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B I M I F F I N T E R V I E W 06

Bullying is a big problem that occurs inside and outside the

classroom, affecting the social and also psychological life of

children and teenagers around the world. What was Milas

Tagebuch's scriptwriting experience about combining

bullying with the immigration issue in a short but powerful


I knew that this story is going to treat the topic “bullying”

from the beginning on. The immigration issue came later

through the writing. There are many immigrant kids

right now in a foreign school due to war in their country.

Those kids are traumatized and their childhood is

affected by it. I can imagine how difficult it is for them to

find friends who understands them or gets connection to

other kids. Every child wish to have someone like Mila

who encourages her, comforts her and most of all help

her to learn their language. A lot of people think they are

open mind and tolerant to immigrants. But it’s not

always like that. Especially when there is a culture clash

between different Religions or political views. This also

can lead to bullying and makes it harder for kids if they

see adults fighting over these things and it affects then

also friendships in school.

Besides "Milas Tagebuch", your first feature film "Der Lautlose

Schrei" also has the issue of bullying as its central theme. Can

you tell us about the interactions between these two projects

around this theme?

They both treat the issue “Bullying in school” but are

totally different stories. While Milas Diary is playing in a

elementary school with kids is The silent scream playing

in a High school with teenagers. But the main difference

is that on milas diary it’s possible to prevent bulling

getting worse at its top. While on silent scream the

bullying is already out of control and there are many

people who are looking away and letting it happened. So

the situation is much worse in the silent scream for the

characters there and the bullies are more evil. But also

there is a female heroine who fights against the bullies

and helps the victims just like Mila. So it’s very

important for me also to show brave, strong female

characters with a strong justice for the weak and

excluded people. Both movies give a clear message to the

audience; don’t give bullying a voice and do something

against it.

"Milas Tagebuch" film scene

The short film features great performances by Alba (playing

the title character) and Sarah Mantel (the teacher Eva Meyer),

how was the casting process for both actresses?

Alba went to the same school as my mother was working

as a teacher. So trough her I knew Alba and felt directly

that there is a big potential inside her. We made a Test

where she had to play the scene with Sarah, who plays

her teacher in the movie. She listens very concentrate, is

focused and plays it exactly as you explain it to her.

That’s a gift which not even professional actors have or

they need some time to change quickly in a different

emotion. She also can switch very well from a smiling

happy moment to be very serious or even sad. She is very

talented. Now Sarah I knew from my comedy short movie

“I hate Casting”, which is a dark comedy about the Job

actor and Castings/Auditions. She is very friendly and

works as a professional actress and I knew she does a

good job. When I wrote the script I had a feeling that she

is the right Actress for that role as a teacher. In general, I

can trust my feeling which Actor or Actress could fit well

in a specific Character. But of course a good Showreel

and Casting helps also a lot.

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