North Canterbury News: June 09, 2022

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Locals<br />

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Thursday,<strong>June</strong>9,<strong>2022</strong> | Issue999 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Skateboard deck business rolling along<br />


A15­year­oldplans to educate people on<br />

the importance of recycling through his<br />

skateboard business.<br />

Neith Absalom from Greta Valley, in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, has found away to<br />

reuse plastic bottle tops by melting them<br />

down to make skateboard decks.<br />

Astudent at special character school<br />

Ao Tawhiti in central Christchurch,<br />

Neith got the idea to make skateboards<br />

during aself­directed learning session.<br />

Neith decided he wanted to take up<br />

rowing, but needed funds to cover the<br />

cost of the sport, inspiring him to start a<br />

business that worked towards ecofriendliness<br />

at the same time.<br />

After some research he learnt that<br />

number two plastic (high­density<br />

polyethylene), made out of plastic bottle<br />

tops, often isn't recycled.<br />

‘‘It's really easy to melt safely. Ihad a<br />

thing with skateboards because Ireally<br />

love skateboarding, so it turned into art<br />

pieces and skateboards,’’ Neith says.<br />

‘‘The current crisis that we're in now<br />

is people kind of saying it's going to be<br />

all right, and really it's not and my whole<br />

thing is to open people's eyes up to the<br />

stuff that we're not recycling which is<br />

quite easily recycled.’’<br />

Neith uses just over 1000 bottle tops to<br />

make aboard, shredding the plastic<br />

before melting it down at 120­150<br />

degrees in ametal frame using a‘‘bake<br />

oven’’.<br />

He made his first board last year with<br />

an old heat plate he found on Trade Me,<br />

using awooden frame, but this burnt, so<br />

he switched to ametal frame that his<br />

friend, Monty, shaped for him in their<br />

school's tech room.<br />

Now, he uses what he calls abake<br />

oven, but said it's really just an old<br />

barbecue. It takes about one and ahalf<br />

to two hours to melt the bottle tops<br />

down, applying pressure with anonstick<br />

sheet.<br />

Neith then takes the board to the<br />

school's tech room to smooth out the<br />

edges and put holes in it where the<br />

wheels are attached.<br />

Aproblem Neith ran into during the<br />

process was the lack of grip on the<br />

board, which didn't matter if the board<br />

was put on display as art, like the ones<br />

he has in his school's cafe and New<br />

Brighton's Pier People art gallery.<br />

However, if they are being used<br />

practically, they need to have more grip<br />

on the surface, so his mum Natalie<br />

suggested getting old coffee sacks that<br />

cafes throw away and pressing them into<br />

the board.<br />

This not only create acool pattern, but<br />

gives the surface of the board amuch<br />

better grip, Neith says.<br />

He says his mum has often chipped in<br />

to help with his business, and is very<br />

supportive of him as well as his learning<br />

adviser (teacher) Ian Hayes.<br />

‘‘He's real good to me and helping me<br />

get on the right track and believes that I<br />

can do it and nothing's going to get in my<br />

way.’’<br />

Now Neith has figured out the right<br />

process to making the boards, he plans<br />

to start selling them and working on<br />

getting his brand out there.<br />

He sells the boards for $120 each and<br />

said the money he makes will go straight<br />

back into the business for now before he<br />

can start making aprofit.<br />

He is now unsure about taking up<br />

rowing.<br />

‘‘I've kind of made this really good eco<br />

business that Ikind of maybe want to<br />

carry on forever,’’ he laughed.<br />

Neith says the boards are strong<br />

enough, if not stronger than some<br />

wooden ones.<br />

‘‘As long as you know how to put a<br />

skateboard together then you're sweet,’’<br />

he says.<br />

Neith sources the bottle tops from<br />

cafes around the city and aretirement<br />

village in Amberley, as well as the<br />

Halswell Community Hub.<br />

He's even received aload of bottle<br />

tops from someone in Waikato who had<br />

come across his Facebook page, which<br />

he said was pretty cool.<br />

When he leaves school, Neith wants to<br />

be achiropractor or physiotherapist, as<br />

he likes helping people but doesn't like<br />

blood.<br />

His future plans are to make<br />

longboard decks and include wheels on<br />

them as astep up from the smaller<br />

boards he's making without wheels.<br />

He says he doesn't mind what people<br />

Colourful creations ... Neith Absalom has found aunique way to recycle plastic bottle<br />

tops.<br />


do with the skateboards, whether they<br />

use them practically or hang them up on<br />

display.<br />

‘‘That's cool with me as long as it's<br />

loved, as long as it's not thrown back into<br />

the rubbish, I'm happy,’’ he said.<br />

To view Neith's work go to ‘Over The<br />

Top Recycling' on Facebook.<br />

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2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Bellgrove could be fast-tracked<br />


The Bellgrove sub­division in<br />

Rangiora could be fast­tracked.<br />

The Waimakariri District Council<br />

made an applicationtothe Minister<br />

for the Environment in November<br />

last year to speedupthe new<br />

northeastRangiora development,<br />

following public consultation andan<br />

agreementfrom the developer,<br />

Bellgrove Rangiora Ltd.<br />

The application was made under<br />

the Covid­19 RecoveryFast­track<br />

Consenting Act 2020, on the basis it<br />

wouldprovidemuch needed housing<br />

and employment.<br />

The proposed development is to<br />

the north of Kippenberger Ave and<br />

straddlesthe Cam River.<br />

The siteisone of the Future<br />

Development Areasidentified in the<br />

Our Space 2018­2048: Greater<br />

Christchurch Settlement Pattern<br />

Update, which was preparedin2018.<br />

It is proposed to subdividea20.8<br />

hectaresite initially and construct<br />

2<strong>09</strong> sections,aneighbourhood<br />

commercialcentre, open spaces,<br />

restore ecological areasand develop<br />

infrastructure including roads,<br />

parking and three­watersservices.<br />

The fulldevelopmentisover 63ha<br />

and couldtotalasmany as 1100<br />

sections to be developedover five<br />

stages.<br />

The sectionsare likely to be 200 to<br />

400 square metres, whichisasimilar<br />

sizetosections in Kaiapoi’s<br />

Silverstream sub­division.<br />

WaimakaririDistrictCouncil<br />

planning managerWendy Harris<br />

saysthe process for rezoningthe<br />

land, which was previously farmed<br />

by the Inch family,has been<br />

identifiedinthe Waimakariri<br />

District Plan.<br />

The Ministry for the Environment<br />

was contactedfor comment, but no<br />

responsewas received before <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> went to print.<br />

‘Three Watersisill-conceived’<br />



RuralAdvocacy Network chairman and<br />

Groundswell spokesperson.<br />

There is widespread oppositiontothe<br />

Government’s Three Watersproposal and<br />

for good reason.<br />

To understandwhy, one needs to dig<br />

deeper beneath the cries of state theftof<br />

communityassets and loss of local<br />

democracy.<br />

The establishment story of drinking<br />

water schemes in the Hurunui District is<br />

similar to elsewhere around the country.<br />

After arun of dry summers in the1960s,<br />

Hurunui farmersrecognised the need for<br />

reliable stock water schemes.<br />

Proposals forseveral schemes were<br />

developed and farmers sought the support<br />

of the local council to oversee the build.<br />

The farmers saw an opportunity to<br />

include towns in these schemes given they<br />

too were strugglingwith water reliability.<br />

Thus, our water schemes wereborn.<br />

In the district of Hurunui thereare 17<br />

water schemes covering 100,000s of<br />

hectares of farms for stock water,aswell<br />

as water for farm dwellings,towns,<br />

lifestyle blocksand small settlements.<br />

Mostschemesdraw water from intake<br />

galleries under our mainrivers.<br />

The co­operation of farmerswas<br />

essential in allowing their land to host<br />

over2000 kms of pipework (the equivalent<br />

of Cape Reinga to Bluff)and more than 100<br />

county reservoirs. Farmers also provided<br />

labour to helplay the pipework.<br />

Since then,arelationship of trust and<br />

goodwillhas enduredbetween farmers<br />

who providethe land for the water scheme<br />

infrastructure, and the councils who<br />

require access to maintain the water<br />

schemes.<br />

On ahigh ridgeonour farm, we host one<br />

of thelargestcounty water scheme<br />

reservoirs,which has recently been<br />

renewed.<br />

Apositiverelationship forover 50 years<br />

of access is testamenttothe goodwill<br />

between the counciland landowners.<br />

The councilhelp us with maintenance of<br />

our farm tracks that they use to service the<br />

waterschemes. They really are<br />

communityschemes, henceone of the<br />

reasons why theGovernment’sillconceivedtakeover<br />

of the controlofour<br />

waterassets is so widely opposed.<br />

Our district wasthe epicentre of the<br />

2016 Kaikoura earthquake, and the value<br />

of ourexisting waterinfrastructuresupply<br />

modelwas evident.<br />

Restoringthe function of damaged<br />

waterschemeswas aparticular priority;<br />

both to supportthe health of peopleand<br />

for the daily needsofhundreds of<br />

thousands of sheep and cattle on extensive<br />

hill country farms.<br />

The Waiau Rural Scheme, which<br />

services over 90 farms,and the township of<br />

Waiau, was almost destroyed. Despitethis,<br />

it was abletoberebuiltinjust threeweeks<br />

becauseits losswas recognised as an<br />

emergency by the council, and because the<br />

watermen, engineers, farmers,and other<br />

people involved in its reconstruction were<br />

part of the impactedcommunity.This<br />

meant everythinghumanly possible was<br />

done to get the scheme working again as<br />

quickly as possible.<br />

What would otherwise have been a<br />

‘second disaster’ with large areas of<br />

Hurunui hill countryhaving to be<br />

destocked for an entire summer, was<br />

averted through the heroic efforts of those<br />

involved.<br />

We wereable to respond quickly<br />

because there was only one locally based<br />

entitythat managed all our infrastructure<br />

and civil defence. If water assets were<br />

controlledbyanentity external to the<br />

community, it is hard to see how they<br />

would havebeen able to respond with the<br />

samelevel of urgency or agility, or in away<br />

which fitted in withthe overall community<br />

response.<br />

The case for improvements to managing<br />

our infrastructure, particularly quality<br />

drinking water, is strong.<br />

There are ahandful of councilsthat<br />

haveapoor management record, but<br />

overall, the biggest constraint is funding.<br />

Councils are constrained by debt<br />

limitations and the size of rate rises<br />

people can sustain. And the biggest<br />

burden on council funding is themassive<br />

increase in unfair costsrelated to<br />

excessiveadministration­heavy<br />

government policiesand regulations.<br />

The case for the Government’s Three<br />

Waters proposal, on the other hand, is not<br />

strong.<br />

Evenifweset aside the appalling<br />

‘‘consultation’’,there are examples of the<br />

Government actively undermining local<br />

democracy.<br />

For example, creating asituation in<br />

which Local Government New Zealand<br />

(LGNZ),whose mandate is to provide<br />

vision and voicefor local communities,<br />

signed an agreement not to actively<br />

opposealegislated ‘all in’ dictate by the<br />

government.<br />

In response, Timaru District Council<br />

has refusedtofund LGNZ,and other<br />

councils may followsuit.<br />

The proposed governance structurefor<br />

Three Waters is breathtakinglycomplex<br />

and far removedfrom localdemocracy.<br />

The governmentproposethat councils<br />

and manawhenua appoint<br />

representativestoeach Regional<br />

Representative Groupwho appoint and<br />

monitoranindependent selectionpanel,<br />

whose role is to appoint and monitor the<br />

entity board who would governthe entity<br />

management teamthat would run our<br />

water infrastructure.<br />

Continued Page 5<br />


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Former Mayor honoured<br />


FormerWaimakaririMayor, David<br />

Ayers,doubts he could juggle serviceon<br />

the council with ateachingcareer today,<br />

given the workload of councillors.<br />

Reflectingonbeingawardedthe<br />

Memberofthe New ZealandOrder of<br />

Merit (MNZM), in the Queen’s Birthday<br />

Honours List, the former Waimakariri<br />

Mayor says thingshave changed sincehe<br />

was first elected to the Rangiora<br />

Borough Council in 1983.<br />

‘‘If Iwas younger Iwould do it again,<br />

but Idon’tknow if Iwould have got<br />

started if Iwas ateacher now,’’ says the<br />

formerRangioraHigh Schooldeputy<br />

principal.<br />

‘‘The RangioraBorough Councilused<br />

to meetinthe evenings, whilethe county<br />

councils tended to meet during the day,<br />

so that was part of the cultural change<br />

that tookplaceafter 1989.<br />

‘‘Whenweamalgamated mostmeetings<br />

were in the late afternoon or evening<br />

which was manageable for ateacher, but<br />

with the amount of business now you<br />

couldn’t do it.’’<br />

When he was firstelected in 1983,Mr<br />

Ayers was 36­years­old and even thenhe<br />

was not the youngest councillor.<br />

Today Mayor Dan Gordon, at age<br />

46­years,isthe youngest electedmember<br />

sitting at the counciltable.<br />

‘‘I’venever been the youngest or the<br />

oldestaroundthe counciltable,’’ Mr<br />

Ayers says.<br />

The workload of councillors today<br />

means few young peopleput their hand<br />

up, as they would need to juggle work and<br />

familytime.<br />

David Ayers<br />

During his 36­year local government<br />

career, Mr Ayers says the earthquake<br />

recoverystands out as his highlight.<br />

‘‘The earthquake dominated people’s<br />

lives for quite afew years and some of the<br />

regeneration workisstillongoing.<br />

‘‘And it dominated our town centre<br />

planning. We were always looking at our<br />

two main town centresthroughan<br />

earthquake recovery lens.<br />

‘‘Insome ways the earthquake<br />

recovery was not ahard time for the<br />

council becausewehad the community<br />

behind us, but it certainlychangedthe<br />

focus of our long term financial<br />

planning.’’<br />

In some ways the periodfollowing<br />

amalgamation in 1989 was evenmore<br />

challenging than the earthquake<br />

recovery, as several verydifferent<br />

councils cametogether to put together an<br />

annualplan.<br />

Those werethe days before Long Term<br />

Plans,which has simplified planning as<br />

annualplans generally follow on from<br />

the LTP ­unless there is amajordisaster<br />

like an earthquake or pandemic, or a<br />

changeinlegislation,MrAyers says.<br />

But the Waimakariripopulation has<br />

more than doubled since1989 and<br />

continues to grow at arapid rate and<br />

legislative requirements are greater,<br />

placing greater demands on elected<br />

members.<br />

Mr Ayers says the honouris<br />

‘‘gratifying’’.<br />

‘‘But you also recognisethat anything<br />

you do in the communityyou do with<br />

other people and I’vealways had good<br />

peoplearound me ­asupportive council,<br />

asupportive community and a<br />

supportive family.<br />

‘‘And certainlyhaving Marilyn beside<br />

me, keepingmefed and attending events<br />

with me made adifference.’’<br />

There weresix <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

recipients in all in the Queen’s Birthday<br />

HonoursList, including five Queen’s<br />

ServiceMedals.<br />

Queen’sService Medals:<br />

Christine Joy Greengrass, Kaiapoi, for<br />

services to the community.<br />

Harry Earl Pawsey, Hawarden, for<br />

services to advocacy and conservation.<br />

Virginia Ann Pawsey, Hawarden,for<br />

services to advocacy and conservation.<br />

John Kenneth Wyatt, Kaikoura, for<br />

services to the community.<br />

Sandra Jean Wyatt, Kaikoura, for<br />

services to the community.<br />

Aqua park extension sought<br />


Kaiapoi’s aqua sport parkislikelyto<br />

be given another twoyears to prove<br />

itself.<br />

The WaimakaririDistrictCouncil<br />

willconsidergranting an extension to<br />

amemorandum of understanding to<br />

allow the sport parkconceptto<br />

progress beyond the aquaplaypark.<br />

The WHoW CharitableTrust<br />

entered into an agreement with the<br />

council in August2020, where it was<br />

given atwo­year lease on former red<br />

zonelandinnortheast Kaiapoiand<br />

given timetoconductafeasibility<br />

study intothe proposedaquasports<br />

park.<br />

Following thesuccessofthe<br />

Kaikanui AqualandNZaquaplay<br />

parktrialonCourtenay Lakeover the<br />

summer, theTrustapproached the<br />

council to extend theagreement.<br />

‘‘The two years hasgonepretty<br />

quick and Ithink everyonewould<br />

agree it hasn’tbeenthe easiesttwo<br />

years,’’ WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />

community andrecreationmanager<br />

Chris Brown says.<br />

‘‘Weneed to lookatitinmore detail<br />

and consider what do theystill need<br />

to provide us with, whatisthe critical<br />

pathweneedtofollow andhow long<br />

theymight need.’’<br />

Mr Brown anticipates areport<br />

going to thecouncil overthe next two<br />

to three monthswith a<br />

recommendationofextending the<br />

agreementbyanothertwo to three<br />

years.<br />

The trust has athree­yearlicense to<br />

occupy agreement to operate the<br />

aquaplayparkatCourtenay Lakefor<br />

six monthsofthe year, between<br />

October and April.<br />

While therehad been some<br />

oppositioninthecommunitytothe<br />

project, feedbackfromthe<br />

neighbours at Courtenay Lakehad<br />

beenpositive.<br />

In itsfirstseason,the aquaplay<br />

parkattracted15,000 paying<br />

customers, with almost as many<br />

spectators, Mr Brownsays.<br />

‘‘That meansitpotentiallybrought<br />

25,000 peopleinto Kaiapoiand they<br />

cangolocalcafes, petrol stations and<br />

shops, andthey create thatvitalityof<br />

people recreating and connecting,it<br />

grows confidence and it putsKaiapoi<br />

on the map.’’<br />

Thepotential of the proposed aqua<br />

play park is thatitcould bring even<br />

more people into the district,<br />

including visitors from all round New<br />

Zealand andeven from overseas, Mr<br />

Brownsays. The trust had been<br />

successful in meeting its own<br />

communityobjectives with the aqua<br />

play park,includingplanting trees,<br />

offering learningopportunities and<br />

givingawayfreepasses to local<br />

schoolchildren.<br />

‘‘The three­year licence to occupy<br />

has given them scope to try afew<br />

things andget somerunsonthe board<br />

and to show thecommunity that<br />

they’re serious,’’ Mr Brownsays.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />


