International School Parent Magazine - Summer 2022
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<strong>Summer</strong> in<br />
Switzerland <strong>2022</strong><br />
Fantastic family outings<br />
this summer<br />
Should I<br />
take a<br />
Gap Year? <br />
The Swiss<br />
Education<br />
System<br />
An Overview
Leysin American <strong>School</strong> in Switzerland is home to exceptional students from around<br />
the world. Our warm community is steeped in tradition, and we provide an outstanding<br />
education in a supportive environment on our beautiful campus in the Swiss Alps.<br />
We encourage our students to be themselves – creative thinkers who aren’t afraid to<br />
take risks and think outside of the box. We provide them with personalized attention<br />
and diverse course offerings within our IB, AP, and ESL programs. LAS graduates<br />
are independent, innovative thinkers who thrive at top universities across the globe.<br /> +41 24 493 4888<br />
Welcome to the <strong>Summer</strong><br />
edition of <strong>International</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> <strong>Parent</strong> magazine<br />
<strong>Summer</strong>time has arrived! Spring came and went, and time flies so<br />
quickly that it seems like just yesterday I was sitting down with the<br />
team to finish our Spring edition. <br />
It’s safe to say we are on course for a wonderful summer. The<br />
summer edition of <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
brilliantly brings together the latest and greatest happenings in the<br />
international school community!<br />
Contents<br />
06 Meet The Team – Interview With Henri Behar And<br />
Stephanie Walmsley From The JFK <strong>International</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong>, Switzerland<br />
12 Meet The Head – Interview With Marc Ott From The<br />
Leysin American <strong>School</strong><br />
17 <strong>Parent</strong>ing Through Diversity<br />
20 What <strong>Parent</strong>s Say About Academia <strong>School</strong>s<br />
22 Looking Towards University<br />
24 Switzerland Home Of Innovation<br />
26 “A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships”<br />
29 Improving University Experience, 1% At A Time<br />
32 Share The Dream With The Olympic Museum<br />
34 <strong>Summer</strong> In Switzerland <strong>2022</strong><br />
37 Interlaken <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
38 <strong>Summer</strong> At Schilthorn: Adrenalin And Relaxation<br />
For Families<br />
40 Your Next Colourful Getaway To Southern Switzerland<br />
42 Family Holidays In Liechtenstein: Relaxation And<br />
Adventure Await Here<br />
46 Basel<br />
48 On Top Of Mt. Titlis<br />
49 The Swis Education System – An Overview<br />
53 Is A Gap Year Worth It?<br />
56 Supporting Children Through Relocation<br />
60 The True Nature Of Things: Ecolint’s Forest <strong>School</strong><br />
Programme<br />
64 What Is The US High <strong>School</strong> Diploma Programme?<br />
Our special recurring Meet the Headteachers interviews are back<br />
this edition and we spoke to Dr Marc Ott from Leysin American<br />
school and Henri Behar from JFK <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Both<br />
interviews provide insightful behind-the-scenes commentary on<br />
what parents and students can expect from an education at these<br />
fantastic schools.<br />
This time of year is always a period when older students are looking<br />
forward to an exciting, exam-free summer, but equally many parents<br />
may be wondering how to entertain their children over the long<br />
holidays. Luckily we have an enormous tourism section with local<br />
ideas to explore as a family this summer, from city break ideas<br />
to adventurous walking in Liechtenstein. There are just so many<br />
fantastic places to go in Switzerland, and you can see a lot of them<br />
on foot or by bike for free. <br />
As usual, we have some great articles from educational experts in<br />
areas as diverse as making the most of your university experience, to<br />
gap years, and a look on the Swiss Education System. I would like to<br />
extend our invitation to other specialists in all fields of education to<br />
contact us for writing opportunities. We welcome all enquiries about<br />
being featured in an issue of the magazine.<br />
We remain committed to the task of helping parents and children<br />
to make the most of the fantastic opportunities an education at an<br />
international school in Switzerland provides. All that remains to<br />
be said is that I hope you have a wonderful end to the term and a<br />
fantastic summer holiday.<br />
Work hard and be the best!<br />
Nick<br />
Nick Gilbert<br />
Editor & Publishing Director<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
Mobile + 41 787 10 80 91<br />
Email<br />
Website<br />
@isparentmag<br />
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Interview with Henri Behar and Stephanie Walmsley<br />
from the JFK <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Switzerland<br />
A‘Small <strong>School</strong> with a Big Heart,’<br />
the John F. Kennedy <strong>International</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> is a unique familyorientated<br />
educational environment which<br />
has been providing an excellent education,<br />
to local families and international students,<br />
in the heart of the Swiss Alps since 1971.<br />
Focused on creating a school that makes a<br />
significant difference to the community they<br />
serve, and providing opportunities for all<br />
their pupils and students, JFK <strong>International</strong><br />
is a small but growing campus.<br />
We sat down with <strong>School</strong> Director, Henri<br />
Behar, and the Head of the Middle <strong>School</strong>,<br />
Stephanie Walmsley, to discuss the school,<br />
their educational approaches, and to find<br />
out more about what makes the John F.<br />
Kennedy <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> a worldrenowned<br />
centre for multi-culturalism and<br />
learning.<br />
Tell us a little bit about yourself - what’s<br />
your background, and what made you<br />
choose education as a career?<br />
Henri: I graduated from EPFL in<br />
Lausanne as an Architect and worked as<br />
one for a while in Geneva before moving<br />
into Graphic Design.<br />
Whilst I was a student in College du<br />
Leman (Geneva), I worked with their<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Camps and every holiday I would<br />
take groups over to Spain, or I stayed with<br />
them when I was studying in university.<br />
College du Leman became a bit like my<br />
second home, and I ended up working in<br />
the college when I started my school career.<br />
I was the Head of Boarding, the Head of<br />
Marketing, and the Head of the <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Camp – back and forth, sometimes just in<br />
one role, sometimes in two, or in all three.<br />
I was then offered to come to JFK by Mr.<br />
Philippe Gudin (the owner of Le Rosey,<br />
who had been approached by the Board to<br />
put the school back on the right foot) – he<br />
asked if I would like to work as the Director<br />
of the <strong>School</strong> when there were only 27<br />
students.<br />
I started to build on the atmosphere,<br />
the quality of the teachers, and the level<br />
of education – now we have 130 students,<br />
and we’ll list around a hundred students<br />
throughout the year.<br />
How do your experiences and<br />
philosophies inform your approaches<br />
at JFK?<br />
Henri: I would say the base of the school<br />
is, “Small <strong>School</strong>, Big Heart.”<br />
Being a small school can sometimes<br />
be seen as a negative, but we say this is a<br />
positive – because we’re a small school, we<br />
can pay close, personalised attention and<br />
create a family atmosphere.<br />
We are a small school, and of course<br />
– the big heart – is the part where all this<br />
love and care that everybody gets, comes<br />
together, because it’s one-to-one attention.<br />
There are 16 students maximum per<br />
classroom (with an average of around 12) –<br />
and the idea is that the teachers know every<br />
single student – what their strengths and<br />
weaknesses are.<br />
Keeping the family spirit is one of the<br />
biggest philosophies to keep in the school to<br />
maintain our philosophy of ‘Small <strong>School</strong>,<br />
Big Heart.’<br />
Stephanie: What we’re doing is growing<br />
academically. The Middle <strong>School</strong> has<br />
grown naturally as the school has grown<br />
and we are now increasing and refining<br />
our academic subjects and educational<br />
experiences. The big push on my side has<br />
been to increase the quality in the middle<br />
years program – because we know that,<br />
obviously, our students are going to go<br />
on to local high schools in terms of the<br />
international system in the region.<br />
We want to ensure that what we’re<br />
doing here matches their needs when the<br />
students go to the next high school; so, their<br />
education is on par (if not better) when they<br />
get to where they are going to next. We<br />
are working in close collaboration with the<br />
regional high schools.<br />
What have you learnt from your time<br />
leading an <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>?<br />
Henri: JFK used to be seen as a bit of a<br />
‘fun’ school, where people used to come<br />
and do a lot of skiing, sports, and outdoors<br />
activities, and they’d study when they had<br />
the time, that was 20 years ago when the<br />
attitude was more, “If my kid comes back<br />
home happy, that’s enough for me.”<br />
Since then, things have evolved – parents<br />
are more demanding, and there’s more<br />
competition for children to go on into better<br />
schools and better universities. So of course,<br />
we’ve evolved too with our academics, to<br />
make sure our students are prepared for the<br />
next step – and this is, I would say, one of<br />
the big steps that we will continue to work<br />
with, because it keeps growing.<br />
What’s interesting though, is at the<br />
same time, we take pride in our outdoor<br />
education to create real well-rounded<br />
students, who aren’t only academic - but<br />
also good in sports, appreciating the<br />
outdoor environment and understanding<br />
the importance of that for their own<br />
wellbeing.<br />
Describe the typical JFK <strong>International</strong><br />
student, can you tell us a bit about the<br />
programs at JFK?<br />
Henri: We have a nice mix - the Junior<br />
House (for ages 6-9) currently has 9 students<br />
right now, and they live together with the<br />
House <strong>Parent</strong>s, which helps to develop the<br />
family spirit, the Senior House is more like<br />
a traditional Boarding House and is set up<br />
for the older students (10-14 years).<br />
Our school is for students up to age<br />
fourteen, so we have to prepare them<br />
to move on into other education – and<br />
give them the ability to thrive in different<br />
environments. I would say that our students<br />
are well received in other schools, and well<br />
prepared – they are ready to adapt.<br />
As for the programs, as well as the<br />
academics, we have a tradition here of<br />
having Holiday Camps, and operate an<br />
Outdoor Adventure Camp – the JFK Swiss<br />
Outdoor Camp – it’s all outdoors and is<br />
themed by week; one week it’ll be a ‘Water<br />
week’ with all water activities, another will<br />
be a week on the mountain with hikes and<br />
camping, and then the third week with rock<br />
climbing, making campfires, and benefiting<br />
from outdoor learning.<br />
With the Rock Week, the participants<br />
might be climbing in the morning, then<br />
learning about the rocks and minerals in the<br />
afternoon – why some are different colours,<br />
about the different formations, all these<br />
things. If it’s a water activity, they’ll learn<br />
about the river, the animals that can be<br />
found there, etc.<br />
It’s all attached to learning - everything<br />
is carefully designed to provide a full<br />
adventure camp with activities and action –<br />
but still combine with this learning.<br />
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The program runs for six weeks in the<br />
summer, and we run the program twice<br />
(Water / Mountain / Rock), so people can<br />
come in and do 2-3 weeks.<br />
How do you encourage a love of<br />
learning?<br />
Stephanie: I think that it’s really achieved<br />
with our education system, the field work<br />
(particularly with the IMYC being studentcentred),<br />
and with project-based learning.<br />
We want the children to be able to use<br />
critical thinking – to enjoy coming into the<br />
classroom where it’s not purely textbook<br />
based.<br />
Project-based and Inquiry-Based<br />
Learning lends itself very well to the IB,<br />
and a lot of our children will go on into an<br />
IB education system. Our students are going<br />
out and talking about their units of inquiry,
“We want the children to be able<br />
to use critical thinking – to enjoy<br />
coming into the classroom where it’s<br />
not purely textbook based. ”<br />
understanding the links in the real world to<br />
the classroom, understanding their role in<br />
society and getting a different perspective<br />
– we want them to experience the bigger<br />
picture.<br />
Henri: We like to say, “learn how to<br />
learn.” We teach the students not to just be<br />
spoon-fed, but to look for information, and<br />
know how to process it, so they aren’t left<br />
saying, “Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it,”<br />
rather they can approach a challenge and<br />
say, “I may not know how to do it but – let’s<br />
go for it!”<br />
What is your favourite thing about the<br />
learning environment that makes JFK<br />
stand out?<br />
Stephanie: One of the big things we’re<br />
involved in is education for sustainability<br />
– and our students are directly involved in<br />
that. We’re working with Votre Cercle de<br />
Vie – they’re a farming family who are now<br />
doing a lot of eco-projects; and one of their<br />
big projects is to build an eco-hotel to be a<br />
global blueprint (there’s never been a hotel<br />
quite like this) – everything in the hotel<br />
will be sustainable – and our students are<br />
directly involved.<br />
We’re upcycling furniture, and the<br />
children are going to be designing the<br />
furniture to go into the hotel; they’re really<br />
learning a lot about the eco-system that<br />
they’re living in and understanding it. It<br />
is an invaluable project to be involved in<br />
because the students are working with the<br />
project and this is also linked to the UN 17<br />
sustainable goals which runs through their<br />
curriculum. It is first hand experience of<br />
seeing how they can make a difference and<br />
develop key competencies for the future.<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 9<br />
What do parents of JFK students value<br />
about the school?<br />
Henri: The protective environment.<br />
Not only because we’re in this little town,<br />
but because there’s only a mix of middle<br />
schoolers and primary students. They love<br />
to come to the school and are happy here.<br />
It’s also a big part that the parents and<br />
the community is very close. The school<br />
organises several activities for the parents,<br />
and the PTA is very active. We call it the<br />
JFK Family – and it’s made out of the<br />
parents, the students, and the alumni.<br />
We recently celebrated our 50th<br />
anniversary, and held a couple of big<br />
events – a lot of people attended, there<br />
were around 200 Alumni and parents for a<br />
Fondue Party.<br />
Stephanie: I only started back in August<br />
(2021), but during the 50th celebrations,<br />
all the yearbooks were out from the last 50<br />
years – and it was really nice to see all the<br />
different photographs, and how the school<br />
has evolved over the years – and having the<br />
Alumni talk through their reflections – it<br />
was really special.<br />
The school has grown as a campus<br />
effectively, because there’s the Playschool,<br />
the original building, the Primary <strong>School</strong><br />
building, the Middle <strong>School</strong> building and<br />
the recently acquired Student Support<br />
Services – but we’ve retained the ‘small<br />
school’ feel, and we know everybody, we<br />
know all the students, and all the staff know<br />
the community around us – so it’s a special<br />
place.<br />
What are the main principles and<br />
philosophies you promote?<br />
Stephanie: This year we are introducing<br />
the Design & Technology and improving,<br />
particularly around STEAM education –<br />
which is really important.<br />
We’re trying to move away from highstakes<br />
examinations. If you look at the<br />
21st Century education push at the<br />
moment, it’s about inquiry-based learning<br />
and understanding – so at the moment,<br />
particularly with IMYC, there is a move
away from grades as ‘pure grades’ and<br />
encouraging the students to understand<br />
themselves as learners and how they<br />
learn and why they are learning. Making<br />
connections across the subjects and through<br />
real world experiences.<br />
When it comes to their assessments,<br />
they’re receiving information from the<br />
teachers about how they can improve their<br />
learning, feedback is crucial in developing<br />
these reflective learning skills.<br />
That is what we are fostering in students<br />
– to understand themselves and how they<br />
learn.<br />
Are there any areas that you want to<br />
develop, or that you are developing in<br />
the school?<br />
Henri: We want to continue to focus on<br />
adaptability, as for big projects – we will<br />
rebuild the Pfrundacker Chalet (which<br />
is the original house, where the school<br />
started), and we are having the Playschool<br />
rebuilt completely because we just acquired<br />
the land and the house, and it needs<br />
refurbishing.<br />
This will allow us to put in some more<br />
areas, like a boarding house, where we are<br />
renting at the moment, and containers<br />
for the ski rooms. We may also look at<br />
combining the ski rooms with a little gym,<br />
that will let us have an indoor gym which<br />
we don’t have (we use the local school for<br />
that).<br />
What other extracurricular activities do<br />
the children experience during their time<br />
with you?<br />
Henri: We organise a ski race, the SGIS<br />
race, where 400 students from around 23<br />
different schools come over – we cook, take<br />
pictures, have the teachers doing all the gate<br />
watching – we have everybody in there,<br />
but that’s part of the small school, where<br />
the teachers aren’t just coming in to teach,<br />
but also for break duties, lunch duties,<br />
helping out with bake sales, it’s a really nice<br />
community spirit.<br />
We run ski competitions on the weekend,<br />
so the students are put into a competitive<br />
situation, where they need to learn how to<br />
lose, and how to win – and that’s not always<br />
easy, but I think it’s good for them to start<br />
from a young age.<br />
What do you think will be the major<br />
challenges facing students and education<br />
in the future?<br />
Henri: I would say changes of places,<br />
changes of work, double work, working<br />
from home – these are things children will<br />
need to be prepared for.<br />
It’s always very difficult to see 10 years in<br />
advance, and we have very young ones – so<br />
there’s still a good way to go forward.<br />
What is your vision or ambition for JFK<br />
graduates?<br />
Stephanie: In terms of looking forward<br />
– education itself is evolving massively,<br />
particularly around sustainable goals.<br />
The UN states that education is said to<br />
be the ‘lynchpin’ that drives everything<br />
– and making sure that our students are<br />
prepared, and resilient, for what is to come,<br />
and how quickly the world is evolving and<br />
changing, and the problems we’re facing<br />
now.<br />
I think that we must invest ourselves in an<br />
education system that is forward thinking<br />
and outward looking. It’s taking real life<br />
situations and saying, “Look at what’s<br />
happening at the moment. How would<br />
you broach this? What do you think? How<br />
would you change this? What would you do<br />
differently?”<br />
I think it’s about giving children the<br />
confidence and skills to take what they<br />
know, apply it, test it, refine it, and keep<br />
moving through the whole process as a way<br />
to move forward in each situation.<br />
How do you equip students for success?<br />
Stephanie: It’s all about the key<br />
competency and transdisciplinary skills at<br />
the end of the day. The knowledge we have<br />
now won’t be relevant in five-years, because<br />
the world is moving so fast. Creating<br />
resilience and compassion in students is<br />
essential.<br />
Henri: We already have families that live<br />
very much on the road – two years here,<br />
two years there – that kind of life. It’s a little<br />
bit of what the future brings, we don’t have<br />
that ‘famous’ job where you walk into it at<br />
18 and finish when you’re 65.<br />
Adaptability and resilience are really<br />
important to learn, so you’re ready for<br />
future jobs.<br />
How do you make the best Switzerland<br />
and everything it has to offer; do you<br />
have any hobbies?<br />
Henri: It’s funny, because when I was<br />
