North Canterbury News: March 02, 2023

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Thursday,<strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3 | Issue1035 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Let’schoose our futureat<br />

greaterchristchurch.org.nz<br />

An epic journey for Marley, mum and dad<br />


Whennew­born,Marley Gentleman,<br />

would notsettled at night,Katie’s gut<br />

toldher somethingwasn’t right.<br />

Marley was just 11 days, when Katie<br />

decided to ring her midwife, hoping it<br />

was not justher worrying as afirsttimemum.<br />

The mid­wife told her to trust her<br />

gut,and it turned out to be the best<br />

advice she could have had.<br />

The following few weeks turnedthe<br />

Rangiora family’s life upside down.<br />

Marley,who was born in May last<br />

year, hadablocked ureter, and he had<br />

developedureteric reflux. Ablockage<br />

occurred,trappingE.coli fromhis<br />

nappy.<br />

This resultedinsepsis, whichnearly<br />

claimedhis life.<br />

Buttoday,Katie andRyan<br />

Gentleman say they have a‘‘happy,<br />

bouncing boy,full of beans’’, and like<br />

‘‘nothing had ever happened’’.<br />

TheGentleman’sGPcouldnot see<br />

Marley until the afternoon when Katie<br />

rangfor an appointment, but<br />

suggested she takeMarley to the afterhours<br />

clinic in Madras Street,<br />

Christchurch.<br />

HerhusbandRyan had left earlyin<br />

themorning for work,soKatie’smum<br />

drove them in.<br />

As they preparedtoleaveKatie<br />

noticed Marley’s skin was turning<br />

mottled.<br />

‘‘Ididn’tknow whatmottledmeant,<br />

or how bad it was.<br />

‘‘When the nurseatthe after­hours<br />

clinic called us in, and asked us what<br />

waswrong, Iunzipped his onesie and<br />

showed him (the nurse).<br />

‘‘We weresent straightto‘resus’,<br />

and straight from there to<br />

ChristchurchHospital.’’<br />

Truck driver Ryan was on the road<br />

whenhereceived the call. He parked<br />

his truck on the side of the road, and<br />

tookanUber straight to the hospital.<br />

Clinicians at ChristchurchHospital<br />

tried to figure out whatwas wrong,and<br />

later that evening suggestedMarley<br />

might haveatwisted bowel.<br />

‘‘I thought, ‘great, finally an<br />

answer…so what do we do’? They told<br />

us there wasnothingthey coulddoif<br />

that was the case.’’<br />

Doctors performedanexploratory<br />

surgerytofigure out if Marleydid<br />

have atwisted bowel.<br />

‘‘It was the longest few hours of our<br />

lives,’’saysKatie.<br />

They discovered Marley didn’thave<br />

atwisted bowel,but theyweren’t sure<br />

what was wrong. Marleywas sentto<br />

ICU for three nights.<br />

‘‘Hispaediatrician and surgeon<br />

were amazing. Icould not love those<br />

two womenany more. They wereso<br />

supportive, and theygainedaccessfor<br />

my whole familytosee him,incase<br />

this was going to be ‘goodbye’.’’<br />

Meanwhile, clinicians at<br />

Christchurch had identified Marley<br />

could need highly specialised care, so<br />

they involved Starshipfrom the start.<br />

‘‘After 3nights, Starship said they<br />

wantedhim up there becauseitwas<br />

the best placefor him,sothey came<br />

and fetched him. Our doctortold us<br />

they were the bestofthe best.’’<br />

Katie remembers feeling<br />

‘‘overwhelmed’’ when the flight team<br />

arrived.<br />

‘‘The amount of equipment theyhad,<br />

they looked likethey’dpreparedfor<br />

absolutely everything. Iwondered<br />

how my baby could be attached to all<br />

those things.’’<br />

There was adoctor, anurse, and a<br />

loadmaster.With no room for Ryanhe<br />

took acommercialflight to Auckland<br />

and when they arrived at Starship, the<br />

Pediatric IntensiveCare Unit (PICU)<br />

team immediatelywrapped support<br />

aroundthem.<br />

‘‘I was worried something would<br />

happenwhilewewere in the air, but<br />

no matterwhat, they alwayslooked<br />

after me. They were so reassuring,<br />

they really mademefeel like Marley<br />

was in good hands.’’<br />

‘‘I cannot rave more abouthow well<br />

we were looked after.’’<br />

At Starship, the family receiveda<br />

diagnosis from blood cultures taken<br />

earlier. Marley had developed sepsis<br />

due to ureteric reflux, causedbea<br />

pre­existingkidneycondition.<br />

His left kidneywas abnormal, but it<br />

wasn’tpicked up on pregnancy scans.<br />

Hospital vigil ... Marley Gentleman being cared for round the clock in hospital.<br />

The midwife and paediatrician from<br />

Christchurch double­checked Katie’s<br />

scans, one of whichwas at 38 weeks,<br />

and both concluded there was nothing<br />

obvious to see.<br />

Theysaid the blockage musthave<br />

developedlate in Katie’s pregnancy.<br />

His ureterhad ablockage,sohe’d<br />


developed ureteric reflux –ecoli from<br />

his nappy hadmanagedtofind its way<br />

to his kidney,which couldn’t drain,<br />

causing the life­threatening health<br />

condition he now faced.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

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Fond memories of Starship staff<br />

From Page 1<br />

The early days were fraught, but one<br />

special moment stands out for Katie.<br />

‘‘We hadn’t held Marley for five<br />

days,’’says Katie. That’s when aPICU<br />

Nurse helped Katie hold Marley.<br />

‘‘I just broke down, because Ididn’t<br />

know if Iwas ever going to hold him<br />

again. Iwill never forget that Nurse’s<br />

face and how caring she was. She gave us<br />

wet flannels to clean him, and gave us<br />

the freedom to look after our baby so we<br />

could feel like parents again.’’<br />

They inserted astent at Starship to<br />

drain the kidney and gave Marley two<br />

lumbar punctures.<br />

After aweek in PICU, they went back<br />

to the wards for another week as he grew<br />

stronger. They then flew back aboard<br />

Lifeflight to recover further in<br />

Christchurch Hospital.<br />

For about another eight days Katie<br />

and Ryan went into Christchurch<br />

Hospital every day, until he was finally<br />

allowed home.<br />

Aspeech language therapist was<br />

needed to help Marley learn to suck<br />

again, due to being fed through aline for<br />

two weeks. But after ageneral<br />

anaesthetic to insert acentral line, he<br />

woke up sucking his binkie (dummy).<br />

When Katie thinks back to the staff at<br />

All smiles ... Marley is now ahappy,<br />

bouncing baby boy.<br />


Starship, she has fond memories.<br />

‘‘Ryan and Iare so incredibly grateful<br />

for all the care we had with Marley. We<br />

have never felt more looked after,<br />

understood and safe. We are beyond<br />

grateful for what we experienced.<br />

‘‘It was ahard time, but we do have<br />

some fond memories in spite of it.’’<br />

As of January 11, 2<strong>02</strong>3, Marley has had<br />

his stent removed and the blockage in<br />

his kidney appears to have disappeared.<br />

He’ll have aMAG3 scan soon to check his<br />

kidney function and confirm his<br />

blockage has cleared.<br />

‘‘He was back to his happy self the day<br />

after he had the stent removed.’’<br />

Afinal scan has shown Marley now<br />

has no blockage. He has alot of scarring<br />

in his left kidney, which his surgeon and<br />

paediatrician expected, and asmall<br />

amount still needing to be drained from<br />

his kidney. Marley will now be<br />

monitored regularly for high cholesterol<br />

and any cardiac issues, as he is at risk<br />

due to the condition of his kidneys.<br />

Marley was one of 27 children<br />

retrieved from Christchurch by the<br />

Starship Air Ambulance last year, and<br />

flown to Auckland for urgent medical<br />

treatment.<br />

Today Marley is thriving thanks to<br />

Starship clinicians and his local<br />

Christchurch care team.<br />

Help Starship answer the calls of<br />

children like Marley. Donate today at<br />

www.keepstarshipflying.org.nz.<br />

Quake lessons may help recovery<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Lessons learnt from the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

earthquakes could help <strong>North</strong> Island<br />

councils recover from Cyclone<br />

Gabrielle.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s councils are<br />

lending ahand to their <strong>North</strong> Island<br />

counterparts and are keen to share their<br />

recovery experience.<br />

Kaikōura District Council chief<br />

executive Will Doughty said his council<br />

was doing what it could to offer support.<br />

‘‘We are limited in terms of resources<br />

we can offer, as asmall council.<br />

‘‘But we have emergency management<br />

trained representatives who have been<br />

up in Auckland following the flood.<br />

‘‘They can head up again if needed<br />

and we are continuing to work through<br />

the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Civil Defence<br />

Emergency Management Group<br />

(CDEM).’’<br />

The council had set up acyclone relief<br />

fund on behalf of the district and would<br />

liaise with Local Government New<br />

Zealand (LGNZ) to ensure it goes where<br />

it is needed.<br />

Mr Doughty first moved to Kaikōura<br />

from Christchurch in 2017 to work on the<br />

recovery from the 2016 earthquake.<br />

‘‘I think the scale and magnitude is is<br />

alot worse and you’ve got the<br />

geographical spread (in the <strong>North</strong><br />

Island). But there are lessons.’’<br />

Kaikōura’s recovery was based on the<br />

Christchurch and Kaiapoi recovery<br />

model.<br />

He said the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Transport Infrastructure Recovery<br />

(NCTIR) Alliance model brought<br />

together all of the agencies to work in<br />

collaboration.<br />

There would be similarities in the<br />

<strong>North</strong> Island with multiple local<br />

authorities needing to work together<br />

alongside Crown agencies and other<br />

partners.<br />

NCTIR completed acomprehensive<br />

review on Kaikōura’s recovery which<br />

would help inform the latest recovery<br />

effort, he said.<br />

‘‘For me it all comes down to<br />

leadership in that space and the whole<br />

approach to try to work collaboratively.’’<br />

There needed to be ahigh level of<br />

trust between the partners to make it<br />

work.<br />

The community also needed to be<br />

brought along on the journey, he said.<br />

‘‘People aren’t going to need to have a<br />

say in everything, but keeping them in<br />

the loop and understanding what’s<br />

happening and why is really critical.’’<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon said<br />

his council was partnering with Wairoa<br />

District Council, through Local<br />

Government New Zealand’s ‘‘adopt a<br />

community programme’’.<br />

He said the council would make an<br />

initial donation of $20,000 and<br />

encouraged Waimakariri residents who<br />

wanted to help, to make adonation to<br />

the Wairoa Mayoral Relief fund.<br />

The council was working through the<br />

CDEM to send staff up to the <strong>North</strong><br />

Island, while the council’s community<br />

team was assisting with the social<br />

recovery.<br />

‘‘In <strong>Canterbury</strong> we have aunique<br />

understanding of the difficulty,<br />

suffering, hopelessness, and slow<br />

journey to recovery that so many<br />

communities across New Zealand are<br />

now facing following this disaster.’’<br />

He said working alongside the<br />

community had been astrength of<br />

Kaiapoi’s recovery following the 2010<br />

and 2011 earthquakes.<br />

Wairoa is anorth Hawkes Bay town,<br />

between Napier and Gisborne.<br />

Hurunui Mayor Marie Black said she<br />

had been in regular contact with Napier<br />

Mayor Kirsten Wise, as afellow ‘‘rural<br />

provincial mayor’’.<br />

The council had set up acyclone relief<br />

fund on behalf of the district, with<br />

proceeds going to the Hawkes Bay<br />

Disaster Relief Fund.<br />

Public interest journalism is funded<br />

by New Zealand on Air.<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

3<br />

Avibrant celebration of colour<br />


The Pak’nSaveRangiora Festivalof<br />

Colour2<strong>02</strong>3erupted intoarainbow of<br />

colours at Victoria Park.<br />

But it all couldhavebeen sadly<br />

cancelled.<br />

OrganiserKarlHorworthsays the<br />

day before he lookedatthe weather<br />

forecastsand it wasn’tlooking good.<br />

‘‘Theyall said ‘showers’.<br />

‘‘Itwas verynerve wracking. We had<br />

to makeadecisionasthere werealot<br />

of people, businesses, logistics to<br />

considerifthe event was cancelled.’’<br />

He heldhis nerve and lookingout at<br />

the light drizzle early on Sunday<br />

morning he madethe choice to<br />

continuewith theparty.<br />

‘‘Againthe weathersitessaidrain all<br />

day,but Rangioraturned on abeauty.<br />

‘‘Infactitonly started to rain again<br />

after 3pm,justaswewere packing up.’’<br />

Manyhundreds of spectators,<br />

families andvisitors to the townwere<br />

treated to acascadeofcoloursinthe<br />

air accompanied by singingand<br />

dancing.<br />

‘‘Itwent fantastically, every one<br />

loved it.’’<br />

Karlsays morethan 2000people<br />

camealong and forhim thehighlight<br />

was watchingthe childrenbothyoung<br />

and oldhavefun .<br />

‘‘Atfamily eventsyou oftenwatchas<br />

parents standbackand let their<br />

childrenhave all the fun,but herethe<br />

kidsdragged mum and dadintothe<br />

crowd and gotthem covered with<br />

colourdyes.<br />

‘‘Itwas great to see them havingjust<br />

as much funasthe kids were.’’<br />

Karlsays abig ‘thankyou’ to allthe<br />

companies whosponsored theevent,<br />

and to allthe supporters,stall holders,<br />


SALE NOW ON!<br />

The eyes have it ... Enjoying their time at the Pak’nSave Rangiora Festival of Colour held<br />

at Victoria Park on Sunday in Rangiora, were friends from Rangiora (from left) Gemma<br />

McKenzie 11, Ruby Tootell 12, Laura McKenzie 12 and Phoebe Tootell 9. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE<br />

musicians andvolunteerswho turn up<br />

on the day.<br />

‘‘We hadsomany great localactson<br />

stage throughout theday— from<br />

Africanand Japanese drums,the<br />

RangioraHigh School kapahaka<br />

group,Xuan Wu Chinese dancing<br />

troupeofChristchurch,Irish dancers<br />

andmuch more.<br />

In between performances emcee<br />

Dave Greensmith wasworkinghard as<br />

he tried in vain not to get covered by<br />

the brightlycolouredpowders being<br />

thrown around by the crowd.<br />

Karlsays the Festival’sphilosophy is<br />

to addressthe lackofany large­scale<br />

event celebrating the multi­cultural<br />

natureofthe rapidly growing<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> population.<br />

‘‘Itwas agreatday outand the stories<br />

Iheardlater about the multi­coloured<br />

people walking aboutthe town made it<br />

moreofaspecialday.’’<br />

More Photos Page15<br />

Support for migrants available<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Supportisavailablefor migrants in the<br />

Hurunuidistrict.<br />

The Hurunui District Council launched<br />

its Welcoming Communities initiative last<br />

year, and hasformedanadvisorygroup to<br />

identify anygaps in support.<br />

The advisory group hasbroughttogether<br />

local migrants and stakeholders,<br />

including employers, schoolsand medical<br />

centres.<br />

The councilreceived funding from<br />

Immigration NewZealand’s Welcoming<br />

Communities Programme, Te Waharoa ki<br />

ngā Haporilastyear.<br />

‘‘Wewillhaveaproper ceremony later<br />

thisyear to promote our intentionsand<br />

whatwehopetoachieve,’’ Welcoming<br />

Communities facilitator Natalie Paterson<br />

said.<br />

‘‘We are doing abit of astocktakeon<br />

what is alreadyhappeningthroughout the<br />

Hurunui.<br />

‘‘There’s pockets of wonderfulthings<br />

happening, so it is aboutidentifying any<br />

gaps and putting together awelcoming<br />

plan.’’<br />

Thewelcomingplan wouldincludea<br />

welcomepackproviding information<br />

aboutthe district,how to enrolata<br />

medical centreorschool,and local<br />

services.<br />

MrsPaterson saidshe would takesome<br />

inspirationfrom the migrant initiatives<br />

development by the WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council’s communityteam,where she<br />

previously worked.<br />

‘‘Thewelcome packwill detailall the<br />

things theymightneed to knowabout<br />

settling in theHurunui,things which we<br />

mighttake for granted.<br />

‘‘We are working withour stakeholders<br />

to breakthosebarriers.’’<br />

Languagecould be amajor barrierfor<br />

newmigrants,aswellassocial isolation.<br />

Oneinitiative whichwas makinga<br />

differencewas the AmuriCommunity<br />

HealthCentreemploying aFilipino<br />

migrant as an advocate.<br />

Thelocal Filipinocommunity also<br />

organisedabasketballtournament last<br />

year, with aFilipinofiesta heldonthe<br />

finalnight.<br />

‘‘Basketball is suchagreat waytobring<br />

Filipinopeople together and therewas so<br />

much food [atthe fiesta],’’Mrs Paterson<br />

said. ‘‘Theyhavesuch ahospitableand<br />

generousculture.’’<br />

Shesaid therewere pocketsofmigrants<br />

throughout the district workingondairy<br />

farms,vineyards,inthe health sector and<br />

forvarious local businesses.<br />

Public interest journalismisfunded by<br />

NewZealandonAir.<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Council joins the crowd<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Saturday’s Kaikōura A&P Show<br />

was an opportunity to look to the<br />

future.<br />

The Kaikōura District Council<br />

was out in force at the show to<br />

engage with the community on its<br />

various projects, including<br />

spatial planning, footpath<br />

maintenance and the proposed<br />

link pathway.<br />

Chief executive Will Doughty<br />

said it was good to be back at the<br />

show, despite the recent rain,<br />

after last year’s show was<br />

cancelled due to Covid­19<br />

restrictions.<br />

‘‘It is really great to be back at<br />

the show, it has been wet under<br />

the foot but it hasn’t dampened<br />

the enthusiasm and the spirits to<br />

get people out and about.<br />

Mr Doughty said the spatial<br />

planning work would begin over<br />

the next few weeks to set some<br />

framework for how the town<br />

would grow over the next 30<br />

years.<br />

Staff were also displaying some<br />

of the options for the surface of<br />

the proposed Link Pathway,<br />

which will link Kaikōura’s town<br />

centre with Wakatu Quay and<br />

eventually the seal colony at<br />

Point Kean.<br />

‘‘Some of that work has already<br />

started and you will be seeing a<br />

lot more of that over the next few<br />

months.’’<br />

The council also took the<br />

opportunity to remind residents<br />

to be prepared in case of afuture<br />

disaster, in the wake of Cyclone<br />

Gabrielle’s devastation in the<br />

<strong>North</strong> Island.<br />

Community engagement ... Kaikōura District Council chief executive Will<br />

Doughty (left) and council staff were out in force at the Kaikōura A&P Show<br />

on Saturday, February 25, including Wendy Campbell, who was promoting<br />

family history in the library, facilities manager Mike Russell and Bruce<br />

Apperley, from the works and services team.<br />


‘‘We’re just trying to get that<br />

message out to be prepared. It is<br />

much better to be prepared than<br />

to be caught out.<br />

‘‘It is hard to believe it has<br />

been six years since the Hurunui<br />

/Kaikōura quake and now 12<br />

years since the Christchurch<br />

quake and we’ve learnt alot from<br />

those events and just hoping<br />

some of those lessons will help<br />

with the recovery up in the <strong>North</strong><br />

Island.<br />

‘‘One thing we do know is it is<br />

only amatter of time until we<br />

have another event down here.’’<br />

Public interest journalism is<br />

funded by New Zealand on Air.<br />

To the rescue ... The brigade demonstrates how people trapped in<br />

cars following an accident, are rescued using the Jaws of Life.<br />


Open day at Fire<br />

Station big success<br />

Afire safety displayand<br />

presentations in Cheviot<br />

saw around80people turn<br />

out to learn and be<br />

entertained at aCheviot<br />

Volunteer FireBrigade<br />

open day at the fire station.<br />

Members of the District<br />

CommunityRisk<br />

Managementteam from<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> attended and<br />

presented to the public on<br />

low flammable planting,<br />

having defendable fire<br />

zonesaroundthe home,<br />

kitchen fire safety, and an<br />

escape your home maze for<br />

the children.<br />

The new Community Hub<br />

trailer was also on display.<br />

The localbrigade<br />

entertained the crowd by<br />

displaying how they extract<br />

trapped peoplefrom<br />

vehiclesinvolved in<br />

accidents,running relay<br />

races, and also holding a<br />

barbecuefor thecrowd.<br />

Areyou<br />

aWaititi?<br />

No matterwho you<br />

are, yourcreative<br />

project may be<br />

eligible for funding.<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/creative<br />

The first round of applications for the year will<br />

open on Monday 27 February and close on<br />

Monday 27 <strong>March</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

#ArtsForAllKinds<br />

Or more of<br />

aWhitney?<br />

The Creative CommunitiesScheme supports<br />

local artists to create. Visit your nearest<br />

Waimakariri Library toget help with your<br />

funding application.

