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20 March <strong>2022</strong><br />
connecting you with your neighbourhood<br />
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Hug for mum on the<br />
first day<br />
It was all smiles and long hugs as<br />
the new entrants started their very<br />
first day at Banks Avenue School.<br />
Richmond mum Sarah<br />
Davies (above) and<br />
daughter Charlie, 5.<br />
Parklands<br />
5-year-old<br />
Elijah Williams<br />
gives mum<br />
Melissa<br />
Poultney a<br />
hug as he<br />
prepares for<br />
his first day<br />
at The Nest.<br />
•More photos,<br />
page 5<br />
EntriEs now opEn!<br />
Speeding<br />
tickets<br />
do not<br />
reflect<br />
residents’<br />
reality<br />
• By Fiona Ellis<br />
POLICE ISSUED 341 speeding<br />
tickets on Cranford St last year.<br />
It comes as Papanui-Innes<br />
Community Board member<br />
Ali Jones raised concerns that<br />
police were not<br />
patrolling the<br />
area enough to<br />
catch speedsters.<br />
“There is<br />
no doubt<br />
that speeding<br />
and red-light<br />
running are<br />
issues along the Ali Jones<br />
[Christchurch<br />
Northern Corridor] and in St<br />
Albans generally,” Jones said.<br />
In an area of Cranford St with<br />
a speed limit of 50km/h, one<br />
car allegedly reached speeds of<br />
between 91km/h to <strong>10</strong>0km/h.<br />
In the same speed zone, six<br />
drivers were allegedly travelling<br />
between 81-90km/h, 37 between<br />
71-80km/h, 252 between<br />
61-70km/h and 40 between<br />
51-60km/h.<br />
In an area with a speed limit<br />
of 30km/h, four drivers allegedly<br />
reached speeds of between<br />
41-50km/h, and one between<br />
51-60km/h.<br />
•Turn to page 5<br />
“Ask<br />
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Real Estate has changed in Christchurch<br />
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2 Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Advertise locally and<br />
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likely to shop with you!<br />
Effective Ad packages start from just $99<br />
(inclusive full colour ad, creative setting,<br />
photography and proofing).<br />
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Your local community newspaper connects<br />
neighbours in the following suburbs<br />
Linwood • Avonside • Richmond • Shirley • Bexley<br />
Burwood • Dallington • Wainoni • Bromley<br />
Aranui • Avondale • New Brighton • Northshore<br />
Queenspark • Parklands • South Brighton<br />
17,751 homes every week.<br />
Frank Greenslade<br />
Ph: 364 7441<br /><br />
NEWS<br />
Emily Moorhouse<br />
Ph: 021 9<strong>10</strong> 788<br /><br />
GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7<strong>10</strong>0<br />
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ph 379 1<strong>10</strong>0<br /><br />
what’s on<br />
this week<br />
Wā Kōrero-Storytimes<br />
Every Thursday, <strong>10</strong>-<strong>10</strong>.30am<br />
Linwood Library, 1st Floor Eastgate<br />
Shopping Centre, Buckleys Rd<br />
Meet others in the community<br />
when you and your pre-schooler go<br />
along for a fun variety of stories,<br />
songs and rhymes which foster<br />
children’s literacy. All whānau<br />
and caregivers welcome. Free, no<br />
bookings required. Guardians and<br />
children over 12 will need to wear<br />
a face mask and show their vaccine<br />
pass on arrival. Room capacity is<br />
limited and the number of attendees<br />
possible at sessions will be influenced<br />
by the number of users already in the<br />
space.<br />
Mah-jong group<br />
Every Thursday, 1-3pm<br />
Linwood Library, 1st Floor Eastgate<br />
Shopping Centre, Buckleys Rd<br />
Interested in playing mah-jong?<br />
For beginners and advanced players<br />
alike. If you have your own set please<br />
take it along, otherwise go along and<br />
join in a friendly game.<br />
Scrabble club<br />
Every Friday, <strong>10</strong>am-noon<br />
Linwood Library, 1st Floor Eastgate<br />
Shopping Centre, Buckleys Rd<br />
Go along to scrabble club for a<br />
friendly game every Friday. No<br />
Cut Glass Portraits, Friday, all day, New Brighton Library, 213 Marine<br />
Pde. Pop in during <strong>February</strong> and see portraits of well-known New<br />
Zealanders and others, which Elizabeth Van der Borg has created from<br />
cut glass. All of the portraits are made purely from coloured glass and<br />
each took about six months to make – and it takes about <strong>10</strong>0 tiny pieces<br />
just for one eye.<br />
obligation, just go along when you<br />
can. All materials are supplied. Free,<br />
no booking required.<br />
Cards at Shirley<br />
Every Friday, 1-3.30pm<br />
Shirley Library, 36 Marshland Rd<br />
Go along to Shirley Library<br />
every Friday afternoon to play 500<br />
and Canasta. Free, no bookings<br />
required.<br />
Rummikub Club<br />
Every Thursday, <strong>10</strong>am-noon<br />
Linwood Library, 1st Floor, Eastgate<br />
Shopping Centre, Buckleys Rd<br />
Go along for a game of Rummikub,<br />
a tile-based game for two to four<br />
players, combines elements of the<br />
card game rummy and mahjong. Free<br />
no booking required.<br />
New Brighton business<br />
networking meeting<br />
Every Tuesday, 7.30-8.30am<br />
Switch New Brighton, 78 Brighton<br />
Mall<br />
This group offers a fun, refreshing<br />
and motivating environment to keep<br />
you revitalised as you engage in the<br />
rest of your business week. The group<br />
recognises the challenges of being in<br />
business; celebrates success and acknowledges<br />
the true value of genuine<br />
relationships, co-operation and collaboration.<br />
“New Brighton Networkers”<br />
is your weekly dose of inspiration,<br />
fun, laughter and genuine business<br />
networking opportunities. Free.<br />
Not-for-profit organisations<br />
can send their What’s On listings<br />
to pegasus@starmedia.<br />
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Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 3<br />
Hot pools making a splash<br />
In Brief<br />
• By Emily Moorhouse<br />
HE PUNA Taimoana hot pools<br />