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Councils head to the High Court<br />


ThreeLocal Authorities took their battle<br />

over property rights to the High Court<br />

this week.<br />

Timaru, Waimakaririand Whangarei<br />

District Councils asked the High Court<br />

for declarations on the rights and<br />

interests of property ownership this<br />

week.<br />

Thecouncils believe under the<br />

Government’s ThreeWatersreform<br />

proposals, it is takingcouncil­owned<br />

propertywithout conceding it is ataking,<br />

and withoutfair compensationbeing<br />

paid to communities for their property.<br />

Additionally,theysay the<br />

Government’s proposals removelocal<br />

democratic accountability associated<br />

with the managementofthosewater<br />

assets.<br />

Mayors Nigel Bowen,Dan Gordonand<br />

SherylMai took the actionon behalfof<br />

their communities, as they contend that<br />

these actionsare incompatible with long<br />

standing and fundamental lawsaround<br />

propertyownership and democratic<br />

accountability.They were represented<br />

by BarristerJack Hodder QC at the<br />

hearing in the Wellington High Court on<br />

Tuesday and Wednesday.<br />

Timaru District Mayor NigelBowen<br />

said prior to the hearingthe case is ‘‘far<br />

biggerthanjust the threewatersreform<br />

as it could have serious ramifications for<br />

owners of any property’’.<br />

‘‘Property rightsare absolutely<br />

fundamental in NewZealand. If you’ve<br />

boughtand paid for something, you<br />

should havereasonable control over it,<br />

and alegitimate expectation that it will<br />

not be expropriatedwithout<br />

compensation.<br />

‘‘As owners on behalf of the community<br />

❛As owners on behalf of the<br />

community of this critical<br />

infrastructure we want to<br />

ensure that any future changes<br />

respect these basic rights.❜<br />

—Timaru Mayor NigelBowen<br />

of thiscriticalinfrastructure we wantto<br />

ensure thatany future changes respect<br />

thesebasic rights,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘While Three Watersreform prompted<br />

this action, what were talking abouthere<br />

concerns some reallybasic and<br />

fundamental rights that most people<br />

ordinarily would take for granted and<br />

normally wouldn’t be up for discussion or<br />

even be asourceof contention.’’<br />

Mr Bowensaid the fact the government<br />

soughttounderminebasic property<br />

rightssets arisky precedentfor New<br />

Zealand.<br />

‘‘Wedon’tbelievethat concepts such as<br />

collectiveownership, with no control of<br />

assets andshares thatdon’t deliver any<br />

of the usualrights or obligations that go<br />

with equity ownership,are in line with<br />

existing property rightsand laws.’’<br />

If it went unchallenged the simple line<br />

to drawwas that if the Government could<br />

single­handedly redefine ownership of<br />

threewaters infrastructure in this<br />

manner, thenwhere else could it apply<br />

theseconcepts?<br />

‘‘Could roads or portcompanies be<br />

next?’’ he asked. ‘‘Thatthe government is<br />

working so hard to dismiss this case, and<br />

undermine these basic propertyrights,<br />

should be ared flag and areal concern<br />

for all New Zealanders.’’<br />

The threecouncils sought declarations<br />

that:<br />

Local government is an important<br />

and longstandingcomponentofthe<br />

democratic governance of New Zealand.<br />

Important andlongstanding<br />

principles and features of the<br />

democratic governance of New Zealand<br />

at localcommunity level includethe<br />

following:<br />

Local infrastructure assetsare owned<br />

and/orcontrolled,and relatedservices<br />

are provided,by local councils (local<br />

councils); localcouncils are responsive/<br />

and democratically accountable to their<br />

communitiesfor their ownership,<br />

stewardshipand decision­makingin<br />

relationtolocalinfrastructureassets<br />

and related services; localcouncils owe<br />

fiduciary ­like obligations to their<br />

communities; and local government<br />

infrastructure assets havegenerally<br />

beenwholly or materially fundedas a<br />

result of rates or charges or rentals paid<br />

by generations of persons, (including<br />

businesses),located in their<br />

communities.<br />

Thecouncil’s rights of ownership in<br />

relationtoinfrastructure assets include<br />

the following: the exclusive abilityto<br />

preventothers from interferingwith<br />

such assets;the exclusive possession or<br />

controlofsuch assets; the exclusive<br />

ability to manage andoperate, and/or<br />

enterinto contracts in relation to, such<br />

assets;the exclusive ability to modifyor<br />

replacethe assets (andto dispose of<br />

redundant or surplus assets); the<br />

exclusive ability to use such assetsas<br />

security for borrowing;and the exclusive<br />

entitlementto receive full,fair and<br />

objectively and independently assessed<br />

compensation for any infrastructure<br />

assets removed by legislation.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

The Gardener’sJournal<br />

Editor Margaret Long<br />

T G J<br />

The Gardener’s<br />

Journal<br />

<br />

The Gardener’s<br />

Journal<br />

12<br />

The Gardener’s<br />

Journal<br />

13<br />


FEBRUARY 2021<br />

editor<br />

Margaret Long<br />

editor<br />

Margaret Long<br />

Golden girl ... Jess Hendren in action during the lead up to the Oceania Championships.<br />

Councils stand in solidarity<br />

From Page 2<br />

This is 3steps removed from local<br />

democracy and the Government<br />

considersthis more efficient!<br />

Aheartening result of the Three<br />

Watersdebacle is the councils<br />

galvanising to stand up in support of<br />

their people and communities.<br />

The Communities 4Local Democracy<br />

now has 32 councils on board<br />

representing 1.5 million people. They<br />

have strongly opposed the Governments’<br />

Three Waters proposal and have<br />


Agold leap for Jess<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> athlete, Jess Hendren<br />

has won Gold in the under 18 high jump<br />

at the Oceania Athletics Championships,<br />

in Mackay, Australia.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Athletics Club<br />

member from Glentui, won the event<br />

with ajump of 1.74m.<br />

Jess’s most recent success leading up<br />

to the games was winning the under 18<br />

women’s high jump at the Jennian<br />

Homes New Zealand Track and Field<br />

Championships <strong>2022</strong>, with ajump of<br />

1.72m.<br />

The Oceania championships are<br />

featuring 750 plus athletes from 18<br />

nations, with Jess being part of the 104<br />

New Zealand­strong athletic team<br />

comprising amix of youth and<br />

experience.<br />

Jess’s top performance was achieved<br />

despite interruptions to the athletics<br />

calendar.<br />

Due to Covid and the cancellation of<br />

the <strong>Canterbury</strong> and South Island<br />

Secondary athletic sports, Jess had not<br />

competed since early March. Being able<br />

to carry her form over and gain top<br />

honours at the Oceania championships<br />

augurs well for the future of the young<br />

athlete.<br />

She was selected to compete in the<br />

New Zealand Secondary School team in<br />

February. Usually the team travels to<br />

Australia, but Covid intervened so the<br />

tour was conducted internally in New<br />

Zealand, with athletes competing in the<br />

senior section at various classic meets.<br />

Jess gained two fourths at the Cooks<br />

Classic at Whanganui, and the Capital<br />

Classic in Wellington. She was third at<br />

the New Zealand invitation meet in<br />

Christchurch.<br />

developed alternative solutions, which<br />

to date the Government has rejected.<br />

The Governments’ Three Waters<br />

proposal is not only legislating takeover<br />

of management of our community assets<br />

and removing local democracy, but is<br />

also making communities more<br />

vulnerable to the damaging effects of<br />

natural disasters on our critical water<br />

infrastructure.<br />

More reason why every New<br />

Zealander should be opposing this illconceived<br />

proposal.<br />

Publishing three times ayear, this journal of articles and photographs caters for<br />

readers with awide range of interests in the gardening world.<br />

• Gardens and Gardeners<br />

• Plants and Trees<br />

• Landscape and Design<br />

• Garden History<br />

• Travel Experiences<br />

• Gardens and Art<br />

The Gardener’s Journal provides in-depth articles written by accomplished writers<br />

from both New Zealand and overseas.<br />

Printed on high quality paper with photographs and illustrations throughout, the<br />

compact A5 size is ideal for all needs.<br />

Subscriptions<br />

New Zealand<br />

Subscription for one year, three issues,<br />

including postage: $75.00.<br />

Individual copies including postage:<br />

$25.00.<br />

The Commissioning Editor, Margaret Long, isthe owner of Frensham and the author,<br />

with photographer Juliet Nicholas, of the book, Frensham: ANew Zealand Garden.<br />

Also available from all good booksellers.<br />

Please pay to account:<br />

12-3221-0124123-01, giving your name<br />

and “TGJ” for reference.<br />

Please also email your name and postal<br />

address details including post code to:<br />

margaretlong@xtra.co.nz.<br />

The Gardener’s Journal<br />

Attn: Margaret Long, Editor<br />

Frensham, 139 Old TaiTapu Road, Christchurch 8025, New Zealand.<br />

T: +64 3322 8061 | E: margaretlong@xtra.co.nz | www.frensham.co.nz<br />

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6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Co-chairs appointed<br />

May Iintroduce the co­chairs for the<br />

newly formed Hurunui Hauora (Health)<br />

Advisory Group —Mick Nelson­Willis<br />

from Hanmer Springs and Gregor<br />

MacKenzie from Culverden.<br />

Both Mick and Gregor lead avolunteer<br />

group with members who have astrong<br />

connection to health through lived<br />

experience, or the desire to ensure the<br />

district health outcomes continue to<br />

have avoice.<br />

With July 1<strong>2022</strong>, nearing and the<br />

implementation of the HealthNZ, it is<br />

critical the Hurunui continues to have<br />

an advocacy focus, and this group will<br />

become that vehicle.<br />

The purpose of the group is to monitor<br />

hauora/health service delivery, to<br />

receive and consider service suggestions<br />

from the community, and to provide<br />

leadership in future opportunities.<br />

One of the critical elements of the<br />

group is that members are well<br />

connected to their communities and can<br />

provide the ‘‘bridge’’ for opportunity.<br />

The co­chairs are members of the<br />

Rural Health workstream which is has<br />

an alliance across health systems for<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Health New Zealand, April <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

Localities update for the health sector<br />

states elevating consumer and whanau<br />

voice:<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Ok<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Jun 9 Jun 10 Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun 15<br />

Rise 7:56am<br />

Set 5:00pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

7:35am<br />

7:57pm<br />

Set 1:07am<br />

Rise 1:52pm<br />

Fair<br />

Rise 7:56am<br />

Set 5:00pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

8:20am<br />

8:43pm<br />

Set 2:15am<br />

Rise 2:13pm<br />

‘‘The locality approach is focused on<br />

planning care and services for<br />

community health and wellbeing at a<br />

local level.<br />

‘‘The gives consumers and whanau an<br />

opportunity to have astrong voice in the<br />

services that they think are important<br />

for their communities.<br />

‘‘Planning at alocal level will also<br />

enable service providers to share their<br />

local insights, and expertise, about what<br />

can be improved or developed to<br />

improve health outcomes and the<br />

whanau experience.<br />

‘‘Rural communities face specific<br />

health challenges that are not always<br />

shared by more urban communities.<br />

Many of the changes to the health system<br />

will have apositive impact of health<br />

outcomes of rural communities.’’<br />

The role of the Hurunui Hauora<br />

Advisory group will be to activate and<br />

monitor this voice.<br />

As Iwrite this column we are all in the<br />

midst of enjoying the traditional Queens<br />

Birthday weekend, as you will be aware<br />

Queen Elizabeth 11 is celebrating her<br />

Platinum Jubilee 70 years as our Queen.<br />

This is aunique event, which is being<br />

celebrated throughout the<br />

Commonwealth, and particularly for<br />

those in countries, such as New Zealand,<br />

who have the Queen as Head of State.<br />

Union hits the road<br />

The NewZealandTaxpayers Union<br />

has takentothe roadinits fight again<br />

the Government’sThreeWaters<br />

proposals.<br />

It has deckedout acampervan in<br />

‘‘Stop Three Waters’’ gear and willbe<br />

pulling into Amberley on <strong>June</strong>11, at<br />

4pm,after visiting Christchurch and<br />

townsdown south.<br />

The journey beganon<strong>June</strong>3,and<br />

will meet localratepayers, Mayors,<br />

councillorsand communityleaders<br />

in 39 local centresacross the<br />

country.<br />

‘‘With the supportofour grassroots<br />

network,we'll be spreading the<br />

messagedirectly withinthe local<br />

communities whose water assets<br />

NanaiaMahuta(MinisterofLocal<br />

Government),istryingtoremove<br />

from localcontrol to putinto ‘cogoverned'<br />

entities,’’executivedirect<br />

ofthe union, JordanWilliamssays.<br />

‘‘The roadshow will highlight just<br />

how unpopularthese proposals are,<br />

putpressure on thosefew councils<br />

still holding out fromresisting the<br />

Government, andpile thepressure<br />

on to Labour'sprovincialMPs who<br />

are the key to overruling Mahuta's<br />

undemocratic agenda.’’<br />

Mr Williams saysits ‘‘peoplepowered’’<br />

effort will expose why<br />

Three Waters is zerogain,and will<br />

holdthe Minister to account.<br />

Thefull itinerary will be updated<br />

on NZ TaxpayerUnionFacebook<br />

page.<br />

The exact timesand locationsfor<br />

each stopbythe roadshowwill also<br />

be updated as the showrolls on<br />

throughout the country.<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:57am<br />

Set 5:00pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:07am<br />

9:32pm<br />

Set 3:27am<br />

Rise 2:37pm<br />

Rise 7:57am<br />

Set 5:00pm<br />

Moderate SW Moderate SW Moderate SW Fresh SW<br />

Good<br />

Best 9:58am<br />

Times 10:26pm<br />

Set 4:43am<br />

Rise 3:05pm<br />

Rise 7:58am<br />

Set 5:00pm<br />

Best 10:55am<br />

Times 11:25pm<br />

Set 6:03am<br />

Rise 3:40pm<br />

Fresh Wturning<br />

SW<br />

Rise 7:58am<br />

Set 5:00pm<br />

Best 11:57am<br />

Times<br />

Set 7:25am<br />

Rise 4:25pm<br />

Fresh SW easing<br />

to moderate W<br />

Rise 7:59am<br />

Set 5:00pm<br />

Moderate W<br />

E1.1 mturning<br />

SW 1.1 mturning<br />

NE 1.0 m<br />

SE W1.1 m SE 1.0 m<br />

S S1.2 m SE 1.1 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

Good<br />

Joanne Gumbrell<br />

Chair, Waimakariri Age-friendly<br />

Advisory Group<br />

Age-Friendly group<br />

to get anew look<br />

We aresaddenedbythe deathsofDame<br />

Aroha Reriti­Crofts and ChrisGreengrass,<br />

both supporters of Age­friendly<br />

Waimakariri.<br />

Chris, amember ofourAdvisory Group,<br />

received aQSM in theQueen’sBirthday<br />

Honours.<br />

WecongratulateDavid Ayers, also a<br />

supporter ofAge­friendly, whowas<br />

awarded aMNZM.<br />

The Waimakariri Age­friendly Advisory<br />

Groupisabouttoget anew look.<br />

The current Plan He Hoa AhakoaŌu<br />

Tauwas forthreeyears andisdue to<br />

finish at theendofthis month.<br />

Inanticipationofthis wehelda<br />

workshopwhere we decided ourworkis<br />

notyet doneandnever will be.<br />

In<strong>June</strong>2021residentsover50had<br />

exceeded 50 percent of theDistrict’s<br />

population.<br />

Predictions showthat by 2048 about 30%<br />

of Waimakaririresidentswillbeover 65<br />

yearsofage.<br />

Atthe workshop membersofthe<br />

Advisory Groupdecidedwe hadtwo<br />

options—togoitalone or withcouncil<br />

support. Thecommittee overwhelming<br />

preferred thecouncil support option.<br />

Ok<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

12:30am<br />

1:03pm<br />

Set 8:43am<br />

Rise 5:23pm<br />

Atthe recent communityand recreation<br />

committeeofcouncilwegavea<br />

presentation alongsidethe facilitator’s<br />

annual report.<br />

Madeleine Burdon,who hasworked for<br />

theWaimakariri District Council since<br />

2006, with her final rolebeingAgefriendly<br />

facilitator, retiresatthe endof<br />

themonth.<br />

She hasawealth of experience and<br />

skills. Wehavebeenfortunatetohave her<br />

as ourfacilitator and wish herall the best<br />

in herretirement.<br />

TheAge­friendly Advisory Group will<br />

be goingtothe communityagain,just like<br />

we didinthebeginning, and asking what<br />

still needstobedone to make<br />

Waimakariri‘‘a place where older people<br />

canstay connected, healthy, activeand<br />

respected,whatever their age’’. Personnel<br />

on theAdvisory Group maychange too,<br />

andwecould have peoplerepresenting<br />

more groups.Wehaverepresentatives<br />

from IHC, Migrants andNewcomers,<br />

Greypower, MSD,U3A,Waimakariri<br />

AccessGroup, CAB,aCouncillor,plus two<br />

independentmembers.<br />

Look outfor community workshopsand<br />

come andtell us what youwant.<br />

Helen Kelly :Her Life, by Rebecca<br />

Macfie<br />

Helen Kelly was the first female head<br />

of the country’s trade union<br />

movement, but she was also much<br />

more: avisionary who believed that<br />

all workers, whether in aunion or not,<br />

deserved to be given afair go.<br />

Things Ilearned at Art School, by<br />

Megan Dunn<br />

Part memoir, part essay collection,<br />

Megan Dunn’s ingenious, moving,<br />

hilariously personal Things ILearned<br />

at Art School tells the story of her<br />

early life and coming­of­age in New Zealand in the ‘70s, ‘80s<br />

and ‘90s.<br />

I’m So effing Tired, by Amy Shah<br />

Does it feel like your life is too busy, your days are too short, and you're feeling<br />

overworked, overstressed, and overtired? Chances are you’ve asked your doctor for<br />

help, only to be told that it’s because of your age, or your workload, or, worse, that<br />

it’s just “normal.”<br />

These titlesare available in both Waimakariri and Hurunui libraries. Find out more<br />

go to waimakariri.kotui.org.nz or hurunui.kotui.org.nz or contact your locallibrary.<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 11:58am 2.2 5:48am 0.7 12:18am 2.2 6:34am 0.6 1:08am 2.3 7:21am 0.6 2:00am 2.3 8:10am 0.5 2:53am 2.4 9:04am 0.5 3:47am 2.4 10:00am 0.4 4:44am 2.4 10:59am 0.4<br />

