North Canterbury News: February 24, 2022

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Thursday,<strong>February</strong><strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> | Issue984 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Covid arrives in Nth <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

By ADAM BURNS,<br />


Schoolleaders at Rangiora High School<br />

believe it is too early to tell whatthe<br />

impactofconfirmed positive cases of<br />

Covid­19 will be on its capabilities to<br />

remainopen.<br />

Multiple schools in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

have confirmed casesasthe Omicron<br />

outbreak bears down on the wider region.<br />

Rangiora HighSchoolprincipal Karen<br />

Stewart confirmed atotal of 12 cases of<br />

Covid­19 at the school before going to print<br />

earlier this week.<br />

But the schoolwas aimingtocontinue<br />

operating as normal, despite asignificant<br />

portion of pupils being kepthome.<br />

Many families had opted to err on the<br />

side of caution.<br />

‘‘We’ve advised families that any illness<br />

or sickness to justkeep [pupils] at home,’’<br />

prinicpalKaren Stewart says.<br />

‘‘It’sreallygood that in thisclimate<br />

peopleare takingthat advice to heart.’’<br />

The school was managingmask use and<br />

ventilation measures,but like other<br />

schools, it lackedready access of rapid<br />

antigen tests(RATs).<br />

Kaiapoi High School principalBruce<br />

Kearney believedthe pressure on schools<br />

to remain open wouldbeimmense without<br />

schools securing RAT supplies.<br />

Ms Stewart says she was unsure if the<br />

schoolwas facingclosurebecauseofthis<br />

issue.<br />

‘‘We’re verymuch at the beginning of<br />

this and we don’t know whatitwill look<br />

like,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘We’re relying very heavily on the<br />

adviceofthe education sector.’’<br />

Kaiapoi High School and Amberley<br />

Schoolboth confirmed one positive case<br />

each of Covid­19 on Monday.<br />

Mr Kearney hit outatthe omission of<br />

schools meetingacriteria to secure rapid<br />

tests,whichwas likely to put pressure on<br />

Kaiapoi’s teaching stocks.<br />

‘‘It doesn't makesense,’’hesays.<br />

‘‘A reallyeasy solutionwould be the<br />

RATs...we needthem so badly.Ora<br />

smaller self­isolationtime,but thatRAT<br />

test would be evenbetter.’’<br />

Kearney says without readyaccess,<br />

schools would be likely to close.<br />

School time ... Pupils arrive at Rangiora High School this week amid confirmed positive Covid­19 cases.<br />

‘‘Therealityisdoyou wantustostay<br />

open, or not,’’hesays.Because as cases<br />

grow, the pressure on people to stay at<br />

school is goingtogrow immensely.’’<br />

Amberley School principal Simon<br />

Green confirmed the casewas afamily<br />

member of oneofthe casesatRangiora<br />

HighSchool.<br />

Dozens of pupils had been keptathome<br />

on Monday,mostly as apre­caution.<br />

"We're just trying to keepthings as<br />

normal as possible,"hesays.<br />

The MinistryofBusiness, Innovation<br />

and Employment (MBIE) say schools may<br />

be considered critical where they<br />

provided supportfor critical services by<br />

supervising the children of essential<br />

workers unable to have themathome.<br />

‘‘The scheme is not intended to enable<br />

the attendance of all staff and students —<br />

schools haveplanned for delivering<br />

hybridlearning in arange of scenarios<br />

when teachers or students are havingto<br />

isolate at home,’’ MBIE told RNZ last<br />

week.<br />

‘‘This schemeisonly for those people<br />

who can't have their children at home.’’<br />

Waimakariri MP Matt Dooceyalso<br />

called for rapid antigentestingtobemade<br />

available for schools, similar to systems<br />

implemented across the Tasman.<br />

He saysthe developments at Rangiora<br />


and Kaiapoi High Schools were<br />

‘‘concerning’’and highlightedthe need for<br />

schools to be equipped to respond.<br />

‘‘We should be providing every school<br />

with rapidantigen teststoallow twiceweekly<br />

testing for all students, teachers<br />

and staff –ifNSW andVictoriacan do it,<br />

so can we,” he says. Mr Doocey says<br />

classroom ventilation, and the vaccine<br />

roll­outfor children wereotherissuesthe<br />

Governmentneeded to urgently prioritse.<br />

Acommunity Facebook pagefor <strong>North</strong><br />

Cantabrians was set up on Monday, so the<br />

public couldremainupdatedonlocations<br />

of interest and Covid symptoms.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />



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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Adventure race to fill the gap<br />


The Amazing Race is coming to <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Labelled as an ‘‘antisocial adventure<br />

race’’, it is designed to help fill the<br />

gaping void for those being constantly<br />

disappointed about the cancellation of<br />

high level sporting events due to Covid­<br />

19.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport and<br />

Recreation Trust (NCSRT) has stepped<br />

up to the mark, particularly after the<br />

cancellation of its well­established<br />

Rakahuri Rage event, which exposed a<br />

high demand for organised sporting<br />

activities that could be run under Covid<br />

restrictions.<br />

The NCSRT decided to address this by<br />

putting aspecifically designed<br />

antisocial adventure race on the<br />

sporting calendar on March 6, suitable<br />

for awide range of ages and abilities,<br />

where teams will traverse acourse by<br />

bike and running/walking, working<br />

together to collect points and solve<br />

puzzles along the way.<br />

Race Organiser Tony Kean says the<br />

idea to run an adventure race in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> had been on his ‘‘to­do’’ list<br />

since he competed in one with his<br />

daughter Amber acouple of years ago.<br />

But it took the cancellation of the<br />

Rage and other events this year to<br />

trigger him to finally put his plans into<br />

action.<br />

‘‘To me an adventure race is an ideal<br />

option for the current situation as it<br />

doesn’t take much to change it into a<br />

socially distanced event.<br />

‘‘We can easily stagger team starts and<br />

send teams off to do different sections of<br />

Amazing race. .. Participants at the start of<br />

the Rakahuri Rage, which this year had to be<br />

cancelled. Instead The Amazing Race will be<br />

held on March 6suitable for awide range of<br />

ages and abilities, where teams will traverse<br />

acourse by bike and running/walking,<br />

working together to collect points and solve<br />

puzzles along the way.<br />


the course so there is very little<br />

interaction between teams through the<br />

race.<br />

‘‘And by finding different ways to do a<br />

pre­race briefing, and prize giving<br />

afterwards, there will be no mass<br />

gatherings as part of the event.’’<br />

While describing the Adventure Race<br />

as ‘‘antisocial’’, Kean says it will still be<br />


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afun and challenging event that can be<br />

done in agroup of family or friends.<br />

‘‘It is an ideal family race that will suit<br />

awide range of ages, experience and<br />

fitness.<br />

‘‘We’ve got short and long course<br />

options that will see people out on the<br />

course for anywhere between 90<br />

minutes to 4hours, and we’re allowing<br />

people to use E­bikes if they want.<br />

‘‘It’s more about getting people out<br />

being active, exercising their brains and<br />

their bodies, and simply trying<br />

something new, than it is about hard and<br />

fast racing.”<br />

Teams can register at www.rakahurirage.nz<br />

but everything is left flexible to<br />

allow for team member changes, and last<br />

minute withdrawals if we have Covid in<br />

our community at that time.<br />

‘‘We do need teams to register so we<br />

have an idea of who is likely to be racing,<br />

but we’re conscious that anything can<br />

happen between now and race day so we<br />

want to make it stress free for teams to<br />

make changes or pull out of the event at<br />

any time if their situation changes.’’<br />

Find out more about the NCSRT<br />

Amazing Race at www.rakahuri­rage.nz.<br />

The event is open to teams of 2­4, with<br />

members as young as 9­years­old able to<br />

race with adults on the short course.<br />

It will cost $25 per team member for<br />

the short course event, and $40 per team<br />

member for the long course. All<br />

proceeds from the Adventure Race will<br />

go towards supporting the MainPower<br />

WaiSwim Primary School Swimming<br />

programme which is administered by<br />

the NCSRT, and provides swimming and<br />

water safety lessons to thousands of<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> children each year.<br />

Covid-19 testing sites under the spotlight<br />

From Page 1<br />

Healthofficialsare considering the<br />

prospect of acommunity testingfacility<br />

in Rangiorabut aredetermining<br />

whetheritis‘‘feasible’’.<br />

The <strong>Canterbury</strong>District Health Board<br />

(DHB) sayithas identified asiteinthe<br />

town, but admit resourcingmay be a<br />

factor.<br />

Concerns aroundtestingavailability<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> hassparkedcalls<br />

for an increase of community testing<br />

facilitiesinthe wider region.<br />

MorethanadozenpositiveCovid­19<br />

cases have been confirmedbyahandful<br />

of schoolsinthe Waimakariri and<br />

Hurunuidistricts this week, alongside<br />

an Amberley gymwhich has beennoted<br />

as alocationofinterest by the Ministry<br />

of Health.<br />

Waimakariri MP Matt Dooceysays<br />

concerns had alreadybeen raised<br />

aroundwherepeople canget tested<br />

locally.<br />

Healthline lists aboutadozen<br />

practicesin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, which<br />

were offering limitedCovid­19 testing,<br />

butthere are no walk­in centres<br />

available forresidents.<br />

‘‘We reallyneed moretestingcentres<br />

locally,’’ Mr Dooceysays.<br />

DHBEmergencyCoordinationCentre<br />

incidentcontrollerTracey Maiseysays<br />

it had identifiedasite in Rangiora, but<br />

were considering whether acommunity<br />

centrewas achievable.<br />

‘‘We aredeterminingthe feasibility of<br />

standing this up giventhe competing<br />

demands on staff,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘We mayundertake pop­uptesting<br />

centres if alocalised outbreak of Covid­<br />

19 warrants this.’’<br />

Twotesting centres in Christchurch<br />

have been inundatedthisweek with<br />

peoplereportedley waitinghourstoget<br />

aswab.<br />

Anothercommunity facility in<br />

Ashburton wassimilarly swamped on<br />

Monday.<br />

However an additionaldrive­in<br />

testingsite openedinWigramthis week.<br />

“It’s safe to assumethis pressure will<br />

continue as Omicronmakes its way<br />

across <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,and to keep up<br />

withdemand and relieve pressure on<br />

our already­fullGPclinics,’’ Mr Doocey<br />

says.<br />

“We also need to be mindfulthatnot<br />

everyone has accesstoavehicle, and for<br />

those in ruralpartsofthe district getting<br />

intoChristchurch may notbeeasy.’’<br />

The DHBisasking general practices<br />

to identify,and in somecases contact‘‘at<br />

riskorvulnerable’’ people.<br />

‘‘Older people already receiving home<br />

and community supportservices will<br />

continue to havewelfare checks from<br />

our community teams,’’ Ms Maisey says.<br />

‘‘These teams have also identified<br />

those who are most at risk and<br />

vulnerable to Covid­19and will be<br />

monitoredmore frequently.’’<br />

The Widest<br />

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104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

3<br />

Seaside hospitality on wheels<br />


Kicking back withatippleand<br />

enjoying theambience of Kaikoura, is<br />

proving popular withvisitors to Jimmy<br />

Armers Beach in the seaside town.<br />

Charli’s mobile bar,believed to be<br />

one of akind in New Zealand, is<br />

serving up wine, cider and beer, at a<br />

seaside spot,complementingthe<br />

Kaikoura Seafood Barbecue venue,<br />

which has been trading at Jimmy<br />

Armers for around two decades.<br />

CharliRose De Zen brings 20 years<br />

bar managing experience to thenovel<br />

venture which is set up in aRenault<br />

van,and says therehas been nothing<br />

but positive feedback from her<br />

customers.<br />

It is caninefriendly, completewith<br />

treats for them,and Charlihas even<br />

had agoat and cats on leads visiting.<br />

‘‘Itisnice they can bring their<br />

friends,’’ she says.<br />

It took about9monthstonegotiate<br />

the redtape, but the Kaikoura District<br />

Council eventually gave itstickof<br />

approvaltothe bar whichopened<br />

about four months ago.<br />

Its beentoughdue to the lack of<br />

visitors because of Covid­19 border<br />

restrictions halting the flowof<br />

international visitors.<br />

But Charlihas nothingbut praisefor<br />

the locals.<br />

‘‘I havehad great local support.<br />

‘‘The locals have beenwonderful.<br />

‘‘ They always are in smalltowns,’’<br />

she says.<br />

Charlisays she was in bar<br />

management in Sydney for 20 years,<br />

and then became aflorist.<br />

She decided it was time to return<br />

homefor family and lifestylereasons,<br />

and sworeshe wouldnot go back into<br />

hospitality.<br />

But she is enjoyingbeingback<br />

greeting customers again.<br />

Charliworked at Kaikoura Seafood<br />

Barbecues and was often asked if they<br />

served any beer or wine.<br />

‘‘Somany asked that Idecided there<br />

mustbeamarket for it,’’she says.<br />

Charli’s dad Brian Giles has worked<br />

tirelessly behind the scenes to get the<br />

mobile van operating.<br />

He fitteditout at Charli’s direction,<br />

and encouraged his daughterevery<br />

step of the way.<br />

‘‘Weboughtabig Renault van and I<br />

did it out intoabar hopingtoget a<br />

licence.<br />

‘Eventually it came through,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

The licence has restrictionswith no<br />

glassbeing allowed except for the<br />

bottles,and its hoursare tied to the<br />

next door Seafood outlet due to not<br />

selling food themselves.<br />

Charli says Kaikoura Seafood<br />

Barbecue and her have agreat<br />

relationship and friendship, and its<br />

Seaside ... Charli Rose De Zen brings hospitality to the beach.<br />

nice to be on board together.<br />

But they willrevisit the licence<br />

requirementswhen it comes up for<br />

renewaland look at serving up food to<br />

see if it is possible.<br />

‘‘Bothmum and dad are key to this<br />

venture.<br />


‘‘Mumfinanced it andPadid alot of<br />

the leg work.<br />

At present the mobilebar operates<br />

from 11amto7pm, or in the winter<br />

11am to dusk.<br />

Thereisnolighting so there is no<br />

intention of operatinginthe evenings.<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

River release for Scaup after hospital stay<br />


Four New Zealand scaup, which wereleft<br />

coatedinoil after the Sutton Tools factory<br />

fire last month,have beenreturned to<br />

their naturalhabitat in the KaiapoiRiver.<br />

They are the survivors of 23 that were<br />

rescued.<br />

The littleducks, which are uniqueto<br />

New Zealandand also known as black teal,<br />

were released into the Cam River/Kaiapoi<br />

River confluence in Kaiapoi on last<br />

Wednesday morning by veterinarian<br />

Pauline Howard, from Christchurch’s<br />

South Island Wildlife Hospital,and the<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> wildlife coordinator,<br />

Tori Muir.<br />

Twentythree oil­coatedscaup were<br />

taken to the wildlife hospital after 3000<br />

litresofoil fromthe factory spiltinto<br />

nearbywaterways duringthe earlymorning<br />

fire on January 30. Only four of<br />

the birds survived.<br />

The rehabilitation of the birdswas akey<br />

aspectofEnvironment <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

clean­up response to the oil spill and<br />

involved co­ordination between ECan<br />

staff,and other wildlife experts.<br />

When birdsget oil on their feathers they<br />

are unable to regulate theirtemperature.<br />

Also if theyingest oil they can become very<br />

sick, especially younger birds.<br />

``While it is sad that 19 died, it was great<br />

that we could work togethertosave four,’’<br />

Tori said.<br />

She thankedthe community for<br />

reporting sightings,whichenabled ECan<br />

staff to captureasmany oil­coatedbirds as<br />

possible.<br />

``We are also extremely grateful to<br />

Pauline and the teamatthe South Island<br />

Wildlife Hospitalwho did agreat job of<br />

stabilising,washing and rehabilitating the<br />

scaup despite being pushed for space in<br />

their current facility(at the Willowbank<br />

Wildlife Reserve).”<br />

The release of the birdswas attended by<br />

Walk or Wheel<br />

to School Week<br />

asmall groupofpeopleincluding ECan<br />

staff and councillorGrantEdge,<br />

DepartmentofConservationstaff,plus<br />

Sutton Tools production and engineering<br />

manager GlennMorgan and Carl, Huyser,<br />

the Christchurchbranch manager of<br />

ChemWastewhich helpedECan cleanup<br />

the oil spill.<br />

The company alsohelped towards the<br />

costs of rehabilitating the birdsby<br />

providing 1,000 litredrums to catch the<br />

oilywaterthat washed off the birds and<br />

arranging the safe disposal of hospital<br />

waste whichincluded gloves, rags and<br />

wipes used to soak up the oil.<br />

Mr Huysersaid the company was paid<br />

for the work they did cleaning up the spill<br />

but theywantedtohelp with the costs of<br />

rehabilitating thebirds because ``it felt<br />

likethe right thingtodo.''<br />

It was an emotional time for him<br />

watching the four surviving birds returned<br />

to their Kaiapoi Riverhome.``I had atear<br />

in my eye after watching the birdsfly off,’’<br />

he said.<br />

The riverenvironment had made the oil<br />

spill clean­up acomplex job requiringtwo<br />

trucks and four staff working 49 and ahalf<br />

hours to complete.<br />

``You wanttoonly collect the oil, taking<br />

as littlewater with it as you can,’’ he said.<br />

The oil spill affected the Cam/<br />

RuataniwhaRiver, the Kaiapoi and<br />

Waimakariri rivers downstream from the<br />

Williams Street bridge in Kaiapoi, the<br />

Kaiapoi Riverand Waimakariri River<br />

confluence and the McIntoshs Rocks area,<br />

downstream from the confluence,and out<br />

to the Waimakariri Rivermouth.<br />

Remediation work was also required at<br />

the Kaiapoi River's collegerowingboat<br />

rampand the public boat ramp by the<br />

swing bridge, as these sites were impacted<br />

by residual oil.<br />

Thatwork,which has now been<br />

completed,involved scraping and<br />

replacing oiledstonesand debris.<br />

Home again ... Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> wildlife co­ordinator, Tori Muir, left, with<br />

Christchurch’s South Island Wildlife Hospital veterinarian Pauline Howard, release the four<br />

New Zealand scaups back into the Kaiapoi River.<br />


Settling in ... Three of the four New Zealand scaups that were released back into the<br />

