The Kusasis-A Short Histroy (2)




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~ 0 R E ~ A R D •

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It is with some trepidation that I let this.

small work leave my hands at all, for I mow that it is

very incomplete, and no doubt full of inaccuracies.

However, if it sarves a useful purpose, by providing a

foundation upon which more oapable people than I can

gradually build up the true facts I shall feel that the

hours spent upon ~t were not altogether wa.sted.

With the 6Aoeption of one or two faots taken from.

the Distriot Record Book, nearly everything from start

to finish has been told me by the old men and the Chiefs.

Owing to the amount of Hausa that 1s spoken in the Distric.t

I was able to gather a great deal of my information ?1ithout

the aid of an interpreter.

My thanks are due to many of the Chiefs for the

assista:.la.e \vtioh they have given me, but espeoially to

Yakubu Mampruss1, brother of the Chief of Bawku.

The wordrtSeation 't has been used throughout instead

of ,tV1l1age" ~s


being"appropriate in a oountry where a

small village usaally covers many square miles of oountry.

With about three exceptions there is no part maere one can

see houses olustered together in the form of a townShip.

T.ney are scattered all aver the oountryside at irre~ular

interva.ls. , ./

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