District Plan hearings mid-year<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

5<br />

Hearingsonthe proposed<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Plan are<br />

expected to be held mid­year.<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />

development planning manager Matt<br />

Baconsays the aim is to integrate<br />

variation1,whichgives effecttothe<br />

new mediumdensity residential<br />

standards(MDRS), into the District<br />

Plan process before the hearings.<br />

This wouldmean appointing an<br />

independent commissioner,which<br />

was arequirement of the MDRS<br />

legislation.<br />

‘‘It makes sense to integrate the<br />

process so people don’t have to turn up<br />

and present on the District Plan, and<br />

then make effectively the same<br />

submission two days later for a<br />

Variation 1hearing.<br />

‘‘We are working with the hearings<br />

paneltowork out how theywant to run<br />

the hearings and we expectthey will<br />

put some direction around how they<br />

intend to hear the submissions.’’<br />

He expected the hearings wouldbe<br />

held in May or June.<br />

The District Plan was first notified<br />

in September 2<strong>02</strong>1, with421<br />

submissions being received,which<br />

made 6704submission points.<br />

Around 53 percent of submissions<br />

indicated supportfor the proposed<br />

changes in the draft District Plan and<br />

submitters addressedawide rangeof<br />

issues, Mr Bacon said.<br />

Afurther 81 submissionswere<br />

receivedinresponse to Variation 1.<br />

Mr Bacon said ‘‘a well­informed’’<br />

District Plan was essential, even<br />

though the Government’s proposed<br />

legislationtoreplace the Resource<br />

Management Act aimedtoreplace<br />

districtplans withregional plans.<br />

Forward planning ... The Waimakariri District Plan remains an important document, even<br />

though government legislation is proposing to replace District Plans with Regional Plans.<br />

‘‘Itwill takeabout eightto10years<br />

to transition before the new process<br />

comes in, so in the meantimeweare<br />

progressing with the District Plan .<br />

‘‘Inthe legislationitisn’t entirely<br />

clear whathappens to the District<br />

Plan, but there will be alocal<br />

‘statement of intent’ and we would<br />

imagine alot of thatwouldbefrom the<br />

District Plan.<br />

‘‘Hopefully we willget awellinformed<br />

District Plan which can then<br />

progressseamlessly into aregional<br />

plan.’’<br />

Mr Baconsaid replacingDistrict<br />


Plans withRegionalPlans had some<br />

merit.<br />

The difficultywas in allowingfor<br />

local variation acrossalarge region<br />

like <strong>Canterbury</strong>, he said.<br />

Publicinterest journalismisfunded<br />

by New Zealand on Air.<br />

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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Ok<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8<br />

Rise 7:08am<br />

Set 8:13pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:31am<br />

9:56pm<br />

Set 1:15am<br />

Rise 5:46pm<br />

Gentle SW becoming<br />

moderate SE<br />

In the Electoratewith<br />

Focus on recovery<br />

Parliament resumed the sitting yearlast<br />

week amidst the newsofCyclone<br />

Gabrielleand thedestructionwreaked<br />

across so many areas of the<strong>North</strong> Island.<br />

It was only right that it began witha<br />

Ministerial statement on the declaration<br />

of anational emergency.<br />

Parliament convened to concentrate<br />

time and effortstothose affected and it<br />

wasimportantfor allpoliticalparties to<br />

show support as the Government<br />

declared anationalstateofemergency.<br />

Thisisonly the third time the country<br />

hasbeen in astateofemergency.<br />

Many of us Cantabrians will recall<br />

another of those times, in the wakeof<br />

earthquakedevastation, so it was<br />

significant for me to representthe<br />

Waimakariri in thechamber lastweekas<br />

we turnour focus to thecyclone recovery<br />

efforts.<br />

Particularly poignant was the<br />

reminderofthe February earthquakeas<br />

Ilaidawreathwith my colleaguesGerry<br />

Brownlee, former Minster for <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Earthquake Recovery andSelwyn MP<br />

NicolaGrigg at the Christchurch<br />

memorialservice, on February 22, to<br />

commemorate that day 12 years ago.<br />

It hasbeen encouraging to talk to local<br />

first responders who are currently being<br />

deployed to help thoseinthe <strong>North</strong><br />

Island,and Iwish themwell for the task<br />

ahead.<br />

Locally, Iamcontinuing to advocate for<br />

theafter­hours health services that<br />

HealthNZTeWhatu Orapromised to<br />

deliverby2<strong>02</strong>2.<br />

Aftermyquestionsattheend of last<br />

year to theHealth Minister revealedan<br />

after­hoursfacility would not be built and<br />

open until at least2<strong>02</strong>5, Ilauncheda<br />

petition calling for services to be fasttracked.<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP forWaimakariri<br />

Rise 7:10am<br />

Set 8:12pm<br />

Best 10:22am<br />

Ok<br />

Times 10:46pm<br />

Set 2:10am<br />

Rise 6:28pm<br />

Gentle SEbecoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Rise 7:11am<br />

Set 8:10pm<br />

Best 11:11am<br />

Ok<br />

Times 11:34pm<br />

Set 3:10am<br />

Rise 7:03pm<br />

Moderate SW turning<br />

S<br />

Authorised by Matt Doocey MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.<br />

As Waimakariri continuestogrow and<br />

accommodate newresidents the need<br />

only becomes greater by the day,<br />

particularly with the sky­rocketing cost of<br />

petrol.<br />

But its also about alleviating someof<br />

the pressure on the health system, which<br />

is clearly at crisis point.<br />

In Christchurch, emergency<br />

departmentwaitingtimes have blown<br />

out, and people are not even makingthe<br />

waiting lists forsurgery theyare<br />

desperate for because thereisjust no<br />

capacity to deal with them.<br />

Nurses areleaving in droves for<br />

Australia while at the same timethe<br />

workforce is severely hamstrung by<br />

restrictiveimmigration settings.<br />

Ihave been approached by anumber of<br />

residents who would liketosignthe<br />

petition to fast­track after hoursservices<br />

but are notable to do so online.<br />

If anyone would liketosignthe petition<br />

thereare hardcopies available in my<br />

offices in Rangiora(Conway Lane) and<br />

Kaiapoi (137Williams St),or<br />

alternatively staffatany of the<br />

Waimakariri libraries areonhand to<br />

help sign the online version, availableat<br />

mattdoocey.co.nz.<br />

Finally, Ienjoyedvisiting Satisfy Food<br />

Rescuerecently to meet theteam of staff<br />

and volunteers behind this amazing<br />

community service.<br />

It’sincredibletothinkthat five tonnes<br />

of food is being diverted from landfill<br />

each weekand instead going in to feeding<br />

families in need.<br />

These guys have workedincredibly<br />

hard to create valuable relationships<br />

with both foodsuppliers and other<br />

community groupstoensure their longterm<br />

viability andIthank those involved<br />

for their vision and continuedpassion.<br />

Fair<br />

Rise 7:12am<br />

Set 8:08pm<br />

Best 11:58am<br />

Times<br />

Set 4:14am<br />

Rise 7:31pm<br />

Gentle SE<br />

strengthening<br />

Rise 7:13am<br />

Set 8:06pm<br />

Best 12:20am<br />

Good<br />

Times 12:42pm<br />

Set 5:18am<br />

Rise 7:55pm<br />

Moderate SWturning<br />

S<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:15am<br />

Set 8:05pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Focus on<br />

Waimakariri<br />

with Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

Decision significant<br />

Last week we received the judgement<br />

on our legal action against the<br />

Government over the Water Services<br />

Entities Bill.<br />

Timaru, Waimakariri and<br />

Whangārei District Councils had<br />

asked the High Court for declarations<br />

on the rights and interests that<br />

property ownership entails.<br />

In her judgement Justice Mallon<br />

wrote: ‘‘I accept that the Three Waters<br />

reforms involve aform of<br />

expropriation for which<br />

compensation could be given but,<br />

whether it is, is ultimately amatter for<br />

Parliament’’.<br />

This decision is significant as it<br />

acknowledges the expropriation of<br />

community assets and that Three<br />

Waters erodes democracy and<br />

removes local say.<br />

It also reinforces the concerns the<br />

community has shared with us.<br />

In 2<strong>02</strong>1 we surveyed our district,<br />

asking what residents thought of the<br />

proposed Three Waters reforms and<br />

what they wanted us to do.<br />

The message was clear: 95 percent<br />

of respondents said to opt out of<br />

proposed reforms.<br />

People want asay about the water<br />

they drink and they don't want their<br />

assets taken away from them.<br />

Many councils who were initially in<br />

favour of the reform have come to<br />

oppose it in its current form, for these<br />

very reasons.<br />

We partnered with 30 other councils<br />

to form Communities 4Local<br />

Democracy.<br />

C4LD has developed an alternative<br />

approach that delivers on<br />


1:04am<br />

1:25pm<br />

Set 6:23am<br />

Rise 8:15pm<br />

Moderate Sturning<br />

SE<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:16am<br />

Set 8:03pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:46am<br />

2:06pm<br />

Set 7:27am<br />

Rise 8:34pm<br />

Gentle S<br />

strengthening<br />

environmental aims, creates<br />

opportunities for strong and lasting<br />

partnerships and that ensures safe,<br />

sustainable, and affordable water<br />

services.<br />

Importantly, our model sees the<br />

ownership remain with Councils,<br />

ensuring our communities continue to<br />

have rights and influence over assets.<br />

Our intention is to build on the<br />

momentum of this decision and<br />

continue to push for changes to Three<br />

Waters that reflect the wishes of New<br />

Zealanders. The Courts decision<br />

acknowledges our concerns and<br />

validates our reasons for taking this<br />

action.<br />

The announcement at the weekend<br />

by the National Party of their policy on<br />

water reform is welcomed.<br />

On the face of it, it aligns with the<br />

work we have developed through our<br />

involvement with C4LD. In particular<br />

it retains local ownership.<br />

It would be ideal for there to be<br />

cross­party support of this reform, and<br />

we are encouraged by the<br />

Governments recent call to take a<br />

fresh look at their current model.<br />

Our hope is that party politics can be<br />

put aside and we can work together to<br />

achieve apragmatic, workable<br />

solution.<br />

Our door is always open to work<br />

together on asensible plan that builds<br />

consensus and works for everyone.<br />

Iwelcome contact from anyone who<br />

needs assistance, or has an issue that<br />

you may want to discuss.<br />

Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt.<br />

nz or phone <strong>02</strong>1906437. I’m here to<br />

help.<br />

Census Day on <strong>March</strong> 7important for all in New Zealand<br />

It is CensusDay is on <strong>March</strong> 7.<br />

You willbeasked questionsabout<br />

yourself, andasahousehold therewillbe<br />

questions about where youlive, Stats NZ<br />

says.<br />

Simon Mason, DeputyGovernment<br />

Statisticianand DeputyChief Executive<br />

Censusand Collection Operationssays<br />

the Censusisthe onlysurveyweall do as<br />

acountry.<br />

‘‘Not onlyisitthe official countof<br />

people, andthe places we liveorstay, but<br />

it provides apoint in time understanding<br />

of lifeinAotearoa NewZealandand how<br />

the population is faringnow,and how life<br />

is changingover time,”hesays.<br />

The information collected is turned<br />

into censusdatathatisusedtomake<br />

decisions thatimpact every personand<br />

community.<br />

‘‘Iwi, community organisations,<br />

councils, businesses,and thegovernment<br />

all makeimportant decisions about<br />

wheretofundand locateservices, and<br />

key infrastructure like hospitals,schools,<br />

roads, publictransport, parks,and<br />

recreation facilities using datafromthe<br />

census,’’ Mr Mason says.<br />

Alot of the questionswillbefamiliar,<br />

with the majority the sameasinprevious<br />

census.<br />

Everyonewill fill outanIndividual<br />

Form,orhaveone filled out on their<br />

behalf,for example,iftheyare an infant.<br />

Therewillalso be afew questionsabout<br />

your household and aboutthe dwelling<br />

youare living in.<br />

‘‘To help people understand what is<br />

beingasked,wehave published the<br />

questions from thecensus forms on the<br />

census website —census.govt.nz ,’’Mr<br />

Mason says.<br />

The questionsreflect thebroad range of<br />

usesofcensus data.<br />

Mostofthe topics covered arethe same<br />

as previouscensus,suchaspopulation<br />

demographics,location,ethnicity, culture<br />

and identity, education andtraining,<br />

income,work,families and households,<br />

housing, transport, cigarette smoking,<br />

and disability.<br />

There aresome new questionsinthe<br />

2<strong>02</strong>3Census,improvements to others,and<br />

someminor changes. Everyone has the<br />

choiceofcompleting thecensus on line or<br />

on apaper form.<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

E1.6 m E1.2 m E1.0 m E1.1 m E1.1 m E1.3 m E1.7 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 1:53am 2.2 8:12am 0.8 2:45am 2.2 9:01am 0.8 3:33am 2.2 9:46am 0.8 4:16am 2.2 10:29am 0.7 4:56am 2.2 11:10am 0.7 5:35am 2.2 11:50am 0.7 6:13am 2.2 12:08am 0.7<br />

Mouth<br />

2:18pm 2.1 8:26pm 0.7 3:06pm 2.1 9:14pm 0.7 3:52pm 2.1 10:00pm 0.7 4:34pm 2.1 10:44pm 0.7 5:15pm 2.1 11:27pm 0.7 5:55pm 2.1<br />

6:36pm 2.2 12:29pm 0.7<br />

Amberley 1:53am 2.2 8:12am 0.8 2:45am 2.2 9:01am 0.8 3:33am 2.2 9:46am 0.8 4:16am 2.2 10:29am 0.7 4:56am 2.2 11:10am 0.7 5:35am 2.2 11:50am 0.7 6:13am 2.2 12:08am 0.7<br />

Beach<br />

2:18pm 2.1 8:26pm 0.7 3:06pm 2.1 9:14pm 0.7 3:52pm 2.1 10:00pm 0.7 4:34pm 2.1 10:44pm 0.7 5:15pm 2.1 11:27pm 0.7 5:55pm 2.1<br />

6:36pm 2.2 12:29pm 0.7<br />

2:<strong>02</strong>am 2.2 8:21am 0.8 2:54am 2.2 9:10am 0.8 3:42am 2.2 9:55am 0.8 4:25am 2.2 10:38am 0.7 5:05am 2.2 11:19am 0.7 5:44am 2.2 11:59am 0.7 6:22am 2.2 12:17am 0.7<br />

Motunau 2:27pm 2.1 8:35pm 0.7 3:15pm 2.1 9:23pm 0.7 4:01pm 2.1 10:09pm 0.7 4:43pm 2.1 10:53pm 0.7 5:24pm 2.1 11:36pm 0.7 6:04pm 2.1<br />

6:45pm 2.2 12:38pm 0.7<br />

2:04am 2.2 8:23am 0.8 2:56am 2.2 9:12am 0.8 3:44am 2.2 9:57am 0.8 4:27am 2.2 10:40am 0.7 5:07am 2.2 11:21am 0.7 5:46am 2.2<br />

6:24am 2.2 12:19am 0.7<br />

Gore Bay 2:29pm 2.1 8:37pm 0.7 3:17pm 2.1 9:25pm 0.7 4:03pm 2.1 10:11pm 0.7 4:45pm 2.1 10:55pm 0.7 5:26pm 2.1 11:38pm 0.7 6:06pm 2.1 12:01pm 0.7 6:47pm 2.2 12:40pm 0.7<br />

1:57am 1.5 8:19am 0.4 2:46am 1.5 9:06am 0.4 3:33am 1.5 9:49am 0.4 4:16am 1.5 10:31am 0.4 4:57am 1.5 11:11am 0.4 5:38am 1.5 11:51am 0.4 6:18am 1.5 12:07am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura 2:23pm 1.4 8:26pm 0.4 3:08pm 1.4 9:13pm 0.4 3:53pm 1.4 9:58pm 0.4 4:36pm 1.4 10:42pm 0.4 5:18pm 1.4 11:25pm 0.4 5:59pm 1.4<br />

6:41pm 1.4 12:31pm 0.4<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


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NEWS<br />

8 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Swannanoa Fair on Sunday<br />


It started as asmall car boot<br />

sale 25 years ago, now the<br />

Swannanoa Country Fair,on<br />

Sunday <strong>March</strong> 5, has become a<br />

majorfundraiser for the school.<br />

Swannanoa SchoolHome and<br />

School committeemember<br />

KarenMitchell remembers<br />

they had watched with interest<br />

when the nearby Fernside<br />

School heldasuccessful fun<br />

run as afundraiserin1997.<br />

‘‘Because we didn’t know<br />

anythingaboutrunning a<br />

running race, we opted for acar<br />

boot sale that yearand then<br />

went aheadwith alarger<br />

country fairthe following year<br />

in 1998.’’<br />

Karensays she and others<br />

helped start the food section of<br />

the fairwhichhas become one<br />

of its highlights.<br />

Organising committee<br />

chairmanRegan Finchsays the<br />

food hallwith its blend of home<br />

cooked baking and fresh<br />

produce is now one of the most<br />

sought after sections of thefair.<br />

‘‘There is always ahuge<br />

variety of food on offer.’’<br />

He says this year wouldhave<br />

been their 25th instead it’s<br />

their22nd annual fair.<br />

‘‘Butitisgreat to be back<br />

afterathreeyear Covid<br />

layover.’’<br />

The fair is amajor fundraiser<br />

to help support Te Koromiko<br />

Swannanoa School.<br />

‘‘We are proudthat every cent<br />

raised at the Swannanoa<br />

Country Fairgoes directly<br />

towards raisingstudent<br />

engagement and motivation,<br />

On offer ... Swannanoa School Deputy Principal Felicity Upjohn watches<br />

as the Swannanoa Country Fair organising committee chairman Regan<br />

Finch juggles acouple of balls from the white elephant sale as they prepare<br />

for this weekends Swannanoa Country Fair.<br />


and making schoolagreat place<br />

that children wanttobeat.<br />

‘‘It’s always amassive<br />

undertaking and the people<br />

here in the district have been<br />

very generous withtheir time<br />

and theirdonations for the<br />

various stalls includingthe<br />

huge whiteelephant.<br />

Mr Finchsaysanother<br />

special attractionthis year will<br />

be the Women'sRugbyWorld<br />

Cup whichisbeing bought to<br />

the venue by former Black Fern<br />

Kendra Cocksedge.<br />

On the day Mr Finch says<br />

there willbeover 130 craft<br />

stalls, 20 trade stalls,and seven<br />

unique foodtrucksto<br />

accompanythe schools food<br />

hall. The fair will be held at the<br />

SwannanoaCommunity Hall in<br />

the groundsofthe Swannanoa<br />

Domain on Tram Roadfrom<br />

10am.<br />

Mr Finchsays volunteers will<br />

be onsite fromthis Friday to<br />

prepare for Sundays fair.<br />

Selling fast<br />

After ahuge response to the<br />

publication of ‘‘Our Apron<br />

Strings’’, VolumeIIhas seen<br />

340 copies sold.<br />

Produced by acommittee<br />

of present or former<br />

members of the Hawarden/<br />

Waikari communities,the<br />

book celebrates the life and<br />

times of 158 women who<br />

lived, or have lived in the<br />

area.<br />

The ladies were born<br />

between 1920 and 1940, and<br />

their storiesare contributed<br />

by theirfamilies.<br />

The publication is a<br />

natural follow­on from the<br />

initial ‘‘Our Apron Strings’’,<br />

about ladies born prior to<br />

1920s. Atotal of 740 copies<br />

were sold.<br />

The committee has<br />

already committed to do an<br />

updated version of ‘‘Our Path<br />

Finders’’, acompanion<br />

volume, includingmen born<br />

between 1920 to 1940.<br />

Readers will realise the<br />

challenges these women<br />

faced, the advancesmade<br />

throughout their lives, and<br />

since as progress has<br />

accelerated.<br />

Health issues, education<br />

opportunities, career<br />

opportunities, along with<br />

advancesintransport,<br />

communications, time saving<br />

appliances are some of the<br />

issues that surfaced in these<br />

profiles.<br />

The Great Depression of<br />

the early 1930swas an<br />

awakening of the poverty<br />

and hardship as it struckthe<br />

country. Men queued for<br />

work, soup kitchens were in<br />

vogue, and it was an era<br />

where family planningwas<br />

not easilyachieved.<br />

Eldest daughters often<br />

stayed at homeafter<br />

finishingtheir schooling,to<br />

help their younger siblings,<br />

sometimes producing their<br />

own families that could be<br />

older than their own younger<br />

brothers and sisters.<br />

No sooner had<br />

improvements been made to<br />

the financial climate of the<br />

land, than the threat of war<br />

surfacedagain, along with<br />

the anxiety their own area<br />

could be subject to a<br />

Japanese invasion. Ahigh<br />

percentage of New Zealand’s<br />

male workforceleft the land<br />

to serveinthe Pacific<br />

Islands,the <strong>North</strong> African<br />

desert and the European<br />

theatre of war.<br />

Many young ladies stepped<br />

up to becomeland girls.They<br />

workedasteamsters, with<br />

heavy draught horses to work<br />

the land, to make hay to<br />

harvestcrops,crutch,shear<br />

and dip sheep. Their work is<br />

legendary and an important<br />

part of history.<br />

Copiesofthe new<br />

volume are available from<br />

thecommittee convenor<br />

Janet Jensenfor $50, with<br />

packingand postageextra (if<br />

required). she can be<br />

contacted at 03 314 9588 or<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 335 0111.<br />

Targetedwillowremoval<br />

on the WaiparaRiver<br />

We arecontinuing our programmetoremove invasivewillows from<br />

a15km section of the WaiparaRiver betweenBarnettsRoad and the<br />

WaiparaRiver mouththroughmechanical clearance in <strong>March</strong>. Access<br />

mayberestrictedattimes while workstakeplace for health and safety.<br />

Weed controlclearsthe active part of the river channel that carriesfast flowingwaterduring floods.<br />

Clearing the activechannel alsoallows for better habitatand improvedbiodiversity.<br />

E23/7636<br />

Visit ecan.govt.nz/current-works for moreinformation.

