North Canterbury News: April 08, 2022

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Thursday,<strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong> | Issue990 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Our Place for Our People ... The Knox Community Centre’s colourful southern wall.<br />


Mural acommunity masterpiece<br />


Cheviot’scommunityhas been<br />

captured in aswish, colourful mural<br />

now gracing the south wall of theKnox<br />

Community Centre.<br />

The Di Dixon commissioned­design,<br />

who had abig handinco­ordinating<br />

and addingfinessetothe project, has<br />

also seen plenty of communityinput<br />

andartistry.<br />

Above carheight thecheerful project<br />

entitled Our Place forOur People has<br />

been drivenbythe Trustees of the<br />

formerPresbyterianChurch and Hall.<br />

Looking to the future theTrustees<br />

decidedtospruceupthe rather dull<br />

south wall.<br />

‘‘It had to be about community, and<br />

havecommunity involvement.<br />

‘‘TheTrustees have beenvery keen<br />

to takethe oldPresbyterian halland<br />

look to the future,’’ says Cheviot Knox<br />

Community Trust chairwoman Jane<br />

Maxwell.<br />

Janesays most of the workonthe<br />

mural has been voluntary.<br />

There was consultation withthe<br />

local CheviotA&P committee,and a<br />

series of three meetingsfor anyonein<br />

the communitytogather ideas for the<br />

design, whichincorporatesdaffodils,<br />

surfers and farm scenes.<br />

‘‘We asked forsomething<br />

contemporary, butwhich lookedtothe<br />

futureand representedCheviot,’’says<br />

Jane.<br />

Theend result is anice, bright, rayof<br />

sunshine‘‘inthis Covid world’’.<br />

Theideabecame reality whenthe<br />

project was givenaboostbythe<br />

CreativeCommunities Scheme,which<br />

granted enough fundingtobuy the<br />

materials forthe job.<br />

RangioraResene alsoswungin<br />

behind the project, ahelping hand that<br />

wasa‘‘huge boostfor theproject’’, says<br />

Jane.<br />

Jane saysthe mural incorporatedthe<br />

SchoolHoliday Programme with<br />

participantscoming alongand<br />

painting several panels.<br />

Thelongnarrow designhas been<br />

painted on to woodenpanels,soas<br />

time passes, thepanelscan be removed<br />

andupdated to look further into the<br />

future.<br />

It canbeseenaspeople drive into<br />

town from thesouth end.<br />

Thehallisproving to be agreat<br />

optionfor organisations andgroups to<br />

use, including the FrankieHarris’<br />

Academy of Dance.Mirrorshave been<br />

installedonthe walls for the dancers<br />

Helping hands ... Volunteers helping install an end panel of the mural.<br />

as part of theefforts of the Trustees<br />

keento‘‘keep moving forward’’ and<br />

growthe centre’s use.<br />

Janesaysthe KnoxChurch doors are<br />

openedand closedeveryday by alocal<br />

resident, for anyonewho wants to visit,<br />

or sit andhavelunch, photograph it or<br />

justenjoythe space. Atotal of 529<br />

people signed in to the Churchoverthe<br />

past12months.<br />

‘‘People say how nice it is to see the<br />

Church open.’’<br />



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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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bestread<br />

newspaper<br />

Readership: 51,000 weekly<br />

Circulation: 30,150copiesdelivered<br />

to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />

&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />

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Moving up the road to Rangiora<br />


In his 10 years at KaiapoiHigh School,<br />

BruceKearneyhas overseen a<br />

transformation to become the schoolof<br />

choice for many in thetown.<br />

Mr Kearneyarrived in term four of 2011<br />

andadmits he was enteringthe unknown.<br />

Back thenthe schoolroll wasaround<br />

500, withjust 45 percent of young people<br />

in theschool’s catchment area attending<br />

theschool.<br />

‘‘It was on theend of the earthquakes<br />

andwewere still getting someand the<br />

community wasstill reeling fromthat.It<br />

wasahard time.’’<br />

Being new to Kaiapoi and makingthe<br />

leap frombeing head of commerce at a<br />

Christchurch schooltoaprincipal<br />

appointment, Mr Kearney admits he felt<br />

like ‘‘afraud’’.<br />

‘‘Theway thatprincipalship tends to go,<br />

Ikind of like view it as atrimester.<br />

‘‘Your first threeyears you arekind of<br />

afraud, you’rewaitingfor someone to<br />

come in and takeyourseat.<br />

‘‘Youdon’t knowyour community,you<br />

don’tknow yourstudents,you don’tknow<br />

your school ,you don’t know yourteachers<br />

andyou kindofbowl up andsay ‘hi,I’m<br />

thenew principal’.’’<br />

Mr Kearneysaysittakes agoodthree<br />

years foranew principaltobecome<br />

establishedand gettoknowtheir<br />

community.<br />

‘‘Being principal in acommunity school<br />

is fantasticand reallyhard,becauseyou<br />

areatthe centreofeverything.<br />

‘‘When you packyour kidsupand send<br />

them into townyou don’t seewhatgoes<br />

on,but all thegoodthings and the bad<br />

things are on display every day at our<br />

schooland you have to learntoembrace<br />

that and look uponitas apositive.’’<br />

Thenext threeyearsisan opportunity<br />

to implement changesand then thethird<br />

periodofthreeyears are ‘‘your<br />

empowermentyears’’tofocus on growing<br />

thestaffand offering leadership<br />

opportunities.<br />

The centre of everything ... Bruce Kearney<br />

on his role as aprincipal. He takes up the<br />

principalship at Rangiora High School next<br />

term.<br />


Whenhewas first appointed, theBoard<br />

of Trustees had setagoal of attracting<br />

75% of young people from thecatchment.<br />

Achieving this meant changing<br />

perceptions, improving connections with<br />

local primaryschoolsand thewider<br />

community,and ‘‘improving ourresolve’’,<br />

including addressingNCEA results.<br />

‘‘I thinkthe reputation of Kaiapoiwas<br />

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slantedand it was slantedmore towards a<br />

trade­based school,really strongwith<br />

building, with outdoor education and it’s<br />

hospitality.<br />

‘‘But academic pathwaysfor those<br />

students whowanted to go to university<br />

wasn’t afocus.<br />

‘‘Ifthis area is agreatplacetolivein,<br />

then it should be agreat placetosend<br />

your children to school and to be fair we<br />

weren’t there. We weren’tasolidchoice<br />

and that wasn’t right.’’<br />

Mr Kearney says 10 years ago Kaiapoi<br />

was achieving good NCEApassrates, but<br />

merit and excellent results were almost<br />

non­existent.<br />

It meant changingthe schoolculture to<br />

one of fostering academic excellence.<br />

‘‘Tobefair, if youask me what our focus<br />

is now,it’s connection with community,<br />

perceptions andcontinuingtomovefrom<br />

goodtogreatand building thatacademic<br />

portfolio.Ithasn’t changed.’’<br />

As he preparestomovealongthe road<br />

to Rangiora High School,MrKearneyis<br />

leavingaschoolwhichhas been<br />

attracting 75% of itscatchmentfor several<br />

years,has arollof1100 andisachieving<br />

goodNCEA results with merit and<br />

excellence.<br />

The secret to Kaiapoi’ssuccessisthe<br />

teachers, who are diverse,passionate and<br />

haveadesire to do the bestfor their<br />

students,hesays.<br />

‘‘I am really awesome at hiringgood<br />

teachers...aboveall else they’re<br />

passionate about young people and what<br />

theydo.<br />

‘‘And I’ve made some reallycrazy<br />

appointments notevenknowingwhat they<br />

taught.<br />

‘‘I’vedone that four timesatthe<br />

teacher’s college days... they’ve walkedin<br />

and they werejustlike,well,this person<br />

has something.’’<br />

While he willmiss the staff,the<br />

students andsupporting sporting,<br />

cultural and academicsactivities, he<br />

looks forward to returning to Kaiapoi to<br />

cheer on hisnew school.<br />

Wakatu Quay project progresses<br />

Kaikōura’s WakatuQuay projectismaking<br />

progresswith the selection of a<br />

development partner.<br />

The designand construction of the<br />

Quay’s redevelopmentisbeing fundedbya<br />

$9.88million grant from the Provincial<br />

Growth Fund,and is being managed by the<br />

government’s regionaleconomicgrowth<br />

unit,Kānoa ­RDU.<br />

The prime wharf location has someof<br />

the best views in the area, and when<br />

completed, the project is envisioned to<br />

provide aplace of interconnected<br />

hospitality, tourismand activity.<br />

Architectural firmWarren and Mahoney<br />

has designed aset of buildings to reflect a<br />

small village, witheach referencing the<br />

nautical look of ships and boat hulls.<br />

It willbeaccessibletoall and celebrate<br />

the best theregion has to offer.<br />

The projectincludes extensive<br />

landscaping and plantings, alongwith<br />

upgrades to roading and carparks.<br />

The Kaikōura DistrictCouncil and<br />

Kaikōura MarineDevelopment<br />

Programme say the Wakatu Quay project<br />

will haveasignificant positive impact on<br />

the localand regionalcommunity, both<br />

sociallyand economically.<br />

Kaikōura District Council’s<br />

infrastructure upgrade programme,<br />

starting thisautumn, will include water<br />

supply and utilities servicingWakatu<br />

Quay.<br />

The Kaikōura MarineDevelopment<br />

Programmeand Kaikōura District Council<br />

haveselected Cooper Developmentsto<br />

worktogether to progress thepotential<br />

opportunities of the site andcommercial<br />

aspectsofthe development.<br />

Kaikōura Mayor Craig Mackleis<br />

welcoming the selection of Cooper<br />

Developments.<br />

‘‘This investigation process willtake<br />

place over the nextthreemonths. As a<br />

council we are very excited aboutthe next<br />

steps for the project, and building a<br />

relationshipwith the Cooper team.’’<br />


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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Renewed optimism in tourism<br />


Tourism<br />

operators in<br />

Kaikoura<br />

may need to<br />

‘‘smartenup’’<br />

their<br />

operations<br />

moving<br />

forward, says<br />

alocal industry leader.<br />

There is arenewedsense of optimism<br />

for the struggling tourism sectorasthe<br />

road back for operators becomes clearer.<br />

Timeframes and criteria for the border<br />

reopening have been mappedout by the<br />

Government overthe past few weeks,<br />

providingsome certaintyfor tourism<br />

outfits starved of patrons duetothe<br />

pandemic.<br />

Kaikoura tourism leaders say they are<br />

‘‘pleasantly surprised’’ more businesses in<br />

the townhave not succumbed to the effects<br />

of Covid­19 after floundering over the past<br />

two years.<br />

However, Encounter Kaikoura co­owner<br />

Lynette Buurmansays the pandemic could<br />

force arethink for businesses, including<br />

its reliance on the internationalmarket.<br />

‘‘In our business we were80percentplus<br />

exposed to international with our<br />

tours and gift shop.<br />

‘‘Fortunately for us we’ve had the cafe,<br />

that’sbeen agreatopportunity to connect<br />

with our domesticclientsand brought<br />

peopleinthe door.’’<br />

‘‘We’ve had to learnour to diversifyour<br />

thinkingand the reliance on the global<br />

markets hadtochange.’’<br />

Encounter Kaikoura runs apopular<br />

dolphin­watching attractionand Ms<br />

Buurman says Covid­19 forced the<br />

businessestorevise how it enticed<br />

neighbouringregions.<br />

3<br />

Tourism rethink ... Encounter Kaikoura operator Lynette Buurman says Covid­19 has<br />

forced them to think more about the domestic market.<br />


‘‘We’ve never had to think about [how we<br />

connectwith the Auckland market]<br />

before,’’ shesays.<br />

‘‘We’re known in that international<br />

space but once that stops it’s like you’re<br />

cut adriftand you realise there is risk<br />

there. It could easilyhappen again.’’<br />

Tourismmakesupclose to half of the<br />

Kaikoura district’s grossdomestic product<br />

(GDP) and the town, like other hotspots<br />

aroundthe country, has ensured adversity<br />

overthe past 24 months.<br />

Withthe border reopening to Australian<br />

residents from next week and the looming<br />

winter period, the ski market was set to be<br />

the first sector to potentially experience a<br />

revival.<br />

Ms Buurman says for Kaikoura it would<br />

be more of a‘‘slow burn’’asitassesses<br />

required resourcemovingforward.<br />

‘‘Whateverweget fromend of the school<br />

holidays throughtoOctober willbea<br />

bonus.<br />

‘‘The challenge for us will be how we<br />

scale up but it’s agood problemtohave.’’<br />

She says the town’ssmall economy,<br />

includinghospitalityand retail, had<br />

scrapped its way through the period which<br />

was encouraging. It’s amazing how we’ve<br />

all managed to get through to this point,’’<br />

she says.<br />

‘‘But now we’ve got some firmdates<br />

which indicates when our market can start<br />

to return.Ittakes youreyes off the<br />

hardship and helps us focus on the horizon<br />

and there is somelight there.’’<br />

PublicInterest Journalismfunded<br />

through NZ On Air.<br />

Public has chance to have asay about park<br />


Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)is<br />

calling on the public to have asay in<br />

developing amaster plan for partof<br />

the Ashley­Rakahuri Regional.<br />

Rivers manager, Leigh Griffiths says<br />

the regional council is running an<br />

online survey, which closes on <strong>April</strong><br />

24, and two onlinecommunity<br />

meetings today (Thursday <strong>April</strong> 7),<br />

starting at 1.30pm and 6.30pm, on the<br />

area ECan staffcall ``Rangiora Reach'<br />

'.<br />

The area is apopular place for<br />

fishing, walking, swimming, and<br />

cycling and includes the Mike Kean<br />

walkway, adog park and aBMX track.<br />

It alsoincludes bothbanksofthe<br />

Ashley­Rakahuri Riverfrom Dunlops<br />

Road to BeattiesRoad on the north<br />

side near Ashley and MertonRoad to<br />

Smarts Road on the south sidenear<br />

Rangiora.<br />

‘‘The largerarea under<br />

consideration also includes the<br />

floodwaybetweenthe primaryand<br />

secondary stopbanks near Cones Road<br />

where trees were removedinJuly<br />

2020,’’Leigh says.<br />

ECan hasalso been working withthe<br />

WaimakaririDistrictCouncil (WDC),<br />

theAshley­Rakahuri River Rangiora<br />

Reach Advisory Group, and aparks<br />

andrecreation consultant, Geoff<br />

Canham, to developthe masterplan.<br />

Oneofthe advisory group members,<br />

Keith Harris, of Rangiora,has put<br />

forward aplan for the land in the park<br />

where the treeswere removed in July<br />

2020. His proposalistoplant aterrace<br />

of treesand shrubsalong the north<br />

sideofthe second stopbank,far<br />

enough away so the trees don’t effect<br />

the stability of thestop bank.<br />

The terrace would be about 20<br />

metreswide,and run the length of the<br />

stop bank. Awalking path would run<br />

through the middle of the trees with<br />

gaps strategically placed so those who<br />

are exercising can use the equipment<br />

already set up by the Rangiora Rotary<br />

Club.<br />

‘‘Thisterrace of treeswould provide<br />

walkers with shadefrom the sun in<br />

summertime and protection from the<br />

north easterly and south westerly<br />

winds throughoutthe year.They<br />

would also encourage the birds and<br />

wildlife to return to thisarea,’’ Keith<br />

says. The public can havetheir say by<br />

going to: ecan.govt.nz/rangiora­reach,<br />

completing the short online survey,<br />

and/ortaking part in one of the two<br />

one­hour­long online community<br />

meetings today.<br />



Whānau Āwhina Plunket is entering<br />

consultation on aproposal to sell theproperty<br />

at 1685 Cust Road,Cust.Asmallnumberof<br />

WhānauĀwhina Plunket services operate<br />

atthis property.However,ifthe proposal<br />

proceeds, they will be relocatedtonearby<br />

premises and will otherwisenot be affected.<br />

To our best knowledge,wehaveidentified<br />

parties who mightbeaffected by this intention<br />

to sell.Weask thatanyonewith an interest in<br />

this property or anyone whowants to provide<br />

feedback can contactWhānau ĀwhinaPlunket<br />

at SustainableProperty@plunket.org.nzor<br />

PO Box5474, Wellington6140 (Attention:<br />

Property)by01/05/<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Amberley’snew pool has the `wow’ factor<br />


The nice thing about opening night for<br />

the new Amberley Swimming Pool was<br />

the ``number of wows,'' says Roger<br />

Hornblow.<br />

The community activator for the<br />

Hurunui District Council’s community<br />

partnerships team, says that level of<br />

excitement for the new pool ``was great<br />

to see and adds to that specialness of the<br />

place.’’<br />

The official opening was held last<br />

Friday evening (on <strong>April</strong> 1) with<br />

Hurunui Mayor Marie Black, invited<br />

guests, the pool contractors, sponsors<br />

and members of the Save Our Pool<br />

group, ``a legendary group of locals who<br />

raised more than $100,000’' towards the<br />

cost of the pool, Roger says.<br />

That initial $100,000 helped attract<br />

funding for the pool from other sources,<br />

including the Lottery Grants Board and<br />

the Rata Foundation.<br />

‘‘Once they saw that amount of money<br />

had been raised they realised the<br />

community was genuine about building<br />

anew pool,’’ Roger says.<br />

Aless formal opening for the public<br />

was held last Saturday morning with the<br />

doors opening at 10am and many people<br />

of all ages calling in to take adip in the<br />

new indoor facility which has alarge<br />

main pool, including a‘‘bombing<br />

platform’’ and asmalle ‘‘toddlers’ pool’’<br />

alongside.<br />

‘‘The emphasis is on fun,’’ Roger says.<br />

‘‘We wanted to give kids permission to<br />

be kids. That is why we put the bombing<br />

platform in because kids just want to<br />

make asplash.’’<br />

Having fun ... Visitors enjoying the new, indoor Amberley Swimming Pool last Saturday morning.<br />

New experience ...<br />

Jasper Hughes, aged one, of Amberley, tries out the toddlers' pool with his<br />

mum, Lauren Hughes, of Amberley.<br />


Keeping watch ... Lifeguards Archie<br />

Harris, aged 17, of Ohoka, left, with Lilly<br />

McQuillan­Reese, aged 18, of Amberley,<br />

during the opening day. morning.<br />

Toddler time ... Elena Holden, aged 4, of Waipara, enjoying<br />

time in the toddlers' pool.<br />

Get your business<br />

admin out of the<br />

toohard basket<br />



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Successful first season for park<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

Kaiapoi’saquaplay parkTrust has<br />

overcome its challenges to enjoy a<br />

successfulfirst season.<br />

The aquaplay park has been packed<br />

awayfor winter, butWHoWCharitable<br />

Trust vice­chairperson JasonMill says<br />

it hasshown Kaiapoiwhat is possible.<br />

‘‘Itwas agreatoutcome.<br />

‘‘Wehad some fantastic crowds and<br />

we held afree communityday on the<br />

final daytothank the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> communityfor their<br />

support.<br />

‘‘Itwasn’t theeasiest seasonwith the<br />

wet weatherand Covid created some<br />

challenges, but Ithinkthe investors<br />

werehappywith the outcome<br />

consideringwhatwehad to overcome<br />

and we fulfilledmostofour community<br />

objectives.’’<br />

The aquaplay park was opened in<br />

LakeCourtenayinNovember as a<br />

transition project forthe proposed<br />

aquasports park, which the trust hopes<br />

to establishonformer redzoneland to<br />

the north of the KaiapoiRiver.<br />

While thetrustisstilltodoits<br />

debriefwiththe Waimakariri District<br />

Council,MrMill says just under 15,000<br />

people wentthroughthe aquaplay<br />

parkduringthe three monthsitwas<br />

open, even though18days werelost to<br />

wet weather.<br />

‘‘Wecloseditthreetimes because of<br />

the heavy raincausing flooding,’’ Mr<br />

Millsays. We were over­cautious, but<br />

we wantedtomakesure we had aclear<br />

testbefore we reopened.’’<br />

The trust has worked with Ngai<br />

Tuahuriri, an ecologist, local schools<br />

and communitygroups to conduct<br />

water testing and to plant trees around<br />

the lake’s edge.<br />

Kaikanui AqualandNZis<br />

responsible for the day­to­day running<br />

Demonstration ... Kaikanui Aqualand NZ director Mark Holder demonstrates cable wakeboarding<br />

during the final day of the season at Kaiapoi’s aqua play park last month.<br />


of theoperation and directorMark<br />

Holderis‘‘looking forwardtoabigger<br />

and better seasontwo’’.<br />

‘‘Next season we willbringinsome<br />

more features, we wanttocater to<br />

differentage groups and we’re looking<br />

at howwecan runaslicker operation.’’<br />

Whilethe detailsare still to be<br />

finalised,there is likely to be a<br />

separatearea forsmaller childrennext<br />

summer.<br />

Thetrustalsohopes to co­fund some<br />

toilets and facilities, whichwould<br />

onsiteremain to supportmahingakai<br />

projectsafterthe aquaplaypark<br />

permanently moves off­site.<br />

On thefinalday Mr Holdergave a<br />

demonstration of cable wake­boarding,<br />

one of the sports whichwill feature<br />

shouldthe biggeraqua sportsparkgo<br />

ahead.<br />

‘‘We’ve shown whatcan do on asmall<br />

scale,sohopefully we cankeepthe<br />

community on board.Ifwecan provide<br />

the facilities to the community, there’s<br />

no reason whywecan’t produce some<br />

world classtalent from Christchurch<br />

and Kaiapoi.’’<br />

Mr Mill saysfinal touches are being<br />

madetothe trust’s feasibilitystudy<br />

intothe proposedaquasports parkand<br />

hopes to updatethe community soon.<br />

Comfortable<br />

Stylish<br />

Slippers<br />

by<br />

Made in Spain<br />

Women’sSlippers<br />

Sizes 36-42<br />

See the full range for women and<br />

men in store now!<br />

Kaiapoi Mill, Ranfurly Street, Kaiapoi<br />

Monday –Friday 9am –5pm<br />

Saturday 10am –1pm<br />

Closed on Public Holidays &Long Weekends<br />

Ph 03 327 0576<br />

2465201<br />

This FREE classroom-based course willhelpyou re-familiariseyourselfwith<br />

traffic rules and safe driving practices. It will also increase your knowledge<br />

about other transport options and help you remain independent for longer.<br />

Grab yourfriendorpartner andjoinusonWed 11 May<strong>2022</strong> from<br />

10.00 am –2.00pmatthe Council Chambers,66CartersRd, Amberley<br />

(light lunch provided). RSVP to WendyFox, Age Concern<strong>Canterbury</strong> on<br />

03 33178<strong>08</strong> by Wed4May <strong>2022</strong>.Supported by HurunuiDistrictCouncil.