were introduced as part of the<br />
New Brighton Regeneration<br />
Project, to attract more visitors<br />
to the area.<br />
While local business owners<br />
welcomed new customers when<br />
the pools first opened, Covid has<br />
made it difficult to see the true<br />
impact.<br />
Karma Free Cafe owner Vanda<br />
Chandran said before the traffic<br />
light system, the hot pools were<br />
bringing more business to the<br />
area and her cafe.<br />
“We had people coming in<br />
after the hot pools and getting<br />
food, or before the pools,” she<br />
said.<br />
“It’s been good for bringing<br />
people in as well as [for] the<br />
locals. It’s definitely positive for<br />
New Brighton.”<br />
However, The Burger Joint<br />
owner Caroline Riley said while<br />
the hot pools brought some new<br />
business, it wasn’t the main<br />
source.<br />
Riley said most of her business<br />
was due to the growing number<br />
of young families moving into<br />
New Brighton, discovering<br />
what’s happening in their local<br />
area.<br />
“We’ve always been supported<br />
really well by our local community,”<br />
she said. “We’ve still seen<br />
a steady increase in the business<br />
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CH 352 5090<br />
POPULAR: New Brighton’s He Puna Taimoana hot pools<br />
have proved to be an asset to the area.<br />
PHOTO: Christchurch City Council<br />
but not fully as a result of the<br />
hot pools, but I would definitely<br />
attribute some of it to it.”<br />
The hot pools recently experienced<br />
its second summer season<br />
and management said it was a<br />
great success.<br />
He Puna Taimoana manager<br />
Back to<br />
School<br />
ShoeS<br />
47c Garlands Road, Woolston<br />
Phone 389 3431<br /><br />
Merryn Skipper said the pools<br />
were especially popular over the<br />
holiday period, attracting guests<br />
from not only the city, but also<br />
the country.<br />
“Cantabrians have brought<br />
a lot of Christmas cheer to our<br />
seaside facility with an increase<br />
Ascent &<br />
McKinlays<br />
from $79.95 - $149<br />
of guests visiting in December<br />
from the same time last year,”<br />
she said.<br />
In spite of being shut for a<br />
month in August and September<br />
with lockdown and maintenance,<br />
the pools saw more than <strong>10</strong>,000<br />
guests over the Christmas and<br />
New Year holiday period.<br />
At the same time, they<br />
welcomed 55,000 guests to New<br />
Brighton in the first six months<br />
of the financial year.<br />
“We really appreciate<br />
the continued strong local<br />
community support,” Skipper<br />
said. “Cantabrians are bringing<br />
friends and family to the<br />
hot pools when they visit<br />
Christchurch.”<br />
Coastal<br />
Ward<br />
councillor<br />
Celeste<br />
Donovan said<br />
there is “no<br />
doubt” the<br />
hot pools have<br />
Celeste<br />
Donovan<br />
had a positive<br />
impact on New<br />
Brighton and<br />
the Coastal Ward as a whole.<br />
“It has lifted the confidence of<br />
residents by having a world-class<br />
facility right on our back door,”<br />
she said.<br />
“We know that electronic<br />
spending in New Brighton<br />
has increased since the hot<br />
pools opened.”<br />
Volunteers visited the New<br />
Brighton Community Gardens<br />
to help out with building a<br />
cabin for Donald, a blind and<br />
deaf sculptor. The volunteers<br />
were from Citycare Property,<br />
Connetics, Orion, New Brighton<br />
Menz Shed and Shirley Boys’<br />
High School. The final touches,<br />
such as floorboards and doors,<br />
will be done this weekend.<br />
Parklands Christchurch United<br />
Softball Club Inc will receive<br />
$2519 to go towards trousers<br />
for its players. The grant was<br />
approved by New Zealand<br />
Community Trust as part of<br />
their community investments in<br />
the Canterbury region, totalling<br />
up to $516,173.<br />
AT QEII<br />
Automatic doors have been<br />
installed at the QEII facility<br />
by the swimming pools. The<br />
Coastal-Burwood Community<br />
Board requested these be<br />
installed to prevent the cold<br />
breeze coming through as<br />
people went from the pools to<br />
the changing rooms.<br />
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Fantastic teamwork by Cameron and his team. They<br />
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4 Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
GREAT<br />
Summer<br />
READS<br />
INSTORE!<br />
Kees Bruin: Visions of the Real<br />
by John c stringer and Kees Bruin<br />
Two years after graduating, Kees Bruin was exhibiting alongside Leo Bensemann, Don<br />
Binney, Doris Lusk, Trevor Moffitt, Peter Siddell, Olivia Spencer-Bower, Grahame Sydney,<br />
Robin White, and Brent Wong. For more than five decades of dedicated painterly<br />
practice and exhibition, Kees Bruin has established a unique visionary identity within<br />
the framework of New Zealand realism that is enthusiastically commissioned and<br />
collected internationally. His three overlapping categories: photo-realism, super-realism<br />
and what he terms “visionary-realism,” sprung from a personal search for all things<br />
truth hence his clever use of symbol, have gifted us exquisite panoramic landscapes,<br />
expressions of cultural pursuits such as surfing and skateboarding often imbued with<br />
metaphor, single and group portraits, reinterpretations of masters, especially the Dutch<br />
Golden Age, elaborated ‘still-lifes’ and works that explore elements of western Judaeo-<br />
Christian histories combined with contemporaneous fashions, settings and views to and<br />
from the earth. This personal genre launches us as art viewers into emotional odysseys<br />
of timeless human concern: Spirituality, the universe, beauty, truth, life and death, sex,<br />
betrayal, vanity and loss, as well as using paint to express beauty for its own sake.<br />
The Fast 800 Keto<br />
eat well, burn fat, manage your weight long term<br />
by dr michael mosley<br />
From the multi-million-copy bestselling author Dr Michael Mosley comes the ground-breaking The Fast<br />