MARCH 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

HDC NEWS...<br />

What's happening Hurunui?<br />


Here in Hurunui, we're really good (in fact the best) atSnapping, Sending and Solving…. Proven bythe fact<br />

Hurunui District Council has been announced the New Zealand winner of the Community Engagement Award<br />

in the inaugural 2<strong>02</strong>2 Solver of The Year Awards recently.<br />

Hurunui achieved the highest engagement of Snappers relative to population, out-performing 88<br />

organisations across New Zealand.<br />

Many thanks to everyone who uses Snap Send Solve to report problems and issues, it's abig help.<br />

For more information onthis useful tool and touse it, please visit our website (type in Snap Send Solve in<br />

the search bar on the home page).<br />


Lake Sumner Road will remain closed for all of February and atleast until 10 <strong>March</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

On Monday January 30 the area received alarge amount of rain inashort space oftime which resulted in<br />

slips and washouts.<br />

Work is progressing well at the main washout site approximately 22km upthe road, despite being interrupted<br />

by weather conditions and access requirements for human and stock welfare.<br />

The material from the crumbling hillside is perfect for road maintenance metal, sowill be stockpiled three<br />

kilometres away where it can be crushed and spread as needed.<br />

Concrete slabs for the replacement sections of the wash-over ford at 23km have been poured, and require a<br />

minimum 14days tocure before they can be transported to site and installed.<br />

We appreciate the frustration at not being able to access the lakes for recreation, however, we need people<br />

to respect the Road Closed signs and treat this as an active work site at all times.<br />

Meetings<br />

7th Council (Presentations) meeting 9.30am<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

8th South Ward Committee 7.00pm (Venue:<br />

Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

14th Strategy &Community Committee 9.30am<br />

(Venue: Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

15th Performance Review Subcommittee (Public<br />

Excluded) 1.00pm (Venue: Councillors’ Lounge,<br />

Amberley Council Building)<br />

15th Amuri Community Committee 7.30pm (Venue:<br />

Hillcrest Chambers, Culverden)<br />

20th Hanmer Springs Community Board 1.00pm<br />

(Venue: The Gallery, Hanmer Springs Library)<br />

21st Operations Committee 9.30am (Venue:<br />

Council Chambers, Amberley)<br />

28th Council meeting 9.30am (Venue: Council<br />

Chambers, Amberley)<br />

30th Cheviot Community Committee 6.00pm<br />

(Venue: Cheviot Library/Service Centre)<br />

In brief<br />

Online wellbeing platform for youth, Clearhead<br />

Twenty-nine of the country’s rural mayors have<br />

teamed up with Clearhead, an online wellbeing<br />

platform, to make it easier for young people to<br />

access mental health support. The Mayors<br />

Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) launched the<br />

partnership at the end of last year in a bid to<br />

reduce barriers for young New Zealanders getting<br />

into sustainable employment in our rural<br />

communities. Hurunui District Council has been an<br />

early adopter of the service.<br />

Events<br />

Awatermain upgrade, Random Spur, near Cheviot<br />


Water Scheme for Waikari Basin<br />

Lake Sumner Road will remain closed for all of<br />

February and at least until 10 <strong>March</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

There is good progress being made with the Waikari Basin water scheme project -The Peaks watermain is<br />

nearly complete, and Powers Road watermain has started with afinish date of early May 2<strong>02</strong>3. The water<br />

treatment plant is up and running, supplying treated water to Hawarden and Waikari townships. Upon project<br />

completion the water scheme will also replace the water schemes for the Peaks and Upper Waitohi. This<br />

project has been budgeted into the Council's Long Term Plan.<br />

Watermain upgrades:<br />

Kowai toAmberley<br />

The watermain upgrade between Kowai and Amberley is going well:<br />

The new pipeline has been laid along Kowai River Road, five ofthe six State Highway crossings have been<br />

completed, pipe welding crosses have been completed which eliminates the need to close the road, the<br />

works toHursley Terrace can also becompleted with asingle lane closure which eliminates the closure on<br />

Crosses Road.<br />

All works are proceeding as planned, with a closure date of June 30th, 2<strong>02</strong>3. Thank you again for your<br />

patience and cooperation while this major upgrade happens.<br />

Random Spur<br />

Hurunui District Council iscurrently inthe process ofrenewing about 5.5 kilometres ofdrinking water pipe on<br />

the Kaiwara water scheme inthe Random Spur area, near Cheviot. The current pipe isamixture ofasbestos<br />

concrete, PVC and old-style polythene pipe. The pipe is around 50 years old and has been failing repeatedly<br />

over recent years. The new line is high pressure polyethylene. Most of the installation is being installed with a<br />

vibrating mole plough. The work is expected to be completed by the middle of <strong>March</strong>, weather permitting.<br />

Hurunui isknown for its fantastic wine industry throughout New Zealand, and abroad. <strong>March</strong> is aparticularly<br />

exciting time both amongst the vines and in the winery. It's harvest time, which means the grapes are ripe, and<br />

throughout <strong>March</strong> and into April the delicious bunches are harvested and transported to wineries dotted<br />

throughout Hurunui, and the winemaking process begins. Fingers crossed for some good sunshine!<br />

Cuppa and aconvo with Mayor Marie Black<br />

All meetings are open toeveryone. Pop along for a<br />

chat or with any questions you have, no matter<br />

where in the Hurunui district you live.<br />

*Hanmer Springs Library, Wed 22<strong>March</strong>, 1.30pm<br />

*Cheviot Service Centre, Wed 19 April, 10.00am<br />

*Amberley Library's RSA room, Wed 3May, 3pm<br />

*Waikari Kitchen, Mon 3July, 11am<br />

*Red Post Cafe Culverden, Thurs 14 Sept, 10am.<br />

Waipara Penguin<br />

At the Hurunui Memorial Library in Amberley, we<br />

currently have an exhibition from <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Museum, Ancient New Zealand, celebrating the<br />

giant penguins that once roamed <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, 60 million years ago.<br />

An interactive touch screen also shows an<br />

interview with local amateur paleontologist, Leigh<br />

Love who discovered the penguin fossils. There is<br />

a full-scale model of one of the penguins, known<br />

as the Waipara Penguin set against abackground<br />

of what the landscape would have looked like at<br />

that time. Exhibition open until 26 May.<br />

Attention Hurunui businesses<br />

Achat with economist Brad Olsen -Anopportunity<br />

for business owners to hear from Brad, network<br />

and discuss experiences. Sponsored by the MTFJ<br />

programme.<br />

Wednesday <strong>March</strong> 22, Amberley Pavillion (Tin<br />

Shed) 6-8.30pm. To register, email<br />

prudence.roberts@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

or call <strong>02</strong>7 808 9170.<br />

PHONE US:<br />

Amberley: 03 314 8816.<br />

Cheviot Freephone: 03319 8812.<br />

Amuri &Hanmer Springs Freephone: 03 315 8400.<br />

info@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Hurunui District Council

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Stuart<br />

Smith<br />

MP forKaikoura<br />

Amberley 03 314 7441<br />

Blenheim 03 5793204<br />

0800 STUART (0800 788278)<br />

stuart.smithmp@parliament.govt.nz<br />

stuartsmith.national<br />

Authorised by Stuart Smith MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.<br />

New design ... The concept design of West Eyreton School’s new classroom block.<br />


Production logistics<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Aschool production is planned at West<br />

Eyreton School, near Oxford, but<br />

whether it goes ahead depends on the<br />

construction of anew classroom block.<br />

For now the school hall is home to two<br />

classes, while they await new teaching<br />

spaces.<br />

‘‘We have our school production<br />

planned for term three, but it can only go<br />

ahead if we have use of the hall,’’<br />

principal Lisa Duff said.<br />

‘‘So we would like to have the new<br />

classrooms by then.’’<br />

Work got under way last month on a<br />

new classroom block and the<br />

construction company, Molior Building,<br />

has indicated it will be asix month<br />

project.<br />

The new building will replace the old<br />

Cebus Block, which was demolished last<br />

year.<br />

‘‘The original Cebus Block was due for<br />

modernisation, but it was identified as<br />

being unsuitable for purpose,’’ Ms Duff<br />

said.<br />

The new building will provide ‘‘a fitfor­purpose<br />

learning space’’ for Year 3<br />

and 4pupils, while complementing the<br />

historic buildings onsite, she said.<br />

Two classes will occupy ashared<br />

space, with an open veranda and lots of<br />

breakout spaces for learning.<br />

As the school was waiting for work to<br />

begin on the new classroom block, an<br />

80­year­old tree which had some<br />

significance for the school had to be<br />

removed.<br />

Thanks to the support of Oxford<br />

Cartage and Bennetts Sawmill, near<br />

Oxford, some slabs from the tree will<br />

return to the school in the form of some<br />

outdoor furniture, Ms Duff said.<br />

‘‘We really appreciate and value the<br />

contributions our wider West Eyreton<br />

School community make to our school<br />

and the full circle approach to the tree<br />

removal will be avaluable learning<br />

experience for all our children.’’<br />

Molior Building has already renovated<br />

the school’s main classroom block,<br />

meaning the school was set for the<br />

future.<br />

The school new year has seen 20 new<br />

enrolments to begin the year with 186<br />

pupils.<br />

Ms Duff expected to end the year with<br />

around 200 pupils, as the school<br />

continues to enjoy steady growth.<br />

Public interest journalism is funded<br />

by New Zealand on Air.


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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Cacophony of vibrant colours at festival<br />

15<br />


Lovely colour ... Rangiora’s Shane<br />

McKenzie is covered in vibrant colour.<br />

Happy colours ... The large crowd enjoys the show at the Pak’nSave Rangiora Festival of<br />

Colour, held at Victoria Park on Sunday.<br />

In the air ... Throwing colours were sisters<br />

Ava, aged 7, and Eliza Foster, 9, of Pegasus.<br />

Rubbing it in ... Shemeka Bell, aged 11, (left) rubs colour into the hair of her friend Sophie<br />

Howse, 11, while Natasha Sullivan, 12, helps her.<br />

Colourful crescendo ... Every 45 minutes Felix Horwarth sprayed different colours over the<br />

large crowd of over 2000 who attended.<br />

Winner ... Ashton Jory, aged 7, of Woodend, is interviewed by<br />

festival emcee Dave Greensmith after winning the dance­off<br />

Purple haze ... Lou Reeves (left) and Melissa Saunders enjoy the<br />

colourful fun.<br />

Abetter view ... Ella Sands, aged 6, has the<br />

best view from the shoulders of dad, Mike

NEWS<br />

16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Keeping fit, moving and enjoying company<br />


EveryMonday morning for the past two<br />

yearsafitness and movement classgets<br />

underway at theMainPower Stadium in<br />

Rangiora.<br />

It’s aregularsession for 10 to 12 men ,all<br />

supporters of the Blue Brothers<br />

Charitable Trust.<br />

Trustfounder DaveCattermole saysthe<br />

Blue Brotherswas established to promote<br />

groupexerciseand offermovement<br />

opportunities formen living with cancer.<br />

‘‘We now offer free light, regular<br />

movementclasses, each week at gyms in<br />

Christchurch, Amberley, Rangiora,<br />

Kaikouraand Oxford.<br />

‘‘It’s away to catch up withmen who are<br />

living withcancer. Our goal is to foster<br />

camaraderie, connection and offermental<br />

health and well­being support to all our<br />

members living in the region.’’<br />

Dave,acancer suffererhimself, says it<br />

makesadifference having somewhereto<br />

go where they can meet others like<br />

themselves,living withcancer in theirown<br />

communities.It’s away to talkabout<br />

what’s happening in their lives.<br />

‘‘We all knowthat for men the firststep<br />

of talkingabout your problems is the<br />

hardest, and the fitnessclasses we are now<br />

running in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>region is<br />

agreat away for them to realise theyare<br />

not on their own.’’<br />

For groupmemberBruce Parkerthe<br />

lure of comradeshipnot onlygets him out<br />

of bed in themorning, he says he enjoys<br />

exercising as well.<br />

Ken Batchelor saysheenjoys the work<br />

outs.Healso goes to one of the<br />

Christchurch sessions as well.<br />

‘‘My health has improvedout of sight<br />

sinceIstartedcoming to these sessions,’’<br />

he says.<br />

Culverdenresident Matt Anngow,one of<br />

the youngest, says joining in thegym<br />

sessionshas seen amajor ‘‘improvement’’<br />

On the bikes ... At the Blue Brothers free exercise class for men living with cancer held<br />

at the MainPower Stadium in Rangiora each Monday morning were (from left) Ken<br />

Batchelor, Dean Farrow and Bruce Parker.<br />


in his mental health.<br />

‘‘It’s greattobeable to meetotherswho<br />

arefacing the same issuesyou are.<br />

‘‘To be among them, and listen to what<br />

they are doing,isgreat for my mental<br />

health,’’ he says.<br />

TheRangiora team is alsoworking hard<br />

fundraising for theirparticipationinthe<br />

upcoming Rely for Life which will run<br />

from 10amto10pm Saturday, April1,at<br />

Dudley Park, in Rangiora.<br />

Movement exercises .. Wayne Milne<br />

takes part in the circuit training at the<br />

Blue Brothers free exercise class for men<br />

living with cancer.<br />


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All of us count -Tatau tātou

Love your home<br />

R.Grant Electrical, always ready to go the extra mile<br />

R.Grant Electrical is<br />

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It is atrusted local<br />

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<strong>Canterbury</strong> clients.<br />

The company is<br />

always there to help.<br />

And to make the<br />

entire process run<br />

smoother, owner<br />

Chris Johnston has<br />

brought on board Jordan Dell as<br />

project manager to help with all<br />

the intricate details needed to do a<br />

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R.Grant Electrical and its great<br />

crew of technicians can turn their<br />

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The company specialises in new<br />

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installing lighting set ups, creating<br />

TV,data, audioand home theatre<br />

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It also specialises in the creation<br />

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Residential, commercial and<br />

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more are also an important part of<br />

the work R. Grant Electrical carries<br />

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out.<br />

The teamislocal, and can be on<br />

the ground quickly to help when<br />

needed.<br />

R. Grant Electrical electricians<br />

can service the electrical needs of<br />

awide variety of valued clients<br />

spread across the entire <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

region, and often also in the West<br />

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Chris says to look out for his latest<br />

sign written van for adiscount.<br />

‘‘We have put our logo bigand<br />

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bold on the side of one of the vans,<br />

and if aprospective client spots it<br />

and can cite when and were they<br />

saw it as they book ajob with us,<br />

they will receive a$50 discount.”<br />

Chris is alocal and has just<br />

welcomed the latest addition to his<br />

and Ashlee’s expanding family –<br />

Sadie born amonth ago.<br />

Chris says he is looking forward<br />

to continuing to make R.Grant<br />

Electrical, atrusted firm continuing<br />

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Far left: Chris Johnston<br />

and the team at<br />

R. Grant Electrical.<br />

Left: Chris with his<br />

new sign written van<br />

-mention where you<br />

saw the van when you<br />

book ajob and receive<br />

a$50 discount.<br />

He is keen to keep the bond that has<br />

been built up with customers, and<br />

to grow the name and brand within<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, and continue the<br />

R. Grant legacy of quality service,<br />

and prompt and efficient service.<br />

For all your electrical needs,<br />

contact the team at R.Grant<br />

Electrical on <strong>02</strong>7 432 1534,<br />

(03) 313 7144 or email:<br />

info@rgrantelectrical.com<br />

We supply and install long run metal roofing,<br />

fascia and spouting.<br />

PO Box 54, Kaiapoi<br />

Mobile:<strong>02</strong>7 2458140<br />

Email: J_amatthews@xtra.co.nz<br />

p 03 313 7144 | e info@rgrantelectrcial.com<br />

• New Houses • Heatpumps<br />

• Alterations • TV &Data<br />

• Security &Alarms • Lighting<br />

• Residential &Commercial Maintenance<br />

• Test &Tagging • Audio &HomeTheatre<br />

• Inspections &much more<br />

www.rgrantelectrical.co.nz<br />

2550149v1<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Specialising in:<br />

•New Residential Builds<br />

•Septic Tanks<br />

•E1Sewer Pump<br />

For afree, no obligation quote contact:<br />

Ray Vincent <strong>02</strong>1 212 7885<br />

ray@drainpro.co.nz<br />


Love your home<br />

Every Kiwi deserves ausable garage<br />

In many of the new build and<br />

renovated older homes in the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> district, agrowing<br />

number of owners are using their<br />

garages as extra living space.<br />

Garador <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> which<br />

offers the latest range of garage doors,<br />

say it’stime to start thinking about<br />

garage door insulation.<br />

Office Manager Shelley Payton says<br />

many owners have already invested in<br />

floor coverings and they should now<br />

be considering how to control the<br />

temperature in their extra living space<br />

with garage door insulation.<br />

“We see many owners now using<br />

their garage as not only aworkshop<br />

but also as ateen space, an office or<br />

gym.<br />

“To help keep the space warm in<br />

winter and cool in summer we offer<br />

the NOVAhush range of quality<br />

insulation products.”<br />

NOVAhush panels are made of<br />

recycled polyester fibre with ablack<br />

cloth face.<br />

She says the panels can easily be<br />

fitted by their technicians on to any<br />

sectional panel garage door.<br />

They make the garagecooler in<br />

summer and warmer in winter with<br />

the added benefit of excellent sound<br />

proofing qualities.<br />

“Any member of the family can<br />

now relax in their new space and not<br />

annoy others nearby.”<br />

Shelley says Garador <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> have been astockist and<br />

installer of the NOVAhush range<br />

for many years and have found it<br />

to be very popular on both new and<br />

retrofitted garage space.<br />

For those cleaning out or rearranging<br />

their garage spaces Garador <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> also offers the diverse<br />

range of Gladiator Storage Systems.<br />

These include racks, hanging wall<br />

systems, accessories, wall hooks<br />

for both large and small items, and<br />

baskets for everything from nuts and<br />

bolts to bicycles and tools.<br />

They also offer arange of heavy<br />

duty shelves.<br />

The entire Gladiator system of gear<br />

walls, gear tracks, and cabinets are<br />

easy to install and configure to match<br />

your storage plan in your garage or<br />

workspace.<br />

Comedown and meet the team at<br />

Garador <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> at 6B<br />

Alfred Street, Rangiora or contact<br />

them on 03 423 3040.<br />

Gladiator storage systems<br />

provide convenient ways to<br />

organise the storage space of<br />

your garage.<br />

Below: NOVAhush panels keep<br />

your garage or workshop warm<br />

in winter and cool in summer.<br />

2555567v1<br />

Interior Solutions, is proudly<br />

one of <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s leading<br />

benchtop manufacturers,<br />

specialising in acrylic solid<br />

surface, engineered stone,<br />

vanities and much more.<br />

Ph 03 310 7371<br />

288 Flaxton Road<br />

info@interiorsolutions.net.nz<br />


NOW OPEN<br />

Monday to Thursday 9am -3pm,<br />

Closed Friday<br />

Contact us<br />

for afree<br />

consultation<br />

for Curtains,<br />

Romans,<br />

Rollers and<br />

more<br />

Phone 03 327 4919<br />

Mauds Soft Furnishings<br />

88 Williams Street,<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

(up long driveway)<br />

www.mauds.co.nz<br />

2484095v6<br />

• Oak Oval &Round Frames<br />

• NZ Paua Shell<br />

• Memorabilia Framing<br />

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• Rectangular Frames<br />

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• Jewellery<br />

• Needleworks<br />

• NZ Greenstone<br />

• Gifts • Souvenirs • Gallery • Medals<br />

&much more!<br />

10 Cone Street, Rangiora<br />

03 313 5474<br />

sales@cameofinearts.co.nz<br />

www.cameofinearts.co.nz<br />

Forget The Rest -Come To The Best<br />

Day Bros Painters and Plasterers are able to<br />

handle your whole job -Nomore dealing with two<br />

different trades!<br />

We offer free quotes and service <strong>Canterbury</strong>wide.<br />

Residential and commercial properties.<br />

We specialise in:<br />

painting<br />

plastering<br />

roof spraying<br />

specialised coating systems<br />

airless spraying<br />

water blasting<br />

Local, family owned business who hasbeen in<br />

business for over 30years.<br />

Members of master painters.<br />

Please contact Dan for afree quote<br />

on <strong>02</strong>75 340 878<br />

Email: office@daybrospainters.co.nz<br />

www.daybrospainters.co.nz<br />

2492417v1<br />

There’snosuch<br />

thing as atypical<br />

Kiwi garage.<br />

Phone: 03 343 1651<br />

Garador manufactures custom-made<br />

garage doors constructedspecifically<br />

foryour space.<br />

We have looked a er Kiwis formore than<br />

50 years so if youneed adependable garage<br />

door to keep your prized possessions in prime<br />

condition, visit your local Garador dealer today.<br />


03 423 3040<br />





2486527v1<br />

think<br />

outside<br />

the boring<br />

black box.<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

472 Blenheim Road, Sockburn. Phone: 03 343 1651


MainPowerNew ZealandLimited (MainPower)providesdistribution line services to apopulation of over 65,000people in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> region.<br />

We provide the network to deliver electricity to our region’shomes, businesses, schools and communities.<br />

MainPower Rebate<br />

Qualifying Customersare entitled to the MainPower rebateand thisisappliedasapercentage<br />

discount off the fixed charge.The rebate is passed throughasadiscount on the power bill thatyou<br />

receive from yourretailer (though some retailerschoose not to show thisdiscount separately on their<br />

invoices). Once acustomer is connected to the MainPower network, they are aQualifying Customer<br />

(this excludes temporarysupplies).Customersconnectedtothe former Kaiapoi Electricity network will<br />

have adiscount applied to theirfixedcharge equivalenttothe MainPower rebate.<br />

Chargefrom1April 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

(Excluding GST)<br />

Customer PriceCategories<br />

ResidentialCustomers<br />

Approximate<br />

Customer Estimate<br />

1Feb 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Gross<br />

Dollars/day<br />

–<br />

Rebate<br />

Dollars/day<br />

=<br />

At 1April 2<strong>02</strong>3, the Qualifying Customer rebateand Kaiapoi Electricity discount,paidas<br />

apercentagediscountofthe fixed charge willbe19.9%for residentialcustomersand<br />

7.4% fornon–residentialcustomers.<br />

Fixed<br />

Net<br />

Dollars/day<br />

Fixed line charges are<br />

shown as dollarsper day,<br />

regardlessofhow much<br />

electricity you use.<br />

+<br />

Transmission<br />

Dollars/day<br />

=<br />

Variable linechargesare shown<br />

as dollarsper kWh (kilowatt<br />

hour).Thisisapplied to the<br />

amountofelectricity you use.<br />

Total<br />

Dollars/day<br />

Gross<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

+<br />

Variable<br />

Transmission<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

=<br />

Total<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

All InclusiveStandard User 17,229 2.4060 -0.4777 1.9283 0.5855 2.5139 0.0112 0.0000 0.0112<br />

All InclusiveLow User 13,098 0.4500 -0.0893 0.3607 0.0000 0.3607 0.0980 0.0114 0.1094<br />

Uncontrolled Standard User 2,170 2.4060 -0.4777 1.9283 0.5855 2.5139 0.0387 0.0000 0.0387<br />

Uncontrolled LowUser 1,097 0.4500 -0.0893 0.3607 0.0000 0.3607 0.1252 0.0117 0.1369<br />

All Inclusivewith Night Only Standard User 1,570 2.4060 -0.4777 1.9283 0.5855 2.5139 0.0112 0.0000 0.0112<br />

Night Only Portion – – – – – – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

All Inclusivewith NightOnly LowUser 999 0.4500 -0.0893 0.3607 0.0000 0.3607 0.0980 0.0114 0.1094<br />

Night Only Portion – – – – – – 0.0869 0.0114 0.0982<br />

Other Customers<br />

Non–Residential 5,952 3.9950 -0.2970 3.6981 0.9587 4.6567 0.<strong>02</strong>89 0.0000 0.<strong>02</strong>89<br />

TemporarySupply 425 3.<strong>02</strong>10 0.0000 3.<strong>02</strong>10 0.7192 3.74<strong>02</strong> 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Irrigation (per kW connected) 1,466 0.1652 -0.0062 0.1589 0.0913 0.25<strong>02</strong> 0.<strong>02</strong>91 0.0000 0.<strong>02</strong>91<br />

Council Pumping 208 4.4100 -0.1627 4.2473 2.4490 6.6963 0.<strong>02</strong>23 0.0000 0.<strong>02</strong>23<br />

Streetlighting (per fitting connected) 110 0.0984 -0.0037 0.0947 0.<strong>02</strong>76 0.1223 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Non–Residential–Large Users (weighted average) 42 74.1175 -2.2095 71.9080 48.2920 120.2000 0.<strong>02</strong>86 0.0000 0.<strong>02</strong>86<br />

Distributed Generation 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

OptionalAdditions<br />

Right of WayLighting 70 – – – – – 0.0686 0.0000 0.0686<br />

UnderVerandah Lighting 26 – – – – – 0.0686 0.0000 0.0686<br />

Electric Vehicle 0 – – – – – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

DistributedGeneration 1,563 – – – – – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Charge Before31<strong>March</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

(ExcludingGST)<br />

CustomerPrice Categories<br />

ResidentialCustomers<br />

Approximate<br />

Customer Estimate<br />

1Feb 2<strong>02</strong>2<br />

Gross<br />

Dollars/day<br />

–<br />

Rebate<br />

Dollars/day<br />

=<br />

Fixed<br />

Net<br />

Dollars/day<br />

+<br />

Transmission<br />

Dollars/day<br />

=<br />

Total<br />

Dollars/day<br />

Gross<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

+<br />

Variable<br />

Transmission<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

=<br />

Total<br />

Dollars/kWh<br />

AllInclusiveStandardUser 17,367 1.9750 -0.4777 1.4973 0.5342 2.0315 0.0154 0.0048 0.<strong>02</strong><strong>02</strong><br />

All Inclusive LowUser 12,354 0.3000 -0.0726 0.2274 0.0000 0.2274 0.0911 0.0113 0.1<strong>02</strong>4<br />

Uncontrolled Standard User 2,016 1.9750 -0.4777 1.4973 0.5342 2.0315 0.0397 0.0052 0.0449<br />

Uncontrolled LowUser 885 0.3000 -0.0726 0.2274 0.0000 0.2274 0.1154 0.0117 0.1271<br />

AllInclusive with NightOnly Standard User 1,593 1.9750 -0.4777 1.4973 0.5342 2.0315 0.0154 0.0048 0.<strong>02</strong><strong>02</strong><br />

Night Only Portion – – – – – – 0.0058 0.0042 0.0100<br />

AllInclusivewithNight Only LowUser 988 0.3000 -0.0726 0.2274 0.0000 0.2274 0.0911 0.0113 0.1<strong>02</strong>4<br />

Night Only Portion – – – – – – 0.0508 0.0113 0.0621<br />

Other Customers<br />

Non–Residential 5,954 2.8100 -0.2770 2.5331 0.7114 3.2444 0.0355 0.0053 0.0408<br />

Temporary Supply 418 2.4900 0.0000 2.4900 0.5692 3.0592 0.1<strong>02</strong>0 0.0052 0.1073<br />

Irrigation (perkWconnected) 1,461 0.1354 -0.0062 0.1292 0.0685 0.1977 0.<strong>02</strong>91 0.0126 0.0416<br />

Council Pumping 207 4.0500 -0.4172 3.6328 1.2434 4.8763 0.<strong>02</strong>28 0.0036 0.<strong>02</strong>65<br />

Streetlighting (per fittingconnected) 113 0.0910 -0.0060 0.0850 0.0180 0.1030 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Non–Residential–LargeUsers (weightedaverage) 44 29.0000 -0.5095 28.4905 46.6985 75.1890 0.0356 0.0049 0.0405<br />

Distributed Generation – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Optional Additions<br />

Right of WayLighting 71 – – – – – 0.0437 0.<strong>02</strong>49 0.0686<br />

UnderVerandah Lighting 26 – – – – – 0.0437 0.<strong>02</strong>49 0.0686<br />

Electric Vehicle 0 – – – – – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Distributed Generation 1254 – – – – – 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

Formoredetailed information on our pricing methodology,whichdescribes theapproachMainPower has adopted to determine pricesfor customers<br />

connectedtothe electricity distribution network,visit mainpower.co.nz/pricing.

