1998-1999 Rothberg Yearbook

The 1998-1999 Yearbook from The Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The 1998-1999 Yearbook from The Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


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M S A s n m s t m t t s s t

by Yael Furstenberg, Sheara Abrahams, Jessica Lipman

BASP ’99 was running along smoothly when all o f a sudden disaster struck. There

were rumours, suspicions and outcries: suddenly we heard that our beloved Club 11

was about to be shut No more lazy evenings and 2am ice creams. What were we going

to do? The world was coming to an end!! Complaints against BAJP’s rudeness were

rampant and surely with the closure of our favourite watering-hole they were only

going to get worse! So with tears in our eyes we said good-bye to our beloved

C lu b ll.

There was never a time when it was needed more than when we tried to pull an

all-nighter before facing the horrendous chore of trying to renew out visas at the

infamous “Ministry of Interior.” Where could we get double espressos at 3am and pass

those bleak, lonely hours?

With sunken hearts and tired eyes we finally made our way to town. Deserted

and bare we sought refuge in the warmth of Dunkin’ Donuts and thought back to the

comfort and the memories o f Club 11.


by Danny Miller and Marc Abrahams

Israel’s Independence Day: a genuine cause for celebration, or just an excuse for

a big piss-up? Both, which is the great thing about it One o f the biggest nights of the

year started for most BASPers in Peznik with consuming numerous alcoholic beverages.

The girls, of course were retarsed after one sip, Yael and Lee-Ann after a sniff. The

alcohol obviously brought out the true nature of Alice, who remarked that I (Danny)

looked like a “batty bastard” in my shirt (He changed it, but still looked gay, but not as

gay as Blakey-Marc).

We then all stumbled to Ben Yehuda Street and were greeted by hundreds of

thousands of typically friendly Israelis spraying foam in our faces. So, being English, we

took out revenge on them in a big way. We also decided to pay Jeff Seidel back for all

the free meals we’ve been having courtesy of him by foaming the shit out of him. The

street party was truly a wonderful experience, with all the singing, dancing, and fireworks.

After we got tired of battering Israelis (and Americans o f course) we all made

our way to the big party at the International Convention Center, with three separate

dance floors, one o f which was packed with hundreds o f Israelis all practicing for the

next big synchronised techno-dance contest which will hopefully never be held. The

other rooms were the ‘80s room, and also the main dance floor where a certain member

o f our group (you know who you are) danced like the sexy beast he is in his attempt to

woo one of the American girls not particularly aesthetically blessed. Everyone thoroughly

enjoyed themselves at this party, as it was a chance other than Orient Express

for us to publicly show -off our superb dance moves. All in all, a brilliant evening and one

to remember.

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