Mahana Stories

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This last few months has led us to reflect

on what’s important - people, our

health. Also to question what’s not

important - consumerism and buying

things that we’ve been living without.


COVID has shown us how weak humans

are. We need to take better care of

ourselves, each other, the environment.

We’re all connected - animals, nature

and the human race and we all need

to contribute.

Helping older people is ingrained in our

culture, but there are a lot of older

people here who don’t have their

family around to support them. Some

are being exploited by their children or

the people they are living with and

don’t know where to get help.

Some really struggled with the basics of

life - they couldn’t access their money

as they didn’t have online banking. It

was very difficult - they had the money

but they couldn’t pay for anything. It’s

not just about knowing how to use

technology, there’s a cost to digital

connection and not everyone has that.

It’s been very important that we check

in on people and make sure they’re ok.

For myself, because I know what

knowledge is available and how to

access it, I’ve used this time and

learned a lot.

Older people have time and

wisdom and we want to share our

skills. We’re always thinking ‘where

can we contribute.’

We’ve shared an

experience - something

mutual to connect about

and that’s important but

in order to connect you

have to first feel safe.

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