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

21<br />

Rambling along the river bank<br />


Over 100 cyclists runners and walkers<br />

turned out on Sundaymorningfor a12<br />

km longramblealong the AshleyRiver<br />

stop banksduring the Rangiora Lions<br />

Club annual Ashley River Ramble.<br />

Club member and organiser Rob<br />

McLeod says it was agood turnout<br />

considering there was alot on in the<br />

district.<br />

‘‘It was goodtobeback withthis fun,<br />

family eventafterthree years since<br />

the lastramble.’’<br />

Afteragroup warm­up by NZ<br />

Olympic and Commonwealth Games<br />

middle distancerunner Angie Petty,<br />

the cyclists werewavedaway at 9am by<br />

WaimakaririMayor Dan Gordon from<br />

the WaikukuBeach<strong>North</strong> Oval.<br />

Ten minutes laterthe runnersand<br />

walkersheaded off.<br />

The finish linewas at theAshley<br />

RiverPicnic Groundsnear the BMX<br />

Track, in Rangiora.<br />

Mr McLeodsays the fastestriders<br />

wouldhave madeittothe finish linein<br />

around 40­45 minutes.<br />

But the event was not arace like the<br />

ones the club usedtorun years ago.<br />

All moneyraisedduring the ramble<br />

will go towards supportingthe<br />

CommunityWellbeing <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust,who entered a<br />

walkingteam at the event.<br />

Stepping out ... The walking team from the Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust<br />

head off at the start of the 12km long Ashley River Ramble along the stop banks from<br />

Waikuku Beach to Rangiora on Sunday.<br />


The Widest<br />

Music<br />

Variety<br />

Friday 6pm &<br />

replayed at 12pm<br />

Sunday<br />

Tune in nowtolisten on<br />

104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />

andKaikoura<br />

Rangiora<br />

<strong>March</strong> 8, 15, 22, 29<br />

April 5, 12, 19, 26<br />

May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31<br />

Foot traffic ... Runners head off to<br />

negotiate the trail along the river banks<br />

during the Ramble.<br />

Off they go ... Henry Lancaster, aged 11 of<br />

Rangiora, takes the lead as the cyclists set<br />

off on the Ramble.<br />

2560763<br />

Relationships thrivethrough activelifestyle.<br />


Being active has always been<br />

amajor part of Shirley’s life.<br />

For years, she has played golf<br />

and croquet and when it rains<br />

there is always Indoor Bowls<br />

or the local Line Dancing<br />

group.<br />

“I love it when you are not<br />

only being active but also<br />

interacting withothers; youget<br />

so much moreofarelationship<br />

with different people through<br />

engaging in activities and<br />

experiences than just over a<br />

cup of tea and achat.”<br />

Shirley’s participation in<br />

the activities began tolessen,<br />

however, through no fault of<br />

her own; her world began to<br />

feel smaller and fun seemed to<br />

be in short supply.<br />

Shirley began to look at<br />

her ongoing lifestyle and also<br />

at a number of things that<br />

could support her muscles<br />

& joints. She wanted things<br />

that were sustainable, easy to<br />

incorporate into her everyday<br />

life and natural. One of the<br />

things she came across was<br />

Koru FXfrom Koru Nutrition.<br />

“I bought just one bottle<br />

and thought I could try this.<br />

Very soon after, Ireturned and<br />

bought three bottles!!”<br />

“I love knowing that I am<br />

supporting myself in my<br />

activities. Iam playing Indoor<br />

Bowls and doing very well on<br />

that front, if Idosay so myself.<br />

Ihavealsopicked up my trusty<br />

exercise bike and am doing<br />

3km every day. Iam so happy<br />

to be living life to the full.”<br />

Koru FX cream by Koru<br />

Nutrition has become NZ’s<br />

#1 joint and muscle support<br />

cream. Many happy customers<br />

are recommending Koru<br />

FX cream due to its natural<br />

ingredient, results and fast<br />

acting delivery.<br />

Containing high quality oils<br />

like calendula, arnica, manuka<br />

and peppermint, along with<br />

12 others, Koru FX provides<br />

the perfect formulation for<br />

supporting joints and muscles.<br />

People are often telling<br />

Shirley she is looking great.<br />

“I am so happy with my life<br />

and how Iamliving it. When<br />

Isee my friends Iwill always<br />

lend them alistening ear and<br />

nine times out of ten Iend up<br />

saying, ‘Try myKoru FX’.”<br />

Koru FX is a simple<br />

Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Koru Nutrition, Christchurch. MR7862<br />

combination of pure, allnatural<br />

ingredients that have<br />

been carefully chosen, not<br />

just for their own unique<br />

benefits, but so that when<br />

blended together they work<br />

synergistically to bring out the<br />

best results from each other.<br />

If you’re looking for a<br />

fast-acting and long-lasting,<br />

natural product, harnessing the<br />

benefits of essential oils, then<br />

Koru FX is for you.<br />

Ask for Koru FX cream next<br />

time you’re in the pharmacy<br />

and try itfor yourself.<br />




NEWS<br />

22 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Potential sites revealed for Pegasus centre<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Feedback is being sought on two<br />

potential sites for the proposed Pegasus<br />

Community Centre.<br />

The Waimakariri District Council has<br />

identified two possible sites for the<br />

proposed community centre, after being<br />

approached by the town’s developer,<br />

Templeton Group.<br />

The proposed sites were approved for<br />

consultation with the Pegasus<br />

community, at the council’s community<br />

and recreation committee meeting last<br />

week.<br />

Committee chairperson Cr Philip<br />

Redmond said he was keen to hear the<br />

community’s feedback.<br />

‘‘The cost options are similar for both<br />

sites, but price and design are less of an<br />

issue than getting the right location.’’<br />

The council has been leasing a<br />

building in Tahuna Street, Pegasus,<br />

since 2017 for atemporary community<br />

centre, which was being operated by the<br />

Pegasus Residents Group Inc.<br />

But the lease was due to expire in<br />

June 2<strong>02</strong>5.<br />

The council signalled in the 2<strong>02</strong>1/31<br />

Long Term Plan its intention to<br />

establish apurpose­built community<br />

centre for Pegasus and set aside funding<br />

to build a400m2 facility in the 2<strong>02</strong>3/24<br />

and 2<strong>02</strong>4/25 financial years.<br />

Of the two sites, one is council­owned<br />

land near the already established retail<br />

area and health hub.<br />

The other option was further away<br />

from residential properties, but had<br />

more land for future growth.<br />

Residents have until 5pm on<br />

Wednesday, <strong>March</strong> 15, to offer feedback<br />

at waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk.<br />

The council is also exploring options<br />

to purchase land at Ravenswood, north<br />

Woodend, for future development of<br />

community facilities.<br />

Public interest journalism is funded<br />

by New Zealand on Air.<br />

Clubcelebrates 70 years<br />


The Oxford Garden Club<br />

celebrates amilestone on <strong>March</strong><br />

9.<br />

It is celebrating its 70th Jubilee<br />

with aget together and meal at<br />

the Oxford Club.<br />

President Kay Thompson says<br />

the club is the strongest it has<br />

ever been, with alot of new<br />

members joining as they become<br />

part of the Oxford community.<br />

The club has abusy schedule of<br />

visiting gardens and<br />

competitions, and members<br />

share ideas and skills.<br />

However, Kay says it is not all<br />

about gardening, and bus trips to<br />

see prized gardens.<br />

The club has an emphasis on<br />

fellowship, and often have trips<br />

to the movies and outings for<br />

lunch or dinner.<br />

Kay says they now also have<br />

men joining the club, with one —<br />

Ted Dring —recently being<br />

awarded atrophy in the Cut<br />

Flower competitions for the year.<br />

There is ayoung mum, several<br />

who have been members for<br />

many years, and members from<br />

as far afield as Rangiora.<br />

‘‘We cater for all ages.<br />

‘‘Our aim is to be friendly and<br />

welcoming,’’ says Kay.<br />

The celebration starts at 11am,<br />

and the meal is at 12.30pm.<br />

Milestone ... Oxford Garden Club<br />

memebers will gather to celebrate<br />

their 70th Jubilee on <strong>March</strong> 9.<br />


<strong>Canterbury</strong>’sMostExcitingNew Retirement Village<br />

NOWwith an Amazing Special OfferonCompleted Villas!<br />

~ $5000Whiteware, $5000 to move,$10000Furniture, $10000CASH ~<br />

Amberley Country Estatehas an amazing special offer on newly-built Villas. This special packageincludes<br />

$5,000 ofWhiteware, $5,000 tohelp you move, $10,000 for Furniture and $10,000 CASH! Plus, you’ll enjoy<br />

generously-sized, well spread out, energy efficient homes with spacious, fully maintained yards and<br />

landscaped gardens, a330m 2 Residents Centre and amazingly low weekly fees. Ifyou’re 65+ and seeking an<br />

active lifestyle with laid-back country estate living, contact us today. Visit our website orphone0800 573 573.<br />

L L Y US<br />

Our layout is different to other Villages.<br />

Instead ofhomes lined upall in arow, weoffer a<br />

wide range ofvillas with unique streetscapes. Right<br />

-of-ways give a community feel, but with ruralpeople<br />

in mind, some homes have private<br />

driveways and extra large yards. This gives homes<br />

more individuality and our streets more character<br />

making thevillage feel more special and upmarket.<br />


Call for yourAppointment<br />

10 Teviotview Place, Amberley ● www.amberleycountryestate.co.nz ● Call Free: 0800 573 573

2010 SuzukiGrand Vitara<br />

•2.0l petrol manual,4WD<br />

•Alloys, climateair<br />

•NZnew<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2010 Toyota Prius<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybrid, Keyless<br />

•SideAirbags, 4.2L/100km<br />

•Only 47,756kms<br />

$<br />

16,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX Hatchback<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto<br />

•Camera, NZ New,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 59,500kms.<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2017 Toyota Vitz Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, Climate Air<br />

•3.8L/100km, Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2017 Toyota Vitz Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolHybridAuto<br />

•5-Door,ClimateAir,Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 48,600kms<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX hatchback<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Satnav,<br />

•5-Star Safety,Alloys, Camera<br />

•75,066kms<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2019 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybrid, Alloys<br />

•Camera, 5-star Safety<br />

•Only 12,900kms<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXBlack<br />

Edition<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys, Satnav,<br />

•Apple&AndroidConnect,5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

29,995<br />

2007 SuzukiGrandVitara<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />

•Camera, NZ new,Alloys,<br />

•94,457kms<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXHybrid<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybridAuto<br />

•NZNew,Satnav,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 25,400kms<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

2017 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybrid; Leather<br />

•Camera, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 55,600km<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1 Corolla GX Hatchback<br />

•2.0L Petrol Auto, Alloys, Camera<br />

•Satnav,5-StarSafety<br />

•Only10,200kms<br />

$<br />

31,995<br />

2019 CamryGXHybrid<br />

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•AlloysCamera,4.7L/100kms<br />

•Only 43,830kms<br />

$<br />

36,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

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•Only 39,450km<br />

$<br />

43,995,<br />

2019 CamryGXHybrid<br />

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•Only 44,700kms<br />

$<br />

36,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

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•Only 48,350kms<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

2018 HighlanderGXL<br />

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•94,000kms<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

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•Only 30,450km<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

2019 Toyota Fortuner GXL<br />

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•Only 26,100kms<br />

$<br />

47,995<br />

2018 Highlander GXL<br />

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•91,900kms<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel 6-Speed Manual<br />

•Satnav,Keyless,Tonneau<br />

•5-Star Safety, 89,400kms<br />

$<br />

49,995<br />

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$<br />

49,995<br />

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$<br />

32,995<br />

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$<br />

52,995<br />

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44,995<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Residents urged to have asay on growth<br />

The Waimakariri District is<br />

growing rapidly –how do we<br />

accommodate more people?<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon urges<br />

residentstogive their views on how<br />

Greater Christchurch should develop as<br />

population grows in Selwyn,<br />

Waimakariri and Christchurch.<br />

More than 2000 people have already<br />

responded to the survey which is part of<br />

the Huihui Mai (let’s come together)<br />

engagement which runs until Sunday, 26<br />

<strong>March</strong>.<br />

Feedback receivedwill underpin the<br />

draft Spatial Plan for Christchurch, an<br />

ambitiousblueprint for the future. It<br />

goes out for formal consultation later<br />

this year.<br />

Waimakariri is growing rapidly.<br />

It had an estimated population of<br />

67,900 in 2<strong>02</strong>2 which is 11 percent more<br />

people than lived in Waimakariri four<br />

years ago at the time of the last census.<br />

The Whakawhanake Kāinga Komiti<br />

(Urban Growth Partnership for Greater<br />

Christchurch) wantslocal residentsto<br />

take part in the discussion to shape<br />

where and how their area will grow in<br />

the future, how its transport<br />

infrastructure can be future­proofed<br />

and how to protect the environment now<br />

and for future generations.<br />

This work also includes apotential<br />

‘turn up and go’ mass rapid transit<br />

system, that both responds to, and<br />

encourages growth along its route.<br />

Mr Gordon says population growth has<br />

continued onasteady climb with new<br />

subdivisions around Rangiora, Kaiapoi<br />

and other towns in the district.<br />

‘‘We need to plan for the future<br />

growth.<br />

‘‘This is achance for the public to tell<br />

us about the importantissues that affect<br />

their quality of lifetohelp us better<br />

understand local issues and work on<br />

solutions together to unlock urban<br />

development opportunities,’’ he says<br />

This work is not starting from scratch.<br />

In 2<strong>02</strong>0 Greater Christchurch residents<br />

were asked what kind of place they<br />

wanted for future generations andthat<br />

feedback has helped shaped planning<br />

for future growth.<br />

The message was very clear then –<br />

residents want Greater Christchurchto<br />

be sustainable, vibrant and safe, with<br />

thriving community centres, afocus on<br />

places for people –with less urban<br />

sprawl, more affordable housing and<br />

much better transport options.<br />

Minister of Transport Michael Wood<br />

says the Greater Christchurch’s public<br />

transport network requires significant<br />

changes tomake it aviable option for its<br />

residents, who have some of the highest<br />

dependency on private motor vehicles<br />

in the country.<br />

‘‘Residents views are being sought on<br />

aturn up and go public transport service<br />

that is more reliable, sustainable and<br />

high frequency so residents want to<br />

make the switch from using private cars<br />

and can do so with confidence’’ Minister<br />

Wood says.<br />

‘‘The service would run alonga<br />

dedicated corridor from the centralcity<br />

north to Belfast and southwest to<br />

Hornby.<br />

‘‘This turn up and go service would<br />

create astrong connected spinethrough<br />

the city, helping reduce traveltime and<br />

25<br />

making it easier for people to get to<br />

where they want to go.<br />

‘‘We’re also exploringwhat type of<br />

mode will be best suited for the<br />

proposed route, either Bus Rapid<br />

Transit or light rail, but it would be<br />

frequent, convenient, zero emission and<br />

be able to move large numbers of<br />

people.’’<br />

The proposed route would be<br />

supported by improved park ‘n’ ride<br />

facilities in Waimakariri key towns and<br />

increased frequency of direct bus<br />

services that connect these towns to the<br />

central city using the motorway<br />

corridors. Waimakaririwould also be<br />

connected to the new turn up and go<br />

service with park ‘n’ ride facilities at<br />

Belfast, and therewouldbebetter<br />

public transport connections between<br />

settlements in Waimakariri to make it<br />

easier to get around in the Waimakariri<br />

district.<br />

Residents can find out more about<br />

this work, listen to webinarsand<br />

complete the online survey at<br />

greaterchristchurch.org.nz from now to<br />

<strong>March</strong> 26.<br />

Ravenswood adeveloping community<br />


Ravenswood continuestogrow.<br />

It has been five years since the first<br />

residentsmoved into the 150 hectare<br />

Ravenswood communitydevelopment<br />

just north of Woodend and the<br />

developers, Infinity Investment Group<br />

Holdings Ltd, say things are on track<br />

considering economic and supply<br />

conditions.<br />

Marketing and communications<br />

manager Tracey Gilmour says it’s<br />

impressive what has been achieved<br />

since the first ‘forsale’ sign went up in<br />

2016, and the groundbeing brokenin<br />

2018.<br />

‘‘Whencompleted, Ravenswood will<br />

have over 1300houses built.<br />

‘‘As it stands approximately 363<br />

houseshave been built, and 194 are now<br />

under construction.<br />

‘‘Eighty four percent of the entire<br />

residential development has been sold,<br />

and all of the commerciallots have<br />

sold.’’<br />

She says the convenient location of<br />

Ravenswood beingcentral to the<br />

communities of Rangiora,Pegasus,<br />

Woodend and Kaiapoi, its close<br />

proximitytoState Highway 1(SH1) and<br />

all that the WaimakaririDistrict has to<br />

offer,has made it apopularchoice<br />

among new home buyers and<br />

commercial business owners.<br />

Ravenswood development manager<br />

JeromeO’Sullivan says it is good to see<br />

the construction going ahead,<br />

Continuing to grow ... Most of the construction on Stage 3ofthe Ravenswood<br />

development is completed.<br />


especially in the 20 hectare commercial<br />

district and shopping precinct.<br />

He says the new retail precinct under<br />

developmentnext to New World on Bob<br />

Robertson Drive, should have its first<br />

tenants in by mid­year once workis<br />

complete.<br />

‘‘We are lookingforward to offering<br />

peopleaJoesGarage, Chinese, Thai<br />

and Indian restaurants, asushioutlet<br />

and aCoffeeClub onsite whenall the<br />

work is finally completed.’’<br />

Joining Harvey Norman, scheduled<br />

for the southern side of the commercial<br />

areanext to SH1, will be aGull Service<br />

stationonthe corner of Bob Robertson<br />

Drive and Garlick Streetatthe<br />

roundabout.<br />

The new self­service petrol stationis<br />

expected to be open by mid­2<strong>02</strong>4.<br />

Tracey saysthe playgrounds on the<br />

northernside of the development off<br />

Chambers Avenue, are going to be<br />

‘‘awesome for kids’’.<br />

‘‘They will haveapumptrack with<br />

fourskill levels,ahalf sizebasketball<br />

court, swings,climbing blocks/cubes, a<br />

halftothree quartersize soccer field,<br />

picnic tables and toilets.’’<br />

She saysasitispart of the Stage 4<br />

development, it will open to the public<br />

whenthe Waimakariri District Council<br />

has given its sign off.<br />

‘‘Weanticipate this to be late <strong>March</strong><br />

or early April.’’<br />

Ravenswood will eventually house<br />

around 3500 people (includingthose in<br />

the FreedomLifestyle Village).<br />

The retirement lifestyle village will<br />

haveatotal of 240units, of varying<br />

sizes, with six showhomes now being<br />

built.<br />

Stage 4of225 sections is almost<br />

complete, with titlesinsome partsof<br />

thisstagebeing issued already.<br />

Stage 5has 226 sectionswhich are all<br />

soldand is under construction with<br />

stagecompletion anticipated in<br />

September/October of this year.<br />

Stage6has 275 sections(78 havesold<br />

in the first stage release), with other<br />

four parts to be released in due course.<br />



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Let’schoose ourfutureat<br />


$<br />

12,994<br />

$<br />

16,494 $<br />

17,494<br />

$<br />

11,999<br />

$<br />

8,990<br />


40,000kms,1300cc, Lowkms.<br />


2017 TOYOTA VITZF<br />

61,000kms,1300cc,Alloys,Full<br />

Electrics,KeylessEntry,Reverse<br />


2017 TOYOTA VITZ<br />

2014HONDA FIT<br />

57,000kms, 1500cc,FullElectrics, 92,261kms, 1310cc, Reverse<br />

Keyless Entry.REBATE AVAILABLE! Camera, Push Start, Traction<br />

Control.<br />

2009 NISSAN TIIDA<br />

67,857kms, 1500cc, Alloys,<br />

Keyless Entry,Auto lights,<br />

1owner.<br />

$<br />

11,485<br />

$<br />

10,494<br />

$<br />

15,999<br />

$<br />

18,383<br />

$<br />

8,499<br />

2012 SUZUKI SPLASH<br />

92,000kms,1200cc, Alloys,<br />

Very Economical, BodyKit.<br />

2014 NISSAN MARCH S<br />

64,000kms, 1200cc, Automatic CD<br />

player,Keyless Entry,Low kms.<br />

2013SUBARU XV 2.0I-L4WD<br />

96,437kms, 1990cc, Cruise<br />

Control, One Owner,Push Start,<br />

ReverseCamera.<br />


54,000kms,1500cc, Alloys,Cruise<br />

Control, Push Start, Keyless Entry.<br />


1.4T AT<br />

1364cc NZ New,Cruise Control, Full<br />

Electrics.<br />

$<br />

18,485 $<br />

15,494<br />

$<br />

24,494<br />

$<br />

16,994<br />

$<br />

15,494<br />



40600kms, 1500cc,Alloys,Traction<br />

Control, Reverse Camera, 5Star<br />

Safety Rating.REBATE AVAILABLE!<br />

$<br />

26,994<br />

2017 NISSAN NOTE X<br />

7,500kms,1200cc, Keyless Entry,<br />

Push Start, AutoLights, Low kms.<br />


$<br />

19,494<br />


1500cc,Alloys,CruiseControl,<br />

PushStart, Reverse Camera.<br />


$<br />

34,394<br />

2017 MAZDA DEMIO<br />

48,761kms,1300cc, Alloys, Reverse<br />

Camera, Heated Seats, Push Start.<br />


$<br />

15,990<br />


15S<br />

33,467kms, 1500cc, Alloys, Keyless<br />

Entry, Push Start, Traction Control.<br />

$<br />

32,990<br />


56,000kms,2000cc, I-Site,<br />

ReversingCamera, Cruise Control,<br />

Push Start.<br />

2013 MAZDA CX-5 20S<br />

2000cc,Alloys,ReverseCamera,<br />

CD Player, Push Start.<br />

2<strong>02</strong>0 MAZDACX-30 20S<br />

19,000kms, 2000cc,Alloys,<br />

Parking Sensors, 360 Degree<br />

Camera, Heated Steering Wheel.<br />


SPORT<br />

1998cc, 6-Speed Manual,Diesel,<br />

CD/Radio,TractionControl.<br />


LAREDO<br />

97,707kms, 3604cc,Alloys Reverse<br />

Camera, Heated Seats,NZNew,<br />

BluetoothAudio.<br />

All prices include on road costs, 12 month registration and new WOF<br />

*Safety ratings are from year of manufacture*<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

