2021-12-13 Annefursaree Bonnie & Shad

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Leann Applegate Happy Anniversary Bistro! Glad to be here to join in on the


Skitters n Simon and the Angels Shadow n Lady Bonnie Bonnie ans Shad

comes runnin tu dem's Auntie Leann ans gibs her hooge gentle huggies n nosie


Tuday bes our 7th Wedding Annibersary Auntie

Leann Applegate Skitters n Simon and the Angels Shadow n Lady Bonnie Oh I'm so

glad I showed up! Happy Anniversary you two! Such a special couple that I lubz

beary munchie!! ️ ️

Wormhole Bistro


The Searchers - Sweets For My Sweet

Eileen Murphy So beautiful!

Skitters n Simon and the Angels Shadow n Lady Bonnie Dis bes da bootiful cakie,

fank mews sew muchie ans huggies fur eberypawdys ans cakie too says boff

Shad n Bonnie Lub

Wormhole Bistro Ya be so ekstreemlee wellkomm, Bonnie an Shad! HUGS!


Uz all hab wurk tagedda on dat kaekie, eefen da babie dragons hab halp -

Skitters n Simon and the Angels Shadow n Lady Bonnie Uz boff knows dem

babys bes grate taste testers

The Bistro Dragons <Huggie> Tshirp-TRILLLL purr!

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