Kaiapoi River.<br />


Monday 7March –Friday 11 March<br />

Join us forWalk or Wheel to School Week,bygetting to school<br />

in any active waythat you can!<br />

We have funnew themes and prizes to be woneach day over on<br />

our Facebookevent.<br />

Day Theme What does it involve?<br />

Monday<br />

Move It<br />

Monday<br />

Formoreinformation, visit:<br />

ccc.govt.nz /walkorwheel<br />

It’stime to getmoving. What will you choose<br />

foryour first active commute?<br />

Tuesday Trash Tuesday How many pieces of rubbish canyou put in<br />

the bin on your waytoschool?<br />

Wednesday<br />

Thursday<br />

Friday<br />

Walk or<br />

Wheel Day<br />

Think about it<br />

Thursday<br />

Funky Feet<br />

Friday<br />

Today is Walk or Wheel Day –who will arrive<br />

on the best-dressed wheels?<br />

Think about how you’ve been getting to<br />

school this week.What did you enjoy?<br />

Put your best foot forward! Wear your<br />

funkiest footwear,and get creative!<br />



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of semi-dry pine offcutsfc<br />

delivered e to<br />

Rangiora a &Darfield.<br />

Give the friendly team at<br />

Ashley Industrial Services<br />

acallall today.<br />

PH: 03 312 3341<br />

E: admin@ais.co.nz<br />

a * Delivery available to other areas, fees may apply.<br />

Like/Follow us on Facebook –Ashley– Industrial Services Ltd<br />

*Lengths &sizesvary.<br />


Pressure on capital works<br />

By ADAM BURNS,<br />


Managers at the Waimakariri<br />

District Council are disappointed<br />

the deliveryofmajor capitalworks<br />

continues to lag behind as it<br />

contendswith an arduous<br />

construction environment.<br />

Anumber of projects withinits<br />

$70 million capital works<br />

programme remain significantly<br />

off the paceasresourcing<br />

constraintsand supplychain<br />

factors continue to stretch council<br />

thin.<br />

Thereisconcern the programme<br />

couldbeaslow as 66 per cent done<br />

by the end of June, after a<br />

quarterlyupdate was presented to<br />

council’s audit and risk committee<br />

last week.<br />

‘‘Resourcing is certainlyhitting<br />

and affecting our ability to deliver<br />

the programme,’’council senior<br />

engineering adviser Don Young<br />

says.<br />

Utilities and roading manager<br />

Gerard Cleary says council needed<br />

to be careful of overcommitting<br />

when developing the annualplan,<br />

as resourcing issues ‘‘would not be<br />

goingaway overnight’’.<br />

‘‘We’ve lost quite afew senior<br />

engineers and in the consulting<br />

industry they’re equallyas<br />

stretched,’’ he says. ‘‘We are<br />

disappointed with how this year’s<br />

capital works delivery is going.’’<br />

Mr Cleary sayscouncilhave<br />

takenongraduate­levelstaffto<br />

help with the workload.<br />

‘‘It’s really hard to getsenior<br />

engineers and that’s probably<br />

wherewe’ve suffered the most,’’ he<br />

says.‘‘It’s acrazymarket out<br />

there.’’<br />

Schedule pressure ... The Waimakariri District Council is significantly<br />

behind schedule on capital works projects due to the labour shortage and<br />

wider supply chain issues.<br />


Adding further headacheswas<br />

pricing issues as aresult of atight<br />

construction market, contractor<br />

availability and ‘‘extreme<br />

pressure’’onthe supply chain.<br />

‘‘Most of the recent tenders have<br />

had one or two respondents only,<br />

and almostall of them are<br />

significantly overbudget,’’the<br />

capital works quarterly report<br />

said.<br />

Councillor Sandra Stewartwas<br />

unsympathethic at the meeting to<br />

the issues and appealed for<br />

assurancesupcoming work would<br />

be completed on time.<br />

‘‘I don’t meantoput the bootin...<br />

but the refrain is very familiar,’’<br />

she says.<br />

‘‘Whatprocess is being put in<br />

place that willvirtually guarantee<br />

that youdeliver far better than<br />

this, given the environmment out<br />

there.’’<br />

Deputy mayor Neville Atkinson<br />

jumped to the defence of staff and<br />

said many of the factors were out of<br />

theircontrol.<br />

‘‘There’ssome realities around<br />

this whichwehave to accept, that<br />

in the nextyear or two there willbe<br />

movementand we may notget<br />

some things donebecause of what<br />

is out there in this environment.<br />

‘‘No resourcing, higher pricesand<br />

no guarantee of timelines...these<br />

guys are managing all of it the best<br />

they can.’’<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

Fly tippers<br />

clean up mess<br />


Fly tippers caught illegally<br />

dumping rubbishin<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

(ECan)parks haveavoided<br />

hefty fines by cleaning up<br />

theirmess.<br />

Thankstoanapp available<br />

to the public,dumpsters<br />

details are being passedonto<br />

ECan. Offenders are<br />

contactedand many are<br />

electing to return to remove<br />

their rubbish, rather than pay<br />

ahefty fine.<br />

Regional parkrangers were<br />

warranted last year underthe<br />

Resource Management Act<br />

(RMA) to issue instant finesto<br />

anyonefound dumping<br />

rubbish in the parks.<br />

This followed ECan staff<br />

collectingmore than62tonnes<br />

of rubbish in the Ashley­<br />

Rakahuri Regional Park and<br />

the WaimakaririRiver<br />

Regional Parkduring the<br />

2019­2020 financial year,<br />

costing ratepayers more than<br />

$152,000 to disposeof<br />

properly.<br />

In addition to this, 98<br />

vehicles were dumped in the<br />

parks during that period at a<br />

cost of about $40,000 to<br />

remove. Only 15 of those<br />

vehicles were removed from<br />

the park by an insurance<br />

company or the ownerofthe<br />

vehicle.<br />

Signs put up at both parks<br />

last April warned visitors they<br />

faced a$750 instant fine for<br />

dumping rubbish. The signs<br />

also encouraged the publicto<br />

report rubbish dumping using<br />

the Snap Send Solveapp on<br />

their mobilephones.<br />

‘‘The app has already<br />

helped ECan to contact<br />

dumpingperpetrators –<br />

resulting in offenders taking<br />

responsibility for theiractions<br />

and returningtoremovetheir<br />

rubbishfrom our parks,’’says<br />

an ECan spokesperson.<br />

‘‘We want to protect our<br />

parks and keep them tidy for<br />

everyone to enjoy. We hope<br />

park signage and the Snap<br />

Send Solve app will helpwith<br />

this.’’<br />

ECan parks and forests<br />

team leader James Pagesays<br />

the regional parks are for<br />

everyone to enjoy and<br />

explore.<br />

‘‘Unfortunately,some<br />

people are not treating these<br />

spaces respectfully and we are<br />

spending asignificant amount<br />

of time and money removing<br />

dumped rubbish including<br />

packaging, household and<br />

commercial waste, and<br />

vehicles’’hesays.<br />

‘‘It is important thatpeople<br />

are accountable for this<br />

behaviour and are aware that<br />

mistreating regional parks<br />

comes with consequences.We<br />

recommend taking rubbish to<br />

your local transferor<br />

recycling station. It is alot<br />

cheaperthan a$750 fine’’.<br />


opening day<br />

19 march <strong>2022</strong><br />

Who will be the first family to swim?<br />

Which family in theHurunuiDistrictdoyou think should<br />

have the very first dip? To submit your nomination, just<br />

email amberley.pool@hurunui.govt.nz with the family,<br />

contact details and the reasonyou nominated them.<br />

Nominationsmustbeinby Monday 7March.<br />

Remember, all adults and children aged 12 years and<br />

three months or older must have aMyVaccinePass.<br />

More details to come!<br />

Purchase any DeWalt product fromThe ToolShed before 31 March <strong>2022</strong><br />

and automatically go in the draw to WIN aHome Entertainment Package! *<br />


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For more info visit www.thetoolshed.co.nz


6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

New market driver<br />

The rapidly rising price of carbon and<br />

the New Zealand Emissions Trading<br />

scheme has added anew market driver<br />

for land use change and value.<br />

Carbon sequestration coupled with<br />

plantation forestry is at present yielding<br />

returns significantly greater than sheep<br />

and beef cattle farming can provide to<br />

farmers.<br />

The consequences that are flowing<br />

from these economic drivers could<br />

fundamentallychange the makeup of<br />

ruralcommunitiesinthe medium to long<br />

term.<br />

The potential to transform significant<br />

area of sheep, beefand wool producing<br />

farmland to production forestry and<br />

permanent carbon forestry has<br />

associated opportunity and risks.<br />

The government policytoplant an<br />

additionalbillion treesover 10 yearsis<br />

designed to achieve anumber of<br />

benefits, however it has also raised the<br />

questions in regard to environmental,<br />

fire risk, employment, rural community<br />

resilience and tourism.<br />

Hurunui District council is<br />

collaborating with other predominantly<br />

rural councils to understand the impact<br />

of carbon only farming.<br />

Achieving community resilience<br />

requiresunderstanding both at amacro<br />

and micro level,and with the raft of<br />

reform there is aconsiderable effort<br />

going into the Future for Local<br />

Government–how can we strengthen<br />

local democracy, and bring citizenship<br />

culture to the fore.<br />

Should we have astrengthen funded<br />

focus on wellbeing, to overcome the<br />

complex challenge of social inequity,<br />

climate change, and bring authentic<br />

relationshipswith Iwi/Maori? Should<br />

there be strengthened and genuine<br />

partnership between central and local<br />

government and what might thislook<br />

like?<br />

These arethe very questions that are<br />

in the minds of local government as we<br />

reshape the future.<br />

The overwhelming desire to keep<br />

decision making is integral to all<br />

conversations woven through the raft of<br />

reform –RMA, Health,Emergency<br />

Management.<br />

Mayors throughout <strong>Canterbury</strong> sit in<br />

on aweekly briefingwith the Regional<br />

Leadership Group to be better informed<br />

of the rapid changes and the effect of<br />

Omicron across ourregion. The<br />

overwhelming messageremains that<br />

there are a“Bundle of Protection”<br />

available for people:<br />

1. Vaccinations/boosters,<br />

2. Wearing awell fitted mask,<br />

3. Hand Hygiene,<br />

4. Physical distancing, and<br />

5. Good ventilation.<br />

As we cope with aseemingly<br />

increasing presence within our district<br />

we should consider finding aBUDDY<br />

who will act as your supportifhome<br />

isolation is necessary for you or your<br />

family.<br />

ABUDDY can deliver groceries or<br />

medication –having asimple plan will<br />

help you to shift your thinking from<br />

covid caution to COVID CONFIDENCE.<br />

Joanne Gumbrell<br />

Chair, Waimakariri Age-friendly<br />

Advisory Group<br />

Social interaction<br />

and companionship<br />

Two of my friends, both in their<br />

eighties, have had falls recently and<br />

injured themselves.<br />

One of them climbed aladder to<br />

changethe battery in her smoke<br />

alarm.Since then,Ihave beentold<br />

that local fire­brigades offer this<br />

service to residents.<br />

Unabletofind aphone number I<br />

put amessage on Facebookwhich<br />

was kindlyansweredbyavolunteer.<br />

Their website www.<br />

fireandemergency.co.nz has various<br />

ways to contactthem as well as<br />

information about keepingyour home<br />

safe and the use of firealarms.<br />

On another housing topic, Im<br />

excited to be able to report thatthe<br />

Abbeyfield WaimakaririSteering<br />

Group has recentlybecome an<br />

Incorporated Societytobeknown as<br />

Abbyfield WaimakaririInc, and will<br />

provide the foundationtobuild an<br />

Abbeyfield House.<br />

An Abbeyfield House comprisesof<br />

12 to 14 en­suite studio units with<br />

sharedcommunal areasofadining<br />

room, lounge, laundryand gardens.<br />

Ahouse keeper is employedtocook<br />

meals,clean the shared areas and<br />

generally offer supporttoresidents.<br />

Residents furnish their own units.<br />

Abbeyfield is not means tested and<br />

someone who has only the national<br />

superannuationand possibly the<br />

living alone allowance to live on, can<br />

afford to pay the rent with some left<br />

over.<br />

So now we have the huge job of<br />

sourcing landand raisingmoney to<br />

buildthe house.<br />

Ideally therewill be land available<br />

to rent to get the project started. It is<br />

always easier to raisemoney if there<br />

is somethingfor people to see.<br />

AbbelyfieldHouses re in countries<br />

throughout the world. There are 14 in<br />

New Zealand, two in Christchurch<br />

and one in Selwyn.<br />

The Steering Group has done a<br />

needsanalysis and thereiscertinaly<br />

aneed for more socialhousing for<br />

single, over 65­year­olds in the area.<br />

Housing for olderpeople is near the<br />

top of the listthe Age­friendly<br />

AdvisoryGroup has identifiedasa<br />

need in Waimakariri.<br />

Social interaction and<br />

companionship is another one.<br />

An Abbeyfieldhosue in<br />

Waimakaririisjust the right thing to<br />

fill theseneeds as wella sfreeingup<br />

otherunits.<br />

Nga mihi nui.<br />

Stay safe, get vaccinated and<br />

boostered.<br />

Government Reforms<br />

DearEditor,<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Mayors have joined alargegroupofcouncil mayorsfromall overthe South Islandto<br />

urgethe Government to work in partnership with local government to create lastingchangesfor the<br />

delivery of theThree Waters Reform(March 17).<br />

Aspokesperson said that thegroup ‘‘is notagainst change butit strongly opposesforcingthrough<br />

massivereformsthat are based on questionableevidenceandanalysis.’’<br />

But hang on ­that soundsfamiliar.<br />

Farmers said the same thing when they hadawall of reformsforcedonthem—Fresh WaterReform,<br />

Biodiversity legislation,Significant Natural Areas, Fertiliser rules,wintergrazingand puggingrules, Te<br />

Wakasomething, CHGcalculations,changingAnimalWelfareand Environmental rules—many of which<br />

are impractical, unworkable,counterproductiveand won't achievethe desiredoutcomes.<br />

Goodluck to the Mayors for LocalDemocracy —farmershaven'thad much of ahearingfrom this<br />

Government!<br />

Yours,<br />

Dave Martin, Ashley<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Feb <strong>24</strong> Feb 25 Feb 26 Feb 27 Feb 28 Mar 1 Mar 2<br />

Rise 7:00am<br />

Set 8:22pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

7:16am<br />

7:45pm<br />

Gentle SE becoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:02am<br />

Set 8:21pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

8:14am<br />

8:45pm<br />

Set 3:05pm Rise 12:19am<br />

Set 4:19pm<br />

Gentle SE becoming<br />

moderate NE<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:03am<br />

Set 8:19pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:16am<br />

9:47pm<br />

Rise 1:08am<br />

Set 5:27pm<br />

Moderate NE turning<br />

E<br />

Rise 7:04am<br />

Set 8:17pm<br />

Best 10:19am<br />

Good<br />

Good<br />

Times 10:50pm<br />

Rise 2:08am<br />

Set 6:25pm<br />

Moderate Sturning<br />

SE<br />

Rise 7:06am<br />

Set 8:16pm<br />

Best 11:20am<br />

Times 11:50pm<br />

Rise 3:18am<br />

Set 7:12pm<br />

Gentle E<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:07am<br />

Set 8:14pm<br />

Best 12:18pm<br />

Times<br />

Rise 4:34am<br />

Set 7:50pm<br />

Gentle E<br />

strengthening<br />

Classic cars<br />

The13th monthly classicgathering of all veterans, vintage,<br />

classic, exotic andunique vehicles, will take place on<br />

Sunday, <strong>February</strong> 27, from 9am to about 3pm, at theBetter<br />

Half Kitchen and Bar,atthecornerofAshworths Beach Road<br />

and SH1, Leithfield. It is free to display and viewvehicles.<br />

TheCafeis open allday until late. Vaccination certificates<br />

must be presentedin theBetterHalf,and masks worn at all<br />

times, except when drinking or eating, as per regulations.<br />

Farmers Markets<br />

TheKaiapoi, Oxfordand Ohoka Farmers Markets continue<br />

under the red traffic light Covid­19 setting. Kaiapoi is every<br />

Saturday, Oxford Sundays and Ohoka Fridays.<br />

Rise 7:08am<br />

Set 8:12pm<br />

Best 12:46am<br />

Ok<br />

Times 1:12pm<br />

Rise 5:51am<br />

Set 8:20pm<br />

Gentle SE becoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

E0.8 m E0.9 m E0.9 m E0.9 m E0.9 m E0.9 m E0.8 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 11:43am 2.3 5:32am 0.6 12:12am 2.3 6:31am 0.6 1:10am 2.4 7:31am 0.6 2:11am 2.4 8:30am 0.5 3:11am 2.5 9:27am 0.5 4:07am 2.5 10:22am 0.4 5:01am 2.5 11:16am 0.4<br />

Mouth<br />

5:55pm 0.6 12:39pm 2.3 6:51pm 0.5 1:37pm 2.3 7:49pm 0.5 2:35pm 2.3 8:47pm 0.5 3:32pm 2.4 9:46pm 0.4 4:28pm 2.4 10:43pm 0.4 5:23pm 2.4 11:39pm 0.4<br />

Amberley 11:43am 2.3 5:32am 0.6 12:12am 2.3 6:31am 0.6 1:10am 2.4 7:31am 0.6 2:11am 2.4 8:30am 0.5 3:11am 2.5 9:27am 0.5 4:07am 2.5 10:22am 0.4 5:01am 2.5 11:16am 0.4<br />

Beach<br />

5:55pm 0.6 12:39pm 2.3 6:51pm 0.5 1:37pm 2.3 7:49pm 0.5 2:35pm 2.3 8:47pm 0.5 3:32pm 2.4 9:46pm 0.4 4:28pm 2.4 10:43pm 0.4 5:23pm 2.4 11:39pm 0.4<br />

11:52am 2.3 5:41am 0.6 12:21am 2.3 6:40am 0.6 1:19am 2.4 7:40am 0.6 2:20am 2.4 8:39am 0.5 3:20am 2.5 9:36am 0.5 4:16am 2.5 10:31am 0.4 5:10am 2.5 11:25am 0.4<br />

Motunau<br />

6:04pm 0.6 12:48pm 2.3 7:00pm 0.5 1:46pm 2.3 7:58pm 0.5 2:44pm 2.3 8:56pm 0.5 3:41pm 2.4 9:55pm 0.4 4:37pm 2.4 10:52pm 0.4 5:32pm 2.4 11:48pm 0.4<br />

11:54am 2.3 5:43am 0.6 12:23am 2.3 6:42am 0.6 1:21am 2.4 7:42am 0.6 2:22am 2.4 8:41am 0.5 3:22am 2.5 9:38am 0.5 4:18am 2.5 10:33am 0.4 5:12am 2.5 11:27am 0.4<br />

Gore Bay<br />

6:06pm 0.6 12:50pm 2.3 7:02pm 0.5 1:48pm 2.3 8:00pm 0.5 2:46pm 2.3 8:58pm 0.5 3:43pm 2.4 9:57pm 0.4 4:39pm 2.4 10:54pm 0.4 5:34pm 2.4 11:50pm 0.4<br />

11:51am 1.7 5:39am 0.4 12:16am 1.8 6:37am 0.4 1:13am 1.8 7:36am 0.4 2:12am 1.9 8:34am 0.4 3:11am 1.9 9:30am 0.4 4:08am 1.9 10:25am 0.4 5:04am 1.9 11:20am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura<br />

5:58pm 0.5 12:46pm 1.7 6:52pm 0.4 1:42pm 1.7 7:48pm 0.4 2:38pm 1.7 8:46pm 0.4 3:34pm 1.7 9:44pm 0.4 4:30pm 1.8 10:41pm 0.3 5:26pm 1.8 11:38pm 0.3<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


Wellness<br />

and Beauty<br />

The ultimate way to<br />

relax and unwind<br />

Lockdown in 2020<br />

provided the inspiration<br />

for Julie Neal to open<br />

a new business, Totally<br />

Relaxing.<br />

Julie, whohadnotstudied<br />

for40years,foundherself<br />

studyingmassage,health,<br />

wellnessandnutrition<br />

atAraPolytechnic,in<br />

Christchurchafterbeing<br />

inspiredbyfamilytogive<br />

itago.<br />

Julie’ssister-in-law and<br />

brother-in-law isolated<br />

with her in Kaiapoi<br />

during the country’s first<br />

lockdown, and during<br />

their stay she discovered<br />

her talent for massage,<br />

helping both with their<br />

achesandpainsthrough<br />

massage.<br />

‘‘Mybrother-in-law was<br />

suffering from<br />

a fairly serious back injury and<br />

I wasabletohelp,while my sister had sore shoulders, and massagehelpedheralso,’’<br />

says Julie.<br />

‘‘TheytoldmeIwasreallygoodandshouldgoanddoacourseonmassage.’’<br />

Totally Relaxing, grewfrom there.<br />

Julielookedatoptionstotrain, signing up with theNew ZealandCollegeofMassage,<br />

butsadly it closed down beforeshebegan herstudies, taking hertuition fees with them.<br />