800 Keto, a dynamic weight-loss program that combines a keto diet with low-calorie intermittent fasting.<br />
Lose over 6kg in 21 days with this combined program for accelerated weight loss. In The Fast 800 Keto,<br />
dynamic new weight-loss program combines a ketogenic diet with low-calorie intermittent fasting, giving<br />
you the best of both worlds to achieve long-term success. It presents the latest science on the ketogenic<br />
diet (when your body shifts from burning carbs to burning fat for fuel), explaining how keto works and<br />
why it is good for you. His ground-breaking new approach helps you get into ketosis faster so you can<br />
lose weight safely, improve mood and reduce blood pressure, inflammation and blood sugars. Dr Mosley<br />
offers clear advice on which foods help put you into ketosis, which foods bring you out of it, how you can<br />
tell if you are producing ketones and how to ensure you are following the diet safely. With an easy-tofollow,<br />
step-by-step program that offers plenty of tips and advice to help you stay on track, along with fifty<br />
delicious, low-carb recipes and menu plans by Dr Clare Bailey.<br />
Rise by siya Kolisi<br />
‘Siya Kolisi is a warrior on the field and an inspiration off it. This book is an extraordinary reminder<br />
of what can be achieved with inner belief and an indefatigable spirit.’ JAY SHETTY ‘Siya’s story is well<br />
documented, and I am so impressed by the way he conducts himself. As the captain of his team and<br />
as a statesman he is measured and thoughtful. He is a leader in every way. An inspiration to a dynamic<br />
South African nation.’ EDDIE JONES His truth. His story. In his words. There have been many comments<br />
made and books written about Siya Kolisi, captain of the Springboks, and the first black man to lead his<br />
country in over 128 years of South African rugby. But now, for the very first time, Siya Kolisi shares his<br />
story in an extraordinarily intimate memoir, charting his journey from being born into the impoverished<br />
Zwide township, to leading his proud nation to an astonishing victory at the Rugby World Cup in 2019.<br />
However, Rise is not simply a chronology of matches played and games won; it is an exploration of a<br />
man’s race and his faith, a masterclass in attaining a positive mindset, and an inspirational reminder<br />
that it is possible to defy the odds, no matter how they are stacked against you. In 2020, partly in<br />
response to the pandemic, Siya and his wife, Rachel, launched The Kolisi Foundation, providing personal<br />
protective equipment to healthcare workers and delivering food parcels throughout South Africa. The<br />
title Rise is inspired by Siya’s mother - Phakama - which translates to the book’s name, as well as a<br />
celebration of his Xhosa heritage.<br />
Leap of Faith<br />
by Frankie dettori<br />
When Lanfranco ‘Frankie’ Dettori arrived on British shores in 1985, aged just 14, he couldn’t speak a<br />
word of English. Having left school just a year earlier and following in the footsteps of his father, he was<br />
eager to become a stable boy and apprentice jockey, willing to do everything it took to make it. This was<br />
his first, but certainly not his last, leap of faith. Despite his slight size, Frankie’s impact upon the British<br />
racing scene was immediate and significant. Brimming with confidence, charisma and personality, and<br />
with what was clearly a precocious talent, in 1990 he became the first teenager since Lester Piggot to<br />
win over <strong>10</strong>0 races in a single season. By 1996, Frankie was already established as a celebrity in the<br />
sport and an adopted national treasure, but it was his extraordinary achievement of winning all seven<br />
races in a single day at Ascot that cemented his reputation as the greatest rider of his generation. Nearly<br />
25 years later, and having won the Longines World’s Best Jockey for three consecutive years running,<br />
Frankie has demonstrated an unparalled level of longevity at the pinnacle of his sport. But his story is not<br />
simply one of uninterrupted success, but also of personal anguish, recovery and restoration – both in and<br />
out of the saddle.. Heartfelt and poignant, this is not simply a memoir, but a celebration of perseverance<br />
and defying the odds.<br />
Little Bird of Auschwitz<br />
by alina & Jacques Peretti<br />
As a reporter, Jacques Peretti has spent his life investigating important stories. But there was one story, heard in<br />
scattered fragments throughout his childhood, that he never thought to investigate. The story of how his mother<br />
survived Auschwitz.<br />
In the few last months of the War, thirteen-year-old Alina Peretti, along with her mother and sister, was one of<br />
thirteen thousand non-Jewish Poles sent to Auschwitz, in the wake of the Warsaw Uprising. Her experiences there,<br />
which she rarely discussed, cast a shadow over the rest of her life. Now ninety, Alina has been diagnosed with<br />
dementia. Together, mother and son begin a race against time to record her memories and preserve her family’s<br />
story. For the first time, Alina recalls her experiences as a child during the Second World War, the horrors that she<br />
witnessed in Auschwitz, and the miraculous story of how she survived a firing squad.<br />
Along the way, Jacques learns long-hidden secrets about his mother’s family; his mysterious grandfather who lived<br />
a double-life, his grandmother who read tarot cards in a Soviet labour camp, and his aunt and uncles, whose fate<br />
he never knew. He also gains an understanding of his mother through retracing her past, learning more about the<br />
woman who would never let him call her ‘Mum’.<br />
<strong>10</strong>05 Ferry rd<br />
Ph 384 2063<br />
while stocks last (see instore for terms and conditions)<br />
Great to see<br />
so many Familiar<br />
Faces aGain<br />
Barry & kerry
Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 5<br />
First day at Banks Avenue School<br />
READY DAD: Dallington’s James<br />
Eldershaw helps his son Indy, 5,<br />
prepare for his first day at school.<br />
EXCITING: Richmond 5-year-old<br />
