SSM Heart - Aina Aqilah

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SSM Assignment

Coronary Angioplasty

Surgery involves passing a catheter with an inflatable

balloon attached to its tip into the obstructed coronary

artery. When the catheter reaches the obstruction, the

balloon is inflated, flattening the atherosclerotic plaque

against the vessel's wall. The vessel is stretched to

increase the size of the lumen, thus improving blood flow.

After dilation of the vessel, an intravascular stent may be

introduced to maintain the dilation.

The stents are made

up of rigid or semi rigid tubular meshes which will collapse

when introduced and once in place, it expands or expands

with the balloon catheter to maintain luminal patency.

Intraluminal instruments with rotating blades and lasers have also been employed. Other cases

involved injection of thrombokinase to dissolve blood clot.

Artificial Cardiac Pacemaker

An artificial cardiac pacemaker (about the size of a pocket watch) is inserted subcutaneously in

some people who have a heart block. A pacemaker is made up of three parts: a pulse generator

or battery pack, a wire (lead), and an electrode. Pacemakers generate electrical impulses that

cause ventricular contractions to occur at a predetermined rate. An electrode with a catheter

attached is inserted into a vein, and its progression through the venous pathway is monitored

with a fluoroscope, a device that uses radio graphs to examine deep structures in real time (as

motion occurs). The electrode terminal is routed through the SVC to the right atrium and then


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