The Best Institutes in Hospitality Management, 2022

This edition of The Knowledge Review, "The Best Institutes in Hospitality Management, 2022" that are covered Best Institutes in Hospitality Management.

This edition of The Knowledge Review, "The Best Institutes in Hospitality Management, 2022" that are covered Best Institutes in Hospitality Management.


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Vol. 06 | Issue 03 | 2022



The Best Institutes in



Creating Culinary Competence

“ Hospitality s¨hozu¾ld havÖe no

– Henor iet

oz ozther

ta Mear s¨


thano lozvÖe.”


The Prizçe ozf

the Bu¾s¨inoes¨s¨ ozf

Love and Care!

"Hospitality is simply an opportunity to

show love and care!"

– Anonymus


Humanity is built on the

foundation of love and care.

Overviewing the history of

mankind, every act is under the

microscope of imbibing love and care.

While some of the most ambitious men

across the world, in their quest to

conquer the world, caused disruption

and uncertain instability through wars

and conflicts, the dawn came in the


mid-20 century, from when

humankind is living in the most

peaceful era ever recorded.

Once the peaceful rein of mankind

started, humans resumed their earlier

venture to explore the world. However,

in this modern world which is divided

by borders and acts only on proof

papers, humans found it necessary to

explore the world in full swing.

This silent venture of voyagers found

itself on the doorstep of every other

nation. It found itself difficult to find

accommodation and security in a

foreign land. This revived the

civilisation's old industry of hospitality.

The passionate people leading the

hospitality industry commercialised the

hospitality industry as a token of

gratitude for themselves. However,

when the revival of the hospitality

industry saw its light and

commercialisation also inspired the

messengers of love and care to enter

this industry.

While travelling, the culinary arts and

hotelling industry explored itself in the

hospitality industry, and the

educational institutes across the world

recognised the growing potential and

set up prominent institutions of

hospitality management across the


Today, even after suffering a major hit

and showing a downward graph on the

global markets, the industry saw its

revival again soon after the effects of

COVID-19 were numbed. However,

this also gave time to the hospitality

institutes to upskill their educational

pedagogies and glorify the business of

humanity and hospitality.

Searching the corners of an incredible

country like India, The Knowledge

Review magazine, being a voyager and

celebrator of education, came across

some of the best institutes in the

hospitality industry whose exceptional

journeys are highlighted in this edition.

Let this small booklet talking about the

business of love and care be the guide

for students to choose the right hotel

for them and also for other institutes to

set their bar.

Also, have a look at the articles curated

by the editorial team and have a lovely


Ashlesh K hadse

Ashlesh Khadse




Cover Story



Pas¨s¨ioznoatelyÝ Tr ainoinog Gr adu¾ates¨

toz Ser vÖe Hozs¨pitalityÝ Inodu¾s¨tr yÝ



Garnishing Hospitality


Cu¾linoar yÝ Ar t, is¨ the Backboznoe

ozf the Hozs¨pitalityÝ Inodu¾s¨tr yÝ

Voyager's Journal


Tozu¾r is¨m Stu¾dyÝ: A

VozyÝager 's¨ WayÝ ozf life

Special Profile


The Game Chanoger

International Institute of

Hotel Management (IIHM)

Takinog hozs¨pitalityÝ

Edu¾catiozno toz New× Heights¨


School of Hospitality & Tourism

(SOHT), Galgotias University


Enocozu¾r aginog Life-Loznog Lear noinog thr ozu¾gh InonoozvÖativÖe Pr ozcedu¾r es¨

SVKM’s Narsee Monjee

Institute of Management Studies


A Pr ozmis¨inog LegacyÝ ino Hozs¨pitalityÝ

V. M. Salgaocar Institute of

International Hospitality Education



Impar tinog exÜcellenoce toz the noew× age Hozs¨pitalityÝ Edu¾catiozno






Editozr -ino-Chief

Pooja Bansal

Manoaginog Editozr

Ashlesh Khadse

Coznotr ibu¾tinog Wr iter

Madhu Guleria

Sr . Vice Pres¨idenot Sr . Sales¨ Manoager


Megha Mishra Ashwini Pahukar Naitiki Ambekar Vikram, Sachin

Ar t & Des¨igno Head anod Vis¨u¾alis¨er

Rahul Shinde


Paul Belin




Mar ketinog Manoager



Cir cu¾latiozno


Prachi, Rajeshwari Renuka Kulkarni

Yash Bhatt Tanaji Fartade

JUNE, 2022

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Name of the College

Web Address


Department of Hotel

Management, K L

University, Guntur

Department of Tourism

Studies, Central University

of Kashmir, Srinagar

klu¾noivÖer s¨ityÝ.ino

cu¾kas¨hmir .ac.ino

K L UnoivÖer s¨ityÝ ozffer s¨ the s¨tu¾denots¨ a glozballyÝ r elevÖanot

lear noinog exÜper ienoce, byÝ pr ozvÖidinog them high-qu¾alityÝ,

affozr dable anod acces¨s¨ible edu¾catiozno, thr ozu¾gh the pr ozces¨s¨ ozf

coz-cr eatiozno, w×hich s¨er vÖes¨ the emer ginog noeeds¨ ozf bu¾s¨inoes¨s¨,

inodu¾s¨tr yÝ anod coznonoected campu¾s¨ cozmmu¾noities¨.

CUK aims¨ toz acces¨s¨ vÖalu¾es¨, s¨kills¨, anod knoozw×ledge

imbibed ino each s¨tu¾denots¨, anod als¨oz fozcu¾s¨es¨ ozno the

hozlis¨tic per s¨oznoalityÝ devÖelozpmenot ozf their s¨tu¾denots¨.

Galgotias University,

Greater Noida, Uttar

Pradesh, India

Indian Institute of

Hotel Management

and Culinary Arts

International Institute of

Hotel Management

Manav Rachna International

Institute of Research and

Studies, Faridabad





Galgoztias¨ Edu¾catioznoal Inos¨titu¾tioznos¨ (GEI) havÖe beeno

inocu¾lcatinog pr actical s¨kills¨ anod cr eatinog ‘Glozbal

Pr ozfes¨s¨ioznoals¨’ fozr mozr e thano 15 yÝear s¨.

Inodiano Inos¨titu¾te ozf Hoztel Manoagemenot anod Cu¾linoar yÝ Ar ts¨

is¨ a per s¨oznoifiʼncatiozno ozf the enodeavÖozr s¨ ozf a har d cozr e

gr ozu¾p ozf hozs¨pitalityÝ pr ozfes¨s¨ioznoals¨ w×ith yÝear s¨ ozf exÜtenos¨ivÖe

exÜpozs¨u¾r e toz s¨ozme ozf the fiʼnnoes¨t hoztels¨ ino Enoglanod, Inodia,

Sr i lanoka anod Cr u¾is¨e linoer s¨ fr ozm Eu¾r ozpe anod Amer ica.

IIHM w×as¨ the fiʼnr s¨t cozllegiate pr ozgr am ino the cozu¾notr yÝ w×hoz is¨

ozffer inog ano ozppozr tu¾noityÝ toz s¨tu¾denots¨ toz be glozballyÝ tr ainoed

anod als¨oz r ecozgnoizçe the s¨kills¨ toz ear no ano Inoter noatioznoal Degr ee

ino Hozs¨pitalityÝ Manoagemenot thr ozu¾gh its¨ cozllabozr atiozno w×ith

UnoivÖer s¨ityÝ ozf Wes¨t Loznodozno, Loznodozno.

MREI is¨ a vÖis¨ible s¨yÝmbozl ozf knoozw×ledge & exÜper ienoce

pr ozvÖidinog high-qu¾alityÝ edu¾catiozno ino vÖar iozu¾s¨ fiʼnelds¨ inoclu¾dinog

Enoginoeer inog, Manoagemenot, Ps¨yÝchozlozgyÝ,Hu¾manoities¨,

Edu¾catiozno, Law×, Inoter iozr Des¨igno, Ar chitectu¾r e, Cozmmer ce,

Bu¾s¨inoes¨s¨ Stu¾dies¨, GeozlozgyÝ anod manoyÝ mozr e.



