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8 Political System of Islam (A Micro Analysis)

Manifested in spiritual and ethical contention. As a sociopolitical

religious system, Islam incorporates both

temporal and spiritual affairs.

The nature of the political state and the spiritual state, of

political legitimacy, of ideology and doctrine, are not

conceptualized and analyzed distinctly, but are highly

interrelated in Islamic thought. TIn this book: “Political

System of Islam (A micro Analysis)”, the study id

divided into ten chapters. In the first chapter we shall

analyzes the legitimacy of the state of Islam. This starts

with an explanation that although the term of the state is

not found in the Qur’an and in Sunnah of the Prophet,

however, if we keep the modern concept of the state in

mind, we find that the Islamic state during the Rightly

Guided Caliphs and Omayyad periods carried the modern

concept of the state to its full meaning, both in political

theory and in mark of statehood according to modern

international law.

In the second chapter, our discussion will be focused

on the objectives of the state in Islam. The main

objectives of the state in Islam are to provide the political

framework for Muslims unity and cooperation as well as

evolving and developing that well-balanced system of

social justice as Iqbal said, the purpose of the state of

Islam is to take Islamic principles and endeavour to

realize them in a definite human organization in history.

The third chapter will discuss the legitimacy of

political authority in Islam. The focus of our discussion

here is that the source of political authority in Islam rests

on the Ummah. The Muslims as the vicegerent of God

have to elect some trustworthy man from among

themselves to administer the polity. The ruler is thus not

only responsible to God for his acts but also to the

members of the Ummah as well. This also makes it clear

that rule in Islam is hereditary.

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