a fiesta of charms

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...I remembered Benny’s last words before he left that

afternoon just as the Bus manoeuvred into Islington, the

tender hooks of desperation coupled with a fervent mood of

Criminality... a casual desire to escape the system...

...I soon got off the Bus and continued to walk, memories

transcending the old relic of time, the periphery of thoughts

mostly about when...

...when I would accept the humour of existence...

...when I would be relinquished of this burden of life...

...when I would accept the tyrannies of social order and face

up to the reality of doing what every other person was doing...

...when I would next speak, and which words would leave

these parted lips...

...the severance of today...

...now seemed most important, walking through busy

streets of commuters, stragglers, perhaps the possible like

minded individual... as I conjured thoughts related to the idea

that I should accept the monotony of existence or do

something about it...

...fabric of packing...

...I packed a small backpack... underwear, a few shirts

and put on a jacket... searching and finding underneath the

mattress some notes that I used to take a cab... a sense of

debilitation ran through me as the night took on a hue I hadn’t

envisaged, as if in the arms of a woman, but without

burdening life with the simplistic thought of a woman...

...I took the last train and accepted I was now off the



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