The s¨chozozl inofu¾s¨e the vÖibr anot minods¨ w×ith a r ar e

cozmbinoatiozno ozf Hozs¨pitalityÝ Oper atioznos¨ & Manoager ial s¨kills¨

anod w×ill make them u¾ber cozmpetitivÖe.

School of Hotel

Management, Ajeenkya

DY Patil University, Pune


AjeenokyÝa DY Patil UnoivÖer s¨ityÝ ozffer s¨ the bes¨t u¾noder gr adu¾ate

anod pozs¨tgr adu¾ate pr ozgr ams¨ ino u¾noiqu¾e ar eas¨, linoked toz

exÜemplar yÝ 'ADYPU Stu¾denot ExÜper ienoce' , w×hich is¨ s¨u¾ppozr ted

byÝ exÜcellenot facilities¨ anod highlyÝ moztivÖated teachinog s¨taff.

SRM Institute of Hotel



s¨r mihm.inofoz

SRM IHM ozffer s¨ oznoe ozf the bes¨t hozs¨pitalityÝ

manoagemenot cozu¾r s¨es¨ ino the cozu¾notr yÝ anod is¨ coznos¨ider ed

byÝ the inodu¾s¨tr yÝ toz be s¨tr oznoges¨t anod r elevÖanot ino tozdayÝ’s¨

dyÝnoamic w×ozr ld ozf hozs¨pitalityÝ.

V. M. Salgaocar Institute of

International Hospitality

Education, Goa


VMSIIHE is¨ a pr emier hozs¨pitalityÝ inos¨titu¾te ino Goza that ozffer s¨

yÝozu¾ qu¾alityÝ hozs¨pitalityÝ edu¾catiozno w×ith w×ozr ld-clas¨s¨

inofr as¨tr u¾ctu¾r e that givÖes¨ yÝozu¾r car eer ano edge ozvÖer ozther s¨.

n this highly digital world where

Ieverything seems to be connected

virtually, hospitality is the only

industry that relies heavily on reality.

In such times the hospitality industry

has also evolved significantly.

While the hospitality professionals

were busy finding the answers to bring

back the forgotten pride of the

hospitality industry, the world

understood the need to stay connected

to reality.

The process of refining its education

ecosystem started with its culinary arts

section and brought steady growth in

the management section. Being placed

in the city of pearls-Hyderabad, the

institute has evolved as one of the

leading culinary institute in India. The

journey of IIHMCA to being one of the

best institutes in Hospitality

Management has been an inspirational

story. Let's learn more about the

institute, its vision, mission and

philosophy that laid the strong foothold

of IIHMCA in today's changing


IIHMCA: Teaching the Art of


When it comes to hospitality,

oftentimes people confuse it with only

hoteling and side-line the part of

culinary arts. IIHMCA found this thin

line of division in the industry and was

founded to blur that dividing line and

create an institution that caters

completely to the hospitality industry.

The courses provided by IIHMCA are

unique and trains the students in

various skills in order to become

Budding Chefs and Hospitality

Professionals. Moreover, the institute is

a personified endeavour of hardcore

professionals who has served the

hospitality industry for years. These

professionals also bring global

exposure to the table from the finest

lines of hotels from England, India, Sri

Lanka and Cruise Liners from Europe

and America.


In a broader context, it can be said that

IIHMCA is the brainchild of

hospitality industry professionals. The

Founders came together with a vision

to nurture students to be professionals

in the hospitality sector and bring them

global career opportunities.

The programs offered by the institute

aim to develop culinary professionals

with the technical skills, management

training and exposure to the culinary

arts which will create a perfect balance

that will serve the hospitality industry

with grace.


With a vision to create industry

professionals, IIHMCA is committed

to its mission to provide its students

with both theoretical knowledge and

practical experience that will set up a

strong foundation in culinary

fundamentals and hands-on skills.

With this visionary mission, the

institute aims to equip the students

with all the possible tools that will help

them enjoy the endless options of

employment in the industry and exceed

employer's expectations.


Every learner goes through learning

stages or phases that define them from

rookie to professional. This evolving

process develops a passion in the

aspirants that makes them lifelong

learners. However, to create such lifelong

learners, a proper system is

required during the initial stages that

will help them stay updated with the

industry and experiment to excel in

whatever they do.

To develop such lifelong learners in the

hospitality industry, IIHMCA has

designed a well-curated three-step

process as their philosophy.

The First Phase: In this phase, a

comprehensive model of the

instruction set is commuted that helps

them understand the whole process

effectively. In this process, along with

theory, the students are taught the

basics of being experimental in the

kitchen and bringing out their


The Second Phase: This phase is

demonstrative and application-based,

where all the students put the acquired

knowledge to use. Learning from a

master chef, practising and sharpening

the skills under their able guidance and

caring attention.

The Third Phase: IIHMCA staff

considers this phase as During this

phase, the chef instructors give them

the required time and personal

attention that helps the aspirants to

upskill their culinary skills and

enhance their hospitality skills that are

put on display.

During all these phase-divided learning

processes, the curriculum curated by

IIHMCA is intensive, rigorous and

thorough in creating budding

Hospitality professionals.

The institute assures that upon the

completion of its students' learning arc,

they will be knowledgeable, skilled,

and ethical in their work. With this

philosophy, the institute aims to drive a

competitive edge that the students can

use to their advantage.

Training the Students to be


As an esteemed educational institute,

the major courses offered by IIHMCA


Ÿ Bachelor's Degree in Catering

Technology and Culinary Arts

(BCT & CA)

Ÿ Bachelor's Degree in Hotel

Management and Catering Technology

(BHM & CT)

Ÿ 1 ½ Year Certificate Course in Food

Production and Patisserie (F.P.P)

Ÿ 1 Year Advanced Diploma in

Patisserie and Confectionery Arts

Ÿ 1 Year Advanced Diploma in

Professional Culinary Arts

The institute is affiliated to Osmania

University for offering the BCT & CA ,

BHM & CT courses. Established in


the Year 2001, the institute stands 2 in

India for offering full fledged

Bachelor's Degree in Culinary Arts as

specilalization in Hospitality


Creating Culinary Competence

The hospitality industry is all about

being conscious of what people like

and dislike. Let that be cooking the

delicious meals or treating the guests

on their arrival. IIHMCA and its

management team as made a collective

effort to derive a proactive approach to

impart quality education. Emphasising

more on the knowledge beyond

curriculum, the value-based training

help the students in moving up the


The curriculum is personalised, where

even the student can upgrade and learn

from the very best and train to be skilloriented

helping them in achieving a

successful career in the hospitality

industry. Moreover, the institute brings

various career opportunities from the

leading International Cruise Liners/

Hotel chains for the students to have an

excellent career. The other required

skills are developed at the institute by

engaging students in co-curricular

activities, industrial visits, seminars

and various career development


Sharpening the Growth Curve

Since its inception in 2001, IIHMCA

has evolved and is making steady

progress in creating culinary

competence. IIHMCA has set up State

of the Art Kitchens/ labs and designed

some specialised programs along with

advanced skill enhancement programs

with a vision of creating a

sophisticated future.

