1998-1999 Rothberg Yearbook

The 1998-1999 Yearbook from The Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The 1998-1999 Yearbook from The Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


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U k r a in e H ille l

P a s s o v e r P r o je c t

by Rachel Schlenker and Aviva Selekman

We spent this

Pesach in a

place where I

saw the passage of the

Jewish people from slavery

to freedom. A place

where we brought all our

stories, Pesach traditions,

and hope to a place where

hope was once lost. We

were in the Ukraine participating

in the Hillel

Passover Project. After

spending alm ost the

whole year learning about the Jews of the Former Soviet Union, we went to the Ukraine,

where we were paired up with Ukrainian students. Six Hillel students, 10 kilograms

of matzah, lots of tuna (except Steve!), a van, a guard and driver - and a mission. (No,

MTV did not film us). In

the U kraine we conducted

Seders that ranged

from 10 to 200 people,

went to people’s homes to

visit and to bring them

Pesach, found out about

the harsh reality that once

faced the Jews in

U kraine, and brought

them hope for the future

of the Jewish people. This

Pesach many of us

learned about freedom

and realized how fortunate

we are and how we have a responsibility to the Jewish people. All of us were

impacted by our experience and Pesach will never be the same for any of us again.

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