6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Changes to drinking<br />

water may impact you<br />

This month the Hurunui District Council<br />

made six submissions to central<br />

government’s new drinking water<br />

regulator Taumata Arowai, on asuite of<br />

proposed regulatory documents by the<br />

regulator that specify compliance<br />

requirements for registered water<br />

suppliers.<br />

The council operates 18 separate<br />

water supply networks and has one<br />

registered drinking water tanker, which<br />

will all require compliance with the new<br />

set of rules.<br />

In council’s capacity as aDrinking<br />

Water Supplier, and as avoice for its<br />

communities, council has significant<br />

interest in ensuring that the rules are fit<br />

for purpose and practical, while also<br />

providing arobust regulatory framework<br />

that ensures communities are provided<br />

with safe water.<br />

What some of you may not realise is<br />

that the new regulatory regime has been<br />

designed to reach further into the<br />

delivery of safe water than was<br />

previously covered.<br />

The type of water supplies that are<br />

now regulated are outlined in the Water<br />

Services Act, with the proposed<br />

regulatory documents providing the nuts<br />

and bolts detail of the rules that will be<br />

applied to each category of supply.<br />

If your drinking water is provided by<br />

anything other than anetworked council<br />

supply, you need to check carefully<br />

whether the new rules will apply to you<br />

or not.<br />

If you have your own water source (e.<br />

g. abore) and that water source is used<br />

to provide drinking water to buildings on<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13<br />

Rise 6:51am<br />

Set 6:09pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

4:39am<br />

5:04pm<br />

Rise12:44pm<br />

Set 9:21pm<br />

Gentle Sturning<br />

SE<br />

Fair<br />

Rise 6:52am<br />

Set 6:<strong>08</strong>pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

5:29am<br />

5:54pm<br />

Rise 1:40pm<br />

Set 10:09pm<br />

Gentle SE<br />

strengthening<br />

site, other than just to one domestic<br />

dwelling (either on your property or<br />

across property boundaries), then you<br />

meet the definition of a‘drinking water<br />

supplier’ and there will be compliance<br />

requirements for you to meet.<br />

The old rules that limited the<br />

definition of ‘drinking water supplier’ to<br />

supplies that was serving 25 people for<br />

at least 60 days of the year are no longer<br />

applicable.<br />

Therefore, water supply arrangements<br />

such as private water supplies to small<br />

subdivisions, small non­council<br />

community water supplies, nonresidential<br />

properties with their own<br />

water source or properties with their<br />

own water source supplying multiple<br />

buildings, should all check out the new<br />

rules carefully.<br />

Council is fully aware of the varying<br />

arrangements for water supply, delivery,<br />

ownership and use throughout the<br />

District.<br />

Sometimes these arrangements can be<br />

complex, with historical agreements in<br />

place for the sharing of and access to<br />

water sources.<br />

Council is fully aware of the impact<br />

these new regulatory requirements may<br />

have on hundreds of property owners in<br />

the District.<br />

Council’s submissions aim to ensure<br />

that cost, scale, risk and rural<br />

perspectives are all considered, as<br />

Taumata Arowai moves to finalise the<br />

compliance rules that will apply.<br />

Taumata Arowai’s website provides<br />

more information on the new regulatory<br />

regime: (www.taumataarowai.govt.nz).<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:53am<br />

Set 6:06pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:20am<br />

6:45pm<br />

Rise 2:29pm<br />

Set 11:04pm<br />

Gentle SW becoming<br />

moderate SE<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:55am<br />

Set 6:04pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

7:10am<br />

7:35pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:56am<br />

Set 6:03pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

8:00am<br />

8:24pm<br />

Rise 3:10pm Set 12:05am<br />

Rise 3:45pm<br />

Gentle SE becoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Joanne Gumbrell<br />

Chair, Waimakariri Age-friendly<br />

Advisory Group<br />

Many older people<br />

miss social contact<br />

Iampart of agroupof sixfriends who<br />

callourselvestheFriday LunchClub.<br />

Those of us whocan meet every<br />

Friday at acafé for lunch.<br />

We are all in our 70’s and 80’s.<br />

SinceCovidcameto <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> we decidedwewould be<br />

safer to stay at home.<br />

Although we telephoned and<br />

emailedortext<br />

eachother, we<br />

missed the<br />

physicaltime of<br />

being together<br />

and we shared<br />

thisrecently at a<br />

byo lunch at one<br />

of our homes.<br />

We are sureweare not the only<br />

friends who are missing each other.<br />

<strong>News</strong>papers are full of storiesabout<br />

lonely people,and the effect this is<br />

having on their mental health.<br />

People wholive alone, or in an<br />

unhappy relationship, are the most<br />

vulnerable.<br />

This is particularly so for older<br />

people, and Iread in arecentedition<br />

of this newspaperthat some people are<br />

not having carers coming as regularly.<br />

This means that not only are they not<br />

gettingthe carethey needtolive<br />

healthy lives, they are missing out on<br />

social contact.<br />

Our Age­friendly plan,developed<br />

fromaWorld Health Organisation<br />

initiative.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Police report<br />

Monday,March 28 to Tuesday March29:<br />

Acaged trailer was stolen from Bayliss<br />

Drive, Kaiapoi; Alarge DeWalttoolbox<br />

and tools were stolen from alocked<br />

garage in Carters Road, Amberley.<br />

Tuesday,March 29 to Wednesday,<br />

March 30: Aset of number plates was<br />

stolen from acrashed vehicle in the<br />

Lewis Pass.<br />

Wednesday,March 30: Agreen Isuzu<br />

Big Horn was stolen from White Street,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

Thursday,March 31: Aset of number<br />

plateswas stolenfrom avehicle in River<br />

Road,Rangiora;Alocal resident<br />

received ascam call from somebody<br />

sayingthey were from Norton internet<br />

security. The fraud was identified soon<br />

after asignificantamount of money was<br />

stolen,and the victim is hopeful of<br />

havingtheir money returned.<br />

Thursday,March 31 to Friday, <strong>April</strong> 1:<br />

Asilver Subaru was stolen from Murray<br />

Street, Kaiapoi.<br />

Sunday, <strong>April</strong>3:Anumberof<br />

temporary speed signs, cones and other<br />

road signs used in acycle race in Sefton<br />

were stolen;Avehiclewas broken into at<br />

the jet boat ramp near the <strong>North</strong>ern<br />

Motorway. Awallet was stolen and used<br />

in Christchurch. Tools and an axle set<br />

were stolen in aburglary of agarage in<br />

Lilian Street,Kaiapoi.<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:57am<br />

Set 6:01pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

8:48am<br />

9:12pm<br />

Set 1:10am<br />

Rise 4:15pm<br />

Gentle SW<br />

strengthening<br />

❛We want to make<br />

Waimakariri an even better<br />

place for older people to<br />

live.❜<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:58am<br />

Set 5:59pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:35am<br />

9:58pm<br />

Set 2:17am<br />

Rise 4:41pm<br />

Moderate SW turning<br />

SE<br />

It is supported by the Office for<br />

Seniors, and the Ministry of Social<br />

Development who define an agefriendly<br />

community as “a place where<br />

you can stay connected,healthy, active<br />

and respected, whateveryour age”.<br />

We wantto makeWaimakaririan<br />

even better place for older peopleto<br />

live.<br />

Theworld has<br />

changed since the<br />

plan began, and<br />

the Waimakariri<br />

Age­friendly<br />

AdvisoryGroup<br />

now make social<br />

interaction a<br />

priority.<br />

Communication is so important, and<br />

Iam grateful to have this monthly<br />

columnto inform the age cohort I<br />

belongto.<br />

Waimakaririhas an abundanceof<br />

groups we can go to and be as involved<br />

as we want.<br />

The Community Team at the Council<br />

phone 03 3118902 and Citizens Advice<br />

Bureauphone 03 3106205 have<br />

information aboutthese.<br />

We can also becomevolunteers–<br />

phone Roni at Presbyterian Support 03<br />

3138588<br />

Likethe Friday LunchClub Ibelong<br />

to, Iencourageeveryone to actively<br />

seek to contact and be with others.<br />

Yournext friend could be just a<br />

phone call away.<br />

Lost property<br />

The following propertyhas been<br />

reportedtothe police as lost in<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> –have youseen<br />

it?<br />

Amen’s flat gold wedding band, a<br />

Blackleather wallet, aTweety Pie<br />

key ring and keys,brown rimmed<br />

serengeti sunglasses. aZoleo<br />

EPIRP(green colour) GPS unit, a<br />

Victalawn mower catcher, ablue<br />

tarpaulin, and aRyobi pole<br />

pruner.<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

SE 1.7 m SE 1.4 m SE 0.8 m SE 0.7 m SE 0.8 m SE 0.8 m E1.2 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 9:22am 2.1 3:06am 0.8 10:10am 2.0 3:57am 0.8 10:58am 2.0 4:48am 0.8 11:46am 2.0 5:39am 0.8 12:04am 2.1 6:27am 0.8 12:52am 2.2 7:11am 0.8 1:39am 2.2 7:54am 0.7<br />

Mouth<br />

9:41pm 2.2 3:26pm 0.8 10:28pm 2.1 4:14pm 0.8 11:16pm 2.1 5:03pm 0.8<br />

5:51pm 0.8 12:32pm 2.1 6:39pm 0.8 1:17pm 2.1 7:25pm 0.8 2:02pm 2.2 8:12pm 0.7<br />

Amberley 9:22am 2.1 3:06am 0.8 10:10am 2.0 3:57am 0.8 10:58am 2.0 4:48am 0.8 11:46am 2.0 5:39am 0.8 12:04am 2.1 6:27am 0.8 12:52am 2.2 7:11am 0.8 1:39am 2.2 7:54am 0.7<br />

Beach<br />

9:41pm 2.2 3:26pm 0.8 10:28pm 2.1 4:14pm 0.8 11:16pm 2.1 5:03pm 0.8<br />

5:51pm 0.8 12:32pm 2.1 6:39pm 0.8 1:17pm 2.1 7:25pm 0.8 2:02pm 2.2 8:12pm 0.7<br />

9:31am 2.1 3:15am 0.8 10:19am 2.0 4:06am 0.8 11:07am 2.0 4:57am 0.8 11:55am 2.0 5:48am 0.8 12:13am 2.1 6:36am 0.8 1:01am 2.2 7:20am 0.8 1:48am 2.2 8:03am 0.7<br />

Motunau 9:50pm 2.2 3:35pm 0.8 10:37pm 2.1 4:23pm 0.8 11:25pm 2.1 5:12pm 0.8<br />

6:00pm 0.8 12:41pm 2.1 6:48pm 0.8 1:26pm 2.1 7:34pm 0.8 2:11pm 2.2 8:21pm 0.7<br />

9:33am 2.1 3:17am 0.8 10:21am 2.0 4:<strong>08</strong>am 0.8 11:09am 2.0 4:59am 0.8 11:57am 2.0 5:50am 0.8 12:15am 2.1 6:38am 0.8 1:03am 2.2 7:22am 0.8 1:50am 2.2 8:05am 0.7<br />

Gore Bay 9:52pm 2.2 3:37pm 0.8 10:39pm 2.1 4:25pm 0.8 11:27pm 2.1 5:14pm 0.8<br />

6:02pm 0.8 12:43pm 2.1 6:50pm 0.8 1:28pm 2.1 7:36pm 0.8 2:13pm 2.2 8:23pm 0.7<br />

9:37am 1.6 3:25am 0.6 10:25am 1.6 4:14am 0.6 11:11am 1.5 5:03am 0.6 11:56am 1.6 5:49am 0.6 12:13am 1.7 6:34am 0.6 12:58am 1.7 7:16am 0.6 1:43am 1.7 7:58am 0.5<br />

Kaikoura 9:52pm 1.7 3:39pm 0.6 10:40pm 1.7 4:26pm 0.6 11:27pm 1.7 5:12pm 0.6<br />

5:57pm 0.6 12:40pm 1.6 6:43pm 0.6 1:23pm 1.6 7:28pm 0.6 2:05pm 1.6 8:13pm 0.5<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


yourwinter tness<br />

kickstart<br />

Join<br />

Join<br />

$<br />

160<br />

worth<br />

worth<br />


F<br />

NOW<br />

NOW<br />

of<br />

of<br />

to<br />

to<br />

FREE<br />

FREE<br />

get<br />

get<br />

stuff<br />

stuff<br />

•First 2Weeks FREE<br />

•FIT 3D Scan FREE<br />

•Key Tag FREE<br />

•Sports Bag FREE<br />

•Drink Bottle FREE<br />

•Gym Towel FREE<br />

•CafeVouchers FREE<br />

WAIT,there’s MORE...<br />

When youjoinyou can<br />

alsojoin afriend or family<br />

member on a1-month<br />

membership<br />

foronly...<br />

$20<br />

20*<br />

UN -<br />


FOR 1-8YEAR OLDS<br />

Helpingchildren HelU<br />

develop alovefor<br />

sport &activeplaytoencourage them<br />

into alifeofhealthyactivity.<br />

Forany questions email: gymnastics@sportstrust.org.nz<br />

*When booking for afull term. Casualbookings are$15 perclassbut only availableifthere is room in that class.<br />

Classesare 45 minuteslong andincludea30% discount for caregiver at theinhouse CoffeeWorxFIT cafe.<br />

Caregiver is required to participate with child in BabySteps &Toddler Stepsclasses.<br />

To findout moreortobook your placeinany of these classes visit...<br />

www.sportstrust.org.nz<br />

ALL<br />

FOR<br />

JUST<br />

Sports FUN-damentals @MainPowerStadium<br />

$<br />

10<br />

per class*<br />

Gymnastics FUN-damentals @Rangiora Fitness Centre<br />

Build their confidence,coordination,balance, body awareness andcontrol.<br />

Baby Steps Gymnastics<br />

(for under 3year olds)<br />

Tue10:45am • Tue 11:45am<br />

First StepsGymnastics<br />

(for 5-8yearolds)<br />

Mon3:45pm • Wed 3:45pm<br />

Childrenlearn core sports skills such as balance, throwing, running and kicking.<br />

Baby SportsFUN-damentals<br />

(forunder3year olds)<br />

Mon9:30am • Wed 9:30am<br />




Toddler Steps Gymnastics<br />

(for 3-5yearolds)<br />

Tue1:00pm • Tue 2:00pm<br />

First StepsPLUSGymnastics<br />

(for 5-8year olds)<br />

Mon4:30pm • Wed 4:30pm<br />

Toddler Sports FUN-damentals<br />

(for 3-5 year olds)<br />

Mon10:30am • Wed 10:30am<br />

plus heaps of extra free stuff<br />

if you join any of our nc tness<br />

centres* before the end of may.<br />

( l i m i t e d t o t h e fi r s t 1 5 0 n e w m e m b e r s )<br />

At <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s BEST Fitness Centres we offer EVERYTHING you<br />

can possibly need – and more! – to meet your health & fitness goals...<br />

• Les Mills Group Fitness • Revl GT and PRAMA classes<br />

• Personal Training • Fit3D Body Scans • Nutrition Consultation<br />

• Child Play Area • Sauna • Active Health services • In-house Cafes<br />

Mention this advertwhen youcome into anyofour FitnessCentres<br />

during staffed hours before the end of Maytoclaim your FREE stuff.<br />


26th -29th<strong>April</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

Time: 9am - 3pm<br />

Age: 7-13yearolds<br />

$45 perchildper day ($5 discount perchild if booking 3-4 children from samefamily.)<br />

Tue-Basketball, Dodgeball,Rounders&PRAMAInteractive<br />

Wed - Archery, Basketball,Cricket<br />

Thur - Football,Netball, Multisport, PRAMAInteractive<br />

Fri -Stone-Age Rugby, HungerGames,Ultimate Frisbee<br />

Run by the <strong>North</strong><br />

Cante terbury Primary School<br />

Sport Coaches<br />

www.sportstrust.org.nz/holiday-programme<br />

Ph: 03 975 5560<br />

O<br />

SPORT<br />

Book On-line NOW!*<br />

Children over12years and 3 months must be vaccinated in order to<br />

participateinthis programme.<br />

Registrations close 5pm on day before each session.<br />

*Paymentrequired to confirm booking. Inthe event your child<br />

is withdrawn afullrefund will only be given if the organisers are<br />

notified before Friday 22nd <strong>April</strong>.<br />

Multi-GymMembership<br />

to all our FitnessCentres just...<br />

Multi-Gym Membership<br />

to all our Fitness Centres just...<br />

21<br />

.50<br />

$ 21<br />

.50<br />

perweek<br />

* NCSRT Fitness Centres include Stadium Fitness Centre, Rangiora Fitness Centre, Kaiapoi Fitness Centre, Oxford Fitness Centre and Amberley Fitness Centre.<br />

Ts and Cs apply. Members at Kaiapoi, Oxford and Amberley Fitness Centres will need to join on a $21.50 Multi-Gym Membership in order to use Rangiora and Stadium Fitness<br />

Centres and to qualify for all this extra FREE stuff. Standard single-gym membership for Kaiapoi, Oxford and Amberley Fitness Centres is $13.50 pw.<br />

www.sportstrust.org.nz<br />


Jointhe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport &Recreation Trust’s<br />

School HolidayProgramme<br />

at MainPower Stadium<br />

try<br />

try<br />

prama<br />

prama<br />

super fun cross<br />

A super fun cross<br />

between fitness and<br />

gaming<br />

between fitness and<br />

gaming<br />


NEWS<br />

8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

2310682<br />

HOUSE<br />


Experts!<br />

AFTER<br />

Services Include:<br />

<strong>08</strong>00101216<br />

washrite.co.nz<br />

BEFORE<br />

• House washing<br />

• Roof Washing<br />

• Moss and Mould Removal<br />

• Driveway &Concrete<br />

Cleaning<br />

• Deck &Fence Cleaning<br />

• Gutter Cleaning<br />

• Spider proofing<br />

FreeQuotes<br />

Agricultural business fined<br />


Theowners of an Amberley company<br />

fined $49,000 fordischarging a<br />

herbicide, Betanal Quattro, into a<br />

Hurunui creek, say they are<br />

disappointed the accident occurred.<br />

However, Sam and Amber Douglas,<br />

the owners of Douglas Farm<br />

Contracting, an agricultural spraying<br />

business, are also disappointed with<br />

the way it has been handled by<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan), the<br />

District Court and also the<br />

‘‘inaccurate,misleading’’ way it has<br />

been reported.<br />

‘‘We want to make it clearthatwe<br />

arenottrying to take awayculpability,<br />

we are truly disappointed the<br />

accident occurred,’’ they say.<br />

Douglas Farm Contractingpleaded<br />

guiltyto onechargeofdischarging a<br />

chemical into awaterway, in the<br />

Christchurch DistrictCourtonMarch<br />

18.<br />

Thecouple want to point out that<br />

before the accident, on November 24,<br />

2020, Douglas Farm Contracting had<br />

an ‘‘impeccable record’’ and had had<br />

been engaged to undertake work for<br />

ECan and Land Information New<br />

Zealand (LINZ)for many years.<br />

‘‘Wewereregularly audited, we<br />

passed with ease eachtimeand we<br />

have neverhadany issues with local<br />

councils,’’theysay.<br />

‘‘The simple facts of the matter are<br />

that18monthsago Irinsed out the<br />

truckinthe paddockatthe farmasI<br />

alwaysdowith myrinsing tank.<br />

‘‘Then Ipumped 200 litres of water<br />

out of the nearbystreamtocomplete a<br />

secondrinse outatthe farm yard,’’<br />

says Sam.<br />

‘‘Unbeknown to me, thedrain tap<br />

valve was notcompletely closed and<br />

20 secondsworth of waterbeing<br />

pumped in,flowedbackoutofthetap<br />

beforeIcouldreachthetap to close it.<br />

‘‘No raw chemical was discharged<br />

as was reported online.<br />

‘‘The twicediluted chemical in the<br />

wateriswhat came out of the tank.<br />

‘‘The spray truck also produced GPS<br />

datafor ECan which showed clearly<br />

thattwo rinses were completed on<br />

farmland and not anywhere near the<br />

water.’’<br />

The couple say that at theMarch 18,<br />

❛We want to make it clear<br />

that we are not trying to take<br />

away culpability, we are truly<br />

disappointed the accident<br />

occurred.❜<br />

—Sam andAmber Douglas<br />

hearing both ECan and the District<br />

Court judge described Washpen Creek<br />

as depauperate withsediment issues<br />

due to logging trucks accessing the<br />

ford regularly.<br />

‘‘The beekeeper who reported the<br />

incident thought he saw chemical<br />

discharged and provided ECan with<br />

photos of murky water.<br />

‘‘However, logging trucks were<br />

causing sediment issues in the<br />

stream,’’ Sam says.<br />

‘‘The beekeeper's laboratory sample<br />

did not accurately list the products I<br />

was spraying,only thefouractive<br />

ingredients of Betanol Quattro. All<br />

five land and watersamples taken by<br />

ECan didnot detect anything. There<br />

were no proven environmental<br />

effects.’’<br />

The couple also say that during the<br />

court hearing Betanal Quattro was<br />

said by ECan to be toxictoaquaticlife<br />

and soil withlong­lasting effects.<br />

‘‘Onewouldthinkthatatoxic<br />

chemical that has long­lasting effects<br />

would be present in samples taken the<br />

next day, had we washed out at the<br />

ford.’’<br />

Amber and Samalso believethatthe<br />

amount their companywas fined is<br />

highconsidering thatinthesame<br />

weeka<strong>North</strong>Island dairy factory was<br />

finedthe same amount forillegally<br />

dumping more than seven million<br />

litres of contaminated wastewater<br />

acrossmultiple farm paddocksafter<br />

numerouswarnings by the local<br />

council.<br />

ECan's <strong>North</strong>ern Zone Manager<br />

Andrew Arps says the council is<br />

pleased with the outcome of the<br />

prosecution and thanks the<br />

community for its vigilance in raising<br />

concerns with staff.<br />

‘‘Even where the environmental<br />

effects are low,accountability needs<br />

to be taken for incidents such asthese.<br />

‘‘Thedischargeinvolved an ecotoxic<br />

substance which elevated the<br />

seriousness.’’<br />

‘‘Above all,ithas been greattosee<br />

thecommunity taking action to raise<br />

concerning incidents with us.<br />

‘‘Nomatter howisolated aspotyou<br />

arein, it'sessentialyou do theright<br />

thing,oryoumay find yourself being<br />

held to account,facingcharges and a<br />

fine,’’ Mr Arps says.<br />

SyntheticNitrogen Fertiliser Limit<br />

What farmersneed to do<br />

To help protect and improve our waterways,<br />

alimit now applies to the amount of<br />

synthetic nitrogen fertiliser applied to<br />

pastoral land. This was introduced as part<br />

of the Essential Freshwater package.<br />

Carefully managed, fertiliser is auseful<br />

farming tool. However, itcan contribute<br />

to nutrient loss into soil and waterways,<br />

impacting water quality and in-stream life.<br />

Allfarmers<br />

•The amountofsyntheticnitrogen fertiliser<br />

youapplytopastoral land cannot exceed<br />

190 kilograms of nitrogen perhectare<br />

peryear<br />

Dairyfarmers<br />

•Report your synthetic nitrogen fertiliser<br />

use to Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>annually<br />

•Submit your first report by 31 July<strong>2022</strong> -<br />

we’ll be in touch soon about how to do this<br />

We’rehereto help<br />

For more information, visit<br />

ecan.govt.nz/synthetic-nitrogen-cap<br />

or contact us on <strong>08</strong>00 324 636.

