North Canterbury News: March 30, 2023

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Thursday,<strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>,<strong>2023</strong> | Issue1039 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Fernside home to indoor cannabis operation<br />


Fernside will soon become known as a<br />

centrefor medicalCBD cannabis<br />

production.<br />

Reuben Harvey, founder of Blacks<br />

Avenue, says they are onlyafew<br />

months awayfrom opening theirfirst<br />

indoor organicmedicalcannabis<br />

growingfacility in servicingthe New<br />

Zealandmedicalcannabis industry.<br />

‘‘Our base build is nearing<br />

completion, andthen the NZ Medical<br />

Cannabis Agencyundertakes a<br />

comprehensivesiteaudit.<br />

‘‘Oncetheyare happy with<br />

everything,they grant us theformal<br />

licenceand we can startproducing.’’<br />

He saysithas taken the company<br />

fouryears to reach this point.<br />

‘‘Wehave beenusinglocaltalentand<br />

expertisetobuild this facilityand will<br />

continue to develop the growth of<br />

talentand intellectual property for the<br />

industry here in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.’’<br />

Oncetheyare at capacitythey are<br />

aiming to employupto20people<br />

He saystheir new facilitywill take<br />

specific plant genetics fromother<br />

suppliersand growthemthroughto<br />

flower.<br />

Theywill then pass on theraw<br />

startermaterial to other<br />

manufacturers turningitinto New<br />

Zealandmadeand produced<br />

medicines.<br />

‘‘Our indoorfacility has six grow<br />

rooms withacapacity of turningover<br />

50­75 kilosper room.”<br />

Fromthat, he says, theyexpect to<br />

harvest around two tonnes per annum.<br />

‘‘Onthissitewehavescalability to<br />

produceoutdoor crops as well.”<br />

He saystheyare looking to replicate<br />

thismodelacross multiplelocations in<br />

the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> area.<br />

‘‘Weare in the infancy of the new<br />

medicalcannabis industry in the<br />

country, and we are still looking to<br />

gettingthe runs on theboardinthat<br />

respect.But growthisrisingevery<br />

year.”Hesays hiscultivation partner<br />

PuroNZ, in Marlborough, is scalingup<br />

its outdoor cropsand theyare nowthe<br />

largestCBD cannabiscultivatorin<br />

Australasia.<br />

CBD cannabis operations near ... Reuben Harvey, founder of Blacks Avenue, inside an air dome on aNew Zealand cannabis growing<br />

operation.<br />


Reuben says it was astrategicmove<br />

to have the indoorfacility up and<br />

runningfirst, and thenhave the<br />

scalability to move outside to green<br />

houses or air domesatalaterstage.<br />

‘‘It gives us alot less variables in<br />

terms of production as alot of riskis<br />

mitigated by startingindoors in a<br />

controlled environment.”<br />

As cannabisgrowinghas high<br />

demands on power production, Blacks<br />

Avenue have partneredwith<br />

BioEnergySolutions.<br />

‘‘BioEnergySolutions NZ uses<br />

biomass and carbon­based waste to<br />

makeelectricity.<br />

‘‘Wewillbesupplying them with our<br />

green waste forthemtoconvertitinto<br />

electricitytogrowour plants,while<br />

alsousingtheir REGENi/CHAR<br />

agricultural bio­products as lowcarbonorganic<br />

biostimulants.<br />

He says it’s been abig learning<br />

experience, butthe end goal is to allow<br />

new farmers to comeinto the industry<br />

and to also allowexisting farmers to<br />

convert anddiversify theirincome<br />

streams.”<br />

He saystheywill alsohave the<br />

capability to grow thehighTHC variety<br />

of cannabis alongside thestaple crop<br />

of CBD<br />

CBDdoesnot produce the high<br />

sensation associated with cannabis.<br />

That is from THC variants of the plant<br />

species.<br />

Thefuture opportunities also<br />

involve research anddevelopment for<br />

itemssuch as hemp filament used for<br />

plastic 3D printing.<br />

Researchinto how CBDcan<br />

influenceconcussioninjury recovery<br />

andprevention in rugby,isalso<br />

somethingclosetoheartfor this<br />

former seniorlevel rugbyplayer.<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Thededicated,<br />

local team are<br />

here to help<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Robyn Bristow<br />