Career Options Offered by IIHMCA

Ÿ 5 Star Hotels & Resorts

(International and Indian Premium

Chain Hotels)

Ÿ Cruise Lines (International)

Ÿ Hospitality Industry/ Catering


Ÿ Event Management/Retail

Management Companies

Ÿ Tourism and Travel Consulting

Multi-National Companies

Placement Options by IIHMCA

Ÿ Management Trainee Program

Ÿ Kitchen Management Trainee

Ÿ Hotel Operations Management

Trainee (Department Specific)

Ÿ KET – Kitchen Executive Trainee

Ÿ Hotel Operations Trainee GSA –

(Guest Service Agent or Associate)

Noteworthy Placement Record

Over the years, the institute has been

consistentantly placing their students in

International Cruise Liners / 5 Star

Hotels in India and abroad. Statististics

in respect of the placements offered

during the past few years through

Campus Intervies are as under:

Annual Placements through

Campus Interviews

Year International National

2017 53 Students 30 Students

2018 52 Students 40 Students

2019 54 Students 24 Students

2020 41 Students 20 Students

2021 47 Students 28 Students

IIHMCA for campus placements

invites a lot of international brands to

interview and recruit. From the likes of

prominent international brands like

Carnival Cruises-UK, Costa Cruises-

Italy, Princess Cruises - UK and P&O

Cruises-Australia, The Atlantis, The

Palm Dubai, Jumeirah Beach Hotel –

Dubai, Sheraton Dubai, Movenpick,

Fairmont the Palm – Dubai, to the

leading Indian hotel chain brands like

The Taj Group of Hotels (IHCL), The

Oberoi Group, ITC Hotels Ltd,

Marriott International , Accor Hotels,

Hilton Worldwide, Hyatt Hotels,

Radisson Hotels Group, Leela Palaces

and Hotels, Intercontinental Hotels

Group, The Park, Wyndham Hotel

Group, Four Seasons etc.

Interestingly the placements are based

on a merit basis, and the concerned

representative of the hotels conducts

the interviews.

Envision for the Future

The Institute trains students to be

culinary artists and cater to the

hospitality industry with perfection and

creativity, IIHMCA also aims to create

responsible global citizens. Since its

inception, hygiene and sanitation have

been the utmost priority of the

institute. Serving the culinary industry,

maintaining hygiene and cleanliness

has become an integral part of daily

chores. With the introduction of the

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical

Control Point) based program, the

institute gives special attention to


With hygiene and cleanliness are taken

care of by the institute, the institute

aims to be a leading culinary and hotel

management institute in the country

and serve the global requirements of

the Hospitality Industry. Being on the

right track to improvement, the

institute seeks to be the finest provider

of graduates catering to the Hospitality

Industry and excel in Culinary Arts.

International Institute of Hotel

Management (IIHM)







June 2022 | 16 | www.theknowledgereview.com

The Game Chanoger

As one of the most prolific

poets to have ever lived, Rumi

rightly said- “I am merely a

guest born in this world, to know the

secrets that lie beyond it.” This quote

perfectly encapsulates the human

desire to travel, explore and experience

as much as they can in their lives.

Travel is a never-ending human

endeavor, and the hospitality industry

can be recognized as one of its very

first commercial undertakings.

Bringing along a spectrum of services

and capital flow, it has always been an

excellent marker for the overall growth

of any country's economy.

When it comes to traveling this

fantastic portal of opportunities, the

International Institute of Hotel

Management is one of the best places

to initiate your journey in the

hospitality industry.

Birth of a Stellar Institute

International Institute of Hotel

Management (IIHM) was founded in

1994. This premier institute is a part of

IndiSmart Group, a major corporation

in India and Southeast Asia that

manages the IndiSmart Hotels and

provides a wide range of services in

hospitality management, education,

training, and consulting. Today, the

most prominent hotel chain in

international hospitality management

education in India, IIHM has setup its

education centersin Kolkata, Delhi,

Pune, Bengaluru, Jaipur, Ahmedabad,

Hyderabad, and Goa.The institute has a

state-of-the-art IIHM campus at KBU

Bangkok in the capital city of Thailand

and Singapore, Samarkand


Mission, Vision, and Character

IIHM believes in practical training

along with classroom teaching. The

institution has hotels attached to its

campuses and has tie-ups with the best

five-star hotels in the country where

the students get trained and start

working as trainees while they study.

The institute is known for its unique

and extraordinary international events

like the International Young Chef

Olympiad, where over 50 countries

across the globe participate in this

unique culinary extravaganza. IIHM

has pledged to produce creativeand

resourceful professionals qualified to

serve the hospitality industry within an

educational environment that fosters

innovation, enterprise, and an

enthusiasm for excellence. IIHM aims

to give the latest knowledge to the

students and design the curriculum

around the newest development in the


www.theknowledgereview.com | 17 | June 2022










Dr. Suborno Bose


Globally Competitive Advanced


IIHM partners with industry experts

from across the globe that helps their

students to identify and understand the

patterns and trends in the industry.

They provide students with an insider’s

perspective into the workings of the

industry. Such initiatives help the

students on a holistic level keep abreast

of trends and patterns through research

and collaboration, carefully

interweaving both into the hospitality


Students are encouraged to focus on

strategic hospitality management

modules, and they are required to

present evaluative work on

contemporary issues and challenges in

the hospitality industry.

By reimagining the

way hospitality education

is delivered and experienced,

IIHM creates graduates who are

passionate, dedicated, and equipped to

tackle challenges head-on. IIHM is

probably the only institute with a

curriculum on entrepreneurship where

students learn the art of setting up and

running a business. The institute has

introduced topics like Hospitality

Technology, where students learn to

apply artificial intelligence and the

operation of modern tools like SEO

(Search Engine Optimization) and a lot

more in detail.

IIHM is possibly the first Hotel

Management College to conduct

hackathons where the students of the

third year are encouraged to pitch their

business ideas to a series of investors,

from which the top 10 projects are

presented to Angel Investors. IIHM

also has its corpus fund of 25 crores for

the students to fund their businesses.

Leader WhoMakes the Difference

Dr. Suborno Bose is the man who laid

the foundation of IIHM - a leading

hospitality management institute.

Being a Chartered Accountant by

profession, he has over 30 years of

experience in India and abroad. He is

the Founder of IIHM and Indismart

Group and is its chief mentor.

Dr. Bose is inarguably the country's

best-known educator in the hospitality

sector with the presence of his

institute's major brands like IIHM and

IAM Hotel Schools. He has been

conferred the honorary Doctor of

Business Administration by Edinburgh

Napier University, the UK, and the

honorary award of Doctor of Science

by the University of West London, the

UK at London.

Focus on Holistic Development

Apart from the advanced learning and

an impactful syllabus, IIHM also

conducts several co-curricular and

June 2022 | 18 | www.theknowledgereview.com

The Bes¨t Inos¨titu¾tes¨ ino Hozs¨pitalityÝ Manoagemenot, 2022

extra-curricular programs for the

overall development of the students.

The IIHM's international curriculum is

designed to encourage students to

apply what they have learned through

research, field trips, and surveys.

Through work in the kitchen, the

training restaurant, and the front office

studio, students are regularly exposed

to the practices and difficulties in the

hospitality business and are given

responsibility for managing the


IIHM also conducts guest lectures and

workshops by renowned speakers

(from India and abroad) with the global

connect initiative. It is the only

institute in India that is approved by

the European Union to conduct

research in hospitality- ERASMUS

project in partnership with three other

countries; France, Sweden, and Turkey.

The institute conducts several

distinctive and innovative programs

with a methodology that thoroughly

combines intensive and independent

learning, food-beverage event planning

and execution, comparing, contrasting,

and debating established theories.

Some of the distinctive programs are

listed below:

Ÿ World’s Biggest Culinary Heats

Young Chef Olympiad with the

participation of over 50 Countries.

Ÿ Wine Tour to Italy, France and

Spain where 12 selected students

are flown for a practical exposure

in the wineries and all the expenses

are borne by IIHM.

Ÿ Culinary tour to France for 12

selected students across all IIHM

campuses where IIHM bears all the

cost of travel, VISA, lodging and


Ÿ Scotch Tour to Scotland where 10

selected students are flown to learn

about Scotch Whiskey and all the

expenses of the trip are borne by


Ensuring Cumulative Growth and


IIHM is a nationally ranked and

internationally recognized institution

that follows the International

Curriculum, where the students are

awarded BA in Hospitality from the

University of West London.