ARPIL <strong>2022</strong><br />

HDC NEWS...<br />

What's happening Hurunui?<br />


The atmosphere was buzzing at Amberley Pool on Saturday as keen swimmers joined in for a<br />

Community Pool Party to make asplash for the opening.<br />

Inflatables, games, prizes, and abarbecue created agreat day for all, and even featured Mayor<br />

Marie Black and Compass FM presenter Kerry Treymane trying out the bombing platform.<br />

To open the celebrations, families who were nominated by the community for the ‘first swim’<br />

spent an hour checking out the new facility then having the inaugural dip.<br />

More than 150 people attended the day in total, and Mayor Black was thrilled so see so many<br />

people throughout Hurunui come together for agreat celebration.<br />

Ahuge thank you to all our sponsors.<br />


The Rotherham Village Green project is underway, this being the last of three community-led<br />

projects within the ‘Positively Rotherham’ vision following the Rotherham Pool and the<br />

Rotherham Track. The Village Green project is led by the Rotherham Citizens Committee, and<br />

Chair Hayley Clark said it has been atopic of discussion for more than ten years, and she is<br />

thrilled to see it finally making tracks. New toilets have recently been installed on the Village<br />

Green, funded in equal halves by both Council and the Tourism Infrastructure Fund. The<br />

Committee plans to discuss landscaping and fencing options in the coming months.<br />


Following significant storm damage, a section of Lake Sumner Road has been rebuilt further<br />

away from the river and is open to traffic. 500 metres ofthe road has been realigned, the new<br />

alignment is around 25 metres further away from the river and up the hill. Work has included<br />

bulldozing a track into the hillside, carting stones from the river, crushing, shaping, spreading<br />

crushed material, and installing new culverts including concrete capping, and carrying out<br />

concrete ford repairs.<br />

Meetings<br />

5th Hurunui Tourism Board 1.00pm (Venue: Audiovisual<br />

meeting only.)<br />

6th Hanmer Springs Thermal Pool &Spa Management<br />

Committee 9.00am (Venue: Boardroom, Hanmer<br />

Springs Thermal Pools.)<br />

13th Audit &Risk Committee 9.30am (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley.)<br />

13th South Ward Committee 7.00pm (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley.)<br />

20th Amuri Community Committee 7.30pm (Venue:<br />

Hilcrest Chambers, Culverden.)<br />

21st Operations Committee 9.30am (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley.)<br />

26th Hanmer Springs Community Board 1.00pm<br />

(Venue: The Gallery, Hanmer Springs Library.)<br />

26th Cheviot Community Committee 6.00pm (Venue:<br />

Cheviot Library/Service Centre.)<br />

27th Hurunui Community Committee 7.30pm (Venue:<br />

Waikari Hall.)<br />

28th Council Meeting 9.30am (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley.)<br />

Events<br />

Aqua Fitness at Amberley Pool<br />

Come along to the Amberley Pool and join one of<br />

the FREE ‘Have aGo’ aqua fitness sessions.<br />

These sessions will run on 11th and 13th of<strong>April</strong>.<br />

At 11am isAqua Gentle Class and at 12.30pm is<br />

the Aqua Blast Class,<br />

Classes last 40 minutes.<br />

No need to book, just come along and join in on the<br />

fun!<br />

School Holiday Library Activities<br />

Amberley Pool opens.<br />


Applications for the Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund are open.<br />

This fund is open to rural sport club teams and rural school club teams with members aged<br />

between 5and 18 years who require assistance with transport costs toparticipate in competitions.<br />

For Application Forms and more information, visit Hurunui District Council website:<br />

https://www.hurunui.govt.nz/community/awards-and-funding<br />

Or email: maree.hare@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Applications close: 5pm, Monday <strong>April</strong> 11.<br />


Tsarina Dellow, Waitaha Primary Health rep.<br />

Tsarina Dellow is Hurunui District Council’s newly appointed representative for Waitaha Primary<br />

Health.<br />

The Hanmer Springs resident acknowledges there are different health challenges and needs for<br />

rural and urban people, and different expectations. She believes that in arural area like Hanmer<br />

Springs lies abig importance on community connections and letting people know there is support<br />

out there across all health areas.<br />

Waitaha Primary Health’s focus ‘Your health, your whānau, our community’ is to provide and<br />

support health services in<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s rural and urban communities.<br />

Mayor Marie Black is thrilled to welcome Tsarina, adding that she will add great value to the<br />

organisation and the District.<br />

Far away from Hurunui, but... Germany was the first country to implement daylight saving<br />

time, in 1916 to save fuel during World War I. The US adopted the practice in 1918,<br />

Come along to your local library these school<br />

holidays to see what awesome activities our<br />

library staff have organised for the kids!<br />

Arts and craft (Amberley only), short story<br />

competition, guess the eggs inthe jar, and lego<br />

creation (Amberley only). Visit or contact your<br />

local library to learn more.<br />

Driver refresher courses<br />

Sign up to this FREE classroom-based course,<br />

supported by Hurunui District Council, that will<br />

help you refamiliarise yourself with traffic rules<br />

and safe driving practices. This course will also<br />

increase your knowledge about other transport<br />

options and help you remain independent for<br />

longer.<br />

Grab your friend or partner and join Age Concern<br />

on Wednesday 11 May <strong>2022</strong> from 10am-2pm at<br />

the Council Chambers, 66 Carters Road,<br />

Amberley (light lunch provided). RSVP toWendy<br />

Fox from Age Concern <strong>Canterbury</strong> on 03 331<br />

78<strong>08</strong> by Wednesday 4May <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

PHONE US:<br />

Amberley: 033148 816.<br />

Cheviot Freephone: 03 319 8812.<br />

Amuri &Hanmer Springs Freephone: 03315 8400.<br />

info@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Hurunui District Council



104.9 Waimakariri<br />

103.7 Hurunui<br />

Proudlysupporting the<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Community

Rga Rotary spring bulb sale<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>primary school children<br />

will benefit from the annual Rangiora<br />

RotaryClub spring bulb sale.<br />

The proceeds of the club’s annualbulb<br />

sale willsupport funding of the ‘‘Ready to<br />

Learn’’ programme for primary school<br />

children.<br />

Project co­ordinator Dorothy Stewart<br />

says sales havegoneonline with orders<br />

being placed through the Rotary website<br />

and facebook.<br />

‘‘Feedback from the schools involved has<br />

been extremelyencouraging and the funds<br />

raisedfrom the bulb saleshave made a<br />

difference for many children’’ she says.<br />

The Rangiora Rotary Clubisworking<br />

with the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Principals’<br />

Group to assist withthe provisionof<br />

uniforms, stationery and footwear.<br />

Ms Stewart says the support will ensure<br />

all children are equal at start of the day,<br />

ready to learn.<br />

‘‘We believe every child should be ableto<br />

participate in school activities, school sport<br />

and specialist support without costbeing a<br />

barrier,’’ she says.<br />

There are 40 primary schools withinthe<br />

club’sarea and funds are administered by<br />

the principal of each school for the benefit<br />

of children who needahand.<br />

Bulbs have been sourced from daffodil<br />

growers Michael Brown, of Loburn,<br />

Hadstock Nursery, Bulbs Direct, and<br />

Bulbs aplenty ... Rangiora Rotary bulb<br />

sales organiser Dorothy Stewart (left) and<br />

Rotarian Malcolm Garvin prepare bulbs for<br />

sale.<br />


Edendale Tulips.<br />

Daffodils, tulips, bluebellsand snow<br />

drops are for saleat$10 per packet of 10,<br />

and Freesias at $10 per packet of 15.<br />

To order email<br />

secretary@rotaryrangiora.co.nz, text<br />

Dorothy Stewart 027­4898496, Craig<br />

Sargison 021­716984 or use the form on the<br />

club’sfacebook page. The club is extremely<br />

grateful for the support of everyone buying<br />

the bulbs. Supplies are now limited and<br />

ordersafter <strong>April</strong> 15, may not be filled.<br />

Corrections and clarifications<br />

Amberley Anzac Day<br />

The Amberley RSA dawn service will be<br />

held in the Amberley Domain at 6am on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 25.<br />

It is open to the public, and there will be<br />

formalities, speeches and wreath laying.<br />

The traditional 11am service will not be<br />

held this year.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> incorrectly<br />

reported the service would be at the<br />

Monument beside the Hurunui Library<br />

on Amberley’s main street.<br />

Fairy Forest<br />

The before and after photographs of the<br />

Fairy Forest at The Pines Beach were<br />

taken by the White Bus Family<br />

Production.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> incorrectly<br />

stated they were supplied in its March 31<br />

edition.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong> 11<br />

Event planning under way<br />


The Kaiapoi Promotions Association<br />

(KPA)islooking forward to planning<br />

some big events for laterinthe year.<br />

The Kaiapoi Christmas Carnival and<br />

SantaParade is set to return on<br />

December 3, after it was cancelled last<br />

year,whilethe Kaiapoi River Carnival<br />

is set to return in the spring, KPA<br />

chairperson Martin Pinkham says.<br />

The announcement follows the<br />

recent easing of Covid­19 restrictions<br />

on largeoutdoor events.<br />

‘‘It’s reallygood news to be able to<br />

have outdoor events withoutany limits<br />

again,’’ Mr Pinkham says.<br />

‘‘Because we had planned to havethe<br />

Kaiapoi RiverCarnival lastmonth,but<br />

had to postpone it, we are now looking<br />

at late September or earlyOctober.<br />

‘‘We’ve been very fortunate in that<br />

some of the funders have heldover<br />

funding,soasfar as the Christmas<br />

carnivalgoes it is already largely<br />

funded.’’<br />

Mr Pinkhamsays being able to offer<br />

outdoor events without limits is arelief<br />

to stall holders, who have beenhit hard<br />

by the restrictions over the lasttwo<br />

years.<br />

‘‘Talkingtosomeofthe stallholders,<br />

some are reallystruggling as every<br />

time they signupto an event,itgets<br />

cancelled.’’<br />

Kaiapoi retailershave been<br />

reporting aquiet trading periodunder<br />

the red traffic light setting, with people<br />

preferring to stayathome, Mr Pinkham<br />

says.<br />

The Kaiapoi Promotions Association<br />

is continuingtotarget north<br />

Christchurch to lure people out for<br />

‘‘sport, recreation or to livehere’’.<br />

It is alsohopingtosecure some funds<br />

to produce some walking and cycling<br />

trail maps to complement Enterprise<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’sVisitWaimakariri<br />

promotions to encouragevisitors to<br />

visit the town.<br />

Milestone for local trainer<br />


Woodend Beach trainer Regan Todd<br />

had aday to celebrate lastSunday,<br />

notching up his 200thtraining success,<br />

at the RangioraHarness Racing Club’s<br />

meeting.<br />

The exciting three­year­old Art<br />

Majorfilly, PlayPhilly took the<br />

trainer's tallyto199 with an impressive<br />

win in the day’s feature, the $20,000<br />

Kotare Downs Rangiora Three­Year­<br />

Old Stakes.<br />

Then Mr Todd’s only otherrunner on<br />

the day,Stac, won the nextrace in a<br />

tightfinish,toachieve thetrainer's<br />

double century milestone.<br />

Sunday’s meeting was the first to be<br />

held since the PrimeMinister’sMarch<br />

23 announcement that Covid­19<br />

pandemicrestrictions would be<br />

reduced.<br />

Rangiora Harness Racing Club<br />

presidentGreg Wrightsaid it was a<br />

delight to be able to welcome the<br />

publicback and run the meeting under<br />

‘‘nearly normal’’conditions.<br />

‘‘It has been agreatday of racing,run<br />

in wonderful late summer weather and<br />

agood crowd attending,’’MrWright<br />

said.<br />

The more relaxed attendance<br />

conditionsprovided aboostfor the<br />

club and Mr Wright is hoping they will<br />

remainfor the club’s nextthree race<br />

meetings, on May 1, 8and 22.<br />



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12 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Check those smoke alarms<br />

Did you check you smoke alarms last<br />

weekend?<br />

Fire and Emergency New Zealand<br />

(FENZ) community readiness and<br />

recovery national manager Steve Turek<br />

says daylight savings is agood time to<br />

remind people to check their smoke<br />

alarms are working.<br />

‘‘When you look after your smoke<br />

alarms, they look after you. Checking is<br />

easy and should actually be done once a<br />

month,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘Just push the button on each of your<br />

smoke alarms. If you hear the beep, you<br />

know they are ready to protect you and<br />

your household.’’<br />

Smoke alarms can’t detect smoke<br />

through closed doors, so it’s important<br />

there are enough smoke alarms installed<br />

to cover the whole house.<br />

‘‘We recommend you have an alarm in<br />

every bedroom, living area and hallway,’’<br />

Mr Turek says.<br />

In ahouse fire, you have less than three<br />

minutes to get out alive so the early<br />

warning from your smoke alarm is vital.<br />

The thick black smoke which makes it<br />

hard to see, hear and think clearly, will<br />

also kill you.<br />

‘‘That’s why it’s also important to have<br />

an escape plan so you can get to safety<br />

quickly,’’ Mr Turek says.<br />

‘‘Making an escape plan takes just<br />

Smoke detector ... Smoke alarms save<br />

lives.<br />


❛We recommendyou have an<br />

alarm in every bedroom, living<br />

areaand hallway❜<br />

—Steve Turek, FENZ<br />

three steps. 1­plan your main escape<br />

route. 2­plan asecond escape route in<br />

case your normal exit is blocked. 3­agree<br />

on asafe meeting place for you and your<br />

household which is safely away from the<br />

house.’’<br />

Smokey the smoke alarm is here to<br />

help you.<br />

See Smokey’s tips for how to look after<br />

your smoke alarms at escapemyhouse.co.<br />

nz/sorted. To make your 3­step escape<br />

plan, go to escapemyhouse.co.nz.<br />

Hitting the heat sweet spot<br />

The days are getting darker, colder and<br />

the temptation to run the heat pump at<br />

full blast might be growing. After all,<br />

they’re alow cost and efficient way to<br />

heat your home.<br />

Tempting though it might be, blasting<br />

your heat pump will add to the numbers<br />

on your electricity bill, and it also adds to<br />

your carbon footprint, according to<br />

Energy Efficiency and Conservation<br />

Authority.<br />

Housing expert Gareth Gretton says it’s<br />

easy to run your heat pump the smart<br />

way.<br />

Just like cleaning the filter in your<br />

dishwasher or washing machine can help<br />

it run more efficiently, cleaning the filter<br />

inside your heat pump can make areal<br />

difference to how well it works.<br />

You should give your filter agood<br />

clean heading into the cold season, and<br />

ideally clean your heat pump filters once<br />

amonth during winter.<br />

You can always clean them more<br />

frequently if they’re particularly dirty.<br />

How do you get awarm, dry home<br />

without churning through power?<br />

There is amiddle point that’ll help you<br />

with both. Set your heat pump to 18<br />

degrees celsius or above to help fight<br />

damp and mould, but below 21 degrees to<br />

save on power.<br />

It might sound obvious, but heat pumps<br />

use the most energy when they’re getting<br />

aroom up to aset temperature.<br />

Spending more time in the space your<br />

heat pump is in will help you make the<br />

most of the energy you’re using.<br />

Often, that’s in the living room, which<br />

is also conveniently where couches, TVs,<br />

and magazines live.<br />

You can close the doors to any rooms<br />

Energy efficiency ... Get the best out of<br />

your heat pump and keep your feline friends<br />

snug and warm.<br />


you don’t use, to make sure they’re not<br />

stealing some of the warmth.<br />

Alot of people believe that keeping a<br />

heat pump running 24/7 is an efficient,<br />

cost effective way to heat their homes.<br />

But in fact, that idea is actually amyth.<br />

When you do that, you’re actually using<br />

more energy and losing more energy<br />

overall, so it’s much better to just run<br />

your heat pump when you’re at home.<br />

Doing that will also save you money on<br />

your electricity bill.<br />

If your heat pump has atimer, you can<br />

set it to turn on just before you get home<br />

or before you wake up in the morning.<br />

Doing that also means you’ll be less<br />

tempted to crank the heat pump at ahigh<br />

temperature when you get home to acold<br />

house, or wake up in one.<br />



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Get your home warm for Winter<br />

Pricing of Wood Fires does not<br />

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Offer ends Sunday 24th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>. Not in conjunction<br />

with anyother discount.T&Cs apply. Find outmore at<br />

mitre10.co.nz/free-flue-shield<br />

$<br />

2189<br />

Woodsman<br />

Brunner MKII<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Durable6mm steel firebox.<br />

Ideal formediumtolarge<br />

size homes(3-4bedrooms).<br />

14.5kW maximum average<br />

heatoutput.15year<br />

warranty on firebox.<br />

229210<br />

$<br />

2699<br />

Woodsman<br />

Coleridge ULEB<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Suitable formediumto<br />

largeliving spaces.6mm<br />

carbon steelfire box. 8.9kw<br />

maximum average heat<br />

output.15yearwarranty<br />

on firebox.<br />

391044<br />

$<br />

2977<br />

Woodsman<br />

Tarras MK III<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Clean air approvedfor all<br />

zones. 304grade stainless<br />

steelbafflefor longer service<br />

life.Functional cook top.<br />

16.9kW maximum average<br />

heatoutput.<br />

2292<strong>08</strong><br />

$<br />

2799<br />

Woodsman<br />

Serene<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Heatingarea medium to largesize<br />

house. 8.6W maximumaverage heat<br />

output.15yearwarranty on firebox.<br />

354305<br />

S/O<br />

$<br />

1899<br />

Masport<br />

R3000<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Ideal forsmall to medium<br />

sizedhomes (2-3 bedrooms).<br />

NES ECAN andORC airshed<br />

1clean air approved. 6mm<br />

steel firebox.Pedestalorleg<br />

base.10yearwarrantyon<br />

firebox.<br />

327279 327277<br />

$<br />

2078<br />

Masport<br />

Wanaka<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Heatsmediumtolargehomes<br />

(3-4 bedrooms).6mm topplate<br />

andbafflefor durability.10.4kW<br />

maximumaverage heat output.<br />

280591<br />

$<br />

3799<br />

Masport<br />

Akaroa<br />

FreestandingWood Fire<br />

Heatssmall to medium sizedhomes<br />

(2 to 3bedrooms).NES ECAN andORC<br />

airshed1approved.9.8kW maximum<br />

average heatoutput.10yearwarranty<br />

on firebox.<br />

269234<br />

$<br />

2999<br />

Metrofires<br />

HurunuiUltraULEB<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Ideal formediumtolarge<br />

homes (3-4 bedrooms).<br />

Superior heatfrom6mm<br />

firebox and8mm radiant<br />

cooktop.<br />

386148<br />

S/O<br />

$<br />

1775<br />

Metrofires<br />

ECOTinyRad<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Heatsareasupto120m. 6mm<br />

radiantcooktop.11kWoutput.<br />

10 year warranty.<br />

280141<br />

$<br />

1999<br />

Metrofires<br />

WeeRad Leg<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Heating area 150m 2<br />

(3 bedroom home).<br />

15kW peak heat output.<br />

280142<br />

Purchase a<br />

Weiss HeatTransferSystem<br />

andget an extraroomfree.<br />

$<br />

3100<br />

Metrofires<br />

Xtreme RadLeg<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Heatingarea 200m 2<br />

(4 bedroom home).<br />

Legbase. 18kW peak<br />

heat output.10year<br />

warranty.<br />

Pedestal base$2999<br />

280158<br />

S/O<br />

$<br />

3776<br />

Metro Fires<br />

AmbiePlus<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Heating area 200m 2<br />