Eli Still (left) was having fun as a<br />
new entrant.<br />
CONNECT FOUR: Banks Ave<br />
School new entrant teacher<br />
Emma Derrick plays with Loreley<br />
Resendiz-Fernandez, 5.<br />
TRAFFIC ISSUES: Papanui-Innes Community Board<br />
member Ali Jones is concerned about police<br />
enforcement of speed limits on Cranford St.<br />
Hundreds of tickets<br />
on Cranford St<br />
•From page 1<br />
Last year, Jones raised<br />
concerns with the board about<br />
traffic speeding in Cranford St<br />
and the Christchurch Northern<br />
Corridor, noting she did not see<br />
a police presence in the area.<br />
She said an average of less than<br />
one speeding ticket per day was<br />
issued on Cranford St and did<br />
not alter her position on this.<br />
“No amount of quoted police<br />
data relating to the number of<br />
tickets issued or average speeds<br />
is going to change what many of<br />
us regularly see and experience,”<br />
Jones said.<br />
City council data taken in<br />
May shows an average daily<br />
traffic count of 24,741 on<br />
Cranford St, between Innes Rd<br />
and Knowles St, with an average<br />
speed of 42km/h.<br />
Lower down on Cranford St,<br />
between Westminster St and<br />
Berwick St, the daily average<br />
was 23,098, with an average<br />
speed of 37.5km/h.<br />
Police declined to give<br />
statistics on how many speeding<br />
tickets were issued on the CNC,<br />
stating these would be recorded<br />
as State Highway 76 and could<br />
have been issued anywhere<br />
along the highway.<br />
When asked how frequently<br />
the roads were patrolled, police<br />
did not specify a number,<br />
stating the area was patrolled<br />
“to a level supported by the risk<br />
it poses compared to the rest of<br />
Christchurch.”<br />
Said Jones: “The number<br />
of tickets issues are related to<br />
the amount of policing, surely,<br />
and we still don’t know that<br />
amount.<br />
“This is about the safety of<br />
our community, and I believe<br />
the council and police need to<br />
work together more effectively<br />
to address these problems.”<br />
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6 Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Five ways to add value to your property<br />
WHETHER YOU are trying to<br />
sell your house now or looking<br />
ahead to a possible sale in the<br />
years to come, maximising your<br />
sale price is an important consideration.<br />
If you are investing money in<br />
repairs and renovations, you want<br />
to be sure you will get bang for<br />
your buck, otherwise known as<br />
return on investment. So how do<br />
you add value to your home in<br />
ways that are truly meaningful to<br />
buyers?<br />
Upgrade your bathrooms<br />
and kitchen<br />
There’s an unwritten rule of real<br />
estate that bathrooms and kitchens<br />
are what sell houses.<br />
However, renovations and improvements<br />
in these spaces can be<br />
costly, so don’t jump in without<br />
first running the numbers, and<br />
doing some proper planning.<br />
Be sure to research what’s ‘on<br />
trend’ – the last thing you want<br />
to do is invest in an upgrade<br />
that’s now out of style and<br />
won’t do your house price any<br />
favours. Interior decorators, real<br />
estate agents, and professional<br />
property valuers are all great<br />
people to tap for advice on this.<br />
Give the property a lick of<br />
paint<br />
Not every change you make has<br />
to involve a large-scale overhaul<br />
of appliances or restructure of an<br />
entire space. Sometimes, all that’s<br />
needed is a little TLC and refresh<br />
to bring a tired-looking property<br />
back to life.<br />
Focus on areas that receive a lot<br />
of wear and tear – interior doors<br />
being a great example. You’d be<br />
amazed at how a fresh coat of<br />
white paint on old wooden doors<br />
can help modernise a property in<br />
the eyes of your buyers.<br />
Rethink internal garages<br />
Increasing the size of existing<br />
rooms or making unlivable spaces<br />
liveable will help grow the value<br />
of your home. If you can declutter<br />
these spaces and make a couple<br />
of comfort-adding changes, you<br />
have an entirely new room at<br />
your disposal.<br />
Add a sleepout<br />
Building a studio or sleepout<br />
can add between $50,000 and<br />
$<strong>10</strong>0,000 in value to a New<br />
Zealand property and could also<br />
attract a larger pool of buyers.<br />
There’s currently huge interest<br />
in home-and- income<br />
properties.<br />
Be sure you understand the<br />
legal ramifications of adding what<br />
is essentially a separate dwelling<br />
onto your existing home.<br />
Invest in outdoor living<br />
spaces<br />
During the Covid lockdowns,<br />
we all learned the importance<br />
of living close to green spaces<br />
or having a garden of our own.<br />
Poorly kept gardens can be a real<br />
turn-off during open homes or<br />
private viewings.<br />
•Visit Trade Me Property,<br />
NZ’s #1 Property site with<br />
another home added every<br />
three minutes.
Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 7<br />
School Update<br />
Our Values:<br />
ALOFA<br />
Compassion,<br />
commitment and love<br />
ignite action<br />
• For the learner<br />
• For teaching and learning<br />
• For self and others<br />
Every learner having a<br />
sense of belonging<br />
• Learners are at the heart of<br />
what we do<br />
• Mana, well-being and identity<br />
are valued<br />
• Every learner is welcome,<br />
engaged and heard<br />
Building the foundation<br />
for ALL learners to leave<br />
our school MORE curious<br />
than when they arrived<br />
• Enterprise, innovation &<br />
curiosity provide the framework<br />
for the daily life of our school<br />
• We redesign constantly to meet<br />
our changing environment<br />
• Connected locally & globally<br />
All learners mindful<br />
of their unique role in<br />
making a difference<br />
• All learners are leaders and role<br />
models<br />
• All learners act with<br />
responsibility and respect<br />
• All learners are mindful of their<br />
