2021-12-13 Annefursaree Bonnie & Shad

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Wormhole Bistro

<Zoe> Welkom to the Munsdae main noms. We hope you are hungree. Lim and

Buck has zoomed rownd an refilled awl da kases fur uz. Tudae Oreo an me has

purrpared the Broiled troll flank steak with grilled champagne grapes and bitter greens

and bloo cheeze salad, the Chikie froot salad sammies wiff da grapes an pekans

stuffed intu da krosants, the Pork froot tenderloin wiff the roasted grape sauze, and

the Baked takos. Troubie's cokktale tudae is the Concord grape martini. What may

Buck an Lim grab to serv you, furend?

Lady Bonnie and her bride's maids

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