Mouth<br />

6:<strong>09</strong>pm 0.7 12:46pm 2.3 7:00pm 0.7 1:37pm 2.3 7:54pm 0.6 2:31pm 2.4 8:49pm 0.5 3:25pm 2.5 9:45pm 0.5 4:21pm 2.6 10:42pm 0.4 5:18pm 2.6 11:39pm 0.4<br />

Amberley 11:58am 2.2 5:48am 0.7 12:18am 2.2 6:34am 0.6 1:08am 2.3 7:21am 0.6 2:00am 2.3 8:10am 0.5 2:53am 2.4 9:04am 0.5 3:47am 2.4 10:00am 0.4 4:44am 2.4 10:59am 0.4<br />

Beach<br />

6:<strong>09</strong>pm 0.7 12:46pm 2.3 7:00pm 0.7 1:37pm 2.3 7:54pm 0.6 2:31pm 2.4 8:49pm 0.5 3:25pm 2.5 9:45pm 0.5 4:21pm 2.6 10:42pm 0.4 5:18pm 2.6 11:39pm 0.4<br />

5:57am 0.7 12:27am 2.2 6:43am 0.6 1:17am 2.3 7:30am 0.6 2:<strong>09</strong>am 2.3 8:19am 0.5 3:02am 2.4 9:13am 0.5 3:56am 2.4 10:<strong>09</strong>am 0.4 4:53am 2.4 11:08am 0.4<br />

Motunau 12:07pm 2.2 6:18pm 0.7 12:55pm 2.3 7:<strong>09</strong>pm 0.7 1:46pm 2.3 8:03pm 0.6 2:40pm 2.4 8:58pm 0.5 3:34pm 2.5 9:54pm 0.5 4:30pm 2.6 10:51pm 0.4 5:27pm 2.6 11:48pm 0.4<br />

5:59am 0.7 12:29am 2.2 6:45am 0.6 1:19am 2.3 7:32am 0.6 2:11am 2.3 8:21am 0.5 3:04am 2.4 9:15am 0.5 3:58am 2.4 10:11am 0.4 4:55am 2.4 11:10am 0.4<br />

Gore Bay 12:<strong>09</strong>pm 2.2 6:20pm 0.7 12:57pm 2.3 7:11pm 0.7 1:48pm 2.3 8:05pm 0.6 2:42pm 2.4 9:00pm 0.5 3:36pm 2.5 9:56pm 0.5 4:32pm 2.6 10:53pm 0.4 5:29pm 2.6 11:50pm 0.4<br />

5:56am 0.4 12:27am 1.5 6:40am 0.3 1:17am 1.5 7:26am 0.3 2:07am 1.6 8:15am 0.2 3:00am 1.6 9:07am 0.2 3:54am 1.6 10:02am 0.2 4:51am 1.6 10:58am 0.1<br />

Kaikoura 12:06pm 1.5 6:15pm 0.4 12:53pm 1.5 7:07pm 0.3 1:43pm 1.6 8:00pm 0.3 2:35pm 1.7 8:54pm 0.2 3:29pm 1.7 9:49pm 0.2 4:25pm 1.8 10:46pm 0.1 5:22pm 1.9 11:43pm 0.1<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />



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2016TOYOTA AURIS150X<br />

1500cc, 93000kms, Reverse<br />

Camera, Alloys, Push ButtonStart,<br />

Great Fuel Economy, 4-Star Safety<br />

2016 NISSAN MARCH 12C<br />

29,000kms, 1200cc,FullElectrics,<br />

Keyless Entry,5StarFuel Rating!<br />

2016NISSANNOTE X<br />

63,000kms, 1200cc, Full Electrics,<br />

Parking Sensors, Lane Assist,<br />

Rebate Available!<br />

2017 NISSANNOTE E<br />

POWERX<br />

44,000kms, 1200cc, Full Electrics,<br />

Great Colour,Rebate Available!<br />

2016 MAZDA CX-5 20S<br />


52,000kms,2000cc,RV/SUV,<br />

Cruise Control,FullElectrics.<br />

$<br />

25,494<br />

$<br />

19,494<br />

$<br />

19,999<br />

$<br />

10,494<br />

$<br />

13,894<br />

2015 HONDA HR-VVEZEL<br />

HYBRID Z<br />

93,000kms,1500cc, Reverse<br />

Camera, Cruise Control, Heated<br />

Seats, Alloys, Push ButtonStart.<br />

2013 SUBARU XV 4WD<br />

2.0I-L EYESIGHT<br />

61,000kms, 2000cc,Automatic,<br />

Cruise Control, Paddle Shift,Push<br />

Start, ReverseCamera.<br />

2016 NISSAN JUKE<br />

NZ New,HIGH SPEC,66,605km,<br />

1598cc, Great SafetyRating!<br />


ASG<br />

41,000kms, 1200cc,Full Electrics,<br />

PushStart, Alloys.<br />


82,000kms,1500cc, Push Start,<br />

Keyless Entry.<br />

$<br />

14,294<br />

$<br />

27,999<br />

$<br />

18,894<br />

$<br />

16,494<br />

$<br />

10,990<br />

2013 TOYOTA AQUAS<br />

91,000kms, 1500cc, Reverse<br />

Camera, PushButtonStart, Heated<br />

Seats!<br />


DIESEL 4WD<br />

3200cc, 4WD, RV/SUV,Cruise<br />

Control, Full Electrics,Reverse<br />

Camera.<br />



50,000kms, 1500cc, Partical<br />

Leather,Reverse Camera, Cruise<br />

Control, Full Electrics.<br />

All prices include on road costs, 12month registration and new WOF<br />


47,000kms, 1200cc,Amazing<br />

SafetyPackage, 6Airbags,Reverse<br />

Camera,PushButton,Cruise<br />

Control and much more!<br />

2010KIASPORTAGE 2.0<br />

AUTO 2WD<br />

80,000kms, 1975cc, Cruise<br />

Control, TowBar,Alloys<br />

*Safety ratings are from year of manufacture*<br />



FOR LESS<br />

Storewide<br />

SALE<br />


Flow<br />

Buffet<br />

12<br />

SALE<br />

WAS $1950<br />

$<br />

1750<br />

Lending criteria,$50 Annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. Standard Interest Rate<br />

(currently 25.99%p.a.) applies toany outstanding balance at end of interest free period.<br />

Offer ends 31 December 2023. Min spendand exclusions may apply,<br />

$55Establishment Feeor$35 Advance Feeapplies to Long Term Finance Purchases*.<br />

WAS$4279<br />

$<br />

3899<br />

Naples Modular Corner Suite<br />

2Seater $1519 $1399<br />

3Seater $2259 $2079<br />

SALE<br />

Liva<br />

Barstool<br />

SALE<br />

Wagner<br />

Chair<br />

SALE<br />

Melle<br />

Barstool<br />

SALE<br />

Zurich Chair<br />

SALE<br />

Nordik Med Ext. Table<br />

W160-210 xD90xH76 cm<br />

WAS $179<br />

$<br />

169<br />

WAS $199<br />

$<br />

179<br />

WAS $179<br />

$<br />

169<br />

WAS $199<br />

$<br />

179<br />

WAS $1299<br />

$<br />

1169<br />

SALE<br />



Queen LiftUpBase<br />

Mattress not included<br />

Affordable<br />

Finn Chair<br />


WAS $769<br />

$<br />

699<br />

WAS $1149<br />

$<br />

1<strong>09</strong>9<br />

FREE<br />



BATH ST<br />

WE ARE<br />

HERE<br />





MON-FRI 9:30AM–5:00PM<br />

SAT-SUN10AM–5:00PM<br />

0800 268 264


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Victoria Park to be illuminated next month<br />

Adazzling display of lights in Victoria<br />

Park, Rangiora, next month will<br />

brighten up the winter sky.<br />

The MainPower Light Festival is<br />

being held on July 1and 2, with atheme<br />

of ‘‘Bigger, Better, Brighter’’, with a<br />

promise of alot more light installations<br />

than at the inaugural event in 2020, and<br />

plenty of entertainment.<br />

The lighting extravaganza will offer<br />

interactive installations, afairy land of<br />

laser lights, neon, disco lights, glow toys<br />

and moire.<br />

Events spokesman Karl Horwarth<br />

says some of the best light installations<br />

from installers who worked on Botanic<br />

D’Lights in Christchurch had been hand<br />

picked for the event.<br />

‘‘Plus there is more food, more market<br />

stalls and more entertainment,’’ says<br />

Karl.<br />

People can dance the night away on a<br />

UV dance floor, while enjoying the<br />

atmosphere.<br />

There will be roving entertainers, a<br />

licensed bar, stalls, kid’s activities, and<br />

live music.<br />

There is huge demand for tickets for<br />

the two night festival.<br />

Organisers are confident the festival<br />

will shine brightly in early July and<br />

provide plenty of excitement for people<br />

keen for agood night out, after earlier<br />

attempts to run the festival were<br />

stymied by Covid­19 protocols.<br />

It is $5 aticket, or $20 for afamily of<br />

five. To buy tickets go to<br />

rangioralightandsound.co.nz.<br />

The gates open at 5pm each evening,<br />

with the show running through to 9pm.<br />

Tickets already purchased for the<br />

postponed dates are valid for the new<br />

dates, with tickets able to be used to go<br />

to the festival on both nights.<br />

Dazzling display ... Bright lights from the inaugural MainPower Light Festival.<br />

The MainPower <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Lights photo competition will also run<br />

again this year.<br />

The competition is open to anyone<br />

who would like to show their<br />

appreciation for places in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, with afocus on what makes<br />

the region such agreat place to live and<br />

using “<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Lights” as<br />

inspiration.<br />

To submit aphoto for entry in the<br />

competition, you must email your<br />

photo(s) with adescription to<br />

rangioralightandsound@gmail.com by<br />

<strong>June</strong> 28. Please use Photo Competition<br />

in the subject line. Multiple entries may<br />

be made to amaximum of five photos.<br />

There is also aNight Lights<br />

competition where people can<br />

photograph the lights, and get some<br />

9<br />


special effect shots, and enter them in<br />

the competition.<br />

To enter you can tag the festival on<br />

facebook, using the hashtag<br />

#rangioralightfestival on instagram, or<br />

email rangioralightandsound@gmail.<br />

com and be in to win.<br />

Competition finalists will have their<br />

work showcased in the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>.<br />

Light<br />

Festival<br />

<br />

Victoria park, rangiora<br />

Experience alight &sound wonderland.<br />

Afairyland of laser lights, neon, disco lights, interactive<br />

lighting displays, glow toys &more.food, UV dance floor,<br />

licensed bar, stalls, kid’s activities, roving entertainers,<br />

live music.<br />

ENTRY: Just $,$ perfamily.<br />


Limited Numbers, Get Your TicketsNow<br />

rangioralightandsound.co.nz<br />


Waimakariri<br />

Hurunui<br />

<strong>News</strong> Kaikoura

RangioraToyota<br />


Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2007 Toyota BladeHatch<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Airbags<br />

•Camera, Alloys, Half Leather<br />

•80,300kms<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2017 Toyota Corolla GX<br />

Hatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, 7-Airbags<br />

•Only 39,800kms<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2015Toyota Ractis<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto, 45,550km<br />

•CD/AUX/USB<br />

Connectivity<br />

WAS$14,995<br />

$ NOW 13,995<br />

2013Daihatsu Sirion<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />

•5-door,NZNew<br />

•Only 42,936km<br />

WAS$10,995<br />

$ NOW 9,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2017 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol<br />

•Leather Interior,5-Star Safety<br />

•Satnav,Only 35,800kms $34,995<br />

SUV<br />

2007 Ford Fiesta<br />

•1.6L PetrolManual<br />

•5-door,Bluetooth,NZ-new<br />

•Remote Central Locking<br />

$<br />

7,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2017 CorollaGLXHatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys,<br />

•Camera, FogLights<br />

•Only 47,700km<br />

$<br />

23,995<br />

2010 Toyota MarkXGS<br />

•2.5LPetrol, Alloys,<br />

•Camera, Rear Wheel Drive,<br />

•Only 88,700kms<br />

$<br />

11,995<br />

2018 CamryGL<br />

•2.5LPetrol, Alloys, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, 5-star Safety<br />

•Only 50,600km<br />

$<br />

25,995<br />

2018 Toyota HighlanderGXL<br />

•3.5LPetrol<br />

•Leather 7-seater,SAT/NAV<br />

•Camera, only29,300km<br />

$<br />

53,995<br />

2018 Rav4 GXL<br />

•2.5LPetrolAWD<br />

•Alloys, Camera, Satnav<br />

•Keyless,DualZone Climate<br />

$<br />

29,995<br />

2018 Toyota HighlanderGX<br />

•3.5LPetrol, 8-Speed Auto<br />

•7-Seater,Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•84,700km<br />

$<br />

43,995<br />

2019 Toyota Rav4 GX<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto2WD<br />

•Alloys, Satnav,Camera<br />

•Only 18,250kms<br />

$<br />

36,995 39,995<br />

2019 Toyota C-HR Limited<br />

•1.2LTurboAWD,Leather,<br />

•5-Star Safety, Camera,<br />

•Satnav, 54,250kms<br />


$<br />

31,995<br />

2018 LandCruiser Prado<br />

VX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel; NZ New, Leather<br />

•7-Seater,Satnav,360 Camera,<br />

•Only 52,800kms<br />

$<br />

75,995<br />

2016 Rav4 GXL<br />

•2.5LPetrolAWD,Camera<br />

•Keyless,Towbar,Bluetooh<br />

•88,900km<br />

2014 Toyota Highlander GX<br />

•3.5Lpetrol, 7- Seater<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•Towbar<br />

$<br />

31,995 $<br />

31,995<br />

2016 HighlanderGXL<br />

•3.5LPetrol, 7-Seater Leather<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 72,500kms<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

2017 HiluxSR2WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth, Camera<br />

•78,050km<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

2012Hilux2WD<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel Manual<br />

•Bluetooth, Cruise Control<br />

•Canopy,Towbar<br />

$<br />

26,995<br />

2017 HiluxSR4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Canopy, Towbar<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2015Ford RangerXLT<br />

•3.2LTurbo Diesel Auto, 2WD<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth, Tonneau<br />

•Rear Sensors<br />

NOW<br />

WAS$29,995<br />

$<br />

27,995<br />

<strong>2022</strong> Ex-Demo Hilux<br />

SR5 Cruiser<br />

2016 HiluxSR5 Limited 2021 Daihatsu HijetDump 2016 HiluxSR5 Ltd4WD 2017 HiluxSR4WD<br />

2WD<br />

Truck<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, TRDAlloys<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather,18”Alloys •650ccPetrolManual, 4WD<br />

•Sports Lid&Bar,Leather<br />

•Canopy, Towbar<br />

$<br />

•SportsBar<br />

•Tipper Deck, DiffLocker, Hi-LoRatio •Satnav,Only83,800kms<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•Tonneau.<br />

•Only 100kms<br />

74,995<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

$<br />

31,995<br />

$<br />

49,995<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186 any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

•150Kw2.8L Turbo Diesel, Auto<br />

•Sports Bar&Lid, Leather<br />

•5-Star Safety, Only 2,100kms<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2479657<br />


