FLAWZ Magazine ◊ 6

FLAWZ | The Haute Couture Experience is a digital publication that explores fashion, art, and design through Second Life. We are a group of photographers, designers, artists and bloggers that are passionate about innovative approaches to the art of fashion.

FLAWZ | The Haute Couture Experience is a digital publication that explores fashion, art, and design through Second Life. We are a group of photographers, designers, artists and bloggers that are passionate about innovative approaches to the art of fashion.


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8. This quarantine has definitely delayed and even stopped many businesses but in a

weird way, has given some businesses time to really hone in on their craft. With the fashion

industry halted, this will give designers time to really give us a stellar collection. Do

you agree?

Venus: I was thinking about that myself actually. I think that in the fashion world, something

that designers probably struggle with is having the pressure of pumping out 5-6

collections throughout the year (If they’re high-end brands) and for all the seasons and

having to make sure they’re as immaculate as possible as well as, unique. I can only

imagine the stress they’re under. So right now, I think its an odd time, but probably something

in their favor for their creative minds to take a moment to breathe and refine their

collections. Its a blessing during dark times I suppose one could say.

9. Well being in the industry myself, I can says this is definitely a time where designers,

artist and photographers alike, can all take time to honestly perfect their craft. In these

uncertain times, one will either say to themselves “my work is fine, I’m good, lets move

forward”. Which is a f*cked up way of looking at it. But I think for many, they should be

dissecting their past work and previous work and figuring out how to better themselves

and their brand.

Venus: Right, so we better having some sickening pieces when miss couture season comes

rolling around, and everyone can get back to sitting side-by-side along the catwalk.

10. To be honest with you...and I have to say this because in my core I believe this...COVID

will change every aspect of fashion....the world as we know it. Which leads into my next


Venus: I don’t doubt it, especially if this is pro-longed. We might see some innovation take

place because of a lack of resources for example.

11. I’ve heard from around the industry, with everything that was going on surrounding

fashion needing to slow down. This quarantine oddly, to say, came at a time where the

industry was being bombarded with the demand for product and retail stores not being

able to keep up with the demand for inventory. As well as, designers being burned

out to deliver a collection for every season..they now have the time to stop, catch their

breath and rewrite how this industry will move forward after COVID-19. Even for us and

this magazine, going forward we will need to be more creative as far as future content

is concerned. Nervous? Lol

Venus: Not at all, I think any publication should always want to evolve and break new

ground, so i’m excited to see where the fashion industry goes, along with FLAWZ.

12. I’m ready as well...in a way lol, and nervous as it pertains to not repeating content

we’ve done or featured in the magazine already. My job in real life, we are, to be completely

honest with you, scrambling to come up with new material for the magazine,

without any fashion to show. Here on SecondLife we can show so many looks that haven’t

been covered yet, but are limited by creators.

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