SSM Heart - Aina Aqilah

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SSM Assignment

these exercises - this is called a stress echo. In some cases, medication to

stimulate your heart may be used instead of exercise.

Nuclear stress test. Similar to the exercise stress test. The ECG is an

electrocardiogram, which measures blood flow to your heart muscle at rest

and during stress. In this test, a tracer is injected into your bloodstream, and

special cameras detect areas in your heart that receive less blood flow.

Cardiac catheterization and angiogram. During cardiac catheterization, a

doctor inserts a catheter into an artery or vein in your groin, neck or arm and

up to your heart. X-rays are used to guide the catheter to the correct

position; dye is injected to help show blood vessels clearly. If you have a

blockage that requires treatment, a balloon can be inflated to improve the

blood flow in your coronary arteries.

Cardiac CT scan. A CT scan of the heart can help your doctor see calcium

deposits in your arteries that can narrow the arteries. If a substantial amount

of calcium is discovered, coronary artery disease may be likely. A CT

coronary angiogram, in which you receive a contrast dye that is given by IV

during a CT scan, can produce detailed images of your heart arteries..


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