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According, the centrality of power and authority in

human affairs is the most effective response to the

problems of inequality and oppression which have

dominated all discussions about political and economic

structures since the dawn of civilization. Power in the

hands of despots results in a society characterized by

human subjugation, moral degeneration and cultural

pollution. Human salvation, from an Islamic perspective,

therefore, depends upon wresting control of power and

authority and placing it in the hands of those who are

righteous and committed to following the Divine guidance

and actualize the Islamic system.

The Qur'an outlines the sketch of the Islamic order in

its fifteen verses, all at one place (xvii: 23-37), to which

sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi attaches the label "The Islamic

Manifesto."Briefly stated, the manifesto provides a set of

universal principles and pan-cultural values for the socioeconomic,

political and moral guidance of mankind. First

and foremost among these is the thought that real

sovereignty and lordship belongs to Allah (SWT) alone.

Man is called upon to acknowledge His supreme authority,

and to worship Him alone. His command encompasses all

spheres of life, it lays down the rules of human conduct

and serves as the principles of social, moral, economic

and political system throughout the world.

The Islamic Order enjoins unity of mankind and

brotherhood, cooperation, sympathy and justice in the

collective Muslim life. Private property is inviolable; but

unchecked acquisition of wealth for its own sake at the

expense of others is condemned in unmitigated terms. It

exhorts people to seek a prosperous life, without indulging

in extravagance, and to allocate a portion of their income

towards the maintenance their needy relatives, neighbors

and other fellow bongs The laws of inheritance, the

levying of zakat, the institutions of obligatory and

supererogatory alms, and the ban on various forms of

extravagance and luxuries are meant to transform these

ideas into living realities.


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