a fiesta of charms

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...strange flowers...

...death never seemed particularly final to Carl, rather it

seemed like an idea based around opinions long accumulated by

people that have simply never experienced it... although, he

mentioned, the night before last, that it is possible to die without

actually leaving the body... though he still remained non plussed

in his disdain for the normal perspective of death...

...relative days of thick confusion were soon taken over by

conversations with Carl, about notions rather grandiose to where

we often sat... wall paper cherry red and pink, carpet beige... the

sterility of the beige constantly ushered in thoughts of hospital

rooms, padded walls with strange voices sounding obstructive

procedures involving apparatus pushed into and out of rectum’s

attached to bodies waiting to die... for Carl had spent a month

working for Dr Padow and had quickly become accustomed to a

weird fabric of life... existence adhering to different clandestine

realms, where experiments abound... in his third week Dr Padow

had explained how to treat a reptilian for wounds only referred

to as legions oozing some sort of unaccounted fluid... Dr Padow

would, according to Carl, always fall short of finishing his

sentences, which would instead drift into non sequiturs doused

in homoerotic discourses about the way things should be... the


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