Mahana Stories

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My grandparents are really special to

me. I’ve always been able to talk to

them about anything and they gave

me somewhere I could learn and

grow, especially when things weren’t

great at home.

When uni closed and I had to come

home for lockdown I found that hard

and I lost my way a bit. Luckily my

grandparents are pretty tech-savvy

so we could stay in touch but I did

miss being able to visit them. As soon

as I was able to, I moved over to stay

with them. They got me back on


I just think grandparents think

differently than parents on how to

support us as young people.

.They give a different.

.perspective that helps.

.me.understand.the world.

.and.myself.a little better.

They give me a level of connection to

my whakapapa: where I’m from and

who I am, and that makes me feel

more confident in myself.


When I stay with them I’m able to

support them with more physical

tasks around the house. At the same

time they’re always teaching me

practical skills - from gardening to

cooking and managing my money

and studies. We take care of each

other and I love that I have the

chance to give them something


I wish more people would set aside

time each day, week and month to

spend with their grandparents. It

doesn’t even need to be their own

grandparents, just being with the

elderly, having a laugh and

conversation as much as supporting

and caring for them.

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