027 312 1581<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Sales Manager<br />

DaynaBurton<br />

027 312 0089<br />

dayna.burton@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

ShelleyTopp<br />

027 404 6137<br />

JohnCosgrove<br />

021 195 0284<br />

Advertising<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

027 536 6224<br />

amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Jillian Dickie<br />

022 024 <strong>30</strong>92<br />

jillian.dickie@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Graphic Design<br />

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heather.hood@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Get in touch<br />

Phone: 03313 2840or03 314 8335<br />

14 AshleyStreet, Rangiora<br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Editorial: info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

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Distribution: deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

iSITE membership cancelled<br />


The Hurunui iSITE, near the entrance<br />

to the Hanmer Springs pools, is<br />

cancelling its membership of the iSITE<br />

Information Network (VIN).<br />

The Hurunui marketing team has<br />

decided to return it to an Information<br />

Centre, providing the same free<br />

information services it has always done.<br />

Shane Adcock, Sales and Marketing<br />

manager for Hanmer Springs Thermal<br />

Pools &Spa and Hurunui Tourism says<br />

the move is in response to the iSITE<br />

network’s new strategy, which is about<br />

to be implemented.<br />

‘‘We believe that the new strategy does<br />

not fully consider the range of iSITE<br />

ownership and operating models around<br />

the country.<br />

‘‘The strategy has several very<br />

centralised, mandated aspects that we<br />

feel do not fit with our operation,<br />

including point of sale and booking<br />

systems, customer satisfaction<br />

monitoring and New Zealand­made<br />

retail products,’’ he says.<br />

There were also further potential<br />

developments that caused concern,<br />

including acentral digital booking<br />

channel, universal uniforms and<br />

centralised commission arrangements.<br />

Mr Adcock says free information will<br />

still include:<br />

•Information on free and commercial<br />

activities and accommodation in<br />

Hanmer Springs.<br />

•Information on free and commercial<br />

activities and accommodation in the<br />

Hurunui and the surrounding regions.<br />

•Department of Conservation<br />

information.<br />

•Updates such as the weather, track<br />

conditions, road closures, library<br />

opening times, etc.<br />

Lights out Kaikoura to save birds<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Turn your lights off, Kaikōura ­<br />

threatened sea birds depend on it.<br />

Volunteers have been busy tendering<br />

to injured birds after 100 young Hutton’s<br />

shearwaters crash landed in the town<br />

last Wednesday evening.<br />

Hutton’s Shearwater Charitable Trust<br />

trustee Nicky McArthur has put the call<br />

out to residents to turn out their lights at<br />

night to give the newly fledged birds a<br />

better chance of survival.<br />

Young birds crash landing was an<br />

annual problem as young birds leaving<br />

the nest to fly to winter feeding grounds<br />

became disorientated due to the town’s<br />

lighting and other artificial lighting.<br />

It has reinforced the town’s bid to<br />

become an international dark sky<br />

sanctuary, which would protect local<br />

wildlife, she said.<br />

‘‘I would like to thank each and every<br />

volunteer who goes out in the evening to<br />

rescue these birds and drop them off at<br />

our hub, and comes out the next day to<br />

attend to them.’’<br />

Among the volunteers at the hub, next<br />

to the Department of Conservation boat<br />

shed in Ludstone Road, were students<br />

from St Joseph’s School.<br />

Kaikōura Mayor Craig Mackle also<br />

called in on Thursday morning, after<br />

hearing about the high number of crash<br />

landings.<br />

The birds were checked, banded,<br />

measured and weighed, before being<br />

released when they were well enough.<br />

Mrs McArthur said the rescued birds<br />

were considerably lighter this year than<br />

previous years.<br />

‘‘It seems to be that the adult birds<br />

were having to travel further out to sea<br />

to find food.’’<br />

St Joseph’s School principal Judith<br />

Ford said it was ‘‘a great learning<br />

experience’’ for her students.<br />

‘‘The kids love it and they can see they<br />

Pitching in ... Kaikōura Mayor Craig Mackle (back, left) called in to check on the efforts of<br />

volunteers at the Hutton’s shearwater ‘‘Flysafe’’ hub, meeting with St Joseph School<br />

principal Judith Ford and her pupils Charlotte Addis (left), Amaia Ngapora, Rhiley Turner,<br />

