Talk 12 May 2022

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TALK OF THE TOWN 12 May 2022 Advertising & Newsdesk: (046) 624-4356 Find us on Facebook 5

From tragedy

to a triumph

O’Sullivan told he’d be in a wheelchair for life


Amonth-and-a-half after

Brendan O’Sullivan was

told he would never be

able to walk again, he sent his

wheelchair back to the hospital.

O’Sullivan was the guest

speaker at a special general

meeting of the Probus Club of

the Kowie at R72 Saloon on

Tuesday May 9.

He spoke about the moment

that changed his daring life of

adventure forever in his talk

titled ‘Turning a Tragedy into

Tr i u m p h ’.

“I was told I would be in a

wheelchair for life,” O’S u l l iva n

recalled. In November 2020,

O’Sullivan was seriously injured

in a fall.

“I broke my back when I

slipped and fell at home.”

He fell nearly 5m, landing

on his back and shattering two

vertebrae which were surgically

removed and replaced with

titanium plates with four screws

each, and a bone graft from his


After his back bone graft

operation, O’Sullivan was told

he would never be able to walk


“I was told I would be in a

wheelchair for life, but after a

month-and-a-half, I sent it back

to hospital and bought myself a

really good all-terrain walker

frame which forced me to walk

and get back my balance,” he


It was his never-say-die

attitude that got him back onto

his feet.

“I had to find that fight

within myself to get up. Not

having any support to help me

also forced me to do everything

on my own,” he said.

“I gained strength and

started the healing process.

“I fought to find a purpose,

turning the disability into a

c a r e e r,” he said.

O’Sullivan now runs a

NEVER-SAY-DIE: Brendan O’Sullivan shares his story of healing after having broken his back in

2020. He spoke at the Probus Club meeting on Tuesday at the R72 Saloon Picture: FAITH QINGA

massage therapy practice in Port

Alfred where he specialises in

deep tissue, manual lymphatic

drainage massage, advanced

reflexology, accupressure, and

sports massage.

Probus Club president, Cyril

Gebhardt, welcomed members

and visitors in attendance and

opened the meeting with

reading the bylaw 3.1 of the

Probus constitution.

The purpose of the special

AGM was for members to vote

to amend the bylaw for

membership to be open to both

men and women. All members

present, including the proxies,

voted in favour of the

amendment to allow women to

join the club as members.









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