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66<br />

Wanstead Village Directory<br />


Karina Laymen believes illustration is a servant of the creators of art. In<br />

the second of a series of articles, the Wanstead House tutor presents a<br />

piece of work inspired by a dream about the rapture<br />

For centuries, illustration has been<br />

considered a type of pseudo-art in<br />

the sense of a non-self-generating<br />

conceptual art. Illustration forms<br />

part of that triangular relationship<br />

of communication, where the author<br />

generates the concept, story or event,<br />

the public is the direct receptor or<br />

passive interlocutor of the author and<br />

the illustrator is that third ‘auxiliary’ part<br />

who facilitates the understanding or<br />

visualisation of the concept.<br />

This humble position, outside a two-side flux<br />

of communication, gives the illustrator an<br />

honourable commission of servitude to the<br />

public and the author, the substantial creator.<br />

Society throughout the years, especially<br />

from the 18th century onwards, has become<br />

increasingly self-centred: in these last two<br />

centuries, society has lifted a monument to<br />

the ‘I’ and ‘yourself’ to the point of making an<br />

individual’s existence a piece of art, placing<br />

aside, ofttimes, the substance of the creator.<br />

Art as a pure discipline features a more<br />

introvert or narcissistic expression of the<br />

individual, which is the creator, the author,<br />

that shows us what dwells inside him or her:<br />

feelings, experiences, psychological processes,<br />

desires, memories, impressions and so on.<br />

Therefore, in this bipartite relationship of artist<br />

and viewer, the latter becomes an admirer of a<br />

private experience of another individual.<br />

The generous nature of illustration as a<br />

position of servitude aims to exalt the<br />

substance to be appreciated.<br />

After 30 years of receiving persistent<br />

‘commissions’ from an author, in 2019 I finally<br />

decided to embrace the project and pass on<br />

the message this especial creator has for the<br />

public: my dreams of the end times.<br />

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I<br />

will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your<br />

sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your<br />

old men shall dream dreams, your young men<br />

shall see visions… And also upon the servants<br />

and upon the handmaids in those days will I<br />

pour out my spirit… And I will shew wonders<br />

in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and<br />

fire, and pillars of smoke,” (Joe 2:28– 2:30, King<br />

James Bible).<br />

I had this dream around 2003. Musicians in<br />

red outfits were playing their instruments on<br />

the clouds, meteors were hitting the ground,<br />

thousands of people were wearing dark and<br />

dirty clothes, as if they’d just come out of a<br />

war, and the moon was growing and growing;<br />

it was getting larger and occupied a big part<br />

of the reddish sky.<br />

Lying ill on my bed, I was dying, my mum<br />

crying next to me, but at the same time, I<br />

was standing by the broken wall watching<br />

everything, my sister at the window very<br />

excited because of the huge moon.<br />

Let’s pay attention to our dreams. We might<br />

not be the author, so let’s be “a faithful<br />

servant”.<br />

To view more of Karina’s work, visit<br />

wnstd.com/karina<br />

Karina teaches art classes every Friday at<br />

Wanstead House from 10am to 12pm. She<br />

also runs bespoke illustration courses for<br />

small groups. For more information, visit<br />

wnstd.com/riae or call 020 8550 2398<br />

To advertise, call 020 8819 6645 or visit wnstd.com

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