living in Geneva, I said, “I’m going to have<br />
to go back every weekend – what am I<br />
going to do here?” but it’s such a wonderful<br />
place for hiking, skiing, or even just having<br />
a coffee at the top of the mountain and<br />
relaxing.<br />
I would say I enjoy more nature-based<br />
activities, it’s about taking a hike, finding a<br />
nice bench, and sitting in front of the river,<br />
listening to all the sounds around it.<br />
I haven’t really been back to Geneva for<br />
about three months already, it’s rare that I<br />
go back down – all traffic jams and speedy,<br />
but when you come up here, you’re able to<br />
go at a little bit on a slower pace, and can<br />
really just relax, take in the surroundings,<br />
and enjoy nature.<br />
John F. Kennedy <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> is home to 95 students (aged 2.5 to 14) and 26<br />
expert faculty and staff — a community representing over 22 different nations. Find out<br />
more:<br />
Interview with Marc Ott from the Leysin American <strong>School</strong><br />
Founded in 1960 by Fred and Sigrid<br />
Ott, the Leysin American <strong>School</strong> is<br />
a prestigious international boarding<br />
school located in the stunning natural<br />
beauty of Leysin, Switzerland.<br />
Devoted to developing innovative,<br />
compassionate, and responsible citizens<br />
of the world, with a supportive family<br />
environment, and a guiding set of values<br />
and principles of the highest standard, the<br />
school focuses on university preparation for<br />
Grades 7 -12.<br />
We sat down with Dr. Marc Ott, Head<br />
of <strong>School</strong>, to discuss the school, its history,<br />
the educational structure, and where Leysin<br />
American <strong>School</strong> is headed in the future.<br />
Tell us a bit about yourself, your family<br />
background and what made you choose<br />
education as a career?<br />
Leysin American <strong>School</strong> was founded by<br />
my grandparents at a time just after the war<br />
and then the Cold War, when there was a<br />
permanent presence (primarily American)<br />
in Germany, and then in all the NATO<br />
countries.<br />
My grandfather was asked, because of<br />
his background in education, to open up<br />
Department of Defence schools, but as he<br />
opened these up, he realised that a lot of<br />
them were too small to have high schools<br />
– and that’s where the initial idea for LAS<br />
was born.<br />
My grandmother came over from<br />
America in 1947 and started a <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Program called the <strong>International</strong> Ranger<br />
Camps which was primarily based out of<br />
Switzerland – this was when certain ideals<br />
that still surround the school were formed<br />
– bringing young people and counsellors<br />
together, working to support each other and<br />
leave politics aside.<br />
It was part of the post-war healing<br />
process, emphasising the human aspect of<br />
individuals, rather than labels of nationality.<br />
My grandparents discovered the perfect<br />
buildings to house the campus here in<br />
Leysin. A growing expat community and a<br />
relationship with the American DoD led to<br />
a need for more schooling options here in<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 12<br />
Switzerland, and LAS was born in 1960.<br />
My grandparents ran the school until<br />
the late 1970s, then the Board came to my<br />
father and he and my mother ran the school<br />
until they started retiring about 12-13 years<br />
ago.<br />
So, my background has always been<br />
associated with the school. I went through<br />
the Swiss education system and studied at<br />
the University of St. Gallen before I moved<br />
to the US for a few years where I did my<br />
Doctorate at Teachers College, Columbia<br />
University in Education Leadership –<br />
already I was channelling my energy to take<br />
over the school.<br />
My wife and I came back in 2005, and<br />
it was about a 4-year transition until I fully<br />
took over the position of Head of <strong>School</strong>.<br />
She is a medical doctor and runs her own<br />
private practice in town.<br />
How do your experiences and<br />
philosophies inform your approach as<br />
Head at Leysin American <strong>School</strong>?<br />
We are probably one of a rare few boarding
schools here in Switzerland where the<br />
children have to do their own laundry –<br />
they have to clean their own rooms - it<br />
might sound silly – but these are skills<br />
you need when you’re growing up and<br />
becoming independent. We want to develop<br />
social skills, emotional skills, and coping<br />
skills as part of a great boarding school<br />
education.<br />
We are also very keen to keep the<br />
concept of family values very present<br />
and as dominant as possible, but at<br />
the same time we want to open up the<br />
door to development and advancement<br />
opportunities.<br />
One of the first things I brought in<br />
(back in 2001) was setting up a 501(c)(3)<br />
foundation. US taxpayers can donate to<br />
these organizations and deduct them from<br />
their taxes and this has enabled us to better<br />
manage fundraising and to better support<br />
our students.<br />
We use the funds not just for improving<br />
the quality of the school and expanding<br />
the opportunities we can provide, but to<br />
offer a scholarship fund for students in<br />
disadvantaged areas or situations (such as<br />
refugees or taking on additional students<br />
from Ukraine), and for SUMMIT, our<br />
comprehensive capital campaign which will<br />
be used to build our Innovation, Creativity,<br />
and Entrepreneurship programs and center.<br />
can to connect our students with impactful<br />
experiential learning opportunities so they<br />
can see the practical applications of their<br />
studies at work in the real world.<br />
How do you encourage a love of<br />
learning?<br />
I believe as a boarding school our holistic<br />
education is a tremendous strength. It’s<br />
breaking down what I would call silos in<br />
education. Day schools, unfortunately,<br />
finish at 3:30pm and you go home – the<br />
student is no longer connected or the<br />
school’s concern; but what I find magic with<br />
boarding schools is that we can really do a<br />
lot for the children – we’re not just talking<br />
academically, but in broader education<br />
– that’s why we come have our vision of<br />
working to support the ‘whole’ child.<br />
What is your favourite thing about the<br />
learning environment that makes LAS<br />
stand out?<br />
Obviously, it’s important to have good<br />
facilities, and overall we have really good<br />
facilities. We completely renovated the<br />
athletic centre about 6 years ago, and<br />
we’re doing some work on the dorms and<br />
classrooms – there’s always something<br />
happening. These enhanced spaces provide<br />
an exceptional environment in which our<br />
students can grow and succeed.<br />
But I do think, beyond this, it comes<br />
down to the people – a good school is about<br />
“We want to develop social skills, emotional<br />
skills, and coping skills as part of a great boarding<br />
school education.”<br />
What have you learnt from your time as<br />
the Head of the school?<br />
As an educational institution, innovation<br />
falls very much around creative thinking<br />
and being compassionate – taking the time<br />
to care for others.<br />
Being responsible, learning what those<br />
responsibilities are, and being citizens<br />
of the world – we are here to learn from<br />
the different cultures, backgrounds, and<br />
nationalities.<br />
I have learned that it is essential to<br />
teach students to value the international<br />
dimension and put human beings above the<br />
labels that are created around them.<br />
Describe the typical LAS Student?<br />
Can you tell us a bit about the type of<br />
students you attract?<br />
The LAS student is innovative and<br />
creative—they value the experiential<br />
education that we can give them and they<br />
aren’t afraid to think outside of the box.<br />
Education isn’t limited to the confines of a<br />
classroom. We seek out every chance we<br />
the people, which is why I do think we<br />
attract a lot of families to the location.<br />
The location also, being up in the<br />
mountains, is a huge change for the<br />
majority of our students who grow up in<br />
cities. The quality of life, safety, close access<br />
to major cultural centres – but also having<br />
that connection to nature and not being<br />
disturbed in cities that never sleep.<br />
I think Leysin is very conducive to<br />
learning, and the ability to find an inner<br />
peace, because we’re in such a beautiful<br />
location.<br />
What do parents of LAS students value<br />
about the school?<br />
They value the staff. We follow a triple layer<br />
educational philosophy and boarding school<br />
philosophy, where all our teachers aren’t just<br />
qualified in their subject areas – but they’re<br />
involved in student life (trips, leadership<br />
programs) and residential life. Most of our<br />
teachers live directly in the dormitory and<br />
look after the students, so the holistic policy<br />
extends to not having separate dorm staff<br />
from the teachers – it’s all one; and if a<br />
student is having a rough time, or personal<br />
issues, the teachers are on hand to connect,<br />
and to let the other teachers know so there’s<br />
greater understanding and compassion.<br />
What are the main principles and<br />
philosophies you promote at the school?<br />
The LAS vision essentially focuses around<br />
three pillars.<br />
The first is called ‘Whole Child’. We’re<br />
not just looking at academics – but how we<br />
take care of the students. It includes SEL<br />
(Social Emotional Learning), leadership,<br />
and the growth that students enjoy through<br />
academics, student life activities, schoolsponsored<br />
travel, and residential life (life in<br />
our dorms and on campus).<br />
The second pillar is Attitude<br />
Learning and the curriculum, we call<br />
it ICE (Innovation, Creativity, and<br />
Entrepreneurship). We realised that a lot of<br />
our Alumni are entrepreneurs in their own<br />
right, and we we will continue to focus on<br />
these three areas so that we can support our<br />
students as they develop.<br />
Our third pillar is our ‘Global Family’<br />
which we see at different levels. It’s in-house<br />
with an advisory system for our students<br />
(the Faculty Family), but it’s also external<br />
with our Global Family connected with the<br />
Alumni – building and strengthening those<br />
relationships and family ties there.<br />
We also have the founding family at<br />
governance level, and it plays an important<br />
role in our guiding principles. Our mission<br />
statement is, “Developing innovative,<br />
compassionate, and responsible citizens of<br />
the world.” That’s what we do.<br />
When a new student comes to the school,<br />
how does the process work?<br />
We have a whole Orientation Program. So,<br />
we typically have the Dorm Prefects come<br />
in early, and they help with the new kids<br />
coming in; they’re assigned to help the kids<br />
get around (like a buddy system).<br />
We also have a program for the parents,<br />
because you have to keep in mind that<br />
most parents will come to visit a couple<br />
of times a year, and this is an opportunity<br />
to connect. We let them know who’s who,<br />
and how things work – because I think<br />
in any education, the key aspect and the<br />
partnership between the parents and<br />
students” with “the partnership between<br />
the parents, students, and school is probably<br />
the most important element for a successful<br />
education.<br />
Are there any areas that you want to<br />
develop, or that you are developing in<br />
the school?<br />
We created a program a few years ago<br />
which is called the EDGE Program. This<br />
allows students to merge different aspects<br />
of academics and activities together in a<br />
format. The structure was carefully chosen,<br />
we’re constantly working on the program,<br />
to give the children more opportunities<br />
to be creative and entrepreneurial, and<br />
to develop the skill sets that allow them to<br />
learn from their passions but still balance<br />
that with the needs of the curriculum and<br />
the IBDP.<br />
What do you think will be the major<br />
challenges facing students and education<br />
in the future?<br />
Education needs to focus more on social<br />
emotional research and collaborative<br />
skills and less on content knowledge. We<br />
need to give them better tools to learn<br />
independently.<br />
For example, having the ability to learn<br />
independently and find information –<br />
having the right skill set that allows them to<br />
find a proper source that they can trust the<br />
information or data from.<br />
Students need to balance the basics, but<br />
not get lost in learning details that aren’t<br />
going to relate to their chosen path; for<br />
example – unless you’re really into history<br />
(like me), you may never need to know that<br />
the last war between the UK and the US<br />
was in 1812. I had an interaction with a<br />
former student, and he said that the skills he<br />
really took from LAS were researching and<br />
learning and coping with difficult emotional<br />
issues (such as breaking up with his partner).<br />
Those were the most important parts of his<br />
education, not remembering some details<br />
of the war of 1812 when he took AP US<br />
History 20 years ago.<br />
I think we have to be realistic, and<br />
offer IB and AP Classes and a great<br />
curriculum, but also back these up by<br />
strengthening social, emotional, research,<br />
and collaborative skills.<br />
What is your vision or ambition for LAS<br />
graduates?<br />
We have students who will be graduating<br />
at 18, and generally will start to enter the<br />
labour market within the next 6-7 years if<br />
they go on to graduate school.<br />
We’re focusing more on skills and less on<br />
content knowledge.<br />
So, the question is – what are those skills?<br />
Independence, autonomy, how to learn<br />
independently and find information – these<br />
are the basics they should know.<br />
These are the basics that stay with our<br />
students beyond the content knowledge.<br />
We want to give them what they need to be<br />
successful as they become the global leaders<br />
of tomorrow.<br />
How do you equip students for success?<br />
One approach we’re taking, is that we’ve<br />
essentially dropped CIS as an accreditation<br />
body. We are still members of the CIS,<br />
but we chose to go with the New England<br />
Association of <strong>School</strong>s and Colleges<br />
(NEASC) and have actively started working<br />
on what’s called ACE (Architecture,<br />
Culture, and Ecology).<br />
It’s a transformative approach to learning<br />
that’s based on 10 learning principles that<br />
focus on impact than output, it’s what we’re<br />
engaging in now, to really transform the<br />
education process here at LAS.<br />
How do you make the best of Switzerland<br />
and everything it has to offer - do you<br />
have any hobbies?<br />
Personally, I think there’s a lot of outdoor,<br />
reading, and family time to enjoy. I also<br />
consider myself, even on a professional<br />
level, to be fulfilled – I’m an External Head,<br />
in that I serve on several Boards. I’ve been<br />
on the Board of the Federation of Swiss<br />
Private <strong>School</strong>s (which is essentially a<br />
federal level lobby group) and chaired<br />
the Swiss Group of <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>s<br />
(SGIS) for four years; and I’m also the<br />
Vice-Chair of the Regional Tourist Office<br />
Association.<br />
So, I do different things, which gives<br />
me an opportunity to reach out beyond<br />
my own little bubble and have an outside<br />
perspective.<br />
I also enjoy the multicultural dimension<br />
of switching languages and approaches and<br />
communicating with different people.<br />
With their idyllic campus tucked away in the mountains, and the safe, residential<br />
community spirit of the campus, LAS seeks out every chance to connect their students with<br />
impactful, hands-on learning, that augments traditional classes, and gives their students<br />
a fundamental understanding of vital development skills including teamwork, critical<br />
thinking, and entrepreneurship.<br />
Offering a US High <strong>School</strong> Diploma, <strong>International</strong> Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement<br />
courses and ELA programs, LAS sees students enjoy a wide range of extracurricular<br />
activities in sports, arts, drama, and music, as well as taking part in cultural travel.<br />
With a focus and emphasis on university counselling, and a family environment, LAS<br />
provides a stable, caring, and supportive structure not only for the students, but for their<br />
families, and alumni as well.<br />
<strong>Parent</strong>ing through<br />
Adversity<br />
Adversity is defined as experiences<br />
that disrupt normal life and create<br />
undesirable outcomes such as<br />
loss of balance, safety, and security. It can<br />
encompass many different things, from<br />
divorce, loss of a loved one, to global issues<br />
such as the Covid-19 pandemic or the war<br />
in Ukraine.<br />
Difficult or unpleasant situations<br />
are part of normal life. Whether we<br />
experience adversity directly or secondhand<br />
via friends, family or even the news,<br />
it is something that we all – including our<br />
children - must deal with in some way or<br />
another.<br />
The way we deal with adversity differs<br />
from person to person. A life altering event<br />
to one person, may be a bump in the road<br />
to another. The point is, there is no right or<br />
wrong way to experience adversity.<br />
In the past three years we have lived<br />
through a pandemic, a number of natural<br />
disasters and now a war. For both adults<br />
and children this could be hard to deal<br />
with and the fear and anxiety could have a<br />
lasting impact on their mental health.<br />
On one hand, adversity can lead to<br />
greater resistance and to being better<br />
equipped to handle difficult situations in the<br />
future. However, it most often brings stress<br />
and anxiety that can manifest in ways such<br />
as poor sleep, lack of concentration, loss of<br />
appetite or being irritable. Over extended<br />
periods of time these effects can have a real<br />
impact on our children’s lives.<br />
Should we be talking to our kids about<br />
adverse situations?<br />
As parents we instinctively want to protect<br />
our children from bad news. However, for<br />
the most part we have no choice but to talk<br />
to them about unpleasant situations and<br />
events. Even if you do your best to shield<br />
your child from news about tragedy, the<br />
media – social or otherwise - or even their<br />
friends will make sure they have some idea<br />
of what is going on.<br />
Consequently, rather than it being a<br />
question of should, it is more a question of<br />
“how”.<br />
So, how do we talk to our children about<br />
adversity?<br />
Children look to their parents to feel safe<br />
and secure, especially when things are<br />
tough. Talking to your child about tragic<br />
world events can be tricky – no one wants<br />
to make their child more anxious. UNICEF<br />
has come up with an eight-point plan for<br />
addressing adversity, which provides sound<br />
advice for parents and caregivers. Let’s<br />
break down these points and what they<br />
mean in <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
1<br />
Find out what your child already<br />
knows<br />
Pick a time when your child is relaxed and<br />
comfortable – preferably not right before<br />
bed. Ask your child about what they have<br />
“Give your child your full attention and be sure to address<br />
only the issues they are concerned about – there is no<br />
need to bring up extra stressors if it is not necessary.”<br />
heard and how they are feeling about<br />
the adverse situation. Perhaps they have<br />
misheard or misinterpreted something –<br />
this is a good opportunity to gently correct<br />
them.<br />
Be reassuring and not dismissive of their<br />
feelings. Give your child your full attention<br />
and be sure to address only the issues they<br />
are concerned about – there is no need to<br />
bring up extra stressors if it is not necessary.<br />
2Be age appropriate<br />
Children process stress in different ways<br />
depending on their age and development.<br />
Make sure you use language they<br />
understand and watch for how your child is<br />
responding. If their anxiety spikes, tone the<br />
conversation down – remember your child<br />
will take their cues from you, so remaining<br />
calm is crucial.<br />
3Be compassionate<br />
It is easy, especially in times of conflict<br />
to be prejudice towards a country, culture,<br />
or its people. It is important that we teach<br />
our children to show compassion for all<br />
people adversely affected by the situation,<br />
regardless of the side they find themselves<br />
on. Tough times call for empathy and it is<br />
our job to set the right example.<br />
4Focus on what is being done to<br />
help<br />
Something that is really reassuring to<br />
children is knowing what people are doing<br />
to help and that at the end, things will<br />
