1998-1999 Rothberg Yearbook

The 1998-1999 Yearbook from The Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The 1998-1999 Yearbook from The Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


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T h e C@"@ p S w e e p

by Pamela Berkowitz

So, you haven't gone grocery shopping in two weeks.

You're out of pasta, cereal and peanut butter, and your pita is moldy. Know what time it is? Time for the

"Co-op Sweep." Ready? Set? Go!

You walk to French Hill, grab a cart, and let the nice man at the door check your backpack. You turn

right, and enter the produce section. You throw some veggies and fruits into a bag, and then it hits...

The Shuk Guilt! How can you pay 32 shekels for mushrooms when they only cost 10 at the shuk?

Forget Econ 101 and opportunity cost- you'll spend all day tomorrow at the shuk. Besides, vegetables

only rot anyway! So you turn the corner and enter the salad section. You grab a small container of

hummus- Wait, you better get the big one. Then you go to the dairy section. Get some chocolate milk,

chocolate yogurt, chocolate milkies, and then move on. Don't forget to stop by the freezer section.

What is life without shnitzel? OK, so now you walk down the cleaning aisle...there are cleaning supplies

in Israel? Who knew? You remember that you need eggs and milk. You start walking back to the

refrigerator section and then remember that only silly Americans refrigerate milk and eggs! Silly you,

they're right on the shelf next to the canned goods. You can't help but wonder why everything good in

Israel comes in a bag...milk, cake, Bissli, Bamba... kind of makes you think. Next comes the beverage

aisle, and with it the age old question- bottled or Brita? Well, you haven't changed your Brita filter

in...about...never. Basically, you'd better get bottled. Well, now that you got water, you better get some

beverages with flavor. Vodka and wine will do. You opt for quality this time and get the citrus flavored

12 shekel vodka...anything less would be a sin. Then the wine. White or red? Dry or sweet? Better get

one of each. Now it's time to approach the check-out. You knew that all the time you spent on amusement

park bumper cars as a kid would come in handy sometime. Do you dare try and wait in the express

line with 11 items in your cart? You finally get up to the cashier and pay your 200 shekels. But

there's more! The cashier informs you that you've gotten a free gift. What could it be? $1 million, a

new car, a free trip to Paris... Oh, it's a bottle of grape juice. Well, you take the grape juice and throw it

in some nice yellow Co-op bags and walk outside. You walk home

and put your food away. An hour later,

you feel your tummy growl. You walk to

the kitchen, open the refrigerator and


cupboards and realize that you have

nothing to eat...better go out for dinner.




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