School overcomes Omicron<br />


It has been adifficult time for manyschools<br />

across New Zealand with Covid­19, but for<br />

Pegasus Bay School it has impacted the<br />

school differently.<br />

This yearthe school was waiting for a<br />

wave of Omicronthat never really arrived,<br />

allowingthe school to continue teaching,<br />

with not many studentsand teachers<br />

gettingCovid.<br />

Online learning has become agoto<br />

learningtool duringCovid, but Pegasus Bay<br />

School had an advantage compared to<br />

others schools, principal Jared Kelly says.<br />

‘‘Ouronline presence was great last year,<br />

we had aclear approachwith home<br />

learning.’’<br />

The schoolused an app called seesaw<br />

whichhelped the teachers and students to<br />

learnand sharework.<br />

Pegasus Bay School is one of thefew<br />

BRIEFS<br />

Kaiapoi Pa carving found<br />

WaimakaririPolice have foundalarge<br />

historical and significant carving which<br />

was stolen from the KaiapoiPaon<br />

Preeces Road last week.<br />

Asearchwarrant executed by the<br />

WaimakaririTacticalCrime Unit at an<br />

address in Leithfield Beachlast<br />

Thursday, uncovered variousstolen<br />

pieces of property, including the carved<br />

monument.<br />

The Kaiapoi Pa is an important site in<br />

localand tribal history and the monument<br />

datesback to the late 1800’s.<br />

Police are thrilled to have found the<br />

artefact and be able to return it to its<br />

rightful place in the community.<br />

A40­year­old man already facing<br />

charges of burglaryhas appeared in the<br />

Christchurch District Court where he<br />

facedfurther chargeslaid in relation to<br />

the stolen artefact.<br />

Health hub workingbees<br />

Members of Keep Rangiora Beautiful<br />

have heldtwo working bees in the<br />

Rangiora Health Hub groundstotidy the<br />

garden.<br />

The most recent was heldlast weekand<br />

was attended by 20 volunteers, including<br />

some members of the Rangiora Tramping<br />

Club.<br />

schools in New Zealand to be an Apple<br />

Distinguished School. Each student has an<br />

iPad and teachers have Macbooks.<br />

This madeabig differenceduring Covid,<br />

as studentscould take an iPad homeifthey<br />

didn’t haveone.<br />

The New Zealand mathsrating is 494 on<br />

the mathematics performance (PISA 2018)<br />

just abovethe average (489).<br />

Countries like Japan, South Korea,<br />

Singapore and Hong Kong haveratings<br />

well above500, so Pegasus Bay Schoolis<br />

goingtotry somethingdifferent.<br />

This yearthe school has been rolling out<br />

anew maths system similar to the<br />

Singapore model called ‘‘maths no<br />

problem’’.<br />

It is based around studentsgetting a<br />

broadand in­depthunderstanding of maths<br />

and will run for two years,assessing the<br />

impact of students'understanding of maths<br />

and maths concepts.<br />

The next working bee is planned for<br />

Thursday, <strong>June</strong> 16.<br />

Keep Rangiora Beautiful member<br />

Beverley McGowan says 530kg of garden<br />

waste and 390kg of green waste was<br />

removed from the gardenand taken to the<br />

Southbrook Resource Recovery Park<br />

transfer station. The volunteers were<br />

rewarded for theirwork with morning tea.<br />

Volunteer’slong service recognised<br />

The long­service of volunteer, Wayne<br />

Morrison, has been recognised at the<br />

Ashley CommunityChurch.<br />

Wayne has spent more than 25 years<br />

trimming the church’s boundary<br />

Hawthorn hedge every summer, but has<br />

now retired from the job.<br />

He was presented with a$100 gift<br />

voucher, donated by Woodend Nurseries,<br />

in appreciation of his long serviceata<br />

recentcommunity morning tea, organised<br />

by amember of the Ashley Community<br />

Church Group, Jeneane Hobby.<br />

The morning tea was attended by<br />

Ashley localsand people who have longstanding<br />

associations with the church.<br />

The event was held outdoorsnear the<br />

hedge.<br />

Jeneane saidshe was immensely<br />

grateful to Wayne for his longservice and<br />

also to Woodend Nurseries for donating<br />

the gift voucher for Wayne. The hedge will<br />

now be cut by another church volunteer<br />

Ken Jackson.<br />

Live<br />

large!<br />

Metro bus fares<br />

are now 50% off.<br />

Say goodbye to the<br />

small meal and hello<br />

to living large with<br />

your travel savings.<br />

Learn moreat<br />

metro.co.nz/halfprice<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />



11<br />

Hurunui Biodiversity Trust<br />

The film, RoheKoreporepo: The Swamp<br />

The Sacred Place will be shown in<br />

Amberley on Thursday, <strong>June</strong> 16, at 7pm, at<br />

the Amberley Schoolhall.<br />

It will be followed by adiscussion with<br />

wetlands specialists including Greg<br />

Byrnes, director of the Tuhaitara Coastal<br />

Park Trust, (Te Kohaka oTuhaitara).<br />

The film, which is being hostedbythe<br />

Hurunui BiodiversityTrust,isa<br />

documentarycelebratingthe re­creation<br />

of wetlands by 60 kaitiaki /guardians and<br />

their communities throughout Aotearoa<br />

New Zealand.<br />

Entry: Adults$10, children free. Masks<br />

encouraged. For more information go to<br />

the Hurunui Biodiversity pageon<br />

Facebook or email<br />

hurunuibiodiversity@gmail.com.<br />

Introducing our<br />

impressive new<br />

range of curtains<br />

Take advantage of having<br />

our factory right here in New<br />

Zealand! We have alarge<br />

selection of fabrics available<br />

right now –soyour wait time is<br />

minimal. CALL US NOW!<br />

MOBILE<br />



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CAN COME<br />

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Over 55 years manufacturing quality blinds, curtains, shutters and much more.<br />

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SORTED.<br />

Makita<br />

Grease Gun<br />

18 Volt<br />

367237<br />

• Perfectfor<br />

maintenancejobs<br />

of heavy and large<br />

machinery. Flexible<br />

1.2mhose enables<br />

easyoperation in tight<br />

spaces.<br />

• Automatic change<br />

of flowrate (or<br />

dispensing speed)for<br />

increased operability.<br />

• Powerful motor<br />

delivers up to 69 MPa<br />

(10,000PSI) of max<br />

pressure.<br />

$549 each<br />

Skin Only<br />

100% LOCALLY<br />



Give the gift<br />

of choice.<br />

Purchase in-storeoronline at mitre10.co.nz<br />

Tressellar<br />

Daphne Perfume<br />

Princess 2.5L<br />

247865<br />

$<br />

24 .97 each<br />

Tressellar<br />

Daphne Perfume<br />

Princess 2.5L White<br />

380257<br />

$<br />

24 .97 each<br />


Your local professionals<br />

Glencree for all your agricultural services<br />

Oaro­based Glencree Helicopters<br />

provides awide variety of helicopter<br />

services to the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

Marlborough region.<br />

Owned by Louise and Brent Harkerss,<br />

much of its work is agricultural­based,<br />

with the company also proficient at frost<br />

protection work, lifting, and pest<br />

control.<br />

The family­owned business, brings 25<br />

years experience to the agricultural<br />

spraying sector, having initially been<br />

based in the Leeston area.<br />

It offers spraying, fertiliser spreading,<br />

both liquid and solid, and has aGPS<br />

system fitted to provide proof of<br />

placement on properties.<br />

It operates aJet Ranger, and offers<br />

buckets and booms to suit the particular<br />

job on­farm.<br />

It also offers afree quote service, and<br />

is happy to visit farms to give advice and<br />

anon­obligation quote on jobs,<br />

particularly over the next few winter<br />

months prior to the Spring spraying and<br />

fertiliser season starting up.<br />

Its agricultural work also extends to<br />

mustering stock for farmers throughout<br />

the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Marlborough<br />

region.<br />

The company operates from the<br />

Glencree Estate south of Kaikoura, with<br />

Glencree Helicopters run alongside a<br />

tourism business.<br />

The agricultural work has helped fill a<br />

gap left by the Covid­19 pandemic which<br />

impacted on the family’s tourism<br />

business of Trophy hunting, guided<br />

walks, 4WD game estate tours, and other<br />

exclusive opportunities where some of<br />

New Zealand’s true beauty can be<br />

viewed.<br />

Glencree is situated on the Kaikoura<br />

coastline. The property offers<br />

spectacular panoramic views of the<br />

Pacific Ocean to the East and Seaward<br />

Kaikoura’s to the West.<br />

In addition to it's breathtaking views,<br />

the Estate also boasts an array of unique<br />

experiences located on the 1600ha<br />

property and throughout the local<br />

region.<br />

This includes 4WD and winery tours,<br />

whale watching, horse trekking, ocean<br />

fishing, and hunting with professional<br />

guides.<br />

For afree obligation quote, or to<br />

enquire about any agricultural services<br />

contact info@glencree.co.nz, or phone<br />

Brent Harkerss on 027 435 1243.<br />

Experienced operator ... Glencree<br />

Helicopters bring 25 years experience to<br />

agricultural­based services. PHOTO:SUPPLIED<br />



The caring and professional<br />

health care team for you<br />

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We know finding aCreative Agency can bea<br />

little daunting...but dont worry, wehave been<br />

helping people just like you for over 20 years.<br />

We would love to work with you.<br />

Providing helicopter services<br />

to the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>and<br />

Marlborough region.<br />

03 314 7640 www.sdal.co.nz<br />

5Beach Rd, Amberley<br />

• Spraying<br />

• Lifting<br />

• Fertiliser-liquid &solid • Frost control<br />

• GPS proof of placement • Pest control<br />

• Fire<br />

• Mustering<br />

25 years experience<br />

Call for afree farmvisit, advice and<br />

non obligation quote.<br />

Brent Harkerss - 027 435 1243<br />

JamesPinfold - 021 656 770<br />

info@glencree.co.nz<br />

2220 State Highway1<br />

Kaikoura<br />

2456056<br />

2302329<br />

237 High Street<br />

Rangiora<br />

Ph: 313 7877<br />

29 High St, Rangiora<br />

studio.rangiora@printing.com | 03313 7774<br />

createdesignstudio.co.nz<br />


Providing proactive accounting<br />

solutions to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Businesses.<br />

Contact Ben Shore or<br />

Tsarina Dellow for afree<br />

consultation on your tax<br />

and accounting needs.<br />

2454089v3<br />

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e<br />

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e<br />

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a<br />

Love Your Hearing, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Vera Setz:<br />

(03) 423 3158<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Cheviot,<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

Charlotte Watson<br />

Audiologust<br />

MNZAS<br />

Vera Setz<br />

Audiologist<br />

MNZAS<br />

Alison Highman<br />

Ear Nurse<br />

RN<br />

We’re your<br />

local hearing and<br />

ear health experts!<br />

Ear Care:<br />

020 4124 2525<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Kaiapoi<br />


03 311 8008<br />

email@helmores-law.co.nz<br />

www.helmores-law.co.nz<br />

2373179v2<br />


2458397<br />

Your local professionals<br />

Home buyers are urged to seek advice<br />

Seeking the assistance of agood<br />

Mortgage Adviser can be one of the<br />

best thingsyou can do in these<br />

challenging financial times,says<br />

Graeme Soper.<br />

Graeme, of <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>­based<br />

MariaThackwell Mortgage Company,<br />

says getting adviceisone of the best<br />

avenues to helpnavigate all the issues<br />

home buyers are now faced with.<br />

‘‘There have beensignificant<br />

changes to the lending criteria of the<br />

banksover the last six to seven months<br />

whichhas madeitextremely<br />

challenging to raise lending for a<br />

housepurchase.<br />

‘‘As aMortgage Adviser (formerly<br />

Mortgage Brokers),itisour job to<br />

understandthe differences between<br />

each lender, and advise our clients on<br />

what their options are and with what<br />

lender,’’ he says.<br />

AMortgageAdviser is nowrequired<br />

to hold aqualification to allow<br />

financial advicetobegiven to clients,<br />

and must meet standards introduced<br />

by the FinancialMarkets Authority<br />

(FMA)and work under alicence<br />

provided by the authority.<br />

Graeme has 34 years financial<br />

services industry experience and can<br />

deal with most lenders to help you<br />

navigate the home buyingjourney,and<br />

can alsoaccess alternative funding<br />

channels such as non­bank lenders if<br />

required.<br />

Experienced<br />

Podiatrist;<br />

I’d love to<br />

help you with<br />

your home<br />

buying<br />

journey.<br />

Get in touch<br />

to start the<br />

conversation.<br />

Graeme Soper<br />

your local lending specialist<br />

PH: 0800 888 485<br />

email: graeme@mariathackwell.co.nz<br />

Now with more availability<br />

022 1726 049<br />

www.northcanterburypodiatry.co.nz<br />

2457245v1<br />

Get advice ... Graeme Soper says advice is the best avenue to help navigate home buying.<br />

‘‘The othergreatthing is thatinmost<br />

circumstancesthere is no costtoyou<br />

for our services, as we are normally<br />

Call Prosser Quirke Accountants<br />

Chartered Accountants &Business Advisors<br />

2299722v3<br />



6Blake Street, Rangiora, New Zealand<br />

ph. 03 313 7824<br />

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"<br />

paidacommission payment by the<br />

banks.<br />

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Excellent child/staff ratios<br />

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The Lime difference<br />

We love how straight forward you are<br />

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but also to potential buyers, it’s definitely<br />

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and makes the world of difference to both<br />

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replaced with useful information.<br />

Daniel &Jodie "<br />

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raising aloan throughnon­bank<br />

lenders, afee willneed to be charged<br />

in situations where acommission<br />

payment is not made.<br />

‘‘This fee would be advisedatthe<br />

time of application to the non­lender.’’<br />

Graeme says once becoming aclient,<br />

MariaThackwell Mortgage Company<br />

assists with loan management with the<br />

bank long­term,and offers advice<br />

when required at no cost.<br />

He saysdespitethe doom and gloom,<br />

thereare stillhomebuyers buying<br />

theirfirst or subsequent homes.<br />

Therewere challengesfor all<br />

buyers, with firsthomebuyers with<br />

less than20percentdeposit, having<br />

additional hurdleswhich were ‘‘not<br />

insurmountable’’<br />

‘‘It is never to early to engage with a<br />

Mortgage Adviser. We can advise you<br />

what may be possible in your personal<br />

situation, and help you to either<br />

purchase immediately or create aplan<br />

to putyou into aposition to purchase<br />

at afuturetime.’’<br />

Graeme says first homebuyers,in<br />

particular, can benefit fromanearly<br />

conversationwith aMortgage Adviser,<br />

especially in regard to changes to<br />

Kainga Ora FirstHome Grants and<br />

FirstHome Loans recentlyannounced<br />

in the Government Budget.<br />

To contact Graeme&his teamcall<br />

0800 888 485 or email<br />

graeme@mariathackwell.co.nz.<br />

for the<br />

feeling<br />

Physicaland Mental Health<br />

•Customised<br />

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NEWS<br />

16 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Trust steps up to offer hope<br />


Rangiora’s Hope<br />

Community Trust is<br />

facing arising demand<br />

for its services in the<br />

wake of Covid.<br />

Demand for<br />

counselling services has<br />

grown 13 percent this<br />

year, compared to 2021,<br />

and food parcels are<br />

supporting an even<br />

greater number of<br />

families.<br />

The trust is changing<br />

the way it promotes its<br />

counselling services, to<br />

better cater to agrowing<br />

need, trust manager<br />

Tracy Pirie says.<br />

‘‘If Iwent up to alot of<br />

people and ask what<br />

would you need<br />

cancelling for, most<br />

people couldn’t tell you,<br />

so what we’ve done is use<br />

phrases that the<br />

councillors hear all the<br />

time.<br />

‘‘So they can look at<br />

these and say, actually<br />

that could be me.<br />

Because we’re trying to<br />

make it real for people<br />

and make the<br />

advertisements relate to<br />

them.’’<br />

Alot of people think<br />

that counselling is<br />

expensive, but Hope<br />

offers its services at a<br />

much lower cost than<br />

most other services and<br />

funding may be available<br />

for those on abenefit.<br />

Tracy says she would<br />

rather people who need<br />

help to get in contact,<br />

rather than be put off by<br />

the cost.<br />

‘‘We’re not just dealing<br />

with old people, we’re<br />

not just dealing young<br />

people, we’re not just<br />

dealing with families,<br />

we’re not just dealing<br />

with teenagers or youth,<br />

our doors are open to<br />

everyone, any culture,<br />

any circumstances.<br />

‘‘If we don’t have the<br />

ability to help we try to<br />

find out who can and<br />

send them to there.’’<br />

Counselling coordinator<br />

Gaye White<br />

says Hope trust engages<br />

11 part­time counsellors,<br />

including student<br />

counsellors, with<br />

sessions available in<br />

Rangiora, and at the<br />

Pegasus Community<br />

Centre.<br />

Home visits are<br />

available for those<br />

unable to travel to an<br />

appointment.<br />

Acourse is to be<br />

offered to teenage girls<br />

due to the growing<br />

mental wellbeing in the<br />

community, thanks to<br />

support from<br />

Soroptomists <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The Hope trust gave<br />

