The Kusasis-A Short Histroy (2)




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islamised member of the Tribe.

Even the Mamprussi refer

to them as the heathens..

This of course is a case

rather of the pot calling the kettle blaak, but perhaps

in this instance the kettle is particularly black.

They believe in a Supreme Being - Awindi - who is

everywhere, but who can be worshipped through the fetishes


All oalamities that occur are ascribed to the

ghosts of their Wlcestors who are displeased about something.

Recourse is then had to the Sorcerers - Sagari -

WllO indicate the appropriate remedy.

The death of a young person is a cause for sorrow.

The death of an old person is considered the logical

conclusion of a long life.

kuch jollification takes

place in celebration of the fact that de(leased was allowed

to reach the age he did, and leave a number of descendants

behind him.

A corpse is ordinarily buried the day of death.


round grave is dug, and at the bottom of ~Ls a tunnel is

excavated at right angles, into which the body is

\ \ pushed.

A man is placed on his left side facing t~e


sun, and e woman on her right side faoing the setting sun.

In eaoh case a hand is plaoed und('1r the cheek.

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