be ok. Using the example of the war in<br />
Ukraine, it could help your child to feel like<br />
they are helping if you allow them to draw<br />
a picture or flag to place in their window.<br />
5Close with care<br />
These conversations can be difficult;<br />
therefore, it is extremely important that<br />
before you finish talking, that you assess<br />
your child’s wellbeing. Be sure to remind<br />
them that they can talk to you anytime and<br />
if they need a hug or gentle transition to a<br />
new topic make sure you give that to them.<br />
6Check in regularly<br />
As situations continue, you must check<br />
in with your child. Children react differently<br />
to adverse events - some more obviously<br />
than others. Look out for signs of stress<br />
and anxiety such as becoming clingier,<br />
grief or even anger. Try to find techniques<br />
for managing these feelings. Breathing<br />
exercises, letter writing and journaling -<br />
depending on the age of your child – are all<br />
good ways to channel their feelings and help<br />
them remain calm.<br />
7Limit exposure<br />
If you have younger children, you may<br />
want to consider switching off the news<br />
when they are around. They do not need<br />
to see every upsetting headline or images<br />
from the frontlines. In the case of older<br />
children, use the opportunity to talk about<br />
fake news and how to get information<br />
from trustworthy sources. It is also a good<br />
time to discuss how much time they spend<br />
consuming news media and can be a<br />
great opportunity to set limits for media<br />
consumption.<br />
8Take care of yourself<br />
If you are struggling, how can you<br />
expect your kids to cope? First and<br />
foremost, we need to take care of ourselves.<br />
Only then will we have the capacity to<br />
properly support our children. Remember<br />
to take time out and reach out to your own<br />
support network if you are not ok. Make<br />
sure you are consuming news from reliable<br />
sources and that you also set yourself limits.<br />
Give yourself time to relax and to process<br />
your own feelings. By looking after yourself,<br />
you are ultimately taking care of your whole<br />
family, so do not neglect this important<br />
aspect.<br />
<strong>Parent</strong>ing through adversity requires us<br />
to be prepared to have open and honest<br />
conversations about difficult topics. It also<br />
means being aware of changes in our child’s<br />
behaviour and having tools in our kits for<br />
supporting and reassuring them when<br />
needed. This also means taking care of our<br />
own mental health so that we may be able<br />
to help our children carry their emotional<br />
load.<br />
Modern classrooms allow for<br />
flexible teaching arrangements<br />
What parents say about<br />
Academia <strong>School</strong>s<br />
It all started with the vision of<br />
establishing the best school for children<br />
and young people in Basel. A school<br />
in which students, teachers and staff can<br />
flourish and invest in their strengths.<br />
A place where learning is fun and new<br />
horizons are opened up. A community<br />
in which students, parents, teachers and<br />
staff feel at home – whether they are<br />
permanently based in Switzerland, have<br />
recently immigrated or are only in the city<br />
for a few years.<br />
What started in 2009 with 16 students<br />
at the Academia <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
Basel is now one of the largest education<br />
providers in Switzerland supporting pupils<br />
from Pre-Kindergarten through to the<br />
end of Secondary <strong>School</strong>. Though we<br />
still strive to improve, testimonies of our<br />
students’ parents show that we are on the<br />
right path to make our vision a reality. One<br />
international family made the following<br />
experience with Academia:<br />
“We joined Academia in Basel from its very<br />
early stages and both our boys stayed for 7 years.<br />
Over the years it was sometimes difficult, but the<br />
school always gave us a good feeling about its<br />
approach and commitment, as well as a philosophy<br />
of creating ownership with the children. Moving<br />
away from Switzerland and into a new school<br />
system was a test of what our boys learned at<br />
Academia. I am pleased to report that our concerns<br />
were unwarranted. Both our boys passed the highest<br />
level of schooling with excellent grades in their first<br />
year back.”<br />
Bilingual Education from Pre-<br />
Kindergarten to Primary <strong>School</strong><br />
Terra Nova Bilingual <strong>School</strong> in Küsnacht<br />
and Academia Bilingual <strong>School</strong> in Basel<br />
and Winterthur offer classes from Pre-<br />
Kindergarten to the end of compulsory<br />
schooling. <strong>Parent</strong>s especially love that<br />
each child can develop at their own<br />
pace and level in a caring and nurturing<br />
environment. As one mother, originally<br />
from Italy, put it:<br />
“We love Academia. Great teachers and staff,<br />
great community. My son has never felt so happy<br />
and supported, appreciated as a student with his<br />
individual needs. He loves to go to school every<br />
single day.”<br />
Moving from an English-speaking<br />
country to Switzerland can be challenging.<br />
For many families, a bilingual education<br />
is thus a soft landing into Swiss life and<br />
education. Our language booster lessons<br />
entail additional support in the second<br />
language to help newcomers commence at<br />
our school. One of our American families<br />
expresses itself as follows:<br />
“We have been very happy with the caring and<br />
nurturing environment provided throughout the whole<br />
school at Terra Nova. Our children received excellent<br />
language support and were proficient in the German<br />
language in a surprisingly short time despite<br />
having joined the school without speaking any<br />
German. The school provides a fun and stimulating<br />
atmosphere in which to learn.”<br />
Each school has its own<br />
characteristics. Academia<br />
Bilingual <strong>School</strong> Basel is located<br />
in a beautiful historical villa in a<br />
large garden with plenty of space<br />
for playing.<br />
Lower Secondary <strong>School</strong> – door opener<br />
to various educational pathways<br />
Lower secondary school (Years 7 to 9)<br />
are offered at our bilingual schools in<br />
Winterthur and Küsnacht and at Academia<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Basel and Zurich.<br />
Our teaching at all four locations is based<br />
on the official Swiss curriculum (Lehrplan<br />
21) and the Cambridge <strong>International</strong><br />
Curriculum; this safeguards the option to<br />
continue at a state-run school or further<br />
education institution in Switzerland as well<br />
as abroad. This international mindset is<br />
especially appreciated by expat families,<br />
such as this American mother of two pupils<br />
in Basel:<br />
“We are very grateful for this amazing school.<br />
We just moved to Basel and there was a lot to adapt<br />
to including learning the language. My introverted<br />
kids felt at home from the first day (...). The<br />
teachers, the principal and staff are extremely loving,<br />
welcoming and open-minded. My kids have been to<br />
three schools before this one and it is by far the best.<br />
I cannot recommend this school enough.”<br />
Small by design and innovative by nature<br />
– our IGCSE- and A-Level-programme<br />
At Academia <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Basel<br />
and Zurich, students prepare for their<br />
<strong>International</strong> A Levels. These qualifications<br />
are recognised around the world and open<br />
doors to universities across the globe.<br />
<strong>International</strong> A levels allow students<br />
to choose their subjects based on their<br />
individual strengths and interests – one<br />
of the many advantages when studying<br />
at Academia <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />
One mother appreciates the following<br />
aspects:<br />
“Academia allows our son to study A<br />
Levels according to his interests and to<br />
prepare for them in small classes. The<br />
teachers attach great importance to the fact<br />
that besides specialized knowledge, the young<br />
people learn how these subjects are put into<br />
practice.”<br />
Academia <strong>International</strong> school aims<br />
to provide academic excellence in a cosy,<br />
caring environment. Another father of one<br />
of our A-Level students also confirms that<br />
studying at Academia <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />
is more than learning the subject matter:<br />
“Academia is one of the best schools in the<br />
city of Zurich. The attention to the needs of<br />
individual students and a world-class international<br />
environment are a great benefit. The school provides<br />
a conducive atmosphere to students to explore their<br />
creativity, interests and encourages individual<br />
expression. It helps to develop the self-confidence<br />
of children and prepares them to excel in life. I can<br />
easily recommend the school.”<br />
Our college in Basel receives great<br />
Innovative teaching methods at out college,<br />
e.g., at Academia <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> Basel,<br />
where students express their understanding<br />
of the human heart through art.<br />
feedback, too:<br />
“This school is fantastic. Why? Because we’ve<br />
never experienced such a level of care coupled with<br />
really high-quality teaching. The exam results have<br />
always been outstanding.”<br />
We are proud of what we have achieved<br />
over the last 12 years and grateful to receive<br />
such wonderful feedback from our parents.<br />
Would you like to become part of our<br />
school community? Get in touch with us to<br />
learn more about your schooling options at<br />
Academia.<br /><br />
Looking Towards University<br />
Time really flies. One moment you are helping your child<br />
take their first steps, the next they are finishing high school.<br />
At what point should we as parents start planning for our<br />
children’s higher education? Depending on where you live and/<br />
or where your child studies, the cost of tertiary education can vary<br />
wildly – from basically free in most European countries, to costing<br />
in the hundreds of thousands of dollars in the US. Regardless of<br />
your child’s situation, the key to a successful university transition is<br />
preparation.<br />
It’s never too early…<br />
For those of us outside the US, the idea of a ‘college fund’ is<br />
quite foreign. However, given that in many countries, university<br />
is actually quite expensive, starting to save for this early on is not<br />
a silly idea. Small student loans can spiral into much larger sums,<br />
so being able to help your child with this expense gives them a<br />
wonderful head start in adult life.<br />
That aside, high school is the time to really start thinking about<br />
what comes next. Your child may not have all the answers straight<br />
way – high school is about figuring stuff out. When it comes time<br />
to choose elective subjects and activities, ask your child if they have<br />
thought about what they might want to be. Your child may say they<br />
want to be a solicitor or a nurse but may not know what they must<br />
do to get there. Asking early also gives you the chance to do some<br />
googling!<br />
These days most schools have a career or guidance counsellor<br />
who is generally more than happy to provide up-to-date<br />
information about which subjects students should take to get into<br />
a particular field of study. If you do not have one of these advisors<br />
at your disposal, you can contact the university directly and speak<br />
to their admissions counsellors. An added benefit of speaking<br />
to an admissions counsellor is that you are able to ask about<br />
extracurricular subjects and any other activities your child should<br />
get involved in to help them to acquire relevant and useful skills (as<br />
well as looking good on their application).<br />
So many options<br />
Coming from the <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>s sector, being abroad is<br />
likely something your child is accustomed to. It is also possible<br />
that your child will consider institutions in a range of destinations<br />
for their tertiary study. Knowing which country your child would<br />
like to study in, or which universities offer the course that they are<br />
looking for will help you to prepare.<br />
Application deadlines<br />
Perhaps your child has identified universities in a number of<br />
countries. Depending on the country, application deadlines may<br />
be very different. Another important aspect to consider is whether<br />
your child will be an international student. Often the application<br />
deadline for foreign students is weeks – sometimes months - from<br />
that of domestic students.<br />
Although university deadlines vary depending on the course,<br />
institution, and country, most fall somewhere between November<br />
and February for the Autumn semester. Once your child has an<br />
idea of programme and which universities they want to apply<br />
for, the best thing is to double check online the exact cut-off date.<br />
Beware, subjects like medicine, veterinary science and law tend<br />
to have earlier deadlines. This information is usually found in the<br />
Admissions tab/area of the university website.<br />
Make sure your child does not leave it to the last minute.<br />
Sometimes courses require specific testing, motivation letters and<br />
interviews before candidates are accepted. Oxford University<br />
recommends students start preparing their applications in June for<br />
the entry into the Fall semester of the following year. Using this<br />
as a guide would give students ample time to take tests, arrange<br />
references and write motivation letters.<br />
If there is a chance your child may defer entry to their<br />
programme to go on a gap year or similar, make sure this is<br />
possible. There are a number of courses that do not allow differed<br />
entry. Check this up front to avoid disappointment.<br />
In addition to application cut off dates, there are also scholarship<br />
deadlines. Regardless of whether your child is aiming for a partial<br />
or full bursary, know that scholarship deadlines are different<br />
to application deadlines and may require extra written work,<br />
interviews, and preparation in general. There are also a number of<br />
scholarships for international students and students from developing<br />
countries. This information is usually found on the university’s<br />
website or via a scholarship database like<br />
Which extra curricula activities will benefit your child’s<br />
university application?<br />
When it comes to competitive courses, extracurricular activities can<br />
make all the difference. Sports, clubs, activities, and volunteer work<br />
all help to give the university admissions team a full picture of your<br />
child, their interests and skillset. Depending on the target degree<br />
there are clubs and activities that are more beneficial in terms of<br />
university entry than others. For example, if your child intends to<br />
study politics or law, being on the debate team or Model United<br />
Nations may be a great way to demonstrate their interest, and<br />
practice applicable skills. How do you know which activities could<br />
help your child? You could encourage your child to speak to the<br />
school careers counsellor (if there is one available) or to contact the<br />
university admissions centre. Failing that, you could tap into your<br />
network.<br />
What are Networks for?<br />
Although you shouldn’t rely on your old classmates and business<br />
colleagues to get your child into a particular school or course, there<br />
is nothing wrong with getting some ‘insider’ tips before submitting<br />
an application. Likewise, if your child wants to be an engineer and<br />
you have one in your circle, ask them to have a chat with your child.<br />
Your child may have questions that they are not comfortable asking<br />
in a formal setting, like how much do engineers really get paid and<br />
whether they have to work weekends.<br />
Going to university is one of the most important decisions your<br />
child will ever make. Through being supportive and prepared you<br />
can help them avoid unnecessary stress. Having an overview of<br />
what is needed and what should be submitted or arranged by when,<br />
early on in their secondary education will make sure that they do<br />
not miss or rush towards any deadline. This, combined with a<br />
strong extracurricular resume will give them the greatest chance of<br />
getting into their choice of programme and school.<br />
Switzerland<br />
Home of Innovation<br />
When you think of Switzerland,<br />
you probably think of Alpine<br />
peaks and amazing ski resorts,<br />
together with prestigious international<br />
organizations like the UN. You might also<br />
think of stunning luxury watches, or major<br />
financial institutions. For many people,<br />
Swiss chocolate is their main association!<br />
Innovation, however, is not often the<br />
first thing that comes to mind. And yet,<br />
Switzerland has been ranked the world’s<br />
number one country for innovation for<br />
eleven years running.<br />
Switzerland maintains its position as<br />
innovation world champion, having once<br />
again secured its top spot in the WIPO<br />
global innovation index in 2021. This wellearned<br />
recognition has acted as a magnet<br />
for some of the most established names in<br />
business, with 15 Fortune 500 companies<br />
opting for presence in the country.<br />
Switzerland also boasts one of the world’s<br />
highest concentrations of multinationals<br />
- approximately 25,500 in total. These<br />
companies fuel job creation, and in many<br />
cases are major players in high-risk sectors<br />
such as the food and pharmaceutical<br />
industries. Hoffmann-La Roche, Hewlitt<br />
Packard, Virgin, Deutsche Bank and Nestlé<br />
Nespresso are just some of the multinationals<br />
with presence in Geneva, cementing the<br />
Swiss capital as a site for industrial diversity<br />
and high-quality business services.<br />
Switzerland is also a hub for startups,<br />
frequently ranking among the top choices<br />
for entrepreneurs seeking to set up new<br />
ventures. The country’s success as a new<br />
business incubator is in part thanks to its<br />
advantageous geographical location and<br />
solid infrastructure, together with multiple<br />
seed funding avenues and easy access to the<br />
European market.<br />
Rather than being rendered a grand<br />
prize at the end of graduation, EU believes<br />
that these top class business working<br />
environments and experiences should be<br />
accessible to students throughout the course<br />
of their studies. The school organizes<br />
company visits to a wide range of corporate<br />
and non-corporate organizations, previous<br />
trips have included Swatch, Nestlé, and the<br />
United Nations Office in Geneva.<br />
This immersion forms an essential part<br />
of EU’s hands-on approach to learning,<br />
providing students with the up-to-date<br />
working knowledge and skills required for<br />
success across a range of industries.<br />
By combining classroom theory with<br />
real-world experience, EU students are<br />
encouraged to merge analytical thinking<br />
processes with creativity in order to solve<br />
problems and generate new ideas. This<br />
unique process forms the basis for the<br />
entrepreneurial mindset that will accompany<br />
them throughout their business careers.<br />
In addition to seeing operational<br />
processes in action, having contact with<br />
companies prior to graduation also gives<br />
students a head start on career-essential<br />
interpersonal connections. By interacting<br />
with professionals who are putting their<br />
knowledge into practice, students have the<br />
opportunity to learn from those in the know,<br />
refining and developing their understanding<br />
whilst continually growing their professional<br />
network.<br />
Is there another secret to Switzerland’s<br />
innovation success? The country as a whole<br />
has an inbuilt appreciation for work-life<br />
balance, with a culture that makes room for<br />
relaxation in nature as much as overtime<br />
in the office. Downtime is where some<br />
of our greatest inspiration can surface,<br />
and there are fewer places more suited to<br />
helping a tired mind destress. A wander<br />
around Lake Geneva, a hike in the Alps,<br />
or even a fondue with friends, Switzerland<br />
offers an abundance of options to unwind!<br />
Embracing the same attitude, EU Business<br />
<strong>School</strong> provides a plethora of student clubs<br />
with something to suit every taste. From<br />
kickboxing to chess, social and charity<br />
events, finance clubs and cultural days,<br />
students are guaranteed to find something<br />
to suit their personal interests.<br />
Innovation is the driving force that<br />
forms the pulse of Switzerland’s culture,<br />
work environments, leisure and education.<br />
With programs encompassing fields from<br />
fashion to blockchain management, EU<br />
Business <strong>School</strong> encapsulates the open<br />
entrepreneurial spirit that ensures that<br />
budding entrepreneurs feel right at home!<br />