out 337 food parcels in<br />

March alone, including<br />

through the foodbank<br />

and delivered via<br />

‘‘Hands of Hope’’ to local<br />

camping grounds.<br />

Offering hope ... Hope Community Trust counselling<br />

co­ordinator Gaye White wants the messaging to be<br />

more accessible for those in need. PHOTO: BENJAMIN GRIFFITHS<br />

Of those food parcels,<br />

44 were delivered to<br />

local schools and that<br />

number is increasing,<br />

Tracy says.<br />

‘‘Unfortunately some<br />

people don’t know how to<br />

access foodbanks and<br />

don’t know where to get<br />

help,’’ she says.<br />

Some parents had gone<br />

without food for two days<br />

to ensure their children<br />

didn’t go hungry.<br />

‘‘There no reason for<br />

people to go without<br />

food, as help is always<br />

available,’’ she says.<br />

Tracy says 170<br />

volunteers put in 13,740<br />

volunteer hours in 2021<br />

to help the trust provide<br />

its various services.<br />

Hope Community<br />

Trust is open to<br />

everyone. If you would<br />

like help you can call (03)<br />

9283066 or go to<br />

thehopecommunitytrust.<br />

org.<br />

ARangiora childhood<br />


A‘‘Rangiora kid’’, who has<br />

lived all of his 85 years in the<br />

town, has written abook about<br />

his colourful life.<br />

The Life and Times of a<br />

Rangiora Kid,isthe second<br />

book Tom McLaren, has<br />

written. His first. The History<br />

of St John Ambulance in<br />

Rangiora,was published in<br />

1994 and is now out of print,<br />

although acopy can still be<br />

borrowed through the<br />

Waimakariri libraries.<br />

It took Tom two years to<br />

write his latest book which<br />

was self published last year. It<br />

has been in big demand since<br />

then and is now on its fourth<br />

print run.<br />

Tom decided to write The<br />

Life and Times of aRangiora<br />

Kid because he has always<br />

believed that everyone should<br />

make an effort to record some<br />

of the more significant events<br />

of their lives before they ‘‘fall<br />

off the perch’’.<br />

He also realised that so<br />

much had happened during<br />

his lifetime that he had a<br />

plethora of events and<br />

material to write about.<br />

The book includes stories<br />

from the 1930s up until the<br />

present time, all told with ‘‘a<br />

good deal of humour’’.<br />

It also covers 1940s school<br />

life, hunting trips in Glentui,<br />

elephants parading down<br />

Rangiora’s High Street and all<br />

the significant changes and<br />

events that have taken place<br />

in New Zealand, and<br />

particularly Rangiora, as well<br />

as the many colourful<br />

Tom McLaren<br />

characters who have been part<br />

of Tom's life.<br />

Tom and his wife Norma<br />

have been married for 62<br />

years.<br />

‘‘We have lived in our house<br />

for the same length of time<br />

and Ihave lived all my 85<br />

years in West Belt,’’ Tom says.<br />

‘‘We have 3sons and 7<br />

grandchildren and enjoy an<br />

active life in our community.’’<br />

The couple had been hoping<br />

to launch The Life and Times of<br />

aRangiora Kid with atalk at<br />

the Rangiora Library last<br />

year, but the Covid­19<br />

pandemic prevented this.<br />

However atalk is planned for<br />

Friday, <strong>June</strong> 17, in the<br />

Rangiora Library, at 5.30pm<br />

Copies of The Life and Times<br />

of aRangiora Kid,cost $40 and<br />

can be purchased from the<br />

Waimakariri libraries, at<br />

Rangiora, Kaiapoi and<br />

Oxford, or by contacting<br />

Norma and Tom (03) 313 7451<br />

or email mclaren.<br />

norma585@gmail.com.<br />

Most elder abuse is<br />

hidden in plain sight<br />

Abusersare often someoneclose – Afamilymember,acaregiver,<br />

someone trusted. If you’reconcernedabouthow someone is being treated,<br />

it’s OK to help.<br />


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The Widest<br />

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Tune in nowtolisten on<br />

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103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />

andKaikoura<br />

-Curtain- Siders tokeep itdry<br />

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18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Trucks for everything you need shifted!<br />

Testing time for Amuri farmers<br />


Amuri Basin farmersare looking forward<br />

to agood spring after achallenging12<br />

months.<br />

Highcommodityprices, plenty of feed<br />

on hand and rain are among the positives,<br />

as farmers facerisingcostsand staff<br />

shortages.<br />

Rural Women NewZealandboard<br />

memberand Culverden dairy farm owner<br />

SharronDavie­Martinsays staffing<br />

shortageshave placedarealstress on<br />

dairy farmersand sharemilkers.<br />

But the recent openingupofthe border<br />

and newVisaconditions have offered<br />

somehope.<br />

Mrs Davie­Martinand husbandAlan<br />

recentlytook on acontractmilker,who<br />

had struggled to recruit enough for next<br />

seasonbefore fillinghis roster.<br />

‘‘It’sbeenhard findingstaff. I’veheard<br />

of people beingsodesperate theywere<br />

offeringanamazing roster and conditions<br />

and still notable to get anybody.<br />

‘‘Farmers have been pushed so hard and<br />

Wood lots and<br />

shelter belts<br />

Small wood lots<br />

for logging and<br />

firewood blocks<br />

Mob:0274438 462<br />

2405495<br />

they’vebeenlacking familytime, so the<br />

thought of goinginto athirdcalving understaffedwill<br />

be daunting,sofingers crossed<br />

we will getmore workersintime.’’<br />

The localFilipino community was due<br />

to hostwelcome eveningsattheAmuri<br />

AreaSchool hallyesterday andtoday<br />

(<strong>June</strong> 8to9), MrsDavie­Martinsays.<br />

‘‘The Filipinocommunity has been<br />

doing agoodjob supporting each.<br />

‘‘It’shardfor themigrant workers.<br />

‘‘We’ve stillgot people wantingtoget<br />

their families here.Ifthey can’t gettheir<br />

families here to join themthey canlose<br />

their enthusiasm.’’<br />

Despitethe pressures, Amuri Basin<br />

dairy farmers ended theseason witha<br />

favourable result, withmilk production<br />

downbyjust fivepercent andlooking<br />

forwardtoarecordpayout.<br />

But that willbeoffset somewhat by high<br />

inflationand rising fuel and fertiliser<br />

costs.<br />

Culverden sheepand beeffarmerPhil<br />

Smith saysthe latestseason has beena<br />

goodone with plenty of rain, stock feed<br />

and high pricesfor beef andsheep meat.<br />

But increasing fertiliser andfuelcosts<br />

willput some pressure on in thecoming 12<br />

months.<br />

Sourcing staffisnoeasier on sheep and<br />

beeffarmers, Mr Smith says.<br />

‘‘Ifyou lookatthe shearers, there’sno<br />

young onescomingon, so who’s going to<br />

shear our sheepinyearstocome?<br />

And there’s just notalot of sheepand<br />

beefguysaround anymore.’’<br />

While someofthe lowerlandsheep<br />

farmersare scanning nowahead of July /<br />

August lambings, Mr Smith says lambing<br />

on his farm did notstartuntilmid­<br />

September.<br />

The ewes remainingoodcondition,with<br />

plenty of grass and moisture.<br />

But rain at this time of yearisnot so<br />

welcome as it ‘‘justturnseverything into<br />

mud’’,hesays.<br />

‘‘Aslongasweget an early spring we will<br />

be right, because we’ve hadafew lateones<br />

overthe lastfew years.’’<br />

2215674<br />

Livestock -stock@amuritransport.co.nz<br />

Fertiliser -fert@amuritransport.co.nz<br />

56 St Leonards Rd, Culverden<br />

Freight -freight@amuritransport.co.nz<br />

Ph 03 315 3033 -Fax 03 315 8413<br />

-Livestock -Bulk grain –Shingle –Coal –Golden Bay Cement -Daily Freight Services<br />



General Farm Maintenence -DairyConversions -Effluent Pond Construction<br />

• Excavators -5x23 Tonne tracked excavators<br />

&2x14tonne wheeled excavators<br />

• Sakai 7tonne double drum vibrating roller<br />

&14tonne construction roller<br />

• On site screening of shingleproducts<br />

• 3x Graders<br />

• Transporter -permitted 47 tonne<br />

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LOOK<br />

INSIDE!<br />


30 JUNE <strong>2022</strong><br />

2452559<br />

Training ... Fire service and St John volunteers enjoyed an evening of training in<br />

Culverden last week.<br />


St John, fire service training<br />

Fire service volunteers from the Amuri<br />

Basin and beyond converged on<br />

Culverden for atraining evening last<br />

week.<br />

Culverden St John hosted the training<br />

for the second time on Tuesday, May 31,<br />

with 58 firefighters and ambulance<br />

personnel taking part.<br />

Brigades from Culverden, Waiau,<br />

Hanmer Springs, Hawarden and Waikari<br />

were involved in the training organised<br />

by Culverden St John station manager<br />

Ann Cleaver and member Kim Wilkinson.<br />

The pair set up five stations so the<br />

firefighters could practice arange of<br />

skills they may need in amedical<br />

emergency, Ann says.<br />

The skills included CPR, lifting,<br />

extraction of apatient in aconfined<br />

space and recording of vital signs.<br />

The Waikari Volunteer Fire Brigade<br />

triumphed in the CPR challenging,<br />

achieving 99.7 percent as an average in<br />

the compression test.<br />

The evening began with Anne Cleaver<br />

presenting Jackie Olorenshaw with her<br />

Queen’s medal in recognition of 12 years<br />

service to St John.<br />

Chris Draper was cited in Ann’s<br />

remarks, although he was not able to be<br />

present.<br />

Chris has been amember of the Amuri<br />

St John operational team for 47 years and<br />

is still an active operational officer.<br />

Culverden St John is still looking for<br />

volunteers.<br />

Recognition ... Jackie Olorenshaw<br />

received aQueen’s medal in recognition of<br />

her service to St John.<br />

In the four months from December<br />

2021 to March 31 the ambulances<br />

travelled 23,724km and the crews made<br />

183 callouts, totaling 532 volunteer hours.<br />

If you would like to join the friendly<br />

local team, please phone Ann Cleaver on<br />

027­3272457 to arrange to come and have<br />

alook around the station.

Middlehurst delivering gold medal meat<br />


Two <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> sistersare ‘‘pretty<br />

stoked’’ to win sixgold medals in the<br />

‘‘Outstanding New ZealandFood<br />

Producer Awards’’.<br />

Rangiora­basedSophie Macdonaldand<br />

her sister Lucy, wholivesatLanercost<br />

nearCheviot,won six goldmedals in the<br />

annualawards from differentlamb cuts<br />

fromtheir family business Middlehurst<br />

Delivered.<br />

It wasthe firsttime the sisters had<br />

enteredthe awards, afteronlylaunching<br />

the brandintothe retailmarket in<br />

November 2020.<br />

Middlehurst Delivered wasestablished<br />

as an innovative way of allowingthe sisters<br />

to stayconnected withthe familyfarming<br />

business.<br />

The different cuts of lamb were<br />

competing againstlamb,beef, chicken,<br />

venison,sausages, duck, eggs, pies, garlic<br />

and truffle mushrooms.<br />

The gold medal winners in each<br />

category willnow go up forthe overall<br />

category and supreme winner awards,<br />

which will be announced in Auckland on<br />

<strong>June</strong>21.<br />

‘‘We’re allflyinguptoAuckland,soit<br />

willbepretty cool to connectwith the<br />

other winners andmeet newpeople,’’Lucy<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Itwill be fun to see how the other<br />

producersare doingand learnfrom them,’’<br />

Sophie adds.<br />

The sisters sayitisvery muchafamily<br />

effort.<br />

Their parents Willie and Susan<br />

Macdonald runthe 16,550hectare<br />

Middlehurst StationinMarlborough,<br />

while theirbrother Henry runs afinishing<br />

block at Cheviot.<br />

Betweenthe two properties,the family<br />

runs11,000 Merinosheepand 1200 Angus<br />

cattle.<br />

‘‘Henry has doneanamazing job in<br />

managing to getthe lambsready on time,’’<br />

Lucysays.‘‘Atthistimeofyearit’snot easy<br />

to havelambsreadytobekilled,but he’s<br />

managed to do it which allowsustodo<br />

whatwedo.’’<br />

Sophie says thepair haveenjoyed<br />


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Sister act ... Sophie and Lucy Macdonald are bringing Merino meat to New Zealand<br />

families.<br />


considerablegrowth in theirfirst18<br />

months,supplying direct to customers and<br />

gettingmore intohigh­end restaurantsand<br />

‘‘boutiquey supermarkets’’.<br />

‘‘Withgrowth comeschallenges,but we<br />

are ready for thosechallenges,’’ Sophie<br />

says.<br />

The family hasenjoyed astrong<br />

relationship with theHarvestRestaurant<br />

in Blenheim,whichfeaturesMiddlehurst<br />

lambonitsmenu.<br />

‘‘Theyhave supportedusfrom the<br />

beginningand we havedined there,and<br />

theydosuchawonderful jobofpresenting<br />

it,’’ Sophiesays.‘‘It’s apretty surreal<br />

feelingwhenyou go to arestaurant and<br />

order it off themenu andittastes so good,<br />

and it’s always good when someoneelse<br />

cooks it.’’<br />

While Middlehurst Deliveredhas been<br />

‘‘keepingitKiwi’’upuntil now,the family<br />

is lookingforwardtotourists returning,as<br />

there is aguest lodge at Middlehurst<br />

Station, whereachef cooks up local<br />

produceincluding Middlehurst lamb.<br />

Chartered helicopter flightsare also<br />

availablefrom Kaikoura, where tourists<br />

Gold medalist ... Middlehurst Delivered’s<br />

products are gaining national recognition.<br />

can experiencewherethe Middlehurst<br />

lambisproduced and samplegoldmedal<br />

winninglamb racks.<br />

Middlehurst Deliveredwon goldinthe<br />

GiesenPaddock Medals category forits<br />

lambrack,oyster shoulder,lamb short<br />

ribs, ribeye, backstrap and rump.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

‘No rhyme nor reason’ to<br />

NC sheep scanning results<br />


Farmershavebeengettingmixed ewe<br />

scanningresults afterthe recentwet<br />

summer.<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> sheepscannerDaniel<br />

Wheelersayswhile ewes are generally in<br />

good condition, around 40 percent of flocks<br />

he has scannedsofar havemorethan10%<br />

ofewesscanning as ‘‘empty’’.<br />

Someflocksevenhavemorethan20% of<br />

ewesscanningwithnolamb.<br />

MrWheeler says it could be due to fungal<br />

issues, resulting from long grass whichis<br />

essentially dead atthe base,whilesome<br />

ewesmayhaveissues with worms.<br />

❛It’s abit hit and miss. I<br />

scanned acouple of neighbours<br />

early on and one had 10% of<br />

ewes empty and the other only<br />

had 2%❜<br />

—Daniel Wheeler<br />

On the bright side, there are good ratesof<br />

twin­bearingewesandquite afewewes<br />

pregnantwith triplets.<br />

‘‘It’s abit hit and miss.Iscannedacouple<br />

ofneighboursearlyon andone had10%of<br />

ewesempty and the other only had 2%. So<br />

there’s no rhyme nor reason,’’ he says.<br />

Mr Wheeler provides scanning services<br />

to farmers throughout <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and in theSelwyn district.<br />

Overall farmers seem to be positive as<br />

they enterwinterand beginpreparingfor<br />

spring, hesays.<br />

‘‘They’reprobably under abit of pressure<br />

with increasing regulations, but the strong<br />

meat prices are making everyone abit<br />

All in aday's work ... Daniel Wheeler hard<br />

at work scanning ewes.<br />


more optimistic.<br />

‘‘Interest ratesandpricerises are<br />

startingbite, but we’re allinthe same<br />

boat.’’<br />

Mr Wheelerisstarting toscanthe later<br />

lambers,which were mated in late<br />

February and March. ‘‘It will be interesting<br />

to see if it continues as Marchwas abit<br />

drierthan in February.’’<br />

For nowheisonly seeinghis sheep ‘‘in<br />

the dark’’due to hisbusy schedule, but he<br />

hopes to scan his ewes in amonth’s time.<br />

Mr Wheeler was overinScotlandduring<br />

the earlyautumnperiodscanning sheep in<br />

the Scottishhighlandsand lowlands.<br />

He says Scotlandhas more extremes<br />

than New Zealand, ranging from intensive<br />

indoor systems, grazing on intensive arable<br />

ground to the traditional hillcountrysheep<br />

stations.<br />

‘‘Someplacesdon’t even get100%and<br />

thefarmerwill be happy with 90% to 95%.<br />

In the highlands you can get someverywet<br />

and very cold country.’’<br />

Book tells meat sector story<br />

New Zealand’s sheep and beef sector has<br />

used amix of collaboration, ingenuity<br />

and innovation to survive and thrive<br />

through aperiod of volatile political,<br />

cultural and economic uncertainty, a<br />

new book reveals.<br />

Commissioned by the New Zealand<br />

Meat Board (NZMB) to celebrate its 100th<br />

anniversary, Meeting Change: the NZ Red<br />

Meat Story 1997­<strong>2022</strong>,covers the sector’s<br />

journey over the past 25 years and finds<br />

there is plenty to celebrate.<br />

Due to be published this month,<br />

Meeting Change will be the third in a<br />

series of histories about the sector: the<br />

first being Golden Jubilee edited by Dai<br />

Hayward (1972) and the second Meat Acts,<br />

written by Janet Tyson and Mick Calder<br />

(1999).<br />

Authors Ali Spencer and Mick Calder’s<br />

research for this latest record included<br />

more than 50 interviews with sector<br />

leaders such as Sir Graeme Harrison,<br />

Jeff Grant, Mike Petersen, Craig Hickson<br />

and the late Tim Ritchie.<br />

‘‘It never ceases to surprise me how<br />

much has changed in such ashort space<br />

of time,’’ Mr Calder said.<br />

‘‘This book highlights the many<br />

innovations and strong characters in the<br />

sector and the extraordinary culture<br />

change and events that have taken<br />

place.’’<br />

Board chairman Andrew Morrison said<br />

the book demonstrated the sector’s<br />

resilience over the past 25 years, the<br />

evolving role of the board and the<br />

importance of Beef+Lamb New Zealand.<br />

‘‘While B+LNZ has taken over the<br />

sector’s industry good responsibilities,<br />

the NZMB continues to deliver for the<br />

industry with its effective quota<br />

management function helping underpin<br />

the sector’s success.<br />

‘‘The NZMB currently oversees $2.3<br />

billion of red meat exports to the quota<br />

markets of the European Union, United<br />

Kingdom and United States. It also has<br />

Red meat ... New Zealand Meat Board<br />

chairman Andrew Morrison. The board has<br />

commissioned the book Meeting Change:<br />

the NZ Red Meat Story 1997­<strong>2022</strong> to<br />

celebrate its 100th anniversary. PHOTO: SUPPLIED<br />

responsibility for $82.2 million of farmer<br />

reserves.<br />

‘‘This provides crucial funding to assist<br />

in [a] major industry crisis to reopen<br />

export markets, maintain aprudent level<br />

of net assets to avoid jeopardising quota<br />

markets and the integrity of quota<br />

management systems, and deliver<br />

funding for industry good activities such<br />

as genetics.’’<br />

Mr Morrison says the board’s duties<br />

will expand to take responsibility for the<br />

administration of the transitional Free<br />

Trade Agreement quotas between the<br />

United Kingdom and New Zealand, once<br />

the deal is ratified.<br />

The book, which has been edited by<br />

Janet Tyson, will be published in<br />

hardback and paperback in New Zealand<br />

in late <strong>June</strong> by Mary Egan Publishing and<br />

is only available from meetingchange.nz<br />

or sales@meetingchange.nz.<br />

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22 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Arable investment fund idea floated<br />