Felix Chambers, Quinn Laugesen and Liam Kobayashi.<br />


are doing something good in the<br />

community, and they are helping these<br />

endemic birds.<br />

‘‘They are doing something pretty<br />

special.’’<br />

Kaikōura is the only known breeding<br />

ground for Hutton’s shearwaters, near<br />

human habitation.<br />

They have traditionally nested in the<br />

sub­alpine environment, in mountains<br />

1200 to 1800 metres above sea level.<br />

Sixty years ago there were 10 colonies,<br />

but today just two wild colonies remain.<br />

Asmall colony has been established<br />

on the Kaikōura Peninsula in<br />

partnership with Ngāti Kurī.<br />

Mrs McArthur said once they had<br />

crash landed, the birds could not take<br />

off.<br />

She urged people to be gentle when<br />

picking them up and take them to the<br />

hub in abox with plenty of air.<br />

Mrs McArthur is also chairperson of<br />

the Kaikōura Dark Sky Trust, which is<br />

preparing aprivate plan change to the<br />

Kaikōura District Plan.<br />

It can then apply to the International<br />

Dark Sky Association for dark sky<br />

sanctuary status.<br />

The Hutton’s Shearwaters Charitable<br />

Trust’s ‘‘Flysafe’’ campaign runs until<br />

mid­April.<br />

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through New Zealand on Air.<br />

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Piano is key to artist’sproject<br />


Acolourful outdoor piano is proving to<br />

be abig hit with pedestrians in<br />

Rangiora, especially students.<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

community projects officer Mike Kwant,<br />

has his office window right next to the<br />

newly installed piano and says he often<br />

goes out to congratulate the players on<br />

their skills.<br />

‘‘I’m hearing some amazing sounds.<br />

It’s like having aconcert pianist playing<br />

right outside my window.’’<br />

‘‘What they play makes you get up and<br />

have alook and see who’s playing, it’s<br />

quite amazing stuff.’’<br />

Council staff are also amazed at how<br />

good many of the young people are.<br />

Community facilities officer Isibeal<br />

Clark says it’s wonderful how popular<br />

the outdoor piano has become.<br />

‘‘Lots of students are coming in after<br />

school, it’s been amazing to learn many<br />

haven't had piano lessons before. They<br />

tell us they are all self taught, they learnt<br />

it through YouTube or from friends.<br />

‘‘It’s just beautiful to be able to hear<br />

the amazing music they are playing, and<br />

the singing also.’’<br />

The ‘botanical’ themed piano came<br />

about when Clark’s team was tasked a<br />

year ago with activating aspace on the<br />

laneway beside the council building on<br />

High Street in Rangiora.<br />

It had to be low cost and yet attractive<br />

to people walking past, to get them to<br />

stop and interact with the space.<br />

The idea of using one of the many<br />

pianos the council has in storage was<br />

mooted, based on similar projects in<br />

Nelson and overseas.<br />

They approached Rangiora­based<br />

visual artist Julie Hassell and asked her<br />

to submit design concepts.<br />

Julie says she knew of the project<br />

because her art mentor in San Francisco<br />

was also working on expanding asimilar<br />

street piano project they have had for<br />

many years.<br />

She put forward five different design<br />

Botanical theme ... Rangiora based visual artist Julie Hassell and the public use piano she<br />

was commissioned to paint.<br />


ideas for the council to look at.<br />

‘‘They chose the one which best suited<br />

the open brief for anice bright design<br />

that connected with nature,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘The botanical design was for me the<br />