For further information visit<br />
“A Rising Tide<br />
Lifts All Ships”<br />
Learning is a cultural habit; if teachers and learners alike are both motivated to learn, the<br />
outcomes for children can only improve. Truly successful schools promote a culture of<br />
learning throughout their communities, and the results speak for themselves.<br />
If we think of personal growth, development, and improvement<br />
in a school setting, it is entirely understandable to assume that<br />
the subject of that thought will be young people – students<br />
benefitting from foundational instruction before joining the<br />
adult world. In reality, however, a school should be a place of<br />
learning for any and all that are part of it. Without an attitude<br />
that considers the development and improvement of staff – the<br />
agents of learning in our young people - as central to reaching the<br />
organisation’s goals, a huge opportunity is being missed.<br />
Why staff development matters<br />
The best schools want to attract and retain sector-leading teaching<br />
staff with qualifications, experience, and competencies that would<br />
make them an asset to any learning establishment in the world.<br />
But there are two important questions to consider, here. The<br />
first is to ask how schools can get the best from their staff? The<br />
second is to carefully examine how that translates into learning<br />
and achievement in the classroom? The answer to both lies in the<br />
culture a school is willing and able to create.<br />
In all our professional lives – within and outside the world of<br />
education – the concepts of ‘appraisals’ and ‘performance review’<br />
will not be alien to us. It would be reasonable to presume that such<br />
events (regardless of which ‘side of the table’ one finds oneself)<br />
are unlikely to be calendar highpoints. So how can these ideas be<br />
made positive, rather than mithering or intimidating, in a school<br />
community?<br />
Attitudes to personal development<br />
Effective personal development for teachers stands on three pillars.<br />
The first completely shifts the point of ‘agency’ in the process of<br />
development – from ‘top down’ to ‘self-directed’. By giving staff<br />
the space and tools to self-evaluate and draw up their own plans,<br />
the concept of personal performance becomes constantly owned,<br />
rather than periodically examined by a third party. Self-agency is<br />
key.<br />
Secondly, the strongest teaching units – be that subject faculties<br />
or grade-level staff - will work as teams to achieve the best for their<br />
students. Although introducing self-agency and self-evaluation<br />
“The best teachers teach out of a love for seeing development in young people,<br />
and so hearing feedback coming from those young people will always be the<br />
strongest motivation.”<br />
to individuals will produce improvement, to do so with grade or<br />
subject groups generates even stronger results. Finally, and most<br />
importantly, we have the reason for personal development; how<br />
does everything we do positively affect our students?<br />
Bringing staff and student development together<br />
<strong>School</strong>s must make an attitude to improvement cultural rather<br />
than imposed. For example, if we can take five minutes with<br />
our students, every three-to-four lessons, to ask them how their<br />
learning is going right now, it becomes part of the process.<br />
Equally, we can use senior leadership within the school to conduct<br />
informal interviews with staff and students separately about<br />
learning experiences before triangulating that information so that<br />
both parties can discuss it without fear of minor points being<br />
overexaggerated or legitimate suggestions being ignored. Crucially,<br />
we are setting an example for our students – that learning and<br />
developing is a positive and affirming process.<br />
The involvement of student voice in staff professional<br />
development is not easy - we cannot shy away from that fact –<br />
and it is for that reason that it is not more common. What it can<br />
achieve when done well however, as in our case, is remarkable for<br />
both parties. Students at ICS Zurich are actively given the time<br />
and space to talk about what it is like to learn at our school. This<br />
information is not only invaluable for crafting (self-directed) plans<br />
of personal development amongst staff, it also has far greater<br />
emotive resonance. The best teachers teach out of a love for seeing<br />
development in young people, and so hearing feedback coming<br />
from those young people will always be the strongest motivation.<br />
Self-reflection; a vital future skill for our students<br />
As parents we have perhaps all, at some stage, been met with a<br />
monosyllabic answer to the question of “…how was school today?”.<br />
However, the more that self-evaluation and reflecting on learning<br />
is encouraged culturally, in staff as examples as well as students,<br />
the more we can see metacognition develop in our young people.<br />
This is the single biggest gain from this process, especially for<br />
parents who want to be part of their child’s learning journey. To<br />
hear students tell us that, “I didn’t realise I could talk about my own<br />
learning like this.” is testament to how this culture embeds. To<br />
teach to a high level, all teachers must be superb, but if their own<br />
improvement can benefit the outcomes for their students both<br />
directly and indirectly, everyone stands to gain. The rising tide, in<br />
that sense, lifts all ships.<br />
At ICS Zurich, we believe that learning is cultural, and the ideas<br />
of self-reflection and self-agency in our learners are shown in<br />
the example of our teaching staff. To learn more about how our<br />
‘culture of learning’ creates such superb outcomes for our students,<br />
please contact our Admissions Team via our website,<br />
Is your school featured?<br /><br />
Search feature for international schools help parents to find<br />
relevant schools based on their individual requirements<br />
Feature your school on our website with a description, video,<br />
photos, and inbound links<br />
Analytics reports available<br />
Send out school updates to our database of parents<br />
Update your school guide at any point in the year to feature the<br />
latest information<br />
Submit blog articles to our website throughout the year to keep<br />
your school in the limelight<br />
Contact <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Parent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>:<br /> or call +41 787 10 80 91
Improving University<br />
Experience, 1% at a Time<br />
Making the slightest changes in lifestyle can improve academic results, wellbeing, and fun<br />
University can be the first<br />
significant time fully living away<br />
from home, without the parental<br />
input and usual support structures to guide<br />
you to success. This is an amazingly exciting<br />
change, but can also be a little daunting.<br />
It is a time of steep learning curves,<br />
self-discovery, academic learning, physical<br />
exercise, intense socialising and everything<br />
else. Whether you find university life a<br />
breeze, or an occasional struggle, there are<br />
some very simple things to remember that<br />
make life easy, and help you get even more<br />
out of it.<br />
The theory of making ‘marginal gains’<br />
was adopted by Dave Brailsford, coach of<br />
the British cycling team, in an attempt to<br />
improve their dismal record. At the time<br />
they had never won the Tour de France.<br />
Brailsford believes that improving your<br />
habits even by 1% across a number of<br />
areas from diet to sleep to hygiene, brings<br />
disproportionately enormous improvements<br />
to overall performance. Indeed, by making<br />
a series of very small changes to his team’s<br />
training and lifestyle, Brailsford led them to<br />
a series of awesome wins in international<br />
competitions.<br />
The principle of ‘marginal gains’ is<br />
connected to the idea that we form habits<br />
very easily through repetitive action, and<br />
then the sum of these small, repetitive<br />
actions impacts seriously on long-term<br />
results. This means that bad performance<br />
is not usually because of something that<br />
happened overnight, but more likely<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 29<br />
because we have formed bad habits,<br />
affecting us more than we realise. The<br />
relevance of this to university students<br />
is probably not immediately obvious.<br />
However, just as it led to more gold medals<br />
for the cycling team, this approach over<br />
time can lead to huge improvements for<br />
students in studying, socialising, and state<br />
of mind.<br />
Without making life any less exciting, it is<br />
possible to make yourself as strong, healthy<br />
and happy as possible, so you can get the<br />
most out of what you are doing. If you<br />
focus on improving small habits, as well as<br />
good outcomes, you will get there!<br />
Start small<br />
When trying to make yourself do a tiny bit
etter each week, it helps to start by making<br />
sure you implement all the small lifestylerelated<br />
things that may seem individually<br />
unimportant. Brailsford even concentrated<br />
on his team washing their hands properly<br />
and sleeping with certain pillows. Think<br />
of the value he would see for university<br />
students for example, taking at least two or<br />
three early nights a week; having a healthy<br />
breakfast; drinking two litres of water and<br />
eating the recommended five portions of<br />
vegetables a day; having a swim, run, yoga<br />
or sports session three times a week; or even<br />
just getting enough fresh air. All of these are<br />
easy to implement in the short-term, and<br />
can make a huge difference to feeling good<br />
in the long-term.<br />
Studying: about time<br />
In terms of academic studying, the theory<br />
of marginal gains is equally relevant. In<br />
cycling, the overall aim was to win the Tour<br />
de France, or an Olympic medal, which<br />
probably at times seemed insurmountable,<br />
particularly setting out at the beginning of<br />
training. At university, the goal to achieve<br />
the best academic results may be a few years<br />
away. In both cases, it might be tempting<br />
to put things off ‘til next year’ as the goal<br />
seems far enough in the future. Therefore,<br />
it is easier to focus on the processes you can<br />
improve on each week, a little bit at a time.<br />
Making improvements and goals that are<br />
more near-term can help avoid that niggling<br />
feeling at the very end, that you could have<br />
made life (and exams) easier, by working a<br />
little harder across the years.<br />
Start with the simple things that can<br />
make a huge difference to running your<br />
studying effectively. Many of the things you<br />
need to do each week will be the same as<br />
the previous week, so draw up a timetable<br />
for the term and fill it in with the concrete<br />
work, social and other things you know<br />
you will need to do, which gives automatic<br />
structure to your days and weeks. Put in<br />
everything you can - including any club<br />
nights, sports activities, alongside all the<br />
private study time, lectures, tutorials, and<br />
essay deadlines. If you try and stick to the<br />
timetable, a lot of the effort of trying to<br />
organise yourself and pulling emergency<br />
all-nighters will be removed.<br />
If you have a hobby, keep it up and set<br />
yourself goals to improve a little bit each<br />
week. You may think you don’t have time,<br />
but just one hour a week focused on your<br />
favourite music, dance, yoga, or sport will<br />
bring great results over time. Try and give<br />
yourself some time to discover your new<br />
city - there are likely to be museums, art<br />
galleries, markets, cinemas and parks to go<br />
and hang out in.<br />
A lecture on lectures<br />
It is the most tempting thing in the world<br />
not to go to lectures, but think about it<br />
this way: missing a one hour lecture or<br />
class each week for the whole term equates<br />
to around 10 hours a term, 30 hours an<br />
academic year, and around 90 hours in your<br />
whole degree. So although it might seem<br />
like it won’t make a difference, overall it<br />
adds up to around 4 full days and nights of<br />
teaching time, that you’ll just have to make<br />
up on your own. The same is true if you<br />
even manage an extra 30 minutes of daily<br />
vocab learning, equation revision, or set<br />
text reading - over your degree it will total<br />
hundreds of hours of extra practice.<br />
Make use of ‘free’ resources<br />
Another fairly simple thing to do is to make<br />
sure you know how all the university’s<br />
IT and library systems work - there will<br />
probably be sessions at the start of term or<br />
ask the librarian to go through things with<br />
you. This can help avoid disaster when you<br />
need an urgent book or internet resource<br />
for a deadline, and haven’t got a library<br />
card. The university might also be offering<br />
activities like one-on-one help with tutoring,<br />
classes and clubs.<br />
Finances: every little helps<br />
You have probably come out of school<br />
knowing the ins and outs of photosynthesis,<br />
Pythagoras and algebra, but may not feel<br />
too clued up about personal finances.<br />
Especially in the first term, university is<br />
full of exciting things to spend your money<br />
on. It is unlikely to be a time when you<br />
are making money, rather trying to put in<br />
place a few steps so that you don’t spend<br />
too much. A few things can help avoid hefty<br />
money stress!<br />
Whether it’s in the holidays or during<br />
term time, being able to bring in some<br />
money can give you a sense that you are in<br />
control over your finances. Some people<br />
prefer a regular shift in a restaurant or<br />
bar, whereas others like more ad hoc<br />
arrangements, such as tutoring or brand<br />
agency promotion work. Even if your<br />
university discourages students from having<br />
a job during term time, anything you<br />
can earn in the holidays will be a useful<br />
contribution.<br />
Most recent graduates advise current<br />
students to think twice about getting a<br />
student credit card or overdraft even if<br />
they are interest free - they are notoriously<br />
easy to spend, and hard to pay back once<br />
you have got to the bottom. When you<br />
leave university, many of them cease to be<br />
interest free, so you will start paying interest<br />
until you can repay the debt. This can add<br />
significantly to stress levels when you are<br />
trying to think about work or having fun.<br />
Similarly, store cards are not always the best<br />
idea as it is difficult to keep track of your<br />
spending on them.<br />
Most of all, take advantage of all the<br />
ways you can save money. Have an up to<br />
date student rail card, using loyalty cards<br />
in supermarkets, seek out restaurants with<br />
offers and so on. Every little helps!<br />
In the local town or city, do you know<br />
where things are that will help you be<br />
organised, such as finding your local<br />
bank branch, post office, stationery shop,<br />
pharmacy?<br />
Party time: be smart<br />
At university there are always people to<br />
go out with so if you want to you can find<br />
people to go out with every night of the<br />
week. The feeling that everyone is going out<br />
can make you feel like you have to for fear<br />
of missing out. Actually it is more likely that<br />
it is just not as noticeable when someone<br />
takes themselves off for an evening in with<br />
a film and an early night. The same is true<br />
during the day - people are all going to be<br />
having study breaks at different times, so<br />
it is theoretically possible to spend all day<br />
with different people, feeling like no one is<br />
working. So keep in mind that it is down to<br />
you when you study and when you go out.<br />
Enjoy it!<br />
One of the best parts of university is<br />
learning how to look after yourself and<br />
make the best of things, which inevitably<br />
involves making a few mistakes along the<br />
way. So don’t worry too much, try and do a<br />
little better each day, and have the best time!<br />
“Whether it’s in the holidays or during term time,<br />
being able to bring in some money can give you a<br />
sense that you are in control over your finances.”<br />
Support structures<br />
Just like Brailsford’s cyclists, make sure<br />
you have support structures around you.<br />
At home, these will have probably been<br />
organised for you by parents, teachers and<br />
others, but at university you need to set<br />
them up yourself.<br />
Sign up with your local GP - it’s not a<br />
great idea to wait until you get ill and have<br />
to struggle to find one, as they will need<br />
to transfer your notes from your previous<br />
doctor. Make sure you know where the<br />
university nurse or pastoral care centre is<br />
too.<br />
University gyms and swimming pools<br />
often offer cheap memberships to their<br />
students. It is worth taking them up on this,<br />
even if it eats into your budget for other<br />
things, to try and give your health even a<br />
1% boost each week!<br />
Share the dream with<br />
The Olympic Museum<br />
Have you ever wondered how it<br />
feels to be an Olympic champion?<br />
The rush of adrenalin? The<br />
intensity of crucial moments? Thanks to the<br />
latest computer technology and audiovisual<br />
media, it is now possible at the Olympic<br />
Museum in Lausanne.<br />
The magnificent Museum has over<br />
1500 exhibits, 150 screens, and ultimate<br />
experiences that will leave you with great<br />
stories to tell. Here you can discover the<br />
creativity of previous host cities and get an<br />
insight into the hard work of volunteers<br />
behind the scenes.<br />
The journey at the Olympic Museum<br />
in Lausanne begins with discovering the<br />
newly updated Olympic Park adorned with<br />
impressive sculptures by contemporary<br />
artists and sports installations.<br />
In front of The Museum, the iconic<br />
Olympic fire burns all year round, and<br />
Pierre de Coubertin’s statue greets the<br />
public while the fire burns eternally in its<br />
cauldron. Displayed is the motto (since<br />
1894) ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’, which reminds<br />
us of the Games’ origins and history.<br />
The Olympic World<br />
The first theme presented in the exhibition<br />
is the ever-expanding phenomenon of the<br />
Olympic World. It explores the vision of<br />
its founder, Baron Pierre de Coubertin and<br />
will teach you how rooted the Olympics<br />
has been in our history since 1894. On the<br />
same floor, you will discover the 50 torches<br />
that have transported the Olympic flame of<br />
all Games since 1936 and go on a journey<br />
of Olympic history with an interactive<br />
timeline.<br />
Today there are 204 National Olympic<br />
Committees worldwide, and an incredible<br />
4 billion people shared the passion for sport<br />
during the last Games as either participants<br />
or spectators.<br />
The Olympic Games<br />
The Museum’s second floor is entirely<br />
devoted to the Olympic Games, which<br />
shapes the heart of every visitor’s<br />
experience. Here, you will learn about the<br />
stories and careers of many Olympians and<br />
the evolution of the sporting disciplines you<br />
know and love today.<br />
There is also the opportunity to view<br />
the Olympic program of the <strong>Summer</strong> and<br />
Winter Games and listen to an introduction<br />
to the birth of the Paralympics and the<br />
Youth Olympic Games.<br />
The Olympic Spirit<br />
How do you become an Olympic<br />
champion? What’s life like under<br />
competition conditions? How does it feel<br />
to win or to lose? On the third floor, the<br />
‘Olympic Spirit’, all these questions are<br />
answered for you.<br />
Through video, memorabilia, and<br />
interactive installations, you immerse<br />
yourself in all aspects of the Olympic<br />
experience, including the joy, drama and<br />
the Olympic village atmosphere where all<br />
nations meet.<br />
Inspired by the daily life of champions,<br />
you can also try fun interactive exercises,<br />
which include balance and agility tests and<br />
challenging mind games.<br />
End your Olympic experience with an<br />
incredible finale presenting the medals in a<br />
180° audiovisual show.<br />
Riding the Olympic Wave<br />
Six new sports and disciplines were recently<br />
added to the programme of the <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Games: 3x3 Basketball, BMX Freestyle,<br />
breaking, skateboarding, sport climbing and<br />
surfing. ‘Riding the Olympic Wave’ explores<br />
this evolution and presents these sports and<br />
disciplines with their social, cultural, and<br />
artistic contexts through art installations.<br />
The program is supported by cultural<br />
events, a digital exhibition, and more! Open<br />
until March 2023.<br />
Find out more here: https://olympics.<br />
com/museum/explore/programming/<br />
riding-the-olympic-wave<br />
TOM Café - A café with<br />
breathtaking views<br />
Before leaving the museum, we recommend<br />
grabbing a refreshment at the TOM Café<br />
located on the top floor. This cafe boasts<br />
contemporary and sporty decor inspired<br />
by the Olympic theme, and has one of the<br />