29<br />

Yum!, by Nadia Lim<br />

Getting your child to love food —and she<br />

means, good wholesome food —isnot<br />

always easy. That’s where Nadia hopes<br />

YUM! comes in handy.<br />

AGentle Radical, by Gareth Hughes<br />

Jeanette Fitzsimons was avisionary, a<br />

pioneer and aradical. This is the story of<br />

someone who battled National and<br />

Labour's lock on parliament and had the<br />

courage to challenge political sacred<br />

cows.<br />

The grand Tour, by Marc Walter<br />

The Golden Age of Travel evokes an era<br />

when travelling the world was athrilling<br />

new possibility for those with the<br />

resources, time, imagination, and daring.<br />

This richly illustrated volume charts the<br />

travel heyday of 1869 to 1939.<br />

Forever young: AMemoir, by Hayley<br />

Mills<br />

Iconic actress Hayley Mills shares personal memories from her<br />

childhood, growing up in afamous acting family, and becoming aDisney<br />

child star, trying to grow up in aworld that wanted her to stay forever<br />

young.<br />

Freezing Order, by Bill Browder<br />

Bill Browder returns with another<br />

gripping thriller chronicling how he<br />

became Vladimir Putin’s number one<br />

enemy by exposing Putin’s campaign to<br />

steal and launder hundreds of billions of<br />

dollars and kill anyone who stands in his<br />

way.<br />

Above the Treeline by A. F. Mark<br />

New Zealand’s alpine environment is<br />

challenging, not only for the humans who<br />

explore it but for the plants and animals<br />

that inhabit it.<br />

The extremes of temperature and high<br />

rates of erosion make for an uncertain<br />

environment, and the flora and fauna<br />

have evolved and adapted to it in<br />

interesting ways.<br />

These titles are available in both Waimakariri and Hurunui libraries.<br />

Find out more about recent additions to the library collection by going to<br />

the library catalogue at waimakariri.kotui.org.nz or hurunui.kotui.org.nz<br />

or contact your local library.<br />

Footpaths ... The Kaikōura District Council is preparing to invest in<br />

its footpaths.<br />


Walking focus<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Afteryears of underinvestment,<br />

walking aroundthe<br />

Kaikōura townshipisabout to<br />

get smoother.<br />

The Kaikōura District<br />

Council identified improving<br />

footpathsasapriority in its<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1/31 Long TermPlan,with<br />

work to begin in April 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

Aworkinggroup was<br />

established last yeartobegin<br />

prioritisingwhichfootpaths<br />

needed some work.<br />

‘‘Under­investment from<br />

previous years is apparent in<br />

the poor condition of our<br />

footpaths,’’ seniormanager<br />

operations, Dave Clibbery said.<br />

‘‘Cost savingefforts over<br />

many years have resulted in a<br />

substantialamountofchip seal<br />

or gravel paths, which were<br />

less expensivetoconstruct,but<br />

have shorter lives.<br />

‘‘These pathshave now<br />

deterioratedtothe pointwhere<br />

replacementisrequired,and<br />

we are now attempting to tackle<br />

this backlog.’’<br />

Mr Clibbery said the lack of<br />

investment had resulted in<br />

uneven surfaces, potholes and<br />

otherhazards.<br />

‘‘We see this as apriority to<br />

improve thequalityofliving for<br />

our elderly andless mobile<br />

residents.’’<br />

The council voted in the<br />

Long Term Plan to increase its<br />

annual budgetfrom $60,000to<br />

$160,000ayear overnine years<br />

to addressthe backlog.<br />

But with 43km of footpaths<br />

needing repair and<br />

replacement, Mr Clibbery says<br />

it is essential to identifyareas<br />

and spend wisely.<br />

PUBLIC<br />


E23/7387<br />


ecan.govt.nz/whatstheplan<br />

PLAN?<br />

What’s the<br />



30 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

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Veges to plant now<br />

Top vege crops to plant now if you<br />

would like to eat well over winter.<br />

Words Rachel Vogan<br />

Whilewarmer soiltemperatures remain,<br />

keep youredible garden topped up. As the<br />

soil becomes coldover winter, that’swhen<br />

growth willstop formany crops,soget in<br />

what you can now and you’ll be rewarded<br />

with amuch tastier winter menu.<br />

If some summer cropsare still actively<br />

producing, simply plant what you can and<br />

remember loadsofcrops thrive in pots and<br />

containers.<br />

You can even pot some up to transfer to<br />

the garden later when space frees up.<br />

Seedlingsversusseeds<br />

It’s no secretthat Iamatotalfan of<br />

plantingseedlings of all leafy and fruiting<br />

crops.<br />

Normally it’s because Iamabit timepoor<br />

and, as Itravel abit, Idon’t always<br />

have anyone on handtowater my<br />

germinating seeds. However, Idolove<br />

sowing seeds and forsome crops, suchas<br />

carrots, it’s the onlyfeasible way to grow<br />

them.<br />

When it comes to veges, seedlings get the<br />

nod for me as theyare amonth­to­sixweeksmore<br />

advanced.<br />

It’s abit likespeedgardening; as soon as<br />

Iharvest acabbage, Iwant to fill the gap<br />

with aseedling straight away.<br />

Beetroot<br />

This cropisasuperfoodpacked full of<br />

nutrients and antioxidants. It can be used<br />

and eaten in so manyways fromcakes,<br />

smoothies and fritters through to salads,<br />

slawsand sammies.<br />

You needtoget it in the groundearly as<br />

it takes agood three monthstomature and<br />

needsacouple of months growth before<br />

the soil gets toocold. In autumn Iprefer<br />

the globe­shaped ones,asIfind it easier to<br />

tell whentheyare ready, as opposedto<br />

watching for longer cylindrical ones.<br />

In mostclimates, seedlings arebest to<br />

use at this time of year. Ready­grown<br />

seedlings canbefoundinthe shops<br />

throughoutthe season.<br />

Asunny spotisbest, although beetroot<br />

will cope with acouple of hours shade.<br />

Ensure the soil is loose and friable (digit<br />

over untilthe texture looks like<br />

breadcrumbs) so the roots can easily<br />

anchor themselves. Allow 10 to 15cm<br />

between eachplant.This is abeaut option<br />

Fresh vegetables ... Plant now to eat well<br />

over winter.<br />


for patio plantings in tubs andraisedbeds<br />

just freshen up the soil alittlefirstas<br />

beetroot enjoys its tucker.<br />

Did you know? The pretty leavesare<br />

edible and makeawonderful addition to<br />

freshsalads or slaws.<br />

Bok choy<br />

This is one crop Iamneverwithout.It<br />

makesameal in amatterofminutes andis<br />

probably the easiest of the vegetablesI<br />

grow.<br />

It’s ready aboutsix weeks from planting.<br />

Seedlingsare available all yearround.<br />

Seedsgerminate fairly quickly too and<br />

thesecan be sownnow.<br />

IlikeSumo, which is short and fat,<br />

although the red varieties get my ticktoo,<br />

as their dark­red foliage is avisual treat.<br />

Allow30to50cm between each plant (a<br />

trowel space). They sprint alongwhen<br />

growninarich soil; however, they will<br />

cope with poor soil.<br />

Did you know? If you slice off the main<br />

head andleave a5cm tall root, smaller<br />

headsofnew choyswill appear.<br />

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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

to eat well over the cold winter months<br />

Broadbeans<br />

Igrow thesefor my mum, who loves them,<br />

but Ialso growthem forthe beesasthe<br />

plants flower in late winter and spring<br />

when little else is around.For something<br />

alittle different, lookout for thepretty red<br />

flowering ones.<br />

Unlike all the rest of the beanclan,<br />

thesehardycampaignersgrow in the<br />

colder months and need to get into the<br />

ground now.<br />

Seed is widely available and germinates<br />

in acouple of weeks; soaking it overnight<br />

in waterwill speed up germination. You<br />

will find plenty of punnets of seedlings<br />

around, too.<br />

They are along­term crop that willbein<br />

the ground for agood six to eightmonths<br />

before harvest, so choose aspot that you<br />

wont needfor any other crops.<br />

As the stalks will be over 1m tall when<br />

mature, position away fromstrong winds<br />

and use stakes and strings to stop the<br />

plants from flopping.<br />

Spacethe seeds and/orseedlings about<br />

15cm apart.<br />

Asprinkle of vegetablefertiliseris<br />

highly recommended at plantingtime and<br />

againinthe spring, as theychew through<br />

the nutrients in the soil.<br />

Did you know? The topsofbroad bean<br />

plants can be cookedand usedlike<br />

spinach.<br />

Carrots<br />

Freshnew carrots are probably my<br />

favourite crop to both eat and harvest; the<br />

senseofself­satisfactionwhen Ipull them<br />

from the ground getsmeevery time.<br />

They are quick to germinateatthis time<br />

of year.<br />

The trick to beingsuccessful with them<br />

is to blend someorganicmatter intothe<br />

soil prior to sowing. This helps the soil<br />

hold on to more moisture, which is what<br />

they need to germinate.<br />

Waterthe area well the day or morning<br />

before sowing to help trigger thisprocess.<br />

Mark out the rowstoshow whereyou<br />

have sown the seedasitwilltake afew<br />

weeksfor the seedlings to appear. Once<br />

the seedlings are about 5cm in height,thin<br />

out the plants to allow a2to3cm gap<br />

between eachplant.<br />

Did you know? If you cultivate the soil so<br />

it’s like afine crumbconsistency, you'll<br />

avoidthe lumpy or stony soils that equal<br />

wonky, crazy­shaped carrots.<br />

Cabbage<br />

Broccoli ... Pop in apunnet early as it can take three to four months to form ahead and<br />

mature.<br />


Get busy replenishing your soilwith<br />

organic matter now, before you get your<br />

winter cabbages in the ground.Seedlings<br />

are by far yourbest bet as they are six<br />

weeks ahead of anything sown from seed.<br />

If hearting types are yourpreference,<br />

you'll be waiting three months for theseto<br />

mature.<br />

These beefy brassicas needalot of room<br />

to grow,soallowagood50cm to 70cm<br />

between plants unless you are planting the<br />

miniature ones,which canbecrammed in<br />

abit closer.<br />

Not justtasty, cabbagesthick leathery<br />

leaves are highly ornamentaland always a<br />

focal point in my gardenover winter,<br />

especially the purple and red ones, which<br />

lookapicturewhen covered in frost.Try<br />

planting afew in tubsand planters they<br />

willlook fabulous.<br />

Did you know? Aquicker­growing variety<br />

is the cone­shaped Chinesecabbage,<br />

which willbereadyinacouple of months.<br />

Broccoli<br />

It can take up to three to four monthsto<br />

formahead and mature broccoli,sopop in<br />

apunnet of these as early as you have<br />

room. Preparethe soilasyou would for<br />

cauliflower blendinsome organic matter<br />

and add vegetable fertiliser. Allow 30 to<br />

50cm betweenplants and make sureyou<br />

eithernet the seedlings once planted to<br />

protect them from white butterflies, or<br />

sprinkle derris dust about to deterthe<br />

hungrycaterpillars. Layers of mulch<br />

between the seedlings help to keepthe<br />

soil cooland the weeds at bay.<br />

For the bestresults, plant in fullsun.<br />

Broccoli will cope withalittle shade but<br />

needs at least fourtosix hours of sunlight<br />

aday. Plant plentyifyou have the room<br />

(they do well in containerstoo plantone<br />

per 10­litre bucket), and remember the<br />

leavesare tasty also.<br />

Did you know? Whenharvesting,new<br />

side shoots will appearifyou leavethe<br />

Cleanup<br />

with ease<br />

125B<br />

28.0cc-0.8 kW -76m/s -4.26 kg<br />

31<br />

trunk in the ground.<br />

To get the bestresults, refresh the soil<br />

withasprinkle of vegetablefertiliser and<br />

afew handfulsofcompost or sheeppellets<br />

before planting.<br />

It is too late to sowseeds now, so look to<br />

seedlings.Allow50cm between plants, as<br />

theyare aslower­growing crop.<br />

Mulch in betweenthe plants to keep the<br />

weeds at bay before the leaves are big<br />

enough to cover the soil.<br />

Did you know? Keep an eye out for white<br />

butterflies. Derris dust comesinhandy<br />

heretoprevent any hungry caterpillars<br />

taking up residence.<br />

Spinach<br />

Certainly one of the bestleafy greensyou<br />

can grow spinach prefers the cooler<br />

seasonsofspring and autumn as opposed<br />

to summer. Chooseseedlings to put in now<br />

And plant plenty. Poke them into pots and<br />

containers near the back door so you have<br />

fresh greens closeasthe nights draw in.<br />

Spinach will copewithalittle shade; it is<br />

one of the few crops that won’tmind up to<br />

halfaday of shade.<br />

Did you know? Spinach is agood option<br />

for homes that don't have all­day sunshine.<br />

Cauliflower<br />

Cauliflower’s ahumblevegetable that is<br />

growing in popularity.<br />

To get the bestresults,refresh the soil<br />

withasprinkleofvegetable fertiliser and<br />

afew handfuls of compost or sheeppellets<br />

before planting.<br />

It’stoo late to sowseeds now, so look to<br />

seedlings. Allow 50cm betweenplants,as<br />

theyare aslower­growing crop.<br />

Mulch in between the plants to keep the<br />

weeds at bay before the leaves are big<br />

enough to cover the soil.<br />

Did you know? Keep an eye out for white<br />

butterflies. Derris dust comesinhandy<br />

heretoprevent any hungry caterpillars.<br />

Courtesy of kiwigardener magazine,<br />

online at gardener.kiwi.<br />

$<br />

349 419<br />

$<br />

399 RRP<br />

Tidying up<br />

the garden?<br />

As well as using the kerbside<br />

organics bin, youcan turn excess<br />

garden waste into compost by<br />

dropping it at the Southbrook<br />

Resource Recovery Park.<br />

Southbrook Resource Recovery Park<br />

284 Flaxton Road, Southbrook<br />

Kiosk: 03 313 5499<br />

ReSale Store: 03313 5798<br />

125BVx<br />

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NEWS<br />

32 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Mayor welcomes new 3Waters policy<br />

WaimakaririMayorDan Gordon has<br />

hailed the National Party’s ‘‘common<br />

sense’’ waterreform proposal.<br />

Mr Gordonand Communities 4<br />

Local Democracy He hapori mō te<br />

Manapori(C4LD)chairperson and<br />

ManawatuMayor Helen Worboys said<br />

Saturday’s policy announcement by<br />

Opposition Leader Christopher<br />

Luxon appearedtooffer better<br />

protections for property rights and<br />

local voice.<br />

‘‘Although we will carryout amore<br />

detailed reviewinconjunctionwith<br />

C4LD members,atfirstlook,<br />

National’spolicy appears to meet all<br />

of our requirementsfor common<br />

sensewaterinfrastructurereform<br />

that can gainbroad support,’’ Ms<br />

Worboyssaid.<br />

‘‘In particular it retains local<br />

ownership and avoids the<br />

confiscation of local assets and<br />

stripping of localinfluence at the core<br />

of the Government’s present policy.’’<br />

Last week the HighCourtconfirmed<br />

thecouncil’s fears, that the<br />

Government’s policyconfiscated<br />

three watersassets without<br />

compensation.<br />

Mr Gordonsays on the face of it, the<br />

plan alignswith C4LD’s position on<br />

placinglocal control and voice back at<br />

thecentre of community water<br />

services, and putsthe right measures<br />

in place to ensure overall<br />

accountability.<br />

‘‘We feelthere is sufficientrigour in<br />

theproposed regulatory regime, and<br />

with Taumata Arowai now in place, to<br />

ensure councilwater services will<br />

meet the needs of their communities<br />

andcan evolvetomeet the challenges<br />

of climate change in an affordable<br />

manner,’’ he said.<br />

❛At first glance,this seems a<br />

sensibleand appropriate<br />

response. ❜<br />

—Dan Gordon<br />

Waimakariri Mayor<br />

‘‘At firstglance, this seemsa<br />

sensible and appropriate responseto<br />

genuine concernsaboutthe state of<br />

water infrastructureinNew<br />

Zealand.’’<br />

Mr Gordonsays National’s policy<br />

recognised different partsofthe<br />

country are in different positionsand<br />

it encourages regionalcollaboration<br />

to address different needs.<br />

‘‘Thisapproachensures local<br />

knowledge of complex systems is<br />

valued, rather than the ‘Wellington<br />

knows best’systembeing proposed.’’<br />

‘‘Our hopeisthat party politics can<br />

be put aside and we canwork together<br />

to get apragmatic,workable solution.<br />

Our doorisalways open to work<br />

together on asensible plan that builds<br />

consensusand works for everyone.’’<br />

Meanwhile, Local Government<br />

Minister Kieran McAnulty saidthe<br />

Department of Internal Affairs’ legal<br />

advisors will takesome time to fully<br />

consider last week’sHigh Court<br />

decision before offeringadvice to the<br />

Government. For now,MrMcAnulty<br />

said his focus was on the response to<br />

Cyclone Gabrielle.<br />

Three Waters ... Communities 4Local<br />

Democracy mayors have welcomed<br />

National’s Three Waters police<br />

announcement.<br />


New policy ... Christopher Luxon has unveiled anew Three Waters policy.<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Welcome to the Kaikōura A&P Show<br />

35<br />


That’s mine ... Finley Dunfoy, aged 7, of<br />

Kaikōura Primary School, came to the<br />

Kaikōura A&P Show to admire his picture.<br />

In miniature ... Sophie Mummery, of<br />

Christchurch, waits to go in the ring with her<br />

miniature horse Basil.<br />

Look at that ... Hudson Leathen, aged 1, of Kaikōura, shows his mum Shannon the chooks<br />

on display in the farm yard nursery area. Hudson was enjoying aday at the show for his<br />

cousin’s birthday.<br />

Supporting the community ... At the Kaikōura Lions stand at the show, James Brunel, of<br />

Blenheim, who has aholiday home in Kaikōura, purchases some raffle tickets from Lions<br />

Club member Tony Davis.<br />

Spinning ayarn ... Zoe Battersby, of<br />

Kaikōura, demonstrates the spinning wheel<br />

in the wool tent.<br />

Gumboot style ... James Pike (4), of<br />

Blenheim lines up athrow, as part of a<br />

fundraiser for Gumboot Friday.<br />

Yummy treats ... St Joseph’s Catholic School of Kaikōura was out in force selling some<br />

yummy treats, including Friends of St Joseph’s members Nicola Chambers (left), Maria<br />

Adams and Jane Millton (second, right), along with teacher Kylie Thomas (centre) and<br />

principal Judith Ford.<br />

Sausage sizzle ... Lions Club of Seaward Kaikōura members Doreen Tomlin (left), Rita<br />

Calvert, Anne Grant and Wendy Beaven raise some funds for the community.