most exciting as it was very free flowing,<br />

very bright and fun.’’<br />

The piano was delivered to her studio<br />

just before Christmas.<br />

‘‘It took alot of work to prepare the<br />

nearly 100 year old piano for painting,<br />

because of its age and lack of finish.’’<br />

She says it was amazing seeing it come<br />

to life as she painted it with special<br />

paint she bought locally.<br />

‘‘I used specially made Chalk Paint<br />

from Rustic Restyle in Rangiora.<br />

‘‘‘I used some gorgeous, sumptuous<br />

Climate change<br />

willleadto<br />

colours such as Laundered Money<br />

Green and Teagan Yellow to make the<br />

design pop.<br />

‘‘It was an incredible journey as an<br />

artist seeing my vision come to fruition.’’<br />

The piano was unveiled outside the<br />

Rangiora library recently with several<br />

local pianists entertaining the crowd.<br />

Julie says she’s received many<br />

wonderful messages of support and<br />

photos online of people’s children<br />

playing on the piano.<br />

‘‘It’s been beautiful seeing that<br />

connection of the public with something<br />

Ihave created. It’s one of the best<br />

feedbacks as an artist you can get, as<br />

people enjoy something you have<br />

created.’’<br />

The life story of Trudi not quite sold out<br />

More than<strong>30</strong>0 booksfollowing thelife<br />

of Trudi Johnston andher popular<br />

weeklynewspaper column Living with<br />

aBrain Tumour,which featured in<br />

TheStar, have been sold.<br />

Now there arejust 40 left to sell,<br />

with theproceeds from theproject<br />

going to CanTeen.<br />

“CanTeen was suchabigpartof<br />

Trudi’s life,” her parents Pat andJock<br />

Johnston of Kaiapoi say.<br />

For almost twoyears, Trudi wrotea<br />

diary in TheStarofher experience<br />

with cancer, unwavering in her<br />

determination to getsomething to<br />

print almost every week, evenduring<br />

hertoughest times.<br />

Each week shewould give an<br />

inspiring and very honest account of<br />

herjourney, right up until her death in<br />

2006.<br />

Pat and Jock put togethera<br />

compelling book of her journey,which<br />

became available to thepublic last<br />

year.<br />

“The response we have hadhas been<br />

overwhelming.She touched alot of<br />

people’s lives,” they said.<br />

Trudi started writing the column in<br />

2004. She was 24. TheStar editorBarry<br />

Clarke hadapproached CanTeen,<br />

looking forayoung person living with<br />

cancer to write about their journey.<br />

Trudi hadbeen diagnosed with a<br />

braintumourand was quick to puther<br />

hand up to do it.<br />

Writing aweekly column was not an<br />

easy assignment. Mr Clarke warned<br />

Trudi that there wouldprobably be<br />

times shewould want to give up, andif<br />

things got bad for her health­wise, she<br />

would need to be honest andstraight<br />

with readers.<br />

Butshe wasupfor thechallenge,<br />

sharingher journey with readers and<br />

inspiring so many people withher<br />

courage, honesty and relentless<br />

positivity,Jocksays.<br />

To purchase abookemail<br />

patjock@xtra.co.nz or phone 027 209<br />

5040, or go to trudijohnston.co.nz.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Atruffle experience<br />


What do you do when around 120 people<br />

turn up for afternoon tea on the<br />

weekend?<br />

In the case of Bill Lee, of Kings<br />

Truffles in Waipara, you show them<br />

around the property, then offer them<br />

coffee, tea, and truffle­buttered French<br />

bread.<br />

The event, last Sunday, was part of the<br />

Nuffield <strong>2023</strong> International Triennial<br />

Conference.<br />

Finishing on April 2, this is anine­day<br />

international agribusiness event<br />

attended by key decision­makers,<br />

investors and influencers from here and<br />

around the world, all looking to learn,<br />

innovate and network to build their<br />

businesses.<br />

Bill’s property was just one in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> chosen as ashowcase.<br />

