a fiesta of charms

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...nonchalant disorder...

‘My face is like the face you have seen many times.’ James

Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room

...the summer in her voice had tightened, though the softness of

her pronunciations of deeming life a forlorn loss, cultivated a

romance in her ways that was unable to be replicated... tea

stained laughter, precipice adorned eyes, death dialled up and

then hung up... with the thought that we had both decide our

own fate, I advised a frisson of candour, a moment of declaration

that stood for the acceptance that the wounded ascent of our

relationship seemed to be a furnace now... hot coal set on fire to

the sound of the falling rain...

Gabo walked into the living room, the living room I had spent so

much time alone, waiting for what exactly I didn’t know... now

hearing Gabo speak of problems related to Gabine...


...walking past the bridge I had once flung myself off, I

recognised the feeling, the same feeling I had that night and

started to laugh at the absurdity of things... cats crawling on wet

puddles... a bottle of Irn Bru half finished blowing in the wind...

a brown chair sat outside a flat now wet... an old big back

television with a cracked screen... two pigeons fighting over a

piece of Kebab meat bespeckled with white Garlic sauce...

memories distorting into current happenings that obligate a

sense of death looming...


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