IIHM is the only college globally that

hosts the world's biggest culinary

Olympiad - 'Young Chef Olympiad',

where 50 countries participate

worldwide, thereby giving the students

an opportunity to network with chefs

of 50 countries that no other college


The institute facilitates industrial

training in countries like America,

France, Italy, Spain, Mauritius,

Maldives, Singapore, China, Malaysia,

and Middle East countries like Dubai,

Kuwait, Doha, Oman. The industrial

training is facilitated for a continuous

industry interface where General

Managers and Managing Directors

come and take live sessions for the

students on revenue management,

entrepreneurship, and other essential


www.theknowledgereview.com | 19 | June 2022

IIHM ڃhas ךּnצּo﮵w שּׂalڄer﮴evڃs ڃdsڄar﮵aw ڄrצּfo ڃsڑtיִi enךּduڱrڄed ךּnצּoיִiڃsיִi﮴v anךּd

ךּnצּoיִiڑtڱbuיִiڄrڑtךּnצּco צּoڑt tڑhe ﮼yڑtיִiשּׂalڑtיִiٺpڃsצּho ٿ.﮼yڄrڑtڃsڱduךּnיִi ﮵wצּoשּׂBel arڄe sڃoצּmזּe oצּf

tڑhe ڃesڑeatڄrڱauשּׂl oצּf tڑhe esڃtڑeemזּed iיִnךּsڃtڑiיִtڑuڱtڑe:



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Awards and Achivements

Asڃiיִa Paciיִfic Goצּlשּׂd ڄarڑSt Aw﮵arڄd ڄrצּfo ךּnצּoיִiڑcatڱEdu Ex﮻celשּׂlשּׂenךּce

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With an international curriculum,

progressive teaching methodology,

state-of-the-art infrastructure, IIHM

ensures a significant boost for students

who go abroad for higher education or


Thriving for a Global Impact

IIHM has already established its mark

as an institute for hospitality and

leadership learning, with its presence

in all India's top cities. The institute is

now looking forward to a global

expansion with campuses in Maldives,

Dubai, Canada, and London.

Furthermore, IIHM is working on

accreditation programs for corporate

General Managers and Vice Presidents

to groom them academically in short

courses that will enhance their skills,

looking forward to their presence

across the globe in imparting

hospitality education across the


June 2022 | 20 | www.theknowledgereview.com





ozf Hozs¨pitalityÝ


"A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook,

must bring soul to the recipe."

– Thomas Keller


you ever heard someone

saying that a way to man's

heart goes through their

stomach'? Perhaps, you must have

heard it from your grandmother, who

would do everything in her capacity to

ensure you were fed to your heart's

content. But is it just limited to men?

Not really!

Food is a weakness for each person in

the world, and everyone loves the food

made by their mother. It is also said

that whenever a mother cooks food for

their children, she cooks it with their

love and specifically in an artistic way,

which makes it tastier.

How can cooking be an art? Cooking is

also an art like other arts such as

writing, singing, dancing, and many

other art forms. There is a famous

saying about this art, "Real cooking is

more about following your heart rather

than following recipes."

June 2022 | 22 | www.theknowledgereview.com

www.theknowledgereview.com | 23 | June 2022

Gar nois¨hinog Hozs¨pitalityÝ

That is why hotels hire passionate

culinary artists who drive passion, love

and devotion while making the food

more artistic, tastier, and healthier.

Thus, a culinary artist cooks like they

are going to feed their family, children

that bring creativity while cooking.

And in today's era, eating food in

hotels and restaurants has become

humans luxurious lifestyle.

Hospitality! A Life of Magnificence

If you came across from the recent

past, everyone's lifestyle has changed

due to the technological advancements

which enhanced people's standard of

living; due to this, everyone seeks

luxurious products and services and

lives a magnificent life.

How does the hospitality industry have

become a choice of luxurious lifestyle?

Hospitality is not just one of the

leading industries in the world, but it

has been one most exciting, dynamic,

and fast-growing industries.

Every advancement in technology or

guest experiences of the industry

makes it more diverse and specialized

for its customers. It not only focuses on

customers' experiences but also opens

several job opportunities.

Working in hospitality brings the

platform where one can nurture their

culinary art and other creative skills

like servicing, entertaining, and many

others- the time has gone when no one

values the art. However, now, people

appreciate, encourages, and foster the

art. And culinary is the backbone of

hospitality services; as we know, good

food always lifts the mood.

Quality and tasty food aids a healthy

life and encourages a positive mindset

because food is the necessary fuel for

the functioning of the human body. In

hospitality, one will get the chance to

grow in their culinary career.

Other than culinary, hospitality follows

proper management programs, and

many institutions indulge the

management skills like behavioural,

etiquette, and personality development.

All these skills help the hotels promote

and represent their specialized services

– whenever there is technological

development, the hospitality industry

keeps nurturing its services.

Technology in Culinary Arts

Everyone seems to be about computers

and mobiles when it comes to

technology. But have you ever visited

the kitchen of modern-cuisine

restaurants and hotels? The kitchens

would unveil comprehensive

mysterious kitchen technologies which

look like earlier schools' palettes and

knives. As technology is continuously

developing, chefs are encouraged to

prepare innovative dishes in a varietycontrolled


The advances in kitchen technology

indulge sous vide bath, combi oven,

induction cooktop, and rotary

evaporator are the few gadgets that you

may find there, along with the usual

technology-based devices like juicers

and mixers.

Over time, cooking techniques have

been enhanced, and many are equipped

with the technology. For instance, there

will be the sous vide dish in many

restaurants, where they will use a

cooking style with an exciting history.

Nowadays, kitchen technologies help

chefs control kitchen equipment from

their smartphones or smartwatches.

The Google Play store also offers an

app which helps inform about the

appliance's stats and sends a

notification to the chef; thus, they can

act whenever required.

Many latest kitchen technologies help

the chefs to represent the old dishes

perfectly, and few culinary experts are

using these technologies to bring

creativity to their dishes like rotavate is

an instrument which uses the

techniques of solid distillation at low

temperatures through a vacuum pump.

Other than rotavate, induction

technology for sensitive food provides

exact control of the cooking process

and saves 60-80 per cent of time

consumption compared to traditional

gas burners. The induction hob

consumes electricity and energy; that is

why they do not require to be turned

off, as it stops immediately after

removing the utensils, reducing the

heat and sweat. The induction hobs are

easy to clean and help the culinary

experts to show their hygiene level.

Final Views

There is no life without food! We all

work for food, and without it, no

human body can function. Eating

healthy and tasty food prolongs the life

of humans. And today's generation

avails a variety of food or tastes, and

culinary artists in hotels and

restaurants innovatively offer several


June 2022 | 24 | www.theknowledgereview.com

School of Hos¯p¨ilt·alilt·y× & Tou¼r«ils¯m (SOHT),

Galgot·ilas¯ UnilvÐer«s¯ilt·y×

Encouraging Life-Long Learning through Innovative Procedures

To impart high-quality

education to graduates and

nurture them into competent

professionals who can contribute to all

spheres of professional activities while

upholding ethics and human values”-

is the mission statement that School of

Hospitality & Tourism (SOHT),

Galgotias University, Greater Noida

strongly believes in.

SOHT is committed to deliver the best

education and training to students by

providing premium infrastructure,

robust and holistic curriculum,

impressive and efficacious practicum,

finest learning platform, and conducive

environment, along with the best

scholastic and co-scholastic

development of learners. The institute

grooms professionals who can quickly

excel confidently in any path they


The SOHT started its operation in 2012


and has been ranked as 2 Best

Hospitality Institute in the State of


Uttar Pradesh and 6 Best Private

Hospitality Institute in the country (as

ranked by prestigious GHRDC) in a

short span of 10 years. With a view to

providing students and faculty

members with the optimum

contemporary learning and research

environment, SOHT is committed to an

ambitious ongoing investment in

buildings and facilities, the results of

which are clearly visible today.

