a fiesta of charms

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...autobiography at Manor House (Off The Grid)...

...I feel obligated to a certain way of thinking, I thought, as

I heard the door beside me go, overhearing a conversation about

money, time and desires as if one heard at a bank, post office, or

an off licence. I then sat upright and felt around for the sandwich

I hadn’t finished the night before... cheese, pickle, off date salami

and perhaps too much tomato sauce, as the taste of the sandwich

seemed terrorised by the amount of tomato sauce that happened

to just dullop onto it. The scent of the cheese had distilled by this

time and so I felt a morose feeling erupt, until the door went and

I got up to see who it could be. I did wonder as I dragged myself

to the door of who, as I had been in this destitute house for the

homeless for about six months and I hadn’t really seen the light

of day. Or even spoken to anyone for about a month, if I could

remember. The notion of being devoid of endorphins seemed a

point of note, but what is there to really achieve in life..?

...I opened the door and saw Benny, Hawaiian shirt, brown

leather jacket. He asked where I had been and I asked how he

knew where I lived. Benny had gone to live in Greenwich about a

year or two before this so I wasn’t expecting him, but I let him in

and we started shooting the shit. Talking about a fight outside the

Betting Shop on Broadway Market, a woman we both knew called

Marine now living in Clapton with a Pimp called Clyde. The

antics in the adjoining room more and more feverish, but neither

myself or Benny mentioned it. That’s the thing about the

underbelly of society it’s rather coy to obvious conversations.

People eat, sleep, shit and fuck, in no particular order, so there’s

no real need to comment on it all... it’s all so meaningless I

thought, before Benny asked about Gia... I told him that she had


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