NEWS<br />

36 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Concerns at Woodend safety improvements<br />


Proposed Woodend road safety<br />

improvements have left Pegasus<br />

residents fearing for the theirsafety.<br />

Woodend and Pegasusresidents<br />

pouredinto the WoodendCommunity<br />

CentreonThursday,February 16, for a<br />

drop­in session with Waka Kotahi New<br />

Zealand Transport Agencytocheck on<br />

progress with planned road safety<br />

improvements.<br />

The proposed works, which were<br />

scheduled to beginnext year, followed<br />

years of engagement with the local<br />

community.<br />

But Woodend­Sefton Community Board<br />

chairpersonShonaPowell said proposed<br />

safetyimprovements for the Pegasus­<br />

Ravenswood­Woodend roundabout on<br />

State Highway 1were not included in any<br />

of the previous consultations.<br />

Waka Kotahi planned to convertthe<br />

roundabout intoasingle lane withraised<br />

safetyplatforms, as well as installing<br />

improved footpath layoutsand arefuge in<br />

the median to make it safer for<br />

pedestrians,cyclists and scooterstocross<br />

the highway.<br />

Pegasus residents at the drop­in session<br />

said reducing the roundabout to one­lane<br />

would increase the already high traffic<br />

congestion and make the roundabout<br />

even less safe.<br />

Two residents, who did not want to be<br />

named,said theyfeared it could lead to<br />

chaos in the event of anaturaldisaster<br />

such as atsunami,where residents were<br />

forcedtoevacuate.<br />

The roundabout was normally the only<br />

accesspoint for Pegasus, althoughthere<br />

is ametalroad whichcould be accessed in<br />

an emergencybyopeningagate.<br />

The population of Pegasus was now<br />

more than 4000.<br />

‘‘Whenthereisalong weekend, like the<br />

recentWaitangi Weekend, the trafficis<br />

backedright up with people leaving or<br />

returning to Christchurch, so making it<br />

one­lane willonly make it worse,’’ one<br />

resident said.<br />

Pegasus residents Christine Johnston<br />

and Murray Andrews saidthey believed<br />

there were better alternatives, including<br />

installingtraffic lights in placeofthe<br />

roundabout,orcreating an under­pass or<br />

over­pass for cyclistsand pedestrians.<br />

‘‘I don’tthink people realise the amount<br />

of people who live in Pegasusnow and<br />

there is no supermarket, so we all haveto<br />

go through the roundabout to go the<br />

supermarket or to Rangiora or anywhere<br />

else,’’ Mr Andrews said.<br />

The Pegasus Residents’ Group<br />

Incorporated shared the fearsand<br />

concerns of the residents.<br />

‘‘In our opinion the one lane reduction<br />

could cause safety issues and<br />

considerable traffic build­up at the<br />

roundabout at commuting times,’’the<br />

group saidinastatement.<br />

‘‘We also have safety concerns with the<br />

potentialfor more accidents as delays<br />

may lead to impatience and riskstaken.’’<br />

AWaka Kotahi spokesperson said the<br />

safetyimprovements were basedtraffic<br />

data fromthe roundabout and were<br />

considered using the latest traffic<br />

management methods.<br />

Raisedplatforms were designed to<br />

reducevehicle speeds‘‘by making it<br />

physically uncomfortable for motorists to<br />

drive overthe platform faster than the<br />

suggestedspeed’’. Research suggested the<br />

raisedplatformscould reduce deaths and<br />

serious injuries by up to 40 percent, Waka<br />

Kotahisaid.<br />

Residents can find out more by going to<br />

nzta.govt.nz/projects/sh1­northcanterbury­corridororemail<br />

safetynorthcanterbury@nzta.govt.nzto<br />

offer feedback.<br />

Publicinterest journalismisfundedby<br />

New Zealand on Air.<br />

Community concerns ... Christine Johnston (second from right), of Pegasus, discusses<br />

her concerns with Woodend­Sefton Community Board chairperson Shona Powell (left) and<br />

board member Rhonda Mather, while fellow Pegasus resident Murray Andrews points to the<br />

Pegasus­Ravenswood­Woodend roundabout on the map.<br />


Safety concerns ... Residents discuss Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency’s<br />

proposed Woodend road safety improvements.<br />

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37<br />


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Co­presidents. .. Phil and Lynda Dickson at home on their farm near Cheviot.<br />

Young encouraged<br />


Encouraging youngpeople to take part in<br />

theirlocal showisthe aim of this year’s Mt<br />

Beautiful Cheviot’s A&P Show copresidents,<br />

Lyndaand PhilDickson.<br />

Lyndasaysoffering hands­onways to<br />

involve everyone from preschoolers<br />

upward, by encouragingthem to explore<br />

whatsonoffer at the <strong>March</strong>11show, and to<br />

take on challenges, is agreatway for them<br />

to learn abouttheir local show, rural<br />

community, and what it produces.<br />

It is hoped they will continue to support<br />

the annual community showcase of<br />

animals, produce,art, crafts, flowers,<br />

shearing, and horse and pony<br />

competitions.<br />

‘‘Theemphasis is on young,’’says Lynda.<br />

She she hopes by getting youngpeople<br />

involved in the showitencourages themto<br />

enterthe various sectionsthe following<br />

year.<br />

Lyndawill be showcasing wool, and<br />

innovations and new ways of using it, such<br />

as mixing it with corn starch to produce a<br />

plastic­type substance, and work being<br />

done to find markets for wool products.<br />

Her display, which also features at other<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> A&P shows, came after<br />

she questioned why meat got exposure at<br />

shows, but wool seldom featured.<br />

Lyndasays with the support of <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Vets,who often allow her to<br />

sharetheir tent,the display has become<br />

popular.<br />

She sayspeople who producewoollen<br />

goodsare morethan happy to giveher<br />

itemstouse in her display to help<br />

showcase the varietyofways it can be<br />

used.<br />

Phil and Lyndafarm a550 hectare<br />

drylandsheep and beef property nearthe<br />


❛All our sponsors have been<br />

amazing and supportive, for<br />

which we are incredibly<br />

grateful. Without them it would<br />

be very difficult to stage a<br />

show. ❜<br />

—Co­presidentLyndaDickson<br />

Leamington Valley.<br />

They also own a50ha fattening unit at<br />

Omihi.<br />

They run 2500 quarter­bred ewes, which<br />

produce 22 to 23 micronwool.<br />

The woolissold to Smartwool, through<br />

New Zealand Merino. They breed their<br />

own rams, and afew terminal sire rams.<br />

Their son Tom, works with Mark<br />

Stevenson at The Gums,near Cheviot,<br />

following his passion for farmingand wool,<br />

while Jim is in Year 11 at Christchurch<br />

Boys High School.<br />

Lynda and Phil says theyare grateful to<br />

have Mt Beautiful as the majorshow<br />

sponsor which allowsthem to offer the<br />

publicfree entry to the show.<br />

‘‘All our sponsors havebeen amazing<br />

and supportive, for which we are<br />

incrediblygrateful. Without themitwould<br />

be very difficult to stage ashow ,’’ says<br />

Lynda.<br />

The Dicksonsare also grateful for the<br />

huge amount of work administrator<br />

Lorraine Gardnerhas done behind the<br />

scenes, ‘‘and all the wonderful convenors,<br />

stewards and volunteerswho come out<br />

year after year andjust get things done’’.<br />

‘‘It is the community spiritthat makes<br />

our show so successful.’’<br />




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A&P<br />

SHOW<br />

108 th CHEVIOT SHOW THEME:<br />


Special Competition -Wire Art or Sculpture -use your imagination and creative skills<br />

using wire asthe main material, enter on the day -excellent prizes to be won!<br />

Agreat family day out, not to be missed -from the Young Farmer and Teen Ag challenges, to<br />

Petand Childrens PassportCompetitions, Decorated Bikes, Baby and Me, Fashion in the Field<br />

and dancers and musicians throughout the day there is sure to be something for everyone!<br />

In the main horse arena you will find the McClintock 2Jump Challenge at 1pm, followed by<br />

the Pony 6Bar Competition at 1.30pm and you won’t want to miss the Terrier Race &Bull and<br />

Junior Steer Riding following the Grand Parade at 2pm.<br />


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38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

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Reflections of can-do<br />

No 8Wire and Kiwi Ingenuity,isthe<br />

theme of this year’sMtBeautifulCheviot<br />

A&P Showon<strong>March</strong>11.<br />

The showisfree to attend, and inside<br />

the gates the themeisreflected in various<br />

classesthroughoutthe varied show<br />

sections.<br />

SecretaryLorraine Gardnersays this<br />

yearthe emphasis is on community,and<br />

providing an event that combines No 8,<br />

KiwiIngenuity in its manyforms.<br />

There is aFashion­in­the­Field class<br />

adopting thetheme, alongwith an<br />

Imaginative Creative section,<br />

encouragingthe useofrecycled materials.<br />

In theFlowersection,where<br />

competitionisalways fierce, thethemeis<br />

alsoevident, as it is in theJuniorsections,<br />

callingonthe imagination of young minds.<br />

Lorraine says thereisalsoaWireArt or<br />

Sculpturecompetition whichencourages<br />

peopletouse wirelyingaround,orvisit a<br />

farmerwho mayhavesomeold wirethey<br />

can bend, twist and mould into aworkof<br />

art.<br />

The finishedproductswill be displayed<br />

beside the bar at the show, with entries<br />

needing to be in by 9amonshow day.<br />

There are decoratedbike competitions,<br />

aBabyand Me competitionand<br />

competitions for pets.<br />

Men cantry their handatadecorating<br />

acake,acompetition that has become<br />

extremelycompetitiveoverthe years.<br />

The NgaiTahuGoodSorts Trophyisat<br />

stake, andnominations are welcome by<br />

community members,who believesome<br />

one they knowisdeserving of thehonour<br />

of receiving thetrophy.<br />

Co­presidents Lynda and Phil Dickson<br />

willselect the winner.<br />

Lorraine says therewill be plenty of<br />

action in the ring.<br />

Withthe Horseofthe Year cancelled<br />

for thisyear due to thefloodinginthe<br />

<strong>North</strong> Island, morehorse andpony<br />

entries areexpectedfor both daysof<br />

No 8Wire. .. Kiwi Ingenuity is the theme of<br />

this year’s Mt Beautiful Cheviot A&PShow<br />

on <strong>March</strong> 11.<br />


competitiononSaturday, <strong>March</strong> 11 and<br />

Sunday,<strong>March</strong> 12.<br />

‘‘Wehavegiven people alittle bit more<br />

timedue to theHorseofthe Year<br />

cancellation,’’ shesays.<br />

LousieMarriott will be defendingher<br />

Two JumpChallenge titlefor theprized<br />

McClintock Trophy, sponsoredbyGraham<br />

McClintock.<br />

The winner receives the trophy and<br />

$300, while second receives $150<br />

sponsoredbyMtBeautifulWinery and a<br />

Mt BeautifulWinepack, with thirdand<br />

fourthalso takinghomegift packs.<br />

There is also aponysix­bar challenge<br />

thisyear.<br />

Other entries have held up strong<br />

despite Covid forcing thecancellation of<br />

twoshows.<br />

Dog trials makeawelcome returntothe<br />

programme, and there will be bulland<br />

steerriding,and thepopularshearing<br />

competition.<br />

Theare theusual sideshows,foodstalls<br />

andlocalcommunity stalls, and theevent<br />

concludes with acommunity barbecue,<br />

with entertainment by BlueGroove.<br />




Supporting localcommunities<br />

andtheir events.<br />

Gold: Cheviot Hardware, Cheviot Transport, Cheviot Trust Hotel, Glen Hill<br />

Construction, Harris Farms, Horrell Contracting, McDonnells Tree Trim, Mendip<br />

Hills Station, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Vets, Novus Glass, Taylor Shearing, Forest<br />

Management, Number Eight Cafe, SPM Affco, Knight Contracting.<br />

Silver: Arthur Burke, BDO Frazer Weir, Beckenham Hills, Ben Turner Bayleys,<br />

Capethorne Polled Herefords, Cheviot Ag­Air, Combined Freightlines, Dave &Jo<br />

Holland, ANZCO, Finnash Homekill, Gifts &Finds, Rural Livestock, Soil Matters, St<br />

James Horses, Rabobank NZ, Nextgen Agri, Cheviot Four Square, JRW &NBHiatt<br />

Ptsp, Hurunui Helicopters, Alliance, PGG Wrightson, Anderson Earthmoving, Royal<br />

Canin.<br />

Bronze: Abbott Insurance, Arawata Accountants, Carrfields, DGS Accounting, Domett<br />

Service Station, Energy Jet, Graham McClintock, Hazlett, Huyton, ID Murray<br />

Contracting, John Waters Contracting, Koromiko, Little Oaks Pre School, Lynda &<br />

Phil Dickson, The Gums Stevenson Genetics, Hampton Motorcycles, NZ Merino,<br />

Zeberdee Equine, Fourflax, Amuri.net, Morgan Shearing, Frame Grain &Seeds,<br />

Chris and Amanda Jeffries.<br />

Gifts &Finds -Cheviot<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

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of Seamless Gutters<br />

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Agriculture to the fore<br />

An Agri Hub will provide plenty for visitors<br />

to see, and enjoyatthe CheviotShow on<br />

<strong>March</strong>11.<br />

But the exhibitors will not just be<br />

showcasing theirwares.<br />

They will also provide entrants in the<br />

YoungFarmers and Teen Farmer<br />

competitions,with practical information,<br />

challengingtasks, and answerstoquiz<br />

questions.<br />

Co­president Lynda Dickson says they<br />

are not officialYoung Farmer’s contests,<br />

but more of alocal variant of them.<br />

They will be in keeping with the show’s<br />

No 8Wire,Kiwi Ingenuity theme, and<br />

provide plentyfor young peopletodo.<br />

‘‘Thecompetitions are about getting<br />

youngpeople involved in the show, instead<br />

of just walkingabout.<br />

‘‘They will have to stop and have alook<br />

at what is on display, and have ashot at<br />


challenges, in their own time, duringthe<br />

show,’’ says Lynda.<br />

For the older entrants —17to25years —<br />

therewill be tasks such as stock and wool<br />

judging, bull riding and practical<br />

challenges in the AgriHub.<br />

For the teens —12to16years —there<br />

will be recognising breeds of sheep, and<br />

wool types,anelectric fence challenge,<br />

and steer riding.<br />

For the younger set there is aPet Show<br />

for sheep, goats,dogs and caged animals,<br />

and aPassport competition which takes<br />

the children to all the various sections<br />

wherethey have to find somethingby<br />

following clues, and answer questions.<br />

Lyndasaysitisall about using what is<br />

already at the show and engageyoung<br />

people by getting them involved in a<br />

variety of challenges, tasksand<br />

competitions.<br />

9am: Shearing, wool handling, Dog Trials,Young Farmer and Teen Farmer<br />

competition open.<br />

9.30am: Submissions closefor judging of Imaginative Creations, Vegetables and<br />

Fruit, Home Industries, Cookery,Flowers, Handcraft, poultry and Art.<br />

10am: Pet Show judging starts.<br />

10.30am: On stage ­Ukulele choir.<br />

11am: On stage ­Baby and Me competition. Passport competition begins.<br />

11.30am: On stage ­Pet Show presentation of awards.<br />

12 noon: On stage ­Decorated bike judging.<br />

12.30pm: On stage ­Fashioninthe Field.<br />

1pm: On stage ­The Two Bruces;Passport competition prize draw;Horse 2Jump<br />

Challenge.<br />

1.30pm: On Stage ­Frankie Harris Dance;Pony 6Bar competition.<br />

2pm: Terrier Race<br />

2.45pm: Bull and Junior steer riding.<br />

3pm: On Stage: Music by Kelly, Georgie, Scarlette and Isia.<br />

4.30pm: On Stage ­Blue Groove Band.<br />

5pm: Presentations ­Men in Aprons, Heaviest pumpkin, Wire Art, Young Farmer<br />

and Teen Farmer.<br />

5.30pm: Communitybarbecue.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

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Collaboration and communities<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

MarcoCatalonisays managing work<br />

programmes across two differentdistricts<br />

has its challenges.<br />

Mr Cataloni was appointed as<br />

Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Kaikōura and<br />

Hurunui WaiauUwha zone deliverylead,<br />

following KevinHeays’ retirement as<br />

Kaikōura zone delivery lead.<br />

He had previously combinedthe<br />

Waimakaririand Hurunui roles.<br />

Acommontheme between allthree<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> zones was<br />

‘‘collaborationwith communities’’, he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Theissuesare fairly similar and it is<br />

aboutmanaging land use.’’<br />

He said the biggestdifference was<br />

working alongside active zone committees<br />

in Kaikōura and Waimakariri, whereas<br />

therewas no active zone committee<br />

serving the Hurunui district.<br />

‘‘Each zone has azone action fund,so<br />

Hurunui is still receiving the funding.<br />

‘‘We haveamajor five­yearproject we<br />

are workingon, with the Waiauand<br />

Hurunui braided rivers to support<br />

biodiversity,including threatened native<br />

bird species, so the funding is still going<br />

into that.<br />

‘‘It had been agreed to by the previous<br />

zone committee, so we have continued<br />

with that work in consultation with the<br />

Hurunui District Council.’’<br />

Mr Cataloni’s zone delivery teamwas<br />

also workingonSCAR (SoilConservation<br />

and Revegatation) projects in the Hurunui<br />

and Kaikōura zones,whichwere jointly<br />

funded by the Ministry for Primary<br />

Industries, ECan and landowners.<br />

He said further SCAR funding had been<br />

applied for to continue withwork around<br />

the Jed and Waipara rivers.<br />

Work was also continuingtosupport<br />

biodiversity and mahinga kai projects in<br />

the Hurunui zone.<br />

‘‘We are adopting acatchment based<br />

approach.<br />

‘‘What thatdoes is it bringsinanumber<br />

of fundingstreamstoone location,’’ Mr<br />

Cataloni said.<br />

‘‘We can then package it up and the<br />

(ECan) riversteam might want to do some<br />

work at the same time.’’<br />

Gettingcommunity buy­inwas essential,<br />

he said.<br />

It might start with threeorfour<br />

landowners and grow fromtheretotake in<br />


Localto<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

CALL ARTHUR <strong>02</strong>7 2451601<br />

arthur@robertsonbuilding.co.nz<br />

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2<strong>02</strong>1055<br />

Out in the field ... Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Kaikōura and Hurunui Waiau<br />

Uwha zone delivery lead Marco Cataloni is<br />

enjoying getting out and about around the<br />

region.<br />


thewhole catchment.<br />

He said there were anumber of ways<br />

landowners could get involved,including<br />

financial contributions and doing work in<br />

kind.<br />

In Kaikōura, there was ongoing work on<br />

water waysand drainage on the Kaikōura<br />

plains,which cameout of the earthquake<br />

recovery.<br />

‘‘Kaikōura doesn’t have alot of industry<br />

outsideoffarming and tourism, so it is not<br />

likeAshburton, Selwyn or Waimakariri,<br />

and there is abig reliance on the<br />

environment.’’<br />

ECan’s biodiversity was workingonpest<br />

management in the Clarence Valley,<br />

includinganimal pests and woody weeds.<br />

The zone committeehad also been<br />

involved in managingthe spread of old<br />

man’s beardinthe Hāpuku River<br />

catchment, as wellasclean up and<br />

plantingdays on Waikōau /LyellCreek,<br />

which flows through the town.<br />

The Waimakariri zone hadits braided<br />

rivers, plainsand hillcountry, as well as a<br />

muchlarger population and alarge<br />

number of lifestyle blocks.<br />

Mr Cataloni said the Kaikōura and<br />

Waimakariri zonecommittees maintained<br />

strong relationships with localrūnanga,<br />

Ngāti Kurī and NgāiTūāhuriri.<br />

Public interest journalism is funded by<br />

New Zealand on Air.<br />

Ewe lamb reigns supreme<br />

Nicky Ingramwas thrilled to win<br />

supremechampion sheepatthe<br />

Kaikōura A&PShow on Saturday.<br />

Mrs Ingram andhusbandMarkwere<br />

taken by surprise when they tookout<br />

the top honours withaRomney ewe<br />

lamb.<br />

The coupleown alifestyle block just<br />

out of Kaikōura,where theyrun afew<br />

Romneysheep, shesays.<br />

Herfather John Murdoch, of<br />

Kaikōura,was aRomneysheep breeder<br />

formany years andwas aregular<br />

competitor at theannual show.<br />

‘‘Weused to put some in afew years<br />

ago,but we’ve never hadachampion<br />

before,’’Mrs Ingram says.<br />

‘‘Wehaven’tenteredfor awhile, but<br />

we decided to putinafew thistime.<br />

‘‘Itwas definitely worthwhile getting<br />

out niceand early,and it is goodtosee<br />

agood number of entries this year.’’ She<br />

saysthe Romney is aquieterbreed of<br />

sheep andshe likes themfor their wool.<br />

The champion ramribbon wastaken<br />

out by MarcusTaylor,whileJack<br />

Murray tookhomethe championewe<br />

ribbon.<br />

Wood lots and<br />

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Small wood lots<br />

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42 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Co-ordinated approach needed<br />


Federated Farmers is urging farmers who<br />

need stockfeed, and those willingto<br />

donateorsupplyit, due to Cyclone<br />

Gabrielle, to use the National Feed Coordination<br />

Service.<br />

‘‘Offers of feedcontinuetopour in and<br />

that’sfantastic,’’ Federated Farmers<br />

Tararua PresidentSally Dryland says.<br />

However, somedepots are becoming<br />

overrun in places with goods being<br />

dropped off.<br />

‘‘The co­ordination service, activated by<br />

the Ministry for Primary Industries and<br />

operated by Federated Farmers,isthe<br />

most efficient way of keeping trackof<br />

everything,’’ Sallysays.<br />

‘‘An alternative if your internet is still<br />

down, or you have particular questions, is<br />

to ringyour local Fedspresident.<br />

‘‘We want it to go to those most in need<br />

in the most direct mannerpossible.<br />

‘‘Apart from anything that keeps<br />

transport costs and emissionstoa<br />

minimum.<br />

‘‘Tararua­wiseI’m humbled by the<br />

numberoflocalfarmerswho have<br />

signalledadesire to donate hay and silage.<br />

We appreciatethe local truckies offering<br />

to helpwithfree transport too,’’Sally says.<br />

The TararuaRuralSupportTrust has<br />

nearlyfinishedvisiting allthe affected<br />

farmers in that region and will now work<br />

with Feds to distributefeed.<br />

Some of this may be required in amonth<br />

or two whengrass on flood­damaged<br />

pasture, or farmers' own feed stores, has<br />

been eaten.<br />

In areassuch as Gisborne, where there<br />

is such widespreadpasturedamage,there<br />

is alikelihoodthat capitalstock may need<br />

to go off grazing overwinter.<br />

ActingGisbornePresident Charlie<br />

Reynoldsisalso thankful for all the offers<br />

of support comingtheir way.<br />

‘‘It’samassive effort understanding the<br />

Stock feed ... Federated Farmers are urging aco­ordinated approach to sending stock<br />

feed to farmers following Cyclone Gabrielle’s trail of destruction.<br />


logistics of moving stock andfeed around<br />

whenwehave so many roads impacted,’’<br />

Charlie says.<br />

‘‘The feed co­ordination service will<br />

helpusmarry up feed with need.’’<br />

Federated FarmersHawke’sBay<br />

President Jim Galloway is conscious needs<br />

are not clearly understoodyet as some<br />

districts are very much in aresponse mode<br />

rather than recovery.<br />

‘‘Once we knowifwecan get feed in, we<br />

willbevery thankful those who can deliver<br />

straight to the farm.’’<br />

Bay of Plenty’spresident Brent<br />

Mountfort was quick to offer support to<br />

Gisbornefarmers.<br />

‘‘The feed is here on local farmsready to<br />

go as soon as we know where. We<br />

appreciatethe efforts to limit the amount<br />

of travel, and handling by direct farmer­tofarmersupport.<br />

The co­ordination service can facilitate<br />

that, Brent says.<br />

Horse,displaced dogs and cats,alpaca<br />

and other petneeds are being coordinatedbygroups<br />

including HUHA and<br />

the SPCA. Sally says everyone needs to<br />

work togethertoget feed not only to where<br />

it’s needed, but whenit’s needed.<br />

‘‘Using the Feed Co­ordination Service<br />

gives those dealingwiththe logistical<br />

challenges an opportunity to get through<br />

response stage before moving to the<br />

recovery and winter/long­term needs<br />

being addressed.’’<br />

To access the FeedCo­ordination<br />

Service go to www.fedfarm.org.nz and<br />

click the ‘FeedCo­ordination' button.<br />

Employer<br />

awards open<br />

New Zealand’s top food and fibre<br />

sector employers are being called on<br />

to enter the 2<strong>02</strong>3 Primary Industries<br />

Good Employer Awards.<br />

Cheyne Gillooly, Director<br />

Investment Skills and Performance<br />

at MPI says people have always been<br />

at the heart of the food and fibre<br />

sector businesses.<br />

The awards were away to<br />

showcase innovative ways in<br />

managing staff and spreading<br />

excellence throughout the sector.<br />

‘‘We're on the lookout for<br />

employers, both large and small,<br />

who go above and beyond by creating<br />

productive, safe, supportive, and<br />

healthy work environments for their<br />

people.’’<br />

Now in their fourth year, the<br />

awards are run by MPI and the<br />

Agricultural and Marketing<br />

Research and Development Trust<br />

(AGMARDT).<br />

Both food and fibre sector<br />

businesses and those that support<br />

them are eligible.<br />

‘‘Nominees can range from rural<br />

accountants to veterinary practices,<br />

through to large industry bodies or<br />

small start­ups and others,’’ says Mr<br />

Gillooly.<br />

Waikato coconut yoghurt company<br />

Raglan Food Co took out the<br />

Employee Development Award and<br />

overall Supreme Award in 2<strong>02</strong>2.<br />

Employees can also nominate<br />

their employers or others.<br />

Entries are now open and close at<br />

5pm on <strong>March</strong> 17, 2<strong>02</strong>3. To find out<br />

more about the awards and how to<br />

enter, visit the Primary Industries<br />

Good Employer Awards page.<br />

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Issue 215 <strong>March</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