The delegates had all just had lunch at<br />

Waipara Springs Winery.<br />

‘‘I jumped on one of the buses, and<br />

they were with us from 1.<strong>30</strong> until 4.<strong>30</strong><br />

that afternoon, to learn about what we<br />

do,’’ says Bill.<br />

His family­run business owns two<br />

blocks, one of six hectares and one of<br />

nine hectares, which together form the<br />

Kings truffiere.<br />

They are planted in evergreen oaks,<br />

which have been infected as seedlings<br />

with the truffle fungus.<br />

‘‘We plant the seedlings out when they<br />

are ayear old and then it takes around<br />

six years for them to produce truffles,’’<br />

Bill says.<br />

After that, its up to his truffle dogs to<br />

hunt out the treasure.<br />

‘‘All our dogs are bitsers. There’s abit<br />

of lab in there, abit of collie, and abit of<br />

short­haired pointer.<br />

‘‘They just need to have akeen nose,<br />

be eager to please, and be happy to<br />

learn,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘I’ve been asheep farmer, and its<br />

harder on the dogs to hunt truffles than<br />

Popular. .. King’s black truffles are<br />

considered to be particularly sweet.<br />


it is to work stock, so they do two­hour<br />

shifts each to fill our orders.’’<br />

And unless the truffles are destined<br />

for Kings commercial kitchen, they are<br />

dug to order, largely for chefs in<br />

Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch,<br />

and Queenstown.<br />

There are also afew private clients,<br />

looking for something special for a<br />

dinner party.<br />

‘‘We grow black truffles, which are<br />

popular for their aroma and flavour, and<br />

our <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> truffles are<br />

considered internationally to be<br />

particularly sweet.<br />

‘‘With 150 different aromatics in them,<br />

you only need to add avery little to your<br />

dish to make it really special,’’ says Bill.<br />

‘‘They have ashelf life of three weeks,<br />

so making fresh dishes, truffle salt, or<br />

truffle butter are great options.’’<br />

The business is investigating the<br />

United States commercial market,<br />

which embraces New Zealand butter, to<br />

see how Kiwi truffle butter will be<br />

received.<br />

Bill’s last word of advice —‘‘Truffles<br />

are an expensive commodity, but never<br />

freeze them —that kills the essence of<br />

the truffle, literally.’’<br />


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Duck race for garden<br />

Ducks —lots of them —stole the<br />

limelight at the Silverstream<br />

subdivision recently.<br />

The highly anticipated annual Duck<br />

Race, back after Covid­19forced it to<br />

take atwo­year hiatus, bought family<br />

and friends from all corners of<br />

Silverstream and the wider Kaiapoi<br />

community, to watch their ducks race<br />

down the river.<br />

The race raised $760 for the Kaiapoi<br />

Community Garden,acharitable trust<br />

located on the school playing fields of<br />

Kaiapoi Borough School. The garden<br />

provides sustainable gardening skills<br />

to all members of the community and<br />

works closely with the schooltorun<br />

the Garden to Table programme.<br />

The event brought the local<br />

community, and beyond together for a<br />

day of fun and fundraising, with Lime<br />

Developments Ltd, the subdivision's<br />

developers, sponsoring the event.<br />

Following the race, the community<br />

enjoyed asausage sizzle, snacks, and<br />

candyfloss from alocal vendor.<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Councils and Govt need to work together<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s environmental<br />

challenges require collaboration,<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)chair<br />

PeterScottsays.<br />

He sayscouncilsand central<br />

governmentneed to work together to<br />

manage nitrate levels,ensuresafe<br />

drinking water, look afterrivers and<br />

address regional transport issues.<br />

Cr Scottaddressed Tuesday’s<br />

Hurunui District Council meeting in<br />

Amberley about the challenges facing<br />

the region.<br />

‘‘We are constricted by rates, and<br />

thereisalack of understanding of<br />

what our different roles are, and I<br />

thinkascouncils we need to work<br />

closer together.’’<br />

Cr Scottsaid aunitary authority,as<br />

proposedbythe ChristchurchCity<br />

Council, was not the answer.<br />

He said<strong>Canterbury</strong> was the second<br />

most populous region with 7<strong>30</strong>,000<br />

residents,but it had sparserural<br />

areasinthe Kaikōura,Hurunui,<br />

Mackenzie, Waimate and Waitaki<br />

districts.<br />

‘‘Thestrength in <strong>Canterbury</strong> is the<br />

number of people we have supporting<br />

the things we do.’’<br />

ECan has responsibility for 56 rivers<br />

covering 70,000km,but has rating<br />

districts covering just 2000km of<br />

rivers.<br />

Slashwas amajor problem in<br />

flooded rivers during Cyclone<br />

Gabrielle’sdevastation in the <strong>North</strong><br />

Island recently, and Cr Scott says this<br />

is ahigh risk in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘Theriversare overgrownwith<br />