most desirable terraces in Lausanne with<br />
spectacular views over Lake Geneva and<br />
the Alps.<br />
TOM Shop – Nothing usual here!<br />
A great place to start – or end – the<br />
Olympic Museum experience is at the<br />
TOM shop. Offering an exclusive and<br />
unique range of quirky and original<br />
products, you can take a piece of the<br />
Olympic dream home.<br />
Tuesday to Sunday: Open from<br />
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.<br />
Mondays: closed. (except for bank<br />
holidays and special events).<br />
Closed: 24, 25, 31 December, and<br />
1 January.<br />
The Olympic Museum<br />
Quai d’Ouchy 1<br />
1006 Lausanne, Switzerland<br />
+41 (0)21 621 65 11<br /><br /><br />
Olympic Museum tickets, admission<br />
prices and hours of operation<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> in<br />
Switzerland <strong>2022</strong><br />
© Schweiz Tourismus / Daniel Loosli<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> in Switzerland<br />
offers endless possibilities<br />
for a family holiday. Soak<br />
up nature through the beautiful<br />
landscapes, feel the fresh<br />
mountain streams run over your<br />
toes and relax as children laugh<br />
and explore the many playgrounds<br />
and activities.<br />
Switzerland has numerous<br />
breathtaking regions to discover,<br />
whether you’re looking for a short<br />
break or a summer-long trip.<br />
Hike through enchanting forests,<br />
horse ride over the Jura or capture<br />
panoramic views as you have never<br />
seen before. Many activities are<br />
suitable for children, with fun trails<br />
and playgrounds to enjoy.<br />
Read below for our top familyfriendly<br />
destinations in Switzerland<br />
this summer.<br /><br />
© Switzerland Tourism / Dominik Baur<br />
Eggishorn View Point<br />
From the Eggishorn viewpoint, you get to see it all. Not only<br />
do you have a view of the 20 kilometres long Great Aletsch<br />
Glacier, but also Konkordiaplatz and the Eiger, Mönch and<br />
Jungfrau mountains. On days when there is not a cloud in<br />
sight, you may even spot the famous Matterhorn.<br />
Eggishorn’s viewpoint is easily accessible by cable car from<br />
Fiescheralp, making it a brilliant trip for all the family. Don’t<br />
forget to get your camera out to capture the magnificent<br />
moment!<br />
We also highly recommend the small but exquisite Horli-<br />
Hitta mountain restaurant if you feel hungry on your trip.<br />
© Switzerland Tourism<br />
/ Dominik Baur<br />
Herens cow educational trail<br />
Travel through six stations on the Herens cattle educational trail<br />
and discover the life of the Herens cows and also the people who<br />
live and work in the Nendaz region.<br />
The four-kilometre trail starts at Alpe de Tortin in the middle of<br />
the four Vallées and lasts roughly an hour and a quarter; however,<br />
there is no rush. You can peacefully enjoy all the spectacular<br />
landscapes around you in your own time.<br />
Hiking in the footsteps of the dwarf Bartli<br />
Bartli, the dwarf, lives in the magical Braunwald forest and<br />
emerges from his hut from mid-June to October every year to<br />
welcome families. He wears red trousers and a bright green<br />
jumper, so hopefully, you won’t miss him! Waiting to be discovered<br />
in the forest is eight enchanting places straight from a fairy tale.<br />
The magical places you can explore on your hike include<br />
the dwarf ’s castle, the gemstone cleft, the dwarf ’s cave, the<br />
Rindenhüttli bark hut, the dwarf ’s tower, Tiidi’s house and, finally,<br />
the dwarf ’s bathing spot.<br />
This long trail covers four kilometres with several hiking options<br />
to choose from.<br />
The Toggenburg Sound Trail<br />
Stretching over multiple stages, from Alp Sellamatt to Iltios and as<br />
far as Oberdorf, the Toggenburg Sound Trail is an extraordinary<br />
musical experience with 26 sound stations. Combining all kinds<br />
of curiosities with the most incredible landscapes, this is a thrilling<br />
route for all curious nature lovers.<br />
There are numerous sound-making activities available, such<br />
as forging singing bowls and bells, the alpine horn, yodelling for<br />
beginners and lots more.<br />
Jura - a paradise for horse riding<br />
Whether a novice or highly experienced, the Jura will feel like<br />
paradise if you are a keen horse rider. The gentle, hilly landscapes<br />
and expansive nature areas are captivating and perfect for all types<br />
of horse riding activities.<br />
The Franches-Montagnes is also the home of the horse of the<br />
same name, the only indigenous Swiss breed that lives partly wild<br />
on the Jura mountain range. As you see the horses wandering<br />
happily across the landscape, your surroundings will feel<br />
reminiscent of the Wild West.<br />
The best ideas to enjoy Lausanne this summer<br />
Located on the shores of Lake Geneva, Lausanne is THE destination for a weekend getaway this<br />
summer. Check out our helpful tips!<br />
1. LAKE GENEVA<br />
Enjoying drinks right on<br />
the water’s edge,<br />
embarking on a<br />
paddleboard outing, diving<br />
into the lake’s turquoise<br />
waters… Lake Geneva is<br />
absolutely the Lausanners’<br />
favourite spot to make the<br />
most of the summer.<br />
4. LAVAUX<br />
For the most dazzling<br />
landscapes this summer,<br />
head to Lavaux, a UNESCO<br />
World Heritage site. A<br />
unique view over the<br />
vineyards, the lake and<br />
mountains awaits you there.<br />
Welcome to paradise!<br />
After climbing the 151<br />
steps that lead to the top,<br />
you’ll discover the<br />
impressive 360° panorama<br />
over the town. It’s also the<br />
opportunity to see how<br />
green a city Lausanne is,<br />
with nature present<br />
everywhere.<br />
Visiting The Olympic<br />
Museum when you’re in<br />
the Olympic Capital is a<br />
must! After the visit, enjoy<br />
a stroll in the magnificent<br />
park and don’t forget to<br />
take a break on the<br />
panoramic terrace.<br />
5. PLATEFORME 10<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
YES, the largest European<br />
cultural spot is complete at<br />
last with the arrival of the<br />
Museum of Contemporary<br />
Design and Applied Arts,<br />
and Photo Elysée<br />
dedicated to photography.<br />
Both are joining the Vaud<br />
Museum of Fine Arts on<br />
June 18.<br />
Taste the delicious local products from the market<br />
Admire the view over the town from the<br />
Cathedral’s belfry<br />
Have drinks with a lake view at The Lacustre<br />
Book your Lausanne City Pass<br />
Find more on<br />
and follow us @thelausanner <br />
Impressum: pictures from Giglio Pasqua, Laurent Kaczor, Sébastien Closuit, Phillip Waterton, Urs Achermann & Etienne Malapert
Interlaken <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
This summer, a diverse world of adventure and action<br />
awaits you and your family in the Holiday Region<br />
Interlaken. In the heart of the dramatic mountain range<br />
around Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, you will marvel at new<br />
discoveries and make family memories that will last a lifetime.<br />
The region covers everything from impressive mountain<br />
excursions to fascinating museums and action-packed activities.<br />
The unique natural landscape of the Bernese Oberland is a<br />
beautiful family experience and offers an unforgettable holiday in<br />
the heart of Switzerland.<br />
Below, we have shared our favourite summer activities in the<br />
Holiday Region Interlaken.<br />
Ropes Park Interlaken<br />
In the Ropes Park Interlaken, nine courses with different difficulty<br />
levels take you through the forest. Climb high up into the tops<br />
of the trees or fly through the luscious forest on the zip lines.<br />
Wobbling obstacles, thrilling zip lines and exciting swing sets<br />
challenge you and are sure to increase your adrenaline levels. You<br />
will love this day full of fun at the Ropes Park Interlaken.<br />
Lake Thun Canoeing Trail – adventure on the water<br />
Discover Lake Thun’s picturesque shore on your own through the<br />
canoe trail. Five rental stations with canoes and stand-up paddles<br />
are available where you can rent the necessary equipment for your<br />
adventure. With the warm summer sun on your face, paddle across<br />
the glistening fresh water and race your family to the edge of Lake<br />
Thun. Who will win?<br />
Schynige Platte – natural paradise with remarkable views<br />
Board the retro mountain railway at Wilderswil station and prepare<br />
to be overwhelmed by unbelievable views of the Eiger, Mönch<br />
and Jungfrau as well as the surrounding peaks. When you arrive<br />
at 1,967 metres above sea level, don’t forget to soak up the view<br />
dubbed as ‘nature’s cinema’ and get ready for a scenic hike you’ll<br />
never forget. You can also enjoy a walk through the Botanical<br />
Alpine Garden or put your feet up and relax at the 100-yearold<br />
mountain hotel. Children can pass the time in the alpine<br />
playground with Lily the Cow’s carved mascot and solve the new<br />
treasure hunt mysteries to win great prizes.<br />
Ballenberg Open-Air Museum – experience Swiss tradition<br />
The Ballenberg Open-Air Museum is a great way to immerse<br />
yourself in past times and impressive Swiss culture. In just one<br />
day, you can experience all the wonders of Switzerland. Discover<br />
museums, traditional crafts and various centuries-old buildings.<br />
Perfect for the whole family, Ballenberg also boasts a playground,<br />
rides on carousel and a petting zoo for children to enjoy.<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 37<br />
The St. Beatus Caves – a natural wonder by Lake Thun<br />
The St. Beatus Caves are one of Lake Thun’s most popular<br />
excursion destinations. The enchanting waters and incredible stone<br />
world take you on a discovery trip through over 1 kilometre of<br />
extensive cave systems. One particular highlight is the impressive<br />
stalactite formations and unique shapes and colours of the<br />
stalagmites and stalactites. A must-visit.
<strong>Summer</strong> at Schilthorn:<br />
Adrenalin and Relaxation for families<br />
View. Thrill. Chill. The Mürren –<br />
Schilthorn is one of Switzerland’s<br />
most spectacular hiking regions<br />
that promises breathtaking vistas,<br />
adrenaline-fuelled experiences and ultimate<br />
relaxation in the enchanting mountain<br />
landscape.<br />
A cable car connects the Lauterbrunnen<br />
Valley from Stechelberg with the<br />
picturesque car-free mountain villages of<br />
Gimmelwald and Mürren, which ascend to<br />
the middle station at Birg that leads to the<br />
2,970-metre-high Schilthorn summit.<br />
VIEW from Schilthorn peak<br />
The Piz Gloria sits 2,970 metres above<br />
sea level, surrounded by more than 200<br />
alpine peaks and embedded in an unspoilt<br />
mountain environment. The instantly<br />
recognisable building takes pride of place<br />
on the Schilthorn summit and offers a<br />
breathtaking 360° view of the Eiger, Mönch<br />
and Jungfrau-peaks, which align with the<br />
Bernese and Valais-Alps.<br />
Enjoy a delicious table-served meal and<br />
panoramic views at the 360°-Restaurant<br />
Piz Gloria as it rotates on its axis in 45<br />
minutes. The culinary delights range from<br />
simple snacks to regional dishes. Particular<br />
highlights include the James Bond Brunch,<br />
which is served daily until 2 pm, the 007<br />
Burger or the Piz Gloria afternoon platter.<br />
On the track of James Bond<br />
Did you know that the Schilthorn was the<br />
main filming location for “On Her Majesty’s<br />
Secret Service” from October 1968 to May<br />
1969? James Bond’s arch-nemesis Blofeld’s<br />
headquarters are located at the revolving<br />
summit restaurant called “Piz Gloria” - a<br />
name the restaurant still carries to this<br />
day. Visitors can dive right into the action<br />
in Bond World, the interactive exhibition<br />
dedicated to the movie. It features seven key<br />
scenes, along with film-related trivia.<br />
A relaxing interlude after the hustle and<br />
bustle of Bond World is available at the<br />
integrated Bond Cinema. In addition to<br />
scenes from the classic James Bond film,<br />
the 12-metre-wide, curved screen shows<br />
aerial footage of the magnificent mountain<br />
landscape.<br />
THRILL – Spine-tingling sensations<br />
at Birg<br />
The Birg station offers the most authentic<br />
thrilling experience; perched majestically<br />
on the rock massif, standing at 2,677 metres<br />
above sea level – around 1,000 metres above<br />
the village of Mürren.<br />
Built as an extension of the spacious<br />
sun terrace, the Skyline Walk observation<br />
deck is suspended over the vertical abyss,<br />
with panoramic vistas and exhilarating<br />
views into the void. Constructed from steel<br />
and reinforced glass with a grated floor, its<br />
angular design blends seamlessly into the<br />
landscape.<br />
On the opposite side of the terrace starts<br />
the Thrill Walk. The steel structure clings<br />
to the rock before swerving under the<br />
observation deck and cableway to end below<br />
the cable car station. There is also a crawlthrough<br />
tunnel, glass-bottomed floor, rope<br />
and cattle grid to add to the spine-tingling<br />
experience.<br />
More THRILL on the via ferrata<br />
Love an adrenaline rush? Don’t miss the<br />
Mürren-Gimmelwald via ferrata. This<br />
excellently secured “iron way” covers a<br />
distance of over 2.2 kilometres. Walk across<br />
a tight rope with rushing water below you,<br />
climb down steep ladders, zip line across a<br />
ravine, and more.<br />
This is an incredible experience and<br />
a great way to discover new heights 600<br />
metres above ground, always secured safely<br />
with a rope.<br />
CHILL-ing family moments on the<br />
Allmendhubel<br />
Those seeking a relaxing holiday in Mürren’s<br />
area will find it on the nearby Allmendhubel<br />
mountain. 1907 metres above sea level,<br />
the top family destination is accessible by<br />
funicular within four minutes. At the cosy<br />
panorama restaurant Allmendhubel with<br />
its spacious sun terrace, adults can tuck into<br />
a delicious meal while children play in the<br />
Flower Park adventure playground.<br />
This expansive play meadow offers a<br />
wealth of facts about the flora and fauna<br />
of the Alpine region. Children can explore<br />
a marmot burrow, fly with butterflies, milk<br />
cows and even make cheese here. Solid<br />
timber structures imitate the shape of giant<br />
flowers and oversized insects. Its colourful and<br />
imaginative design transforms this playground<br />
into a spectacular world of wonders.<br />
Head to the water labyrinth for a fun<br />
and refreshing experience - not just on hot<br />
summer days. Who will reach the finish<br />
line the fastest without getting splashed?<br />
The water is constantly changing direction<br />
making this a challenge only the quickest can<br />
complete!<br />
In addition to the Flower Park, visitors<br />
will find the Flower Trail. This floral-themed<br />
trail winds through Allmendhubel in about<br />
20 minutes along a wide path suitable for<br />
strollers, providing children and adults with<br />
a whimsical introduction to alpine flowers,<br />
meadows, and herbs. Admire over 150<br />
species, including gentians, alpine roses and<br />
edelweiss.<br />
Discover the colour<br />
that best suits your<br />
ideal holiday by<br />
completing this quiz:<br />
© Ticino Turismo, photo by Enrico Pescantini<br />
Your next colourful<br />
getaway to southern<br />
Switzerland<br />
© Ascona-Locarno, photo<br />
by Alessio Pizzicannella<br />
Ticino is a very special Swiss<br />
canton, located entirely to the<br />
south of the Alps it enjoys a<br />
beautiful Mediterranean climate. This<br />
favourable condition makes Ticino a<br />
pleasure to visit whatever the season.<br />
Immerse yourself in nature and<br />
experience the summer colours of Ticino<br />
through the glistening blue waters,<br />
tranquil green valleys, romantic sunsets,<br />
and vibrant array of flowers. There is<br />
also the opportunity to dive into Ticino’s<br />
history through medieval castles or military<br />
fortresses with kilometer-long galleries<br />
under the Gotthard massif.<br />
You deserve to taste the Dolce Vita<br />
Do you love holidays full of surprises and<br />
unique pleasures? Then, you’ll be amazed<br />
by Ticino’s Dolce Vita. Indulge in delicious<br />
coffee in one of Ticino’s most idyllic<br />
squares, stroll along Ascona’s lakeside<br />
promenade under the sun-kissed palms or<br />
unwind at the lido.<br />
There will be plenty of opportunities<br />
to put your feet up and relax with an<br />
aperitivo. All whilst the children play and<br />
laugh on the sandy shore lines.<br />
End your day with a stay at the fivestar<br />
hotel, Castello del Sole in Ascona,<br />
and enjoy a delicious dinner under a sky<br />
of stars. A family holiday in Ticino is<br />
guaranteed to create life-long memories.<br />
What if your family is very dynamic?<br />
Does your vacation need to be actionpacked<br />
with themed itineraries, a vast<br />
range of attractions, large green spaces and<br />
infinite leisure possibilities? Then, don’t<br />
hesitate to discover Ticino and its numerous<br />
family-friendly activities!<br />
One of the most appreciated<br />
attractions by children is undoubtedly<br />
the Swissminiatur in Melide, an open-air<br />
museum where you can admire iconic Swiss<br />
buildings and means of transportation in<br />
the unusual 1:25 scale.<br />
For children keen on the ultimate<br />
adventure, there’s so much to explore!<br />
Play at the Splash & Spa water park near<br />
Lugano, be amazed by the falconry and its<br />
birds of prey in Locarno or journey back in<br />
time at the Fossil Museum near Mendrisio.<br />
But don’t forget to dream about the<br />
adventures of the knights at Bellinzona’s<br />
fortress!<br />
Find out more<br />
about your next<br />
getaway in Ticino.<br />
© Monte Tamaro<br />
Family holidays<br />
in Liechtenstein:<br />
relaxation and adventure await here<br />
Nestled between Switzerland<br />
and Austria, Liechtenstein is a<br />
mountain principality that feels<br />
like something out of a fairy-tale. Cultural,<br />
natural and culinary diversity meet here,<br />
meaning there’s something for all the family<br />
to enjoy.<br />
Liechtenstein promises a world of fun,<br />
whether it’s an exciting trekking tour with<br />
llamas, a spectacular adventure hike or an<br />
adventurous, full moon walk.<br />
Recharge your batteries in the Malbun<br />
family paradise<br />
The idyllic Malbuntal has already received<br />
the “Family Destination” seal of approval<br />
from the Swiss Tourism Association several<br />
times. Not only does the quiet mountain<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 42<br />
village offer relaxation for families, but<br />
the nearby main town of Vaduz and the<br />
surrounding mountains make the side valley<br />
the ideal starting point for numerous sights<br />
in Liechtenstein.<br />
If you want to spend a quiet day away<br />
from the hustle and bustle of the main town,<br />
you will find a place to relax at the nearby<br />
Gänglesee in Steg. Children can splash
around in the cool water or build a reservoir,<br />
and Barbecue areas around the lake also<br />
invite you to eat and unwind together.<br />
Something for everyone<br />
In picturesque Malbun, you will find many<br />
family hotels that offer exciting children’s<br />
playgrounds and wellness areas for every<br />
age. Childcare is also available at the hotels<br />
for parents who want to enjoy some quality<br />
time together.<br />
A holiday to remember: Family<br />
experiences in the valley and<br />
mountain areas<br />
Experiences such as trekking tour with<br />
llamas and alpacas, a trip to the swing and<br />
researcher paths or a spectacular bird of<br />
& BOOKING<br />
Liechtenstein Marketing<br /><br />
T +423 239 63 63<br /><br />
“Cultural, natural and culinary diversity<br />
meet here, meaning there’s something for<br />
all the family to enjoy.”<br />
Offer princely summer and<br />
autumn holidays<br />
1 night in a 3-star superior hotel<br />
from CHF 69.50 per person<br /><br />
/famoffers<br />
prey show in Malbun make your family<br />
vacation in the Principality of Liechtenstein<br />
unforgettable.<br />
Nature-loving travellers can learn lots<br />
of interesting facts about the forest on the<br />
forest adventure trail in Vaduzm or enjoy<br />
cheese, wine and coffee on the FoodTrail<br />
from Vaduz to Schaan. The Walser<br />
SagenWeg in Triesenberg, the detective<br />
trails in Malbun and Vaduz or the rope park<br />
in Triesen also offer everything for a perfect<br />
family day in nature.<br />
A real summer highlight in Liechtenstein<br />
is the Grossabünt bathing lake. The freely<br />
accessible leisure facility attracts visitors<br />
with its crystal-clear, refreshing lake and the<br />
soccer field, climbing wall, and slackline.<br />
With the adventure pass, all doors are<br />
open to families.<br />
Would you like a holiday full of activities?<br />
With the adventure pass for the whole<br />
family, you enjoy free travel on all bus routes<br />
and have access to 30 leisure attractions<br />
worth over 300 francs.<br />
These include the high rope park in<br />
Triesen, the exciting Liechtenstein State<br />
Museum, the ceramics workshop in<br />
Nendeln and the chairlift in Malbun. You<br />
can also visit indoor and outdoor pools and<br />
many museums with the adventure pass.<br />