(4 bedroom home).<br />

18kW peak heat output.<br />

280167<br />

S/O<br />

276859 276860 181579. Notinconjunctionwithany other discount.<br />

100% LOCALLY<br />




FOR LESS<br />






SALE<br />

WAS$1948<br />

$<br />

1798<br />

Iris 3+2 Seater<br />

Available in other colours<br />

2Seater $889 $819<br />

3Seater $1059 $979<br />


SALE<br />

WAS $3299<br />

$<br />

2499 Palm Beach Lounge Setting<br />

— S TOREWIDE —<br />


Sale<br />

NOW ON<br />


SALE<br />

Bradman<br />

Lifter Chair<br />

WAS $859<br />

$<br />

789<br />


SALE<br />

Ferr Barstool<br />


SALE<br />


SALE<br />


SALE<br />

TheDawn<br />

Sideboard<br />

Haus<br />

Barstool<br />

Rustic<br />

Barstool<br />

WAS $249<br />

$<br />

219<br />

WAS $209<br />

$<br />

199<br />

WAS $159<br />

$<br />

229<br />

WAS $1059<br />

$<br />

949<br />


SALE<br />

Queen LiftUpBase<br />

Mattress not included<br />

12<br />


SALE<br />

Melody Mattress<br />

Single $379 $349<br />

King Single $509 $469<br />

Double $579 $479<br />

Queen $569 $519<br />

King $609 $559<br />

5Year Warranty<br />

FROM<br />

$<br />

349<br />

WAS$769<br />

$<br />

699<br />

Lending criteria,$50 Annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. Standard Interest Rate<br />

(currently 25.99%p.a.) applies toany outstanding balance at end of interest free period.<br />

Offer ends 31 December 2023. Min spendand exclusions may apply,<br />

$55Establishment Feeor$35 Advance Feeapplies to Long Term Finance Purchases*.<br />

FROM<br />

$<br />

719<br />

King Single $779 $719<br />

Queen $1069 $979<br />

5Year Warranty<br />

Indulgence Mattress<br />

King $1129 $1039<br />

Super King $1139 $1049<br />

FREE<br />



BATH ST<br />

WE ARE<br />

HERE<br />





MON-FRI 9:30AM–5:00PM<br />

SAT-SUN10AM–5:00PM<br />

<strong>08</strong>00 268 264

Love your home<br />

The Joiner Shop for all budgets and designs<br />

Award winning business, The Joiner<br />

Shop, in Kaikoura, is your one­stop shop<br />

for your joinery needs.<br />

The Joiner Shop is locally owned and<br />

operated by Fraser and Suzanne Syme,<br />

and has proudly served the Kaikoura<br />

community and beyond for more than 20<br />

years.<br />

They pride themselves on providing<br />

quality joinery to suit all budgets, and<br />

offering all the benefits of dealing with<br />

afriendly local company in arelaxed<br />

and happy atmosphere.<br />

The business, which is ateam of nine,<br />

designs, manufactures, and installs a<br />

range of joinery, including kitchens,<br />

laundries, stairs, wardrobes and much<br />

more.<br />

Experienced staff at The Joiner Shop<br />

are always on hand to help clients,<br />

particularly if they are not sure exactly<br />

what they want.<br />

They can help provide solutions in<br />

your home, and can recommend quality<br />

products, as well as offering the latest<br />

innovations in hardware that suit a<br />

range of budgets.<br />

Work is done in The Joiner Shop’s<br />

well­equipped workshop by their<br />

experienced team.<br />

The company is proud to have quality<br />

crafts people on its staff with the skills<br />

to create bespoke designs.<br />

The Joiner Shop is committed to<br />

preserving the skills and knowledge the<br />

joinery team has, and is the ethos of<br />

what it does.<br />

The joinery team love their craft and<br />

are happy to work with clients from oneoff<br />

pieces, to larger projects, delivering<br />

top class workmanship.<br />

While joinery is the main part of the<br />

business, The Joiner Shop can also help<br />

with other aspects of new builds or<br />

renovation and supplies and installs<br />

Dominator Garage Doors and glass<br />

showers and supplies pre­hung internal<br />

doors. Glazing and locksmith services<br />

are also available.<br />

The Joiner Shop Kaikoura Ltd is a<br />

member of the Registered Master<br />

Joiners.<br />

Call at 19 Beach Road, Kaikoura,<br />

email info@thejoinershop.co.nz, or<br />

phone (03) 391 5562 to discuss your<br />

requirements.<br />

Contemporary joinery ... Modern and<br />

welcoming kitchen joinery enhance the<br />

space.<br />




Joinery for all<br />

occasions ...<br />

Quality and<br />

experience combine<br />

to produce awarm<br />

relaxing kitchen,<br />

dining area.<br />

• Oak Oval &Round Frames<br />

• NZ Paua Shell<br />

• Memorabilia Framing<br />

• Custom Framing<br />

• Rectangular Frames<br />

2429071v1<br />

• Original Art<br />

• Prints<br />

• Jewellery<br />

• Needleworks<br />

• NZ Greenstone<br />

• Gifts • Souvenirs • Gallery • Medals<br />

&much more!<br />

10 Cone Street, Rangiora<br />

03 313 5474<br />

sales@cameofinearts.co.nz<br />

www.cameofinearts.co.nz<br />

Forget The Rest -Come To The Best<br />

Contact us<br />

for afree<br />

consultation<br />

for Curtains,<br />

Romans,<br />

Rollers<br />

and more.<br />

Phone Maureen 03 327 4919<br />

Mauds Soft Furnishings<br />

88 Williams Street,<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

(up long driveway)<br />

www.mauds.co.nz<br />

2426573v4<br />

2426749v6<br />

pet doors<br />

installed from<br />

only $175<br />

For Stylish,Quality,<br />

Functional Joinery<br />

From Design to Installation<br />

19 Beach Road, Kaikoura<br />

Ph: 03 319 5562<br />

E. info@thejoinershop.co.nz<br />

www.thejoinershop.co.nz<br />

2429072v4<br />


STOCK!<br />

$1329<br />

NICOL’S<br />


Beko60cm<br />

Induction Cooktop<br />

•4cookingzones with Indyflex<br />

•15cooking levels<br />

•H48xW600 xD510<br />

•5year warranty via registration<br />

Haier<br />

Freestanding<br />

Oven<br />

•2Cooking<br />

functions<br />

•79litres usable<br />

capacity<br />

•H905 xW610<br />

xD610<br />

SUPER<br />

DEAL!<br />

$1437<br />

Beko<br />

Freestanding<br />

Stainless Oven<br />

•Multifunction<br />

cooking<br />

•Ceramiccooktop<br />

•H900 xW600x<br />

D600<br />

•5Year warranty<br />

viaregistration<br />

CRAZY<br />

PRICE!<br />

$1325<br />

343A Flaxton Road, Rangiora •P(03) 313 7886<br />

2429828v6<br />

Allan Pethig<br />

For all your electrical needs.<br />

Residential &Commercial<br />

Phone 03 313 7144 | 027 432 1534<br />

Fax 03313 2144<br />

rgrantelectrical@gmail.com<br />

PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />

www.rgrantelectrical.co.nz<br />


Love your home<br />

Home heating choices made easier at Kings<br />

Fire home heating is now agreat option<br />

for everyone thanks to the modern<br />

technology of ultra low emission wood<br />

burners (ULEB).<br />

The low emission wood burners<br />

available at Rangiora’s Kings Mowers<br />

and Heating can be installed anywhere<br />

in <strong>Canterbury</strong>, including clean air zones<br />

such as Kaiapoi and Rangiora, because<br />

they all meet Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

emission standards, says the company’s<br />

owner, Andrew Walton.<br />

There are also options for more rural<br />

areas where emissions regulations are<br />

not quite so strict.<br />

‘‘The rules have changed, you can<br />

have fire heating in your home, so come<br />

into our store at 360 Flaxton Road, and<br />

let us show you one of our range of<br />

ULEB log burners,’’ says Andrew.<br />

‘‘We make the whole process of<br />

selecting your home heating easy by<br />

helping you choose the best appliance<br />

for your home, organising the required<br />

Waimakariri District Council consents,<br />

and also installing the heating<br />

appliance.<br />

‘‘That is our point of difference.<br />

‘‘We are heating experts and more<br />

than happy to give you afree, no<br />

obligation quote,’’ Andrew says.<br />

‘‘Our company specialise in offering a<br />

full installation service.’’<br />

Andrew says fire home heating is a<br />

great option because it provides the<br />

most heat you can get out of an<br />

appliance and is not reliant on<br />

electricity to function. So if there is a<br />

power cut you can still keep your home<br />

warm and cosy.<br />

Fire burners also provide a<br />

comforting ambience in homes and<br />

many manufacturers of the new heating<br />

appliances are carbon neutral by<br />

planting trees for every fire appliance<br />

sold.<br />

Kings Mowers and Heating is a<br />

longstanding Rangiora business that has<br />

been trading for 25 years.<br />

Andrew, who is aformer high school<br />

teacher, bought the business from his<br />

father Philip, and who still works at the<br />

business. It has been in their family for<br />

15 years and was in existence in<br />

Rangiora for 10 years before that, under<br />

different ownership.<br />

Heating up ...<br />

Kings Mowers and Heating owner Andrew<br />

Walton in his Rangiora showroom at 360<br />

Flaxton Road.<br />


2430553v1<br />

Fast, Friendly, and Affordable pest<br />

control around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Spiders, Ants, Flies, Wasps, Silverfish<br />

•Warranty<br />

available<br />

•Minimal time<br />

away from<br />

home<br />

Call for a FREE QUOTE<br />

<strong>08</strong>00 667 778<br />

www.spiderban.com<br />

2428825v6<br />

We all love anew plant drop!<br />

Check out all the new beauties<br />

available in store and online now<br />

Indoor plants, pots<br />

and accessories.<br />

3/137 Williams Street,<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Mon -Wed &Fri 10am –5pm,<br />

Thurs10amto7pm<br />

Sat 10am to 4pm, Sun 10am to 3pm<br />

brooke@bloomscape.co.nz<br />

www.bloomscape.co.nz<br />

2429<strong>08</strong>1v6<br />



The NEW Kanakuis Woodsman’s latest<br />

edition to their ULEB (ultra low emission<br />

burner) range. Suitable for small to medium areas<br />

Only<br />

$1799<br />

(Fire only)<br />

See us now to arrange you FREE, NO OBLIGATION<br />

quote to have yourlog fire fully installed. We manage<br />

the whole job, including the council consent.<br />

360 FlaxtonRoad, Rangiora|Ph03 3135563<br />

www.kingsmowersheating.co.nz<br />

2429070v1<br />

Lawyers<br />

Sensible,cost-effectivesolutions<br />

for localpeople with legal needs<br />

We can assist with all property<br />

transactions including:<br />

•Pre-Auction checks<br />

•First home purchases including<br />

Kiwisaverwithdrawals and Kainga<br />

Orasubsidies<br />

•RetirementVillage Licenceto<br />

Occupy<br />

•Subdivisions<br />

•Family gifting and loans<br />

03 313 7<strong>08</strong>6<br />

4Durham St, Rangiora<br />

admin@williamsmckenzie.co.nz<br />

www.williamsmckenzie.co.nz<br />

Beautiful new brand<br />

in store now<br />

NZ made<br />




2021<br />



2021<br />

LOCAL<br />



2021<br />

2429061v5v6<br />

Cnr. Williams Street &Raven Quay, Kaiapoi<br />

Open 7Days<br />

Phone: 03 327 8029<br />


Love your home<br />

Home decorating made easy at local store<br />

Flooring Connection Rangiora is your<br />

locally owned, one­stop shopfor home<br />

decorating.<br />

Based at 10 High Street,Rangiora,<br />

Flooring Connection has beenowned by<br />

local couple Sam and Kate Woods for<br />

seven years,stocking carpet, hard<br />

flooring (vinyl, laminateand timber) and<br />

rugs.<br />

The couplealso owns Guthrie Bowron<br />

next door,supplying curtains, blinds,<br />

interiors, wallpaper and paints, meaning<br />

homeowners and localtradies can come<br />

to one local stockist.<br />

Sam says it is all about ‘‘locals<br />

supporting locals’’.<br />

‘‘We provide alocal service, and we<br />

look after the community,rugbyclubs<br />

and stadiums. We do work for the council<br />

and we try to help everybody out.<br />

‘‘We reallytry to makethings easy for<br />

the customer. They only need to come to<br />

one shop or we can go out to do colour<br />

consulting.<br />

‘‘It’s all aboutword of mouth and<br />

relationships. Rangiora is abig town, but<br />

there’s alot of older people, so you’ve got<br />

to look after the peopleand we really<br />

strive to provide aprofessional, quality<br />

service.’’<br />

Born and bred in Loburn,Sam was a<br />

carpet installer for more than16years<br />

before going into business.<br />

It means he has the expertise to offer<br />

advice to home owners looking to do it<br />

themselves.<br />

Alittle something<br />

for everyone<br />

‘‘As an installer Iknow the floor<br />

preparationrequired for the perfect<br />

job,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘You’ve got to pull back the carpetto<br />

see what’s underneath,otherwise you<br />

can get yourself in trouble pretty quick.<br />

‘‘People comeinand talk to me about<br />

doing it themselves and I’m always<br />

happy to help out.’’<br />

Flooring Connection willalso install<br />

flooring for those who don’t wanttodoit<br />

themselves and can travelall over the<br />

South Island.<br />

Anew display floor was createdjust<br />

before Christmas so customers can come<br />

in and walk on the differenttypes of<br />

flooring, including wool and nylon<br />

carpet,vinyl, laminate and timber floors,<br />

to get asense of what it feels and sounds<br />

like.<br />

Sam is abig fan of wool carpetand is<br />

keen to promote the Bremworth range.<br />

‘‘I’m abig believer in supporting New<br />

Zealand wool. You can pay doubleor<br />

triple the costofnylon,but it’s anatural<br />

product and warm.<br />

‘‘With wool, you’ve to look after it, but<br />

it willlast longer and it keeps it in New<br />

Zealand by supporting local farmers.’’<br />

Other brands in stock include Godfrey<br />

Hirst, Feltex, RobertMalcolm,Urban<br />

Flooring, Belgotex, Polyflor, Karndean<br />

Design Flooring,Woodlands Laminate<br />

and QuickStep Clix.<br />

Finance is available, while QCards<br />

and Farmlands Cards are accepted.<br />

If you’re SERIOUS about QUALITY<br />

We seriously meet YOUR NEEDS!<br />

Affordable,Prompt, Friendly consultativeservice<br />

&qualityproduct–Guaranteed!<br />

Shade Sails,Canopies<br />

&Screens<br />

Custom design, manufacture&install<br />

Styling ... Flooring Connection Rangiora owner Sam Wood (right) and staff member Sam<br />

Munro look to style aroom with carpet, hard flooring and curtains.<br />

Matthews Roofing Limited<br />

Specialists inLongrun<br />

Coloursteel Roofing and<br />

Guttering Systems<br />

We supply and install long run metal roofing,<br />

fascia and spouting.<br />

Home Decor<br />

Giftware<br />

Clothing & Accessories<br />

Kitchen & Pantry<br />

Natural Body, Skin Care & Make up<br />

...and much more<br />

Open Mon-Fri 10am -5pm<br />

Sat10am-3pm<br />

2Durham St,Rangiora<br />

(oppositeColumbus Coffee)<br />

Ph 03 310 6062 www.iadore.co.nz<br />

2429494v4<br />

2264883<br />

•Agricultural &MachineryCovers<br />

•BoatCovers,Caravan Awnings<br />

•TransportCovers and Upholstery<br />

•Canvas&PVC goods at FactoryDirectPrices<br />


M021 114 0767<br />

P312-9889<br />

Pears Rd,Sefton<br />

email designercanvas2016@gmail.com<br />

New Builds |Renovations |Maintenance<br />

Back flowprevention &testing<br />

Phone 021 261 8678<br />

josh@cottleplumbing.co.nz |facebook.com/cottleplumbing<br />

www.cottleplumbing.co.nz<br />

2430005v1<br />

2429862v1<br />

PO Box 54, Kaiapoi<br />

Mobile:027 2458140<br />

Email: J_amatthews@xtra.co.nz<br />

FREE<br />


Carpet your home with us and we<br />

will carpet your garage for FREE<br />

Valued at $999<br />

(Valid on homes over 25 lineal metres of<br />

carpet, installed on new underlay)<br />

T&C’S APPLY<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Specialising in:<br />

•New Residential Builds<br />

•Septic Tanks<br />

•E1Sewer Pump<br />

2430523v1<br />

03 310 8578<br />

10 High Street, Rangiora<br />

sales@flooringconnection.co.nz<br />

www.flooringconnection.co.nz<br />

For afree, no obligation quote contact:<br />

Ray Vincent 021 212 7885<br />

ray@drainpro.co.nz<br />


NEWS<br />

20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Big Brothers need support<br />

Inspirationalspeaker and much loved<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> local,JakeBailey, is theface of<br />

anew fundraising appealfrom youth<br />

mentoring organisation, BigBrothers Big<br />

Sistersof<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Aimingtoraise $15,000in15days, Jake<br />

launched the appealon<strong>April</strong>1with a<br />

heart­warming video showcasing the<br />

impact amentor,or‘big brother’ or ‘big<br />

sister’, can haveonachild’slife.<br />

‘‘Having someonetorely on when things<br />

are difficult, someone to listen to you<br />

without judgement and someone you know<br />

chooses to spend time withyou can make<br />

all thedifferencewhilegrowing up,’’said<br />

Jake.<br />

‘‘Matchingvulnerablechildren in our<br />

communities withasafeand trustedadult<br />

rolemodel,the Big BrothersBig Sisters<br />

programmesupports positive<br />

relationshipsthatare critical to childhood<br />

development, helpingyoungpeople build<br />

resilience, atraitsoimportant in<br />

overcoming thechallenges andobstacles<br />

thatlife throws at us.’’<br />

No stranger to adversity, having been<br />

diagnosed withstage fourBurkitt’s non­<br />

Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age18, Jakenot<br />

onlybeat cancerbut now workstosupport<br />

causes likeBig BrothersBig Sisters,<br />

helping youngpeoplereachtheirfull<br />

potentialinlife.<br />

Relyingentirely on community grants<br />

and donationstoprovidetheir quality<br />

mentor training,the charity has beenhit<br />

hardbythe ongoingpandemic.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>team is faced<br />

withanincreasing demandfor a<br />

decreasing pool of community funds and<br />

has been forcedtocancel and postpone its<br />

regular fundraising efforts.<br />

But withthe support of The Funding<br />

NetworkNZ, Big Brothers is arelooking at<br />

new ways to raise themoneyneeded to<br />

help<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s youth.<br />

‘‘Raising 15k in 15 dayswillbeno mean<br />

featfor Big BrothersBig Sisters, but we<br />

havetotry,’’ programmemanagerEllieLe<br />

Big Brother ... Steve (left) and his match<br />

Aldrine enjoy hanging out together.<br />


Grossays.<br />

‘‘For someofthe children in our<br />

programme, the weeklyinteraction with<br />

their mentormay be theonlytimethey<br />

spend outside their homeorschool.<br />

‘‘For those exposedtopoverty or<br />

complexfamily issues, one hour with their<br />

mentormay be the onlytimethey are<br />

afforded the undivided attentionofan<br />

adult. You only need to givealittle, to<br />

change alife.’’<br />

Several local schoolshave joinedinthe<br />

online appealand raisingmoneythrough<br />

mufti daysand aseveral <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

businesses have jumped on board as<br />

matchfunders.<br />

Young artists ... Rangiora High School students who contributed work for the school’s<br />

Starting Line exhibition, during its opening at the Chamber Gallery, in the Rangiora Library,<br />

last Sunday afternoon.<br />


Starting line for student art<br />


Rangiora High School students have<br />

overcome the challenges of Omicron to<br />

complete an impressive body of work for<br />

their exhibition Starting Line.<br />

The students, aged from 17 to 18 years,<br />

had just one term to complete their work<br />

for the exhibition, which includes<br />

painting, photography and design. It<br />

opened in the Chamber Gallery in the<br />

Rangiora Library, last Sunday afternoon.<br />

Rangiora High School’s head of<br />

learning and creative arts and design,<br />

and photography teacher, Claire<br />

Aldhamland, says the exhibition<br />

provided an opportunity for the students<br />

to create work that is purposeful, that<br />

they can share with viewers in arealworld<br />

context.<br />

‘‘This is very difficult in these strange<br />

times so we relish the connection we gain<br />

with an audience and the feedback from<br />

the work,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘This can be daunting for an artist but<br />

there is safety in numbers.’’<br />

Line was chosen as the exhibition's<br />

overarching theme because it is an<br />

element that is present in every form of<br />

artistic discipline and usually the<br />

starting point for any artwork.<br />

Each student has interpreted the<br />

concept of line from their own unique<br />

viewpoint and moment in time.<br />

‘‘They are all inspired and informed by<br />

the work of artist models of their own<br />

choosing,’’ Claire said.<br />

‘‘Although we all have the same<br />

starting point, each student will take<br />

their work in apersonal direction and<br />

the journey may continue into other<br />

work. We are excited to share this art<br />

with the local community and hope this<br />

will become aregular celebration of<br />

student success.’’<br />

The exhibition closes on <strong>April</strong> 28.<br />


E<br />


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$24.99<br />

EACH<br />

$25.99<br />

EACH<br />

$25.99<br />

EACH<br />

$26.99<br />

EACH<br />

Jim Beam Gold; CC<br />

Premium<br />

7% 330ml 6pk cans<br />

TuiVodka Soda<br />

(ex bourbon) 7%250ml<br />

12pk can ranges<br />

Jim Beam &Cola<br />

CC (incl zero)<br />

CC Soda &Lime 4.8%<br />

Effen 10pkp<br />

can ranges<br />

Jack Daniel’s<br />

Double Jack 250ml<br />

Part Time Rangers<br />

330ml 10pk can ranges<br />

Cruiser<br />

5% 12pk bottle range<br />

ODD Company<br />

10pk can range<br />

Smirnoff Soda<br />

10pk can range<br />

Jack Daniel’s<br />

(incl zero) 4.8%<br />

Scapegrace<br />

10pk can ranges<br />

Smirnoff Ice<br />

Double Black Guarana<br />

(incl zero) 7%250ml 12pk cans<br />

Clean Collective<br />

5% 250ml 12pk cans<br />

Rinse<br />

6% 330ml 10pk cans<br />

Long White<br />

10pk bottle range<br />

$11.99<br />

EACH<br />

$13.99<br />

EACH<br />

$13.99<br />

EACH<br />

$14.99<br />

EACH<br />

$15.99<br />

EACH<br />

$15.99<br />

EACH<br />

$20.99<br />

EACH<br />

$13.99<br />

EACH<br />

$36.99<br />

EACH<br />

$36.99<br />

EACH<br />

$37.99<br />

EACH<br />

$39.99<br />

EACH<br />

$42.999<br />

EACH<br />

$42.99<br />

EACH<br />

Hardy’s VR 1L<br />

Edenvale<br />

(alc removed) ranges<br />

Stoneleigh<br />

Marlborough;<br />

Lighter ranges<br />

Villa Maria<br />

Private Bin<br />

(ex PN/Syrah) range<br />

Penfolds<br />

Koonunga Hill<br />

(Cab Sauv, Shiraz)<br />

19 Crimes<br />

(ex cali red)<br />

range<br />

Brown Brothers<br />

Prosecco (incl Rose)<br />

Taylors Estate<br />

ranges<br />

Pasqua 1.5Ltrs<br />

Kylie Minogue Rose<br />

Madam Sass<br />

(Pinot Noir &Rose)<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Cream<br />