An investment fund could be on the<br />

cards to get more arablegrowers<br />

out of the commodityrut.<br />

The fund was brieflyoutlinedby<br />

Foundationfor ArableResearch<br />

(FAR) chief executive Alison<br />

Stewart at the Women in Seed<br />

Forum in Christchurch recently.<br />

ProfStewart said the time was<br />

fastapproaching for growers to<br />

cometogether and make big<br />

changes.<br />

Growers werebasically<br />

producingingredientsfor a<br />

domestic commodity market and<br />

would onlyever get acommodity<br />

price.<br />

Theyneededtohave more<br />

ownershipineither aunique<br />

germplasm, attribute, technology or<br />

processing that could preferablybe<br />

exported, she said.<br />

She said growers werenow<br />

telling FAR that it might be time to<br />

takearisk at asector level.<br />

FAR’s boardand management<br />

teamrealised that if they wanted<br />

growers to trysomething new they<br />

had to look at completely new ideas<br />

about how FAR could supportthe<br />

industry,she said.<br />

‘‘Weare justinthe process of<br />

taking to our neighboursperhaps<br />

the idea of setting up an investment<br />

fundtodrive new commercial<br />

business opportunities in the<br />

arable sector for the benefit of<br />

arable growers.<br />

‘‘That’squite challenging.’’<br />

She said high prices werejust a<br />

blipand growers hadtopromote<br />

their products to consumers to add<br />

value and diversify into new<br />

Change afoot ... Alison Stewart is proposing change.<br />

markets, crops andproducts or try<br />

somethingcompletely different.<br />

‘‘We can’tjust keep doing what<br />

we’re doing becauseweare going to<br />

have abig chunk of people who are<br />

just going to say this is toohard and<br />

it’s just not making enoughmoney.’’<br />

Growers only get 10 cents froma<br />

$1 loaf of bread and the same for a<br />

$3.50 loaf so don’t see addedvalue<br />

in the existing supply chain model.<br />

They were pricetakers even in<br />

seed multiplication withcontract<br />

premiums lower thanthe past.<br />

There was littlenegotiation<br />

power and they were competing<br />

against each other,but they were<br />

now talking aboutpulling together,<br />

she said.<br />

Prof Stewartsaid growers needed<br />

to convince big supermarketsthat<br />

consumers would pay more for<br />

bakeryproducts made from local<br />

grain.<br />

She said the sector had many<br />

challenges and was being swamped<br />

with government legislation for<br />


environmental, fresh water and<br />

greenhouse gas compliance.<br />

New pests had arrived at the<br />

same timeas‘‘pretty much the<br />

harvest from hell’’for most grain<br />

and seed growing areas.<br />

This had resulted in production<br />

losses ­about 22% decline in wheat<br />

and maize,30% in cloverand some<br />

of the pea crops were adisaster,<br />

with ryegrass and seed either down<br />

in production or quality.<br />

The difficultenvironment had<br />

left arablefarmers ‘‘pretty<br />

depressed’’, she said.<br />

‘‘Twoofour bestfarmers who are<br />

passionate about arable, they<br />

basicallysaid to me they really<br />

questioned whether they wantedto<br />

stay in arable, actually stay in<br />

farming.’’<br />

The silverlining of increased<br />

demand from lower supply was that<br />

growers who earned$420 atonne<br />

for milling wheatlastyear were<br />

now getting $650/t and barley feed<br />

had gone from $394/tto$555/t.<br />

On-farm inflation<br />

On­farm inflation is at its<br />

highest in almost 40years,<br />

according to Beef+LambNew<br />

Zealand’s Economic Service<br />

Sheep and Beef On­Farm<br />

Inflation Report, andcostsare<br />

expected to increase.<br />

While Consumer Price Index<br />

(CPI) data has the annual<br />

inflationrate at 6.9percent,<br />

the latest on­farminflation<br />

ratehas hit 10.2%, the highest<br />

it’sbeen since1985/86 whenit<br />

reach 13.2%.<br />

With added financial<br />

pressures,which are expected<br />

to increase, BLNZ is<br />

concerned increasing<br />

regulatory requirements from<br />

the Government, suchas<br />

freshwater and biodiversity<br />

rules, will stretch farmerseven<br />

further.<br />

‘‘There’s alot of costly<br />

regulation coming at farmers<br />

at present,’’ chief executive<br />

Sam McIvor says.<br />

‘‘Given the importance of<br />

agriculture in driving our<br />

economy’s recovery, it’s<br />

critical thatthe Government<br />

getsits policysettings right.<br />

‘‘Many of theincreased costs<br />

due to inflation are outsideof<br />

the Government’s control,but<br />

they can helpbyensuringany<br />

policychangesare needed,<br />

workableand cost­effective for<br />

our farmers.’’<br />

Mr McIvor says farmersare<br />

committed to protecting the<br />

environment, including<br />

biodiversity.<br />

Farmers actively managed<br />

1.4 million hectares of native<br />

vegetation on thousands of<br />

farmsacross the country, so he<br />

is calling for policies that are<br />

‘‘enabling and supportive’’,<br />

rather thansimplyputting<br />

costly barriers in the way.<br />

BLNZ’s Economic Service<br />

Sheepand BeefOn­Farm<br />

InflationReport identifies<br />

annual changes in the prices of<br />

goodsand servicespurchased<br />

by sheep andbeef farms.<br />

The overallon­farm inflation<br />

rate is determinedbyweighing<br />

up the changes in prices for<br />

individual input categories by<br />

theirproportion of total farm<br />

expenditure.<br />

While on­farminflation had<br />

been comparable with theCPI<br />

in recentyears, the 2021/22<br />

report shows farmersare now<br />

facing significant price<br />

increases in allbut oneof16<br />

inputcategories.<br />

‘‘Sheep andbeef farm input<br />

prices increased by 10.2% in<br />

the year to March,and when<br />

interestrates are excluded,<br />

inputprices were up by<br />

10.7%,’’BLNZ Economic<br />

Servicechief economist<br />

Andrew Burtt says.<br />

‘‘With atight labour market<br />

and increasedimport shipping<br />

costs, farmers haveseen<br />

increased prices for<br />

contractors, tradespeople,<br />

machinery andparts for<br />

operating farm infrastructure<br />

and vehicles.’’<br />

‘‘Fuel prices havecontinued<br />

to rise since March and<br />

fertiliser pricesare expected<br />

to rise thismonth, too.’’<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

25<br />

Two NC teams in semis<br />

RUGBY<br />


It was ared­letterday forthe two <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>teams whohad made the<br />

quarter­finals of the Luisetti Seeds Cup<br />

Combined Rugby competition.<br />

Both Saracensand Glenmark­Cheviot<br />

managedcontrasting victories, so forthe<br />

firsttimesince2010two <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Clubswill be competingat<br />

the semi­final stage.<br />

Saracenswill be hostingPrebbleton,<br />

while Glenmark­Cheviotmust travel to<br />

Hinds to meetSouthern.<br />

Saracens vSpringston<br />

Despite itsrecentunexpectedlossto<br />

Ohoka, Saracens started favourites<br />

againstSpringston, primarily because<br />

it hadbeaten Springstonreasonably<br />

comfortably (34­16) in section play, and<br />

thistimehad theadded advantage of<br />

playing at home.<br />

Saracens had, however,been<br />

deprived of the nucleus of their<br />

leadership team with their regular<br />

captain, Josh Maynard and vicecaptain,<br />

Willie Kerr unavailable<br />

because of injury andillness<br />

respectively.<br />

Theportentswereominous when<br />

Springston, who had the better ofthe<br />

early exchanges, scored atry afteronly<br />

fiveminutes.<br />

But Saracensrallied immediately<br />

andsurged on to attack.Withregular<br />

kicker,Ricky Allin, in thebloodbin,<br />

replacementLachy Grant stepped up<br />

and coolly landed an excellent penalty<br />

to narrow the gap.<br />

Slowly, Saracensassertedits<br />

superiority, with its scrum gaining<br />

ascendancy over Springston.<br />

Brett Hancox and Nathan Goodwin<br />

were strong on the tackle, and also<br />

dominated thebreakdown. Allin landed<br />

an excellentlong­range penalty onthe<br />

half hourtogiveSaracensthe lead for<br />

thefirsttimeinthematch andthiswas<br />

quickly followed by two long range<br />

tries.<br />

Thefirst was outofthetop drawer. It<br />

was scored by impressivefullback<br />

Harry Murray who popped up at the<br />

right place at the right time to touch<br />

down after some excellent interpassing.<br />

Thesecondwas scored by stand­in<br />

captain,AlexKennedy whowas<br />

certainly filling theleadershipvacuum<br />

by leading from the front.<br />

He carried hard allday andonthis<br />

occasionmanaged an interceptjust on<br />

hisown side of the half way lineand<br />

sprinted 60 meters to score in the<br />

corner.<br />

Thesight of thelanky lock in full<br />

flight was the mostcaptivatingmoment<br />

of thematch–and an important oneas<br />

another excellent conversionbyAllin<br />

extended Saracens lead to 20­5,<br />

although Springston did score on the<br />

cusp of half­time to keep it in touch.<br />

Another long­range trysoonafterthe<br />

resumption came when fullback Murray<br />

carved throughand drew the defence,<br />

before offloading to winger Ollie<br />

Bithray, He, too, timed his pass to<br />

perfection to centre Toby Ashby who<br />

had ranged up on theinside.<br />

But Springston wasnot about to lie<br />

down. It scored another forwardtry<br />

afteraseriesofpick­and­goes that<br />

narrowed theleadto10points<br />

With10minutesremaining, Saracens<br />

hooker Connor Higgins was yellow<br />

carded for atip tackle and the Saracens<br />

faithfulhad to endure anervouswait<br />

forthe final whistle. Duringthis time,<br />

the Saracens forwards really stood up,<br />

especially at scrum time.<br />

Hancox had an outstanding game. He<br />

Captain Fantastic ... Stand­in Saracens captain, Alex Kennedy, led from the front<br />

including scoring this vital 60 metre intercept try against Springston.<br />


tackled tigerishly, and showedhis<br />

versatilitybyfillinginat half­back late<br />

in thegamewhen thepressure was on.<br />

The midfield combinationofKerran<br />

Jenkins andTobyAshley ranhard all<br />

dayand posedproblemsfor the<br />

Springston defence.<br />

Saracens scored three memorable<br />

tries, but Springston alsoscored three,<br />

so,while it wasafineteameffortby<br />

Saracens, in theend it was thegoalkicking<br />

of sharp­shooter,Allin,who<br />

alsohadafine all roundgame,that<br />

made thedifference.<br />

Saracens 27 (Harry Murray, Alex<br />

Kennedy, Toby Ashby, tries, Lachie<br />

Grant 1penalty, RickyAllin1penalty, 3<br />

conversions) beat Springston 17<br />

(Marshall van Jaarsveld,SeanHowson,<br />

Jason Montin tries).<br />

Southbridgev<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot, the eighth­ranked<br />

teamgoinginto thequarter­finals,<br />

faced the daunting prospect of<br />

travelling to the fortress of Southbridge<br />

to face thetop­qualifier.<br />

But the<strong>North</strong>erners came up withan<br />

epicperformance.<br />

Taking everyopportunity to<br />

capitalise on anunexpectedly high<br />

numberoferrors fromSouthbridge,it<br />

made no race ofit.<br />

Thefirst half in particular turned out<br />

to be aCogs Harnettbenefit. Hescored<br />

thefirst try, afterjust5minutes, and<br />

anotherjust before half­time. In<br />

between times, hooker Nick Hyde had<br />

also touched down. Harnett converted<br />

allthree triesand addedtwo penalties<br />

for apersonal first­half tally of 22<br />

points.<br />

This imposed ahugeamount of<br />

scoreboard pressure.<br />

The half­time scoreline of 27­0 was<br />

almost unbelievable.Itreflected ahuge<br />

defensive effort byGlenmark­Cheviot to<br />

shut Southbridge outinthe first half.<br />

Southbridge raised itssupporters<br />

hopesbriefly with aconverted trysoon<br />

after the resumption, but Glenmark­<br />

Cheviot largely managed to keep it<br />

contained and midway through the<br />

second halfGlenmark­Cheviotbroke<br />

the scoreboard openagain withtwo<br />

further tries. Harnett converted them<br />

both, meaning he converted all five<br />

tries,totake his pointstally for theday<br />

to 26.<br />

But it was farfrom aone­man<br />

performanceforGlenmark­Cheviot.<br />

The whole pack deserve ahugeamount<br />

of credit. Hyde and flanker Jake<br />

Vincent were ever­present while<br />

skipper, Andrew Hull, led fromthe<br />

front.<br />

Thebackline defensivepatterns<br />

provedsoeffective, and much of the<br />

attack, was builtaround theexperience<br />

of MikeKeane.<br />

Southbridge14 (John McKeefrey,<br />

Boston Horn, tries, ShannonDonald 2<br />

conversions) lost to Glenmark Cheviot<br />

41 (Nick Hyde, George Fox, Caleb Beck,<br />

tries, Corrigan Harnett2tries, 2<br />

penalties 5conversions.<br />

Forteams who did notmake the<br />

quarter finals of theLuisetti Seeds Cup,<br />

play resumes on Saturday, and the<br />

following Saturday,todeterminefinal<br />

finishing positions.<br />

There are just three weeks leftofround<br />

robin play in the Division 2MikeGreer<br />

Homescompetitionand it is reached an<br />

intriguing stage.<br />

Four teams have cleared away fromthe<br />

restinthequestforthe Mockett Cup,<br />

with only onepoint separating the four<br />

teams each of whom have had justone<br />

loss.<br />

Kaikoura (26), Kaiapoi, Hurunuiand<br />

Glenmark Cheviot(all25) will fight it<br />

outbetween them.<br />

Kaikoura was unbeatenuntil last<br />

Saturdaywhenitwas toppled 14­10 by<br />

thelowly­rankedWoodend team in a<br />

fiercely­contested match. Kaikoura<br />

nearlysalvaged alast gaspwin but was<br />

bundled outjustshort of thecorner flag<br />

in the lastmovementofthe match.<br />

Kaikoura has not yet met any of the<br />

other three top teams, so its one­point<br />

lead could be very tenuous.<br />

However, it hasprovedavery difficult<br />

side to beat at home, especiallywhen<br />

defendingthe PickeringChallenge<br />

Shield, and two of its last three games<br />

areathome, startingthisSaturday<br />

against Hurunui.<br />


SUBUNION -11 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Luisetti SeedsCombined Div 1-SemiFinals<br />

SouthernSenior VGlenmark Cheviot, 02:45 PM,Hinds 1.<br />

SaracensVPrebbleton,02:45PM, Sbk1.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Rugby Supporters Trophy<br />