influence on the environment<br />
• We learn from our community and<br />
our community learns from us<br />
Every learner crossing<br />
the stage with dignity,<br />
purpose and options<br />
• High expectations of self and<br />
others<br />
• Is defined by Whanau, school<br />
and students to meet the<br />
unique needs of each learner<br />
• We are responsible for<br />
individual and collective<br />
success<br />
Manukura Kōrero<br />
Whāia e koe te iti kahurangi. Ki te tuohu me<br />
he maunga teitei<br />
Seek the treasures of your heart, if you bow,<br />
let it be to a lofty mountain<br />
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa. Nau mai,<br />
Haere Mai!<br />
After what has been a fantastic holiday break it is great to<br />
be back at kura and preparing for what will be a rewarding<br />
year ahead. The year began with a hiss and a roar and<br />
unfortunately COVID-19 is still prevalent in our daily lives.<br />
There is a lot of discussion on social media about the<br />
implications of COVID-19 restrictions on ākonga at kura.<br />
Haeata’s focus is always on keeping ākonga and kaimahi<br />
safe and so we will be requiring everyone to wear a mask<br />
in line with the Ministry of Health advice. There will be<br />
times in the day and zones around the kura where mask<br />
wearing will not be quite so intrusive. It is our hope that we<br />
can manage this very challenging time positively together<br />
through our “Mask Up” strategy.<br />
Whaowhia te kete mātauranga<br />
Fill the basket of knowledge<br />
It was a beautiful experience meeting our new whānau<br />
and ākonga on Orientation Day. A warm welcome to our<br />
new kaimahi/staff and our new ākonga and whānau all of<br />
whom join us this year with a real sense of excitement.<br />
We are so pleased to call you whānau.<br />
After two years of a careful reset we are about to restart.<br />
Just what does that mean for us as a kura? It means that<br />
we acknowledge that initially Haeata has some teething<br />
problems as we found our way as a newly established<br />
Urban Area School after a decade of earthquake and<br />
social disruption. It means that for the past two<br />
years we have reviewed, revised and consulted<br />
around the best approaches to learning for us<br />
as a 21st Century learning community. It means<br />
we now have a clear and articulated sense of<br />
direction. It means we did not ‘throw the baby<br />
out with the bathwater’ but instead ensured<br />
we kept the best, left the rest and focused on<br />
creating learning opportunities that build and<br />
strengthen both community and ākonga. It<br />
means we acknowledge that while we are a huge<br />
modern learning environment, we will ensure<br />
learning is relevant, personalised and focused on<br />
positive ākonga outcomes.<br />
Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini<br />
We cannot succeed without the support of<br />
those around us<br />
Haeata Community Campus celebrated<br />
unprecedented success in NCEA in 2021 and I am so<br />
proud of both our ākonga and kaimahi who<br />
worked tirelessly throughout what was a most<br />
challenging year to ensure success for all!<br />
NCEA Level 1 - The 2021 pass rate increased<br />
by 25.8% from 2020. We had one student<br />
complete Level 2 in Year 11.<br />
NCEA Level 2 - The 2021 pass rate increased<br />
by <strong>10</strong>.2% from our 2020 results.<br />
NCEA Level 3 - The 2021 pass rate increased<br />
by 20.5% from our 2020 results. 78% of our<br />
ākonga leave us with Level 2 or above.<br />
University Entrance - The 2021 pass rate<br />
increased by <strong>10</strong>0% meaning we doubled the<br />
number of ākonga who met the requirements of UE, in<br />
2021. Two ākonga also gained a Takere scholarship to the<br />
University of Canterbury.<br />
Kua takoto te manuka<br />
The leaves of the manuka tree have been laid down<br />
The Canterbury District Health Board is partnering with<br />
Haeata to provide a ‘Walk In’ Vaccination Clinic on our<br />
campus. There is NO requirement to have your ākonga<br />
vaccinated, it is merely a service provided by fully trained<br />
and qualified Health Professionals that whānau may access<br />
if they wish to. The clinic will operate on Thursday <strong>10</strong>th<br />
and Friday 11th <strong>February</strong> <strong>2022</strong> from 9am – 4pm.<br />
Whānau are invited to access the service and will need<br />
to fill in a consent form for all ākonga being vaccinated.<br />
Consent Forms and information pamphlets can be uplifted<br />
from Reception.<br />
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga ka ngaro te iwi<br />
Without foresight or vision the people will be lost<br />
As always, I want you to know what a privilege<br />
it is to lead this fine kura. It is our goal to ensure<br />
that we are the kura of first choice in Aranui and<br />
that our community has faith in us to deliver.<br />
We welcome your feedback and look forward<br />
to seeing you over the course of the year as we<br />
celebrate your ākonga’s learning journey.<br />
He tangata ki tahi<br />
Dr Peggy Burrows<br />
Manukura<br />
Taking enrolments, please email for any enquiries or phone us on 03 930 01<strong>10</strong><br />
Haeata Community Campus<br />
240 Breezes Road, Wainoni<br />
Reception Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 3pm<br />
Contact 03 930 01<strong>10</strong> •<br />
8 Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
SUDOKU<br />
Every row, column and box should<br />
contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />
WordBuilder<br />
130<br />
6<br />
G H I<br />
E N W<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7 8 9<br />
230<br />
How many words of three or more letters,<br />
How including many plurals, words can you of make three from or the more six<br />
letters, using<br />
including<br />
each letter<br />
plurals,<br />
only once?<br />
can<br />
No<br />
you<br />
foreign<br />
words or words beginning with a capital are<br />
make allowed. from There's the at six least letters, one six-letter using word.<br />
each only once? TODAY<br />
