March 2022

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<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

A matter of<br />

life and death<br />

A matter of<br />

life and death<br />

43<br />

An evening of electrifying conversations about life, death,<br />

books An evening and of art electrifying with award conversations winning writer about Salena life, death, Godden,<br />

artist books The and Fandangoe art with award Kid, winning funeral writer director Salena Hasina Godden, Zaman<br />

and artist Reverend The Fandangoe Canon Kid, Ann funeral Easter. director Hasina Zaman<br />

and Reverend Canon Ann Easter.<br />

A matt A m<br />

30th <strong>March</strong>, 7pm at Wanstead Library,<br />

30th <strong>March</strong>, 7pm at Wanstead Library,<br />

life and life<br />

Spratt Spratt Hall Hall Road, Road, London, London, E11 2RQ E11 2RQ<br />

Tickets: Tickets: £4 Regular, £4 Regular, £3 Concession £3 Concession<br />

deathpositivelibrary.eventbrite.com<br />

A matter of<br />

life and death<br />

the<br />

death positive<br />

A matter o<br />

the<br />

artist The Fandangoe<br />

A<br />

library<br />

artist<br />

matter<br />

The Fandangoe<br />

artist Th K<br />

death positive<br />

library<br />

and and Reverend Reverend Canon Canon and Rev<br />

A<br />

An evening of electrifying conversations about life, death,<br />

y event has been created for the BBC Novels that Shaped Our World project, funded by<br />

ngland and supported by Libraries Connected and BBC Arts. Suitable<br />

books<br />

for<br />

and<br />

16<br />

art<br />

years<br />

with<br />

and<br />

award<br />

over.<br />

winning writer Salena Godden,<br />

vent has been created for the BBC Novels that Shaped Our<br />

artist<br />

World<br />

The Fandangoe<br />

project, funded life<br />

Kid, funeral<br />

by<br />

director<br />

life and<br />

Hasina Zaman<br />

and dea d<br />

and and supported by Libraries Connected and BBC Arts. and Suitable Reverend for Canon 16 years Ann and Easter. over.<br />

30th Mar<br />

30th Mar<br />

Spratt Ha<br />

Spratt Ha<br />

30th <strong>March</strong>, 7pm at Wanstead Library,<br />

Tickets: £<br />

Spratt Hall Road, London, E11 2RQ<br />

Tickets: deathpos<br />

Tickets: £4 Regular, £3 Concession<br />

deathpositivelibrary.eventbrite.com<br />

An evening An of evening electrifying of electrifying conversatio deathpos<br />

This legacy event has been created for the BBC Novels that Shaped Our World project, funded by<br />

Arts Council England and supported by Libraries Connected and BBC Arts. Suitable for 16 years and over.<br />

An evening of electrifyi<br />

An evening of electrifyi An even<br />

books and art with<br />

books and art with<br />

books awa<br />

awa<br />

a<br />

An evening of electrifying conversatio<br />

books and books art with and award art with winning award w<br />

books and artist with The Fandangoe award winning Kid, fu w<br />

artist The Fandangoe Kid, funeral dir<br />

the<br />

artist death positive The Fandangoe Reverend Kid, Canon funeral Ann dir Ea<br />

and library Reverend Canon Ann Easter.<br />

and Reverend Canon Ann Easter.<br />

This legacy event has been This created legacy for event the BBC has Novels been created that Shaped for the Our B<br />

Arts This Council legacy England event and has supported been Arts created Council by Libraries for England the BBC Connected and Novels supported 30th that and <strong>March</strong>, Shaped by BBC Libraries Arts. 7p Our S<br />

Arts Council England and supported by<br />

30th<br />

Libraries<br />

<strong>March</strong>,<br />

Connected<br />

Spratt 7pm<br />

and<br />

Hall<br />

BBC<br />

at<br />

Arts.<br />

Wa RoaS<br />

Please mention the Wanstead Village Directory when responding to adverts 30th<br />

Spratt<br />

<strong>March</strong>,<br />

Hall Tickets: Road,<br />

7pm<br />

£4<br />

at<br />

Londo Reg<br />

Wa<br />

Spratt Hall deathpositiveli<br />

Road, Londo

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