Ohoka VWaihora, 02:45 PM,Mand1.<br />

NCRSU Plate<br />

AshleyVRakaia, 02:45 PM, LobLr1.<br />

Kaiapoi VHurunui, 02:45 PM,KaiOv.<br />

Plaque Oxford VWoodend, 02:45 PM.OxOval..<br />

Division 2-Ellesmere&<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

10/06/22 OxfordVOhoka, 07:30 PM, OxOval.<br />

11/06/22 AshleyVAmberley,01:00 PM,LobLr1. Glenmark<br />

Cheviot VWoodend, 01:00 PM, Omi 1. Saracens VKaiapoi<br />

GOLDS, 01:00 PM, Sbk1. Kaikoura VHurunui, 02:00 PM,<br />

Kaik 1.<br />

Combined Colts<br />

West Melton VGlenmark Cheviot, 01:00 PM, Wmelt 2.<br />

Kaiapoi VAshley,01:00 PM,Kai 2.<br />

Womens<br />

Kaiapoi VPrebbleton,1.00 PM,Kaiapoi 1<br />

1stXV<br />

Rangiora HS VMBC 11.00AM RHS1.<br />

Under 18<br />

Rangiora HS VWaihora 1.00PM. Hurunui VPrebbleton<br />

1.00PM. Kaiapoi BYE.<br />

Under 16<br />

Methven VKaiapoi HS 1.00PM. Rangiora HSVHurunui<br />

1.00PM. Oxford VMCRU1.00PM.<br />

Under14.5<br />

OxfordVRangiora HS Green1.00PM. MCRU VRangiora HS<br />

Gold1.00PM.Kaioura BYE.<br />

Under 13 –all games 11.40am<br />

Hurunui VAshley, Cul 2. Kaiapoi VSaracens, Kaiapoi 2.<br />

Woodend VOxford,Woodend 2.<br />

Under 12 –all games 11.30am<br />

Ohoka Red VAmberley, Mand 2.Hurunui VAshley, Cul 1.<br />

Glenmark Cheviot VOxford, Omi 1. 12.30pm Kaikoura V<br />

Ohoka,Kaik 1. Saracens BYE.<br />

Under 11 –all games 10.30am<br />

AAmberley VKaiapoi Blue, Amb 2.Hurunui VAshley, Cul<br />

2. Ohoka Black VKaiapoi Gold, Mand 3. Oxford VOhoka<br />

Red, Ox 3. 10:25am Saracens Red VWoodend, Sbk jr7.<br />

SaracensBlueBYE.<br />

Under10–all games 12.10pm<br />

Amberley Blue VKaikoura, Amb Jnr 3a. Amberley Black V<br />

Ashley Blue, Amb 1a. Hurunui VWoodend, Cul 3a. Ohoka<br />

Black VKaiapoi Gold, Mand Jr 5a. Oxford VOhoka Red, Ox<br />

4a.<br />

Under 9–all games 10.00am<br />

Hurunui VAshley Blue, Cul 4a. Glenmark Cheviot VAshley<br />

Green,Omi 1a.Kaiapoi Gold VSaracens Blue,Kai 2a. Oxford<br />

VOhoka Red, Ox 4a. Saracens Red VWoodend, Sbk Jr6.<br />

Ohoka Black BYE.<br />

Under 8–all games 11.05am<br />

Amberley VKaikoura Red, Amb Jr 3b. Hurunui VAshley<br />

Blue, Cul 4a. Glenmark Cheviot BlueVAshley Green,Omi 2a.<br />

Glenmark Cheviot Black VOhoka Black, Omi 2c. Saracens<br />

BlueVKaiapoi Gold, Sbk3b. Oxford VOhoka Red, Ox Jr 5b.<br />

SaracensRed VWoodend Black,Sbk 3c.KaikouraBlueBYE.<br />

Under 7–all games 10.50am<br />

Amberley VWoodend Green, Amb Jr3a. Hurunui Black V<br />

AshleyBlue, Cul 4b. Glenmark Cheviot VAshley Green, Omi<br />

2b.Kaiapoi Blue VHurunui, Kai 3a.Kaiapoi Gold VSaracens<br />

Blue, Kai 3b. Oxford Red VOhoka Black, Ox Jr 5a. Ohoka<br />

RedVOxford Black, Mand Jr 6a.Saracens RedVWoodend<br />

Black,Sbk 3a.<br />

Under 6-all games 10:00am<br />

Amberley VOhoka Green, Amb Jr 3a. Glenmark Cheviot<br />

Gold VAshley Gold, Omi 2b. Glenmark Cheviot Blue V<br />

AshleyGreen, Omi 2c.Hurunui Black VAshley Blue,Cul 3a.<br />

Kaiapoi Blue VAshleyWhite, Kai 3a.Glenmark CheviotBlack<br />

VWoodend White, Omi 1c. Kaiapoi Gold VSaracens Blue,<br />

Sbk 3a. Ohoka Black VWoodend Green,Mand Jr 6a. Ohoka<br />

RedVOxford, MandJr7a. Saracens RedVWoodend Black,<br />

Sbk 3b.<br />

Printed draw proudly supported by<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Your home forlocal property<br />

0800 7891011<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

For all draw information and updates<br />

please keep up to date with<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />


Rangiora Toyota<br />

Percival St, Rangiora<br />

(03) 313-8186<br />

www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Local drivers tested in Canty Rally<br />

Proudly supportingsport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />



Christchurch’s Josh Marston and codriver<br />

Andrew Graves have won the<br />

Lone StarRally of <strong>Canterbury</strong>taking<br />

the overall lead in the seven­round<br />

<strong>2022</strong> Mainland Rally Championship.<br />

The pairing wonsix of the seven<br />

special stages duringSundaysrally in<br />

the Okuku and Ashley Forests.<br />

Marston’s task was made easier when<br />

last yearswinner, Robbie Stokes,<br />

retired early in the secondspecial<br />

stagewith amechanicalproblem just<br />

afterhehad won the opening first<br />

stage.<br />

Marston said he was stoked,but it<br />

was tough for Robbie (Stokes)tohave<br />

issues at the startofthe second stage.<br />

‘‘It feels like we were abletopush on<br />

really well, and thecar has also been<br />

really good,’’ he said.<br />

Held in cooland dry conditions with<br />

fast but veryslipperyforest gravel<br />

roads, the third roundofthe Mainland<br />

RallySeriessaw ashakeup of boththe<br />

overall and Class categories.<br />

With Stoke's earlyretirement and a<br />

non­start by NZ RallyChampionship<br />

rivalJack Hawkeswood (Toyota Vitz<br />

AP4),itwas Matt Summerfield/Nicole<br />

Summerfield’s (Subaru Impreza) time<br />

to shine. Despite the duo often<br />

recordingthe fastestoverall speeds on<br />

stages, they eventually finished second<br />

in front of Davidand EmmaQuantock<br />

(Skoda AP4).<br />

Fourth was DeaneBuist/KarlCeleste<br />

(FordFiesta) with John Giltrap/Sarah<br />

Faulkner (Mitsubishi LancerEvo 9) in<br />

fifth.<br />

‘‘Itsgood to get to the end,’’ said<br />

Summerfield.<br />

‘‘It has been an enjoyable day withno<br />

majordramas,soits been good to get<br />

some seat timeinand at home as well.’’<br />

Keeping it local ... Rangiora rally drivers Matt and Nicole Summerfield (Subaru Impreza)<br />

stepped up the pace to keep winner Josh Marston in sight as they finished strongly in<br />

second place in the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rally at the weekend.<br />


Heading into the rally, the overall<br />

Mainland series leader,Ray Casey<br />

(Subaru ImprezaSti)held his own for<br />

most of the rallybefore apuncture saw<br />

him dropback to seventhoverall.<br />

Drivers and teams now have just a<br />

fortnight untilthe fourth round, the<br />

RallyofSouth <strong>Canterbury</strong>, on Saturday<br />

18 <strong>June</strong>.<br />

In hot form ... The front disc brakes glow<br />

red hot as Christchurch’s Josh Marston and<br />

co­driver Andrew Graves maintained their<br />

lead and won Sunday’s Lone Star Rally of<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, taking the overall lead in the<br />

seven­round <strong>2022</strong> Mainland Rally<br />

Championship.<br />

RangioraGolfClub<br />

Ninehole,Irish Stableford: Women:Rita<br />

Moore37, Carol Van Hout36, Ann Martin<br />

35, SarahRutherford 34,ColleenWhite<br />

33. Men: DennisBrook41, Colin Bowman<br />

34, David Klopper 32,StephenBell31c/b,<br />

JohnWalker31c/b.<br />

Saturday 28/5/22 Cherry Pairs.<br />

RangioraBridge Club<br />

<strong>North</strong>/South: DianeWatson/Margaret<br />

Smith 1, FayePriest/Julie Day 2, Colleen<br />

Adam/LorraineTullett 3. East/West:<br />

Veronica Hall/Noreen Thompson 1,<br />

Adrienne Paine/LynEdwards 2,<br />

Margaret Pickering/Janice Pickering.<br />

Anniversary pairs: Overall winners:<br />

Maree Felstead/Janice Pickering and<br />

IreneCarson/Adrienne —PaineJoint<br />

winners.<br />

Senior:Jan Thayer/ColleenAdam 1,<br />

ShirleySymons/Marion Lomax 2.<br />

Junior: Pam McAllister/Warwick Wyatt 1,<br />

Rhoda Quinn/Noeline Viney2.<br />

RataPairs: N/S: Shirley Symons/Gaynor<br />

Hurford1, Joyce Gray/Beverley Brain 2,<br />

Judith Calder/ JillAmer3.East/West:<br />

Bunty Marshall/PaulineMiller 1, Dave<br />

Tocker/Andrew Findlay 2, RobinHassall/<br />

HeatherWaldron 3.<br />

Plate Pairs:N/S: Dawn Simpson/Shirley<br />

Symons1,Lynda Grierson/Helen Mora 2,<br />

RichardLuisetti/LizDuke 3. E/W: Gaynor<br />

Hurford/Robin Hassall 1. Penny Fisher/<br />

Barry Smart2,JennyHassall /Julie<br />

Brown 3.<br />

Amberley Smallbore Rifle Club<br />

DQuigley 99.8, KQuigley 99.3, MQuigley<br />

99.3,K Brown98.6, OMitchell98.6,W<br />

Parker95.0, IFrazer 92.1,TBoyce84.2,C<br />

Boyce 64.1.Everyone welcome to come<br />

and haveago with allgear supplied.<br />

Amberley GolfClub<br />

Mid­Week Men, <strong>June</strong>2:KRayner36, P<br />

Wylie 36, NRhynd 34.<br />

Mid­WeekWoman, May26: KPercyand J<br />

Lucas 57.Longest Putt:KPercy.<br />

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Automotive Services<br />

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Interior &exterior repairs,<br />

maintenance & upgrades,<br />

based in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Solar, satellite, awning<br />

installations. Sheetmetal,<br />

light engineering &welding<br />

services. Professional<br />

coach builder specializing<br />

in the RV industry 25 years.<br />

Call Darryl @ Advanced<br />

Auto Homes 027 220 6566.<br />

Motorcycles<br />

WOF your motorcycle or<br />

light trailer at South Pacific<br />

Motorcycle Services, Mandeville.<br />

Ph 03 312 0066<br />

office@motorbiketours.co.nz.<br />

ANY old cars, anything pre<br />

1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />

Classic Cars. Please call<br />

027 258 8366.<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br />

co.nz/rangiora<br />

Entertainment<br />

LIZ BRAGGINS, Graham<br />

Wardrop and Mary Dunne<br />

peforming live at Balcairn<br />

Hall, three local legends<br />

back by popular demand.<br />

Saturday 18th <strong>June</strong> at<br />

7.30pm, free supper, alcohol<br />

free event, raffles, CD<br />

sales, tickets $25 from<br />

Sally Macs Amberley,<br />

Stan’s 7 Day Pharmacy<br />

Rangiora, Sefton Garage<br />

and via www.balcairnhall.com<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />


HOME wanted, family<br />

size, repairs okay. Phone 03<br />

351 6696.<br />

★★★<br />


Cash paid. Please phone 027<br />

682 3222.<br />

For Sale<br />


from a sore back? Our<br />

Inverter can help by<br />

stretching out your back,<br />

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Personal<br />




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To be introduced to Tanya,<br />

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and quote "Code 59".<br />

Seniors welcome.<br />

SEMI RETIRED, kind,<br />

caring man looking for a<br />

loving relationship.<br />

Seeking agenuine, caring<br />

woman in her 70’s, light<br />

drinker. Ph 020 4129 5331.<br />

Public Notices<br />

AGM<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Community Arts<br />

Council<br />

14 th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, 7.30pm<br />

Rangiora Town Hall<br />

(upstairs)<br />

Entertainment by<br />

Poet Jason Clements &<br />

JeremyBrownbrooke’s<br />

groupCeltic Strings<br />

E: wcac.concert@<br />

gmail.com 2488708

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />



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wendy.parker@harcourts.co.nz<br />


What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Orange traffic light restrictions are in place -visit waimakariri.govt.nz for further information.<br />

Legal Challenge bigger than Three Waters<br />

Three Local Authorities are going tothe High Court<br />

to defend fundamental property rights.<br />

Timaru, Waimakariri and Whangarei District<br />

Councils are asking the High Court for<br />

declarations on the rights and interests that<br />

property ownership entails.<br />

Thecouncils areseekinglegal clarityonthese<br />

mattersastheirviewisthatunder theGovernment’s<br />

ThreeWaters reform proposals, it is expropriating<br />

council ownedpropertywithout conceding that it is a<br />

“taking”, andwithout fair compensation beingpaid to<br />

communities fortheir property.<br />

Additionally, the Government’s proposals remove<br />

local democratic accountability associated with<br />

the management of those water assets.<br />

Mayors Nigel Bowen, Dan Gordon and Sheryl<br />

Mai are taking the action on behalf of their<br />

communities, asthey contend that these<br />

actions are incompatible with long standing and<br />

fundamental laws around property ownership and<br />

democratic accountability.<br />

They are being represented by eminent barrister<br />

Jack Hodder QC. The hearing dates have been set<br />

down for 7and 8<strong>June</strong> in the Wellington High Court.<br />

Timaru District Mayor Nigel Bowen said that<br />

this case is far bigger than just the three waters<br />

reform as it could have serious ramifications for<br />

owners of any property.<br />

“Property rights are absolutely fundamental<br />

in New Zealand. If you’ve bought and paid for<br />

something you should have reasonable control<br />

over it, and alegitimate expectation that it will<br />

not be expropriated without compensation. As<br />

owners on behalf of the community ofthis critical<br />

infrastructure we want to ensure that any future<br />

changes respect these basic rights,” he said.<br />

“While Three Waters reform prompted this action,<br />

what we’re talking about here concerns some<br />

really basic and fundamental rights that most<br />

people ordinarily would take for granted and<br />

normally wouldn’t be up for discussion or even be a<br />

source of contention.<br />

“The fact the government are seeking to undermine<br />

basic property rights sets arisky precedent for<br />

New Zealand.<br />

“We don’t believe that concepts such as collective<br />

ownership with no control ofassets and “shares”<br />

that don’t deliver any of the usual rights or<br />

obligations that gowith equity ownership, are in<br />

line with existing property rights and laws.<br />

“If this goes unchallenged the simple line to draw<br />

is that if the Government can single-handedly<br />

redefine ownership ofthree waters infrastructure<br />

in this manner, than where else could it apply these<br />

concepts? Could roads or port companies be next?<br />

“That the government is working so hard to dismiss<br />

this case and undermine these basic property<br />

rights should be ared flag and areal concern for<br />

all New Zealanders.”<br />

Work to Repair the Damaged Old<br />

Waimakariri Bridge Underway<br />

Christchurch City Council (who own the bridge)<br />

are making repairs to the Old Bridge aer<br />

receiving specialised hardwood timber that meets<br />

safety standards.<br />

Contractors will remove broken posts and materials<br />

before installing the 10 new posts and rails.<br />

The current detour will remain in place while<br />

we’re repairing the bridge. So motorists travelling<br />

northbound towards Kaiapoi will be able to use<br />

the bridge. The southbound lane on the bridge will<br />

remain closed until repairs are completed hopefully<br />

later this week.<br />

Have you signed up for<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />




Learn how to manage multiple social media<br />

platforms and grow knowledge and interest in<br />

<br />

—<br />

Social Media –Beyondthe basics workshop<br />

Friday17<strong>June</strong> 9am –10.30am<br />

Rangiora Town Hall<br />

$20 per person<br />

For more details visit waimakariri.govt.nz/ontrack<br />

or contact Wendy Howe 021 432 028<br />

<br />

Tojoin visit:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/subscribe<br />




AWalking and Cycling Network Plan has<br />

been developed for the District.<br />

This plan shows the connections we already<br />

have inplace and where new link and routes<br />

are proposed to make better connections in and<br />

around our towns.<br />

There will be drop-in sessions across the<br />

District where you can come and talk to staff<br />

about the proposals.<br />

Visit waimakairiri.govt.nz/letstalk to find<br />

adrop-in session, learn more about the<br />

network plan and tell us what you think.<br />

Cust Community Meeting<br />

To Discuss the Future ofthe Cust<br />

Plunket Rooms<br />

The Council are helping to facilitate<br />

acommunity meeting in Cust.<br />

The meeting is to gain feedback from<br />

the local community about Plunket<br />

New Zealand’s proposed decision to sell<br />

the Cust Plunket Rooms.<br />

Date and Time: 13 <strong>June</strong>, 7.30pm<br />

Location: Cust Community Centre<br />

For more information, please contact<br />

martin.pugh@wmk.govt.nz<br />

Find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

29<br />

Public Notices<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

<br />

<br />

This FREE classroom based course will<br />

<br />

rules and safe driving practices. It will<br />

also increase your knowledge about other<br />

transport options.<br />

Wednesday 15 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, 10am-2pm<br />

MainPower Oval, 216 Eastbelt Rangiora<br />

RSVP to Age Concern <strong>Canterbury</strong> on<br />

03 331 7808 by Wednesday 8<strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Free Digital<br />

Skills Classes<br />

Introduction to<br />

SmartPhones<br />

OxfordLibrary<br />

Monday 13<strong>June</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />

RangioraLibrary<br />

Wednesday 15<strong>June</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />

