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spouse, partner and a healthy

intimate relationship promotes

happiness. A happy, stable relationship,

whether with a spouse or

partner, is connected to better

mental health. It cannot go without

mention that being in a bad relationship

can worsen your mental health.

An unstable or unhealthy relationship

with your partner can destroy

your self-esteem, increase your

stress, anxiety, and depression levels

and even trigger thoughts of suicide.

You are therefore, encouraged to be

happy always and be number one

cheer leaders of your partners for

the benefit of their mental health.

2. Being Loved Promotes


It is always normal to seek for

self-validation from other people,

for instance your marriage partner.

Feeling loved indeed adds to one’s

sense of self-worth. Knowing that

someone loves you means that you

matter, that you have value, and that

someone would be devastated if you

were gone. Thus, let us strive to

show each other love everyday

verbally and other actions. Some of

us lost ourselves in the lockdowns

and we are thankful of the partners,

family and children who have been

there for us. We all need encouragement

during “dark” and emotional

times. It can be difficult to see

your value, especially in the despair

of depression or suicidal thoughts.

But having someone who loves you

can be the lifeline you just need.

3. It’s the type of Social

Support not the quantity that

benefits Mental Health

The benefits of relationships are not

restricted to romantic connections.

Social support in any form has been

proven over and over again to be

good for mental health. Studies

show that the quality of social

support is much more important

than quantity. In other words,

it’s better to have one or two strong

social connections than a large

network of acquaintances. Teach

your children to be good companions

so that when you grow old they will

provide you and your grandchildren

good company. Can you imagine

being surrounded by many cold

people in your old age!

Research shows that a good social

support network benefits mental

health in several ways:

1.Better resilience in the face of stress

2. Healthier lifestyle choices

3. Better life-long mental health

4. Improved self-esteem

5. Fewer negative effects of stress

4. A Healthy Relationship

Wires Healthy Habits.

If you are in a healthy and happy

intimate relationship, you are more

likely to adopt and stick with healthy

lifestyle choices. These include

eating well, exercising, and avoiding

substance abuse. All of these physical

health habits promote good

mental health. Your relationship

may even encourage you to engage

in more positive mental health

habits, like opening up about your

feelings and engaging in productive

conflict resolution.

Focus on encouraging healthy habits

in each other for good mental

health. Find areas in which you can

both improve, such as drinking less

alcohol or getting adequate sleep.

Work on improving those habits

together and you will see improvements

in mental health as well.


Practicing self-love can improve

your self-esteem, make you aware of

your strengths and allow you to

embrace your weaknesses. While

you might want to do things that feel

good or exciting, practicing self-love

means choosing to do the things that

keep you focused on your goals and

moving towards a healthier, happier

life. Allow yourself to say no to

things that wear you down and harm

you physically or emotionally. This

applies to your work, personal life,

relationships, and recreational activities.

Surround yourself with a

healthy support system that includes

people who respect your boundaries

and who will keep you accountable.

Also remember that, forgiving

ourselves can take a back seat when

we feel low or stressed, but this is a

significant step towards self-love. We

might forget that we need to forgive

ourselves just as much as we need to

forgive others.

issue 1 Feb 2022 Mental Balance 19

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