The Kusasis-A Short Histroy (2)




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During the past thirty years all these Chiefs

. '

inoluding those made by the Germans in the ' Mandated Area


nave oonsolidated their positions, and, most important of

of all, eaoh one was allowe4 to be absolutely independent

of every bOdy else.

The Chief of Bawlru has perhaps been more in the

'ltaelight than the others, but he never had any authority

over them, with the exoeptionof Buguri and Kagbiri, who

originally removed from Bawlru and eleoted to remain under

the Chief of Bawku when founding settlements of their own

in the bush.

Though. separated from him. by the

international frontier for a time they were restored to

him at the end of the war.

Naturally with the settling of the country, and the

opening up of it, there has been more ooming and going

between the various villages t han was ever droamt of


It was not diffioult t o make the Chiefs and

people realize the advantages to be obtained i f t hey

united under a Tribal Chief, and this oulminabed last

/year in the unanimous eleotion of the Chief of Bawku to

the position. ao he was confirmed in the office by ~0

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