MainPower Community Fund,<br />

nominations for 2<strong>02</strong>3 now open.<br />

MainPower Community Fund 2<strong>02</strong>2<br />

November winners announced.<br />

We support a number of community events and initiatives<br />

each year through the MainPower Community Fund. The<br />

contestable fund allows members of the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

community to have their say about which charitable<br />

organisations and school projects should be supported.<br />

The Community Fund was launched in 2015 and<br />

distributed $10,000 to two local community groups. Since<br />

then, the Fund has grown in value and reach. <br />

<br />

The nominations are now open for the first funding round of<br />

2<strong>02</strong>3. If you are interested inlearning more about nominations,<br />

head to the MainPower website.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Lines Circa 2010<br />

Community Groups:<br />

Waimakariri Bike Project<br />

Rangiora Cricket Club<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Chicken Rescue<br />

AllTogether Kaiapoi<br />

Pegasus Dragons (Dragon<br />

Boating)<br />

The Aroha Project<br />

Friends of the Rangiora Dog Park<br />

Oxford Bird Rescue<br />

Banded Dotterel Study Kaikōura<br />

Kitty Kingdom<br />

Kaiapoi Community Garden<br />

AmberleyA&P Show<br />

The Hope CommunityTrust<br />

Oxford Gallery<br />

Hawarden Waikari Menz<br />

Shed<br />

Cust Community Pool<br />

Waimakariri Country Music<br />

Festival<br />

Leithfield Community<br />

Centre<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Riding for<br />

the Disabled<br />

ShivaTara Aroha Sanctuary<br />

Kaikōura Dark SkyTrust<br />

John Byers-Teaching<br />

physics in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Mini HaHaHorse Haven<br />

Hurunui BiodiversityTrust<br />

Womens Refuge<br />

(Waimakariri House).<br />

Schools:<br />

Greta Valley School<br />

Tuahiwi Community<br />

Preschool<br />

Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong> School<br />

Cheviot Area School<br />

St Josephs School Rangiora<br />

Loburn School-TeKura<br />

Aromauka<br />

Kaikōura Suburban School<br />

Ashgrove School<br />

<strong>North</strong> Loburn School<br />

Ashley School<br />

Broomfield School<br />

To learn more about us, and what<br />

we are doing inyour community<br />

head to our website.<br />

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Faults Line<br />

mainpower.co.nz 0800 30 90 80

Percival St, Rangiora<br />

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www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Proudly supporting sport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Kaiapoi’sKev Merriman graded to 7th Dan<br />


Kaiapoi­based National Seiko­Kai<br />

Karate Instructor Kev Merriman has<br />

graded to 7th Dan.<br />

Dan grades is aformal ranking<br />

system used in many oriental martial<br />

art systems to indicate alevel of<br />

proficiency, skill, technical ability<br />

and understanding of the art.<br />

7th Dan (or Nanadan) is ahigh­level<br />

rank that few achieve, with Kev<br />

preparing for the grading for the past<br />

seven years.<br />

The grading was held in the<br />

spiritual home of karate, Japan.<br />

Kev says it has been over 40 years in<br />

the making, and an incredible<br />

journey that would not have been<br />

possible without the support and<br />

understanding of his family, friends<br />

and members of his Dojo in Kaiapoi.<br />

‘‘I would like to thank those who<br />

have helped me work on the deeper<br />

understandings of our style and<br />

execution of techniques, such as<br />

Colin Punyer Shihan (Australia), and<br />

Shihans Hashimoto, Takahashi, Takano<br />

and Murata from Japan.<br />

‘‘I have forged close friendships with<br />

these passionate people, and am<br />

pleased to announce that we have a<br />

Japanese contingent coming to New<br />

Zealand later in the year to teach Kiwi<br />

Karate students.<br />

‘‘In addition, my sincere gratitude to<br />

Dan Visker Sensei and Ruby Wilson for<br />

giving up their free time after classes<br />

and at weekends to help me in my<br />

personal training.<br />

Kev was also elevated from Sensei to<br />

the new title of Shihan which translates<br />

to master instructor. Shihan have the<br />

ability to command the material and<br />

have adeeper understanding of the art.<br />

‘‘I have to thank Suzuki Soke<br />

(Grandmaster) for believing in me,<br />

showing patience and imparting wisdom<br />

and spirituality in my training.<br />

‘‘Soke, aged 86, is one of the last, true<br />

Karate Masters teaching traditional<br />

karate, and Iamsohonoured, proud and<br />

obviously very happy to be promoted by<br />

him to 7th Dan and be awarded the title<br />

of Shihan.<br />

Kev says his ambition is to share and<br />

promote Karate with his students .To<br />

my wife who has been akarate­widow I<br />

have no words to express how grateful I<br />

am of her continued support and belief<br />

in what Ido.<br />

7th Dan ... Back left Tokuji Nakagawa,<br />

President of Nippon Karate­do Seiko­Kai,<br />

with 7th Dan Kev Merriman Shihan. Front,<br />

Seiko Suzuki Soke (Grandmaster).<br />


Cure Boat Club wins nine medals at regatta<br />

Ateam of 25 rowers from Kaiapoi­based<br />

Cure BoatClub have come home from<br />

the nationalchampionships with five<br />

gold medals, two silverand two bronze.<br />

The championships were held on<br />

Lake Ruataniwha in Twizel over five<br />

days in mid­February.<br />

As well as the results on the water<br />

translating intomedals,the club also<br />

managed to pull off anotherhuge<br />

achievement.<br />

It was placed fourthhighest in the<br />

overall club points scoringatthe<br />

regatta.<br />

Most other clubs had far more than 25<br />

rowers, makingthe club extremely<br />

proud of its achievements.<br />

The club also provided 14 volunteers<br />

to helpwith the running of the event.<br />

Have aGoRowing<br />

This is afree two hour session on<br />

Saturday,<strong>March</strong> 4for secondary school<br />

students and adults who are interested<br />

in finding out about rowingand giving it<br />

ago.<br />

Learn to Row<br />

This six­session module runs over<br />

weekend days in <strong>March</strong> from11am to<br />

1pm each day to give people some<br />

hands­on experience of getting on the<br />

water.<br />

Dates:Saturday 11 &Sunday12<strong>March</strong>;<br />

Saturday 18 &Sunday19<strong>March</strong>;<br />

Saturday 25 &Sunday26<strong>March</strong>.<br />

Cost: $150 for the module.<br />

Numbers for both modules are strictly<br />

limited. Sign up at curerowing.co.nz.<br />

Women’s Coxless Pair winners ... Lauren Sim and Abbey Jenkins­<br />

McCaw ,with Gavin McCaw (Abbey’s father) left, and coach Alex Kennedy<br />

(far right).<br />


Golden moment ... George Johnson and Lewis Meates,<br />

winners of the Men's Club Coxless Pair, with their coach,<br />

Alex Kennedy.<br />

On the water ... Keeley Begg, winner of the Woman's<br />

Intermediate Single Sculls.<br />



Balcairn 45 Maskells Road<br />

New Listing<br />

So Many OptionsHere!<br />

Lookingfor an exclusive countryretreat, ahorse-ridingparadise, acar collector's dream or room for two families? This<br />

spectacular property has all thisand more! Be amazed at the huge living areawithcathedral ceilings reminiscentofcocktail<br />

parties of old. The designer kitchenisbothpracticaland elegant,and leads to alarge dining room which could be aseparate<br />

living for the guest suite, featuring aJack/Jill ensuite, den/library and asunny upstairs loft. The west wing houses the master<br />

bedroom, with glorious views, tiled ensuite and walkindressingroom.All bedrooms are large, and there is athird bathroom for<br />

convenience. With stunning architectural details andbeautifuldecks surrounding the home, there are oceans of light and<br />

myriadsofspaces to enjoy in all seasons. Outside the largegarden park will delight the senses! Fourcar garagingplus<br />

workshop, athree bay barn, stables, large tack shed, 8paddocks with stock water add to this incredible package. Only 40 mins<br />

drive from Christchurch airport,comeand see all the possibilities of this impressive home.<br />

4+1 3 2+ 4<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 22nd<strong>March</strong>, 2<strong>02</strong>3at3.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 5Mar 3.30 -4.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL116615<br />

Dayan Muntz<br />

M <strong>02</strong>1 432 926<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M <strong>02</strong>1 312 230<br />

E dayan.muntz@pb.co.nz<br />

E kirstyn.barnett@pb.co.nz<br />

Cust 23 DavisRoad<br />

Glorious Mountain Views<br />

Wakeuptoviewsofthe SouthernAlps inthe rolling <strong>Canterbury</strong> foothills,just35minutesfrom Christchurch Airport. This<br />

private five bedroom homeon10acres near the historic Custvillage provides acountry oasis for city commuters to relax after<br />

abusy day. Spaceisthe keyfeature of the home starting with awide hallway,shoecupboard, separatelaundry and three car<br />

garage. You can literally dance in the kitchen,which flowsbeautifully to sunny open plandining and living to an expansive<br />

deck andinto aseparatelounge. Thereisnew carpet andneutral tones throughout, all five bedrooms are largeand themain<br />

bathroomfeatures double sinks and aspa bath.The masteropens to the garden and has atiled ensuite and walk in robe with<br />

awindow forlight and air. Four paddocks, 2bay lockup shed, four bay haybarn andexcellent fencing complete this terrific<br />

package, call foraviewingtoday!<br />

5 2 2 3<br />

Auction 3.00pm, Wed 15th Mar, 2<strong>02</strong>3, (unless sold prior), 23<br />

DavisRoad, Cust<br />

View Sun 5Mar 11.00 -12.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL115647<br />

Dayan Muntz<br />

M <strong>02</strong>1 432 926<br />

E dayan.muntz@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Amberley 3/5 Retallick Way<br />

We're on the move!<br />

Located down aright of way in the popular Oakfields subdivision in Amberley, this lovely low maintenance home is looking for<br />

anew owner. Agreatbuy for someone startingoff or looking for alaid back lifestyle,awayfrom thehustleand bustle of city<br />

life. This lovelylight filledhomehas three double bedrooms, agood sized lounge plus internalaccess garaging. Otherbenefits<br />

are aseparate laundryplus air conditioningand double glazing that ensureyouare comfortable all year round. Asliding door<br />

off the lounge flows outonto asun drenchedpatio for those lovely summer evening barbeques. Ahop,skipand jump to<br />

Countdown supermarket and shopping centrethroughawalkway directly from Oakfieldssubdivision is perfect for thedaily<br />

walk and to socialise. Thedistrictlibrary, post office, medical centre, clothingand food outletsare only afew minutes walk<br />

away. Well-presented, low-maintenance homesinthissuper-convenient location arealways in demand,and interest is sure to<br />

be high. Don't wait-contact me now formore info.<br />

3 1 1 2<br />

ForSale By Negotiation<br />

View Sun 5Mar 1.00-2.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU115197<br />

Wendy Parker<br />

M <strong>02</strong>9 771 2667<br />

E wendy.parker@pb.co.nz<br />

Your property will be in good<br />

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BusinessDevelopment Manager<br />

M <strong>02</strong>7265 9819 E kate.mckenzie@pb.co.nz<br />

BevSaunders<br />

PropertyManager<br />

P <strong>02</strong>7666 1219<br />

E bev.saunders@pb.co.nz<br />

Dale Quaife<br />

Property ManagementTeam Leader <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

P <strong>02</strong>1406 686<br />

E dquaife@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |PB061982<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Loburn 163 Loburn Kowai Road<br />

Best move of your life!<br />

If you are looking for alifestyleproperty that comprisesofluxury, space,with intimate entertainment areas, with the most<br />

amazingoutlooksofthe rollinghills then your searchisnow over. As you enter thismodern contemporary home you are<br />

welcomedinto aspacious open planliving area with highstud ceilings. Underfloor heating throughout, ducted heating and a<br />

woodburner for comfortable living.There is alargefullyequipped kitchen with afamily sized granite benchtopbreakfast bar<br />

and the added bonus of abutler's pantry,from the open planlivingarea the bi-folding doors openout to the covered veranda<br />

overlooking the pond with visiting ducks and other wildlife. Atotal tranquil experience. The secluded courtyard is just ideal for<br />

cooler nightswith abuilt-in fireplace -outdoorlivingall yearround. Two oversized double bedroomsfeature walk in robes,<br />

shareafully tiled family bathroom with free-standing bath. Themaster suitehas afabulous tiled En-suite,walkinrobe and<br />

doorstoyourprivate patio. Separate from the homeisamoveable hobbies roomwith power.Also arecently built 4- bay shed<br />

with two lockablebayswith concreted floors plus two open bays.<br />

3 2 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 8th <strong>March</strong>, 2<strong>02</strong>3 at 12.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 5Mar 2.30-3.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL115590<br />

Alison McCall<br />

M <strong>02</strong>7 277 2556<br />

E alison.mccall@pb.co.nz<br />

Victoria McKenzie-Browne<br />

M <strong>02</strong>1 413 883 E victoriam@pb.co.nz<br />

Ohoka 39 Keetly Place<br />

Acoveted community, acompelling opportunity<br />

Enviably positioned on aquiet tree-linedcul-de-sac in the heart of Ohoka's most popular andsought-after location, this<br />

expansive,executive homeoffers thespacefamilies craveand the quality which astute purchasers prize. Accommodation is<br />

provided by six bedrooms (master with tiledensuite, enviable walk-inrobeand private balcony), while the three bathroomsare<br />

conveniently situatedonboth levels.Large windows bathethe home in natural lightand enhance the senseofspace, while<br />

open planliving areas and awell-appointedkitchenensure the ability to cater to anyoccasion. Three livingareas,multiple<br />

sliders and stackers to expansive decks all contribute to relaxedliving.Two heatpumps, two gas fires,heattransfer kit, wood<br />

burner, doubleglazingand under tile heating all contribute to acomfortable home.Aseparate laundry and an abundance of<br />

storage contribute to overall functionality, whilethe neutral decoracts as acanvas upon which the new ownerscan quickly<br />

andeasilyexpress their own personality. Thehuge garage has itsown gym/studio with kitchenette and toilet. Total floorarea<br />

is approx. 553m2.<br />

6 3 3 5<br />

For Sale Buyers $1,995,000+<br />

View Sun 5Mar 1.00-1.45pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL116333<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

M <strong>02</strong>7 873 5121<br />

E aaronc@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Four Seasons Realty<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />



RENTAL<br />


Wanted!<br />

Wecurrently have a shortageof<br />

houses in the <strong>Canterbury</strong>area.<br />

If youare consideringbuying anew investment<br />

property or currently haveone you’dlike<br />

professionally managed,pleasecallusto<br />

organise your free rent appraisal andtochat<br />

abouthow your localHarcourts Four Seasons<br />

officecan help you maximiseyour rental returns.<br />

Beer Local Property Management.<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 2<strong>02</strong>4472 |0800 789 1011<br />

fsrentals@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Four SeasonsRealty

Pre-season hit out for Bulldogs<br />


An invitationfor apre­season<br />

match to try out new players was<br />

snapped up by <strong>North</strong>ern Bulldogs<br />

Rugby League Club seniorteam on<br />

Saturday at MurphyPark in<br />

Kaiapoi.<br />

Club president JasonPond says<br />

Shirley approachedthe Bulldogs<br />

for afriendlygame and they leapt at<br />

the opportunity.<br />

‘‘<strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby Leaguehas<br />

made some big changestothe<br />

seniorlevel competition for this<br />

year,and we werelooking for the<br />

opportunitytoblood in some of our<br />

younger, newer players and let the<br />

returning seniors havearun.’’<br />

He saysShirley hasn’t had ateam<br />

in the senior level competition in<br />

recentyearsand was looking for a<br />

way to get someexperience against<br />

asenior grade squad.<br />

‘‘It was alsoagood chance for us<br />

to expand our player base. We put<br />

out the call for anyone interested in<br />

walking up and trying out for the<br />

team to come along and try out.’’<br />

Mr Pond saysthe <strong>North</strong>ern<br />

Bulldogs Rugby League Clubis<br />

lookingfor more players because of<br />

the recent changes to the top level<br />

of the sport in <strong>Canterbury</strong> this year.<br />

‘‘Our goal is to field two teams—<br />

adivisionone and areserve grade<br />

team, and to do that we needatleast<br />

60 players on the books.<br />

‘‘Whileweare an old established<br />

club hereinKaiapoi, we lost alot of<br />

playersmovingaway,courtesy of<br />

the mandate rules overthe past<br />

couple of seasons.<br />

‘‘Now we wanttogrow theclub<br />

numbersupagain, to develop a<br />

good coregroup of players. We are<br />

also lookingatthe opportunities<br />

offeredbythis new senior men’s<br />

On attack ... Cameron Godfrey of the <strong>North</strong>ern Bulldogs Rugby League<br />

team evades atackle during the team’s pre season game against Shirley at<br />

Murphy Park in Kaiapoi.<br />


Try time ... Joel Leka of the <strong>North</strong>ern Bulldogs Rugby League team<br />

crashes over for atry.<br />

premier division competition<br />

format.’’<br />

He says the biggestchange is the<br />

move to arelegationformat for the<br />

competition.<br />

‘‘Starting from <strong>March</strong> 25,wewill<br />

be in agrading roundrobin series,<br />

againstthe six other teamsinthe<br />

competition. At the end of that<br />

series the bottom team will drop<br />

downagradeand the series will<br />

continue on.’’<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Amberley Golf ClubCentenary<br />

The Amberley Golf Club<br />

celebratesits centenaryon<br />

Saturday, <strong>March</strong> 11.Pastand<br />

present members are invited.A<br />

Stableford competition will be<br />

played,9or18hole,followedby<br />

afternoon tea.Adinnerwillbe<br />

heldat7pm in theclubrooms.<br />

Registration is required.<br />

Registration forms are<br />

availableatthe clubroomsor<br />

callDianne or Barry Le<br />

Compteon03354 9051 or <strong>02</strong>7<br />

321 92<strong>02</strong>.<br />

Old­fashioned singalong<br />

Li'lChuck theone­man Skiffle<br />

machine, willperform live at<br />

theBalcairn Hall on Saturday,<br />

<strong>March</strong> 25. Tickets (cash)$30<br />

from: Sally Mac’s,Amberley;<br />

SeftonGarage and Stan’s7Day<br />


Rangiora Golf Club<br />

Nine hole golf: Irish<br />

Stablefords Variation:Men:<br />

John Gregan ­42, 1: Richard<br />

Luisetti ­41, 2: Peter Van<br />

Hout ­39, 3: David Klopper ­<br />

36, 4. Ladies: Rita Moore ­41,<br />

1: Annie Cameron ­40, 2:<br />

Carol VanHout­39, 3.<br />

Saturday 18/2/23Thomas<br />

Pairs<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

ThomasPairs: <strong>North</strong>/South:<br />

Des Steere/David Rainey 1,<br />

Christine Sweeney/Janeen<br />

Mussen 2, Sue McIlroy/<br />

Beverley Brain 3.E/W:<br />

Pauline Miller/Veronica Hall<br />

1, Bunty Marshall/Heather<br />


here’s how we can help grow yours too!<br />

49<br />

Pharmacy,Rangiora,oronline<br />

at balcairnhall.com.<br />

The Coolest Little Wine<br />

Festival<br />

The <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Wine &<br />

FoodFestivalisbackand will<br />

be serving up the bestthe<br />

region hastooffer on <strong>March</strong>5,<br />

after atwo­yearhiatus dueto<br />

Covid, at the GlenmarkDomain<br />

for an impressive spreadof<br />

local fare. For tickets go to<br />

ncwineandfood.co.nz.<br />

Rangiora Museum<br />

Roger Pearson willtalkabout<br />

EricArmstrong andhis<br />

association withG.W.Pearson<br />

&Sonsatthe Rangiora<br />

MuseumonThursday, <strong>March</strong><br />

30 at 7.30pm. All welcome and<br />

donations pleasefrom nonmembers.Supperprovided.<br />

Waldron 2, Ann Blackie/<br />

Lorraine Tullett3.<br />

Junior Evening: N/S: Carolyn<br />

Fifield/Margaret Cornwall 1,<br />

Annette/Caldwell/Gail<br />

Dunlop 2, Anne Bagrie/Kate<br />

Whitehead 3. E/W: Helen<br />

Russ/LynetteTillman 1,<br />

Murray Davis/Sharyn Davis2,<br />

Nevin Topp/Lynn Muir 3.<br />

Presidents: N/S: Fern McRae/<br />

David McRae and Colin<br />

Dooling/Richard Luisetti<br />

equal 1, Lynne Stephenson/<br />

Gaynor Hurford 3. E/W: Shula<br />

Guse/Liz Duke 1, Penny<br />

Fisher/David Rainey 2,<br />

Lynne Stephenson/Gaynor<br />

Hurford 3.<br />

Deliver your mailers to your<br />

customers with us:<br />

.<br />

We can deliver your mailer targeted locally to the customers most<br />

likely to buy from you or offer you mass reach via our South Island<br />

network.<br />

Your mailer can be delivered as an insert in our paper or separately<br />

in the letterbox.<br />

Contact us today for<br />

a plan to suit your<br />

business.<br />

SUPERVISORS wanted across the south island<br />

To be asupervisor you will need:<br />

• Asuitable van, mobile phone and computer with internet access<br />

• Ability to handle deliveries of large quantities each week<br />

• Ability to manage your own team of deliverers<br />

DELIVERERS wanted across the south island<br />

To be adeliverer you will need:<br />

• Afew free hours each week<br />

• Ability to home deliver papers and flyers to your own territory<br />

*You must be11years or older for this position<br />

Contact Mark Kelly South Island Distribution Manager<br />

P: <strong>02</strong>9 983 2293 | E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Location Options for<br />

Pegasus Community Centre<br />

With the District continuing to grow, Council has been<br />

considering options for anew facility to service the<br />

Pegasus community.<br />

The Woodend/Pegasus area isexpected to grow toa<br />

community of over 12,000 residents by 2048, and we<br />

will need new community facilities to accommodate<br />

the increase in population.<br />

To meet needs in the interim, Council began<br />

leasing the current Pegasus Community Centre<br />

on Tahuna Street, Pegasus. The Pegasus Residents<br />

Group has been successfully managing and operating<br />

this centre since 2017, however the lease for this<br />

property is due to expire in June 2<strong>02</strong>5.<br />

In 2<strong>02</strong>0/21 Council undertook afeasibility study that<br />

looked at the current and future needs of community<br />

facilities in the Pegasus/<strong>North</strong> Woodend area.<br />

Following extensive consultation and research, the<br />

feasibility study determined that both Pegasus and<br />

<strong>North</strong> Woodend communities would require amultiuse<br />

community facility building.<br />

Subsequently, Council set aside funding in the<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1–31 Long Term Plan to purchase land for<br />

community facilities. For the Pegasus area, funding<br />

was allocated tobuild a400m 2 facility between the<br />

2<strong>02</strong>3–25financial years.<br />

Over the past 18 months, we have been working<br />

on options for the purchase of land and design of<br />

acommunity facility in Pegasus. Several possible<br />

locations were identified, but ultimately Waitaki<br />

Reserve was deemed to be the most appropriate<br />

Council-owned land.<br />

Then in 2<strong>02</strong>2, Council was approached byTempleton<br />

Group with aproposal tobuild acommunity facility<br />

as part of aplanned town centre development.<br />

Both options are comparable in cost to build, size of<br />

the facility, services available, urban location, costs<br />

to run and parking and public transport availability.<br />

Option One is Council-owned land andisadjacent to the<br />

already established retailactivity andthe healthhub.<br />

Option Twoisfurther away fromresidential properties.<br />

It has moresurrounding land forfuture growth and<br />

wouldbedeveloped as partofawider town centre<br />

developmentproposed by Templeton Group.<br />

We want to know which location you prefer for a<br />

future Pegasus Community Centre.<br />

Visit waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk to let us know your<br />

thoughts by 5pm on Wednesday 15 <strong>March</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