On foot through the whole country on the<br />
Liechtenstein Trail<br />
Mountains up to 2600 meters high and a<br />
network of more than 400 kilometres of<br />
well-developed hiking trails lure people to<br />
hike in the principality. However, if you<br />
want to get to know the country from all<br />
sides, you can embark on the 75-kilometre<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 44<br />
Liechtenstein Trail. The trail journeys<br />
through the local communities, idyllic<br />
nature reserves, vineyards, and blooming<br />
mountain meadows.<br />
It is best for hikers with children to cover<br />
the path in several stages. In addition, the<br />
convenient luggage transport service from<br />
hotel to hotel makes hiking here a more<br />
relaxed experience.<br /><br />
Tour de Suisse guest in Liechtenstein<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
Follow one of the biggest cycling races<br />
in the world live in Liechtenstein. On<br />
June 18, the Tour de Suisse finishes in the<br />
mountain town of Malbun and on June 19,<br />
the final individual time trial takes place in<br />
Liechtenstein’s main town of Vaduz.<br />
Discover Switzerland<br />
in less than two hours.<br /><br />
Swissminiatur is Switzerland’s largest open-air miniature museum.<br />
Immerse yourself in the miniature world of railway history and the most<br />
important buildings and monuments in Switzerland. Located in Melide, on<br />
the shores of Lake Lugano, the park is surrounded by majestic mountains<br />
including Monte Generoso, San Salvatore and also San Giorgio, which has<br />
been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.<br />
swissminiatur_paginaufficiale<br />
swissminiatur<br />
Management Swissminiatur SA<br />
CH-6815 Melide Switzerland<br />
T.+41(0)91 640 10 60<br />
©Basel Tourismus, Photo : Teddy Verneuil<br />
Piet Mondrian, Woods near Oele, 1908<br />
Öl auf Leinwand, 128 x 158 cm<br />
Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Den Haag,<br />
Niederlande, Vermächtnis Salomon B. Slijper<br />
BASEL<br />
In Basel, art can be seen wherever you go, whether strolling<br />
through the beautiful Old Town or when visiting one of<br />
the almost 40 museums. With their themed collections,<br />
the museums have something for every taste, and many have<br />
reputations that stretch far beyond the Swiss border.<br />
Discover more with the free BaselCard! When you stay overnight<br />
in Basel, you will benefit from discounts on numerous cultural and<br />
recreational activities and other exclusive advantages.<br /><br />
© 2021 Mondrian/Holtzman Trust<br />
Open Studio<br />
© Photo: Pati Grabowicz<br />
Kunstmuseum Basel<br />
Picasso – El Greco<br />
11.06.–25.09.<strong>2022</strong><br />
In a large special exhibition, the Kunstmuseum illuminates the<br />
encounter of Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) with the old master El<br />
Greco (1541–1614), born Doménikos Theotokópoulos in Crete.<br />
Masterworks by both artists are juxtaposed in some forty pairings,<br />
tracing the course of one of the most fascinating dialogues in the<br />
history of art. Prestigious loans from across the globe are assembled<br />
around a core of Picasso masterworks from the museum’s own<br />
collection.<br /><strong>2022</strong>/picassoelgreco<br />
Events accompanying the exhibition Picasso – El Greco<br />
Children’s opening: Experiments with Colors, Light and Paper<br />
Friday, 10.6.<strong>2022</strong>, 6-8 pm<br />
© <strong>2022</strong> Museum Tinguely Basel; Photo: Daniel Spehr<br />
Museum Tinguely with<br />
Schwimmwasserplastik by Jean<br />
Tinguely in the Solitude Park<br />
(view from the west)<br />
Pablo Picasso, Self-<br />
Portrait, 1901, Musée<br />
national Picasso, Paris,<br />
Photo: RMN-Grand<br />
Palais/Mathieu Rabeau<br />
© Succession Picasso, <strong>2022</strong> ProLitteris, Zurich<br />
Other family events<br />
Bring your Baby Tour<br />
Enjoy a guided tour of the collections with your baby<br />
Thursday, 23.6.<strong>2022</strong>, 10.15 am<br />
Fondation Beyeler<br />
Mondrian Evolution<br />
5 June – 9 October <strong>2022</strong><br />
Marking the 150th anniversary of the artist’s birth, the Fondation<br />
Beyeler will devote an exhibition to the Dutch painter Piet<br />
Mondrian. As one of the most important artists of the avant-garde<br />
movement, Mondrian shaped the evolution of painting from<br />
figuration to abstraction. His early work was influenced not only by<br />
late 19th-century Dutch landscape painting but also by Symbolism<br />
and Cubism.<br />
Family Tour<br />
Sunday, 26.06.<strong>2022</strong>,11 am–12 pm<br />
Tour of the “Mondrian Evolution” exhibition for children aged 6<br />
to 10 accompanied by an adult.<br />
Price: children up to 10 years old: CHF 7.– / adults: admission fee<br />
visit for tickets<br />
Workshop for children<br />
Wednesday, 29.06.<strong>2022</strong>, 2–4.30 pm<br />
A tour to discover the exhibition “Mondrian Evolution”, followed<br />
by playful experimentation in the studio. For children aged 6 to 10.<br />
Price: CHF 10.– incl. Materials<br />
visit for tickets<br />
Museum Tinguely<br />
BANG BANG – translocal hi:stories of performance art<br />
8 June <strong>2022</strong> – 21 August <strong>2022</strong><br />
Performance will be taking centre stage at Museum Tinguely all<br />
summer long. The show will focus on Swiss art, its stories, and their<br />
many interpreters, while at the same time laying on an exciting,<br />
international programme of happenings. From the spectacular to<br />
the scarcely perceptible, BANG BANG will give the incredibly rich<br />
history of performance art in Switzerland the attention it deserves.<br /><br />
Other Events at Museum Tinguely<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Party & Opening | BANG BANG - translocal<br />
hi:stories of performance art<br />
Tuesday, 7 June <strong>2022</strong>, 6:30 pm<br />
Costs: free admission, no booking required<br />
Family Sunday<br />
Sunday, 26 June <strong>2022</strong> / Sunday, 11 December <strong>2022</strong>, 11:30 am – 5<br />
pm<br />
A workshop programme for the whole family to enjoy.<br />
Costs: museum admission, no booking required. Family Sundays<br />
are inclusive events<br />
© Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois Basel<br />
ON TOP OF<br />
MT. TITLIS<br />
(3020 metres above sea level)<br />
Experience new glacial heights and<br />
spectacular panoramic views from<br />
the top of Mt.Titlis, 3,020 metres<br />
above sea level. Take the Titlis Xpress cable<br />
car from Engelberg to Stand station in<br />
around 25 minutes, and from Strand, you<br />
can then hop on the Titlis Rotair, which will<br />
carry you up to the top of Titlis in a matter<br />
of minutes.<br />
TITLIS Cliff Walk<br />
The Titlis Cliff Walk is an experience like<br />
no other. This spectacular suspension bridge<br />
high on the summit is 3,041 metres above<br />
sea level, 500 metres off the ground and 150<br />
heart-pounding steps long, making it the<br />
highest suspension bridge in Europe.<br />
A route leads you through the glacier cave<br />
via an underground tunnel and onto the<br />
viewing platform at the south wall window<br />
when you reach the summit. The onemetre-wide<br />
suspension bridge then stretches<br />
to the Ice Flyer glacier chair lift station.<br />
Gaze into the abyss below and soak up the<br />
breathtaking views! An adventure you will<br />
never forget.<br />
Glacier Cave<br />
A magical world of ice awaits you in the<br />
glacier cave. Basked in a subtle turquoise<br />
light, the air here is so cold you will see<br />
tiny white clouds from your breath.<br />
This mystical 5,000-year-old cave is<br />
what forms the frosty heart of Titlis,<br />
with a 150-metre long walkway that<br />
descends 10 metres below the glacier’s<br />
surface.<br />
With easy access from the Titlis Mountain<br />
Station, this is an incredible experience not<br />
to miss.<br />
Trübsee (middle station 1800 metres<br />
above sea level)<br />
Many years ago, a muleteer called Engelbert<br />
and his pack mule Schmuggli would<br />
often undertake the strenuous route from<br />
Engelberg over the Jochpass to Engstlenalp.<br />
They would hide their smuggled goods in<br />
different places around Trübsee, which you<br />
can now hunt for on the trail of Schmuggli.<br />
At each of the six stations around Trübsee<br />
lake, you will find an object with a letter, try<br />
and solve the puzzle to win a prize!<br />
Trübsee Adventure Playground<br />
The Titlis Adventure Park will make all<br />
superhero’s dreams come true. There<br />
are many adventures to enjoy from the<br />
BagJump Tower, Trampoline2Bag or<br />
slackline, all with guided supervision.<br />
Perfect for all ages to practice balance,<br />
concentration and coordination.<br />
Schmuggli’s world of adventure<br />
July <strong>2022</strong> will see the opening of the new<br />
Schmuggli’s Sbrinz Trail. A puzzle trail<br />
on the mountain hike from the Hüethütte<br />
to the Untertrübsee alpine cheese dairy.<br />
Here you can solve tricky riddles during<br />
a 1.5-hour hike and, with a bit of luck,<br />
uncover Schmuggli’s secret writing.<br />
Trübsee Flyer Zipline<br />
Buckle up and take to the air down the<br />
500m Trübsee Flyer zipline. This is a<br />
thrilling way to experience panoramic<br />
views of Trübsee lake. Children aged<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 48<br />
8+ and adults can take the ride, but just be<br />
quick to grab a photo as they fly speedily<br />
down!<br />
Trübsee Lake<br />
Take a trip out onto the lake with your<br />
friends and famlly on one of the six rowing<br />
boats available to hire. Whether you’re a<br />
rowing enthusiast or simply want a relaxed<br />
lake adventure, this is perfect for everyone.<br />
Each boat has space for four people and life<br />
jackets are provided.<br />
Open daily from June to October.<br />
Overnight accommodation<br />
TITLIS Resort<br />
With all the hotel amenities a family could<br />
need, the Titlis resort, set in the heart of<br />
Engelberg, is perfect for a comfortable<br />
stay in beautiful apartments. The Resort<br />
offers a wellness oasis for all guests and has<br />
a range of apartments available with 2-5<br />
rooms, including a unique 3-room family<br />
apartment.<br />
Trübsee Alpine Lodge<br />
If a mountain view stay is something<br />
you have your heart set on, the Trübsee<br />
Alpine Lodge is the place for you. After<br />
an adventure-packed day, the cosy<br />
rooms promise a dreamy night’s sleep,<br />
and delicious food options await. www.<br /><br />
Hotel Terrace<br />
Hotel Terrace has it covered whether you’re<br />
searching for your next sporting challenge<br />
or want to relax and have a good time. The<br />
hotel is conveniently just a short lift ride<br />
from the village centre, and the bus stop has<br />
a free shuttle to the cable car station. www.<br />
The Swiss<br />
Education System<br />
Swiss education is renowned for being<br />
one of the world’s best. In fact, the<br />
2021 Best Countries Report places<br />
Switzerland sixth overall ahead of Japan,<br />
Sweden, and The Netherlands. The Swiss<br />
education system is largely decentralised.<br />
There are 26 cantons, and each has a<br />
degree of autonomy when it comes to<br />
curriculum development and assessment.<br />
The State Secretariat for Education,<br />
Research, and Innovation (SERI) overseas<br />
the cantons though their role is largely<br />
passive.<br />
In Switzerland, formal education begins<br />
at primary level. However, most children<br />
also attend Kindergarten before starting<br />
school. After primary school comes lower<br />
secondary, which turn is followed by<br />
upper secondary. This sometimes includes<br />
vocational training. At the conclusion of<br />
secondary school, students may apply for<br />
tertiary study at a university or other higher<br />
education institute. On the surface this<br />
may not sound too different to education in<br />
your home country. But when we dig a little<br />
deeper you will see that there are many<br />
nuances unique to the Swiss education<br />
system.<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 49<br />
Primary Education<br />
First of all, we must point out that<br />
there are a number of differences in the<br />
structure of primary education between<br />
Switzerland’s three main language groups:<br />
German, French and Italian. These include<br />
aspects such as start age and teaching<br />
methodologies.<br />
Primary education in Switzerland begins<br />
at around six years old and is compulsory.<br />
Children study at primary school for<br />
approximately six years. Generally<br />
speaking, children learn in the language of<br />
their region eg. German, French, Italian, or
Did you know that<br />
in Switzerland<br />
around 45% of<br />
adults obtain a<br />
tertiary degree or<br />
diploma?<br />
Romansh. However, they are expected to<br />
learn a second national language, and also<br />
English. The rest of the curriculum is made<br />
up of mathematics, natural sciences, social<br />
sciences, humanities, music, art, physical<br />
education, and health studies.<br />
Primary school students receive a report<br />
card twice a year and, in some cantons,<br />
even sit small exams. At the end of each<br />
school year children are assessed as to<br />
whether they move on to the next grade.<br />
You also have the option to privately<br />
educate your child at primary level. In<br />
Switzerland there are three types of private<br />
primary schools: <strong>International</strong>, Montessori,<br />
and religious.<br />
Secondary Education<br />
Lower Secondary<br />
As mentioned earlier secondary education<br />
is split into lower and upper schools. Lower<br />
secondary school is attended by children<br />
aged between 11 and 15 and is therefore<br />
compulsory.<br />
Lower secondary school could be<br />
likened to middle school and is known as<br />
Gymnasium or Kantonsschule. Lower<br />
secondary education covers three years;<br />
however, it can last longer depending on<br />
the region and canton.<br />
“Upper secondary education is not compulsory in<br />
Switzerland. However, over 90% of Swiss students<br />
elect to further their secondary education.”<br />
Students at lower secondary school<br />
study the local language, a second national<br />
language, an optional third language,<br />
and English. Additionally, they learn core<br />
subjects such as maths, science, geography,<br />
history, civics, music, art, physical<br />
education, and home economics.<br />
Just like in primary school, the majority<br />
of cantons issue a graded report card twice<br />
per year. Students may also sit exams –<br />
defining whether they progress or should<br />
repeat the year.<br />
Lower secondary schooling finishes at<br />
about 15 years of age. Students may then<br />
choose to continue with their education and<br />
advance to upper secondary school.<br />
Upper Secondary<br />
Upper secondary education is not<br />
compulsory in Switzerland. However, over<br />
90% of Swiss students elect to further their<br />
secondary education.<br />
In Switzerland, upper secondary<br />
education is divided into two areas: general<br />
education and vocational schools. Students<br />
are expected to decide which track to take<br />
and enrol accordingly. For many expats,<br />
this is surprising as 15 seems very young to<br />
make such life-impacting decisions.<br />
Upper secondary schools are overseen by<br />
their canton and the federal government.<br />
This can cause dissimilarities between<br />
different schools and regions; however, all<br />
upper secondary qualifications are valid<br />
across Switzerland.<br />
Upper secondary schools fall into one of<br />
three categories:<br />
Vocational education and training (VET)<br />
schools<br />
These schools are the most popular<br />
choice for Swiss students. Basic vocational<br />
education lasts for two – four years and<br />
provides practical and technical training<br />
and usually includes an apprenticeship. On<br />
completion, students receive a Federal VET<br />
certificate, a Federal VET diploma, or the<br />
Federal vocational baccalaureate which<br />
egular university in that it does not<br />
award doctoral degrees. Another way in<br />
which Fachhochschule are different to<br />
traditional universities, is that their teaching<br />
methodology is heavily practical.<br />
Other types of study<br />
Kindergarten<br />
Kindergarten is compulsory for two years<br />
and begins at around four years of age.<br />
These institutions focus on play-based<br />
learning and creative stimulation. <strong>Parent</strong>s<br />
can choose between public and private<br />
kindergartens – the main difference being<br />
cost. Public kindergartens are free, whereas<br />
private kindergartens can run into the<br />
thousands of euros.<br />
allows them to apply to a university of<br />
applied science.<br />
Baccalaureate schools<br />
It is very important to point out that<br />
this Baccalaureate is different to the<br />
<strong>International</strong> Baccalaureate Diploma<br />
taught at private (<strong>International</strong>) schools.<br />
About a third of Swiss students choose to<br />
go to baccalaureate schools, where they<br />
receive a more general education.<br />
On average baccalaureate programmes<br />
last for four years, however, they can take<br />
as little as three, or as many as six years<br />
depending on the canton.<br />
The baccalaureate programme is made<br />
up of core subjects, a specialisation, a<br />
secondary specialisation, and a final essay.<br />
Core subjects include up to three languages,<br />
maths, biology, chemistry, physics, history,<br />
geography, visual arts and/or music.<br />
Students also take an introductory course<br />
to economics and law, and are able to select<br />
optional subjects as well.<br />
Grades awarded at the end of the<br />
year determine whether or not a student<br />
progresses. To complete the baccalaureate<br />
programme, students must take – and pass<br />
- exams in at least five subjects and present<br />
a final essay. A baccalaureate certificate<br />
facilitating university entry is awarded to<br />
students that pass the course.<br />
Upper secondary specialised schools<br />
There are public and private upper<br />
secondary specialised schools in 22 cantons<br />
with around 5% of Swiss students in<br />
attendance. These schools provide a general<br />
and professional education and training<br />
(PET) for specific occupations.<br />
Students study core subjects related to<br />
their occupation of interest. As in previous<br />
examples, a student’s performance directly<br />
impacts their advancement to the next year.<br />
Specialised school programmes usually last<br />
for three years and concludes with exams in<br />
six or more subjects.<br />
In some cantons students can take<br />
an additional one-year specialised<br />
baccalaureate course that includes a<br />
traineeship or practical experience.<br />
Students who achieve the specialised<br />
baccalaureate may then apply to a<br />
university of applied science or similar.<br />
Tertiary Education<br />
Tertiary level education comprises a wide<br />
variety of institutions and courses. Did you<br />
know that in Switzerland around 45% of<br />
adults obtain a tertiary degree or diploma?<br />
Switzerland has 12 universities in total,<br />
of which 10 are regulated at canton level.<br />
Swiss universities are known for their BA<br />
and MBA programmes and as a result,<br />
there is a large international student<br />
population.<br />
University of Applied Sciences are also<br />
popular in Switzerland. In total there are<br />
eight public institutions of this kind and<br />
one privately operated. These universities<br />
offer subjects such as engineering or<br />
business.<br />
The final type of tertiary provide is<br />
a Fachhochschule. This differs from a<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 52<br />
Home schooling<br />
Home schooling is rare in Switzerland. As<br />
with other types of education, the rules<br />
surrounding home schooling also vary<br />
wildly from canton to canton. In fact,<br />
the majority of cantons prohibit home<br />
schooling altogether.<br />
In areas where home schooling is<br />
permitted there is a strict framework for<br />
parents to abide by, including annual<br />
registration and monitoring.<br />
Although home schooling is not a<br />
popular option in Switzerland, the<br />
Covid-19 pandemic has seen a shift in the<br />
educational landscape. After long periods<br />
of distance learning, more and more<br />
parents are starting to view home schooling<br />
as a viable alternative to traditional<br />
education.<br />
Special educational needs<br />
By law, children with special educational<br />
needs must be accommodated within the<br />
regular framework and until they are 20,<br />
can access specialist support. On occasion<br />
parents will choose to send their child<br />
to a specialist school. This maybe more<br />
comfortable for the child and may also<br />
offer specialist equipment and training<br />
methods.<br />
Swiss education is held in high regard.<br />
It has long ranked in the global top 10<br />
across all levels and sectors. However,<br />
the decentralised system makes moving<br />
between cantons somewhat tricky – more<br />
so than moving abroad! If you decide<br />
to educate you child in Switzerland, the<br />
prestige that comes with that, will place<br />
them in great stead for further international<br />
education and career.