700ml<br />

Jagermeister<br />

Jagermeister<br />

Cold Brew<br />

700ml<br />

Stolen Dark<br />

Teachers 1L<br />

Jim Beam<br />

Canadian Club<br />

(incl spiced) Larios Rose<br />

Larios Citrus 1Ltrs<br />

Gordons Pink; Orange;<br />

Sicilian Lemon 700ml<br />

Gordons& Smirnoff 1L<br />

Absolut; Ballantines<br />

Beefeater 1L<br />

Beefeater 24 700ml<br />

Bailey’s<br />

1L<br />

$43.999<br />

EACH<br />

$47.99<br />

$49.99<br />

$54.99<br />

$54.99<br />

EACH<br />

$56.99<br />


EACH<br />

EACH<br />

$57.99<br />

EACH<br />

$6<br />

63.99<br />

EACH<br />

$13.99<br />

EACH<br />

$13.99<br />

EACH<br />

$14.99<br />

EACH<br />

$18.99<br />

EACH<br />

Famous Grouse<br />

St Remy 1L<br />

Haymans Gin 700ml range<br />

$19.99<br />

EACH<br />

JB Devils Cut<br />

JB Black 1L<br />

Makers Mark 700mls<br />

$19.99<br />

EACH<br />

Chivas 12yr 700ml<br />

Jameson 1L<br />

Jameson Black Barrel 700ml<br />

$24.99<br />

EACH<br />

JB DoubleOak 1L<br />

Haku Vodka<br />

Roku Gin; Ratu Rum<br />

700ml ranges<br />

Malfy<br />

700ml range<br />

$25.99<br />

EACH<br />

Johnnie Walker<br />

Double Black<br />

700ml<br />

$28.99<br />

EACH<br />

Jack Daniel’s 1L<br />

Woodford Reserve<br />

700ml<br />

$33.99<br />

EACH<br />

Jim Beam<br />

1.75L<br />

$37.99<br />

EACH<br />

Kingfisher Strong<br />

330ml 6pk cans<br />

Monteiths Rekorderlig Ultra<br />

(ex cider) 6pk bottle range (berry; passionfruit) 6pk can range<br />

$38.99<br />

EACH<br />

$42.99<br />

EACH<br />

Fortune Favours<br />

6pk range<br />

$43.99<br />

EACH<br />

Tiger; Tiger Crystal<br />

12pk bottles<br />

PanHead<br />

(ex rat rod) 6pk bottles<br />

Heineken<br />

12pk bottles<br />

$24.99<br />

EACH<br />



03 3137207<br />

Tui; Export Gold; Extra<br />

DB Draught 15pk bottles<br />

Peroni<br />

12pk bottles<br />

Export 33<br />

15pk bottles<br />



03 3238833<br />

Haagen<br />

24pk bottles<br />

Lion Red; Waikato<br />

Speights or Summit<br />

24pk bottles<br />



033147400<br />

Speights Summit<br />

UltraLow Carb<br />

24pk bottles<br />

Steinlager<br />

24pk 330ml bottles<br />

Asahi<br />

24pk bottles<br />

Promotion period between1/4/<strong>2022</strong> to 30/4/<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Whilestocks last. Promotion only availableat<br />

participating stores –please contact your local store<br />

to confirm whether theyare participating in the<br />

promotionand checkthe pricingin-store prior to<br />

purchase. Online pricing will vary.

RangioraToyota<br />


Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2007 Toyota BladeHatch<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Airbags<br />

•Camera, Alloys, Half Leather<br />

•80,300kms<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2017 Toyota Corolla GX<br />

Hatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, 7-Airbags<br />

•Only 39,800kms<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2015Toyota Ractis<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto, 45,550km<br />

•CD/AUX/USB<br />

Connectivity<br />

WAS$14,995<br />

$ NOW 13,995<br />

2013Daihatsu Sirion<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />

•5-door,NZNew<br />

•Only 42,936km<br />

WAS$10,995<br />

$ NOW 9,995<br />

2019 CamrySXHybrid<br />

•2.5LHybrid PetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•Keyless, Toyota SafetySense<br />

•Only 9,440kms<br />

SUV<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2014 CamryGLSedan<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Cruise Control, Bluetooth<br />

•7Airbags<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2017 Corolla GLXHatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys,<br />

•Camera, FogLights<br />

•Only 47,700km<br />

$<br />

23,995<br />

2015Toyota Yaris ZR<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Camera, ClimateAir<br />

•Only 55,050km<br />

$<br />

16,995<br />

2010 MitsubishiLancer<br />

VRX<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Leather<br />

•80,750kms<br />

WAS$11,995<br />

$ NOW 10,995<br />

2018 Toyota HighlanderGXL<br />

•3.5LPetrol<br />

•Leather 7-seater,SAT/NAV<br />

•Camera, only29,300km<br />

$<br />

53,995<br />

2018 Rav4 GXL<br />

•2.5LPetrolAWD<br />

•Alloys, Camera, Satnav<br />

•Keyless,DualZone Climate<br />

$<br />

29,995<br />

2018 Toyota HighlanderGX<br />

•3.5LPetrol, 8-Speed Auto<br />

•7-Seater,Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•84,700km<br />

$<br />

43,995<br />

2019 Toyota Rav4 GX<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto2WD<br />

•Alloys, Satnav,Camera<br />

•Only 18,250kms<br />

$<br />

36,995 39,995<br />

2020ToyotaRaizeZ2WD<br />

•1.0L Turbo Petrol, 5-door<br />

•Keyless, ParkingSensors<br />

•Only 44,400km<br />


$<br />

33,995<br />

2014 Toyota Highlander<br />

GXL<br />

•3.5LV6Petrol, 7-Seater Leather<br />

•Camera, Towbar<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

$<br />

27,995<br />

2016 Rav4 GXL<br />

•2.5LPetrolAWD,Camera<br />

•Keyless, Towbar, Bluetooh<br />

•88,900km<br />

2014 Toyota Highlander GX<br />

•3.5Lpetrol, 7- Seater<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•Towbar<br />

$<br />

31,995 $<br />

31,995<br />

2019 LandCruiser Prado<br />

GX<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel<br />

•7-Seater,NZNew<br />

•Camera, Keyless<br />

$<br />

49,995<br />

2021 Daihatsu Hi Jet<br />

•Petrol, 5-Speed Manual, 4WD<br />

•AutoTipping Deck,Due Mid-March<br />

•Only 150kms<br />

$<br />

24,995<br />

2012Hilux2WD<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel Manual<br />

•Bluetooth, Cruise Control<br />

•Canopy,Towbar<br />

$<br />

26,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 Cruiser<br />

2WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Leather,18” Alloys<br />

•Only 42,700kms<br />

$<br />

51,995<br />

2015Ford RangerXLT<br />

•3.2LTurbo Diesel Auto, 2WD<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth, Tonneau<br />

•Rear Sensors<br />

$<br />

29,995<br />

2017 HiluxSR2WD<br />

2016 HiluxSR5 Limited 2018 Hilux SR5 Cruiser 2WD 2019 HiluxCruiser4WD 2015Toyota Hilux2WD<br />

2WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, Leather<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel Manual<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather,18”Alloys •Leather,Satnav, Alloys, Hard-Lid<br />

•18” Alloys, Satnav<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth, Cruise Control<br />

$<br />

•SportsBar<br />

•64,118km<br />

•Only 39,900kms<br />

•84,100km<br />

•Tonneau.<br />

39,995<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

$<br />

49,995<br />

$<br />

61,995<br />

$<br />

31,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186 any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth, Camera<br />

•78,050km<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2465199<br />


MainPower<br />

Live Lines<br />

MainPowerCommunity Fund <strong>2022</strong><br />

Issue 205 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Every year,wesupportvariouscommunityeventsand initiatives through theMainPower Community Fund.<br />

The contestable fund allows membersofthe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> communitytohavetheir say aboutwhich charitable<br />

organisationsand school projects should be supported.<br />

Thereare two funding roundsayear. Anyone can nominate acommunity group or schooloperating in or serving<br />

the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> region,with an online community vote deciding the winners.<br />

In each fundinground,ashareof$30,000available to be split betweenthe successful applicants.<br />

$20,000isavailablefor communitygroups,and $10,000isavailable for <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> schools.<br />

Since 2015, The MainPower CommunityFundhas supportedover 150groupsreceivingashare of $190,000.<br />

<strong>2022</strong> FundingRecipients<br />

Community Groups<br />

88 Rangiora Squadron ATC(AirTraining Corps)<br />

Amberley District CommunityVehicleTrust<br />

Aroha Project<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Ashley GorgeTrackandTrapping Group<br />

DarnleyClubKaiapoi -SeniorCitizensClub<br />

HanmerSprings Bowling Club<br />

Kaiapoi CommunitySupport<br />

Kaiapoi ToyLibrary<br />

Keep Rangiora Beautiful<br />

Kitty Kingdom<br />

MealsonWheels, Amberley<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Basketball Association<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Swim Club<br />

NZRT12-Waimakariri NewZealandResponseTeam 12<br />

Oxford Search and Rescue<br />

Pegasus DragonsDragonBoatingClub<br />

Pinc andSteel CancerRehabilitationTrust<br />

RangioraCommunity Patrol<br />

RangioraToyLibrary<br />

Rotherham Community Pool<br />

Takahanga BowlingClub Kaikoura<br />

WoodendRugby Club<br />

Schools<br />

Amberley School<br />

Ashgrove School<br />

Ashley Playcentre<br />

Broomfield School<br />

Cust School<br />

GretaValley School<br />

Rangiora High School Nursery<br />

Rangiora High School U16Rugby<br />

Sefton Primary School<br />

St Partick’sSchool Kaiapoi<br />

Te MatauruPrimary<br />

View Hill School<br />

WaiauSchool<br />



Nominations forthe MainPower<br />

Community Fund open again in <strong>April</strong>.<br />

Visit mainpower.co.nz to learn moreor<br />

to place anomination.<br />

MainPower 24Hour Faults Line<br />

<strong>08</strong>00 30 90 80

Taking ashot ... Rebecca Jelfs takes aswing at the ball.<br />


Season begins with adraw<br />

HOCKEY<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> hockey season started last<br />

weekend, with the Rangiora Hockey Club<br />

fielding eight senior teams across six<br />

competitions.<br />

This is two fewerteams than last<br />

season as the result of player attrition<br />

and anumber of off­turf factors.<br />

The club's flagship team remains the<br />

CBK Division 1women's team, which is<br />

looking to build on last year’s 7th placing<br />

in the competition.<br />

The team began theseason with asolid<br />

1­all draw with Avon.<br />

Rangiora's women are also competing<br />

in the Sunday Superleague (SSL)<br />

Championship (Division 3) and have two<br />

teams in themid­week open competition<br />

(played on Tuesdays) where the<br />

Rangiora­Hurunui team is the defending<br />

champion in Division 1.<br />

Unfortunately the Rangiora Men's<br />

Division 1team from last year have been<br />

unable to field enough quality players to<br />

remain in the grade, so it has dropped<br />

down to theSSL Premiership (Division<br />

2), which will allow it to introduce<br />

youngerplayers to the squad so they can<br />

build back up to return to Division 1next<br />

year.<br />

It started the <strong>2022</strong> campaign with a<br />

comfortable victory over University<br />

Trojans.<br />

The Rangiora Hockey Club is also<br />

fieldingmen's teams in the SSL<br />

Championship and two teams in the midweekopen.<br />

The mid­week open Ateam won the<br />

Division 2competition last year, but will<br />

find the going tougher in Division 1this<br />

year if the first outing is anything to go by<br />

­ahigh scoring loss to Harewood.<br />

Results:Division 1women: Rangiora<br />

CBK 1drew with Avon Swans 1. SSL<br />

Championship women: Rangiora<br />

Korimako8beat University Incas 1.<br />

SSL Premiershipmen: Rangiora Gold 6<br />

beatUniversity Trojans 1. SSL<br />

Championship men: Rangiora<br />

Oddfellows0losttoUniversity Apache 2.<br />

Mid­weekopen men, Division 1:<br />

Rangiora Mighty MidweekMen 3lost to<br />

Harewood 5. Mid­weekopen men,<br />

Division 2: Rangiora Allsorts1 lost to<br />

Hinemoa­Kaiapoi 7.<br />

SPORT<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong> 23<br />

Local umpire on world stage<br />


TheWhite Ferns may nothavebeenin<br />

actioninthe ICCWomen’sWorld Cupfinal<br />

at Hagley Oval on Sunday, but one Kiwi<br />

womanwas.<br />

Kaiapoi’sKim Cotton wasappointedto<br />

umpire the final. She was the onlyNew<br />

Zealandumpire officiating at the<br />

tournament, and had obviously impressed<br />

in the round robinmatches as thebest<br />

umpireswere chosen to take control of the<br />

semi­finals and final.<br />

Cotton umpiredthe semifinalatthe<br />

BasinReserve between Australia and the<br />

West Indies, and then backed it up by being<br />

appointed to thefinal between Australia<br />

and England.Her partner in thefinal was<br />

ayoung umpire from South Africa, Lauren<br />


Rangiora BridgeClub<br />

Daylight Saving Pairs: <strong>North</strong>/South: Cath<br />

Costello/Judy Bruerton 1, Sue Solomons/<br />

DavidMcRae2,Joyce Gray/Sue McIlroy 3.<br />

East/West: Janene Mussen/Gaynor Hurford<br />

1, Margaret Pickering/Janice Pickering 2,<br />

DavidRainey/CraigShanahan 3. Rimu<br />

Pairs: N/S: Judith Driver/Jan Roose1,Mary<br />

Rickard/Adrienne Paine 2, DaveTocker/<br />

SueMcIlroy 3. E/W: Marion Lomax/Liz<br />

Partridge1,Bunty Marshall/Kevin Kuch2,<br />

IreneCarson/Helen Thornburgh 3.<br />

JuniorNight: N/S: Kerryn Lange/Karen<br />

Manson 1, Annette Caldwell/Gail Dunlop 2,<br />

AnneBagrie/Trish Warnes3.E/W:Marilyn<br />

Eliet/Alison Howe 1, GerardMcRae/Denis<br />

Milne 2, Murray Davis/Sharyn Davis3.<br />

Presidents: N/S:BernieLukken/Gaynor<br />

Hurford1,Andrea Dempsey/Derek Wilson<br />

2, Adrienne Lamb/Judith Calder 3. E/W:<br />

Karen Manson/Dawn Simpson 1, Rhoda<br />

Agenbag.They hadthe bestseatinthe<br />

house as Australia’s opening batter,Alyssa<br />

Healy set up the winfor Australia with a<br />

magnificent innings of 170.<br />

In September, another Kaiapoi umpire,<br />

Peter Williams will officiate at the<br />

inauguralOver60’s Cricket WorldCup to<br />

beplayed on theSunshineCoast.Virtually<br />

allofthe top cricket­playing nations will be<br />

involvedinthe 12 teamtournament.<br />

Each country was invitedtonominate<br />

one umpire to officiate at the tournament,<br />

and Williams, aformer first­classumpire,<br />

who has umpired alot of Veteranscricket<br />

in recentseasons,isNew Zealand’s<br />

nominee.<br />

KaiapoiUmpires, DeanArps and Dave<br />

Haskett, werealsoappointedtoumpirethe<br />

local <strong>Canterbury</strong> CountryClubfinal played<br />

recently at Mainpower Oval. It was won<br />

decisively by Darfield.<br />

Quinn/Liz Duke 2, Richard Luisetti/Fern<br />

McRae 3.<br />

Rangiora Golf Club<br />

Nine Hole,Stroke /LGU/ HomelinksRound<br />

2: Women: Catherine Boddy 36 c/b,Carol<br />

Van Hout 36, PatBenny 37 c/b, PatRoberts<br />

37, c/bDiane Sinclair 37. Men: Stephen Bell<br />

37,PeterVan Hout38c/b, David Klopper38<br />

c/b,Robert Madden38,Ross McQueen39.<br />

Waimakariri Gorge Women’s Golf<br />

LGU &Putting 18 holes: Silver JAllan77,<br />

Bronze I: LSteele 74,JBlatch81. Bronze II:<br />

LScott 74,HChamberlain75, NViey75,L<br />

BeetsHuchshorn 77,FNimmo 79.<br />

Putting:LScott27. Nine holes: JStewart<br />

33, CMcDonald 37.Putting: RBenny 12.<br />

AmberleyGolf<br />

<strong>April</strong>2:SManson 68,AJohnson 68, P<br />

Neumann69, AGenet 70, DRowell 71,G<br />

Smith 71.Excel Design Longest Putt:S<br />

Heslop.Women:KPepper 65, DYates71,<br />

BPettigrew 75. MidWeekMen: March 30:<br />

BBateman38, DEsler38,BFitzgerald 38,<br />

JByrne37. Mid Week Women, March31: J<br />

Bishop 43,SLee35, RLester 35.Longest<br />

Putt: SLee.<br />


ON SALE<br />

Queen Bed NOW $ 899<br />

Bedside NOW $ 250<br />

Dallas Double Bed<br />

WAS $ 399<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

349<br />

Capri Outdoor 3 Seater<br />

WAS $ 1999<br />

autumn<br />

SALE<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1499<br />

Selected items in store &online. Ends 11.4.22.<br />

48<br />

Phoebe Recliner<br />

NOW $<br />

799<br />


withqMastercard<br />

Brix Light/Peyton 7Piece<br />

Dining Set –W180 NOW $ 1189<br />

Ashville<br />

Dining Chair<br />

NOW $<br />

125<br />

*Available on Long Term Finance (LTF) purchases until 11/04/22. Minimum spend<br />

$499.Exclusionsmay apply.Lending Criteria,$50 annualaccount fee,fees, T&C’s<br />

apply. An Establishment fee of$55 (first LTFtransaction) or a$35 Advance Fee<br />

(subsequent LTFtransactions) applies. Standard Interest Rate, currently 25.99%<br />

p.a. applies to any outstanding balance at end of interest free period. Rate and<br />

feescorrect as at dateofpublication, subjecttochange. Mastercardisaregistered<br />

trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International<br />

Incorporated.<br />

Catania Leather 2Seater<br />

NOW $<br />

1799<br />

Scantofindstore<br />

250 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch<br />

<strong>08</strong>00 TARGET (<strong>08</strong>00 827438)<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />

11/04/22. Sale Excludes Accessories.