JulietalkedtoAra, whichwas considering acourse, butatthat stagethere wasnothing<br />

concrete.<br />

‘‘I kept phoning and phoning Ara,’’ says Julie.<br />

In <strong>February</strong> 2021 shesaw a Facebook post by Ara about starting acourse inmassage.<br />

She rang straight away, and only had eight days to apply for a student loan, go to Work<br />

and Income New Zealand,andfindJusticesofthePeacetosignoffthepaperwork.<br />

Juliesaysshegotinwithadaytospare,wasacceptedandbeganayearofstudyand<br />

assignments.<br />

‘‘I passed. I hadn’t been at school for 40 years. It was all new and I didn’t know anything<br />

about computers. But Imanaged,’’ she says.<br />

Julie now has a New Zealand Diploma in Wellness and Relaxation Massage (Level 5).<br />

Totally Relaxing is nowopen in Sneyd Street, Kaiapoi, and Julieisbuildingup<br />

clientele.<br />

Sheislooking forward to offering relaxation massage ($65anhour), Hot Stone<br />

massage ($130 for 90 minutes) and pregnancy massage ($75 for 60 minutes).First time<br />

clientsget$15offtheirfirst massage.<br />

‘‘I am reallyenjoying it,’’ says Juliewhoalso enjoyspainting.<br />

Shejoinedanart andcraftworkshopwhile living in Adelaide for twoyears andpaint<br />

‘‘images fromout of my head’’.<br />

‘‘If anyone gavemeapicture to hand paint acopyof,Iwouldfind it really hard.’’<br />

Julie’sart adornsthe wallsofhermassage studio andisfor sale.<br />

To book an appointmentatTotallyRelaxingcall 027 580 0073 or email<br />

totallyrelaxingnz@gmail.com.<br />

Julie is fullyvaccinated andonlyacceptsfullyvaccinatedclients.Masksareessential.<br />

e<br />

Z.<br />

p<br />

e<br />

e.<br />

a<br />

<strong>24</strong>58845v1<br />

Totally Relaxing<br />

Massage Therapy by Julie<br />

Relaxing massage * $65 for 1hour |Hot Stone Massage * $130 for 90 minutes<br />

Pregnancy Massage * $75 for 60 minutes | *using TuiBlend &Purefx Aurora Balms<br />

Beautiful Body Lotions &hand creams for sale<br />

Acrylic Artwork handpainted by Julie available for purchase<br />

Fully Qualified level 5Massage Therapist, based in Kaiapoi<br />

Fully vaccinated and only accepting fully vaccinated clients<br />

Mask wearing essential<br />

Phone for more information or to book an appointment 027 580 0073<br />

totallyrelaxingnz@gmail.com<br />

Love Your Hearing, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Charlotte Watson<br />

Audiologust<br />

MNZAS<br />

Vera Setz<br />

Audiologist<br />

MNZAS<br />

Alison Highman<br />

Ear Nurse<br />

RN<br />

We’re your local hearing<br />

and ear health experts!<br />




Iwas soover the feeling of being tired all the time and being overweight. Ilooked<br />

for help and found it in aprogram called Phatt (putting health at the top)<br />

No, it’s not magic and you actually have to get off your butt and do something<br />

about it.<br />

Yes, there is acost involved (so do your chippies, chocolate, coke, coffees,<br />

wine, ice cream etc). Yes, we take supplements to support our bodies during<br />

our weight loss.<br />

Can Irecommend it it, hell yes Ican, I’m down 27kgs and my husband is<br />

down 17kgs.<br />

It’s not just about the weight loss, it’s about getting healthy inside and outside. On<br />

this program we get so much energy and we get rid of the inflammation around<br />

our joints which in turngives us more flexibility and awhole lot less pain.<br />

Come on, what have you got to lose? (Oh yeah, weight).<br />

Call me or go to my link for more information.<br />

Ph 0275 149 863 |www.weighintome.com/pages/vickie<br />

Vera Setz:<br />

(03) 423 3158<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Cheviot,<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

Ear Care:<br />

020 41<strong>24</strong> 25 25<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Kaiapoi<br />


Dining<br />

Escapes<br />

Shining the light on<br />

exceptional food<br />

and coffee<br />

Number Eight Café in Cheviotisthe newshining light forexceptional coffeeand<br />

food in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Maintainingafocus on supporting thelocal community by employinglocal staff<br />

andusinglocallysourcedproduce when available, thecafé is awelcomehaven to<br />

locals,and to travelerspassingbetween Christchurch andKaikoura.<br />

Late 2020 hadseenthe closureofother cafesinCheviot,and with no previous<br />

hospitalityexperience thechallenge to rekindle lifeintothe southend of Cheviot<br />

wastaken -NumberEight wasborn.<br />

Afull makeover of thesitewas undertaken, modernizingand updating the<br />

facilities to create awelcomingatmosphere. Thisincludedcreatinganeasily<br />

accessibleoutdoor diningareawithadog-friendlycourtyard.<br />

Now, just over ayearlater,the café has gone aheadinleaps andbounds to ensure<br />

it provides delicious coffee, scrumptiousfood,and exceptionalservice to its<br />

patrons.<br />

In thefood display cabinetfreshly bakedartisan pies, sausagerolls andsweet<br />

treats temptthe taste buds,all prepared on site, andare complementedbyfresh<br />

dailysalads.Thelarge seatingareaprovides aviewofthe courtyard andpassing<br />

trafficasyou enjoythe alacarte brunch menu.<br />

Delicious food options areonofferfor everypalatefor thoseoccasions youwant<br />

taketimetocatch up with friends or family.<br />

Fullylicensed, andwithatemptingand extensive dinner menu,the café is also<br />

open Friday andSaturdaynightsfrom 5.30pmuntil late, throughtill Easter.<br />

Watch thecafé’s Facebookpagefor specialeventsorreserve tables foryourown<br />

function.Thereisalsoamobilecoffee vanavailablefor off-site events.<br />

Off-street parkingisprovided. Open daily7.30am-4.00pm.<br />

<strong>24</strong>53515v1<br />

<strong>24</strong>53511v1<br />

Open daily 7.30am –4.00pm<br />

Friday &Saturday 5.30pm –late<br />

(until Easter)<br />

8Hall Street, Cheviot<br />

www.facebook.com/numbereightcafe<br />

Newly refurbished and restyled, The Amberley Hotel combines it’s<br />

historywith current day living by providing abroad range of amenities<br />

to the community.<br />

The 11 stylish, spacious and modernaccommodationrooms offer aconvenient stop between Christchurch and Hanmer<br />

Springs or Kaikoura, with your comfortinmind. Luxurious, affordable, and private.<br />

Just downstairs the Crown and Shepherd Bar offers space for acatch up with mates over acold beer and live sports<br />

on the big screens, and the Cork and Crown Restaurant has awonderfully relaxed family-friendly atmosphere to enjoy<br />

the premium quality local foods. The private courtyard garden allows extra diningspace under the stars, and the Golden<br />

Hat Takeaways suits well if you want to take your meal to the nearby beach. Perhaps the jewel inthe crown here is the<br />

Crown and Pantry Wine Store and Grocer, where you can pack apicnic from the locally-sourced selection ofwines,<br />

cheeses,crackers, condiments, fresh eggs, bread and even flowers.<br />

Fabulous food, live entertainment, and event bookings also available.<br />

Phone 0800 023 929<br />

Email admin@amberleyhotel.co.nz<br />

84 Carters Road, Amberley<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Wow! This Food is Amazing!<br />

Delicious Snack Menu, Starters, Kids Meals, Light Meals,<br />

Mains, Extras, Desserts<br />

Come along and enjoy playing Housie and Quiz<br />

113RavenQuay, Kaiapoi|Ph: 033277884<br />

www.kaiapoiclub.co.nz | info@kaiapoiclub.co.nz<br />

The Entertainment Hub of The <strong>North</strong>!<br />

Bistro open Wednesday to Sunday<br />

Lunch from 12noon | Dinner from 5pm<br />



MainPowerNew ZealandLimited (MainPower) provides distribution lineservices to apopulation of over 65,000people in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> region.<br />

We providethe networktodeliver electricity to ourregion’shomes,businesses, schools andcommunities.<br />

MainPowerRebate<br />

Qualifying Customers are entitled to theMainPower rebate andthis is appliedasapercentage<br />

discountoff thefixedcharge.The rebateispassed through as adiscountonthe powerbill thatyou<br />

receive fromyourretailer(thoughsomeretailerschoose not to show thisdiscountseparatelyontheir<br />

invoices). Once acustomerisconnected to theMainPower network,they areaQualifyingCustomer<br />

(thisexcludes temporarysupplies). Customers connected to theformerKaiapoi Electricitynetwork will<br />

have adiscount appliedtotheir fixed charge equivalenttothe MainPower rebate.<br />

Charge from 1April <strong>2022</strong><br />

(ExcludingGST)<br />

Customer PriceCategories<br />

ResidentialCustomers<br />

Approximate<br />

Customer Estimate<br />

1Feb <strong>2022</strong><br />

Gross<br />

Dollars/day<br />

–<br />

Rebate<br />

Dollars/day<br />

=<br />

At1April <strong>2022</strong>, the Qualifying Customer rebateand KaiapoiElectricitydiscount,paid as<br />

apercentagediscountofthe fixed chargewillbe<strong>24</strong>.2%for residential customersand<br />

9.9%for non–residential customers.<br />

Fixed<br />

Net<br />

Dollars/day<br />

Fixedlinecharges are<br />

shown as dollarsper day,<br />

regardlessofhow much<br />

electricity you use.<br />

+<br />

Transmission<br />

Dollars/day<br />

=<br />

Variableline charges are shown<br />

as dollars per kWh (kilowatt<br />

hour).This is applied to the<br />

amount of electricity youuse.<br />

Total<br />

Dollars/day<br />

Gross<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

+<br />

Variable<br />

Transmission<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

=<br />

Total<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

All InclusiveStandard User 17,367 1.9750 -0.4777 1.4973 0.5342 2.0315 0.0154 0.0048 0.0202<br />

AllInclusiveLow User 12,354 0.3000 -0.0726 0.2274 0.0000 0.2274 0.0911 0.0113 0.10<strong>24</strong><br />

UncontrolledStandardUser 2,016 1.9750 -0.4777 1.4973 0.5342 2.0315 0.0397 0.0052 0.0449<br />

UncontrolledLow User 885 0.3000 -0.0726 0.2274 0.0000 0.2274 0.1154 0.0117 0.1271<br />

AllInclusivewith Night OnlyStandardUser 1,593 1.9750 -0.4777 1.4973 0.5342 2.0315 0.0154 0.0048 0.0202<br />

Night Only Portion – – – – – – 0.0058 0.0042 0.0100<br />

All Inclusivewith Night OnlyLow User 988 0.3000 -0.0726 0.2274 0.0000 0.2274 0.0911 0.0113 0.10<strong>24</strong><br />

Night Only Portion – – – – – – 0.0508 0.0113 0.0621<br />

Other Customers<br />

Non–Residential 5,954 2.8100 -0.2770 2.5331 0.7114 3.<strong>24</strong>44 0.0355 0.0053 0.0408<br />

Temporary Supply 418 2.4900 0.0000 2.4900 0.5692 3.0592 0.1020 0.0052 0.1073<br />

Irrigation (per kW connected) 1,461 0.1354 -0.0062 0.1292 0.0685 0.1977 0.0291 0.0126 0.0416<br />

CouncilPumping 207 4.0500 -0.4172 3.6328 1.<strong>24</strong>34 4.8763 0.0228 0.0036 0.0265<br />

Streetlighting (per fitting connected) 113 0.0910 -0.0060 0.0850 0.0180 0.1030 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Non–Residential–LargeUsers (weightedaverage) 44 29.0000 -0.5095 28.4905 46.6985 75.1890 0.0356 0.0049 0.0405<br />

DistributedGeneration – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Optional Additions<br />

Right of WayLighting – – – – – – 0.0437 0.0<strong>24</strong>9 0.0686<br />

UnderVerandahLighting – – – – – – 0.0437 0.0<strong>24</strong>9 0.0686<br />

ElectricVehicle – – – – – – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

DistributedGeneration – – – – – – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

ChargeBefore31March <strong>2022</strong><br />

(Excluding GST)<br />

CustomerPriceCategories<br />

ResidentialCustomers<br />

Gross<br />

Dollars/day<br />

–<br />

Rebate<br />

Dollars/day<br />

=<br />

Fixed<br />

Net<br />

Dollars/day<br />

+<br />

Transmission<br />

Dollars/day<br />

=<br />

Total<br />

Dollars/day<br />

Gross<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

+<br />

Variable<br />

Transmission<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

=<br />

Total<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

All InclusiveStandardUser 1.9160 -0.6947 1.2213 0.5792 1.8005 0.0165 0.0037 0.0202<br />

AllInclusiveLow User 0.1500 -0.0565 0.0935 0.0000 0.0935 0.0878 0.0102 0.0980<br />

UncontrolledStandardUser 1.9060 -0.6947 1.2113 0.5792 1.7905 0.0395 0.0037 0.0432<br />

UncontrolledLow User 0.1500 -0.0565 0.0935 0.0000 0.0935 0.1103 0.0102 0.1205<br />

AllInclusivewith Night Only Standard User 1.9160 -0.6947 1.2213 0.5792 1.8005 0.0165 0.0037 0.0202<br />

Night OnlyPortion – – – – – 0.0072 0.0037 0.0109<br />

All Inclusive with Night Only LowUser 0.1500 -0.0565 0.0935 0.0000 0.0935 0.0878 0.0102 0.0980<br />

Night Only Portion – – – – – 0.0465 0.0102 0.0568<br />

OtherCustomers<br />

Non–Residential 2.6550 -0.4100 2.<strong>24</strong>51 0.7514 2.9964 0.0370 0.0057 0.0427<br />

Temporary Supply 2.4800 0.0000 2.4800 0.5792 3.0592 0.1019 0.0037 0.1057<br />

Irrigation (per kW connected) 0.1474 -0.0062 0.1412 0.0445 0.1857 0.0341 0.0084 0.04<strong>24</strong><br />

Council Pumping 4.0500 -0.5502 3.4998 1.0634 4.5633 0.0228 0.0026 0.0255<br />

Streetlighting (per fittingconnected) 0.0910 -0.0060 0.0850 0.0180 0.1030 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Non–Residential–Large Users (weightedaverage) 29.0000 -4.0095 <strong>24</strong>.9905 50.1985 75.1890 0.0386 0.0027 0.0413<br />

Distributed Generation 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Optional Additions<br />

RightofWayLighting – – – – – 0.0437 0.0<strong>24</strong>9 0.0686<br />

Under VerandahLighting – – – – – 0.0437 0.0<strong>24</strong>9 0.0686<br />

Distributed Generation – – – – – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Formore detailedinformation on ourpricingmethodology,which describesthe approach MainPowerhas adoptedto<br />

determinepricesfor customers connectedtothe electricity distributionnetwork, visitmainpower.co.nz/pricing.


10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Home away from home ... Adriel resident keeping the gardens watered.<br />


Adriel hits the bigscreen<br />

Ruby’s Choice,aground breakingfilmin<br />

which dementia takescentre stage, due<br />

to be released in Australia soon, has a<br />

snippetfrom Amberley’s AdrielHouse<br />

and Rest Home.<br />

The film, which willbescreened in<br />

New Zealand explores the humanising<br />

story of agrandmotherdealingwith<br />

dementia,and whosefamily re­discover<br />

the value of her presence in their lives.<br />

Adriel’sownerMischealMcCormick<br />

saysitcan be ‘‘ tragic and tough’’ losing<br />

afamily member to dementia, but they<br />

are still there, andtheyhave moments of<br />

clarity.<br />

The filmgivespeople abetter<br />

appreciationofpeople with memory<br />

loss, and is neededtoimprove<br />

communicationwiththem.<br />

‘‘Itis(thefilm)quite educational and<br />

moving,’’ saysMischeal.<br />

Adriel is aSpark of LifeCentreof<br />

Excellence, aprogramme which focuses<br />

on thequality of the connection between<br />

carersand residents, and theirfamilies.<br />

It alsofosterskindness, compassion,<br />

empathy, and respect for supportive<br />

partners.<br />

Mischeal says theprogramme is the<br />

home’s point of difference fromother<br />

facilitiesprovidingdementiacare,and<br />

focusesonthe quality of the connection<br />

betweencarers,residents, andtheir<br />

families.<br />

Someproceeds from Ruby’sChoice<br />

willgobacktoDementiaCare<br />

International and theSpark of Life<br />

programme.<br />

Mischeal urges anyonelooking for a<br />

vocation to consider working at Adriel.<br />

Gainingqualificationsonthe job is free,<br />

and Mischeal is aqualifiedmoderator to<br />

level4for those aiming to gainhealth<br />

and wellbeing qualifications.<br />

No industry experience isnecessary,<br />

and peoplecan learn on thejob,she<br />

says,whilealwaysworking alongside<br />

anotherstaff member.<br />

‘‘It is alot about interacting with<br />

people.<br />

‘‘It is noteveryone’scup­of­tea, butit<br />

can be avery rewardingcareer,’’ says<br />

Mischeal.<br />

Alot of in­housetrainingisprovided<br />

for staff,particularlyaround the Spark<br />

of Life philosophy, andthe one­on­one<br />

care it promotes.<br />

No­one ever worksalone at Adrieland<br />

Mischealbelieveslearning and<br />

improving skills on the job is invaluable,<br />

with many young people, andstudents<br />

starting out in thekitchen.<br />

Mischeal saysbeingasmall home<br />

more flexibility can be built intopeople<br />

hours, andtheycan take time offfor<br />

important chores, or to pickupchildren<br />

from school, or in otherfamily<br />

emergencies. Other staff cover for them.<br />

‘‘This creates goodteam work,and<br />

promotes goodcommunication,says<br />

Mischeal. ‘‘Adriel is agreat supportive<br />

placetocometowork,’’she says.<br />

Staying safe ... Age Concern is offering arefresher course for older drivers in<br />

Rangiora.<br />

Support for older drivers<br />

‘‘Staying Safe’’ is arefresher workshop<br />

for senior road users in aclassroom<br />

based setting which aims to maintain<br />

and improve safe driving practices.<br />

The workshop aims to help older<br />

drivers re­familiarise themselves with<br />

traffic rules and increase their<br />

knowledge about other transport<br />

options available to keep you mobile<br />

for as long as possible.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Age Concern is holding a<br />