Kaiapoi Library<br />

Thursday 16<strong>June</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />

Bookings Essential<br />

steppingup.nz<br />

03 311 8901<br />

Drinking Water –<br />

Plumbosolvency Health Notice<br />

In New Zealand, most drinking water is<br />

plumbosolvent, which means it can dissolve very<br />

small amounts of metals from older pipes or from<br />

metal fittings such as taps.<br />

As an example, when you turn off atap there will be<br />

asmall amount of water left in the tap body. If this<br />

water is left sitting inthe tap for hours it may<br />

dissolve metals from the tap body.<br />

Although the health risk isnegligible, your local<br />

Council is recommending that all households flush a<br />

cup of water from their drinking water taps each<br />

morning before use.<br />

This is in line with the Drinking Water Standards for<br />

New Zealand.<br />

All households are advised to take this precaution,<br />

whether they are on apublic orprivate water<br />

supply.<br />

If you want toknow more, check with your plumber<br />

or contact your local Council for more information.<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

The Taste Asian Fusion<br />

House (Lai Bros Limited),<br />

63 Percival Street, Rangiora<br />

7400 has made application<br />

to the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora for<br />

the renewal of aOn-Licence<br />

in respect of the premises<br />

situated at 63 Percival<br />

Street, Rangiora 7400<br />

known as The Taste Asian<br />

Fusion House.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and<br />

the hours during which<br />

alcohol is (or is intended to<br />

be) sold under the licence<br />

are Tuesday to Sunday<br />

Lunch (11.30am -2.30pm)<br />

Dunner (4.00pm -9.00pm).<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing ofthe objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />

or email to records@wmk.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified is<br />

section 131 of the Sale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the first publication<br />

of this notice.<br />

2488349v1<br />


<strong>2022</strong>-2023<br />

From July 1 st <strong>2022</strong>, anupdated Fees and Charges list<br />

willcomeinto effect.<br />

There is achance between now and <strong>June</strong> 17 th to<br />

provide feedback, before the listisfinalised.<br />

You can view the list on our website, under<br />

Consultations on the Home Page, or visit any Service<br />

CentreorAmberleyOffice to seeahard copy.<br />

To provide feedback, pleaseemail<br />

feedback@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

(Subject:Feesand Charges)<br />

or ringthe AmberleyOffice 03 314 8816.<br />

Note, feedback mustbereceived by Friday<strong>June</strong>17.<br />


CARPENTER wanted for<br />

small job on house. Phone<br />

022 365 8655.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

COOK/CHEF: Are you an<br />

experienced, enthusiastic,<br />

confident and proven producer<br />

of outstanding meals?<br />

If so ...wewant you! The<br />

newly owned and branded<br />

Hotel in Oxford, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

is opening in July!<br />

We require adynamic Chef/<br />

Cook with excellent communication<br />

skills who can<br />

remain calm under pressure,<br />

whose cuisine will keep<br />

the patrons coming back for<br />

more delicious meals;<br />

essential job functions:<br />

Planning hearty new dishes<br />

alongside the hotelier,<br />

whilst managing food<br />

budgets and ordering of food<br />

supplies, monitoring quality<br />

of dishes at all stages of<br />

preparation and presentation,<br />

communicating food<br />

preparation and hygiene<br />

standards with other kitchen<br />

staff and training staff when<br />

necessary, preparing and<br />

cooking food to avery high<br />

standard, maintaining a<br />

safe and tidy kitchen at all<br />

times, the role will have split<br />

shifts 5 days a week and<br />

hours will vary initially;<br />

remuneration will be<br />

depending on the experience<br />

of the successful applicant.<br />

— Please email your curriculum<br />

vitae and names of 2<br />

referees to: info@thewest.nz<br />

Applications close <strong>June</strong> 27,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>. Positions commence<br />

week of July 18, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

2488480<br />

TRADESMAN or Retiree<br />

wanted to break up and<br />

remove spa bath in Rangiora,<br />

cash job. Please phone<br />

022 365 8655.<br />

2488455<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Sunshine Vietnamese<br />

Restaurant, Unit 8/77<br />

Hilton Street, Kaiapoi,<br />

7630, NZ has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the renewal<br />

of aOn-Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated<br />

at Unit 8/77 Hilton Street,<br />

Kaiapoi, 7630, NZ known<br />

as Sunshine Vietnamese<br />

Restaurant.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and<br />

the hours during which<br />

alcohol is (or is intended<br />

to be) sold under the<br />

licence are 10am to 10pm,<br />

Monday to Sundays.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora 7440 or email<br />

to records@wmk.govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the<br />

renewal of alicence may<br />

be made in relation to a<br />

matter other than amatter<br />

specified in section 131<br />

of the Sale and Supply of<br />

Alcohol Act 201.<br />

This is the first publication<br />

of this notice.<br />

2488352v1<br />

Situations Vacant<br />


Star Media is seeking reporters to<br />

join its Christchurch newsroom.<br />

The roles coverarangeofnewsfromthe metropolitan<br />

focused The Star to neighbourhood community titles.<br />

The successful applicants will need to haveapassion<br />

forstory telling and the communitiestheywill write<br />

about,and liveand breathe journalism.<br />

Star Media is adivision of Allied Press.<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />


SUNWOOK JANG has<br />

made application to<br />

the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora for<br />

the renewal of aOn-Licence<br />

in respect of the premises<br />

situated at 79 Main <strong>North</strong><br />

Rd, Woodend known as 79<br />

Impresso Cafe.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Cafe.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Monday to Sunday 8am -<br />

9pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />

or email to records@wmk.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified is<br />

section 131 of the Sale<br />

and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012.<br />

This is the second<br />

publication of this notice.<br />

This notice was first<br />

published on 2nd <strong>June</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

2485779v2<br />

Gardening<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. For a quote, phone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

If youthink youhavewhat it takestobepart of<br />

aprogressive companyand competitivenews<br />

room send your CV to Editor in ChiefBarryClarke,<br />

email barry@starmedia.kiwi or call him formore<br />

information 021 359-426.


30 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Rangiora High School<br />

VoluntaryReader-Writers<br />

Rangiora High School is proud to be a caring,<br />

community-based environment inspiring life-long<br />

learning. Students are at the centre of our work.<br />

We are seeking to expand our pool of voluntaryReader-<br />

Writers.<br />

If you are willing to volunteer on an occasional basis to<br />

assist students with dyslexia or other barriers by reading<br />

and/or writing or typing for them during assessments,<br />

please email Jacqui Tyrrell, at:<br />

tyj@rangiorahigh.school.nz<br />

2486728<br />

2485857<br />



WashRite Christchurch (based in Rangiora)<br />

is looking for aproactive and reliable person<br />

to join our team as ahouse &building wash<br />

technician. We are a premium exterior<br />

cleaning company servicing the Christchurch,<br />

Waimakariri, Hurunui and Selwyn districts.<br />

Youwill need to be:<br />

• Happy to work outside in all weather<br />

• Have astrong work ethic and positive<br />

attitude<br />

• Comfortable working at heights<br />

• Committed to safe work practices and<br />

producing high quality workmanship<br />

• Flexible to work additional hours<br />

including some weekends when required<br />

• Self motivated and able to work<br />

unsupervised or as part ofateam<br />

• Available for ongoing training in Site<br />

Safe Practices, Health and Safety, plus<br />

WashRite procedures and processes.<br />

• Have afull clean Drivers License<br />

Previous experience in asimilar role would be<br />

an advantage however full on-site and formal<br />

training will be provided.<br />

This is afull-time position providing agreat<br />

opportunity to work outdoors with agreat team<br />

andreputable nationwide company.<br />

Apply now with your CV and cover letter to:<br />

Andrew Elgin<br />

WashRite Christchurch<br />

andrew@washrite.co.nz<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

Lost and Found<br />

FOUND about 30 miniature<br />

toy cars, Coldstream<br />

Road area, while on dog<br />

walk. Phone 022 365 8655.<br />



Earn cash and get fit!<br />

We are looking to increase our distribution team<br />

and need deliverers for the Kaiapoi area.<br />

Must be aged 11 or over, and be honest and reliable.<br />

Contact Martin Foley at Mainland Distribution<br />

Email: martin.foley@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

Situations Vacant<br />


We are looking forawell organised person to<br />

manage the distribution of advertising material<br />

&local newspapers intohousehold letterboxes.<br />

This is apart-time contract position where you can co-ordinate most of<br />

your work from home, allowing the opportunity to continue or apply<br />

for work in other fields.<br />

Theposition may include managing ateam of deliverers. This role could<br />

suit an at home parent, retiree or someone returning to the workforce.<br />

Youwill need asuitable vehicle, mobile phone, computer with internet<br />

access and be able toprovide short-term undercover storage.<br />

SchoolBus Drivers<br />

Required in Rangiora &Darfield<br />

We areproud to be atransport provider<br />

forthe MinistryofEducationand Direct<br />

Resourced Schools in the <strong>Canterbury</strong>Area.<br />

We arelooking forSchool BusDriversto<br />

drivemorning and afternoon school runs in<br />

Darfield and Rangiora.<br />

Days of work areMondaytoFridayduring<br />

the school term. Extracharter work will be<br />

available at times.<br />

If youare or have<br />

•AClass 1or2licence and aPendorsement.<br />

•Excellent communicationskills<br />

•ATeam player<br />

•Health and Safety focused<br />

•Keen to contributeand acan-do attitude<br />

Then this couldbeajob foryou.Supportto<br />

achieve licencing maybe given to suitable<br />

applicants.<br />

Please registeryour interestby<br />

contacting Vern by emailing<br />

manager@torlessetravel.co.nz<br />

or phone 021 1987358<br />

Firewood<br />

DRY pinecones, no<br />

needles, $5 per sack (20kg<br />

feed wheat sack), purchase<br />

10 receive 11, pick up<br />

within 5 mins north of<br />

Rangiora, local delivery<br />

possible at small cost. Ph or<br />

text 027 649 3451.<br />

SPILT old man pine, 3.7<br />

$300, 3.7 Macrocarpa<br />

$400. Ph 021 993 497.<br />

Interested? Contact:<br />

mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

Livestock<br />



MEAT2U.NZ<br />

313 0022<br />

2466978<br />

2486141<br />

Supervisor Wanted:<br />


If you live in Amberley - we<br />

have apart-time job for you!<br />

We are looking for awell organised person to<br />

manage the distribution of advertising material<br />

&local newspaper into household letterboxes, in<br />

Amberley.<br />

This is apart-time contract position where most of<br />

the work can be coordinated from home, allowing<br />

the opportunity to continue, or apply, for work in<br />

other fields.<br />

The roles include managing a small team of<br />

deliverers who are independently contracted to<br />

Mainland Distribution Ltd .<br />

This role could suit an at home parent, retiree,<br />

student, someone returning to the workforce or a<br />

family wanting to save for that something special.<br />

Forfurther information please call me now<br />

on 029 983 2293<br />

or email me at<br />

mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

DUTY MANAGERS, fulltime<br />

and part-time positions:<br />

Our character filled<br />

Hotel in Oxford (established<br />

in 1878) <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is<br />

reopening in July; we are<br />

looking for honest, passionate<br />

and enthusiastic Duty<br />

Managers to join our soon to<br />

be awesome team, led by a<br />

fair, and friendly hotelier;<br />

our hotel will have a great<br />

menu with service second to<br />

none, a cosy fire and<br />

friendly atmosphere, along<br />

with a sunny outdoor beer<br />

garden to name afew of our<br />

neat features; we are looking<br />

for staff who are energetic<br />

and can use initiative,<br />

have previous experience<br />

and can lead by example;<br />

responsibilities will include<br />

complying with all relevant<br />

Acts, maintaining apositive<br />

and fun work environment<br />

and culture for employees<br />

and offering exceptional service<br />

to our customers; we<br />

have full- and part-time<br />

positions available; wages<br />

will be based on<br />

qualifications and experience;<br />

preferable applicants<br />

will have ...LCQ (Licence<br />

Controller Qualification),<br />

Duty Managers Licence,<br />

Drivers License, an eligible<br />

work status in New Zealand<br />

and be located in New Zealand<br />

at the time of application;<br />

and has ...a"can do"<br />

attitude with fantastic customer<br />

service, and be energetic<br />

and enthusiastic; to be<br />

a people person, have a<br />

passion and desire to surprise<br />

and delight everyone<br />

that walks into the venue;<br />

flexibility, you will be able to<br />

shift gears as required and<br />

be able to relax and roll with<br />

change and pressure; true<br />

team player attributes with<br />

the ability to build great<br />

relationships with customers<br />

and other team members. —<br />

Please email your curriculum<br />

vitae and names of 2<br />

referees to info@thewest.nz<br />

Applications close on <strong>June</strong> 27,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>; positions commence<br />

around July 18 for training.<br />

2486816<br />

★★★<br />


team is requiring abuilder.<br />

Fully Qualified or well into<br />

apprenticeship. Excellent<br />

remuneration for the right<br />

people. We are abusy team<br />

who have work based in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. We are<br />

seeking someone with an<br />

outstanding work ethic,<br />

attention to detail, a team<br />

player and goal setter. We<br />

predominantly build new<br />

homes, a mixture of basic<br />

and<br />

architectural.<br />

Occasional Saturday morning<br />

work required. Immediate<br />

start. Please email C.V<br />

and names of 2 referees to<br />

accounts@cbco.nz. Applications<br />

close 16 <strong>June</strong>.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

www.theprogroup.co.nz/dpc9385<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

HOMEKILL & Wild<br />

Game meat processing. Ph<br />

313 0022. www.meat2u.nz.<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />

Trade &Services<br />

KITCHEN, bathroom,<br />

renovations, decking,<br />

pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />

reliable licenced builders.<br />

Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535. RANGIORA Rubbish<br />


Removal and RRR skips.<br />

SERVICES Small<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

Holdings Ag and Hire,<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

driveways, burn piles, rural<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

maintenance and more.<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

Phone Justin 021 045 0154.<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

2220615<br />


Movemen Ltd<br />

2Men &agood sized truck.<br />

From $169 plus GST per hour.<br />

Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

movemen.co.nz<br />

2475397<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

2362002<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

027 216 0000<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

2225862<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. — Ph. 03-<br />

423-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

027 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />

2434390<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />

Samsung andmore....<br />

“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Phone 03 313 7144<br />

027 432 1534<br />

Fax 03 313 2144<br />

rgrantelectrical@gmail.com<br />

PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />

Electrician<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

Allan Pethig<br />

For all your electrical needs. Residential &Commercial<br />

2332343v2<br />

2273277<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 47<strong>09</strong><br />


2227889v2<br />

Electrician<br />







FROM $6000 PLUS GST<br />

M: 0275 543 958<br />

E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

Chimney Sweeping<br />

$70 Chimney Sweeping<br />

Waimakariri and Hurunui wide!<br />

Chimney fires are extremely dange<br />

erous<br />

and can spread to other areas of your<br />

home. Make sure your home is safe<br />

this winter and get your chimney<br />

swept today!<br />

Book now! Call/Text 020 4121 <strong>09</strong>67 or<br />

message us on Facebook at Hurunuiui Chimney Sweeping<br />

2470290<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

Bruce Evans<br />

131 Ohoka Road<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

03 327 3111<br />

021 293 6331<br />

compucare@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.compucare.co.nz<br />

Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />

Prompt professional services<br />

2276525v2<br />

Virus &malware removal<br />

New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />



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FIRST<br />

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us and get<br />

noticed<br />

today!<br />

Phone us today on 03 314 8335 or email<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz to find out how we can help!<br />

Engineering<br />

Landscaping<br />

Landscaping<br />

2269236<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />



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Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

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Landscaping -Fencing<br />

& Earthworks<br />


03 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br />

www.stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

contact@stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

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2470224<br />

Physio &Pilates<br />



Offering ACC, private and group sessions.<br />

Contact Mel 022 320 7256<br />

www.facebook.com/fernsidephysiopilates/<br />

Fernsidephysiopilates@gmail.com<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274 818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

20<strong>09</strong>594<br />

2438377<br />

Tools &Equipment<br />

SALES<br />

PARTS<br />




Water Blasters, Log Splitters, Generators,<br />

Air Compressors, Water Pumps, Air Tools, Spray<br />

Equipment, Replacement Ag Seats, Small Motors.<br />

Free local machinerydelivery.<br />

Richard Black www.BLAX.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>owned &operated<br />

2435547v2<br />

Plumber &Gasfitter<br />


Maintenance &Filtration<br />

Plumbing renovations/<br />

Plumbing alterations &New Build<br />

Cylinder replacement<br />

Gas hot water,Gas Cooking &more..<br />


Call James ph: 022 063 15 85<br />

Quarry Supplies<br />


2426159<br />

●CAP 65 ● CAP 40<br />

●CAP 20 ● Pit Run<br />

●Large Soakpit Boulders<br />

●Crusher Dust<br />

●Screened Sand<br />

●Horse Arena Sand<br />

Dean Hurley0274 336 993<br />

hurleyexcavation@xtra.co.nz<br />

2064 Tram Road<br />

Windows & Doors<br />


• New & Used<br />

• Timber & Aluminium<br />

• Windows & Doors<br />

8am-5pm Weekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 379 6159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax (03) 962 1012 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />

ncn1242200aa<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Trust your local experts,<br />

get in touch today!<br />



2021<br />




2021<br />

LOCAL<br />



2021<br />

Multipurpose Shed - 10m x 10m x 3m<br />

Workshop & Storage Shed - 15m x 6m x 3.3m<br />

Double Garage with Storage - 9m x 6m x 2.4m<br />

Heritage Barn - 10.5m x 11m x 2.7m<br />

For each incorporated<br />

door on your new building<br />


*T&Cs apply, see Totalspan.co.nz. Offer is valid oneligible buildings only.<br />

Visit us at:<br />

Phone:<br />

Address:<br />

Totalspan <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

(03) 310 0247<br />

127 Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Woodend

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