Is a Gap Year Worth It?<br />
What is a gap year<br />
The idea of a gap year is nothing<br />
new, however its purpose has changed<br />
significantly in the last 20 years. What was<br />
once a year abroad for dropouts, hippies<br />
and ‘save the world’ types, has morphed<br />
into a rite of passage for millennials and<br />
Gen Z.<br />
According to the Gap Year Association,<br />
a gap year is “a semester or year of<br />
experiential learning, typically taken after<br />
high school and prior to career or postsecondary<br />
education, in order to deepen<br />
one’s practical, professional, and personal<br />
awareness.”<br />
That is a pretty academic description of<br />
what in some cases, is simply an extended<br />
holiday. But is it really just an excuse for<br />
parties in exotic locations and shunning<br />
responsibility?<br />
Let’s look at the different types of Gap<br />
Year and what they entail.<br />
Types of gap year<br />
Gap programmes<br />
For people (and parents) who need the<br />
security of a structured programme,<br />
there are a number of organisations that<br />
offer gap years. These range from careerfocussed<br />
domestic internships, ecological<br />
experiences in exotic destinations, sociocultural<br />
volunteering, and skills-based<br />
adventures such a mountaineering and<br />
seamanship.<br />
Many of these gap programmes<br />
also offer university credits and official<br />
endorsements meaning the benefits extend<br />
beyond broadening your perspective and<br />
experience.<br />
Informal Gap Years AKA Taking a<br />
year off<br />
This form of “Gap Year” isn’t structured<br />
or credited towards future study, however<br />
it is often heavy on a broad range of<br />
experiential learning. This type of freerange<br />
gap year (sometimes referred to as<br />
‘free radical’) doesn’t suit everyone.<br />
Some years ago, I embarked on an<br />
informal gap year. I had studied my heart<br />
out in my final year of high school, received<br />
exceptional grades and was accepted into<br />
my ‘dream’ course at university. But I was<br />
burnt out. So, instead of jumping into<br />
tertiary study, I packed my bags and head<br />
overseas. I had a semblance of a plan and<br />
somewhere to stay, but aside from that the<br />
pages were blank.<br />
My gap year did not go to plan. I arrived<br />
at my original destination and within<br />
three months had realised it wasn’t for me.<br />
Perhaps I jumped in too soon? Or perhaps<br />
I found myself at 18 alone in a very foreign<br />
land and that was simply too much for me<br />
to process.<br />
The beauty of an informal gap year is<br />
that you can change and adapt your plans<br />
at any time. I had committed to a year off<br />
and that meant I still had time to re-write<br />
my story. I packed up my things (again) and<br />
embark on a new adventure.<br />
My gap year was spectacular and<br />
although it lacked the structure and support<br />
systems of a Gap Programme, I learnt<br />
more about myself and my place in the<br />
world in those ten months than I could<br />
have ever imagined.<br />
Benefits of a gap year<br />
As there is no single formula, the benefits<br />
are broad and varied. However, in general<br />
“A gap experience provides time<br />
out to evaluate what is important<br />
and how that can be balanced<br />
within a future career.”<br />
terms a gap experience provides:<br />
• Deeper self-understanding and awareness<br />
• Increased maturity and self-reliance<br />
• Expanded world view<br />
• Time out to evaluate what is important<br />
and how that can be balanced within a<br />
future career<br />
• Opportunity to develop relational skills,<br />
both in dealing with other people but<br />
also in how oneself reacts in a variety of<br />
circumstances<br />
• A point of difference when applying for<br />
further study and/or jobs<br />
• Increased earning potential –<br />
international experience – especially if the<br />
Gap Year has included an internship or<br />
similar<br />
• Acquisition of a new language (in some<br />
cases)<br />
• Cultural understanding<br />
• Problem solving skills<br />
• Time to recover after the academic rigors<br />
of the final year of secondary study<br />
Personally, I found the biggest benefits<br />
to be the acquisition of a new language,<br />
international work experience, personal<br />
reflection, and growth, and when applying<br />
for jobs, something that made my resume<br />
stand.<br />
<strong>Parent</strong>al Fears<br />
For many parents, the thought of a gap<br />
year is terrifying – one minute you are<br />
picking up socks off the floor and reminding<br />
your child to shower, and then next they<br />
are telling you they want to embark on<br />
adventure. Alone.<br />
But it is not just the fear of whether<br />
your child is ready to tackle a gap year.<br />
It’s also that they will decide not to attend<br />
university at all. It is fear that their intended<br />
destination has an undesirable crime rate<br />
and that they will not come home.<br />
These are very real fears and shouldn’t<br />
be waved away as overprotective or<br />
unreasonable. In my case, my parents were<br />
happy and supportive of my travels. I had<br />
always been a great student and they were<br />
sure that eventually I’d come home and fall<br />
into university life. Had my sister had the<br />
same plan, I’m sure things would have been<br />
quite different. Ask my parents about my<br />
sister and they will tell you that she went<br />
to school to “eat her lunch”. I am quite<br />
sure that had she suggested a gap year my<br />
parents would not have been so agreeable!<br />
Are parental fears founded? Let’s look at<br />
a few stats:<br />
• In the United States, 90% of Gap Year<br />
students go onto enrol in a 4-year degree<br />
course within one year of their return (Hoe,<br />
2016).<br />
• On average, Gappers achieve higher<br />
GPAs and shorter time-to-graduation<br />
ratios than non-Gappers. Students with a<br />
Gap experience need 4 years to complete<br />
a 4-year degree programme. Whereas<br />
students without needed on average 6 years<br />
to complete a 4-year programme (Hoe,<br />
2016).<br />
• Research in 2014 by the UK Government<br />
showed that students who take a gap<br />
year between high school and university<br />
are more likely to take unnecessary risk.<br />
Given that most gappers in this age group<br />
are aged 17 – 19, it begs the question of<br />
whether or not we are mature enough at<br />
that age for such an undertaking?<br />
How to help your child have an incredible<br />
experience<br />
For the most part, the best way to keep your<br />
child safe while on their gap year is to be<br />
involved. Talk to them about the type of<br />
experience they hope to have. Does your<br />
child have a destination in mind, or do<br />
they plan to spend time exploring an entire<br />
region? How long do they want to take<br />
off? Despite the name a gap year doesn’t<br />
necessarily have to be a full 12 months. Ask<br />
them whether they would like a structured<br />
programme or the freedom to roam.<br />
Finally, ask them how you can support<br />
them best.<br />
Gap years are often funded at least in<br />
part by parents. Even if you have the ability<br />
to finance your child’s entire trip, making<br />
them work for a portion of their expenses<br />
will help them value the trip and make<br />
more thoughtful decisions.<br />
Assisting your child in securing visas,<br />
vaccinations and arranging any other<br />
official document or health check is another<br />
way you can help protect them and make<br />
sure they are ready to take on the world!<br />
Lastly, before your child heads off there<br />
are a few difficult conversations that must<br />
be had. You may not want to talk about<br />
safe sex and sexual health, but these<br />
are important things to address before<br />
your child gets on the plane. Similarly,<br />
conversations around drinking, drugs<br />
and what to do when they are in an<br />
uncomfortable (or dangerous) situation are<br />
musts. Help your child to prepare for any<br />
situation, like it or not.<br />
Although there are some risks involved in<br />
taking a gap year, the benefits far outweigh<br />
the drawbacks. My own gap year impacted<br />
me profoundly. It wasn’t always easy – I<br />
cried many tears – but it helped me to<br />
become the strong, independent, and<br />
grounded person I am today. Gap years<br />
may not be for everyone, but they will<br />
change your child’s life.<br />
Supporting children<br />
through relocation<br />
Whether your family has moved abroad for the first time, or whether you are<br />
seasoned expats who have moved multiple times, children’s behaviour can change<br />
as a result of the upheaval.<br />
Resilient, happy, adaptable,<br />
outgoing, open-minded optimistic,<br />
international in outlook. These<br />
are just some of the adjectives that we<br />
hope we can attribute to our kids when we<br />
uproot them and move abroad. We hope<br />
that the long-term benefits of showing them<br />
all the world has to offer will outweigh any<br />
short-term difficulties in settling into a new<br />
school, learning new languages and making<br />
new friends. However, as with everything<br />
related to our children, the ‘settling in’<br />
process can be far from smooth and they all<br />
have their own ways of reacting, particularly<br />
across different age groups. Trying to<br />
support children when you are likely to be<br />
undergoing some similar ups and downs,<br />
supporting your spouse, starting a new<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 56<br />
job, moving house and country is no easy<br />
task. Despite this, parents’ desire to provide<br />
support for all of them at their various<br />
stages and help them make a positive<br />
adjustment to their new life is strong and<br />
understandable. Although children behave<br />
in their own unique ways, luckily there are<br />
some common behavioural traits that they<br />
are likely to exhibit, and that other parents
efore you have also noticed. Being able to<br />
interpret these signs can help you support<br />
your children through the move, know what<br />
to expect, and better understand what they<br />
are experiencing.<br />
Hello, goodbye<br />
Many parents see their children handling<br />
saying hello to new experiences better<br />
than saying goodbye to their old life.<br />
Pre-schoolers tend to identify “home”<br />
wherever their parents are so may notice<br />
the effects of relocation less. Children<br />
between five and ten can develop strong<br />
but flexible attachments to friends and<br />
schools, meaning that if they are prepared<br />
adequately for the move, they can adapt<br />
quite quickly to making new friends and<br />
their new environment. For older children<br />
and teenagers, their largest anxieties are<br />
usually connected to leaving behind their<br />
friends, and a fear of missing out socially.<br />
This means that how you handle the first<br />
stage of the move itself is quite significant.<br />
For children of all ages, it is important to<br />
soften the idea that they must leave behind<br />
everything they know and begin anew.<br />
That is not to say that you should set false<br />
expectations about how quickly they might<br />
move back to their ‘home country’, but it<br />
is possible to relieve some of the upheaval<br />
in a number of practical ways. Before they<br />
leave, make sure they have dates to spend<br />
time with their best friends, and think about<br />
having a leaving party, organising a picnic,<br />
go-karting session, football match or other<br />
event to mark the move as something special<br />
in their lives. Talk with them about the<br />
social side of things, and explain that they<br />
are not losing friends, but how lucky they<br />
are to be gaining more all over the world.<br />
If possible, make sure they have a date in<br />
the diary when they will be able to see their<br />
friends again, so the goodbye is less final.<br />
Moving day<br />
To a lesser extent the idea that they<br />
are leaving familiar surroundings and<br />
possessions can also be unnerving. It is<br />
relatively easy to let them have a hand in<br />
certain areas of the moving process to give<br />
them a sense that they are also in control.<br />
What do they want to bring? Which of<br />
their original belongings do they want in<br />
their new bedroom? Make moving day into<br />
an exciting prospect, with special food and<br />
a sense of teamwork, perhaps with other<br />
family and friends coming over to lend a<br />
hand, and give the children responsibilities<br />
for specific parts of the day. Packing up<br />
and bringing along some of their favourite<br />
things is part of connecting them to the<br />
familiar parts of their old life.<br />
Second wave<br />
If all goes well in the first stage of moving,<br />
children are likely to be carried along by<br />
the initial excitement of everything being<br />
new, exploring their new environment, and<br />
life feeling a bit like an extended holiday. In<br />
the second phase after the first few months,<br />
children may experience a dip in enthusiasm<br />
and motivation, when the reality sets in that<br />
they are here permanently, or at least for<br />
the near future. This can manifest itself<br />
in changes of behaviour such as little acts<br />
of naughtiness and defiance, withdrawing<br />
socially, not wanting to go to school, saying<br />
they miss their friends, or ‘want to go<br />
home’. Firstly dealing with the issue of<br />
timescales can help children process the<br />
new reality. If they see an unending expanse<br />
of future time in front of them when they<br />
will be away from the life they knew before,<br />
it can be daunting for them and they may<br />
feel like giving up. Readjusting their focus<br />
away from this undefined amount of time<br />
can be achieved by setting near-term goals<br />
and events, for example, a trip back to<br />
their ‘home country’, a holiday to a new<br />
place perhaps bringing along their best<br />
friend from home, or a visit from a family<br />
member. By combining things that link your<br />
old environment with your new one, they<br />
will hopefully stop trying to get their head<br />
around the past and future so much. Give<br />
them aims, goals, fun trips and short-term<br />
achievements to work towards.<br />
Natives of two cultures<br />
Some parents notice that they feel<br />
that despite the amazing educational,<br />
developmental, social benefits of moving<br />
your children abroad and integrating into a<br />
new culture, they wrestle with also wanting<br />
their children to grow up with a connection<br />
to their own nationality and heritage. Many<br />
parents say that it is an adjustment to them<br />
personally to understand that their children<br />
essentially need to become natives of two<br />
cultures - absorbing everything the new<br />
culture has to offer at the same time as<br />
keeping the ‘previous’ one alive. For some<br />
families this may be a case of children being<br />
brought up hearing and speaking different<br />
languages inside and outside the home. For<br />
others it may be the food they are brought<br />
up on, the religion they practice, the games<br />
they play or how they are expected to<br />
dress. While this may be the case, the most<br />
positive reaction is to discuss openly all of<br />
these differences, teach children to embrace<br />
the best ones of each culture. As well as<br />
highlighting the contrasts between cultures,<br />
this can also be used to demonstrate to<br />
children the things that bring human beings<br />
of different cultures together, rather than<br />
divide us.<br />
Open communication<br />
Communicating with children throughout<br />
the move can help them settle in and feel<br />
more comfortable. Although setting a<br />
positive, no-nonsense tone, making things<br />
fun and exciting is important, show respect<br />
for their emotions. If children feel they<br />
are listened to, that they understand that<br />
it is perfectly acceptable to feel unsettled<br />
and anxious sometimes, it can help them<br />
to see that with every adventure there is<br />
some element of nervousness. Helping<br />
them to ‘see the flip-side’ of their fears<br />
can help draw out the positive perspective<br />
in the situation. Teenage children usually<br />
need a great deal more empathy, but may<br />
be more difficult as they are not feeling in<br />
a position to ask for it, as they are going<br />
through so many changes themselves. In<br />
many cases it is normal for this to manifest<br />
itself in acts of rebellion and mood swings.<br />
Try not to stress too much if their grades<br />
are suffering, instead think about what<br />
other extra-curricular benefits they can get<br />
from an upbringing in a foreign country<br />
that a conventional education would not<br />
deliver and focus on those. These can be<br />
interpreted as signals that they are finding<br />
things difficult, and may need extra support.<br />
If things get worse, speak to their school, as<br />
they will have seen many cases of children<br />
struggling to settle in.<br />
Resilience in adversity<br />
Although it is obviously necessary to make<br />
the move as comfortable as possible for<br />
children and acknowledge that sometimes<br />
it may be difficult, we often hear the<br />
importance of these big life changes as<br />
opportunities to nurture a certain level of<br />
resilience in them. Psychologists define<br />
resilience as the ability to bounce back<br />
from adversity and setbacks. Studies have<br />
shown that some of the major determinants<br />
in whether our children are resilient are<br />
biological factors such as their personality<br />
and the bond laid down with their parents<br />
in the early years, contributing to a sense<br />
of security and self-confidence. However,<br />
in studies looking at children who have<br />
seemingly begun their lives at a distinct<br />
disadvantage, or have suffered traumatic<br />
events as extreme as living through war,<br />
results have demonstrated that resilience<br />