Focus on Infrastructural and

Educational Excellence

Galgotias University campus is set in

52 acres of rolling greens at a prime

location on the Yamuna Expressway.

The campus is close to some of the

finest infrastructure being built in the

NCR. The management is consistently

investing and upgrading in the best

facilities for the students. The

university is equipped with the latest

audio-visual equipment, networked

computer labs, Wi-Fi-enabled

classrooms, student common rooms,

state-of-the-art kitchen, bakery and

confectionery units, training restaurant

and bar, front office labs, and model

guest rooms. The SOHT boasts of the

most exemplary infrastructure and

state-of-the-art laboratory facilities

with the latest equipment and gadgets.

This has facilitated the institute to be

certified by the ‘Food Safety and

Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)’,

June 2022 | 26 | www.theknowledgereview.com

The Bes¨t Inos¨titu¾tes¨ ino Hozs¨pitalityÝ Manoagemenot, 2022

under the Ministry of Health and

Family Welfare, Government of India.

Besides this, the cafeteria is located in

the centre of the campus on the ground

floor where students and staff can

enjoy a wide array of meals provided

at a reasonable cost. The open layout

of the cafeteria also serves as a hangout

point for discussions and

interactions. The SOHT’s ‘Hospitality

& Tourism’ courses are highly inclined

towards industry-specific norms. As

per the management, today, both

national and multinational

organizations consider the aspects of

personalized services and customer

satisfaction as the critical mantra to

any successful business, thereby

making endless opportunities for

hospitality and tourism graduates in the


SOHT, Galgotias University offers the

following job-oriented professional


Ÿ Certificate in Tourism Studies

(CTS) [8 months]

Ÿ Diploma in Travel & Tourism (18


Ÿ BBA (Tourism & Travel) [3 years]

Ÿ Bachelor of Science in Hotel

Management (BSc HM) [3 years]

Ÿ Bachelor of Hotel Management

(BHM) [4 years]

Ÿ MBA (Tourism & Travel

Management) [2 years]

Prioritizing Learning Outcomes of

the Highest Levels

The SOHT believes that a learning

outcome describes the overall purpose

of participation in an educational

activity. Courses are planned with a

measurable learning outcome in mind.

Objectives are used to organize specific

topics or individual learning activities

to achieve the overall learning


The SOHT’s Program Educational

Objectives are:

Ÿ To undertake global assignments

and demonstrate skills and abilities

in hospitality and tourism services.

Ÿ To engage in professional and

entrepreneurial activities in

leadership roles in the hospitality

and tourism industry.

Ÿ To be involved in adopting

emerging technologies for

creativity and innovation to provide

solutions in hospitality, tourism and

allied services.

The SOHT’s Program Specific

Outcomes are:

Ÿ To be able to interpret global trends

in the hospitality and tourism

industry and improve service

quality through effective use of

information and communications


Ÿ To effectively collaborate with

tourism and hospitality service

providers and profess a customercentric

attitude in diverse service

situations of the industry.

The SOHT’s Program Outcomes are:

a) To apply the knowledge of

hospitality & tourism fundamentals

and departmental specialization for

the solution of complex service


b) To identify, formulate and analyze

service problems to provide

hospitality & tourism products and


c) To design service components and

processes that meet the specified

needs of guests.

d) To create & apply appropriate

resources & modern tools for

hospitality & tourism services.

e) To apply reasoning to assess

societal, cultural issues and

professional responsibilities.

f) To commit to professional ethics and

responsibilities of the hospitality

trade & practices.

g) To assess the environmental impact

of hospitality practices for

sustainable development.

We aim to be known

globally for valuebased


research, creativity,

and innovation.

www.theknowledgereview.com | 27 | June 2022

We involve in societal

outreach program to

identify concerns and

provide sustainable,

ethical solutions.

Prof. (Dr.) Rajiv Misha, Dean

h) To communicate effectively on

service activities with the

community and society at large.

I) To recognize the need for and

prepare and engage in independent

and life-long learning in the

broadest context of technological


The Dedicated Dean and Faculty

Members of SOHT

“The hospitality industry deals with

two basic needs of human beings –

food and shelter, a vista which can

never wane away with time,” states

Prof. (Dr.) Rajiv Misha, the Dean of


Prof. (Dr.) Rajiv Misha is very keen

and committed to delivering the best

education and training to students by

providing premium infrastructure,

robust and holistic curriculum,

impressive and efficacious practicum,

finest learning platform and conducive

environment, and the best scholastic,

co-scholastic development of learners.

This helps in grooming professionals,

who can easily excel with confidence

in any path they choose. He has always

been successful in inspiring students to

become better citizens apart from

transforming them into successful

industry professionals. Prof. (Dr.)

Rajiv is instrumental in various

rankings and ratings of the institute

alongside facilitating premier

accreditations and industry-academia

partnership deliberating the best benefit

of students and learners. He is

endeavouring to make hospitality &

tourism erudition very multifarious and

integrative by keeping the curriculum

abreast of latest trends and innovations

happening in the contemporary

industry. He conducts curriculum

conclave, wherein detailed deliberation

on curriculum revision takes place

across the diverse programs and

domains of Hospitality and Tourism

with the presence of all the associated

stakeholders like - students, parents,

faculty members, alumni,

entrepreneurs, and industry experts.

He emphasizes students’ learning

through experience, round-the-clock

mix between the academics and the

practical, and a firm reflection of belief

to produce effective business leaders

and professionals in the hospitality and

tourism domain.

Our most talented, highly skilled and

committed team of Faculty Members

are striving to prepare graduates to

compete with industry standards

regarding their professional skill-sets

apart from attaining educational

prospects. Faculty Members are much

concerned in maintaining quality issue

in the domain of hospitality & tourism

education apart from maintaining all

measures of accreditation and

evaluation to keep the programs &

courses as strong and competitive in

terms of its objective, nature and


Superior Extra-Curricular


Galgotias University motivates the

students and conducts one-to-one

sessions to understand each student’s

preferences, likes, and dislikes, based

on which students are guided as to

which extra-curricular and cocurricular

activities are

suggested/advised. Students are

constantly supervised, and mentors

help them whenever they require any

guidance. The management makes the

students understand that besides

studies, they also need to focus on

June 2022 | 28 | www.theknowledgereview.com

extra-curricular and extra-mural

activities. Not only does it make them

fit and healthy, but also creates a

positive vibe in them and makes them

socially responsible citizens.

Galgotias University makes sure that

students excel not only in studies but

also in extra-curricular and cocurricular

activities. As such, there are

various activities at the students'

disposal to choose from. Some of them


Ÿ Book clubs, school magazine

Ÿ Competitions like – debate, rangoli,

poster-making, flower arrangement

Ÿ Outdoor and indoor games

Ÿ Mass drill, NCC & NSS and

community outreach



Chef competitions, food festivals

Professional development activities

like - seminars, workshops,


Winning Laurels while Educating


Galgotias University SOHT’s

dedicated endeavours to create future

leaders and seasoned professionals

have earned it many awards and

recognitions. The institute is ranked as

3rd Best College in Uttar Pradesh by

the prestigious India Today. It has been

awarded as ‘Institute of Excellence’ by

Global Human Resource Development

Centre - Centre for Management

Education & Research, New Delhi.

The SOHT has won the “Best Private

Hospitality & Tourism Institute of the

Year 2021” by Brand's Impact

Education Excellence Award. It has

been bestowed as “Best Hospitality &

Tourism Institute of the Year” by

Global Teaching Excellence Award

2021. The institute has received the

recognition of “Centre of Excellence

for Hospitality & Tourism.” It is

accredited as “The Most Leading

Education Brands of 2021” by the

prestigious The Knowledge Review


The institute’s most exemplary

infrastructure and state-of-the-art

laboratory facilities with all the latest

equipment and gadgets facilitated

SOHT to be certified by the “Food

Safety and Standards Authority of

India (FSSAI),” under the Ministry of

Health and Family Welfare,

Government of India.