Turn everyday<br />

essentials into<br />

SuperGold<br />


‘‘Staying Safe’’ course on March 9at<br />

MainPower Oval in Rangiora from<br />

10am to 2pm. Alight lunch is provided.<br />

The course is open to any senior<br />

resident who would like to learn more<br />

about how to stay safe on the road.<br />

The course is supported by the<br />

Waimakariri District Council. Contact<br />

Wendy Fox, Age Concern <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

on (03) 3317808 by Wednesday, March<br />

2.<br />

Thinkaboutthose whohavememory<br />

lossand associated problems ...<br />

•CountryHomeValueswithCommunitySpirit<br />

•DayCare•Men’sClub•RespiteCare<br />

•Relaxed,HomelyCottageGardens<br />

(andevenafewanimals)<br />


Please callustoday tofind out howwecan care for your lovedones.<br />

Phone: Clinical Nurse Manager Elaine Mulholland, (03) 314 8326 ex 1<br />

36 Osborne Rd,Amberley<br />

2374549<br />

Find allthe ways you could<br />

stretch your moneyfurther.<br />

Visit www.supergold.govt.nz or download<br />

and check the SuperGoldNZ app.<br />


Kaiapoi’sSterling Village taking shape<br />


New residents are slowly moving in, as<br />

Kaiapoi’s The Sterling Village bursts into<br />

life.<br />

The first residents moved into the<br />

brand new retirement village in<br />

Silverstream just before Christmas, and<br />

village general manager Suzi Cadigan<br />

says all 18 units from stage one will be<br />

occupied by the end of March.<br />

‘‘We’ve got nine units occupied so it’s<br />

just asmall community at this point, but<br />

they’re enjoying getting to know each<br />

other and sharing cups of tea, sharing<br />

craft ideas and playing board games.<br />

‘‘They’re becoming their own little<br />

community, like an extended family,<br />

which is really lovely because alot of<br />

people don’t have their extended family<br />

around them.’’<br />

Another 16 units are under<br />

construction as part of stage two and are<br />

expected to be ready in November.<br />

‘‘We’ve had lots of interest. We are such<br />

anew alternative to Kaiapoi which is<br />

really exiting for the town and<br />

Silverstream is such alovely area,’’ Ms<br />

Cadigan says.<br />

Lime Living Ltd was granted aland­use<br />

consent by the Waimakariri District<br />

Council last year to build The Sterling<br />

Village, spread out over seven hectares<br />

of land.<br />

Over the next five years, the developers<br />

plan to build 78 independent living units,<br />

267 apartments, 48 residential care beds<br />

and 36 memory care beds.<br />

The Sterling Village is being<br />

constructed alongside the growing<br />

Silverstream development as ‘‘a village<br />

within village’’, Ms Cadigan says.<br />

‘‘It’s anice setting and because we are<br />

within the Silverstream village, people<br />

love that concept of being part of awider<br />

community and having those wonderful<br />

facilities nearby.<br />

‘‘The Sterling is purpose­built and we<br />

Home duties ... The Sterling Village general manager Suzi Cadigan checks up on akitchen<br />

in one of the new units.<br />


don’t have any gates or fences.<br />

‘‘We want the residents to be part of the<br />

community. We don’t want it to be<br />

closed.’’<br />

Local amenities such as acafe,<br />

hairdresser, medical centre, dentist and<br />

shops are just ashort walk away in the<br />

Silverstream village and there is easy<br />

access to Kaiapoi, and to Christchurch<br />

via the motorway, Ms Cadigan says.<br />

For now The Sterling offers a<br />

temporary clubhouse for residents to get<br />

together socially.<br />

In time new facilities will be added<br />

such as lawn bowls, croquet, aputting<br />

green, acommunity garden, apetanque<br />

ground and achildren’s playground.<br />

The site will also have its own cafe,<br />

restaurant, cinema, swimming pool and<br />

men’s shed.<br />

Initially these facilities will be for the<br />

residents only, but the intention is for<br />

them to be opened up to interact with the<br />

wider village, Ms Cadigan says.<br />

‘‘We hope to be able to challenge local<br />

bowling clubs and croquet clubs to a<br />

game.<br />

‘‘There will be some services that will<br />

be resident focused, but in general we<br />

want to encourage that interaction.’’<br />

Ms Cadigan says The Sterling Village is<br />

advertising for more staff and expects to<br />

establish 60 permanent positions over<br />

the next five years as construction is<br />

completed.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

The Widest<br />

Music<br />

Variety<br />

11<br />


RegTradesman • Interior,exterior.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />

specialising in decorating for<br />

over 65.<br />

Discounts<br />

for Seniors<br />

Free quotes.<br />

Friday 6pm &<br />

replayed at 12pm<br />

Sunday<br />

Tune in nowtolisten on<br />

104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />

andKaikoura<br />

Covering <strong>North</strong> Canty,Oxford,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />

Ph Rob 03327 7899<br />

or 027 432 3520<br />

<strong>24</strong>23683<br />

BloomfieldCourt<br />

Homelysettingproviding<br />

personalised care,delicious<br />

home cooked meals &rooms<br />

with alovelygarden outlook.<br />

Privatelyowned and<br />

operatedwithin the heartof<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Mapping it out ... The Sterling Village general manager Suzi Cadigan shows the scale<br />

model of how big the village is expected to get over the next five years.<br />

134 Rangiora-Woodend Road,Woodend<br />

Forfurther information phone Lyn-Nurse Manager 03 312 7088<br />

Email: nmbloomfield17@gmail.com www.eldernet.co.nz/bloomfieldcourt/<br />

<strong>24</strong>21444<br />

Lawyers<br />

Experienced<br />

Podiatrist;<br />

<strong>24</strong>29070v1<br />

Sensible,cost-effectivesolutions<br />

for localpeople with legal needs<br />

We can assist with all property<br />

transactions including:<br />

•Pre-Auction checks<br />

•First home purchases including<br />

Kiwisaverwithdrawals and Kainga<br />

Orasubsidies<br />

•RetirementVillage Licenceto<br />

Occupy<br />

•Subdivisions<br />

•Family gifting and loans<br />

03 313 7086<br />

4Durham St, Rangiora<br />

admin@williamsmckenzie.co.nz<br />

www.williamsmckenzie.co.nz<br />

<strong>24</strong>58397<br />

Now with more availability<br />

022 1726 049<br />

www.northcanterburypodiatry.co.nz<br />

• General Dentistry<br />

• Family Dentistry<br />

• Funded Dental Care<br />

0-18 *<br />

• Dental Therapy<br />

• Hygienist -weekend<br />

appointments<br />

available at new<br />

location<br />

<strong>24</strong>50356<br />

Open Monday to Friday 8.30 to 5.30 |www.pagdental.com<br />


*Conditions Apply<br />

PAGPegasus Dental<br />

54 Pegasus Main St Pegasus<br />

03 920 4003<br />

pagpegasusdental@gmail.com<br />

• Teeth Whitening<br />

• Minor Oral Surgery<br />

• Sedation<br />

• Facial Pain<br />

• Surgical Extractions<br />

• Oral Medicine<br />

Specialist<br />

• Finance Options<br />

Available<br />

•Ample parking,<br />

easy access<br />

•Clinicians all New<br />

Zealand trained<br />

•Super Gold and<br />

Community Services<br />

Card Discounts<br />

PAGSilverstream Dental<br />

4/42 Silverstream Boulevard Silverstream<br />

03 925 8003<br />


NEWS<br />

12 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Amberley development under way<br />


The Amberley Country Estate is setto<br />

be launched in the middle of this year.<br />

Construction is under wayonthe $200<br />

million retirementvillage, withthe first<br />

units expected to be availablebyJune<br />

or July.<br />

The HurunuiDistrict Council granted<br />

aresource consent lastyear, allowing<br />

for the development of the 16 hectare<br />

siteover the next10years, but<br />

developer Tim Bartellsexpects<br />

construction to be completed in five<br />

years.<br />

‘‘Therewillbearound 500 people in<br />

the village so it’snot asmall imprint,<br />

but hopefully avery goodone. We’ve got<br />

16haofland so this is notyourtypical<br />

retirement village with everything<br />

jammedin.<br />

‘‘Eachunit willget areasonable<br />

amountofland withlandscaping,<br />

gardens andlawns as afeature,rather<br />

thanhaving lines of villasjoined<br />

together.’’<br />

Mr Bartellsplans to build 250units,<br />

rangingfrom 111to133 square metre<br />

two bedroomunits up to 185square<br />

metre three bedroom villas.<br />

Consents for17units have been<br />

approved so far,withmore being<br />

processed. Thesite willalso haveresthome,<br />

hospitaland dementiacare<br />

onsite.<br />

A330 square metre temporaryclub<br />

house andresidents’facility is being<br />

built at the entrance to thevillage to<br />

provide acommunal space for<br />

residents.<br />

In time it will be replaced by astateof<br />

the art communalarea, whichis<br />

expected to include abowling green,<br />

snooker,library, craft rooms,amen’s<br />

shed,virtual golf and beyond, Mr<br />

Bartells says.<br />

Amberley Country Estate is located<br />

Show home ... Some new show villas are under construction at the Amberley Country<br />

Estate site.<br />


withineasywalkingdistance of the<br />

towncentre, which willallowresidents<br />

to connect with the wider community.<br />

The complexwill be basedonthe<br />

LongridgeCountryEstate,which Mr<br />

Bartells is developinginPaeroa,<br />

Waikato.<br />

While he cannotsay for certain how<br />

manyjobsthe Amberley projectwill<br />

create, the Longridgedevelopment<br />

providesongoingwork for around 100<br />

contractors.<br />

‘‘Wetry to uselocals and we spend<br />

locally where we can,’’MrBartellssays.<br />

‘‘Having that increase in population for<br />

the townisgoing to be significant.<br />

‘‘Typically whatwefindispeople<br />

movefromout of townbecausethe units<br />

are attractive with theirspace andnice<br />

lawns.’’<br />

Around 45 percent of Longridge<br />

residents havemovedinfrom Auckland<br />

and Mr Bartells anticipates asimilar<br />

response fromChristchurchretirees.<br />

Road sign<br />

vandalism<br />

irks council<br />

Vandalism of road signs could have serious<br />

consequences, the WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council warns.<br />

Road safetyco­ordinator Kathy Graham<br />

is concernedthat give way and stop signs at<br />

intersections in the Mandevilleand Ohoka<br />

area have been knockedover on purpose.<br />

‘‘While many road users will be familiar<br />

with these roads, others may not and this<br />

type of vandalism can have serious<br />

consequences. Road users often need more<br />

than one cue to help them navigate.<br />

‘‘Thisiswhy roads have acombination of<br />

signage, road marking, and sometimes at<br />

areas like intersections, additional<br />

infrastructure such as splitter islands are<br />

installed. This assistsroad users who may<br />

be distracted and may miss the cues to help<br />

them make good decisions.’’<br />

She says people make mistakes in all<br />

areas of life and particularly on the road.<br />

At various times of the year, vegetation<br />

growthofoverhanging trees, hedges or<br />

overgrown grass can also block signage or<br />

make visibility more difficult.<br />

If you have vegetation that overhangs on<br />

to aroad reserve and there are road signs,<br />

please check and make sure the vegetation<br />

iskept clear.<br />

If you see asign that has been damaged<br />

or is blocked by vegetation let the council<br />

know eitherbycalling 0800 965468,email<br />

office@wmk.govt.nz or use the Snap Send<br />

Solve app on your phone.<br />

‘‘We want everyone, whetherthey’re<br />

walking, cycling, driving, motorcycling or<br />

taking public transport, to get where<br />

they’regoing safely,’’ Ms Graham says.<br />

To learn more about the Road to Zero<br />

Road Safety Strategygotonzta.govt.nz/<br />

safety/what­waka­kotahi­is­doing/nz­roadsafety­strategy.<br />

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From homes tofarm buildings and<br />

far beyond -BGBeaven do it all!<br />

Forthe past 43 years BGBeaven,<br />

awell-established Rotherhambased<br />

building company, has<br />

been providing building services<br />

throughout <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

It has atrack record of building<br />

homes and commercial premises<br />

to the very highest standard, and<br />

is amember of Master Builders.<br />

Its expertise is sought from<br />

Amberley in the south to Kaikoura<br />

in the north, and everywhere in<br />

between.<br />

The locally owned and operated<br />

business employs builders<br />

based in Kaikoura, Rotherham,<br />

Hanmer Springs and other <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> centres.<br />

Barney and his wife Wendy are<br />

Kaikoura-based, where they<br />

are building their own home to<br />

eventually retire in.<br />

Barney Beaven began building<br />

woolsheds as a21-year-old. Today,<br />

this is replaced with calf sheds as<br />

dairying has become more prolific<br />

in the region.<br />

However, the company’s work<br />

extends far beyond farm<br />

buildings.<br />

It now provides everything from<br />

repairing weatherboards, to<br />

building $2 million architecturally<br />

designed homes.<br />

BGBeaven continues to be in<br />

demand with several new homes<br />

on the go.<br />

The company continues to do EQC<br />

repairs on homes and buildings<br />

damaged in the 7.8 magnitude<br />

November 2016 quake, which had<br />

its epicentre in Waiau.<br />

‘‘We care about these<br />

people. BGBeaven<br />

is now trusted<br />

and listened<br />

to<br />

by insurance<br />

companies,’ ’<br />

Wendy says.<br />

BGBeaven<br />

can get<br />

plans<br />

drawn up<br />

for clients<br />

from<br />

reputable<br />

companies it<br />

subcontractss<br />

to, and<br />

has project<br />

managers based in<br />

the Rotherham office<br />

Outdoor<br />

Living<br />

to dopricing<br />

and guide<br />

clients, while<br />

also ensuring<br />

builds meet<br />

all the building<br />

standards rules and<br />

regulations.<br />

Kaikoura home ...Progress on the Beaven’s home at<br />

Avoca Street, Kaikoura.<br />

Photo: Supplied<br />

Barney and his wife Wendy<br />

remain the foundation of the<br />

business.<br />

Their move to Kaikoura follows<br />

decades of service to their local<br />

Amuri community where both<br />

continue to be actively involved<br />

in BG Beaven.<br />

Summer is here -give Brett<br />

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Local, family owned business who has been in business<br />

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Jobs Large and Small<br />

We are happy to help!<br />

Contact ustoday for a<br />

quote or to discuss<br />

your next project<br />

BGBeaven Builders<br />

03 315 6346<br />

www.hurunuibuilders.co.nz<br />

wbeaven@amuri.net<br />

See your<br />

experts<br />

in Rangiora!<br />

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It’s Summer!<br />

Maximise your<br />

water usage &<br />

reduce wastage<br />

by watering<br />

your garden in<br />

the evening<br />

-water restrictions may<br />

apply socheck with your<br />

local council<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Okuku’ssecret garden hidden in plain view<br />


17<br />

Asecret garden,hidden in plain view in<br />

Okuku,iswinning rave reviews from<br />

visitors, and customers who buy the<br />

flowers grown there.<br />

The Birch Hill Flower Farm,owned<br />

by Nicky Paul,isone of the gardens<br />

featured on anew website calledSecret<br />

Gardens, which has been established by<br />

Banks Peninsula gardener, Jane<br />

Mahoney and her daughter Sophie,who<br />

lives in Auckland.<br />

Nicky’s small flower farm was<br />

established in September 2020 with<br />

help from her partnerLes Summerfield<br />

and her teenagechildren Sammie and<br />

Gibson.<br />

She wanted to createasustainable<br />

local business thatprovidesfresh,<br />

organicallygrown, cut flowers to the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> market and although she<br />

also has afull­time job working off the<br />

farm, she hopes to eventually be able to<br />

work full­time on her flower business.<br />

Her inspiration for the flower farm<br />

came fromPinterestposts,particularly<br />

thosefrom United States farmer­florist<br />

and author ErinBenzakein, the<br />

founder of Floret FlowerFarm in<br />

Skagit Valley, Washington.<br />

‘‘I thought if they can do it why can’t<br />

I,’’ Nicky says.<br />

She farmssustainably and is a<br />

memberofFloralCollective<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> which was establishedlast<br />

year by flower growers and florists who<br />

support seasonal and organic flower<br />

farming and also the global Field­To­<br />

Vase movement. Nicky sells her flowers<br />

directtoflorists at the collective's<br />

marketinRiccarton every Thursday<br />

morning but the public can also<br />

purchase bouquets by messaging her on<br />

socialmedia or by email.<br />

‘‘I havealwaysbeen an avid gardener,<br />

and have beendrawn towards the<br />

Colourful landscape ... Nicky Paul in her Birch Hill Flower Farm<br />

garden in Okuku .<br />


English countrygardenstyle,’’ Nicky<br />

says.<br />

‘‘I love long boarders and mixes of<br />

bothperennials and annuals,<br />

particularlythe way theyare planned<br />

and planted.’’<br />

She is hoping to eventuallydevelop a<br />

couple of her own longboarders on the<br />

farm to show visitors what it is possible<br />

to achieve by incorporatingthe flowers<br />

she grows into their own gardens.<br />

Nicky growsthe majorityofher<br />

flowers fromseed, with her goal to have<br />

an even mix of annuals, perennials and<br />

woody shrub foliageinthe garden.She<br />

has aspecial interest in heirloom<br />

varieties and focuses on growing small<br />

quantities of manydifferent flowers,<br />

including ranunculi, honeywort and<br />

mignonette snap dragons, zinnias, Bells<br />

of Ireland and dahlias.<br />

Her favourite time of year is the<br />

Cuddle time. .. Birch Hill Flower Farm owner Nicky Paul, playing<br />

with the latest addition to her Okuku garden, 10­week­old pups,<br />

Maisie and Gus.,<br />

height of summer wheneverything is in<br />

fullbloom. She holdsregular<br />

workshops at the farm and has also had<br />

a‘‘steadystream’’ of garden tours<br />

through the gardensince it opened.<br />

Establishing the flower farm has been<br />

alot of hard work but wellworth the<br />

effort.<br />

‘‘Itfeels like Iamchasing daylight<br />

mostofthe time,but it is just so<br />

rewarding.’’<br />


Local used car dealership &automotive repair workshop business “Cactus Cars Ltd” has achieved another surprise award, this<br />

time for the Top3Rated Dealership in <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

The Buyer Score awards are an independent rated service for vehicle dealerships throughout New Zealand. Buyer Score collects<br />

genuine feedback direct from verified customers and display results on www.buyerscore.co.nz .<br />

Many car dealers /workshop owners might say they provide<br />

the best customer experience or say they offerexceptional<br />

value for money,but do they really?<br />

Ibelieve Cactus Cars does as they’ve achieved an incredible<br />

97% customer approval rating &anoverall 4.82 star rating<br />

out of 5 &the first Dealership/workshop in Kaiapoi to achieve<br />

abuyer score award. Ifeel Cactus Carsisabit of ahidden<br />

geminKaiapoi &inmyopinion, well worthavisit.<br />

Paul Burbidge of Cactus Cars says<br />

his business modelisabit different<br />

to other car dealers. It’s not good<br />

or bad, just different. Paul said<br />

they mainly purchase damaged<br />

vehicle’s and breathe life back into<br />

them via the workshop & panel<br />

shop as this keeps the overall sale<br />

price ofthe vehicles affordable for<br />

their customers.<br />

Some vehicles might need areplacement engine or transmission and other might<br />

needabit of panel &paint TLC. Paul saidhenever buys written off or de-registered<br />

vehicles, just cars requiring some mechanical or panel &paintTLC.<br />

Once the vehicles are brought back to life, they’re all sold with anew 12 month<br />