can be developed and taught through<br />
certain external, ‘environmental’ factors.<br />
Of course moving countries is a lifetime<br />
away from the trauma brought on by a<br />
major humanitarian or natural crisis,<br />
and should be an extremely positive<br />
experience. Even so, psychologists suggest<br />
that it is possible to use the experiences<br />
of how children react to these extreme<br />
situations to point to why some develop<br />
resilience in adversity and others are prone<br />
to crumble.<br />
Problem solving<br />
One of the factors that child psychologists<br />
have found leads to resilience is a child’s<br />
level of self-belief in their own ability to<br />
solve problems they are faced with. If it<br />
seems to them that much of what happens<br />
to them is out of their control, they grow<br />
up to believe that the world depends on<br />
the decisions of others and a great deal of<br />
luck. While this may be true to a certain<br />
extent, children who understand the<br />
importance of how they carry themselves<br />
when a problem situation is thrust upon<br />
them are found to fare better in difficulties.<br />
Children who see their parents and other<br />
role models turning things around for<br />
themselves in a positive way are more likely<br />
to feel they can try sorting things out for<br />
themselves. Similarly, if they sense that the<br />
adults around them believe in their abilities,<br />
this can make an enormous difference in<br />
how they see themselves. The more times<br />
a child is encouraged to use their own<br />
initiative, intelligence, or physical skills to<br />
turn a situation around, the more they will<br />
be encouraged to believe in their ability<br />
to affect outcomes, and take a positive<br />
approach when they are facing a problem.<br />
In particular, when moving countries, many<br />
parents notice that their children may<br />
start to exhibit anxieties in questions and<br />
attitudes along the lines of ‘what’s the point<br />
in investing my efforts here if I feel like<br />
things are semi-permanent, or if the rug<br />
is going to be pulled from under my feet?’.<br />
Encouraging them to see that wherever<br />
you are in the world, you get out what you<br />
put in, even if external factors change,<br />
gives them a very positive message to carry<br />
through life and succeed in whatever they<br />
are doing.<br />
Support structures<br />
Studies have shown that however selfconfident<br />
a person is, they are rarely able<br />
to bounce back without a strong and stable<br />
network of people around them. These<br />
people rely on their personal support<br />
structures, the advice of their peers,<br />
superiors, and even the help of authorities<br />
at some points. They recognise that<br />
although they are in control of their own<br />
lives and actions, they need people to turn<br />
to at certain times. Moreover, they know<br />
how and when to ask for help to get them<br />
where they need to go. One of the of the<br />
major changes when you move abroad is<br />
that previously the support structure was<br />
already in place around you and your<br />
children, in the form of family, neighbours,<br />
friends, colleagues, school teachers, and<br />
babysitters, whereas now it is necessary to<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 59<br />
reconstruct it almost artificially. Previously,<br />
it was easy to meet people and friendships<br />
formed organically. Now, as many expats<br />
describe, everyone in the family needs to<br />
begin a sort of ‘friend dating’, until you<br />
form friendships with a number of likeminded<br />
people. Once this support system<br />
is in place, part of knowing how to make<br />
the most of it is to develop the appropriate<br />
empathy and communication skills to<br />
interact with people. How easily people can<br />
win the support and assistance of others<br />
is a key factor in being able to enlist the<br />
appropriate people at the appropriate time<br />
for support through rocky times.<br />
Distraction tactics<br />
Another of the major factors that helps<br />
children through difficult times is if<br />
they have a talent that they can focus<br />
on, whether sporty, creative, musical or<br />
intellectual. When you think of the skills<br />
needed to become proficient in dance,<br />
sport, music, or anything else, you can see<br />
why this can help build resilience. Often it<br />
can be a no easy task mastering a hobby,<br />
requiring constant improvement, the need<br />
to reflect on and improve weak spots, the<br />
ability to work towards targets, putting<br />
effort in now to receive gratification down<br />
the line, perhaps a degree of teamwork.<br />
All of these factors mean that children<br />
can learn to put themselves aside and<br />
work towards other things, with different<br />
timescales, and see the benefit in something<br />
that may not be immediately easy.<br />
Encouraging your child to find what they<br />
are good at and really enjoy also gives them<br />
an outlet for any frustration or anxiety<br />
they might be feeling and any constructive<br />
results, for example in competitions, will be<br />
immensely satisfying for them. In terms of<br />
helping them through the move, a level of<br />
distraction that these activities provide can<br />
work wonders.<br />
Don’t worry!<br />
Above all, parents find that approaching<br />
the move positively themselves can set the<br />
tone for the rest of the family. A mix of<br />
good communication, understanding and<br />
resilience will improve the kids’ (and your<br />
own!) chances of making a success of the<br />
move, and deal with the upheaval along<br />
the way. Nothing will be perfect, but this is<br />
part of the reason to relocate - to have a big<br />
adventure and get through it together.
The true nature of things:<br />
Ecolint’s Forest<br />
<strong>School</strong> programme<br />
In a small clearing close to Ecolint’s<br />
Campus des Nations Early Years<br />
Centre, two Reception students roll<br />
among the fallen leaves of the forest floor.<br />
Soon enough, they are covered from head<br />
to toe in brambles, earth, dew and a musky<br />
woodland smell. Unwittingly, they have<br />
just engaged in the experiential learning<br />
that Forest <strong>School</strong> provides. Using all their<br />
senses, they have touched, heard, smelled,<br />
and seen the autumn season that permeates<br />
their surroundings.<br />
Taking place in all weather conditions<br />
and throughout the year, Forest <strong>School</strong><br />
has its roots in Scandinavia’s filuftsliv, or<br />
open-air living, a concept encouraging<br />
outdoor activity. These sessions, which can<br />
last anywhere between a week to several<br />
months, are centred on creative aspects,<br />
including tool and rope work, cooking,<br />
and fire lighting. In addition to teaching<br />
core outdoor survival skills, Forest <strong>School</strong><br />
also serves to extend learning beyond the<br />
traditional classroom setting. On each of<br />
Ecolint’s three campuses, students of all<br />
ages - particularly Primary children - engage<br />
in regular sessions of Forest <strong>School</strong>. This<br />
child-centred programme supports play,<br />
exploration and risk-taking through handson<br />
experiences in a natural setting.<br />
Learning from nature<br />
What is a forest? For some, it can be a<br />
place where nature roams free, untethered<br />
by the constraints of society. For others,<br />
it represents life and growth, health and<br />
well-being. At Ecolint, both of the above<br />
are true. But the forest also takes on a life<br />
of its own, for the forest is also a teacher, a<br />
guide for young and old to push themselves<br />
further. “When we take our students to<br />
the forest, we see their independence<br />
and confidence grow,” reports Jennifer<br />
Pasternak, Early Years Vice-Principal at<br />
Ecolint’s Vaud campus of La Châtaigneraie.<br />
“It is a place where they can explore, play,<br />
and be creative in a way that a classroom<br />
does not allow.”<br />
At Ecolint, “the Forest <strong>School</strong> principles<br />
align beautifully with the <strong>International</strong><br />
Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme<br />
(PYP) and the Reggio-Emilia approach<br />
to learning,” explains Jennifer Pasternak.<br />
All three are driven by inquiry and value<br />
students’ ability to guide their learning<br />
with the support of their teachers. This is<br />
taken a step further in the forest, with the<br />
teacher taking on the role of facilitator or<br />
leader who develops and empowers the<br />
forest-goers. Acting as resource providers,<br />
the Forest <strong>School</strong> Leader provides simple<br />
equipment, such as strings and basic<br />
tools, that children can use to explore,<br />
investigate, examine and question their<br />
natural surroundings. They also act as<br />
intermediaries between what the children<br />
learn in class and what they experience in<br />
nature. They encourage students to connect<br />
the dots and use everything available in the<br />
forest to revisit their learning and amplify it.<br />
The SPICES of life<br />
Central to Forest <strong>School</strong> sessions are<br />
the development of multiple skills and<br />
attributes. At Ecolint, these are encapsulated<br />
in an ethos called SPICES: spiritual,<br />
intellectual, communication, emotional<br />
and social skills. Linking up closely with<br />
the IB Learner Profile attributes that shape<br />
students to be knowledgeable, caring and<br />
principled risk-takers, SPICES reinforces<br />
the development of these traits through<br />
holistic, child-centred learning and teaching<br />
that considers children to be competent<br />
and capable learners. For Brooke Bandler,<br />
Primary teacher at La Châtaigneraie,<br />
nature - the forest - is a powerful ally and<br />
co-teacher: “It is the more discreet students<br />
in class who often thrive the most in the<br />
forest. By choosing their activity naturally<br />
based on their interests and skills, Forest<br />
<strong>School</strong> enables children to be risk-takers. By<br />
climbing trees and using new tools, it helps<br />
them develop their creativity, imagination,<br />
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PARENT SUMMER <strong>2022</strong> | 62<br />
and collaboration, which boosts each child’s<br />
self-confidence.” Thus, by moving learning<br />
to an entirely new setting, one in which the<br />
possibilities are endless and ever-changing,<br />
students can become well-rounded<br />
individuals who believe in themselves and<br />
others, who are respectful, resilient and<br />
more able to assess risk. These traits are<br />
then carried back into the classroom, and<br />
children are better equipped and more<br />
self-confident in taking on the challenges of<br />
their school journey and later lives.<br />
Fundamentally, children have an innate<br />
desire to connect with nature. Helping<br />
shape them as learners, the fresh air and<br />
open space also provide countless health<br />
benefits, whether cognitive, behavioural,<br />
mental or physical. From increasing<br />
fitness levels to protect against the many<br />
disorders brought about by sedentary<br />
lifestyles, from reducing stress, anxiety and<br />
depression to enhancing social interaction<br />
and improving sleep, contact with nature<br />
through such programmes as Forest <strong>School</strong><br />
also encourages children - and their<br />
accompanying adults - to adopt healthy<br />
and sustainable habits. Most importantly,<br />
it is a time that students and teachers can<br />
thoroughly enjoy and look forward to, and<br />
upon returning to school, they can feel<br />
nourished and content after a healthy dose<br />
of nature.
What is the US High<br />
<strong>School</strong> Diploma<br />
Programme?<br />
The US high school diploma<br />
(HSD) is an exciting alternative<br />
for students wanting to attend<br />
university in the United States, or for those<br />
desiring a foundation in a broader range<br />
of subjects. There are many benefits to<br />
studying the high school diploma, especially<br />
when combined with Advanced Placement.<br />
However, there are also a number of pitfalls<br />
that should be considered before your child<br />
takes the plunge. So, let’s take a look at<br />
all the things you need to know about this<br />
qualification.<br />
Background: US HSD<br />
The US high school diploma is an<br />
academic qualification awarded upon<br />
the completion of a student’s high school<br />
education.<br />
Typically, the high school diploma<br />
is typically awarded after four years of<br />
study, providing the student has met all<br />
requirements. Generally, it takes into<br />
consideration the student’s academic<br />
record, drawn from a mixture of course<br />
work and state examinations, from grades<br />
nine to 12.<br />
In the US, high school diplomas are<br />
granted by the school in accordance<br />
with state or provincial government<br />
requirements. These criteria can vary<br />
between the different jurisdictions.<br />
How is the international HSD different to<br />
the domestic HSD?<br />
In terms of validity, there is no difference<br />
between international and domestic<br />
high school diplomas, as long as the<br />
international diploma is endorsed by an<br />
American accreditation body. However, in<br />
terms of course work and curriculum the<br />
<strong>International</strong> High <strong>School</strong> Diploma is quite<br />
different. Most schools teach diploma and<br />
<strong>International</strong> Baccalaureate (IB) students<br />
side by side. The only real difference is that<br />
they sit separate exams. It is also possible<br />
for students to take assessments from both<br />
academic tracks if they wish.<br />
What is Advanced Placement and how<br />
does it fit in with the High <strong>School</strong><br />
Diploma?<br />
Advanced Placement or AP is offered as<br />
an extension of the high school diploma<br />
- earning students’ college credit. An AP<br />
course takes roughly eight months to<br />
complete and is usually taken in the last or<br />
second to last year of the HSD.<br />
The AP was designed to act as a<br />
foundation course for university study. In<br />
addition to earning students credit, they<br />
can shave up to one year off their degree.<br />
High school diploma students do not<br />
need to take AP, however electing to do<br />
so helps them to be accepted into the<br />
institution and course of their choice,<br />
as well as preparing them mentally and<br />
emotionally for the rigors of tertiary-level<br />
study.<br />
For more on the AP check out our article.<br />
[https://www.internationalschoolparent.<br />
com/articles/what-is-advanced-placementap/]<br />
What are the benefits of studying<br />
the High <strong>School</strong> Diploma over the<br />
<strong>International</strong> Baccalaureate?<br />
Deciding which programme is more<br />
beneficial depends entirely on your<br />
child’s goals. Here are a few reasons why<br />
someone might choose to study the high<br />
school diploma over the <strong>International</strong><br />
Baccalaureate diploma:<br />
1The US high school diploma offers<br />
more Flexibility. The education system<br />
focuses on developing well-rounded<br />
individuals. This means that your talents<br />
are recognised and nurtured regardless<br />
of whether you are a sports person,<br />
mathematician, or fine artist. Students<br />
can choose from a wide range of subjects,<br />
puzzling together a programme that reflects<br />
their interests and needs.<br />
2This US high school diploma is also<br />
accepted by tertiary providers in<br />
Canada.<br />
3It is a more well-known qualification.<br />
2.8 million students took the Advance<br />
Placement exams in 2019. Whereas only<br />
166,000 took IB exams (Edwards, 2021).<br />
The Pitfalls of studying for the US High<br />
<strong>School</strong> Diploma<br />
For all the benefits of the high school<br />
diploma, there are also a few pitfalls.<br />
Although, the US HSD is becoming<br />
increasingly recognised internationally,<br />
it is still not accepted in all countries. For<br />
example, to study at a German university,<br />
graduates must submit their diploma and<br />
GPA to the Central Office for Foreign<br />
Education (ZAB) for assessment. In some<br />
cases, the High <strong>School</strong> Diploma is enough<br />
for direct entry. However, often applicants<br />
must first enter a foundation or bridging<br />
programme before starting regular course<br />
work. In much the same way, applicants<br />
may be required to sit extra entry tests or<br />
fulfil extra criteria before their application<br />
can be accepted into non-American<br />
universities.<br />
Does my child need to take the SATs?<br />
Although it is not a requirement of the high<br />
school diploma programme, it is certainly<br />
needed for entry into university. Sitting<br />
the SATs and achieving a good score will<br />
increase your child’s chances of entering<br />
the American university of their choice.<br />
However, if your child does not intend to<br />
study in North America, sitting the SATs<br />
in not necessary. Check with your child’s<br />
intended tertiary provider to find out if<br />
the High <strong>School</strong> Diploma is enough on<br />
its own for entry or whether the SATs (or<br />
equivalent exam) are required.<br />
The US high school diploma is a great<br />
alternative to the IB Diploma for students<br />
wishing to study in the United States or<br />
Canada. It is also a wise choice for<br />
students who want an introduction to a<br />
broad range of subjects. Then, via Advance<br />
Placement exams, diploma students<br />
are able to focus on their interests in<br />
preparation for college and tertiary study,<br />
as well as getting a leg-up by earning credits<br />
whilst still at high school. Whether to study<br />
the US HSD or the IB diploma, or even<br />
perhaps both, is a decision that only you<br />
and your child can make.
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