Good <strong>10</strong> Very Good 14 Excellent 17<br />
No words beginning with a capital<br />
Solution 129: mop, mops, moss, muss, ops, opus,<br />
are POSSUM, allowed. pus, puss, There’s sop, sops, at sou, least soup, soups, one<br />
sum, sumo, sumos, sump, sumps, sums, sup, sups,<br />
six-letter word.<br />
sus, ump, ups.<br />
Good 8 Very Good 12 Excellent 15+<br />
<strong>10</strong> 11<br />
12 13 14<br />
DECO<br />
13<br />
15 16 17<br />
19 20 21 22<br />
23 24<br />
18<br />
25 26<br />
No.130<br />
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
L D R K U G E A T N S F P<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <strong>10</strong> 11 12 13<br />
B J Y I Z M C Q O X W H V<br />
Across<br />
7. Passionate (8)<br />
9. Ran amok (6)<br />
<strong>10</strong>. Insulting remark (4)<br />
11. Reinforce (<strong>10</strong>)<br />
12. Smear (6)<br />
14. Gregarious (8)<br />
15. Confidential (6)<br />
16. Lower in rank (6)<br />
19. Occur at the same time<br />
(8)<br />
21. Become of, happen to (6)<br />
23. Greeting (<strong>10</strong>)<br />
24. Serenaded (4)<br />
25. Small (6)<br />
26. Located (8)<br />
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <strong>10</strong> 11 12 13<br />
D<br />
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
Decoder<br />
B<br />
I<br />
25 6 6 3 25 9<br />
13 7 13 16 13 25 1 24 3 3 13 6<br />
19 9 18 7 22 26 7<br />
Down<br />
1. Amend (6)<br />
2. In this place (4)<br />
3. Reasonable (8)<br />
26 20 24 2 13 25 5 6 22 12 8 5<br />
4. Paradoxical (6)<br />
5. Speak against (<strong>10</strong>)<br />
B I D<br />
4 23 1 16 8 15 <strong>10</strong><br />
6. Partygoer (8)<br />
8. Move about violently (6)<br />
13. Emphasise (<strong>10</strong>)<br />
15. Irregular (8)<br />
17. City-dweller (8)<br />
18. Careless, negligent (6)<br />
20. Pictures (6)<br />
22. Main meal (6)<br />
24. Kill (4)<br />
All puzzles copyright<br />
4 22 6 26 7 20 24 11 13<br />
11 26 5 6 6 <strong>10</strong> 21<br />
16 12 23 <strong>10</strong> 18 24 14 13 3<br />
T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br /><br />
26 23 25 23 24 <strong>10</strong> <strong>10</strong><br />
1 13 13 11 13 3 2 19 5 22 6 13<br />
Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />
letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />
Each Enter number the given represents letters into a different all squares letter with of the matching alphabet. numbers. Write the<br />
given The challenge letters into now all squares is to work with out matching which letters numbers. are Now represented work out<br />
which by the letters other are numbers. represented As you by the get other letters, numbers. enter As you them get into the<br />
letters, the main write grid, them and into the reference main grid and grid. the To reference keep track grid. Decoder of the<br />
uses letters all you 26 letters have of found, the alphabet. cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />
22 21 7 22 4 7 24 15 20 14 13 20<br />
4 9 22 4 21 23<br />
6 4 23 17 7 21 26 24 4 5 20 15<br />
4 25 4 22 4 20 9<br />
15 20 14 4 23 8 18 20 23 22 11<br />
7 16 12 26 26 22 13<br />
T<br />
A<br />
T<br />
4 24 24 12 20 20<br />
20 <strong>10</strong> 7 20 26 22 2 20 14 14 20 15<br />
7 22 20 24 16 4<br />
14 24 7 21 22 12 4 23 19 14 3<br />
4 11 22 21 22 4 9<br />
26 4 21 23 4 24 22 24 21 1 20 15<br />
24 4 9 4 14 20<br />
20 14 25 4 23 7 9 16 23 20 21 14<br />
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <strong>10</strong> 11 12 13<br />
No.129<br />
26 18 24 26 6 7 4 16 22 1 13 6<br />
17 2 19 8 9 19<br />
Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />
letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />
Enter the given letters into all squares with matching numbers.<br />
The challenge now is to work out which letters are represented<br />
by the other numbers. As you get the letters, enter them into<br />
the main grid, and the reference grid. To keep track of the<br />
letters you have found, cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />
130<br />
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
A T<br />
131<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <strong>10</strong> 11 12 13<br />
I W Q T O U R H Y J C P E<br />
K A N G Z L D F V M B S X<br />
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
Crossword<br />
Across: 7. Vehement,<br />
9. Rioted, <strong>10</strong>. Jibe, 11.<br />
Strengthen, 12. Bedaub,<br />
14. Sociable, 15. Secret,<br />
16. Junior, 19. Coincide,<br />
21. Betide, 23. Salutation,<br />
24. Sang, 25. Little, 26.<br />
Situated.<br />
Down: 1. Revise, 2. Here,<br />
3. Sensible, 4. Ironic, 5.<br />
Contradict, 6. Reveller, 8.<br />
Thresh, 13. Accentuate, 15.<br />
Sporadic, 17. Urbanite, 18.<br />
Remiss, 20. Images, 22.<br />
Dinner, 24. Slay.<br />
WordBuilder<br />
gen, gin, hew, HEWING,<br />
hewn, hie, hinge, neigh,<br />
new, nigh, wen, when, whin,<br />
whine, WHINGE, wig, win,<br />
wine, wing.<br />
Sudoku<br />
131<br />
A F Shuker<br />
Supplied by KNIGHT FEATURES<br />
20 Crescent Grove, London SW4 7AH<br />
Tel: 020 7622 1467 Fax: 020 7622 1522<br />
Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 9<br />
is moving<br />
into the heart of new Brighton<br />
ITstuffed is a growing IT company with<br />
its roots in New Brighton.<br />
With the support and trust of the<br />
community they managed to grow, from<br />
a one-man band to a team that is sought<br />
after by their clients.<br />
Moving into their new office space<br />
ITstuffed will be able to provide drop off<br />
services to their residential client base.<br />
This includes fixing slow computers,<br />
broken screens and any other<br />
complication you would normally come<br />
across at home. They will keep providing<br />
their mobile service for any issues that<br />
are related to the home, such as WiFi or<br />
internet issues.<br />
ITstuffed also serves business clients<br />
as cyber security consultants and a<br />
managed service provider (MSP).<br />
Daniel Lechner-Page, managing<br />
director, shared: “One of the biggest<br />
advantages for us will be that we can<br />
invite our clients to visit us for sensitive<br />
meetings. Also, if we get urgent jobs<br />
