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22 Political System of Islam (A Micro Analysis)

New social and political order was realized during his own

lifetime. He succeeded in spreading the teaching of Islam,

planted the seed of a new civilization, and advanced his

political career by establishing a new states. His spiritual

and political leadership is best described by Philip K. Hitti:

“History records names of several men who founded

religions, others who fathered nations, still others who

instituted states; but if there was a man other than

Prophet Muhammad, who initiated all three institutions,

history must have forgotten his name. The three founded

by the Prophet were originally inextricably interwoven and

to an extent interdependent. Throughout their career the

first religion, provided the integrating force and proved to

be the most enduring”. 1

From the beginning of the Prophet’s social and political

activities in his role as Prophet and leader, he conceived

the Islamic community as a religious association of the

whole social community. It had both spiritual and political

manifestations of its own, distinct and independent from

other communities. S.D Goiten states: “Muhammad, even

in Mecca, conceived of the religious community as a sociopolitical

unit in the astonishing fact that soon after his

arrival at Medina, he was able to organize the whole

population of the town. Muslims and non-Muslims, as a

body politic called Ummah”. 2

The above elaboration makes it clear that the Medina

state was founded by Prophet Muhammad, consolidated

by Abu Bakr, organized and institutionalized by ‘Umar Ibn

al-Khattab. No observer of the Prophet, the founder of the

new Muslim community can fail to be impresses by the

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