The Kusasis-A Short Histroy (2)




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1. .....

orossing from Toendama to Agol18~

or vice versa,

was almost unheard of.


to the north and Bazaber1m1ea. to

the east oonsidered allot them tair 8por~ tor

periodioal raids. and the Kusasie generally seem

to have oome oft worst in the enooun.ters.

'l:he oountry WD.S

never ravaged, however, by

the sle,var-raidar Barbatu, who appears to have

oonfine!d his attention to the people further West.

The last f1ghting on any saale whiah took

place was in about 1895 when the people of Kugri

1naul ted the Na of Ma.mprussi and refused to make


The Na (oer1gaj sent an army against them,

but it was de'feated and driven bo.ok to Gambe.ga by


KUgris, ~o reoeived help from many Kusasi

olans against the oommon foe.

The Na was

preparing to send a larger foroe when the opportune

arrival of the Yrhi teman in Gambe.ga made further

hostilities impossible.

It was not until t909 that Bawku station was

first established by ~

Lieut. F.N.F.Jaokson.


(NoW Major F.U.F_JaOkSOn; C.l1.G.,D.s..O.,C.C.N.T.J


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