Once consultation has ended and public feedback<br />

has been received, staff will present the findings<br />

and seek permission from Council to progress the<br />

preferred option.<br />

Te Kōhaka oTūhaitara Trust Seeking New<br />

General Manager<br />

The Trust responsible for managing the Tūhaitara<br />

Coastal Park which runs along Pegasus Bay is seeking<br />

anew General Manager.<br />

Tūhaitara Coastal Park covers approximately<br />

700ha ofland along the coastline from the<br />

Waimakariri River mouth to the settlement of<br />

Waikuku Beach. Stretching along the coast for<br />

10.5km, it comprises many natural features of<br />

local, regional, and national importance.<br />

The area is predominantlyprotection andplantation<br />

pineforest andsanddunes. However, the park<br />

includes areasofnational and regionalsignificance<br />

includingthe Tūtaepatu Lagoon, TaranakiStream<br />

and SaltwaterCreek freshwater coastal system,<br />

various biota nodes and The PinesWetland.<br />

Trust Chair Al Blackie said that over the past<br />

12 years the coastal park has significantly improved<br />

in biodiversity, has fewer pests, more birds and<br />

fish, and countless native trees and shrubs have<br />

been planted.<br />

“We are looking for agreat people leader with a<br />

passion for the environment and asolid track record<br />

of getting things done. This is ajob that’s both<br />

high-level and hands onand will suit someone who<br />

makes great connections with funders, stakeholders,<br />

and people inthe community.”<br />

“This new chapter for the Trust does provides an<br />

opportunity for someone with apassion for nature, a<br />

can-do attitude, and the ability to roll up their sleeves<br />

and lead acommitted team of conservationists for<br />

the coming years.”<br />

The role will be formally listed in <strong>March</strong>.<br />

Does Your Pool<br />

Fence Comply?<br />

Summer is here and it’s important pool barriers<br />

and fencing comply with the Building Act.<br />

From earlyFebruarywe’ll be visiting propertiesto<br />

check if apool is stillpresent, the type and if the pool<br />

fence complies.<br />

An inspection notice will be posted or emailed aer the<br />

check, noting any items that may need to be addressed.<br />

Why we’re doing this:<br />

The Building Act requires us to inspect pool barriers<br />

regularly for compliance to the Building Code.<br />

Call us on 03 311 8906 if you have any questions.<br />

Register your pool at waimakariri.govt.nz -<br />

keyword search Swimming Pool Registration<br />

Free Digital<br />

Skills Classes<br />

<strong>News</strong>papersOnline<br />

Find outhow to accessNew Zealand<br />

newspapersonline.<br />

Kaiapoi Library<br />

Tuesday 28February • 10–11am<br />

RangioraLibrary<br />

Friday 3<strong>March</strong> • 10–11am<br />

Bookings essential<br />

steppingup.nz<br />

03 311 8901<br />

Free Digital<br />

SkillsClasses<br />

Digital Apps<br />

Afour week course for seniors to help<br />

youget familiar withyour smartphone<br />

and some commonly used apps.<br />

Rangiora Library<br />

Every Friday from 10-31 <strong>March</strong><br />

10am–12pm<br />

Bookings essential<br />

steppingup.nz<br />

03 311 8901


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Public Notices<br />

51<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

Would you like help<br />

completing your<br />

census form?<br />

Pop into your local library at the following<br />

times and census staff will be on hand to<br />

help you. Library devices will be available<br />

if you wish to complete the census online.<br />

Friday 3<strong>March</strong> • 10.30am–2.30pm<br />

Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre<br />

Saturday 4<strong>March</strong> • 10am–2pm<br />

Rangiora Library<br />

Monday 6<strong>March</strong> •10.30am–2.30pm<br />

Oxford Library<br />

Findout more<br />

03 311 8901<br />

library@wmk.govt.nz<br />

census.govt.nz<br />



An extraordinary meeting of the<br />

Waimakariri District Council will be held<br />

at 11.45am on Tuesday 14 <strong>March</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

in the Council Chamber,<br />

215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

The following business will be considered<br />

at the meeting:<br />

• Consider MR873 Development<br />

Contribution Amendment<br />

Agendas are available two working days<br />

before the meeting. Agendas, Minutes<br />

and audio recordings for meetings can<br />

be found on the Council’s website:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Sarah Nichols<br />

Governance Manager<br />

Buying? Selling? Wanted? Youcan do it all in our Classifieds<br />

Ph 313 2840 or Email info@ncnews.co.nztodiscuss your options<br />

Join us for<br />



1.30PM - 5PM<br />

MainPower Amberley Swimming Pool, Douglas Road, Amberley<br />

Free pool entry for children<br />

Free adult entry if accompanying children<br />

Snack Grazing Table |Bouncy Castle<br />

Manu Competition |Music |Inflatables &Games<br />

Livestock<br />

FREE<br />


with processed beef<br />

Conditions apply<br />

MEAT2U.NZ<br />

2550962<br />


313 0<strong>02</strong>2<br />

We have aclassified<br />

section for all your<br />

needs... buying,<br />

selling... wanted...<br />

you can do it all!<br />

Call Amanda to find<br />

our how to advertise<br />

with us!<br />

03 313 2840<br />

Questions?<br />

amberley.pool@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Phone: <strong>02</strong>7 808 9911<br />

Broomfield School<br />

Gifted/Dual Naming Survey 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Broomfield School Board of Trustees invites all relevant<br />

stakeholders of Broomfield School to register their interest in<br />

taking part in our gifted/dual naming change survey. Asapast<br />

pupil, staff member, Board of Trustees member or school whānau<br />

member, please visit broomfield.school.nz to register your interest<br />

by Sunday 5th <strong>March</strong>.<br />

Broomfield School Board of Trustees<br />

2561498<br />

Notice of Annual<br />

General Meeting<br />

(AGM)<br />

Forthe Rangiora RSA<br />

to all Members<br />

Date: Saturday<br />

18 th <strong>March</strong>2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Time: 1000hrs<br />

Venue: Lounge area of<br />

Mess, Rangiora<br />

RSA building,<br />

82 Victoria<br />

Street, Rangiora<br />

Agenda<br />

1. Apologies for<br />

absence<br />

2. Minutes of previous<br />

AGM<br />

3. President’s report<br />

4. Financial report<br />

5. Confirmation of<br />

Executive Committee<br />

Members<br />

6. General business<br />

Kindestregards<br />

Bill Peck<br />

Secretary/Treasurer<br />

Rangiora RSA<br />



52 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

Personal<br />

Public Notices<br />





• First Aid<br />

• Personal Homes<br />

• Care Homes<br />

• Overnight care<br />

• SocialOutings<br />

• Homecare, Gardening, Meals,<br />

Medication<br />

• Companionship<br />

• Clean Police Record<br />


SEMI RETIRED, kind,<br />

caring man looking for a<br />

loving relationship.<br />

Seeking agenuine, caring<br />

woman in her 70’s, light<br />

drinker. Ph <strong>02</strong>0 4129 5331.<br />

Jenny Raquel Newick<br />

Manager<br />

Phone <strong>02</strong>1 22 88 881<br />


Situations Vacant<br />

Rangiora High School<br />

VoluntaryReader-Writers<br />

Rangiora High School is proud to be a caring,<br />

community-based environment inspiring life-long<br />

learning. Students are at the centre of our work.<br />

We are seeking to expand our pool of voluntary<br />

Reader-Writers.<br />

If you are willing to volunteer on an occasional basis<br />

to assist students with dyslexia or other barriers<br />

by reading and/or writing or typing for them during<br />

assessments, please email Jacqui Tyrrell, at:<br />

tyj@rangiorahigh.school.nz<br />

Home Services<br />

ROOF<br />


20yrs local<br />

experience.<br />

allroofs.co.nz<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 416 0530<br />

2533270<br />

Educational<br />


Tutor (Amberley )$35 for<br />

30-40 minute session with<br />

experienced primary school<br />

teacher. Text Amber<br />

Cavanagh <strong>02</strong>2 121 9<strong>02</strong>9 for<br />

more information.<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03) 313 3638 or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.<br />

kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

2561496<br />

2560978<br />

Trade Drive Thru Team Members<br />

Needed!<br />

Do you love all things DIY?<br />

Are you able to offer some working knowledge or<br />

experience from the building industry?<br />

Is your customer service second to none?<br />

Our business is growing! We are seeking motivated team<br />

players to join our hard-working Drive Thru team.<br />

This is a fast paced, fun environment that relies on<br />

teamwork and the ability to multi-task.<br />

The role is Fixed Term and will include weekend days.<br />

Aforkliftlicense would be useful but is not critical.<br />

The ideal candidate will require:<br />

• A passion for providing excellent customer service,<br />

helping customers with their projects or with their<br />

trade enquiries<br />

• Knowledge of timber,hardwareand building products<br />

• Tobefitfor oftendemanding physical work as heavy<br />

lifting is adailypart of this job<br />

• A willingness to learn, with great time management<br />

and areal “can do” attitude<br />

• Astrong health and safety focus, ensuring company<br />

policies are followed at all times<br />

Work local. Save yourself all those hours in the car each<br />

week.<br />

McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policy, apreemployment<br />

drug test and medical will be required.<br />

Applicants must be aNew Zealand resident or hold avalid<br />

NewZealand visa.<br />

Please send your application and CV to:<br />

Trade Drive Thru Team Member,<br />

McAlpine’sMitre10MEGA, PrivateBag 1003,<br />

Rangiora 7440<br />

or email: applications@mcalpines.co.nz<br />

VINEYARD, Farm or<br />

Fencing workers. Experienced<br />

workers required by<br />

Glad Vines in Georges<br />

Road, rates $24-28ph, part<br />

time or full time. Call<br />

Ernest <strong>02</strong>75 881 442 or<br />

email ernestg@gladwines.com<br />

WE NEED YOU!<br />

Deliverers required<br />

forthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

To findout more,<br />

contact:<br />

Mark Kelly<br />

South Island Distribution Manager<br />

P: <strong>02</strong>9 983 2293<br />

E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

House and Resthome<br />

Specialising in Dementia care and following<br />

the “Spark of Life” Philosophy is looking for a<br />

Diversional Therapist or aPerson interested in<br />

assisting residents to participate in activities.<br />

The position is Tuesday to Sunday 9.30am to<br />

4.30pm. This may be split into two part time<br />

positions or Job share. Must have afull Licence.<br />

Please email adriel@xtra.co.nz<br />

or phone Mischeal <strong>02</strong>7 440 8182.<br />

2558934<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Firewood<br />

For Sale<br />

2547332<br />

SPLIT Old Man Pine 3.7m<br />

@ $280, Split Hardwood<br />

Mix 3.7m @$400. Mobile<br />

<strong>02</strong>1 993 497.<br />

LOG SPLITTER new<br />

30Ton 7Hp ,electric start<br />

$3240. Ph <strong>02</strong>7 262 2266<br />

LS30VTS www.blax.nz.<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone <strong>02</strong>7 258<br />

8366.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />


Teacher Aide<br />

Fixed Term 2<strong>02</strong>3<br />

–Flexible Hours<br />

17.5 -25hours<br />

per week<br />

To start beginning of<br />

Term 2–<br />

Wednesday 26 April<br />

We are seeking a<br />

Teacher Aide to<br />

work at Cust School,<br />

working in partnership<br />

with teachers and<br />

other professionals to<br />

promote the learning<br />

and welfare of students.<br />

The successful<br />

applicant will be<br />

an empathetic and<br />

enthusiastic person<br />

who not only relates<br />

well to younger<br />

children, but is eager<br />

to make adifference in<br />

the ongoing social and<br />

emotional development<br />

and learning of students<br />

in his/her care. They will<br />

also possess the skills<br />

and abilities to support<br />

the office administrator<br />

when required.<br />

For any queries and /or<br />

an application package<br />

please:<br />

Phone (03) 312 5753 or<br />

email robert.schuyt@<br />

cust.school.nz<br />

Applications close:<br />

Wednesday 15 <strong>March</strong><br />

Please send your<br />

application to<br />

robert.schuyt@cust.<br />

school.nz<br />

or<br />

Cust School<br />

POBox 28, Cust 7444.<br />

Rangiora High School<br />

Kaiāwhina/Teacher Aide<br />

Rangiora High School is proud to be a caring,<br />

community-based environment inspiring life-long<br />

learning. Students are at the centre of our work.<br />

We are seeking to appoint aKaiāwhina to undertake<br />

learning support work.<br />

•Fixed Term, part-time (25 hours per week)<br />

(Terms 1&2)<br />

Relevant experience and/or qualifications are an<br />

advantage.<br />

Please visit the Join Us /Employment page of our<br />

website to make an application<br />

www.rangiorahigh.school.nz<br />

Applications close 9am on 6<strong>March</strong> 2<strong>02</strong>3.<br />

2557343<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Wanted To Rent<br />

TINY home space needed,<br />

looking for land to rent for<br />

older couple, prefer quiet<br />

location 30 minutes or less<br />

from Christchurch outskirts.<br />

Please phone Richard<br />

<strong>02</strong>2 137 6088.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

2559864<br />

Entertainment<br />

RANGIORA (N.C)<br />



Monday 6 th <strong>March</strong>,7pm<br />

Rangiora Showgrounds,<br />

Function centre,<br />

156 Ashley Street.<br />

New Singers and visitors<br />

welcome<br />

Enquiries Bob <strong>02</strong>1 111 5534<br />

2560057<br />

JAN PRESTON live<br />

Chamber Gallery, Rangiora.<br />

Friday 10th <strong>March</strong>,<br />

7.30pm, $35 Adults, $15<br />

Students, tickets Rangiora<br />

Library (cash only). Known<br />

as Australasia’s foremost<br />

female Boogie & Blues<br />

piano player, Jan will get<br />

you rocking with her bluesy<br />

vocals, stories, laughs and<br />

visuals. Come along for an<br />

uplifting and engaging<br />

evening’s entertainment.<br />

Hosted by Waimakariri<br />

Community Arts Council.<br />

Enquiries 03 312 0577 or<br />

wcac.concert@gmail.com.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards <strong>02</strong>7 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or <strong>02</strong>1 124 4894.<br />

BUILDERS Father &son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads,<br />

no job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Phone <strong>02</strong>7 318 4400.<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $80 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

www.theprogroup.co.nz/dpc9385.<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />


mowing, spraying,<br />

fertilizing, scarifier. Phone<br />

Hamish <strong>02</strong>7 349 7986.<br />

House &Garden<br />

Property Services Ltd<br />

Tree &hedge trimming<br />

Gardening<br />

Landscaping<br />

Gutter cleaning<br />

All aspects of<br />

property maintenance<br />

CALL US 03 260 4499<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph <strong>02</strong>1<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or <strong>02</strong>7 654 4568.<br />


plasterer matching &<br />

patching, no job too small,<br />

30 yrs exp. Please phone<br />

<strong>02</strong>2 189 8294.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban <strong>02</strong>7 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or <strong>02</strong>1 128 9867<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

Trade &Services<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />


Plastering &Painting<br />

Services<br />

Locals with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone <strong>02</strong>1 344 <strong>02</strong>3<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 <strong>02</strong>61 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Phone<br />

<strong>02</strong>1-267-4<strong>02</strong>5.<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 216 0000<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

<strong>02</strong>75 379-694<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

25<strong>02</strong>479<br />

23620<strong>02</strong><br />

2225862<br />


Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Builder<br />

Builders<br />

Butchery<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />

Samsung andmore....<br />

“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

2332343v2<br />

•New Builds •Renovations, Extensions<br />

• Repairs and Maintenance<br />

2549049<br />

Ring Mark <strong>02</strong>7 229 7310<br />

for afree quote<br />

www.longsilverconstruction.com<br />

256<strong>02</strong>54<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

For all enquiries call or email Don:<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 727 9162 /zatarabuilders@yahoo.com<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H <strong>02</strong>1 269 1817<br />

2227889v3<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />


Engineering<br />

Plasterer<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Fencing<br />

Daryl Power<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />



Specialising in<br />

• Farm Fencing • Stock Yards<br />

• Post Driving<br />

Ph: Rangiora 03 312 8866<br />

Mobile: <strong>02</strong>7 213 1634<br />

Email: nathanandhayley@scorch.co.nz<br />

Irrigation &Filtration<br />

2273277<br />

2548247<br />

2490187<br />



Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



* I S<br />

HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />

Kitchen Designer<br />

Paula Humphreys Design<br />

Certified Kitchen Designer<br />

2269236<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |<strong>02</strong>7 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Glass Services<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />

ReplacementWindows<br />

Frameless Showers<br />

Splashbacks<br />

Balustrades<br />

Mirrors<br />

SecurityDoors<br />

WindowMaintenance<br />

1High Street, Rangiora | 03 313 1733<br />

leah.stewart@hagley.co.nz<br />

2533705<br />

Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy <strong>02</strong>1 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Interior<br />

Renovations<br />

Ltd<br />

Plasterboard,<br />

fixing &stopping<br />

Cornice<br />

Cove and<br />

stippled ceilings<br />

Registered<br />

Tradesman<br />

Call Mark<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 438 0665<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike<strong>02</strong>74 818544 •Robbie <strong>02</strong>74 818 <strong>02</strong>7<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

19<strong>02</strong>273<br />

From cost effective kitchens to<br />

award-winning bespoke designs<br />

• New builds and renovations<br />

• Kitchens, laundries, wardrobes<br />

• Member of NKBA<br />

• 1 Hour free consultation<br />

Phone Paula Humphreys<br />

<strong>02</strong>7 239 5186<br />

paulahdesign@gmail.com<br />

www.paulahdesign.com<br />

2556117b<br />

Windows & Doors<br />


• New & Used<br />

• Timber & Aluminium<br />

• Windows & Doors<br />

8am-5pm Weekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 379 6159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax (03) 962 1012 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />



Advertise with us and get noticed today!<br />

Phone us today on 03 314 8335 or email<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz to find out how we can help!<br />

ncn1242200aa<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN <strong>02</strong>7 201 33<strong>02</strong><br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Arthur BurkeMazda<br />


2<strong>02</strong>2 Mazda CX-3GSX<br />

2.0L Petrol. LowDemo Km’s. Privacy<br />

Glass. Mazda Radar Cruise Control.<br />

Satellite Navigation. Keyless Entry.<br />

Balance of 3Year Free Servicing&5<br />

Year Warranty.<br />

WAS$39,640<br />

NOW$37,990<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2 Mazda CX-30 GSX<br />

2.0L petrol FWD. Very<br />

low 200km’s.<br />

Mazda Radar Cruise Control. Apple Car<br />

Play andAndroidAuto. Daytime running<br />

lights with automatic LED headlights. 5<br />

Star safety rating.<br />

WAS$44,140<br />

NOW $39,995<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2 Mazda CX-30 GTX<br />

2.5L petrol AWD. 2,872km’s. Dual<br />

zone climatecontrol. Blind spot<br />

monitoring. Lane keepassist. Privacy<br />

glass. High beam control. Rain<br />

sensing wipers.<br />

WAS$47,840<br />

NOW $43,490<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2 Mazda CX-9Ltd<br />

2.5L petrol turbo AWD. 5,000km’s. 20” metallic<br />

alloys. Power sunroof. 10-waypower adjustable<br />

driver’s seat. Bose 12 speaker audio / system.<br />

Leather seat trim. Heated front and rear seats.<br />

Wireless charging/Apple Car Play andAndriod<br />

Connectivity. 2,000km braked towbar.<br />

WAS$76,600<br />

NOW $68,990<br />


2001 Mitsubishi Pajero<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2 MazdaCX-5GSX<br />

2.5L petrol AWD. 2,500km’s. LED<br />

automaticheadlights. Active driving<br />

display. Reversing cameraand parking<br />

sensors. Trafficsign recognition. 10.25<br />

inch colour display.<br />

WAS$49,940<br />

NOW$44,995<br />

2<strong>02</strong>2 Mazda Bt-50 Takami<br />

4x4. Auto. 7,000km. BlackAlloy’ y’s<br />

&Fender Flares. TintedWindows.<br />

3,500kgTow bar. Deck liner. Roller lid<br />

WAS$76,130<br />

NOW$67,995<br />

2015Mazda 3GLX<br />

5dr, 2.0ltr Petrol, Automatic, 2WD,<br />

43,000km<br />

2.0ltr, NZ New, 116,000km, Bluetooth,<br />

CruiseControl, Rear Camera<br />

$8,495<br />

2017SuzukiSwiftSport<br />

1.6ltr, 30,942km, NewAdvanti 16”<br />

Alloys&Tyres, 1 NZ NewOwner,<br />

immaculateCondition<br />

2017ToyotaHiluxSR5<br />

Limited<br />

2.8ltr Diesel, 4x4, Automatic c,<br />

116,862km, Bull bar, Tow bar, Tuff<br />

Deck, Tonneau Cover, Leather Seats<br />

$16,490<br />

2013Nissan Navara DX<br />

2.5ltr Diesel, 4x4, Manual,<br />

64,000km, Canopy, Bull bar,<br />

Towbar<br />

$16,995 $27,490<br />

$42,995<br />

SOLD<br />

2<strong>02</strong>1 Ford Everest Titanium<br />

7 Seater, 2.0ltr Bi-Turbo Diesel, 4x4,<br />

10 SpeedAuto, 48,000km, Towbar,<br />

TintedWindows, Leather Seats,<br />

Sunroof<br />


$59,995<br />

Sales: Tim 03 3140135 | Service: Michael 03 314 0131<br />


MAZDA<br />

2-4MarkhamSt<br />

Amberley,<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

arthurburkemazda.co.nz<br />

co.nz<br />


Thursday,<strong>March</strong> 2, 2<strong>02</strong>3 | Issue1035 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Let’schoose our futureat<br />

greaterchristchurch.org.nz<br />

We’verounded up our picksoftop notchproducts from top<br />

notch brands that areyoursfor topnotch prices rightnow.<br />

So,ifyou’re looking foragoodreason to buy,you can take<br />

your pick. Or,you can take our pick.Otherwise knownas<br />

Smiths’ Picks. Findthemin-storeand onlinenow.

24<br />

MONTHS<br />

36<br />


on purchases $499 &over*<br />

on<br />

MONTHS<br />


beds&furniture$999 &over*<br />

extended<br />

free delivery* 3<br />

$4299<br />

was<br />

$<br />

6199<br />

$1599<br />

bonus $200<br />

prezzy card* 2<br />

was<br />

$2499 $<br />

4579<br />

$2199<br />

$2145<br />

bonus<br />

Comes with free<br />

gaming chair, monitor,<br />

bag, keyboard,<br />

andmouse!<br />

$679<br />

was<br />

$<br />

1099<br />

$1699 20 % off #

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