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Composing Epic Poetry<br />

John-Ellis, Lower Sixth<br />

from ἡ Οὐλσινεία: Ulsinea (v. 136-150)<br />

σίγησεν δ’ αὖ Γαβριήλ· μᾶλλον δ’ ἀνά χεῖρας<br />

But Gabriel was silent in response; rather, he lifted up his hands<br />

κρούσεν ἄγων, παράδειγμα δ’ ἔτριψεν ἐς οὔτι οὗ ἧκεν.<br />

and clapped, and the paradigm crumbled into the naught whence it came.<br />

Γαβριήλ δὲ κρινοστέφανος στῆθος μεγαλαύχει<br />

And Gabriel of the lily garland began to boast his chest,<br />

δῖον ὁρᾶν· αὔξῃ ὠλενῶν πόδε γυμνώ ἀνεῖχον.<br />

godly to behold; with the expanse of his arms, his unshod feet began to arise.<br />

κρᾶτ’ ἀνέκυψε κόμην δ’ ἀγαπηθεῖσαν καθέηκεν<br />

He tilted back his head and let down his pampered hair<br />

λουθεῖσάν τ’ Ἐδὲμ ὑδρηλῇ ὑγρήν τε ἀλοιφῇ<br />

which had been bathed in watery Eden and was moist with ointment<br />

Σουμερίης τετραρειθρώδευς πολυχρύσου Εὐιλάτ.<br />

from Sumer of the four bounding streams and Havilah, rich in gold;<br />

ἠΰτε πέρ ῥεθομαλίδας οὔπω ὀπωρῃ ἔτ’ Εὔα<br />

just as when apple-cheeked Eve, still not yet in any way tainted by the fruit,<br />

κως μυσαρή, ἐκ Σόλλακος εἶσ’ ἐπί ἀνέρι καλή,<br />

cometh forth from the Sollax as a beauty for her husband,<br />

οἷ δὲ δίδωσιν ἔλαιον ἑκών μενοεικέσι χερσίν,<br />

and he willingly offers her olive oil with his agreeable hands,<br />

ὄφρα φέρῃ κτένα βωλοκόπον βλοσυρῆς διά χαίτης<br />

that she may lead her clod-breaking comb through her shaggy mane,<br />

ᾄσσομένης μελανοπλοκάμου λείῳ κατά νώτῳ.<br />

which flutters in black tresses down her smooth back.<br />

ἐσθλή ἐπόψει Εὔα ποιητῶ παντετοκυῖα,<br />

And Eve, mother of all, is good in the sight of her Maker,<br />

εὐώδης θρέμμασσιν, ἅ ἦρος ἀνεῖκε χίμαιρα·<br />

sweet to the smell of nurslings, whom the nanny-goat hath borne in the spring;<br />

καὶ ὥς ἐν ὕπνῳ Γαβριήλ ᾐωρέετ’ αἰπύς.<br />

even so was Gabriel suspended, lofty in trance.<br />

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