2021-12-13 Annefursaree Bonnie & Shad

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Wormhole Bistro <Starlie> Heer me komm, Auntie Eileen an da littul wunz!

HUGS! Wun peeze da tshokalaet myo kaekie, da kup da speshyul blend

black kaffee, da sertz plaet an da fimbel da hot kakao fur Greenie, an da bowl da

kookies an kaekies krumbelz wid da bowl da spring wadda fur da birdies - an of

korze da big bowl da wippee kreemz ta shaer, heer ya be! Pleeze endshoee

yawr sweets!

Eileen Murphy Oh thank you Starlee! Everyone is so happy and the birdies and

Greenie are chirping thank you too! Be sure and get some licks of that yummy

wippee kreemz!

Sally Quillen The chocolate mousz and a cuppa lemon tea...yum...meow

Wormhole Bistro <Starlie> Me gonna be rite back wid da tshokalaet moozze,

da bowl da wippee kreemz an da kup da lemmon tee fur ya, Auntie Sally! HUG!

Sally Quillen Wormhole Bistro thanks and hugz as always for you Starlie...?

Wormhole Bistro <Starlie> Ya be wellkomm, Auntie Sally! HUG-PURRR!

Sally Quillen Wormhole Bistro

Audra Gednalske Serts serts serts serts

Wormhole Bistro <Starlie> Hai, Auntie Audra! HUG! Me gonna be rite

back wid da full sertz menu fur ya, wid da big bowl da wippee kreemz, da niez kup

da fresh catpurrtsheeno, da glass da nipsi kola an da lots an lots da kisses frum

Mista Jack on aizee kyoobz!

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