24 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Bookings Essential<br />

•Cars, Trailers &Motorbikes<br />

•4WD specialists<br />

•All mechanical repairs<br />

•Brakes and clutches<br />

•Lube services<br />

•Servicing Air Conditioning<br />

•All makes and models<br />

•Professional friendly service<br />

183 Ohoka Road<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Ph: 327 8780<br />

www.kaiapoiautomotiveservices.co.nz<br />

Support Local<br />

Businesses<br />

Recommendus for Paint&Panel<br />

requirements<br />

Make an insurance claim and choose <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Collision Repairs Rangioraas<br />

your repairer. Your Car,Your Choice.<br />

Crash repairs, bumps &scrapes to major<br />

smash work<br />

Commercial&fleetrepairs, Buses, Caravans &<br />

Motorhomes, Trucks,Trailers, Buses &Boats<br />

Quality<br />

workmanship &<br />

fastest<br />

turnaround<br />

Fleet of courtesy cars available<br />

ContactLee 03 3273028<br />

98DWilliams St, Kaiapoi | www.nccrc.co.nz<br />

2305626<br />

2388740<br />

Wow!<br />

This Food is Amazing!<br />

Delicious Snack<br />

Menu, Starters,<br />

Kids Meals,<br />

Light Meals,<br />

Mains, Extras,<br />

Desserts<br />

Come along and enjoy<br />

playingHousie, Raffles<br />

andQuiz<br />


Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday<br />

12noon – 2pm and 4.30pm – 7.30pm<br />

Friday & Saturday<br />

12noon – 2pm | 4pm – 8pm<br />

Bistro closed Monday &Tuesday<br />

113 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi |Ph: 03 327 7884<br />

www.kaiapoiclub.co.nz |info@kaiapoiclub.co.nz<br />

The Entertainment Hub of The <strong>North</strong>!<br />

River town has plenty to offer for visitors<br />

Kaiapoi’s aquaplay parkhas been packed<br />

away for the winter,but there is still plenty<br />

to do in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s river townover<br />

Easterand beyond.<br />

Historically the Kaiapoi area has been<br />

significanttoMaori, as the gathering place<br />

for meeting differenthapuand trading<br />

resources from the kainga (village).<br />

Today the river provides agathering<br />

place forawide range of aquaticactivities,<br />

while visitors are drawn to Kaiapoifor its<br />

boutique shopping, to walk on the river<br />

banks,ortohead out on the cycle trails.<br />

And when that’s done, you can enjoy a<br />

coffeeorameal at one of the many local<br />

eateries.<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s business<br />

centreisbased in Kaiapoi along withthe<br />

Waimakariri iSite Visitor Information<br />

Centre, where you can go to find out more<br />

about Kaiapoi’s attractions.<br />

Top of the listfor aquatic activitiesisa<br />

cruiseonthe Kaiapoi River Queen,<br />

whether it’sanouting for familyorfriends<br />

or aprivate functionwith dining out on the<br />

water.<br />

If you want someaction, try out ajet boat<br />

ride with Alpine Jet Thrills, or headout in<br />

akayak, row boat or stand­up paddleboard<br />

with Kore Hire. The Kaiapoi Aquatic<br />


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Centreprovides an indoor water<br />

experience.<br />

For some on landaction, the Woodford<br />

Glen Raceway provides some petrol head<br />

actionand drama, or you could try out the<br />

Kaiapoi Golf Club and the Riverlands Golf<br />

Club courses.<br />

If aculturalexperience is what you are<br />

after,call in at the Kaiapoi Museumand Art<br />

on the Quay in the RuataniwhaKaiapoi<br />

Civic Centre and Library, or pay avisit to<br />

The PotteryPlacetoview ceramic artor<br />

book aclass.<br />

The KaiapoiFoodForest has become a<br />

popular spot for afamily picnic or to forage<br />

for seasonable fruit, nuts, berries,<br />

vegetables and herbs. On Saturday<br />

mornings you can shopatthe Kaiapoi<br />

Farmers’ Market.<br />

The KaiapoiClub is apopular local<br />

venue at any time of yearand includes the<br />

Riverview Restaurant. Other local eateries<br />

include Rivertown Cafe, Red Eight Cafe,<br />

CBK Kaiapoi, Parisfor the Weekend,<br />

Urban Revival, Pineacres Bar and<br />

Restaurant, Out the Gate, Coffee Culture,<br />

Kaiapoi Roast,Armadillo’sKaiapoi,<br />

Jacob’s Bakery and the Kaikanui Tavern.<br />

Enjoy ethnic foods at Le SoleilKaiapoi,<br />

Nori Table Kaiapoi, TeppanyakiTakao<br />

On the water ... The Kaiapoi River Queen.<br />

Restaurant,ZaafranMoroccan and Indian<br />

Cuisine Restaurant,Yumwok Restaurant<br />

and Sunshine Vietnamese, Kanniga Thai<br />

Cuisine, IndianLotus Restaurant, Spice ‘n’<br />

Life IndianCuisineand Tikka Talk.<br />

If you are looking for accommodation,<br />

thereisKaiapoionWilliams motels, the<br />

Blue Skies Centre, the Riverlands Holiday<br />

Park and the Lacebark Function Centreat<br />

Ohoka.<br />

Find out more at visitwaimakariri.co.nz/<br />

our­towns/kaiapoi.<br />

Kaiapoi walk set to return<br />

The 4th annual Kaiapoi River Wellbeing<br />

Walk is going ahead on Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 30.<br />

The walk was originally going to be held<br />

as part of the Christchurch Walking<br />

Festival in <strong>April</strong>, but the festival has been<br />

cancelled.<br />

The Kaiapoi walk is going ahead to<br />

support community wellbeing initiatives,<br />

and in particular thework of the<br />

Community Wellbeing<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Trust, with donations being accepted on the<br />

day.<br />

Like otherfood banks aroundthe region,<br />

Wellbeing’s Kaiapoi food pantry was<br />

swamped with demand in the lead up to<br />

Christmas 2021.<br />

More than 200 families received support<br />

through Kaiapoi Community Support,<br />

compared to 60 families in the lead up to<br />

Christmas 2020.<br />

Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is reliant on<br />

community support to meet funding<br />

shortfalls, but fundraising efforts have been<br />

curtailedbyCovid­19restrictions.<br />

Manager Deirdre Ryan says the best way<br />

to support Wellbeing is to make adonation.<br />

‘‘With cash donations we can respond<br />

quicklyand flexibly to put in place services<br />

where and when there’s need.<br />

‘‘We can’t run the fundraising events that<br />

we had hoped to this year, but we will carry<br />

on as best we can.’’<br />

Participants are invitedtomeet at the<br />

Kaiapoi Food Forestat11am for ashort<br />

walk around the Kaiapoi River and a<br />

conversation on community wellbeing.<br />

The Kaiapoi River WellbeingWalk was<br />

first held in 2019 to supportyouth<br />

wellbeing.Itisorganised by Walk for the<br />

Planet,aMethodist Church initiative.<br />

Walkfor the Planet was also due to host<br />

the 10th anniversaryGreat Otakaro Avon<br />

River Walk and the inaugural Rangiora<br />

Wellbeing Walk aspart of the walking<br />

festival, but these have been postponed<br />

until the spring.<br />

For more information, follow Walk for<br />

the Planet on Facebook.

Depression support offered<br />


Support for depressionisbeing offered<br />

in Kaiapoi in response to acommunity<br />

need.<br />

The Person to Person Help Trustwill<br />

host ameetingon<strong>April</strong> 20 with<br />

Depression Support Network facilitator<br />

Bryon Cope, who is collaborating with<br />

the trust to facilitateformingasupport<br />

group.<br />

The DepressionSupportNetwork has<br />

operating for 15 years and facilitates<br />

around20supportgroups amonth.<br />

‘‘It’sexciting to make those<br />

connections,’’ says Mr Cope,who is<br />

based in Rangiora.<br />

‘‘Let’s normalise depression. The<br />

language is reallyimportant as many<br />

peoplestill see it as anegativeand some<br />

peopledon’t know why they are the way<br />

they are.<br />

‘‘So it’s amatter of unpacking that and<br />

givingpeople some choices.’’<br />

The Covid­19environment has been<br />

challenging, with lockdowns,<br />

workplacesand families divided over<br />

vaccine mandates and restrictions, and<br />

anxieties aroundcatching the virus<br />

itself.<br />

‘‘For me, we’vehad the dominant<br />

narrativeand everybody’s different<br />

interpretations,’’ Mr Copesays.<br />

‘‘In the workplace and eveninfamilies<br />

there has been conflictbecause some<br />

are anti­vaxand some are pro vaccine<br />

and we’ve forgotten how to communicate<br />

with each other.<br />

‘‘We need to reconnect on acommon<br />

cause and to limit the time we talk about<br />

Covid and focus on the good.’’<br />

Mr Cope says the meetings will<br />

provide people with tools and strategies<br />

to copewith anxiety and depression as<br />

they navigatethe ‘‘new normal’’.<br />

‘‘We forget that we already have those<br />

tools,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘We are coming at it fromastrengths<br />

Bryon Cope<br />

based,holistic approach.<br />

‘‘Somepeople are saying weare going<br />

to get back to ‘normal’, but we are never<br />

going to go back to ‘normal’. It’sa‘new<br />

normal’.’’<br />

He says it is important to re­connect<br />

with neighbours, friends and family and<br />

start aconversation to check on how<br />

they are coping. He recommends<br />

following the Mental Health<br />

Foundation’s fiveways to wellbeing ­<br />

connect, be active, takenotice, keep<br />

learningand give.<br />

‘‘It only has to be two or three of those<br />

and Iwould add being gentle, eating<br />

well,drinking plenty of waterand<br />

getting plentyofsleep. See yourGPif<br />

you haven’t seen yourGPinthe lastsix<br />

to 12 months. When you are in aconstant<br />

stateof‘fight or flight’ you can get<br />

yourself into amental state as wellasa<br />

physicalstate.’’<br />

With confidentiality paramount,<br />

anyone wanting to attend the support<br />

groupmeetings needs to be a<br />

DepressionSupport Network client.To<br />

connect with the network. Contact Bryon<br />

at (03) 3668<strong>08</strong>3,phone or text<br />

028­4227132, or emailbryon@dsn.org.nz.<br />

Healthy meals<br />


Kaiapoi’s Person To Person Trust has<br />

created ahealthy meals programme in<br />

response to community feedback.<br />

Trust and social enterprises manager<br />

Ian France says the increased cost of<br />

living is having an impact on many<br />

people who are also time poor.<br />

‘‘Takeaways are becoming the go to,<br />

and they often have little nutritional<br />

value and are also expensive,’’ he says.<br />

``More and more families have also lost<br />

the skill of making nutritional meals.’’<br />

The trust's meals, which will need to be<br />

pre­ordered, will be available from<br />

Rivertown Cafe in Kaiapoi.<br />

They will be prepared in the cafe’s<br />

commercial kitchen and cost $2.<br />

The trust is hoping to expand the<br />

service to show people how to make their<br />

own healthy meals.<br />

‘‘Nutrition is one of the pillars of<br />

resilience, and we believe improved diet<br />

will have apositive impact on our ability<br />

to deal with the day­to­day challenges we<br />

are all facing,’’ Ian says.<br />

The trust is being supported in this<br />

venture by Neighbourhood Support and<br />

Waitaha Health, with food support from<br />

Satisfy Food Rescue and the Kaiapoi<br />

Food Forest.<br />

Anyone else wishing to assist the<br />

programme can ‘‘support our partners<br />

who help provide the ingredients for our<br />

meals and spread the word of the<br />

availability of our programme,’’ Ian says.<br />

The Person To Person Trust was<br />

formed by the Kaiapoi Baptist Church as<br />

aseparate charity in 1988 to serve the<br />

community.<br />

‘‘The Rivertown Cafe is one of a<br />

number of social enterprises where<br />

profits are reinvested back into our local<br />

communities,’’ Ian says.<br />

Other enterprises include the<br />

Rivertown Options op shop and Rainbow<br />

Childcare.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

25<br />


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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

27<br />

Oxford manager among dairy winners<br />


An Oxford dairy farm manager is among<br />

the prizewinners in the <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

/<strong>North</strong> Otago Dairy Industry Awards<br />

announced in Ashburton last week.<br />

Todd Portsmouth won amerit, the<br />

DeLaval Livestock Management Award,<br />

in the dairy manager of the year<br />

category.<br />

Mr Portsmouth manages a557­cow<br />

Oxford farm, working for Bill Mason at<br />

Oxford Farming Ltd.<br />

Hinds Sharemilker Will Green took<br />

out share farmer of the year title, Jaspal<br />

Singh, of Waimate, won dairy manager<br />

of the year and Peter O’Connor, of<br />

Mayfield, won dairy trainee of the year.<br />

Mr Green says benefits of the awards<br />

programme includes networking<br />

opportunities and meeting and making<br />

new like­minded friends.<br />

‘‘The programme made me focus on<br />

goals and the direction Iwanted to be<br />

heading.’’<br />

Mr Singh says it was alove for animals<br />

and the land which led him to choosing<br />

afarming career.<br />

“Every day is anew challenge in dairy<br />

farming and Ilike challenges!”<br />

Mr O’Connor believes the new<br />

technology being developed to make<br />

dairy farming better across many<br />

different measures will make the dairy<br />

industry more efficient and even more<br />

competitive on aglobal scale.<br />

The <strong>Canterbury</strong>/<strong>North</strong> Otago Dairy<br />

Industry Awards field day will be held<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 12 from 10am at 861 Coldstream<br />

Road, Hinds, where share farmer of the<br />

year Will Green sharemilks.<br />

The dairy manager and dairy trainee<br />

of the year winners will also be present.<br />

For further information go to<br />

dairyindustryawards.co.nz.<br />

Todd Portsmouth<br />

Share Farmer Awards:<br />

Share farmer of the year ­Will Green<br />

(Hinds).<br />

Runner­up ­Kerry and Aimee Burt<br />

(Leeston).<br />

Third place ­Johno and Tania<br />

Burrows (Ashburton).<br />

DairyNZ People and Culture Award ­<br />

Will Green.<br />

Ecolab Farm Dairy Hygiene Award ­<br />

Johno and Tania Burrows.<br />

Federated Farmers Leadership<br />

Award ­Will Green.<br />

Honda Farm Safety, Health and<br />

Biosecurity Award ­Johno and Tania<br />

Burrows.<br />

LIC –Animal Wellbeing, Recording<br />

and Productivity Award ­Nick and Kylie<br />

Marriott (Hinds).<br />

Meridian Environmental<br />

Sustainability Award ­Kerry and Aimee<br />

Burt (Leeston).<br />

Ravensdown Pasture Performance<br />

Award ­Will Green.<br />

Top trio ... <strong>Canterbury</strong> /<strong>North</strong> Otago’s winners are dairy trainee of the year Peter<br />

O’Connor (left), with share farmer of the year Will Green and dairy manager of the year<br />

Jaspal Singh.<br />


ANZ Business Performance Award ­<br />

Kerry and Aimee Burt.<br />

Alexanders Chartered Accountant<br />

Emerging Talent Award­ Johno and<br />

Tania Burrows.<br />

Dairy Manager Merit Awards<br />

Dairy farmer of the year ­Jaspal Singh<br />

(Waimate).<br />

Runner­up ­Jaspreet Singh<br />

(Hororata).<br />

Third place ­Blake Gordon<br />

(Ashburton).<br />

DeLaval Livestock Management<br />

Award ­Todd Portsmouth (Oxford).<br />

Fonterra Dairy Management Award ­<br />

Blake Gordon.<br />

Morrison Agri Environmental<br />

Sustainability Award ­Jaspal Singh.<br />

FarmRight Pasture &Feed<br />

Management Award ­Blake Gordon.<br />

Craigmore People &Leadership<br />

Award ­Jaspreet Singh.<br />

ANZ Planning &Financial<br />

Management Award ­Jaspal Singh.<br />

Vetlife Emerging Talent Award ­<br />

Navreet Singh.<br />

Dairy Trainee Merit Awards:<br />

Dairy trainee of the year ­Peter<br />

O’Connor (Mayfield).<br />

Runner­up ­Leilani Lobb<br />

(Ashburton).<br />

Third place ­George Lysaght­Dodson<br />

(Lincoln).<br />

DairyNZ Practical Skills Award ­<br />

Peter O’Connor.<br />

TH Enterprises Ltd Emerging Talent<br />

Award ­Ellen Paterson.<br />

MilkBar Farming Knowledge Award ­<br />

Peter O’Connor.<br />

Dairy Holdings Ltd Communication &<br />

Industry Involvement Award ­Leilani<br />

Lobb.<br />

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28 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Scientists find solution to astinky problem<br />

Two LincolnUniversityscientists have<br />

come on with asolution to manage<br />

effluent on New Zealand dairyfarms.<br />

Workingincollaborationwith<br />

Ravensdown,Emeritus Professor Keith<br />

Cameronand Professor HongDihave<br />

developed an effluent treatmentsystem<br />

that reduces the methane emissions from<br />

farm dairy effluent pondsbyupto99<br />

percent.<br />

The new technology,known as<br />

EcoPond, was launched in November and<br />

has been designed to reducethe amount<br />

of E.coli in the treated effluent, reduce<br />

ammoniaemissions, mitigate odour and<br />

cut phosphate leaching lossesfrom<br />

effluent areas into water ways by up to<br />

90%.<br />

The EcoPondsystem achieves its<br />

reductions in methane emissions by<br />

adding atreatment agent iron sulphate ­a<br />

safe additive used in the treatmentof<br />

drinking water ­toeffluent ponds.<br />

Both Professors Cameron and Hong Di<br />

hope that the greenhousegas mitigation<br />

delivered by EcoPondwill be a<br />

gamechangerfor dairy farmers.<br />

‘‘Nearly all dairyfarms use effluent<br />

ponds, which are the second­largest<br />

source of on­farm methaneemissions,<br />

after cow belching,” says ProfCameron.<br />

‘‘Our development and demonstration<br />

of the new system, undertaken at the<br />

LincolnUniversity ResearchDairyFarm,<br />

has proven that the new systemis<br />

enormously effective at neutralising the<br />

methane­producing process, resultingin<br />

a4to5%reduction in an average dairy<br />

farm’s overall methaneemissions.<br />

‘‘This is hugely significantfor the<br />

industry, as it provides farmers with a<br />

new tool in their toolbox to help reduce<br />

methaneemissions on farm.’’<br />

EcoPondcan be easily retrofitted into a<br />

farmer’s existing effluent system, he says.<br />

‘‘As far as the farmer is concerned,it’s<br />

‘plug and play’. EcoPondisdoing the<br />

business while the farmer is busymilking<br />

the cows.’’<br />

Prof Hong Di says they discovered<br />

EcoPond’s efficacy in reducing<br />

greenhousegas emissions duringthe<br />

development phase of their earlier<br />

award­winning ClearTech system.<br />

‘‘In testing the ClearTech system for<br />

unintended consequences we found that<br />

the gases we collected off the effluentin<br />

experimental set­ups indicated a<br />

Freight Free for purchases over $100.00<br />


Collaboration ... Lincoln University Professor Hong Di (left), Emeritus Professor Keith<br />

Cameron and Carl Ahlfeld, of Ravensdown, with the new EcoPond.<br />


reduction in methaneemissions of<br />

greaterthan 90%.<br />

‘‘This was astunning result.Inscience,<br />

it’s rare to achievesuch alarge influence<br />

on an experiment.<br />

‘‘So, encouragedbythis finding, we<br />

tested the system using farm­sized<br />

effluent storagetanks and nervously<br />

waited to see whatwouldhappen.’’<br />

The result exceeded their expectations,<br />

achieving amethaneemissionreduction<br />

of 99.9%.<br />

‘‘We’restill working on that last 0.1%.<br />

We’ll get there!,’’ Prof Hong Di says.<br />

New pasture measuring tool<br />




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Big financial backers aregetting behind<br />

new technologydesigned by aChristchurch<br />

engineertoremove the guessworkfrom<br />

measuringpasturegrowth.<br />

New investmentfrom Gallagher and a<br />

freshinjection from Netherlands based<br />

company Royal Barenbrug Group willgo<br />

into the Farmote Systemtofund its wider<br />

roll­out on farms and speed up further<br />

development.<br />

The agriculturalcompanies have puta<br />

combined $750,000 intothe business.<br />

The system designed by founder Richard<br />

Barton has combinedthe latest advances in<br />

cube satelliteimagery, remotesensors,<br />

microelectronicsand aweatherproof<br />

design to automatically record daily<br />

pasture growth on farms.<br />

Launched in <strong>Canterbury</strong> last spring, it is<br />

now used on more than6000 hectares of<br />

farmland.<br />

Mr Barton said the new investmentfrom<br />

Gallagher, and further investment from<br />

Barenbrug was an exciting development.<br />

‘‘This will enable us to extend our<br />

services to other parts of New Zealand this<br />

year,and to Europe in 2023.<br />

‘‘We’re also recruiting stafftoaccelerate<br />

our development process.’’<br />

He founded Farmote five years ago,with<br />

earlybacking from international grass<br />

specialist Barenbrug and Sir Stephen<br />

Tindall’s K1W1 investmentcompany.<br />

Mr Barton said Gallagher’s long history<br />

of sellingtechnology to farmersinNew<br />

Zealand and overseas madeitawelcome<br />

new shareholder.<br />

The systemautomaticallybrings together<br />

data collected fromits position with<br />

satellite imagery to give dailypasture<br />

measurements.<br />

Each device has ahollow plastic pole,<br />

topped by asphere the sizeofatennisball,<br />

and is mounted year­round in apaddock.<br />

Aspring mechanism was brought in after<br />

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Richard Barton<br />

many experiments so it could pop back up<br />

with plastic nodules added to the pole to<br />

prevent cows from usingitasascratchpost.<br />

Gallagher’s animalmanagementglobal<br />

general manager,Lisbeth Jacobs, saidit<br />

had been actively huntingfor something<br />

like Farmote, especially sinceacquiring<br />

remote fencing developer Agersens.<br />

‘‘We knewitwould fit perfectly in the<br />

future farm eco­system we’vebeen building<br />

for some time now.<br />

‘‘It’s beautifullysmart technology that<br />

ticksall the boxes for us.’’<br />

She saiddata generated by Farmote was<br />

valuable, but the real gainfor farmers<br />

wouldlie in integrating it with other<br />

technologies.<br />

Barenbrugglobal head,John Thijssen,<br />

said Farmotewas the onlytechnologyofits<br />

type in theworld.<br />

‘‘Many companies sell satellite images<br />

for field monitoring.<br />

‘‘Butifyou dig alittle bitdeeperinto<br />

thesesystems, they cannot tell the<br />

difference in absolute numbers between<br />

how muchgrass is growing in one field<br />

comparedtoanother.’’<br />

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Wet season leads to more pests<br />


Agrass gruband slug problemcouldput a<br />

dentincropyieldsfor arablefarmersafter<br />

awet summer.<br />

Theyare being advisedbythe<br />

Foundation for ArableResearchtokeep<br />

an eyeout forbuilding populations as they<br />

headinto autumn sowing.<br />

Abad grass grubyear canresult in an<br />

entirecropbeingreplaced.<br />

Researcher RichardChynoweth said<br />

their impact ranged fromminimaltothe<br />

complete removal of some crops.<br />

He saidwhite cloverseedcropscouldbe<br />

susceptible to theinsect pest and bad<br />

areas could deplete averageyields of<br />

500kg­600kg ahectare.<br />

‘‘They can takewholeareas of white<br />

cloverout.Once they get to arow theyjust<br />

followitand therecan be real<br />

devastation.’’<br />

In abad yearslugscouldget through<br />

morethan30percentofacrop.<br />

Mostcropsweresusceptible to them,<br />

withcloversand brassicasstruggling to<br />

recover.<br />

Dryland plantingswere alsovulnerable<br />

becauseofthe wet season,hesaid.<br />

Mr Chynowethsaidthe wetter thanaverage<br />

December andJanuary would<br />

meanalotofgrassgrubeggs hadsurvived<br />

and hatchedintolarvae.<br />

He saidtheywere going to be tricky to<br />

manage.<br />

‘‘It'squiteeasytofindgrassgrublarvae<br />

now as the good feedingseason means<br />

theyare biggerthantheywouldusually be<br />

at thistime of year.<br />

‘‘Onthe up side, this means they are<br />

potentiallymore susceptibletocultivation<br />

damage, but on thedown side,they’re<br />

hungry.’’<br />

Manyeggs are normallylost in dry years.<br />

He saidthe wet seasonhad ledtosome<br />

goodweed strikeswhichwouldincrease<br />

their growthrate.<br />

‘‘Sothere's actually quite alot of food<br />

there forgrass grublarvae at present,but<br />

once thoseweedsare removed, presowing,they'll<br />

be sitting therewaiting for<br />

thenew crop to comethrough andcan<br />

cause enormous damage at that point.’’<br />

Mr Chynowethsaid the use of ashortterm,‘‘almost<br />

sacrificial’’,covercropasa<br />

grub food source could provide some<br />

protection of the maincrops by advancing<br />

larval development so theystopped<br />

feeding earlier in winter.<br />

Thewet season wouldalso havesuited<br />

naturally occurring pathogens, but it was<br />

difficult to know whatimpact theywould<br />

have on larvalpopulations,hesaid.<br />

Far­sighted ... Foundation for Arable Research’s Richard Chynoweth sees agrowing grass<br />

grub and slug burden becoming aproblem for cropping farmers. PHOTOS: FOUNDATION FOR ARABLE RESEARCH<br />