The SOHT is empanelled as the

Ambassador of “India's National

Education Policy (N.E.P.-2020)”, a

gateway to academic excellence, and it

also became the first hospitality and

tourism institute in India to implement

100% N.E.P. curriculum both in

hospitality and tourism programs.

The SOHT always tries to build

harmony among students, parents,

alumni, entrepreneurs, educators, and

industry practitioners in exchange for

workplace skills and groomed

professionals who can quickly excel

with confidence in any path they


The institute has proudly produced

seven successful alumni batches, who

are placed across various domains and

spheres of the industry in India and

abroad. The SOHT is proud to achieve

100% training and placement for all

the graduates. Within a short span of

10 years of inception, Galgotias

University has become one of the best

education conglomerates in the

country. The university is devoted to

excellence in teaching, research, and

innovation. Furthermore, it strives to

develop leaders who can make a

difference in the world.

Let's join & experience the

charisma & elegance of the leading

hospitality & tourism institute of

Northern India!

Our focus is to

collaborate with industry

and society to align the


www.theknowledgereview.com | 29 | June 2022




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NMIMS School of

Hospitality Management

A Confluence of Service and Technology

"Working in hospitality is not a job, but

a lifestyle, passion, and genuine

interests are crucial components for

success in this industry."

– Drew Fransen.


Shri Vile Parle Kelavani

Mandal's SVKM's NMIMS

University offers one of the best

training and education to students who

share the same passion for serving in

the hospitality industry at its School of

Hospitality Management. Here, the

students are trained to handle various

challenging situations at their

workplace and emerge strong enough

to face the upcoming challenges in this

booming industry. In an exclusive

conversation with The Knowledge

Review Magazine, Dr. Ruchita

Verma, Dean of SVKM's NMIMS

School of Hospitality Management

(SoHM), shares detailed insights about

the institute's approach to producing

passionate and well-rounded

hospitality professionals.

Among the plethora of options

available today for students to pursue

as a career, Hospitality Management is

one of the popular streams. With the

hospitality industry, which includes

travel and tourism, food and beverage,

Basic Training Kitchen

June 2022 | 32 | www.theknowledgereview.com

The Bes¨t Inos¨titu¾tes¨ ino Hozs¨pitalityÝ Manoagemenot, 2022


concentrates on

the industry's

trends by

connecting with

industry leaders

and focuses on

providing skilled

technicians with

management and



NMIMS SOHM presented celebrity Chef Sanjeev

Kapoor an award in recognition of his contribution as

a Digital Influencer in the culinary world.

event management, and hotel &

lodging, gaining great momentum, it

has opened up innumerable avenues

for students to explore a career in the

sector. If one has to define hospitality,

it can simply be called a systematically

planned and sustained activity that

fosters a mutual understanding among

an organization and the public – a

business of making and sustaining

friends while developing an

atmosphere of better performance.

Over the years, the hospitality sector

has seen a significant evolution while

still keeping true to the basic concepts

of hospitality. With the advancement of

science and technology and heightened

awareness leading to more people

embarking on travels, the hospitality

industry has to keep up with the times

to satisfy the new crop of discerning

travelers. Whether it is tailoring and

customizing travel plans,

accommodation, food and beverage, or

other requirements, the industry has

managed to successfully cater to the

changing needs of the people.

Convention & Base of the School

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal

(SVKM) established the Narsee

Monjee Institute of Management

Studies (NMIMS) in 1981 to meet the

growing demand for management

education. Since then, in its glorious

journey, NMIMS has added 17

constituent schools under its umbrella

in various cities of India – each one of

them becoming a landmark. In 2003,

NMIMS was declared to be a Deemedto-be

University under section 3 of the

UGC Act 1956. It was graded

Autonomy Regulation 2018 by

UGC/MHR and is categorized as the

number one University.

With its faculty coming from top

national and global universities,

NMIMS has made a name for itself,

with its consistent academic quality

and research focus. It has strong

connections with leading industries,

placing the University among the

nation's prime educational excellence

and research centers. It is also known

for its state-of-the-art infrastructure

and unique pedagogy.

With a legacy of 41 years, NMIMS has

grown enormously and has been placed

in the top 10 B-Schools in India, and

has emerged as a multi-disciplinary

University with eight campuses in

Mumbai, Navi-Mumbai, Indore,

Shirpur, Dhule, Bengaluru, Hyderabad,

and Chandigarh. Joining its group of

successful schools in the School of

Hospitality Management, which is

making all the right noises in the

hospitality industry.

www.theknowledgereview.com | 33 | June 2022

Dr. Ruchita Verma: The Person

Behind the Success of SVKM'

NMIMS School of Hospitality


Dr. Ruchita Verma, with a Doctorate in

Management, a Masters in Tourism

Management, and an MBA in General

Management, heads the School of

Hospitality Management. Also armed

with a PG in Hotel Administration &

Management, this alumnus of IHM

Mumbai has 30 years of academic

experience in various positions – she

has headed four hospitality schools and

a fashion and design school for the

ITM Group of Institutions. She has

also served as the Campus Director at

Pearl Academy, Mumbai.

Dr. Verma is passionate about

streamlining operational procedures.

She believes in implementing new

processes, championing change

initiatives, and driving academic

excellence by integrating

administrative functions, enhancing the

academic curriculum, setting up

institutional infrastructure, and

implementing reforms by way of

policy changes and improved


Her professional achievements are

countless. Some of them include

successfully establishing tactical

marketing initiatives, talent acquisition

& retention, strategic alliance, and

networking, program/curriculum

development, forming corporate

policies and procedures, needs analysis

and change management, corporate

communication, start-up programs,

community and media relations,

international collaboration, and

validations. Besides these, as a

researcher, she has contributed

insightful research papers and articles,

organized conferences, seminars,

workshops, study tours, and talk


Training the Leaders of the

Hospitality Industry

The teaching pedagogy adopted at

NMIMS SoHM focuses on hands-on

training, critical thinking, research, and

application. This ideology is meant to

encourage students to attain the best of

their potential. The sophisticated

curriculum promises to train students

in hospitality operations and

management competencies in a holistic

way. The innovative methods include

teaching through various activities, like

classroom lectures, industry visits,

projects, conducting events, case

studies, and internships.

NMIMS SoHM trains its students to

shine in the hospitality service industry

globally by maintaining international

standards of teaching and helping

students achieve an international

perspective of the hospitality sector.

The institute's universal approach to

curriculum development helps in

making students become strategic

thinkers, complete with a wellbalanced

personality, poise, and charm.

Backed by this solid approach, the

University envisions its students

making a positive mark in the service

industry in the coming future.

Talking about the various educational

activities of the school, Dr. Ruchita

Verma says, "Our activities help

students assimilate professional skills

and practices to apply themselves

NMIMS prepares the students

to navigate through such

uncertainties. Developing

important skills like curiosity,

imagination, resilience, and

self-regulation prepare our

students to be future ready.

Dr Ruchita Verma


School of Hospitality


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through critical thinking and a

problem-solving approach. Live case

studies and projects motivate the

entrepreneurship program. Personality

development and leadership training is

an ongoing part of the entire

curriculum. This approach transforms

them into much in demand


The Vision of the NMIMS University is to be a

globally admired University by 2030. The Mission

of NMIMS is to emerge as a Centre of Excellence,

best in class in India and Asia and yearning to be

the best in the world by 2030.


professionals who are always in

command in the service industry!"

Objectives and Learning at NMIMS


The objective of NMIMS SoHM is to

create Business Leaders for not only

the hospitality sector but also the entire

service sector.