and a client wants to wait, being right<br />
next to The Burger Joint and Switch New<br />
Brighton, gives them something to do.”<br />
And to the question “Why New<br />
Brighton?”, Daniel said, “There are two<br />
reasons. Firstly, New Brighton is home,<br />
it’s where my son goes to preschool,<br />
where friends live and work. Secondly,<br />
I believe New Brighton will return to<br />
the glorious days from the 80s. I want<br />
ITstuffed to be part and a driver of this<br />
change.”<br />
ITstuffed will open at 5/78 Brighton<br />
Mall (also known as Carnaby Lane) on<br />
Monday 14 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2022</strong>. They will be<br />
available from 9 to 5, Monday to Friday.<br />
To find out more about them, visit<br /> or go and visit them.<br />
• COMPUTER<br />
• WIFI SETUP<br />
• WEBSITES<br />
Computer Problems?<br />
From small niggle to system crash, we can do it all.<br />
We are proud to be part of the wider<br />
New Brighton community<br />
Here for all your<br />
IT needs!<br />
5/78 Brighton Mall,<br />
Carnaby Lane<br />
New Brighton.<br />
Phone: 0800 487 883
<strong>10</strong> Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
If you want more information about an item or to contact a<br />
seller, visit and search the ID#<br />
Sleepyhead Bed - Double<br />
Boat Trailer & Fibreglass<br />
over Ply Hull<br />
Audi Quattro Wagon<br />
34 x CAM-72 Lithium Ion<br />
Batteries Plus Hardware<br />
Wooden Bookcase<br />
Weedeater (Line Trimmer)<br />
$600<br />
ID 38867<br />
$1,000<br />
ID 39333<br />
$35,000<br />
ID 39309<br />
$3,9<strong>10</strong><br />
ID 38821<br />
$<strong>10</strong><br />
ID 39294<br />
$15<br />
ID 39255<br />
Computer Gaming Steering<br />
Wheel and Pedals<br />
Mobility Scotter<br />
Victa Enviro Mower<br />
24V Battery<br />
FI-GLASS 4.5m<br />
Commencal Crossover<br />
Mountain Bike<br />
Masport Cleveland<br />
$90<br />
ID 39296<br />
$5,000<br />
ID 38342<br />
$50<br />
ID 38686<br />
$5,000<br />
ID 37787<br />
$785<br />
ID 38835<br />
$50<br />
ID 38725<br />
Bouncy Castle<br />
Acoustic Guitar Gig Bag<br />
Adjustable Mannequin<br />
Goat Kids For Sale<br />
2001 Subaru Impreza WRX<br />
Thumpstar TSB 70<br />
$900<br />
ID 38851<br />
$40<br />
ID 39125<br />
$200<br />
ID 35776<br />
$<strong>10</strong>0<br />
ID 39186<br />
$9,500<br />
ID 39131<br />
$1,<strong>10</strong>0<br />
ID 39240<br />
Barbecue<br />
Stock Crate<br />
Datsun 240C-P230<br />
Candy Shop Vending Machine<br />
Motorbike Jacket<br />
Magnetic Sheet Self Adhesive<br />
$<strong>10</strong>0<br />
ID 37126<br />
$500<br />
ID 37674<br />
$20,000<br />
ID 37893<br />
$400<br />
ID 37875<br />
$150<br />
ID 19957<br />
$5<br />
ID 25752<br />
Pine Vanity<br />
Nerf 'n Strike Rhino Fire<br />
2002 Jeep Cherokee Limited<br />
4x4<br />
Dry Pine Cones<br />
Massage Table<br />
Audi A3 2.0T<br />
$250<br />
ID 34720<br />
$50<br />
ID 38618<br />
$4,400<br />
ID 39214<br />
$8 per bag<br />
ID 38448<br />
$80<br />
ID 38630<br />
$5,000<br />
ID 38940<br />
Satellite Recorder<br />
Poulan Chainsaw Motor<br />
Drum Set Of Freedom<br />
14” Temuka Pottery Plate<br />
Frozen Yoghurt/<br />
Ice Cream Machine<br />
2013 Buccaneer Schooner<br />
Sleeps 4<br />
$<strong>10</strong>0<br />
ID 38964<br />
$<strong>10</strong><br />
ID 38968<br />
$350<br />
ID 38577<br />
$15<br />
ID 39035<br />
See Seller<br />
ID 39124<br />
$52,500<br />
ID 39227<br />
Kids Chairs<br />
26ft Trailer<br />
Mobility Scooter<br />
Giant Swan Plant<br />
<strong>10</strong> seeds<br />
WANTED:<br />
ALL CARS<br />
4WDS<br />
Race Car Transport Trailer/<br />
Field Workshop<br />
$5<br />
ID 39249<br />
$1,800<br />
ID 39241<br />
$3,500<br />
ID 38830<br />
$1<br />
ID 39315<br />
$20,000<br />
ID 38271<br />
$18,000<br />
ID 37403<br />
Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 11<br />
Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1<strong>10</strong>0<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
TOOLS, Garden garage,<br />
saw benches, Lathes. Cash<br />
buyer Phone 355-2045<br />
Trades & Services<br />
ROOF<br />
PAINTING 24/7<br />
Rope & harness<br />
a speciality,<br />
no scaffolding<br />
required,<br />
30 years of<br />
breathtaking<br />
experience.<br />
20% OFF other<br />
roof quotes<br />
Exterior staining,<br />
exterior painting,<br />
water blasting.<br />
Moss and mould<br />
treatment $300.<br />
Phone Kevin<br />
027 561 4629<br />
George Lockyer. Over<br />
40 years bricklaying<br />
experience. UK trained.<br />
Insurance work, EQC<br />
repairs. Heritage<br />
brickwork & stonework<br />
a speciality. No job too<br />
small. Governers Bay.<br />
Home 329 9344. Cell<br />
027 684 4046. E mail<br /><br />
Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />
relaying, restretching.<br />
Phone John on 0800<br />
003181, 027 240 7416<br /><br />
Trades & Services<br />
★Garden Clean-ups<br />
★Pruning<br />
★Lawn Mowing<br />
★Garden Maintenance<br />
Call us today for a FREE quote<br />
PH 0800 4 546 546<br />
(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />
Prompt & reliable<br />
registered electrician<br />
with 24 years experience<br />
for all residential and<br />
commercial work, new<br />
housing and switch board<br />
replacements. Phone Chris<br />
027 516 0669<br />
& all camera tapes<br />
converted to DVD or<br />
USB. Video taping<br />
special occasions, www.<br /> ph 03<br />
338-1655<br />
ADD SOME<br />
COLOUR<br />
Trades & Services<br />
& GROUT?<br />
Our unique restoration<br />
processes will make your<br />
tiled areas look NEW again!<br />
We specialise in professional<br />
cost effective solutions for<br />
all your tile & grout issues.<br />
• Tiled shower makeovers<br />
• Re-colouring old grout<br />
• Mouldy silicone replacement<br />
• Professional tile/grout<br />
cleaning, sealing & repairs<br />
Call today for a FREE quote on 0800 882 772<br /><br />
Dominion Trading Co Ltd<br />
• Scrap metal buyers<br />
• Canterbury owned & operated<br />
• Top prices paid $$$<br />
• Open Saturday morning<br />
Open Mon-Fri 8am – 4.30pm Sat. 8.30am-12.30pm<br /><br />