WOF from an independent MTA assured workshop, 12 month registration, 12<br />

month full mechanical brake down insurance, serviced, groomed and afull tank<br />

of gas and Paul says he guarantees every vehicle he sells and every job they do<br />

in the workshop.<br />

Paul &Deb (owners of Cactus Cars)are committed to helping the local community<br />

where they can. And both believe, when people need your help, then you help<br />

where you can “No questions, No Judgement” offering second chance finance<br />

option for the car sales &Afterpay and Genoapay account payment option for the<br />

workshop.<br />

About two years ago<br />

Paul &Deb answered<br />

aneed in Kaiapoi for amore affordableautomotive repair service and purpose built<br />

anew workshop next to their car sales yard. The New workshop has aqualified<br />

team, all the latest equipment and diagnostic gear to provide WOF repairs &a<br />

full mechanical repair service for Kaiapoi with truly affordable charges as Paul<br />

felt some automotive repair quotes he’s seen were just getting out of control and<br />

too expensive for many people. Leaving some people with no choice but to drive<br />

unsafe or un-warranted cars and is just not right!<br />

Cactus Cars now has many customer making the shorttrip out from Christchurch<br />

for more affordable WOF repairs and vehicle maintenance &the while you wait<br />

service and the many courtesy cars available makes the service even more<br />

convenient.<br />

The workshop has been open now for about two years and my research identified the business has many very<br />

complimentary reviews on Google, Facebook, Needacar, Trade Me&Buyer Score and has built asolid reputation for<br />

fixing some extremely complex challenges other workshops struggle with &getting many repair jobs completed for<br />

sometimes for half the cost of other workshops.<br />

165 Williams Street,<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Ph Paul 03 327 2961<br />

027 586 7570<br />

www.cactuscars.co.nz<br />

Paul &Deb said the team all work real hard to make sure all their customers are happy and running asmall business can be tough sometimes, however knowing they have the support ofthe locals<br />

means the world to them and they would like to thank everyone for all their support throughout these tough times and for all the complimentary reviews that lead to their surprise Buyer Score award.<br />



FOR LESS<br />


SUMMER<br />

SELL OUT<br />

SUMMER<br />

SELL OUT<br />

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$<br />

1299<br />

Madison 3Seater<br />

Armchair Was$999 $939<br />

FROM<br />

$<br />

519<br />

3Seater $999 $919<br />

2Seater $819 $759<br />

1Seater $559 $519<br />

SUMMER<br />

SELL OUT<br />

Lennox Dining Chair<br />

SUMMER<br />

SELL OUT<br />

WAS $519<br />

$<br />

479<br />

Ash<br />

Acacia<br />

Birch<br />

AckleyDining Table<br />

WAS $139<br />

Lending criteria, $50 Annual Account Fee, fees,<br />

Ts&Cs apply. Standard Interest Rate<br />

(currently 25.99%p.a.) applies to any outstanding<br />

balance at end of interest free period.<br />

Offer ends 1st March <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

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129 Dining Table $1029 $949<br />

Coffee Table $649 $599<br />

Buffet $1109 $999<br />

Sylvie<br />

Collection<br />

SUMMER<br />




SELL OUT<br />

Raglan Egg Chair<br />

East Cape Table<br />

Available in:<br />

Chocolate,<br />

Black, White<br />

Palm Beach<br />

Egg Chair<br />

WAS $699<br />

$<br />

549<br />

WAS $899<br />

$<br />

779<br />

WAS $2699<br />

$<br />

2299<br />

WAS $179<br />

$<br />

149<br />

Marley Outdoor<br />

Dining Chair<br />

Gunmetal &White<br />

SUMMER<br />

SELL OUT<br />

Akaroa Lounge Setting<br />

Summer<br />


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SUMMER<br />

SELL OUT<br />

WAS $2699<br />

$<br />

Willis Chaise<br />

2149 WAS $2199<br />

$<br />

1399<br />

Left&Right Hand Chaise<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Start made on aboretum at Millton Park<br />

19<br />


Work has begun on an arboretum<br />

planned for Rangiora’s Millton<br />

Memorial Park.<br />

The arboretum is part of the<br />

Waimakariri District Council’s new<br />

development plan for the River Road<br />

park approved by the Rangiora­Ashley<br />

Community Board last July.<br />

Anumber of existing pine trees, which<br />

were considered unsafe, have been<br />

removed from the arboretum site.<br />

The remaining trees will be pruned<br />

and the site tidied in preparation for<br />

planting the first new trees this coming<br />

winter.<br />

The development also includes an<br />

extension to the Rangiora Dog Park for<br />

anew dog agility area, apublic toilet, an<br />

area earmarked for the relocation of the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Model Railway Club,<br />

and apath network.<br />

The project manager, Grant Stephens,<br />

who is the council’s parks and<br />

recreation design and planning team<br />

leader, says there is currently $135,000<br />

allocated in council's Long Term Plan<br />

and an additional $35,000 allocated from<br />

the Rangiora­Ashley Community<br />

Board’s general landscaping budget, for<br />

the project.<br />

‘‘The Board allocated their<br />

contribution to enhance the aesthetic of<br />

this main entrance into Rangiora as part<br />

of their overall view of enhancing their<br />

town entrances’’’ he says.<br />

‘‘This project will also add benefit to<br />

the community and anumber of<br />

community groups who use it.’’<br />

The arboretum will provide an<br />

opportunity for large specimen trees to<br />

be planted and displayed which is often<br />

difficult in urban environments.<br />

‘‘It will also have apositive<br />

environmental impact, help enhance<br />

connectivity to the wider Ashley­<br />

Rakahuri Regional Park trails and also<br />

offer knowledge and insight to visitors<br />

about the species which grow in our<br />

district and the wider world,’’ Grant<br />

says.<br />

‘‘The Rangiora Dog Park is already<br />

renowned as alocation across<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> for walking dogs and the<br />

agility area will add to that public<br />

profile and cater for avast number of<br />

users.’’<br />

The council has been working with a<br />

number of community groups who are<br />

keen to be involved with the project<br />

ranging from donating trees to helping<br />

with planting days.<br />

Draft master plan ... MIllton Memorial<br />

Park.<br />


Welcome to John Rhind Funeral Directors Kaiapoi<br />

Welcome Back to KaiapoiMark Glanville. The<br />

newLocation Managerand Funeral Director<br />

forJohnRhindFuneral Directors Kaiapoi.<br />

Mark grew upatWaikuku Beach, later<br />

settling in rural Woodend, working as<br />

a<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Funeral Director<br />

/Embalmer for 23 years, qualifying in<br />

Funeral Directing -1995.<br />

Mark brings with him awealth of<br />

knowledge having worked in many small<br />

towns throughout the South Island as a<br />

Locum Funeral Director insole charge of<br />

funeral homes such as Gore, and Alexandra.<br />

Mark also did ashort stint in Auckland for<br />

Davis Funeral Directors. While he loved<br />

the fast pace ofAuckland doing up to 5<br />

funerals aday, Mark missed the country<br />

dynamic of his home town in <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

so returned having gained new insight into<br />

the running of abig Funeral Home.<br />

Mark recently spent 8years as Location<br />

Manager at Simplicity funerals in<br />

Christchurch. Giving up the daily commute<br />

to be back working in his hometown has<br />

been along-term goal, now achieved.<br />

Anotherlong-term goalMark and his wife<br />

Olwen achievedwas building and settling<br />

on alifestyle block 12 years ago in Flaxton.<br />

NowaDIY gardener,hay carter, ditchdigger,<br />

fencefixer, lawn mowerand staffto3horses,<br />

2cutemini ponies andone crazydog.<br />

Out of office Mark enjoys getting<br />

outdoors, White baiting during the season<br />

and aseasoned Toastmaster with the<br />

Kaiapoi Toastmasters Club, ahobby he<br />

shares with Olwen.<br />

Christine Staines, also at Kaiapoi, has been<br />

afuneral director in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> since<br />

1997, Christine’s a4th generation Kaiapoi<br />

local, having brought her family up in<br />

the river town. Christine has apassion for<br />

Funeral Directing, she says “I get up every<br />

morning thinking how lucky Iam”Its an<br />

easy job to love but its not always easy.<br />

Christine and Mark have previously worked<br />

together for many years and are looking<br />

forward to the future, developing the<br />

funeral home.<br />

Continuing atraditionofcaringfor over 140<br />

years, the Historic Cottage, 118 Williams Street,<br />

recentlywon the <strong>2022</strong> garden competition.<br />

We have afamily lounge which is used for<br />

viewings and small family gatherings, and<br />

alovely comfortable interview lounge.<br />

We have funeral plans tosuit everyone<br />

with awide range of options, whether it’s<br />

something simple or afull service, with<br />

burial or cremation. Funerals can beheld<br />

at -any church or venue of your choice.<br />

John Rhind’s have ability todomobile web<br />

streaming and AV montages as required.<br />

Our Pre Arrangement and Pre Paid<br />

options through the Funeral Trust NZare<br />

an excellent way tohelp guide your family<br />

through at the time. www.thefuneraltrust.<br />

co.nz. TheJohn Rhind Kaiapoi team,<br />

Christine and Mark will be there to provide<br />

exceptional care and peace ofmind for<br />

you and for those you love.<br />

3277499 –johnrhind.co.nz<br />

Mark Glanville FDNZ cert, Reg. FD (FDANZ)

NEWS<br />

20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

In his element making robots for 45 years<br />


ARangioraman’s robotsare settogoon<br />

permanent display.<br />

EricCummins (91) has beendesigning<br />

and buildingmechanicalrobots as ahobby<br />

for around 45 years and nowhis inventions<br />

havebeendonatedtothe New Zealand<br />

Museum of Toys andCollectibles in<br />

Christchurch and to theOxford Museum.<br />

He began his hobbywhenhis then<br />

7­year­old sonasked himtomake hima<br />

robot.<br />

‘‘DrWho andBuck Rogers were all the<br />

rageonTVatthe time,’’his wife,Jayne<br />

Cumminssays.<br />

‘‘Sothat’swhathedid.The robot was<br />

justabovekneeheightand moved around,<br />

turningcircles,goingforwardand<br />

backwards.<br />

‘‘Itfiredagun and it couldstickits<br />

tongueout, itsears would go up and make<br />

arudesound.’’<br />

Thatwas just thebeginning,asMr<br />

Cumminswent on to make bigger and<br />

better ones,including robotswithlegs that<br />

could walkand pickthings up.<br />

One robot could even hold abottle and<br />

pourwaterintoacup andMrCummins<br />

madeawalking boy withall normal<br />

walking movements.<br />

After servingasanapprentice tool<br />

maker,MrCummins was‘‘inhis element<br />

creating and building things’’, Mrs<br />

Cumminssays.<br />

‘‘Heisbasically an inventorand was in<br />

ajob he loved, as ascience technician at<br />

the Department of Science and Industrial<br />

Research (DSIR).<br />

‘‘One desire he hadwas to makelegsso<br />

thataparaplegic personcould standand<br />

walkagain. He talkedtothem at work<br />

(DSIR) aboutthisand wasgiven six<br />

monthstocreatesome, whichhedid.’’<br />

After working alongsideascientist,he<br />

was makinggood progress, so theDSIR<br />

asked Burwoodhospitaltocontribute<br />

Home workshop ... Eric Cummins and some of his mechanical friends.<br />

towardsthe cost.<br />

Withnofundingavailable, theproject<br />

cametoanend, butMrCummins was not<br />

one to giveup.<br />

He continued to workonthe legs at<br />

home, but he as he did not know a<br />

paraplegicperson to work withhewas<br />

unable to complete hiswork.<br />

‘‘Hedid make thelegs that walked<br />

aroundand we have himvideoedwalking<br />


in them,’’ MrsCummins says.<br />

Mr Cummins hasdemonstratedhis<br />

robots in schools,libraries, community<br />

events, to men’s sheds and university<br />

students.<br />

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Pleasescaninand<br />

wear amask.

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Local schools dominate AgriKidsNZ contest<br />


21<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> school<br />

childrenhave once againshown<br />

thatthe future of the rural sector<br />

is in safe hands.<br />

Oxford Area School and <strong>North</strong><br />

Loburn School teams placed first<br />

and second in the Tasmanregion<br />

AgriKidsNZ competition at<br />

Springston on Saturday.<br />

Known as the ‘‘Dudes and<br />

Dudettes’’,Oxford AreaSchool’s<br />

teamofWilliamGlassford (12),<br />

WilliamShore(12) and Elizabeth<br />

Cooper (11) cameout on top after<br />

aseries of modules and thena<br />

race­off featuring the top seven<br />

teams.<br />

Teamsupervisor Michelle<br />

Maginness says the childrenare<br />

overthe moon at the result.<br />

‘‘They reckon it'sthe best day of<br />

their lives,’’ she laughed.<br />

‘‘They're prettystoked, they're<br />

absolutely pumped.<br />

‘‘They've competedinthe<br />

competition afew times and they<br />

really enjoy it so to get<br />

somewhere is just the icing on<br />

top of the cake.’’<br />

All threechildren are from<br />

dairy farms and Ms Maginness<br />

described them as ‘‘realfarm<br />

kids’’ who love being outside and<br />

out on the farm.<br />

While OxfordArea Schooljust<br />

enteredone AgriKidsNZteam,<br />

<strong>North</strong> Loburn School entered<br />

fourteams with ‘‘Tasman Tykes’’<br />

and ‘‘Tihiraki Trio’’both making<br />

the final race­off.<br />

The Tasman Tykes put up a<br />

strong showingand crossed the<br />

linefirst in the finalrace­off,<br />

Second place ... <strong>North</strong> Loburn’s Tasman Tykes team of PJ<br />

Mackintosh (12, left), Melanie Philpott (11) and Hamish Webb (11) were<br />

pleased with 2nd place in the AgriKidsNZ contest.<br />

before being placed second<br />

overall.<br />

In the race­off teamsfaced a<br />

series of challenges includingan<br />

egg and spoon race,lassoing a<br />

‘‘horse’’ and then putting on a<br />

bridle, relayhammering anail,<br />

gumboot throwing, awater<br />

challengeand afour­legged race<br />

to finish.<br />

Ward School’s ‘‘Boundary<br />

Riders’’placed third to join the<br />

two <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> teams in a<br />

trip to the finalinWhangarei in<br />

July.<br />

Amongthe other schools<br />

competing was Seddon School in<br />

Marlborough,which sent eight<br />

teams down for the competition,<br />

with three qualifying for the final<br />

race­off.<br />

OxfordArea Schoolwas also<br />

represented in theFMG Junior<br />

Young Farmer of the Year<br />

contest by brothers Nicholas (15)<br />

and Connor (13)Slemint. The<br />

pair enjoyed their day of<br />

competing.<br />

Rangiora High School’s Sam<br />

Grigg (17) and CharlotteRhodes<br />

(17) qualifiedfor the fiveteam<br />

final ‘‘face­off’’ quiz, placed third<br />

overall.<br />

Just two placesinthe Junior<br />

Young Farmer of the Year final<br />

were up for grabs, withJack<br />

Winners ... Oxford Area School’s Dudes and Dudette team of William<br />

Glassford (12, left), Elizabeth Cooper (11) and William Shore (12) were<br />

excited to win the AgriKidsNZ contest.<br />


Dennehy­Colesand FinnO’Kane,<br />

of St Bede's College, placing first<br />

and Amelia Ridgenand Erin<br />

Humm, of Christchurch Girls'<br />

High School, second.<br />

St Bede's College agriculture<br />

teacher and team supervisor<br />

John McPhailsays his boys had a<br />

relatively short leadintime to<br />

preparefor the competition.<br />

‘‘I heardthey were up quite<br />

late last night reading through<br />

different notes and cramminga<br />

bit of study,’’ he said.‘‘Itwas a<br />

tight turn aroundthis year<br />

becausewe'd only beenbackat<br />

school for two weeks before<br />

entrieswere due.<br />

‘‘They were alast minute entry<br />

on theday before so it was good I<br />

managed to convince them and<br />

get them in there.’’<br />

Jackand Finn are both in Year<br />

12 and are boarders, withJack<br />

fromadairyfarm on the West<br />

Coast and Finnfrom adairy farm<br />

in South<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Under the red lightsystem,<br />

eacheventonSaturday was run<br />

separatelywith the AgriKidsNZ<br />

and junior young farmer contests<br />

capped at 35 teams to comply<br />

withthe 100 personcapacity<br />

limit.<br />

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Animal sacrifice recognised<br />


Theresa Rosanowski is hoping people<br />

will remember the wartime service of<br />

animals today.<br />

The Okuku woman is an avid supporter<br />

of Purple Poppy Day, which is recognised<br />

internationally on <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong> every<br />

year, and she has been alongtime<br />

campaigner to get the wartime service of<br />

animals more widely recognised in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

Theresa was one of the organisers of a<br />

commemorative plaque, recognising the<br />

wartime service of animals which was<br />

unveiled at the Rangiora War Memorial<br />

Cenotaph last November.<br />

One of the other organisers of the<br />

plaque, Clare Hammond, says New<br />

Zealand is probably one of the later<br />

nations to recognise animals for their<br />

war service.<br />

‘‘There are many very dedicated<br />

animal lovers in New Zealand who have<br />

been working to make the general public<br />

aware of the cost of animals lives from<br />

wars and conflicts.<br />

‘‘But as Theresa and Iwere<br />

researching plaque designs we found so<br />

much has already been done around the<br />

world, in Europe, the United Kingdom,<br />

the United States and Australia. There<br />

are many memorials, very large ones too<br />

in places around the world,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘Our plaque is possibly the first on a<br />

town/city public cenotaph in the world,<br />

definitely the first in New Zealand.’’<br />

However in Hamilton’s Memorial Park<br />

there is alife­size, 300kg, bronze horse<br />

statue Gunner, the War Horse, dedicated<br />

to all the horses who lost their lives at<br />

war, including many thousands of New<br />

Zealand horses sent to battlegrounds but<br />

never returned home.<br />

Clare says Nigel Allsopp, aNew<br />

Zealander now living in Australia, who<br />

founded the Australian War Animal<br />

Memorial Organisation (AWAMO) has<br />

Lest we forget ... Remembering animals<br />

which paid the ultimate sacrifice. PHOTO: FILE<br />

done ‘‘a massive amount of work’’<br />

helping to create memorials in New<br />

Zealand, Australia and around the world,<br />

including the poignant Animals in War<br />

Memorial located outside London’s Hyde<br />

Park, in England.<br />

It is estimated that more than 16<br />

million animals, including horses,<br />

donkeys, mules, camels, dogs, cats and<br />

pigeons served during World War 1and<br />

more than eight million died, but many<br />

other animals have also died in service<br />

during other wartime conflicts around<br />

the world.<br />

The Royal New Zealand Returned<br />

Services Association national women’s<br />

president, Diane Wilson, says there is no<br />

street appeal for Purple Poppy Day.<br />

‘‘We see this as an ongoing project for<br />

our RSA (Returned Services Association)<br />

women’s sections to embrace, along with<br />

their communities, to raise funds and<br />

awareness as well as honouring our fourlegged<br />

veterans.’’<br />

The purple poppy was created in 2006<br />

by aUnited Kingdom charity ‘‘Animal Ai’’<br />

'tocommemorate animals which<br />

were‘`the forgotten victims of war’’.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

BENDON<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Rugby for all players in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

25<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby is working to<br />

ensure everyone who wants to play rugby<br />

at JABlevelthis seasongets the<br />

opportunity.<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby Manager Craig<br />