The students at the institute are trained

to possess essential skills like critical

thinking and hone other necessary

skills to innovate and contribute to the

changing paradigm of the market.

Overall development of the students

forms the fundamental learning

objective of the institute, and an array

of training programs ensure that the

students learn to manage themselves,

businesses, and be responsible citizens

of society.

The institute, through its innovative

means, aims to be a trendsetter for

other hospitality academicians. In

working towards this objective,

students are individually mentored and

molded according to the industry's

needs. SoHM concentrates on the

industry's trends by connecting with

industry leaders and focuses on

providing skilled professionals with

both management and technical skills,

giving them a leading edge in the

competitive world.

Extra-Curricular and Co-curricular

Activities at the Institute

Extra-curricular or co-curricular

activities are an integral part of the

NMIMS curriculum. Activities like

sports, music, and cultural community

services help students learn teamwork,

individual or group responsibility,

NMIMS Navi Mumbai Campus

(Toll Free - 1800 102 5138) www.hospitality.nmims.edu


Achievements, Accolades,

Accreditations, and Awards

Ÿ NAAC Grade A+ for the 3rd time (Mumbai

Campus) with 3.59 CGPA (on a 4-point scale)

Category 1 University by MHRD/ UGC- Graded

Autonomy Regulations 2018

physical strength and endurance,

competition, diversity, and a sense of

culture and community.

At the institute, students are motivated

to participate in several personality

building activities through various

school committees like Public

Relations, Entrepreneur Cell, Cultural

Committee, Student's Council, etc. The

institute also arranges multiple field

trips such as Cheese Tour, Wine Tour,

and many more, for students to explore

new arenas through enriching


Special programs are also organized to

prepare the students for their future

participation and involvement in the

hospitality industry. They are

persuaded to participate in bartending,

culinary, and other competitions

relevant to the hospitality sector.

challenges. This has affected the

hospitality industry in good measure

too. Amid these challenges, the

institute identifies new opportunities

for human advancement. NMIMS has

taken it upon itself to prepare its

students to navigate such uncertainties

and come out as winners. Developing

important skills like curiosity,

imagination, resilience, and selfregulation

prepare their students to be

future ready.

When we ask Dr. Verma about her

opinion on the changing dynamics of

the hospitality industry, she says, "The

hospitality industry has seen several

changes over the last decade.

Especially changes in technological

innovations have been tremendous. The

entry of aggregators into the market

has changed how the hospitality sector

handles reservations, customer service

management, customer feedback, data,

management, and many more."

Reiterating the emergence of modern

technologies and advancements in the

hospitality sector, Dr. Verma further

adds, "AI and the blockchain industry

are now driving technological

interventions. These changes make the

sector very dynamic, with new things

evolving every day! Bookings.com and

Makemytrip.com have helped the

hotels to increase their sales."

Having said this, Dr. Verma maintains

that irrespective of the technological

interventions, the hotel industry

remains driven by the human touch.

"Nothing can replace the warmth,

sensitivity, passion, and personalized

service every guest expects from the

trained hotel personnel. That's where

institutes like NMIMS SoHM come on -

to train highly professional people for

the hospitality industry," the Dean of

the institute concludes.

The assignments at SoHM, meanwhile,

are based on real-world situations, like

interviewing industry experts, senior

students, and other stakeholders.

Besides, the institute also offers

research-based projects through which

the students find opportunities to

contribute to the world's growth.

Changing Dynamics of the

Hospitality Industry

The world is facing unprecedented

social, economic, and environmental

Housekeeping Lab &

Training Guest Room

June 2022 | 36 | www.theknowledgereview.com





WayÝ ozf



rom Columbus's story to

FGulliver's travel, the stories of

voyages have been fascinating,

creating a desire in young hearts to

experience the voyager's life. Carrying

the same dream forward, few people

out there live the life of stories,

voyaging around the world.

Experiencing such journeys and

worldly wonders creates meaningful

experiences and a hunger to dive

deeper into the ocean of tourism. This

desire has led to the promulgation of

tourism studies.

The study of Tourism provides detailed

insight into exploring a place and

understanding its physical, economic,

social, geo-strategic and cultural value.

Allowing the tourist to make the most

out of their tour experiences and help

others understand the places from the

eyes of wonders.

Origin of Tourism Studies

Tourism has not always been just for

entertainment and exploration. Before,

it was quite specific, and enjoyment

was not an objective. It was after the

industrial revolution and the creation

June 2022 | 38 | www.theknowledgereview.com

www.theknowledgereview.com | 39 | June 2022

VozyÝager 's¨ Jozu¾r noal

of a new class that tourism for leisure

became popular. With time this

changed, and tourism started to get

segregated into various parts such as

medical, educational, business tourism,

etc. An increase in tourism and

globalization propelled people's

interest in tourism which in turn led to

the development and popularity of the

study of tourism.


And, today in the 21 century, tourism

studies are a great opportunity to

explore and understand the world

better. The studies are majorly

associated with the emotions of the

students pursuing the subject, as most

of the people pursuing it do so out of a

passion for tourism. However, there is

a lack of awareness regarding this

program as the thought of tourism

being trivial exists among the masses.

On lines of change being universal,

this thought can be seen shaking a little

as the craving for tourism and travel is

increasing among youngsters.

From Past to Date

As travel for love and leisure is getting

popular, people are finding ways to

support the tourism industry. The

desire to involve tourism as a part of

life has increased admission in the

tourism education sector. And there is a

pool of institutions that provide the

best education around tourism. With an

objective to support the travel and

tourism industry and create more

awareness regarding it, many

institutions are offering dynamics

educational programs.

Let's take a walk and know the most

favoured options!

Ÿ Tourism could be studied at four

different levels:

Ÿ Bachelor's degree

Ÿ Master's degree



Undergraduate Certificate Level

Graduate Certificate Level

Selecting an institution for the tourism

course can be of great significance.

However, there are a few factors one

must keep in mind while selecting an

educational school.

Ÿ Knowing about the placement

opportunities of institution

Ÿ Internship opportunities to learn


Ÿ Available concentration and one's


Ÿ Availability of advance coverage in

case of doing supportive studies

Diving in the Ocean of Opportunities

With the increase in the tourism

industry, generating employment

opportunities has outgrown. Jobs

available include the positions as tour

operators, managers, marketing and

travel agency managers, tourist

information centre manager, and a list

goes on.

Having more than 70% of employment

rate, getting a part-time job in the

sector is much easier. So, you know

what to do next time you have packed

your bags for a tour and are in shortage

of that last penny.

From Date to Next

The pandemic uncertainties have

changed a lot of things about the

tourism industry and the way it has

been pursued. Post-COVID, tourism

and study has seen massive growth.

Thanks to the isolated life experienced

by people during the lockdown. The

last couple of years have made people

rethink life and its leisure, and missing

out on meeting friends and family has

added another reason for travelling


To every tourism graduate, it is an

amazing opportunity to create a

stronghold in the field.

Tourism: The way of life

Tourism is an extremely impactful field

leaving its mark on a place's social,

environmental, and developmental

factors. Being a graduate in tourism

programs gives a different vision of

exploring these factors to an

individual, eventually changing the

way of life and acquiring a perception

regarding the world.

This induces a sense of respect and

understanding for diverse cultures

creating and desire to explore them

more. Tourism graduates are often seen

exploring the world at their own pace

throughout their lives, making the

sector an important part. Irrespective of

the field they pursue, the qualities

tourism induces in them become


Tourism and its study is positively

impacting the world, making it a better

place to live, be understood, and

clubbing people closer emotionally.