‘‘My suggestion to all growersistoget<br />

outwithaspade and look at thenumber of<br />

larvae they've got,especiallyrelative to<br />

howmany seeds of the cropthey're going to<br />

plantand make acall as to whetherthey<br />

need to needtoput sometreatmenton.’’<br />

Thedifficulty was if larvae variedinsize<br />

now, as the smaller onescould keep on<br />

eatingthrough to Augustand September.<br />

Grassgrubswere moredifficult to<br />

control thanslugs oncetheygot ahold<br />

belowthe surface.<br />

Mr Chynowethsaid the major<br />

reproductive periodofslugs wasjust<br />

beginning,soitwas unknownifthe<br />

summerrainfallhad influenced numbers<br />

to anygreatextent.<br />

‘‘It’simportant to note thatthanks to the<br />

wetseason, non­irrigatedfarms are sitting<br />

on thesame conditionsasirrigated ones,<br />

andmay needtobemore vigilant than<br />

usual.<br />

‘‘As with grass grub, monitoringfor slugs<br />

is going to be absolutely key,especially in<br />

thehighrisk crops like brassicas and<br />

clovers.’’<br />

Arable growersare beingadvisedthat<br />

slug numberscould be higher in crops<br />

following cloverand plantain.<br />

If the weedpressure on cereals has kept<br />

them ticking along, then there's the<br />

potential forthem to explodeinalmost any<br />

paddock.<br />

Coastal parts of <strong>Canterbury</strong>had aslug<br />

problem last seasonand theyear before it<br />

wasbad in Methven,hesaid.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Strong start to NC division 1rugby season<br />

RUGBY<br />


and LINDSAY KERR<br />

It wasablast from thepastwith<br />

fourtraditionally strong teams<br />

coming out on topin the first<br />

round oftheLuisettiSeeds <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>competition.<br />

Butmostly,the wins were not<br />

without astruggle.<br />

Ofthebeaten teamsOhoka, and<br />

Ashley in particular, showed they<br />

could takeatopfour position by<br />

season’s end.<br />

Oxford vOhoka<br />

The most exciting match ofthe<br />

round was at Oxford.<br />

Although the hometeam scored<br />

first, Ohokahit backimmediately<br />

andscored fiveunansweredtries<br />

in asublimedisplayofattacking<br />

rugby that took Ohoka out to a<br />

seeminglyimpenetrable 31­7lead<br />

at the 52 minute mark.<br />

Paddy McCallum controlled<br />

playmasterfullyfromthe pivot<br />

position, while GeorgeWebster<br />

wasanother Ohoka playerto<br />

impresswithanindustrious<br />

performancefromNo6.<br />

ButOxfordhad otherideas.<br />

Inspirational No8Jesse Houston<br />

andplayer­coachStuDalzell led<br />

theway in chippingaway at the<br />

lead.<br />

Withfulltime approaching<br />

Oxford trailed 24­31.<br />

Another key player,Dan<br />

Brooker, scored avital trytoMatt<br />

Roberts levelled witha<br />

conversion.<br />

Oxford surged back on attack,<br />

anddeep in injurytime,secondfive<br />

Duane Patonscored thetry<br />

that leftOhokadistraught,but<br />

with twobonus points, andthe<br />

localladselated.<br />

Scoreboard: Oxford 38 (Toni<br />

Baker­Joass, Jesse Houston (2),<br />

StuDalzell, DanBrooker,Duane<br />

Patontries; Matt Roberts 4<br />

conversions) beat Ohoka 31 (Jack<br />

Wedlake, Angus Gunn (2),Ryan<br />

McCallum, JadeNuku Nuku<br />

tries; PaddyMcCallum 3<br />

conversions).<br />

Saracens vAshley<br />

Saracens left LoburnDomain<br />

with theRakahuri Shield after a<br />

20­14victoryoverAshleyinan<br />

Combined<br />

Comp!!!!<br />

Saturday APRIL 9.<br />

Challenging the best of<br />

Ellesmere and Mid <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Pool A<br />

Methven vsWoodend, Methven 2:45 pm<br />

Lincoln vs Oxford, Lincoln 2:45 pm<br />

Darfield vs Ashley, Darfield 2:45 pm<br />

Pool B<br />

Rolleston vs Kaiapoi, Rolleston 2:45pm<br />

Prebbleton vsHurunui,<br />

Prebbleton 2:45:pm<br />

often­bizarre season opener.<br />

Afterapromising start, the<br />

game unfolded into atypicalearly<br />

seasonencounter.<br />

Errorsaboundedwithapenalty<br />

count that at leastgavethe<br />

playersarest.Therewere two<br />

yellow card scenarios,agolden<br />

oldiescrum following thenew<br />

scrum re­setrule,and an incident<br />

involving anonplayer getting too<br />

excited on thesideline, and<br />

interferingwiththe ball that was<br />

in reachofthe touch line.<br />

Saracenslooked thebetterof<br />

thetwo sidesintheopening<br />

phases.<br />

Atry was butcheredbeforeit<br />

scoredthrough half­back Liam<br />

Dunseath. Theleadlookedlike it<br />

would be extended, butthe more<br />

Saracensattacked the more<br />

confident Ashleybecame.<br />

Ashley’sresolute defence<br />

turned into attack as near theend<br />

of thefirst half Tyler Power<br />

scoredfollowedbyaJosh<br />

Duckworth try, and Ashley went<br />

to thebreak ahead14­10.<br />

Ashley looked thebetterteam<br />

formuch of the secondspell,but<br />

many promising attacks turned to<br />

nothing.<br />

With15 minutes remaining<br />

Saracensmadethemost of arare<br />

attacking opportunity andBrett<br />

Hancox dotted down.Ricky Allin<br />

duly converted andadded a<br />

penaltyonly afew minutes from<br />

time to seal thewin.<br />

Scoreboard: Saracens20(Liam<br />

Dunseath, BrettHancoxtries;<br />

RickyAllin 2conversions,2<br />

penalties) beat Ashley 14 (Tyler<br />

Power,JoshDuckworth tries;<br />

NathanEmery 2conversions).<br />

Kaiapoi vHurunui<br />

ACovid­ridden Kaiapoi team–<br />

13 playersfromtheirDivision1<br />

squadand twooftheir coaches<br />

were struckdown with thevirus<br />

on Saturday –stillmanagedto<br />

hold theupper handfor the<br />

majority of the matchagainst<br />

Hurunui.<br />

Thenortherners shotout to a7<br />

point lead virtually fromthe kickoff,<br />

when Kaiapoi made thefirst<br />

of amyriad of handlingerrors<br />

andThomasMaxwellgratefully<br />

collected aloose balland<br />

sprinted over.<br />

It held the lead tilllate in ahalf<br />

that wasfull of mistakes from<br />

both sides butthe writing wason<br />

thewallasKaiapoi established<br />

Pool C<br />

Saracens vs Southern,<br />

Southbrook Park<br />

Home Round<br />

Glenmark Cheviot vsOhoka,<br />

Omihi 2.45pm<br />

Printed draw proudly supported by<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Yourhome forlocal property<br />

<strong>08</strong>00 789 1011<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017Ltd |Licensed Agent REAA20<strong>08</strong><br />

On the charge ... Kaiapoi’s dangerous Reuben Tiweka evades the desperate clutches of Hurunui No 8Ben<br />

Funnell on his way to scoring one of his two tries.<br />


early dominance at scrum time.<br />

Allthree starting front­rowers<br />

putinimpressiveperformances,<br />

notjustinthe scrums.<br />

RyanClark topped the tackle<br />

count while Nathan Cassidy­<br />

Richards in particular,and Luka<br />

Tootoo showed up withanumber<br />

of bullocking runs.<br />

Whenthe bench was utilised in<br />

thesecondhalf, thefront row<br />

replacementscontinuedto<br />

impress.<br />

ZacAndrews showed he willbe<br />

an invaluableasset to hisnew<br />

teamwhile IniaToadisplayed his<br />

mobility to be on hand to finish off<br />

twosuperbteam tries.<br />

Kaiapoi’sother twotries were<br />

scored by theenterprising<br />

fullbackReuben Tiweka, who<br />

wasbyfarthe best of Kaiapoi’s<br />

backs.<br />

It wasgood to see twolongstandingKaiapoi<br />

surnames back<br />

on the team list.<br />

Former captainMatt<br />

Etheredgestarted the game on<br />

thesideofthe scrumwhileLeo<br />

McConchie, sonofKaiapoi<br />

stalwartCraig,was borrowed<br />

fromthe Coltssquad andshowed<br />

he has plenty of talent, making his<br />

Division 1debutoff the bench at<br />

half­back.<br />

Hurunui putinawholehearted<br />

effort.Its line­speed on<br />

defence was impressive. It was<br />

rewarded late in thegame when<br />

the industrious Jed McDonald<br />

and replacementDigbyHeard<br />

bothscoredopportunisticlate<br />

tries.<br />

Scoreboard: Kaiapoi 27<br />

(ReubenTiweka (2) andIniaToa<br />

(2) tries;TaineJacobs­Lawson 1<br />

conversionand 1penalty) beat<br />

Hurunui 17 (Thomas Maxwell,<br />

Jed McDonald andDigby Heard<br />

tries;SimonSmith 1conversion.)<br />

Woodend v<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot made asolid<br />

start to theseason withsix<br />

debutants gelling wellwith more<br />

experienced players.<br />

Theforwards were ledstrongly<br />

by George Fox and TomBlyth,<br />

eachbeing rewarded with tries,<br />

whileinthe backs, the midfield of<br />

MikeKeane andMatt Jensen<br />

proved strong ondefence,while<br />

making themost ofopportunities<br />

Your local paper,<br />

keeping you<br />

in touch<br />

with your<br />

community<br />

and its people<br />

onattack.<br />

Woodendput upaspirited<br />

performance.<br />

ReoKennett impressedatno8<br />

whilethe five­eighth pairing of<br />

Aidan Wakefield andJoel<br />

Stockwellalso hadfine games.<br />

However, theteam couldillafford<br />

to have two players<br />

despatched to thesin­bin if it<br />

hopedtothreaten aquality outfit<br />

like Glenmark­Cheviot.<br />

Scoreboard: Glenmark­Cheviot<br />

43(George Fox (2), Hayden<br />

O’Donnell, Matt Jensen, Blair<br />

Norton, TomBlythe, Nicholas<br />

Hyde tries; Corrigan Harnett 4<br />

conversions beat Woodend 12<br />

(Liam Good, Jack Clarke tries;<br />

Aidan Wakefield 1conversion).<br />

Saracensisthe only <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>teamtohave ahome<br />

game on Saturday,asattention<br />

turns to theLuisetti Seeds<br />

combined competition.<br />

It plays lastseason’s<br />

champions, Southern.<br />

Ohoka andGlenmark­Cheviot<br />

bothhave abye in theirsection,<br />

sotheywillplay eachother at<br />

Mandeville withpoints going<br />

towardsthe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

onlycompetition.<br />

Locals<br />

Supporting<br />

Locals<br />

www.ncnews.co.nzww.ncnews.co.nz<br />

info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

03 314 8335



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KaiapoiOffice<br />

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The PalmsOffice<br />

03385 0343<br />

thepalms@harcourts.co.nz<br />

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Belfast Office<br />

03 323 6045<br />

belfast@harcourts.co.nz<br />

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mountain views. Adjacent is Chatterton Riverwalking/cycling trail,and<br />

only 20 minutes stroll to the villagecentre.The perfect location for<br />

people who enjoythe peace of living just out of the central village hub.<br />

Lots of specialfeatures in this wellfinished home.Stylish kitchen with<br />

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3 2 1 2<br />

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Web pb.co.nz/HSU11701<br />

Janice Clyma<br />

M 027 434 7090<br />

Location location location<br />

Don'tmiss this opportunity to secureahighprofilesite,just 2.5 km<br />

fromthe Christchurchmotorway and within 16 km of both the central<br />

city and Christchurch International Airport. These two 4ha blocks<br />

wouldbeideal for atradesman's base, or for asmall business with<br />

high traffic volumesduring daylighthoursand highly populatedareas<br />

within an easy commute. Our vendorhas been using the land for<br />

vegetable growingfor decades as thesoil is very fertile andis<br />

described as Waimakariri DeepLoam over sand and KaiapoiSilt Loam<br />

over sand. Continuing market gardening on asmall scale or grazing<br />

cattle are goodoptions.<br />

Deadline Sale closes Thursday 14th<br />

<strong>April</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> at 2.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL93852<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Swannanoa 128 Harpers Road<br />

Rangiora 3/199High Street<br />

Privacy with stream boundary<br />

This soundand attractive three bedroom homeisset well back from<br />

the very quiet Harpers Road.Solidlybuilt, with SummerhillStone and<br />

cedarcladding.Ithas amodern kitchen with two living areas, with<br />

heating provided by alog burner. All northfacing rooms open on to<br />

the large patio,whichisidealfor entertaining. The largecarport<br />

attached to the house could have avarietyofusesand there is a<br />

separate two car garage, witha6m x3mattached studio.Sixteen<br />

bays of sheds offermany possibilities. The highly regarded, decile 10<br />

Clarkville primary school is close by. This property is five minutesfrom<br />

the motorwayand thereis asealed road to the gate.<br />

3 1 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 19th<br />

<strong>April</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

View Sun 10 Apr 12.00 -12.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL85766<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

3/199 High Street, Rangiora to Lease<br />

•166sqm floorarea<br />

•High foottrafficretail area in Rangiora CBD<br />

•Modern kitchen and bathrooms<br />

•Rear loading bay for easy access<br />

Comeand experiencethe vibrancyofRangiora's main street in this<br />

prime location sited among boutique clothes shops, Farmers, cafesand<br />

the local council building. One of four tenants in thefully renovated<br />

historic postoffice, excellent streetfrontage on the sunny north facing<br />

side attracts families,office workers and destination shoppersfrom<br />

Christchurch who enjoyRangiora's verandah town atmosphere. Be part<br />

of the hugegrowthin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and secure this rare<br />

opportunitytolease aproperty with plenty of space.<br />

For Lease By Negotiation<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RC14474<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M 021 312 230<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 20<strong>08</strong> |pb.co.nz<br />


Local boys win rowing gold<br />

ROWING<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> boysSam Earl, Josh<br />

Hamer, Max Walsh, Harry Cournane and<br />

Dom Morgan all brought home medals from<br />

the Maadi Regatta lastweekend.<br />

Sam,JoshandMaxwerepartof thenine<br />

strong Under 17 coxedeightfrom StBede’s<br />

Collegethat wongold.<br />

Samwon asilverinthe U174+ andHarry<br />

and Dom were alsosilver medallists in the<br />

Under 18 Novicecoxedfour. Thefivelads<br />

were part of the19­strong StBede’ssquad.<br />

The crew picked up gold medalsatthe<br />

South IslandSecondarySchoolschamps<br />

two weeks earlier in theU17 8+,U17 4+,<br />

U16 4+, Novice 4+and Novice8+events.<br />

Covid restrictionsmeantthat some<br />

rowers missed theregatta duetothe<br />

reduced numberofraces on offer. Overall<br />

St Bede’sfinished third in the Executive<br />

Trophy at theMaadiregatta.<br />

St Bede’s College Rowing Club<br />

chairperson Kerry Walsh says the boy’s<br />

strength, determination and dedication has<br />

paid dividendsinaseasonthathas proved<br />

challenging.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Winners ... The St Bede’s under­17 coxed eight celebrates with the gold medal.<br />

35<br />


Call Aaronfor<br />

genuine, friendly<br />

service from amultiple<br />

award winning agent.<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

Residential, Lifestyle &Commercial SalesConsultant<br />

M 027873 5121 P 03 3138022 E aaronc@pb.co.nz<br />

Proudtobehere<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 20<strong>08</strong><br />

Firewood for sale<br />

Based in Amberley<br />

Gum<br />

Macrocrapa<br />

Old man pine<br />

Radiata pine<br />

Black poplar<br />

All woodsold per metre<br />

&subject to availability.<br />

Free delivery&use<br />

of trailer within 15k of<br />

Amberley<br />

2459187<br />

Firewood<br />

SPILT old man pine, 3.7<br />

$300, 3.7 Macrocarpa<br />

$400. Ph 021 993 497.<br />

Phone 0274 438 462<br />

or 0274 312 014<br />

Property Wanted<br />



MEAT2U.NZ<br />

313 0022<br />

Automotive Services<br />

CARAVANS &<br />


Interior &exterior repairs,<br />

maintenance & upgrades,<br />

based in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Solar, satellite, awning<br />

installations. Sheetmetal,<br />

light engineering &welding<br />

services. Professional<br />

coach builder specializing<br />

in the RV industry 25 years.<br />

Call Darryl @ Advanced<br />

Auto Homes 027 220 6566.<br />

WANTED<br />

Doer upper preferably with outbuildings<br />

ongood size section.<br />

About $600k<br />

Phone John 021 978 348<br />

2466978<br />

Livestock<br />

SUFFOLK and Cheviot 1<br />

shear rams, some suitable<br />

for hogget mating. Ph 0204<br />

001 7452 or after hours 03<br />

314 7511.<br />



Advertise your trade or service in our<br />

Trusted Trades &Professional Services<br />

Phone Amanda today on 03 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

and see how we can help get your business noticed<br />

Terrible<br />

<br />

Debt<br />

<br />

<br />

a free and<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Kiwisaver<br />

teach<br />

manage<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

the Waimakariri<br />

or Hurunui<br />

District<br />

www.bsnc.org.nz<br />

<br />

other agencies<br />

<br />

Sharon Grant <br />

<br />

<br />

Find us on Facebook: (Budgeting Services <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>)<br />

Supported by: <br />

<br />

Registered Charity Number: CC10710<br />

Public Notices<br />

Come along to the Amberley Pool and join one of the<br />

FREE ‘Have aGo’ 40 minute aqua fitness sessions.<br />

These sessions will run on both the 11th and 13th of<br />

<strong>April</strong>.<br />

At 11am we will have the Aqua Gentle Class which<br />

is ashallow water session for beginners to improve<br />

cardiovascular fitness.<br />

At 12.30pm we will have the Aqua Blast Class which<br />

is across training session including aqua circuit,<br />

aqua boxing, core strength training and more.<br />

There isnoneed to book, just come along and join in<br />

on the fun!<br />

2472609<br />


r<br />

Public Notices<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Five Kings Hospitality Ltd T/A<br />

The Station Cafe & Shop,<br />

2Blackett St, Rangiora has<br />

made application to the<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Rangiora for the renewal<br />

of a On-Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated at 2<br />

Blackett Street, Rangiora or<br />

the Restaurant/Bar known as<br />

The Station Cafe &Shop.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to be<br />

conducted) under the licence<br />

is Cafe/Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be) sold<br />

under the licence remain<br />

Sunday - Thursday: 8am -<br />

11pm. Friday -Saturday: 8am<br />

-midnight.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office of the<br />

Waimakariri District Licensing<br />

Committee at 215 High<br />

Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may, not later than 15<br />

working days after the date of<br />

the publication of this notice,<br />

file anoticein<br />

writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of the<br />

Waimakariri District Licensing<br />

Committee at Private Bag<br />

1005, Rangiora 7440 or email<br />

to records@wmk.govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made in<br />

relation to amatterother than<br />

amatter specified in section<br />

131 of the Sale and Supply of<br />

Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the first publication of<br />

this notice.<br />


What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

All Redinfo traffic onchanges light restrictions to Council are services in placeand -visit facilities waimakariri.govt.nz can be found atfor waimakariri.govt.nz/covid19<br />

further informantion.<br />

Dra Annual Plan Feedback Closes<br />

The Council want to thank residents for their<br />

feedback on the Dra Annual Plan <strong>2022</strong>/23. Your<br />

feedback is important tohelp inform the decisions<br />

Council make when planning for the District’s future.<br />

The Dra Annual Plan <strong>2022</strong>/23 includes a<br />

proposed 4.3% rates rise –only 0.1% higher than<br />

predicted –and allows the Council to continue to<br />

deliver services at ahigh level despite lower than<br />

expected central funding contributions.<br />

The Council will meet in early May to consider<br />

the feedback received and hear from submitters<br />

before making changes to the final plan which is<br />

adopted in June.<br />

Roading Round-up<br />

Work continues on the Rangiora sewer project. The<br />

intersection at Church and Queen Streets isclosed<br />

now and access to the Dudley Aquatic Centre and<br />

netball courts will be from the south only.<br />

There is afull closure of the Queen/King Streets<br />

roundabout planned from Tuesday 19<strong>April</strong> for<br />

three weeks to coincide with school holidays and<br />

minimise disruption.<br />

Anew water main is beinginstalled alongHigh Street<br />

near WestonPlace in Rangiora andstop/go traffic<br />

management may be in place at times.<br />

Johns Road, Rangiora is closed to westbound<br />

traffic from Townsend Road/West Belt. This is to<br />

install service connections for the new subdivision<br />

and the construction of new footpath and kerbing<br />

along the south side of Johns Road. Detours via<br />

Oxford or Fernside Road toLehmans Road.<br />

There will be signage in place. Pleasefollowdirections<br />

and takecare in the area. Thanks foryourpatience.<br />

Improve the Riverside near Rangiora<br />

Our colleagues at Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>are looking<br />

forfeedback on howtoimproveanarea thatincludes<br />

both banksofthe Ashley River/Rakahuri to thenorth<br />

of Rangiora racetrack andMillton Memorial Reserve.<br />

We areworkingonaplantodevelopanarea we call<br />

‘RangioraReach’whichispartofthe Ashley Rakahuri<br />

RegionalPark.<br />

It includes both banks of the Ashley River/Rakahuri,<br />

from Dunlops Road to Beatties Road on the north<br />

side near Ashley, and Merton Road toSmarts Road<br />

on the south side near Rangiora.<br />

This area is part of our flood protection<br />

infrastructure known as the Ashley River/Rakahuri<br />

Flood Protection Scheme. The goal is to create<br />

an environment that people can enjoy while<br />

prioritising community safety and flood resilience.<br />

We’ll be using your feedback to identify and<br />

prioritise works that will aim to increase<br />

community connection to the river.<br />

Find out more at haveyoursay.ecan.govt.nz/projects<br />

Foil items<br />

belong in<br />

the bin.<br />

Scrap metal<br />

including lids can<br />

also be dropped at<br />

the Transfer Station<br />

for free.<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />

IS YOUR<br />


ON TRACK?<br />

Learn how to develop asuccessful funding strategy<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

—<br />

Funding Strategy workshop<br />

Wednesday 13 <strong>April</strong> 9.30am –12pm<br />

Woodend Community Centre<br />

$20 per person<br />

For more detailsvisit waimakariri.govt.nz/ontrack<br />

or contact Wendy Howe 021 432 028<br />

required<br />

Registration essential<br />

My Book Bag<br />

Pick up aselection personally<br />

chosen foryou.<br />

Our librarians canchoose items foryoubased<br />

on your preferences. Deliveryoptionsavailable<br />

for over 70s or immunocompromised.<br />

Order Now<br />

waimakaririlibraries.com/mybookbag<br />

03 311 8901<br />

<br />

<br />

This FREE classroom based course will<br />

<br />

rules and safe driving practices. It will<br />

also increase your knowledge about other<br />

transport options.<br />

Wednesday 20 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, 10am-2pm<br />

MainPower Oval, 216 Eastbelt Rangiora<br />

RSVP to Age Concern <strong>Canterbury</strong> on<br />

03 331 78<strong>08</strong> by Wednesday 13 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.