Mullan says the JAB competitionwill kick<br />

off on May 7.<br />

However, there willbesome changes<br />

due to theCovid­19 Red TrafficLight<br />

settingsfor coaches, managers, team<br />

members andsupporters to negotiate.<br />

The structureofthe competition may<br />

also look alittle differentfrom previous<br />

yearstoaccommodate thosewho have<br />

vaccinationpasses,and those who have<br />

not.<br />

Mr Mullan says several options are<br />

underconsideration, however, to play<br />

15­a­side rugby, players 12 years3months,<br />

need to have amandated vaccine pass.<br />

This not only helps ensureplayer safety,<br />

but also helps control numbers attending<br />

matches which has to be under 100<br />

including includes players, managers,<br />

coaches and spectators.<br />

It also helps other Covid­19 protocols to<br />

be met safely.<br />

But if thereisdemand,the association is<br />

looking to offermodified competitions for<br />

7­a­side or 10­a­side games for allother<br />

players.<br />

Mr Mullan is urgingplayerstoregister<br />

withtheir clubssothey can get an idea of<br />

whatthe competition structure may need<br />

to be.<br />

Registration is lowerthan normal for<br />

thistime of the year, and it is hoped this<br />

picks up soonsodemand for alternative<br />

competitions can be gauged,and<br />

structures sorted.<br />

‘‘Pleasecomplete the registration<br />

process so that each club has good clarity<br />

on their position.’’<br />

Someclubs are offering on line<br />

registration, while other are holding<br />

registration days.<br />

New Zealand Rugby has issued updated<br />

rules to support clubs and schools to<br />

continue to play under the Covid 19 traffic<br />

light settings. While match day guidelines<br />

are stillbeing finalised, there is guidance<br />

in place for training and changingrooms<br />

on the New Zealand Rugby website at<br />

nzrugby.co.nz.<br />

Rallying the troops ... Coach Andre<br />

Barrett rallies the Ashley Under 6rugby<br />

team.<br />


Oxford RFC JAB registration<br />

Wednesday 16 th <strong>February</strong> -3pm to 5pm<br />

Sunday 27 th <strong>February</strong> -10am to12pm<br />

New players, coaches and managers welcome.<br />

Fees: (eftpos available at clubrooms)<br />

Un6 -Un10: $70<br />

Un11 -Un18: $90<br />

Family sub: $190<br />

Sub includes free team photo, socks and mouthguard<br />

Registration also available online at:<br />

https//www.sporty.co.nz/oxfordrugby /orfcjab@gmail.com<br />

On the run ... Last season’s Kaiapoi under­13 fullback Blake Tull on the burst in amatch<br />

against the Renegades.<br />


Senior Div1, 2, Colts and Un18<br />

Pre-season training starts 7pm on 8th <strong>February</strong> at home.<br />

All new players welcome. SEEYOU THERE!!!<br />

AnyJAB trophiesmustbereturned oneitherofthese<br />

registration dates.<br />

<strong>24</strong>55975<br />

PLAY RUGBY FOR OHOKA IN<strong>2022</strong>!<br />

Junior Registration isnow open on our website<br />

http://www.ohokarugby.co.nz/<br />

Join us for our registration evening on Thursday 17 March, 5.30PM for:<br />

• Fun games<br />

• Bouncy Castle<br />

• MrWhippy,<br />

• Meet our senior players<br />

Our muster events in April are achance to<br />

meet coaches/managers and teams.<br />

We have aTown vs Country pre season fixture<br />

against Linwood Rugby Club in early May<br />

at Mandeville.<br />

Junior Grades we offer atthe club:<br />

Ripper Rugby -U6and U7<br />

Tackle -U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13<br />

Come and play at our family friendly club this season!<br />

<strong>24</strong>59897<br />

Ashley RFC is afamily focused club<br />

based at the beautiful Loburn<br />

Domain.<br />

In the 2021 season we fielded 15 Junior teams plus three senior teams in<br />

Colts/Division 2and 1.<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> season will again see Colts/Div. 1&2playing in Country Competitions. We have<br />

an outstanding reputation for both our friendly hospitality, our outstanding facilities and our<br />

experienced team of junior coaches. Our aim is to provide afun environment where kids can<br />

develop their skills and fitness, make new friends and build apassion for our great game.<br />

Registrations have opened for our Senior sides and all our online registration links can be<br />

found on our website http://www.ashleyrugby.co.nz/ Click on senior registrations.<br />

For junior registrations, these are open and registrations are being taken however due to<br />

Covid-19 Red Traffic Light settings we will not hold aregistration day for those wishing to<br />

register in person until Thursday <strong>24</strong> th March 5.30 -6.30pm at the Clubrooms.<br />

This will also be an opportunity for aboot sale swap of second hand rugby gear.<br />

Stay tuned for all up to date information with regards to Ashley Rugby on<br />

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Ashleyrugby or instagram<br />

Enquiries for registration can be made by email JAB.ashleyrfc@gmail.com or<br />

rugbymanager.ashleyrfc@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing current and new players.<br />



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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

27<br />

The Widest Music Variety<br />

Friday 6pm & replayed at 12pm Sunday<br />

Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />

All smiles ... George and Adele Laing, of Waipara, admire the champion Dorset Down ewe<br />

entered by their grandmother Helen Laing, of Waipara, at the last Amuri A&P Show in 2020.<br />

President without ashow<br />


Frank Macfarlane is apresident without<br />

ashow.<br />

The Rotherham farmer and his wife<br />

Ginny were gearing up to preside over<br />

the Amuri A&P Show at the Rotherham<br />

Showgrounds on Saturday, March 5, until<br />

Omicron got in the way.<br />

‘‘It’s an excellent community and the<br />

Amuri show is the main event for the<br />

whole area, so it’s gutting to cancel.<br />

‘‘We weren’t going to call it off. We<br />

waited until we had no choice.’’<br />

The move to the Covid­19 red traffic<br />

light setting made it impossible to hold<br />

the show, with a100 person attendance<br />

limit.<br />

It is the second year in arow the show<br />

has been cancelled, with last year’s show<br />

cancelled after the region was plunged<br />

into Alert Level 2just aweek before show<br />

day.<br />

On that occasion, the region returned<br />

to Level 1the day following show day,<br />

allowing acommunity fun day to be held<br />

in lieu of the show.<br />

But with daily case numbers passing<br />

1000, it is unlikely the show committee<br />


will get any reprieve this year.<br />

‘‘We would like to thank our committee<br />

and especially our secretary Kim<br />

Balcombe. She puts atremendous<br />

amount of work in,’’ Frank says.<br />

While the show has been cancelled,<br />

work continues and the grounds still<br />

need to be maintained.<br />

Frank would like pay tribute to his<br />

uncle and long serving grounds keeper<br />

Duncan Macfarlane, who is his 80s and is<br />

set to retire.<br />

The Macfarlanes have been farming in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> since the 1850s,<br />

moving to the Amuri Basin in the 1880s.<br />

Frank and Ginny farm a1500 hectare<br />

hill country property at Rotherham,<br />

running Angus cattle and Romney­Texelcross<br />

sheep.<br />

They made the switch from Corriedale<br />

sheep 10 years in abid to produce more<br />

and better quality lambs and ‘‘to remain<br />

profitable’’.<br />

Ginny is aprimary school teacher at<br />

Rotherham School. she has taught there<br />

since the 1990s and served as principal<br />

for nine years.<br />

She now teaches along the road at<br />

Waiau School.<br />

Cattle judging to go ahead<br />

On­farm cattle judging in the Amuri<br />

Basin area will go ahead next week, amid<br />

the Covid­19 red traffic light setting.<br />

While the Amuri A&P Show has been<br />

cancelled on Saturday, March 5,<br />

organisers are pressing ahead with plans<br />

for the annual on­farm cattle judging<br />

next Tuesday.<br />

Ironically the show committee moved<br />

to on­farm judging for the cattle<br />

competitions due to another pandemic ­<br />

Mycoplasma bovis.<br />

Once again the competition will be<br />

divided into three sections ­prime beef,<br />

beef heifers and dairy cattle.<br />

Aprizegiving will be held at The<br />

Rotherham Hotel on Tuesday, with<br />

numbers restricted and subject to red<br />

traffic light restrictions.<br />

Prizes will be presented in all beef<br />

classes, including steers under<br />

20­months, three heifers under<br />

20­months, rising 3­year­old beef heifers<br />

suitable for breeding, and rising 2­yearold<br />

beef heifers.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Vet Clinics will<br />

donate aspecial prize to the best overall<br />

pen of heifers or steers, while the Hoban<br />

Tray will be presented to the best<br />

yearling heifers.<br />

The Hoban Tray is awarded in<br />

alternate years to the best yearling<br />

heifers or 2­year­old heifers.<br />

There will also be prizes presented in<br />

the dairy cattle classes, including<br />

Cattle judging ... Cattle will be judged onfarm<br />

next. Photo: File<br />

graziers with rising 1­year heifers,<br />

graziers with rising 2­year heifers, milk<br />

solid production from one cow, three<br />

cows in milk any age by one sire, and two<br />

cows 6­years and over in milk.<br />

To enter, get your skates on and email<br />

amuriap@yahoo.com. Or contact the<br />

section convenors, prime beef ­Murray<br />

Hartnell (03) 3148740, beef heifers ­<br />

Hamish Roxburgh (03) 3156049 ,and<br />

dairy ­Guy Blomfield 027­220<strong>24</strong>71.<br />

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28 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />



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Long wait for second show<br />


Amuri’s A&P show secretary plans to<br />

stick around for another year, after the<br />

show was cancelled due to Covid­19 for<br />

the second year in arow.<br />

Kim Balcombe was ‘‘thrown in the<br />

deep end’’ for the 2020 show, but the<br />

success of that show convinced her to do<br />

another year.<br />

Two years on, Kim is yet to experience<br />

the buzz of asecond show as secretary.<br />

‘‘That first year, Ithought ‘what the<br />

hell have Idone, Idon’t want to do it<br />

again’,’’ she recalls.<br />

‘‘I remember my first show, we got to<br />

the Thursday before the show and Isaw<br />

it all coming together and thought ‘this is<br />

really neat’.<br />

‘‘So I’m hanging on in the hope that I<br />

will get to experience that feeling again.’’<br />

While that first show took alot of work,<br />

Kim says she put some processes in place<br />

to make the job alittle easier next time.<br />

She says juggling aday job with being<br />

show secretary is not easy.<br />

‘‘Having aday job means I’m spending<br />

my evenings doing work on it and Idevote<br />

one day each weekend to show work.<br />

‘‘But Ienjoy it.’’<br />

Kim is also trying to convince<br />

presidential couple Frank and Ginny<br />

Macfarlane to hang in there for another<br />

year so they can get ashow under their<br />

belt.<br />

She says the decision to cancel the<br />

show was not an easy one.<br />

‘‘It’s the one thing in the area, the one<br />

community­based event that everybody<br />

Barrel racing ... Rodeo has been apopular<br />

section at the Amuri A&P Show. PHOTO: FILE<br />

goes to, so it’s areal shame not to have<br />

it.’’<br />

Last year’s show was replaced by a<br />

community fun day, held the day after the<br />

scheduled show when the region<br />

returned to Alert Level 1.<br />

But the red traffic light settings mean<br />

no event is being planned to replace this<br />

year’s show.<br />

The only competition going ahead is<br />

the on­farm cattle judging, which is held<br />

on the Tuesday before the show.<br />

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Show day ... Bruce Lilley, of Waikari, admired the champion Corriedale ewe entered<br />

by Tom Burrows, of Horrellville near Oxford, at the last Amuri A&P Show in 2020.<br />


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Merry­go­round ... Children enjoy rides at apast Amuri A&P Show.


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Busy start for new Waiau School principal<br />

Waiau schoolhas enjoyedabusy start to<br />

the new schoolyear.<br />

Megan Walker has taken over as the<br />

new principaland like her counterparts<br />

has had to formalise plans of how<br />

learning will take place under the<br />

different stagesofCovid­19.<br />

‘‘The staff have been instrumentalin<br />

formulating theseplans as they know the<br />

studentsand families and we are building<br />

on previoussuccesses for distance<br />

learning at Waiau School,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘The 36 studentshave settledinto their<br />

new schoolroutines and maskwearing<br />

seems to be second naturefor our senior<br />

room.’’<br />

She says staff have beenpleased with<br />

the way pupils and whanau have adapted<br />

to ‘‘our new normal’’ and the year has<br />

started off well.<br />

Withthe school’sannual swimming<br />

sports fast approaching,students have<br />

beenenjoying daily swimming lessons<br />

fromWaiSwiminstructorsJess and Sam.<br />

In the afternoonsswimming and water<br />

safety lessons are also offered withlocal<br />

swimcoach Caroline Eastmond, Ms<br />

Walker says.<br />

‘‘Caroline voluntarily works with the<br />

staff to help preparestudents for the<br />

annual school swimming sports.<br />

‘‘There is fierce competition for a<br />

number of swimming trophies, such as the<br />

O’Malley cup.’’<br />

The keenly contested O’Malley cup is a<br />

Waiau Schooltradition and has been part<br />

of the school’s swimmingsports since<br />

1942.<br />

Judges will be looking at stroke<br />

techniques and lifesavingskills.<br />

Pam Murdoch will be takingthe senior<br />

roomstudentsfor CPR skills and thiswill<br />

be an important factor in making the final<br />

decision on who will be the recipient for<br />

the O’Malley Cup in <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Lastweek the school enjoyed avisit<br />

fromHaroldthe Giraffe and Life<br />

Greetings ... Megan Walker greets junior room bus pupils Samantha, Millie, Monte and<br />

Harper at Waiau School.<br />


Education educator Lauren.<br />

‘‘Wewere learning about our brains and<br />

growth mindset,’’MsWalker says.<br />

‘‘The students enjoyed the lessons and<br />

willfurther develop their knowledge<br />

about brains and the importanceof<br />

having agrowth mindset over the next few<br />

weeks through aseriesofinteractive<br />

lessonsand experiences.’’<br />

‘‘Responding in an emergency’’ lessons<br />

willalso be offered by Paula from St John<br />

overthe next few weeks.<br />

Withthe cancellationofthe Amuri A&P<br />

Show, where the school’syoung artists<br />

displaytheirtalents, Ms Walker says the<br />

staff have been‘‘thinkingoutside of the<br />

box’’ to create amini show at school.<br />

But parents will have to view it online,<br />

justlike the swimming sports, she says.<br />

Ms Walker says she has been enjoying<br />

getting to knowparents at the school gate<br />

Sweetcorn going on sale<br />

Rotherham School’ssweetcorn fundraiser<br />

is settoreturn.<br />

The schoolisonceagainplanningits<br />

annualsweetcorn sale, withthe proceeds<br />

going towards employing an extrateacher.<br />

Anticipation is buildingasthe<br />

‘‘delicious andspray free’’corn cobsbegin<br />

to ripen.<br />

Normally thesale of thesweetcorn<br />

would coincide with theannual Amuri<br />

A&P Show, whichhas been cancelled due<br />

to Covid­19.<br />

To complywith the red traffic light<br />

settings, the schoolisencouragingpreorders<br />

viathe Rotherham School<br />

Sweetcorn Fundraiser pageonFacebook<br />

or by phoning the schoolon(03) 3146368.<br />

Rotherham Schoolhas hadabusy start<br />

to the newschoolyearand is planning to<br />

go ahead with theschool swimmingsports.<br />

Being asmall school,contacttracingand<br />

keepingtothe 100person restriction is<br />

relatively simple,aschoolspokesperson<br />

says.<br />

Sweet sales ... Rotherham School children<br />

celebrate asuccessful sweetcorn fundraiser<br />

last year.<br />


But theschool is missing theopportunity<br />

to engage with other localschoolsfor<br />

sporting activities.<br />

and on the bus routes as aget together at<br />

school to connect with the new<br />

community is off the cards for now.<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> 31<br />

Trying out skills all part of the contest fun<br />

AshleighFoleyenjoyed trying out some<br />

new skillsinthe Tasman FMG Young<br />

Farmerofthe Year regional final on<br />

Saturday.<br />

The Waimakariri Young Farmers’<br />

Club(YFC) member was the sole <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> representative in the<br />

prestigiouscompetition held at Springston.<br />

Operating adigger, setting trapsfor pests,<br />

using achainsaw and quad bike safety were<br />

just some of the challenges contestants<br />

faced duringthe day.<br />

Ms Foleytook homethe trophy formost<br />

pointsfor afemalecompetitor and says she<br />

is thrilled with her resultasafirst time<br />

finalist.<br />

DunsandelYFC member Jonny Brown<br />

took out the title on his fourth attempt to<br />

qualify for his first grandfinal.<br />

Mr Brownmanages adairyfarm for<br />

Dairy HoldingsLtd, milking 1300 cows.<br />

Lincoln UniversityYFC members<br />

AndrewAllan and Archie Woodhouse<br />

placedsecond and third respectively.<br />

New Zealand Young Farmerschief<br />

executive Lynda Coppersmith saysthe<br />

stakesfor <strong>2022</strong>are high, being the third<br />

contest season impactedbythe global<br />

pandemic.<br />

‘‘Entries for FMG YoungFarmer of the<br />

Year were up 30 percent thisyear despite<br />

the uncertainty of Covid, whichisacredit<br />

to all our amazing volunteers, members,<br />

sponsors and staff who put this contest<br />

together,’’ shesaid.<br />

‘‘My gratitude for everyone's efforts<br />

extends beyondwords and Iamreally<br />

proud to see how everyone has worked<br />

together to deliver another season, to pivot<br />

and adapt to new challenges including the<br />

red light framework.<br />

‘‘The calibre of competitors at each<br />

regional final is the highest Ihave seenit<br />

and is an extraordinary showcase of the<br />

skillsand knowledge needed to be involved<br />

in the primaryindustriesinthis day and<br />

age.’’<br />

Full results:<br />

Jonny Brown,Dunsandel Young<br />

Farmers, 1; Andrew Allan,Lincoln<br />

University Young Farmers, 2; Archie<br />

Woodhouse, Lincoln University Young<br />

Farmers 3.<br />

Top points agriskills: Jonny Brown.Top<br />

Rain creates headaches<br />


The wet season is creating afew<br />

headaches for contractors as theyrush to<br />

complete the harvest whilethe sun<br />

shines.<br />

Contractors spokentoby<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> say the latestseason has<br />

been agood one for local farmers, after<br />

last year’sdrought,but not so good for<br />

contractors.<br />

BA Murray Ltd owner Steve Murray<br />

says the wet weather is holdingupthe<br />

harvest of grainand hay, as contractors<br />

scramble to get the workdone between<br />

rainy days.<br />

‘‘Novemberwas good, then December<br />

was average, and Januarywas challenging<br />

and now <strong>February</strong>iseven worse.<br />

‘‘Withall those rainydays, it doesn’t<br />

give us too many windows of opportunity<br />

to get in and get the work done.’’<br />

Therehas been plenty of silagecut, but<br />

Mr Murray says farmers wanting to<br />

harvest some hay may be disappointedas<br />

six to seven days of fine weather are<br />

normally needed to get agood cut.<br />

Whileplenty of wheat and barley crops<br />

are getting harvested,MrMurray suspects<br />

some of those cropswill need to go<br />

through the dryer before going into<br />

storage.<br />

‘‘We are still trying to achievewhat we<br />

set out to achieve, but it’s about getting<br />

the quality of the grain in. You get maybe<br />

one or two fine daysand then it rains<br />

again.’’<br />

As the pressurecomes on to get the<br />

harvesting done,MrMurray says he has<br />

heard there is ashortage of machinery<br />

available for hire, as contractors appear<br />

to be acquiringevery available machine<br />

to speed up the harvest.<br />

Fletcher Farms owner NigelFletcher<br />

says he has been focusing on gettingthe<br />

grain harvestingdone on the lighter<br />

groundfirst, in the hopethe heavier soils<br />

will dry out soon.<br />

‘‘The heavier grounddoesn’t take the<br />

machines at the moment and we can’tget<br />

the trucksincloseenough. But you can’t<br />

do much about nature. You’ve justgot to<br />

get in and do the best you can.’’<br />

As afarm owner, Mr Fletchersays<br />

despite the harvestingchallenges, this<br />

seasonhas beenagood one afterlast<br />

year’sdry autumn.<br />

The labour shortageisanother<br />

headache for contractors and Mr Murray<br />

says he has struggled to find enough<br />

experienced operators this season.<br />

‘‘We’ve had areasonablenumber of<br />

applicants, but we are abit fussy whenit<br />

comes to whatpeople we want.<br />

‘‘When you’vegot $300,000 tractors and<br />

$1 millioncombineharvesters, you want<br />

good peoplewith experience to drive your<br />

machines.’’<br />

Mr Murray says he did take on one keen,<br />

young workerthis season who has done a<br />

good job.<br />

But Mr Fletchersays he has been able<br />

to get enough staff this season. He did<br />

have one injuredworker, but was able to<br />

find auniversitystudenttofill in.<br />

‘‘We generally don’tuse overseas<br />

workers, but Iunderstandit’s been hard<br />

for other contractors.’’<br />

Digger work ... Ashleigh Foley tries her<br />

hand at digger work.<br />

points agribusiness: JonnyBrown.Top<br />

points agrisports: George Dodson. Top<br />

points agriknowledge: ArchieWoodhouse.<br />

Top points female competitor: Ashleigh<br />

Foley.<br />

<strong>24</strong>10273<br />

2191656<br />


MEAT2U.NZ<br />


&WILD GAME<br />


313 0022<br />


• Post Driving<br />

• Stock Fencing<br />

• Stockyards<br />

• Post and Rails<br />

• Lifestyle etc<br />

Ph Andy Horn<br />

021 214 1201 or<br />

(03) 314 9460<br />

Generation<br />

Next<br />

Our Futures Sheep<br />

and BeefFarmers<br />

Generation Next is aprogramme designed tonurture, assist<br />

and encourage the current and future farmers within our sector.<br />

The technical programme for practical people involves the delivery<br />

of three workshops with the following objectives:<br />

• Understand the farm business –financial basics and management<br />

• Develop better decision making skills<br />

• Understand technology and genetics within the industry<br />

• Understand the importance ofmanaging mental<br />

health and personal wellbeing<br />

• Understand the overall industry goals and aims<br />

The programme will be held<br />

throughout the South Island and<br />

60 spaces are available. For more<br />

info, course dates and to request<br />

an application form please visit:<br />

beeflambnz.com or send an email:<br />

generation.next@beeflambnz.com<br />

Applications are open until<br />

Friday 1April <strong>2022</strong>, 12pm<br />

0800 BEEFLAMB (0800 233 352) BY FARMERS. FOR FARMERS<br />

<strong>24</strong>60411<br />

Your local paper,<br />

keeping you in touch with<br />

your community and<br />

its people<br />

Locals<br />

Supporting<br />

Locals<br />

www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

03 314 8335

NEWS<br />

32 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Local budding young farmers test their skills<br />