Selecting the life of a traveller is a

challenge, though not quite similar to

that of our childhood stories. It

requires skills of adaptability, good

survival instincts, a love for

exploration, and a tough debate over

choosing to travel over the comfort of

home. And if this sounds exactly like

who you are, it's a good time to take up

tourism studies and start a career of


June 2022 | 40 | www.theknowledgereview.com

The Bes¨t Inos¨titu¾tes¨ ino Hozs¨pitalityÝ Manoagemenot, 2022

V. M. Salgaocar Institute of

International Hospitality Education


Impar tinog exÜcellenoce toz the noew× age Hozs¨pitalityÝ Edu¾catiozno

India has been known for its

warmth and commitment since

ancient times when it comes to

serving its guests. The old popular

saying - "Guests are equivalent to

God," signifies the uniform emotion

throughout the nation for its visitors.

For a developing country like India,

hospitality generally facilitates sound

foundations for global relations, which

further enhances the nation's tourism,

trade, and business prospects.

The hospitality industry contributes

significantly to the country's GDP,

creating more than 35 million jobs

(financial year 2020), almost 8% of the

total employment in the country with

even higher projections of growth in

the coming years.

With such enormous opportunities, the

need to deliver state-of-the-art

services, infrastructure, and human

resource training becomes extremely

important. This innate responsibility

falls on the hospitality education

institutions in the country to fulfill and


V. M. Salgaocar Institute of

International Hospitality Education

(VMSIIHE) has taken this

responsibility seriously and dedicated

itself to focusing, training, and thriving

in the hospitality industry for the

country's growth.

VMSIIHE is committed

to excellence in hospitality education and training and

create opportunities in keeping with the Vision and

Mission of the Institute!

With a perfect combination of

academic learning, practical sessions,

and professional internship, VMSIIHE

emphasizes developing leadership

qualities and enhancing students'

communication and soft skills. The

institute understands the requirements

of the global hospitality sector seeking

qualified and trained employees; and

steps in to equip students with the

requisite and crucial skillsets.

An Establishment With a Vision

The illustrious V. M. Salgaocar Group

has established a business legacy in the

state. Bringing a diversified

environment to hospitality education, it

set up a world-class institute,

VMSIIHE in Goa - the foremost

international tourist destination with

perfect exposure; to the hospitality

industry among its educational

ventures. VMSIIHE is located at

Manora-Raia, a pristine, verdant

village in south Goa, offering a

soothing environment for an

interestingly competitive and fun-filled

learning experience.

VMSIIHE strives to offer quality

hospitality education with a worldclass

infrastructure that gives one's

career an edge over others. The

June 2022 | 42 | www.theknowledgereview.com

institute is affiliated to the Goa

University and is supported by

Marriott Inc., with an existing MOU

with Swiss Education Group. Students

can pursue their higher education at

Cesar Ritz and Culinary Arts Academy,


The institute also offers internship

opportunities in Portugal at leading

hotels and organizes study tours to

Europe, including France, Switzerland,

Netherlands and Belgium.

VMSIIHE aims at improving

knowledge progress and leadership to

help students reach their full

intellectual and human potential by

committing to excellence in learning,

teaching, and collaboration with others

in the industry.

It aspires to be the best educational

institute in international hospitality

management to create world-class

leaders committed to excellence.

The visionary leader

Leading the institute towards its

glorious odyssey Prof. Irfan Mirza,

the Director & Principal of

VMSIIHE brings with him a rich

industry experience and environment

of more than 35 years of grooming in

hospitality and education sectors. An

expert in the hospitality industry, Prof.

Mirza has been awarded as a member

of the faculty of the AHLEI of USA

(American Hotel and Lodging

Educational Institute) for teaching

crucial subjects like Fundamentals of

Destination Management and

Marketing, Leadership and

Management in Hospitality Industry,

and Hospitality Industry Financial

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Accounting among other subjects.

Before taking up the role of Director at

VMSIIHE, he was the Director,

Academic Relations (India) for César

Ritz Colleges, Switzerland, and a

visiting faculty for numerous other


Prof. Mirza has expertise in planning

and setting up hotel management

institutes. Being a professional project

consultant, he has successfully set up

several hotel management institutes in

India and abroad, including the

European International College Abu

Dhabi, Jindal School of Management

in Baroda, Good Shepherd College of

Hotel Management, Ooty.

Prof. Mirza has authored books like ‘A

to Z International Cooking’ and ‘A to Z

International Baking’. He was in

charge of creating the START (Skills,

Tasks, and Result Training)

Hospitality Program in Dubai United

Arab Emirates, as well as de veloping

specialized courses for Dubai's starred

hotels. Mr. Irfan Mirza also served as a

Specialist/Senior Trainer of Training

Solutions consultant at the Department

of Tourism and Commerce Marketing

at the Government of Dubai.

Keeping company with the very best

and spearheaded by Prof. Irfan Mirza,

VMSIIHE has received accolades and

several awards while being recognized

in India's top 10 most promising travel

and hospitality institutes. He is the

recipient of several awards, including-

'Outstanding Achievement Award for

Education Excellence' presented to him

by Shivraj Patil, former Union Home

Minister, at the National Economic

Development and Social

Responsibilities Summit.

Proficient programs provided

VMSIIHE provides various programs

that focus on imparting the right

knowledge, skills, and, more

importantly, the right attitude required

to face the challenges young

hospitality graduates come across.

Below are the programs offered by the


B.Sc. International Hospitality

Management- is a three-year degree

program that provides a challenging

curriculum that helps students develop

a critical, analytical and evaluative

approach to hospitality management.

B.Sc. Culinary Arts- is a three-year

degree program that consists of a

balanced curriculum that combines the

latest in contemporary culinary

techniques and methodologies as well

as courses that help provide a relevant

business foundation.

M.Sc. International Hospitality and

Tourism Management program (M.Sc.

IHTM)- is a two-year Post Graduation

degree course structured to meet the

educational needs of young hospitality

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graduates who aspire to be managers,

entrepreneurs, educators, and other

professionals in business and the


While academics holds priority,

students are also encouraged to

participate in intercollegiate events,

sports (internal class and

intercollegiate). They are also part of

various clubs at the institute like the

cuisine club, gardening club, cultural

club, NSS. The faculty coordinators

and the student coordinators organize a

variety of activities for the students

throughout the academic year. Students

engaged here develop their

understanding of leadership skills,

teamwork, budgeting, marketing

strategies, etc.

Laurels and achievements through

the years

VMSIIHE, through its years of

commendable excellence, has won

several awards. Few of them are listed





Certified as ISO 9001:2015 for the

quality management system and

ISO 14001:2015 for the

environmental management


With a five-star rating, VMSIIHE is

the first hospitality institute in India

certified by FSSAI as 'Eat Right


Swachchatam Mahavidyalaya

Samman: Award for the cleanest

college for three years in a row,

from 2016 to 2019.

Ÿ The Great Indian Institutes 2018-

19: September 2018 Issue of

Forbes India Magazine.

Interface with leading hospitality


Ÿ The institute has a functional

agreement with TU Dublin as their

academic partner.




VMSIIHE has tied up with

Turismo de Portugal for a

'Collaborative International

Training and Education

Program' for staff and


The Institute has signed a

Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) with

César Ritz Colleges


Member of International

EUROCHRIE (Council on

Hotel Restaurant &

Institutional Education).

Preparing the future

hospitality leaders

At VMSIIHE, the curriculum is

undertaken in academic support

with DU Dublin and is in line

with the industry's requirements

globally. Infrastructure and the

high-tech equipment provided

to the students are in line with

international standards. This

atmosphere helps students groom for

an immensely competitive global

hospitality industry.

The institute also offers professional

internships opportunities at starred

hotels in Maldives, UAE, Portugal,

Switzerland, and other countries


Envisioning the future

VMSIIHE is determined to continue its

journey by creating world-class

hospitality/culinary leaders committed

to excellence by imparting quality

education, exponential experience,

values, and professional attitude,

thereby making a mark on the global


Prof. Irfan Mirza

Director and Principal


The institute

instils ethical practices

among faculty staff and

students to foster integrity

in all actions.

June 2022 | 46 | www.theknowledgereview.com

Healthy Heart,


Healthy Diet...


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