Mahana Stories

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Whose stories are these?

What can we learn from them?

Each of the stories in this pack represent a group of people who spoke to

us. They are not intended to represent the experience of all New

Zealanders. They do however raise questions about how we build,

support and value intergenerational connection and what we might do

differently whatever our role or interest in this area.

John’s story draws on conversations with older

people living active, connected, independent lives

in urban environments. While comfortable

connecting online, they found lockdown had a

substantial impact on their social connectedness,

taking away access to the places and spaces where

they found connection.

How might we enable places and spaces of safe

connection during a time of pandemic?

Nikau’s story draws on conversations with a

diverse group of rangatahi / young people and

those working closely with young people across

Aotearoa / New Zealand.

How might we acknowledge the power and

encourage the development of ‘grandparent’

relationships - biological or not?

Aroha’s story draws on conversations we had with

wahine and tāne in rural communities with strong

community responses to COVID19. These mostly

younger people mobilised their communities to

quickly and effectively pool available resources and

take care of those most vulnerable to the virus

How might communities be supported and

resourced to respond to the needs of their members

in a way that works for them?

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