2021-12-13 Annefursaree Bonnie & Shad

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Skitters n Simon and the Angels Shadow n Lady Bonnie Shad say dis bes sew

kools dat awl our furrends n dem's ladies comes tu celebrates wiff us tuday.

The Dragon Gang Happee Annafurzzzaree, Auntie Bonnie an Unkie Shad!


Uzz haff bringed ssum krizztall flauwerzz az a purrzzant ffur ya!

Skitters n Simon and the Angels Shadow n Lady Bonnie Oh fank mews sew

muchie our dear grate furrends as boff Shad n Bonnie gibs each n eberyone ob

da Dragon Gang huggies n Shad gibs Cweamy da wink n extwa huggies

Wormhole Bistro

Shad den takie Bonnie Lub's paw ins him's n sings fur her:


The Wonder of You ~ Elvis

(words & music by baker knight)

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