Public Notices<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

37<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />


FOR A<br />


PROJECT?<br />

Your Community Board can support<br />

your project with grant funding.<br />

Application forms and grant criteria are available<br />

online or from any Council Service Centre. For more<br />

information about funding visit the Council website.<br />

Find out more at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/communitygrants<br />

Ablocked drain?<br />

New pothole?<br />

Fallen tree?<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Summit Hospitality Ltd, Five<br />

Stags Rangiora has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the renewal of<br />

a On-Licence in respect of<br />

the premises situated at 3/29<br />

Huntingdon Drive, Arlington,<br />

Rangiora or the Restaurant/Bar<br />

known as Five Stags Rangiora.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to be<br />

conducted) under the licence<br />

is Tavern.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol is<br />

(or is intended to be) sold under<br />

the licence remain Sunday to<br />

Thursday: 8am -11pm. Friday<br />

&Saturday: 8am -1am (the<br />

following day).<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office of the<br />

Waimakariri District Licensing<br />

Committee at 215 High Street,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled to<br />

object and who wishes to object<br />

to the issue of the licence may,<br />

not later than 15 working days<br />

after the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anoticein<br />

writing of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />

7440 or email to records@<br />

wmk.govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the renewal of a<br />

licence may be made in relation<br />

to amatter other than amatter<br />

specified in section 131 of the<br />

Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012.<br />

This is the second publication<br />

of this notice. This notice was<br />

first published on 31st March<br />

<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

247<strong>08</strong>75v2<br />

For Lease<br />

FOR LEASE:<br />

304 FLAXTON ROAD<br />


Easter and ANZAC Refuseand Recycling Arrangements<br />

Some refuse and recycling collection days are changing over Easter and ANZAC. This also applies to some<br />

ruralcollection points.<br />

Monday 18 <strong>April</strong>and<br />

Monday 25 <strong>April</strong><br />

Tuesday 19 <strong>April</strong>and<br />

Tuesday 26 <strong>April</strong><br />

Wednesday 20 <strong>April</strong> and<br />

Wednesday 27 <strong>April</strong><br />

Thursday21<strong>April</strong>and<br />

Thursday28<strong>April</strong><br />

No Collections-Public Holiday<br />

Hanmer Springs, Mt Lyford and Gore Bay<br />

Amberley,AmberleyBeach, Leithfield, Leithfield Beach, Cheviot,<br />

Waipara,Scargill, Omihi, Greta Valleyand MotunauBeach<br />

Waiau,Rotherham,Culverden,Waikari andHawarden<br />

• OnlyHurunui Council bags will becollected,theseare available fromvariousoutletsinHurunui.<br />

• Bagsmust be securely tiedand at thekerbsideorcouncil collectionpointby8am. Collection timesmay vary<br />

to normal,and the crew willnot return to collect bagsplacedout late.<br />

• Refuse bags mustnotexceed 15kg in weight. Bags split priortothe crew’sarrivaland non-official bagswill<br />

not be collected.<br />

• Bundlesofcardboardwill not be collected butcan be recycled viaany transferstation.<br />

What is accepted viathe recycling collectionsif it is cleanand looseinaCouncil recyclingbag?<br />

• <strong>News</strong>papers,magazines,office paper andtelephone directories.<br />

• Cardboard,greetings cards,junkmail,envelopes,andegg boxes.<br />

• Food, drink, and pet food cans.<br />

• Rigid plastic bottlesand small containers, types1,2and 5with lids removed.<br />

What cannot be recycled?<br />

Soft plastics, plastics 3, 4, 6and 7, tetrapaks, polystyrene (including meat trays), plant pots,plasticstrapping,<br />

clothing, food-stained paper or card,coffee cups, plasticlids,foil trays andfood wasteare notrecyclable-if<br />

in doubt throw it out.<br />

Do not put glass bottlesinrecyclingbags, thesecan be recycled via any transferstation.<br />

ALLTransfer Stationsare Closedon:<br />

• Good Friday Friday15<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

• Easter Monday Monday18<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

• ANZAC Day Monday25<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

2469924<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph <strong>08</strong>00 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

ANY old cars, anything pre<br />

1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />

Classic Cars. Please call<br />

027 258 8366.<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

WANTED to buy Ford,<br />

Holden, Chrysler or<br />

Chev’s, Classic cars. Any<br />

other types considered, any<br />

condition. Please phone<br />

Tony 027 313 5000.<br />

Motorcycles<br />

WOF your motorcycle or<br />

light trailer at South Pacific<br />

Motorcycle Services, Mandeville.<br />

Ph 03 312 0066<br />

office@motorbiketours.co.nz.<br />

Gardening<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. For a quote, phone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

Use the free Snap Send Solve app to tell<br />

Waimakariri District Council about it.<br />


Visit our website to find out more<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Warehouse /<br />

Workshop /<br />

Storage<br />

200-500m 2 Floor<br />

2863m 2 Land<br />

Currently split into<br />

twoequal spaces.<br />

Leaseone or both.<br />

Large secure yard<br />

for storage or<br />

parking.<br />

Phone: Simon<br />

027 412 5832<br />

2471676<br />

Situations Vacant<br />


Person required for weekend<br />

help over winter with<br />

feeding out &break fencing<br />

to beef animals. Experience<br />

driving tractors preferred,<br />

working with full<br />

time staff. Okuku area.<br />

Phone 027 924 6619.<br />

2469322<br />

We are building anew Trade Team!<br />

This is your chance to be apart of something special in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

We want only the very best, as the potential here is unlimited.<br />

If you think you’re good enough, and can prove it please apply.<br />

Trade Sales Rep Building Quotes &Estimator Trade Sales Support<br />

This is an opportunity to really shine!<br />

Do you like people?<br />

Are you part of the building industry?<br />

Can you fix problems?<br />

Are you professional in your endeavours?<br />

If you have experience in any of these roles please forward your written<br />

application including your CV to:<br />

McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA, Private Bag 1003, Rangiora 7440<br />

or email: applications@mcalpines.co.nz<br />

Please specify which position you are applying for.


38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

StormwaterEngineer<br />

The HurunuiDistrict Council is looking foranenthusiastic person to help us deliver<br />

longtermassetcapital improvement strategies for our District’s stormwater systems.<br />

Workingasthe StormwaterEngineer will put you at theforefrontofthe creationand<br />

ongoing operation of our community’s critical infrastructure, with adirect influence<br />

on the formand shape of our urban andrural environment.<br />

The positionwillbeinvolved in stormwater management planning, consultation, and<br />

the scheduling of capital expenditure for our stormwater systems, working under<br />

limited supervision within adefined area of responsibility on projects with drainage<br />

and flooding elements. You will be responsible for checking thequality and accuracy<br />

of your own and otherswork. The rolewill encompassdevelopment of hydrological<br />

and hydraulic models, reportsand other documentation.<br />

Youwill play akey role in providing technical expertise for the planning and<br />

implementation of best-practicestormwater management systems and work within<br />

amulti-disciplinary team oflike-minded professionals. We need someone who<br />

can work on arangeofvaried stormwaterprojects, including watersensitiveurban<br />

design. Youwill be aself-starter withgreatideasand an enquiringmind whoenjoys<br />

seeking innovative solutions. Inaddition, you will communicate and manage time<br />

welland have agood eye for detail. Arecognised engineeringqualification to the role<br />

and experience in the provision of stormwater willbewell regarded.<br />

Thispermanent fulltime positionisbasedinour Amberley office, about45minutes’<br />

drive north of Christchurch. Amberley is the entrance tothe Waipara wine-growing<br />

region and on the way to our awardwinningHanmer SpringsThermal Pools andSpa.<br />

No parkingortraffic hassles,scenic vistas in abundance, competitive remuneration,<br />

flexible employment conditions and friendly, family oriented staff toshare in your<br />

worklife.<br />

Formore informationabout the position description (PD)and howtoapply go to our<br />

careers websitehttp://hurunui.currentjobs.co.nz.<br />

Enquiries to brett.beer@hurunui.govt.nz phone027 520 2426.<br />

Applications close Monday <strong>April</strong> 18 <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

2471630<br />

WANTED<br />

Person to help<br />

split firewood<br />

for asmall<br />

wood yard<br />

Amberley based.<br />

Part time and flexible<br />

hours.<br />

2472042<br />

Splitters have<br />

mechanical lifters.<br />

Ph 0274 438 462<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

<strong>08</strong>00 661 244.<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Trade &Services<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BUILDERS Father &son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads,<br />

no job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Phone 027 318 4400.<br />


BUILDERS!!<br />

•Tired ofbeing on the tools?<br />

•Isittime in life for aChange?<br />

•Got computer skills?<br />

•Enjoy larger construction projects?<br />


Join NZ’s leading commercial door manufacturer<br />

right here in Rangiora and be part ofadynamic<br />

team bringing your experience and expertise to door<br />

supply packages for some of NZ’s largest projects.<br />

You will be deciphering architect’s drawings,<br />

preparing door schedules, communicating with,<br />

and visiting site and monitoring your projects<br />

through production.<br />

This is averyresponsible position, and you will be<br />

rewarded very handsomely if you have the skills<br />

and what it takes. Email us now with your details<br />

and aCVto:<br />

ron@hallmarkgroup.co.nz<br />

Hallmark Group Ltd. Rangiora<br />

Trade &Services<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $80 single<br />

story. <strong>08</strong>00 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl <strong>08</strong>00 882 772.<br />

FIRE GUARDS Custom<br />

made with safety latch.<br />

Phone 021 169 9066. E:<br />

pjfabricators123@gmail.com.<br />

HOMEKILL & Wild<br />

Game meat processing. Ph<br />

313 0022. www.meat2u.nz.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 69<strong>08</strong>.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

2220615<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Reg Tradesman<br />

Interior,exterior.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />

specialising in decorating for<br />

over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />

Free quotes.<br />

Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />

Rob 03 327 7899<br />

or 027 432 3520 2227597<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />


Movemen Ltd<br />

2Men &agood sized truck.<br />

From $150 plus GST per hour.<br />

Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

movemen.co.nz<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 <strong>08</strong>00 368 468<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

2469858<br />

KITCHEN,<br />

renovations,<br />

pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />

reliable licenced builders.<br />

Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />


WITH PASSION! Local<br />

painter with 30 years of<br />

quality and integrity in all<br />

aspects of painting. Phone<br />

Mike on 021 0903 8546.<br />

2401953<br />

Trade &Services<br />

bathroom,<br />

decking, SCREEN PRINTING.<br />

For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

2362002<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

027 216 0000<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. — Ph. 03-<br />

423-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

027 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />

Guide<br />

2225862<br />

2434390<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Arborist<br />

Accountant<br />

Automotive &Recovery<br />

Builder<br />

2435705<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Tree Services<br />

Tree felling, cutting and<br />

clearing service, including<br />

stump grinding<br />

Insured qualified and<br />

certified arborists<br />

0274 537 834<br />

northcantytrees378@gmail.com<br />

Debra Jowsey &Karla Kilner<br />

Ph 03 314 9480<br />

We help with all Taxreturns for the<br />

salary &wage earner,self employed,rental,<br />

business,farm,GST,pay dayfiling, rentalreturns<br />

2287949<br />

2070788<br />

• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />

• Vehicle Servicing &<br />

Repairs<br />

• Tyres &Punctures<br />

• Jump Starts<br />

•<br />

Towing &Salvage<br />

• Courtesy Car Available<br />

Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />

0272 588 366<br />

13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />

Swannanoa<br />

Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />

• New Builds &Renovations<br />

• Light Commercial /Re-strengthening<br />

• Project Management<br />

• Bathrooms<br />

• Farm Buildings<br />

• House Lifting Re-piling<br />

• Shop Fit Outs<br />

24<strong>08</strong>831<br />

40+ years experience<br />

027 222 5078<br />

markw.hills@xtra.co.nz<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />


2227889v2<br />

Cattle Problems<br />

• Live Humane Capture<br />

• Trucking<br />

• Tagging<br />

• Testing<br />

• Sale of unruly, difficult, pesky<br />

cattle<br />

Profit share 50-50<br />

Craig Flintoft 03 312 9432<br />

craigflintoft@gmail.com<br />

2459888<br />

Chimney Sweeping<br />

$70 Chimney Sweeping<br />

Waimakariri and Hurunui wide!<br />

Chimney fires are extremely dange<br />

erous<br />

and can spread to other areas of your<br />

home. Make sure your home is safe<br />

this winter and get your chimney<br />

swept today!<br />

Book now! Call/Text 020 4121 0967 or<br />

message us on Facebook at Hurunuiui Chimney Sweeping<br />

2470290<br />




Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

Ear Health<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

Bruce Evans<br />

131 Ohoka Road<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

03 327 3111<br />

021 293 6331<br />

compucare@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.compucare.co.nz<br />

Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />

Prompt professional services<br />

2276525v2<br />

Virus &malware removal<br />

New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

2273277<br />

• Ear Health checks.<br />

• Wax removal using Microsuction<br />

• Removal of foreign bodies<br />

• Basic hearing aid care<br />

Clinics in Rangiora, Amberley and Kaiapoi<br />

Rest homes/retirement villages, booking by prior arrangement.<br />

Bookings: Online www.earcare.nz |Phone 020 4124 25 25<br />

Email alison@earcare.nz | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

2324849<br />

• ACC provider<br />

• WarVeteran provider<br />

• No medical referral<br />

required<br />



* I S<br />

HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />

Hedge Cutting /Tree Topping<br />

Electrician<br />

Engineering<br />

242<strong>08</strong>41<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue8<strong>08</strong> | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />

▪ Painting ▪ Gardening<br />

▪ Fencing ▪ Lawn mowing<br />

▪ All General Maintenance<br />

Performed to the highest<br />

standard by a straight up,<br />

honest, Handy Guy<br />

No job too small!<br />

Flat hourly rate, no hidden surprises!<br />

THE<br />

HANDY<br />

GUY!<br />

Handyman<br />

Call Guy “The Handy Guy” Now<br />

0275 040 658<br />

Painter /Plasterer<br />

HURUNUI Painting<br />

• Qualified tradesmen, quick,neat and friendly.<br />

• Reasonable rates. • Interior /exterior painting.<br />

• Interior plastering &wallpapering.<br />

• Spray painting &water blasting.<br />

P: Rod Hermes 027 414 <strong>08</strong>30 or 03 314 2391<br />

E: r.hermes@xtra.co.nz<br />

2394026v2<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274 818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />



❖ Tree Topping ❖ Hedge/Shelter belt cutting<br />

❖ Gorse Hedge &Under Pivot cutting<br />

❖ Vegetation mulching<br />


Call Craig<br />

027 222 1632<br />

or <strong>08</strong>00 SNIP IT<br />

Email<br />

craig@treesnip.co.nz<br />


2452097<br />

www.treesnip.co.nz<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Supply and Install<br />

of Seamless Gutters<br />

10 year no leaks<br />

guarantee<br />

• Continuous spouting made on site,<br />

large colour range available<br />

• High grade and thicker material used<br />

• Repair or replace any type of gutter<br />

• Undertake all insurance work<br />

• Independently owned and operated<br />

• Competitive pricing<br />

Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />

Call Danie 021 875 462<br />

2359362<br />


• All Commercial &Residential electrical work<br />

• Fault finding and Test &tag<br />

• Heat pumps, TV comms /Data<br />

Daniel Parkin P 03 314 3706 |022 642 7078<br />

Dirk Potgieter P 03 960 3798 |022 658 3344<br />

E quicksill@gmail.com | W agr8sparky.co.nz<br />

2130 Omihi Road, Greta Valley, 7483<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

Plumbing<br />

2464654<br />

For all<br />

general<br />

aspects of<br />

plumbing<br />

Discounts for over<br />

65 years old<br />

Fast friendly service<br />

All work guaranteed<br />

Aaron McCartney<br />

Certifying Plumber<br />

Cell 027 366 9091<br />

A/H 03 310 2137<br />

Free Call:<br />

05<strong>08</strong> 44EVER<br />

EMAIL:<br />

plumber_27@yahoo.com<br />

2172994<br />

2269236<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Possum Fur<br />


Minimum quantity 10kg – Machine or Hand Plucked<br />

If hand plucked, no skin or epidermis.<br />

No Tail Fur and No Belly Fur<br />

Weft Knitting Co.<br />

Est. 1982 Christchurch<br />

Merino Possum Knitwear Manufacturer<br />

Phone (03) 379 5314 hugh@weft.co.nz<br />

Tools &Equipment<br />

SALES<br />

PARTS<br />




Water Blasters, Log Splitters, Generators,<br />

Air Compressors, Water Pumps, Air Tools, Spray<br />

Equipment, Replacement Ag Seats, Small Motors.<br />

Free local machinerydelivery.<br />

Richard Black www.BLAX.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>owned &operated<br />

2435547v2<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Landscaping<br />

Possum Fur<br />

247<strong>08</strong>78<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Arthur BurkeLtd<br />

Trusted in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> since1935<br />

2017 Nissan Qashqai Ti<br />

2015 Mazda CX-5 GSX<br />

2019 Holden Trax LTZ<br />

2013 Holden Commodore<br />

VF SV6<br />

2.0 Petrol, 54,850km, Towbar, Sunroof, Leather,<br />

Reversing Camera<br />


NOW<br />

WAS $28,995<br />

$26,995<br />

2.5P AWD, 105,000km, NZ New, Towbar, Reversing<br />

Camera<br />

REDUCED WAS $27,995<br />

NOW<br />

$26,995<br />

1.4 petrol Turbo, 82,000km, Leather, Heated Seats, NZ<br />

New<br />

REDUCED WAS $21,995<br />

NOW<br />

$19,995<br />

169,500km, Reversing Camera & Sensors<br />

REDUCED WAS $20,995<br />

NOW<br />

$18,995<br />

2020 Mazda CX-9<br />

Takami<br />

2019 Hyundai Santa<br />

Fe TM<br />

2017 Toyota Hilux<br />

SR5 Limited<br />

2018 Ford Ranger<br />

XLT<br />

2018 Mazda CX5<br />

LTD<br />

SOLD<br />


SOON<br />

2.5 PetrolTurbo,29,000km, Towbar,<br />

BalanceofWarranty<br />

2.2 Diesel Turbo,Low km’s 37,000km,1NZ<br />

NewOwner<br />

4x4,Auto, 113,000km, Hard lid, Bull bar<br />

4x4,Auto, 95,000km, Towbar,Canopy,<br />

Reversing Camera<br />

2.5PAWD,49,000km, Leather Seats,<br />

Sunroof<br />

$60,995<br />

$52,995<br />

$50,995<br />

$48,995<br />

$40,995<br />

2013 Mercedes Benz<br />

ML350 Blue Tec<br />

2014 Ford Ranger<br />

XLT<br />

2014 Mazda 3GLX<br />

2013 Ford Territory<br />

Titanium<br />

2015 HoldenCaptiva<br />

5LTZ<br />

Diesel, Immaculate ConditionNZNew,<br />

142,000km,Towbar<br />

4x4,Auto, Towbar,Canopy, Roof Racks,<br />

Reversing Camera<br />

2.0L, LowKm’s36,000km, Reversing<br />

Camera, NZ New, very tidyexample<br />

2.7LDiesel, AWD, Towbar,ParkingSensors,<br />

LeatherSeats<br />

2.2 Diesel,AWD,78,000km, Towbar, 1NZNew<br />

Owner<br />

$34,995<br />

$29,995<br />

$20,995<br />

$19,995<br />

$18,995<br />

3YEARS<br />

5YEARS<br />

5YEARS<br />

100,000KM<br />






5YEARS<br />

100,000 KM<br />






Mazda2, Mazda6, MX-5, CX-3, CX-5, CX-8 &CX-9<br />

Mazda3 &CX-30<br />

2465169<br />

Sales: Tim 03 3140135 |Service: Michael 03 3140131<br />

MarkhamStreet,Amberley<br />

www.arthurburke.co.nz<br />


Established 1935

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