Brothers in arms ... Oxford Area School’s junior young<br />

farmers team of Nicholas (15, left) and Connor (13) Slemint.<br />

Egg and spoon race ... Hamish Webb (11), of <strong>North</strong><br />

Loburn School’s Tasman Tykes, shows his skills in the egg<br />

and spoon race, during the AgriKidsNZ race­off.<br />

Third place ... Rangiora High School students Charlotte<br />

Rhodes (17, left) and Sam Grigg (17) were happy to finish<br />

3rd in the Junior Young Farmer of Year contest.<br />

Finishing line ... The Oxford Area School team collapses at the end<br />

of a4­legged race to end the AgriKidsNZ race­off.<br />

Hands on the buzzers ... Finalists get ready to press their buzzers as Te Radar reads the questions, during<br />

the Junior Young Farmer of the Year quiz /face­off.<br />


Whythe MarvelHealth screening<br />

is an ideal WOFfor over60s<br />

As we grow older,especiallyoverthe age of 60, specific<br />

health problemsmay become prevalent. These problems<br />

aregenerallydue to thewearand tearthe bodyundergoes<br />

over time.Thegood news is that suchhealth problemsare<br />

preventable,and we canslowdowntheir occurrence.<br />

Jointand Bone problemsare well-known problemsthat<br />

occurwithage duetothe degradationofthe connective<br />

tissue.<br />

Cardiovasculardiseasesare typicallycausedbynarrowing<br />

thearteries, leading to highblood pressure,heart<br />

attacks, andstrokes. Neurodegenerative diseases such as<br />

Parkinson’sand Alzheimer’s also tend to occurlater in<br />

life.<br />

The underlying causeofage-related diseases is chronic<br />

inflammation.Inflammationisnot abad thingatall.It<br />

is thebody’sresponsetoinjury. The problem is when<br />

that response becomes persistent,leadingtochronic<br />

inflammation that causes damagetoorgans.<br />

The Marvel Health Scan is ideal forhealth screening<br />

in older people becauseitthoroughlyexamines all<br />

bodyorgans,includingthe brain, heart, kidneys,<br />

joints, prostate,etc.Thescancan read themany<br />

causes of chronic inflammation in thebody, including<br />

contaminants, microbes, food allergens,nutrient<br />

deficiencies andmanyother factors such as thestate of all<br />

organs.<br />

In addition to examiningthe internal organs,abody<br />

composition analysisisperformed to look at thephysical<br />

body. The body composition looksatthe muscle andfat<br />

mass, metabolicrate, hydration,among otherparameters<br />

that also helpshedmore light on aperson’sstate of health.<br />

After thescan, thedoctors andhealthcare specialistsat<br />

Marvel Health will studythe report andrecommend<br />

targetedscience-based naturaltreatmentsand lifestyle<br />

changestosupportthe body’shealing.<br />

Total Health MOT<br />

Whole Body Diagnostic Scan,<br />

Report, Consultation and Therapy<br />

All included: • Detailed Examination of All Organs & Systems • Diseases Present and Complications<br />

• Detection of Viruses, Bacteria & Fungi • Food Allergies & Sensitivities • Non-invasive Blood Test<br />

• Detection of Lead, Mercury & other Environmental Toxins • Body Composition Analysis<br />

Unit 13/6 Cone Street, Rangiora | 293 Durham Street, Awly Building, Christchurch<br />

CALL TODAY 03 669 5410 www.marvel.health<br />

Disclaimer: The inspection from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. It is not designed to state the final diagnosis<br />


Tired<br />


Landlord<br />

Repair person<br />

Leasing agent<br />

Accountant<br />

Inspector<br />

Relax<br />


Anyone who has managedtheir ownpropertyknows it’s<br />

moredifficultthanitlooks. Ourexpertpropertymanagers<br />

take care of the tricky and time-consuming details, doing<br />

whatever it takestoensure your investmentand your<br />

tenants arelookedafter.<br />

Talk to one of our friendlyand experiencedteamtoday.<br />

Better local property management.<br />

027202 4472 |03310 6003 fsrentals@harcourts.co.nz<br />

OUR<br />


Inspections<br />

Rent payments<br />

Maximisingyourreturn<br />

Maintainingyourproperty<br />

Rental statements<br />

Tenantselection<br />

Cathy Berryman<br />

Property Manager<br />

Gina Taylor<br />

Property Manager<br />

Gordan McNay<br />

NewBusiness Manager<br />

Leeann Jones<br />

Property Manager<br />

Nick Cimino<br />

CommercialPropertyManager<br />

Nicola Skilton<br />

Property Manager<br />

Nicki Dunn<br />

Property Assistant<br />

PaulineNewport-<br />

Cromarty<br />

Administrator<br />

Scott MacDonald<br />

Property Assistant<br />


RangioraOffice<br />

03 313 6158<br />

rangiora@harcourts.co.nz<br />

15 Good Street, Rangiora<br />

Kaiapoi Office<br />

03 327 5379<br />

kaiapoi@harcourts.co.nz<br />

154Williams Street, Kaiapoi<br />

The Palms Office<br />

03 385 0343<br />

thepalms@harcourts.co.nz<br />

39 MarshlandRoad,Shirley<br />

Belfast Office<br />

03 323 6045<br />

belfast@harcourts.co.nz<br />

804Main <strong>North</strong> Road,Belfast<br />

Hanmer Springs Office<br />

03 315 7084<br />

hanmersprings@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Shop3,12aConicalHillRoad,HanmerSprings<br />

Your home forlocal property<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 LtdLicensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Four SeasonsRealty

Clarkville 30 Island Road<br />

Oxford 82 Burnt Hill Road<br />

Oh, The Good Life on 2ha of Land!<br />

4 1 2 2<br />

This loved family homeoccupies aprivate positionand enjoysall the Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 9th<br />

meritsofcountryside living,yet is just ashort drive from schools, shops, March, <strong>2022</strong> at 12.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

and otheramenities. This well-maintained home features 4bedrooms,<br />

View Sun 27 Feb 11.00 -12.00pm<br />

an openplan kitchen/dining room, good-sized bathroom,and astudy<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL13379<br />

nook. Designed withfamilies in mind, the open-plan living areaoffers<br />

plentyofversatility, while the wood burner and gasfire guarantee yearround<br />

comfort. The exposed beamsare adistinctive feature of the<br />

downstairsarea, while neutral decor throughout the home makes it<br />

easy to expressyour own sense of personality andstyle.<br />

Victoria McKenzie-Browne<br />

M 021 413 883<br />

Great Value<br />

Whereelse could youget twenty one hectaresofland to produce an<br />

incomeand atwo bedroom cottage for $310,000. This is an ECAN<br />

Lease in Perpetuity, not afreehold title, so the vendor is lookingfor a<br />

cash buyer. You buy thebuildingsfences and cattle-yardsand the<br />

right to lease the land in perpetuity. There is a70m2 twobedroom<br />

cottage, with alog-burner andacoal range, acar garage woodshed,<br />

storage shed and haybarn as well as agood set of cattle-yards. The<br />

lease is under $70per weekand our vendorhas received$250 per<br />

week for the cottage. The cottageneedssome worktobe broughtup<br />

to rentalstandard.<br />

2 1 1 1<br />

For Sale From $310,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL13420<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 <strong>24</strong>0 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Rangiora 35 Johns Road<br />

Gardener's Delight<br />

Discover an amazing garden on ahuge1130sqm sectionbrimming with fruit, flowers and vegetables in theheart of Rangiora.<br />

This 1960s permanent materials 3bedroom 2bathroom homehas room forall the family with spacious bedrooms, formal<br />

lounge, office, separate laundry and toiletand double garage. Thenew log burner keepsyou warm, with alarge heat pump<br />

and ceiling fans also coolingthe home in summer. Howeveritisthe gardensthat really captivatethe imagination. Vegebeds,<br />

agreenhouse, historic birdhouse and wood store provide so muchscope and there is excellent off street parking for the boat<br />

or caravan.Located handytobuses,shops,schools and parks, thiswonderful home is justwaiting foryou to addyour own<br />

style.Come and smell the roses!<br />

3 2 2 2<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Thu <strong>24</strong>thMar, <strong>2022</strong>,(unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 27 Feb 1.00 -1.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU100972<br />

Dayan Muntz<br />

M 021 432 926<br />

E dayan.muntz@pb.co.nz<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M 021 312 230<br />

E kirstyn.barnett@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


SPORT<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

35<br />

Betting turnover up despite closed Rga meeting<br />


Betting turnover at the Rangiora<br />

Harness RacingClub’s meeting last<br />

Saturdayincreased by 20 percent on<br />

lastyear’smeeting.<br />

Thisisdespite the meeting being<br />

closed to the public due to the Covid­19<br />

red traffic light protection framework.<br />

Clubpresident GregWright said it<br />

was disappointing havingtorun a<br />

closed meeting,but the betting<br />

increase was pleasing and reflects the<br />

public’senthusiasmfor quality New<br />

Zealand harness racing.<br />

The clubran two ‘‘bubbles’’ on<br />

course, one for horse trainers,drivers<br />

and officials, and one for owners and<br />

clubmembers.<br />

Complimentary tea, coffee and finger<br />

foodwas providedbythe club for both<br />

bubbles.<br />

‘‘Therewere no bar or betting<br />

facilities on course, as was the case for<br />

our two meetingsinNovember last<br />

year, withattendeesusing their online<br />

accounts to makebets,’’MrWright said.<br />

The racing was held on the grass<br />

track with one of the features beingthe<br />

TeamTeal Challenge InvitedDrivers<br />

Pacefor female drivers.<br />

Thisrace was won by Taurus and<br />

driven by Ineka Lee.<br />

All of the drivers in the race wore<br />

teal­coloured trousers to raise<br />

awarenessand fundsfor ovarian<br />


Rangiora Golf Club<br />

Nine Hole Competition: Stroke /<br />

LGU: Women: Ruth Crawford 36,<br />

ColeenWhite 37 c/b, Pat Roberts 37,<br />

Ann Martin 38 c/b.<br />

Men: John Gardner 37,Denis Brook<br />

38, Ross Gillespie 39 c/b,Stephen<br />

Bell39.<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

ThomasPairs: <strong>North</strong>/South: Judy<br />

Bruerton/Joyce Gray 1, Colleen<br />

Adam/DawnsSimpson 2, Sue<br />

McIlroy/Beverley Brain 3. East/West:<br />

WMargaretPickering/Janice<br />

Pickering 1, Lyn Edwards/Judith<br />

Driver 2, Heather Waldron/Bunty<br />

Marshall 3.<br />

Rimu Pairs: N/S:Irene Carson/Helen<br />

Thornburgh 1, JanRoose/Judith<br />

Driver 2, HeatherWaldron/Veronica<br />

Hall 3. E/W: Richard Luisetti/Ken<br />

Johns 1, Moody Shokry/David Rainey<br />

2, ShirleySymns/Marion Lomax 3.<br />

Junior Evening: N/S: Jan Cameron/<br />

Brian 1, AnnetteCaldwell/Gail<br />

Dunlop 2, Kerryn Lange/Karen<br />

Manson3.<br />

E/W: Gerard McRae/Michael<br />

D’Oliveira 1, Margriet Dykstra/<br />

JudithRobinson 2, Fons Sanders/<br />

At the start ... Second­place getter Let’s<br />

Go Ringo (9), lines up at the start of race five,<br />

the Ashley Hotel Pace, at the Rangiora<br />

Harness Racing Club’s meeting at Rangiora<br />

Racecourse last Saturday afternoon.<br />

Prettyboycoby (7), which finished third, is<br />

next alongside Seapris (5) and All Too Well<br />

(3) with the rest obscured. PHOTO: SHELLEY TOPP<br />

cancer research.<br />

The racewas partofthe WomenCan<br />

TeamTeal campaignwhichisrun in<br />

partnershipwith theNew Zealand and<br />

Australian harness racing industry.<br />

The campaign is run annually across<br />

six weeks during <strong>February</strong> and March.<br />

Ellis Sanders3.<br />

PremierPairs: Judith Calder/Janelle<br />

Crawley 1, Lynda Cameron/Barry<br />

Smart 2, Gaynor Hurford/Dawn<br />

Simpson3.<br />

Waimakariri Gorge Women's Club<br />

18 Holes: FNimmo beat MRobertson<br />

4up, SGillespie beatJDeans 3up; L<br />

Anderson beat KBush 3up; S<br />

Macdonald beat RPilbrown 1up; N<br />

Weavers and LBeets­Huchshortall<br />

square;JBlatch and SFarraall<br />

square;KBattersby and SKing all<br />

square.<br />

9Holes: JSmith beat JJenkins3up;<br />

CMacDonald beat BThompson3up;<br />

JAllenbeat TCraig 2up.<br />

Amberley Golf<br />

Feb 19:Men:NRhynd 42, RWilshire<br />

39, GFitzgerald 38, DVan Turnout<br />

38, TFleet 37, RMcPhail 37, G<br />

McGettee 37.<br />

Ladies:JCumming 37, LRobinson<br />

36, KPercy 36, SPratt 36.<br />

Excel Design Longest Putt:KPercy.<br />

Mid WeekMen Feb16: KKennedy 38,<br />

DSmith 36, MBruner 36,RKeith 35,<br />

MCarson 35.<br />

Twos: BYates, BBalderstone, K<br />

Rayner.<br />

Nine holers: Feb16: DSmith nett 34,<br />

LEdwards Nett 37.<br />

Hidden holes: Garry Reid;combined<br />

11 stroke.<br />

CANCELLED FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />

Don’t stop moving though, as all entries purchased will<br />

roll over to next year’s event, set for 19 March, 2023.<br />

For more information or to get in touchvisit www.city2surf.co.nz<br />

We would liketoacknowledge and thank thesponsors of our <strong>2022</strong> event<br />

Thank youtoour event partners<br />

Call Aaronfor<br />

genuine, friendly<br />

service from amultiple<br />

award winning agent.<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

Residential, Lifestyle &Commercial SalesConsultant<br />

M 027873 5121 P 03 3138022 E aaronc@pb.co.nz<br />

Proudtobehere<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

All Redinfo traffic onchanges light restrictions to Council are services in placeand -visit facilities waimakariri.govt.nz can be found atfor waimakariri.govt.nz/covid19<br />

further info.<br />

Active Covid Cases in Waimakariri<br />

We now know that we have active cases in the<br />

Waimakariri District and, as Omicron is avery<br />

transmissible virus, itislikely that this number<br />

will grow.<br />

It is important that we continue to follow<br />

guidance –this means getting vaccinated,<br />

wearing amask, scanning, practicing physical<br />

distancing, using good hygiene practices and if<br />

you feel unwell, getting tested.<br />

The most important thing people can do is get<br />

vaccinated and boosted and, whether vaccinated<br />

or unvaccinated, you should prepare for what you<br />

need to do if you get Covid-19 and are required to<br />

self-isolate.<br />

For most people who are vaccinated, Omicron will<br />

be amild illness.<br />

We encourage neighbours and communities to<br />

pull together to support people who are unwell.<br />

Rural communities are particularly good at this.<br />

Keep in touch with neighbours and especially<br />

those in our communities who are elderly,<br />

isolated or health vulnerable.<br />

Across the <strong>Canterbury</strong> DHB, 99 percent of<br />

people have had their first doses, and 98 percent<br />

have had their second. There is agreat deal of<br />

information available for people, including on the<br />

Council website, and we encourage people to visit<br />

the Covid-19 website which has all the information<br />

available that people may need.<br />

We as aCouncil will continue to follow the<br />

government’s guidance and as the Covid-19<br />

situation evolves, the Council has been adapting<br />

and changing as required to keep our staff and<br />

communities safe.<br />

Under the Red level of the traffic light system,<br />

Council services and facilities remain open, with<br />

physical distancing, masks and additional hygiene<br />

measures in place. Vaccine passes are required in<br />

our busiest public facilities.<br />

Have you signed up for<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />

To join visit:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/subscribe<br />

The Waimakariri<br />

Event Funds<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is inviting<br />

organisers of Waimakariri events to<br />

apply for one of two event funds.<br />

The funds offer between $500 and $10,000<br />

towards events held in the Waimakariri District.<br />

The current funding round is open from<br />

1March until 31 March <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Check out the criteria for the Waimakariri<br />

Regional Events Fund and apply online at<br />

www.northcanterbury.co.nz/regional-events-fund<br />

Check out the criteria for the Waimakariri<br />

Event Fund and apply online at<br />

www.visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events/organisers/<br />

