br />

evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strong.<br />

BANQUET FOR SERVICEMEN, Maple — Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Howard Knight of Maple Villa were host and hostess to<br />

a complimentary banquet given in honor of the boys of<br />

Maple who served in the armed forces, their ladies and<br />

Maple Knit-Wit club, on Friday evening. December 28.<br />

The toast to the guests was proposed by Mr. Knight<br />

and responded to by Miss Marion Wason, president of<br />

the Knit-Wit club, and Lorne Wells on behalf of the<br />

boys. Mr. Evans of Toronto led an enjoyable sing song<br />

and Jack Holland, magician, mystified the audience<br />

with his performance. As the Knit-Wit club has<br />

ceased activities, they presented the boys with initialed<br />

wallets as a small tribute to them for the<br />

services they have enjoyed during the remainder of<br />

the evening.<br />


Several years ago T. A. Fec, a Vancouver architect,<br />

shipped his dog, a Canadian Airdale, by express<br />

from his British Columbia home to his brother-inlaw,<br />

This. Paton, at Ardrossan, a station on the<br />

Canadian National Railways, 16 miles east of<br />

Edmonton, Alta. The charges were prepaid and<br />

money given for food and <strong>ca</strong>re for Buster all<br />

the way to his destination.<br />

Time passed, however, and Buster failed to<br />

show up. The railroad company produced a<br />

receipt showing that Airedale had been delivered<br />

to Edmonton. But after that the trail ran<br />

out. Buster was given up fro lost.<br />

Imagine Mr. Fee's surprise and joy six weeks later<br />

when his Airedale <strong>ca</strong>me walking into the yard! Buster was thin and tired<br />

and foot-sore, as if he had been traveling without any rest.<br />

When his master <strong>ca</strong>me to check distances, he found the dog had covered 770<br />

miles. From Edmonton to Vancouver there was no travelled road except the<br />

railroad track, and this passes through and over three chains of mountains.<br />

Add to that the fact that two-thirds of the way hadn't any homes along the<br />

way except the railroad section houses, and it be<strong>ca</strong>me clear what a feat Buster<br />

had achieved.<br />

How this Airdale had been able to pick the right one of <strong>12</strong> railroads converging<br />

on Edmonton; how he had managed to find food through all those long<br />

weeks and how, strangest of all, he had known those steel tracks would surely<br />

lead him home will always remain one of the great mysteries of superhuman<br />

animal intelligence!<br />

SUFFERS SKATE CUT, Malton — Margaret Coulson 8-year-old daughter of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Norman Coulson, is in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, as a<br />

result of compli<strong>ca</strong>tions arising from a skate cut received while playing near<br />

her house a week ago. She is now getting along very nicely.

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