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6 Political System of Islam (A Micro Analysis)

political organization did not differ much from those of the

falasifa. In order that political life may be regulated for

the well-being of all, a restraining law and a ruler are

required. Without certain principles of order and stability,

no Siyasah can be said to exist. Law in general and

religious law in particular, is an indispensable condition for

the emergence of a true Siyasah.

According to al-Ghazali(1058-1111 A.D), there is no

Siyasah without the religious sciences, which he devides

into two categories: first, the sciences concerned with the

wordly and the second, the sciences of this world that

Siyasah is most in need of, and that is the science of

Fiqh which regulates life, fixing man’s duties towards God,

towards himself, and towards his fellow citizens. 1

The highest form of Siyasah is the Siyasah al-

Shar’iyyah or Siyasah al-Nabawiyyah 2 which guarantees

stability and prosperity in this world and salvation in the

next. The temporal and the spiritual are interviewd;

without religion(Din), the world(Dunya) would be

miserable, and without Dunya, religion(Din) would be

impossible and God’s purpose unrealizable. 3

The analysis of this theoretical and intellectual basis

of Islamic government and society has been given only

scant attention by western scholar in examining the force

1. Abu Hamid Muhammad b. Muhammad Al-Ghazali.

Ihya’ Ulum al-Din.

(Cairo: al-Maktagah al-Tijariyyah al-Kubra, n.d.) vol 1, p. 12-13

2. Fauzi M. Najjar, “Siyasah in Islamic Political Philosophy”, in

Islamic Theology and Philosophy:Studies in Honor of George

F. Houranian.

(New York: State University of Ney York, 1984), p. 94.

Edt. by: Michael E. Marmura.

3. Al-Ghazali, Ihya’al-Ulum. Op.cit., vol. 1, p12-13. See also Taqi al-Din

Ahmad Ibn Taimiyyah,

al-Silasah al-Shar’iyyah Fi Islah al-Ra’i Wa al-Ra’iyyah,

(Cairo: Dar al-Kitab al-’Arabi, 1955), p. 60.

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