03 343 9993 333 Blenheim Rd<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Re Roofing<br />
Roof Repairs<br />
Spouting<br />
Approved Age Concern provider<br />
Over 30 years experience<br />
Licensed Building Practitioner<br />
Ph: 0275 389 415<br />
Email:<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
Phone for further details<br />
(03) 379 1<strong>10</strong>0<br />
20 March <strong>2022</strong><br />
EntEr now!<br />
Secure your entry now |
12 Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Harcourts gold<br />
JANUARY <strong>2022</strong><br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
5<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
9<br />
<strong>10</strong><br />
11<br />
12<br />
13<br />
14<br />
15<br />
When your brand includes the top Harcourts<br />
office out of 900 around the world in addition<br />
to the top franchise in the South Island for<br />
income per sales consultant, it’s clear that<br />
you’ve got an extraordinary team.<br />
So for these consultants to earn the position of one<br />
of the top fifteen real estate sales consultants at<br />
Harcourts gold is truly a remarkable achievement.<br />
They are phenomenally good at what they do;<br />
skilled, highly trained and dedicated to delivering<br />
exceptional results for property owners. I am<br />
extremely proud to work with these real estate<br />
professionals.<br />
Business Owner<br />
AREINZ<br />
AREINZ<br />
AREINZ<br /><br />
PAPANUI 352 6166 | INTERNATIONAL DIVISION (+64) 3 662 9811<br />
REDWOOD 352 0352 | PARKLANDS 383 0406 | NEW BRIGHTON 382 0043<br />
Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 13<br />
14 Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
H O M E<br />
<strong>2022</strong> | MARKET INSIGHTS<br />
The question that we all want answered for <strong>2022</strong> - where is the<br />
property market heading? On 1 st December 2021, we saw<br />
changes to The Government’s Credit Contracts and Consumer<br />
Finance Act (CCCFA), having a major impact on our first<br />
homebuyers, now requiring a minimum deposit of 20% on any<br />
property purchase.<br />
After two months of continuing on with marketing campaigns &<br />
auctions, we are still finding that buyers have the fear of missing<br />
out in this current market. The buyers that we are seeing<br />
through open homes now are genuine buyers, with preapprovals<br />
ready to buy and determination get a foot-hold on the<br />
property ladder.<br />
Desirable locations such as our Coastal Suburbs are forever in<br />
hot demand across a range of buyers. We have seen record<br />
prices take place over the past 18 months and we see prices<br />
being stable moving forward.<br />
Heading into the winter months, there will be a limitation of<br />
HOMES for sale which will increase the demand. To take full<br />
advantage of these opportunities, talk to your coastal HOME<br />
specialist today!<br />
2021 | SALE STATISTICS<br />
$879,555<br />
$490,354<br />
$460,132<br />
$716,117<br />
27 SALES<br />
189 SALES<br />
53 SALES<br />
170 SALES<br />
$958,733<br />
$471,231<br />
$517,058<br />
$625,858<br />
90 SALES<br />
69 SALES<br />
<strong>10</strong>2 SALES<br />
163 SALES<br />
Disclaimer:<br />
Whilst reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the data provided, REINZ gives<br />
no warranty either express or implied in relation to the data generated on this website, including its<br />
accuracy, reliability and suitability and accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to any loss, damage or<br />
other costs relating to the use of any data on this website or any compilations, derivative works or<br />
modifications of the material on this website. Any and all third party data available on this website does<br />
not necessarily represent the views of REINZ.
Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 15<br />
H O M E<br />
The HOME at 45 Surfers Place was an instant hit<br />
online, reaching over 12,837 potential buyers wanting<br />
to set down roots in the popular suburb of North New<br />
Brighton.<br />
We had 32 groups through the doors at open homes<br />
and enquiries coming through thick and fast! Using a<br />
new method of online bidding meant our vendors<br />
could sit back and watch the offers roll in as the<br />
deadline drew to a close, leaving them thrilled with the<br />
end result at $320,000 above GV.<br />
As you have seen over the years we have sold a lot of<br />
homes, and we are especially passionate about the<br />
coastal area. We can highlight the benefit of living on<br />
the East side better than any other company.<br />
Whether it be to use your existing home as leverage to<br />
complete the renovation you have dreamed of,<br />
purchase an investment or holiday home, or merely<br />
know what you’re sitting on for your retirement.<br />
Whatever your plans are, we are here to help you on<br />
your journey whenever you may need us. For friendly,<br />
genuine advice, contact a HOME specialist today.<br />
Perched on the crest of the hill, at the very top of Soleares<br />
Avenue, on a north-facing section offering a vista of city & sea<br />
views. Comprising three bedrooms and two living areas, this is<br />
a place you can simply call HOME.<br />
The two bedrooms on the lower level have access to the<br />
courtyard and flat lawn, an ideal position to enjoy the all-day<br />
sun. With the additional workshop/storage separate from the<br />
garage and ideal spot to have a HOME office or rumpus room<br />
for the Kids. On the upper level of the HOME you have an open<br />
plan kitchen and dining sprawling out to the deck area,<br />
capturing the views Soleares Avenue has to offer.<br />
3 BED 2 BATH 2 CAR<br />
622 M2 (MORE OR LESS)<br />
021 156 5884<br /><br />
AUCTION: 11.30AM, 26 FEBRUARY <strong>2022</strong><br />
16 Thursday <strong>February</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
$795,000<br />
$680,000<br />
60 OTTAWA ROAD<br />
$590,000<br />
$1,750,000<br />
1 & 2 /16 ROSSALL STREET<br />
$1,552,500<br />
$862,500<br />
$1,750,000<br />
$625,000<br />
114 BAKER STREET<br />
$688,000<br />
1 8 6 MA I N RO A D , RE D C L I F F S<br />
03 930 1323<br />