Or contact events@visitwaimakariri.co.nz for<br />

more information.<br />

The Waimakariri Regional Events Fund isMinistry of<br />

Business, Innovation and Employment funding and the<br />

Waimakariri Event Fund is Waimakariri District Council<br />

funding. Both are administered by ENC.<br />

<br />

<br />

This FREE classroom based course will<br />

<br />

rules and safe driving practices. It will<br />

also increase your knowledge about other<br />

transport options.<br />

Wednesday 9March <strong>2022</strong>, 10am-2pm<br />

MainPower Oval, 216 Eastbelt Rangiora<br />

RSVP to Age Concern <strong>Canterbury</strong> on<br />

03 331 7808 by Wednesday 2March <strong>2022</strong>.<br />



Enjoy Our Beaches Safely<br />

Before heading out to enjoy the<br />

Districts beautiful beaches, here<br />

are afew rules for vehicles.<br />

• Recreational driving, or driving<br />

for pleasure isn’t allowed<br />

• Ifyou’re on the beach for an<br />

approved purpose like launching<br />

aboat, stay under 30km/h<br />

• Slow right down to10km/h<br />

around people oranimals<br />

• Always drive below the last high<br />

tide mark, never inthe dunes<br />

• There are no-go areas –know<br />

before you go.<br />

Find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz/beaches


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

37<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

Compostable<br />

packaging<br />

belongs in the<br />

rubbish…<br />

Most contain<br />

plastic to hold<br />

liquid or food so<br />

can’t gointhe<br />

green oryellow bin.<br />

Use abucketofsoapy water<br />

and aspongetoclean your<br />

car insteadofahose.<br />

This cansave 10-15litresofwater aminute.<br />

Let’s changethe waywethinkabout<br />

howweuse water duringsummer.<br />

Keep theWAI inWaimakariri.<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/water<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />

Summer<br />

Water<br />

Use<br />

For Lease<br />

Section<br />

forlease<br />

Central Kaiapoi<br />

Ideal for mobile<br />

business<br />

Reasonable rent<br />

Enquire at<br />

Blakelys of<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Grant: 03 327 8161<br />

Board &Residence<br />


mature person. Own bathroom<br />

and garage space. In<br />

Kaiapoi. Ph 027 941 4433.<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />


Old /Injured or Unwanted<br />

(Cattle &Horses)<br />

MEAT2U.NZ<br />

313 0022<br />

<strong>24</strong>57344<br />

Livestock<br />

HOMEKILL & Wild<br />

Game meat processing. Ph<br />

313 0022. www.meat2u.nz.<br />

Gardening<br />

LAWN MOWING, Waimakariri<br />

area. Please ph<br />

027 933 6523.<br />

Firewood<br />

SPILT old man pine, 3.7<br />

$260. Ph 021 993 497.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

ANY old cars, anything pre<br />

1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />

Classic Cars. Please call<br />

027 258 8366.<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

<strong>24</strong>12522<br />

Motorcycles<br />

WOF your motorcycle or<br />

light trailer at South Pacific<br />

Motorcycle Services, Mandeville.<br />

Ph 03 312 0066<br />

office@motorbiketours.co.nz.<br />

Home Services<br />

EXPERIENCED vaccinated<br />

caring lady, offering<br />

care for older people, refs<br />

available. Phone Debbie<br />

021 074 9883.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

WANTED<br />


and good quality<br />

second hand furniture<br />

Happytotravel<br />

Phone Rick 021 376883<br />

or email photo to:<br />

hall.coffey@xtra.co.nz<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

For Sale<br />


old Moko Lesney boxes<br />

1-75 $125ea, gift sets 1&3<br />

$650 ea. Ring 03 423 3936<br />

Rangiora between 10am<br />

and 4pm Mon to Fri. Cash<br />

only.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student onanindividually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br />

co.nz/rangiora<br />

Automotive Services<br />

CARAVANS &<br />


Interior &exterior repairs,<br />

maintenance & upgrades,<br />

based in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Solar, satellite, awning<br />

installations. Sheetmetal,<br />

light engineering &welding<br />

services. Professional<br />

coach builder specializing<br />

in the RV industry 25 years.<br />

Call Darryl @ Advanced<br />

Auto Homes 027 220 6566.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Reporter–AshburtonCourier<br />

We arecurrently looking foraversatile reportertojoin our team at the<br />

AshburtonCourier.Allied Press Limited employs over 450 people on<br />

apermanentbasis across our 15 sites in the South Island. Weoperate<br />

across multiple media platforms (print, online,digital) delivering news,<br />

information and entertainmentthrough our various regional and city<br />

publications including the AshburtonCourier,The Star (Christchurch) and<br />

the Otago Daily Times.<br />

Thesuccessful candidate will have:<br />

• Excellentwriting ability<br />

• Ahigh degreeofinitiative<br />

• The abilitytoworkautonomously,juggle multiple tasks and meet regular<br />

deadlines<br />

• Afull NZ driver’s licence<br />



SEASON<br />


28 th <strong>February</strong><br />

at 7pm<br />

Upstairs at<br />

Kaiapoi Club<br />

113 Raven Quay,<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

New Members<br />

Most Welcome<br />

Further information<br />

please ring Terry<br />

027 360 4939<br />

OR MARY 327 8561<br />

<strong>24</strong>59043<br />


Ploughing Match Association<br />

AGM. To be held in<br />

the Ohoka Hall, March 9th<br />

at 7.30pm. All welcome.<br />

Bill Ward, Chairman.<br />

Phone 03 313 4395.<br />

AGM for the No88 (District<br />

of Waimakariri -<br />

Squadron )Air Cadets will<br />

be held on Thursday 7th<br />

April at 7pm at the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Recreational Aero<br />

Club, Rangiora Airfield.<br />

All welcome to join us.<br />

Personal<br />

A SEXY BLONDE, talk<br />

live or listen. Ph 0900 44<br />

666. $3.99 +GST pm. R18.<br />



Adown-to-earth lady<br />

with ahappy, caring and<br />

bubbly personality.<br />

Standing at 5ft 4in with<br />

aslim figure, blonde hair<br />

and hazel eyes. Loves<br />

working on her lifestyle<br />

block, gardening,<br />

tramping, cooking and<br />

swimming. She is looking<br />

for agenuine gentleman<br />

to enjoy her life with.<br />

To meet, please call<br />

and Quote code 59.<br />

0800-446-332.<br />

• Photography, video and websiteskills aredesirable.<br />

• Relevantjournalism qualification (or equivalentexperience) would be a<br />

distinctadvantage<br />

What we offer<br />

• Agreatteam environmentand an opportunitytogrowyour<br />

journalism skills<br />

• Enjoybeing partofasmall,dedicatedteam.<br />

• Employeewellbeing benefits including medical insuranceand EAP<br />

Acopyofthe full position description can be found at<br />

alliedpress.co.nz/employment.<br />

If youthink this role is foryou,please apply to:<br />

Daniel Tobin (Editor) daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

with your covering letter and CV by Friday4March<strong>2022</strong>,<br />

or post to 199 Burnett Street,Ashburton,7700.<br />

Public Notices<br />

Terrible<br />

<br />

Debt<br />

<br />

<br />

a free and<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Kiwisaver<br />

teach<br />

manage<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

the Waimakariri<br />

or Hurunui<br />

District<br />

www.bsnc.org.nz<br />

<br />

other agencies<br />

<br />

Sharon Grant <br />

<br />

<br />

Find us on Facebook: (Budgeting Services <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>)<br />

Supported by: <br />

<br />

Registered Charity Number: CC10710<br />

Commercial Properties<br />



Long term tenant (14years).<br />

$60k per annumrent.FutureEQ<br />

upgrade will be factored intoprice.<br />

Would consider exchangefor<br />

rental propertyorland.<br />

Phone Chris 021 757 358


38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>February</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Driver -Truck and Trailer<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services provides resource<br />

recovery, waste transport and waste disposal<br />

services in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

We currently have an opportunity for an experienced<br />

class 5driver to join our friendly team based in<br />

Christchurch. Inthis role, you will ensure the safe<br />

and efficient operation of ahook-lift truck and trailer<br />

unit (hook-lift training will beprovided). Wehaul<br />

waste from anumber of Refuse Transfer Stations<br />

from around the region, to the Kate Valley Landfill,<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

We operate afleetoflatemodel trucks,fully equipped<br />

with modern technology, and take great pride in<br />

delivering an essential service to the residents and<br />

businesses of <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

We are offering aposition on our dedicated team<br />

of professional drivers, where safety and full<br />

compliance with road transport standards and<br />

driving rules, are paramount.<br />

We offer ongoing training and development, with<br />

opportunities to grow and expand your driving<br />

career.<br />

If you are an experienced multi-skilled driver, then<br />

we wouldlike to hear from you.<br />

Youwill need the following attributes:<br />

• A valid class 5licence with relevant driving<br />

experience.<br />

• Relevant transport industry knowledge and<br />

experience.<br />

• You willneed to be physically fit .<br />

• Have the ability to work both autonomously<br />

and as part of ateam.<br />

• Bereliable andtrustworthy.<br />

• Haveawillingness to learn.<br />

• Apositive, friendly attitude and outlook.<br />

The closing date for applications is Saturday 26<br />

<strong>February</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Apply online www.wastemanagement.co.nz or to<br />

obtain an application form and job description,<br />

please contact:<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>WasteServices<br />

PO Box 142, Amberley7441<br />

Attention: Linda Chandler<br />

or email: lindac@cws.co.nz or telephone<br />

03 3591800<br />

At Waste Management, the health and safety of our people<br />

is our highest priority. For this reason, we have introduced<br />

a policy requiring all employees and visitors to be fully<br />

vaccinated for COVID-19 within our offices and sites, unless<br />

an official medical exemption applies. We have chosen to<br />

share this information early in our hiring process, so that<br />

candidates can make an informed choice. Onthis basis, as<br />

part ofthe application process you will be asked to confirm<br />

your vaccination status with us.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services has aZero Tolerance to drugs and<br />

alcohol in the workplaceand undertakespre employment and<br />

random testing.<br />

<strong>24</strong>57577<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Landfill -Operator/Driver<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services provides resource<br />

recovery, waste transport and waste disposal<br />

services in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services is seeking afit, versatile<br />

team player, preferably with heavy plant operating<br />

experience, willing to learn all aspects of waste<br />

disposal and civil construction works at the Kate<br />

Valley Landfill in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. The position is<br />

part ofadedicated team involved in the operational<br />

aspects of earthworks construction and waste<br />

disposal, in a safe and environmentally secure<br />

manner.<br />

If you are an experienced multi-skilled operator,<br />

driver or relatively new to the construction industry,<br />

then we would like to hear from you. Alternatively,<br />

if you have any machine operating experience, or a<br />

mechanical aptitude, and are keen to advance in this<br />

industry, we’d also be keen to hearfrom you.<br />

Youwill need the following attributes:<br />

• Possessappropriate licences to operate heavy<br />

machinery–Classes 1&4.<br />

• Ideally have experience in the operation of<br />

heavy earth moving machinery.<br />

• Bephysically fit.<br />

• Bereliableand trustworthy.<br />

• Haveawillingness to learn.<br />

• Enjoy working as partofaproductive team.<br />

• The ability and willingness to work within<br />

the variable timeframes required by the CWS<br />

operation.<br />

• A positive, friendly attitude and outlook.<br />

The closing date for applications is 5.00pm on<br />

Monday 28 <strong>February</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Apply online www.wastemanagement.co.nz or to<br />

obtain an application form and job description,<br />

please contact:<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>WasteServices<br />

PO Box 142, Amberley 7441<br />

Attention: Linda Chandler<br />

or email: lindac@cws.co.nz or telephone<br />

03 359 1800<br />

At Waste Management, the health and safety of our people is<br />

our highestpriority.For this reason, we have introduced apolicy<br />

requiring all employees and visitors to be fully vaccinated for<br />

COVID-19 within our offices and sites, unless an officialmedical<br />

exemption applies. Wehave chosen toshare this information<br />

early in our hiring process, sothat candidates can make an<br />

informed choice. On this basis, as part of the application<br />

process you will be asked to confirm your vaccination status<br />

with us.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services has aZero Tolerance to drugs and<br />

alcohol in the workplace and undertakes pre employment and<br />

random testing.<br />

<strong>24</strong>57466<br />

FACTORY, Poultry, Traffic<br />

Control, Sawmill. Short<br />

and long term roles available,<br />

immediate starts Contact<br />

Daphne or PJ at Superior<br />

Personnel. 03 313 6180.<br />

For other roles see our<br />

website<br />

www.superiorpersonnel.co.nz<br />

Trade&Services<br />


PASSION! Local painter<br />

with 30 years of quality and<br />

integrity in all aspects of<br />

painting. Phone Mike on<br />

021 0903 8546.<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 <strong>24</strong>4.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 1<strong>24</strong> 4894.<br />

BUILDER available<br />

licensed. Decks, fences,<br />

alterations, property maintenance,<br />

LBP. Please phone<br />

027 294 1423.<br />

BUILDERS Father &son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads,<br />

no job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Phone 027 318 4400.<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $80 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

FIRE GUARDS Custom<br />

made with safety latch.<br />

Phone 021 169 9066. E:<br />

pjfabricators123@gmail.com.<br />

GENERATORS Honda /<br />

Rato /Diesel, plus parts &<br />

accessories 027 262 2266<br />

www.BLAX.nz.<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />


or Rato powered, plus parts<br />

& accessories. Telephone<br />

027 262 2266 www.BLAX.nz<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />


Reg Tradesman<br />

Interior,exterior.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />

specialising in decorating for<br />

over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />

Free quotes.<br />

Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />

Rob 03 327 7899<br />

or 027 432 3520 2227597<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />

Trade &Services<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />


Movemen Ltd<br />

2Men &agood sized truck.<br />

From $150 plus GST per hour.<br />

Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

movemen.co.nz<br />

ROOFER. All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps, and more. Free<br />

quotes. Please ph Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. — Ph. 03-<br />

423-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />


drenching, feet trimming.<br />

For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />

Stu 027 315 6916.<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

2220615<br />

<strong>24</strong>01953<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

2362002<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

027 216 0000<br />


Stumpclear is here for<br />

stump grinding at your<br />

home or lifestyle block in the<br />

Waimakariri District. —Ph.<br />

027-<strong>24</strong>2-3522.<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

027 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />

WATERPUMPS Trash,<br />

clean water, Honda or Rato,<br />

parts &accessories. Telephone<br />

027 262 2266<br />

www.BLAX.nz.<br />

Guide<br />

2225862<br />

<strong>24</strong>34390<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Administration Support<br />

Arborist<br />

Air Conditioning<br />

Automotive &Recovery<br />





I offer flexible, efficient and accurate administration,<br />

book keeping, and business services either at your<br />

office or remotely.<br />

<strong>24</strong>60574<br />

PH: :Jodie 0274-618-018<br />

30 Years Office Experience<br />

<strong>24</strong>35705<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Tree Services<br />

Tree felling, cutting and<br />

clearing service, including<br />

stump grinding<br />

Insured qualified and<br />

certified arborists<br />

0274 537 834<br />

northcantytrees378@gmail.com<br />

<strong>24</strong>34425<br />

Stay cool this summer<br />

Call us now for your free quote<br />

03 310 6087<br />

18 Albert Street, Rangiora<br />

Design |Installation |Servicing<br />

2070788<br />

• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />

• Vehicle Servicing &<br />

Repairs<br />

• Tyres &Punctures<br />

• Jump Starts<br />

•<br />

Towing &Salvage<br />

• Courtesy Car Available<br />

Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />

0272 588 366<br />

13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />

Swannanoa<br />

Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Builder<br />

Butchery<br />

Cattle Problems<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

• New Builds &Renovations<br />

• Light Commercial /Re-strengthening<br />

• Project Management<br />

• Bathrooms<br />

• Farm Buildings<br />

• House Lifting Re-piling<br />

• Shop Fit Outs<br />

<strong>24</strong>08831<br />

40+ years experience<br />

027 222 5078<br />

markw.hills@xtra.co.nz<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />


2227889v2<br />

• Live Humane Capture<br />

• Trucking<br />

• Tagging<br />

• Testing<br />

• Sale of unruly, difficult, pesky<br />

cattle<br />

Profit share 50-50<br />

Craig Flintoft 03 312 9432<br />

craigflintoft@gmail.com<br />

<strong>24</strong>59888<br />

Bruce Evans<br />

131 Ohoka Road<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

03 327 3111<br />

021 293 6331<br />

compucare@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.compucare.co.nz<br />

Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />

Prompt professional services<br />

2276525v2<br />

Virus &malware removal<br />

New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />


Ear Health<br />

Engineering<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

<strong>24</strong>20841<br />

Scrap Metal<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

▪ Painting ▪ Gardening<br />

▪ Fencing ▪ Lawn mowing<br />

▪ All General Maintenance<br />

Performed to the highest<br />

standard by a straight up,<br />

honest, Handy Guy<br />

No job too small!<br />

Flat hourly rate, no hidden surprises!<br />

THE<br />

HANDY<br />

GUY!<br />

Handyman<br />

Call Guy “The Handy Guy” Now<br />

0275 040 658<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274 818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

2273277<br />



AND BE THE<br />



FIRST<br />



Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



* I S<br />

HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />

Advertise with<br />

us and get<br />

noticed<br />

today!<br />

Phone us today on 03 314 8335 or email<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz to find out how we can help!<br />

Plumbing<br />

For all<br />

general<br />

aspects of<br />

plumbing<br />

Discounts for over<br />

65 years old<br />

Fast friendly service<br />

All work guaranteed<br />

Aaron McCartney<br />

Certifying Plumber<br />

Cell 027 366 9091<br />

A/H 03 310 2137<br />

Free Call:<br />

0508 44EVER<br />

EMAIL:<br />

plumber_27@yahoo.com<br />

2172994<br />

• Ear Health checks.<br />

• Wax removal using Microsuction<br />

• Removal of foreign bodies<br />

• Basic hearing aid care<br />

• ACC provider<br />

• WarVeteran provider<br />

• No medical referral<br />

required<br />

Clinics in Rangiora, Amberley and Kaiapoi<br />

Rest homes/retirement villages, booking by prior arrangement.<br />

Bookings: Online www.earcare.nz |Phone 020 41<strong>24</strong> 25 25<br />

Email alison@earcare.nz | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

23<strong>24</strong>849<br />



❖ Tree Topping ❖ Hedge/Shelter belt cutting<br />

❖ Gorse Hedge &Under Pivot cutting<br />

❖ Vegetation mulching<br />


Call Craig<br />

027 222 1632<br />

or 0800 SNIP IT<br />

Email<br />

craig@treesnip.co.nz<br />


<strong>24</strong>52097<br />

Hedge Cutting /Tree Topping<br />

www.treesnip.co.nz<br />

Painter /Plasterer<br />

HURUNUI Painting<br />

• Qualified tradesmen, quick,neat and friendly.<br />

• Reasonable rates. • Interior /exterior painting.<br />

• Interior plastering &wallpapering.<br />

• Spray painting &water blasting.<br />

P: Rod Hermes 027 414 0830 or 03 314 2391<br />

E: r.hermes@xtra.co.nz<br />

2394026v2<br />

Tools &Equipment<br />

SALES<br />

PARTS<br />




Water Blasters, Log Splitters, Generators,<br />

Air Compressors, Water Pumps, Air Tools, Spray<br />

Equipment, Replacement Ag Seats, Small Motors.<br />

Free local machinerydelivery.<br />

Richard Black www.BLAX.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>owned &operated<br />

<strong>24</strong>35547v2<br />

2269236<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5<strong>24</strong>6 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Supply and Install<br />

of Seamless Gutters<br />

10 year no leaks<br />

guarantee<br />

• Continuous spouting made on site,<br />

large colour range available<br />

• High grade and thicker material used<br />

• Repair or replace any type of gutter<br />

• Undertake all insurance work<br />

• Independently owned and operated<br />

• Competitive pricing<br />

Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />

Call Danie 021 875 462<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />

2359362<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

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