willows and it is the willows that cause<br />

Ashley/Rakahuri River ... ECan has responsibility for 56 rivers covering 70,000km, but has<br />

rating districts covering just 2000km of rivers in <strong>Canterbury</strong>, ECan chair Peter Scott says.<br />

the slash which come up against the<br />

bridges and the dams and it chews<br />

stuff around in aflood and that is what<br />

happened in Hawkes Bay.<br />

‘‘It is justhorrendous as riverscan<br />

changecourse and put silt<br />

everywhere.’’<br />

But it needed funding.<br />

He suggested councillors could<br />

consider asking for aHurunuirate to<br />

allow ECan to step in and do the work.<br />

ECan had put abusinesscase to<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’sMostExcitingNew Retirement Village<br />


government to assist with addressing<br />

the region’s river challenges,<br />

includingnitratelevels and other<br />

localised problems.<br />

Cr Scott has also invited Local<br />

GovernmentMinisterKieran<br />

McAnulty to visit the region’s rivers.<br />

He says ECan was working to<br />

address itscomplexfreshwater<br />

issues,while it wasawaiting the<br />

Supreme Court hearing on a<br />

Christchurchwater bottling plant<br />

5<br />

consent.<br />

‘‘We thinkwehave areally good<br />

solution for where we are so we won’t<br />

have to backtrack.<br />

‘‘Butthe issue we have at the<br />

moment is there is anon­disclosure<br />

agreement and an Order in Council in<br />

place, so until it is known to us we<br />

can’tmove forward.’’<br />

ECan’s biggest expense was public<br />

transport, which was funded througha<br />

mix of governmentfunding and<br />

targeted rates.<br />

But the government’s funding model<br />

restricted how the money could be<br />

spent, lockingECan into contractsand<br />

therewere large,empty buseson<br />

several routes.<br />

Legislationhad been proposed<br />

whichwould provide more flexibility<br />

such as running smaller buses, like<br />

the MyWay scheme in Timaru.<br />

The Hurunui District Council is<br />

seeking feedback on its draft waste<br />

managementand minimisation plan.<br />

Councillors approved the draftplan at<br />

the council meeting on Tuesday,<br />

<strong>March</strong>28. It will be open for<br />

consultation from April 1to<strong>30</strong>.<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

through NewZealandonAir.<br />

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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Mayor Marie Black<br />

Councils can play a<br />

role in employment<br />

Mayors Taskforce forJobs (MTFJ)<br />

origins go backtothe year2000, when a<br />

groupofseven Mayors from around<br />

New Zealandgathered in Christchurch<br />

—one of those sevenwas our own<br />

Hurunui Mayor, the late John Chaffey.<br />

This group acknowledged that<br />

communitiesled by their Mayors could<br />

play acrucial role in fostering<br />

employment opportunities for their<br />

youth.<br />

MTFJ has nowgrown to anetwork of<br />

New ZealandMayors.<br />

Acore group holdsquarterly meetings<br />

in Wellington with Ministers and<br />

Officials from government departments<br />

whohold responsibilitiesfor the over<br />

all visionand directionalleadership<br />

and strategic focus for the programme.<br />

Ihave been appointed to thiscore<br />

groupwith my first meeting in<br />

Wellington to be held on the 31st <strong>March</strong>.<br />

Iamlooking forward to contributing<br />

to the outcomesfor ruralyouth who<br />

oftenface more challengeswhen<br />

entering the work force, including the<br />

righttraining, driver licensing, andlack<br />

of accesstoemployers and support<br />

services.<br />

Havingintroduced the programme<br />

over the past three years to the district,<br />

it is pleasing to reportthatover 100<br />

young people have been supported into<br />

sustainable employment, this occurs<br />

because we have strong relationships<br />

with many employers whoare engaged<br />

with the programme, with an equally<br />

strong relationship withthe Ministry of<br />

SocialDevelopment.<br />

Brad Olsen visited the Hurunui last<br />

week, and informed the community that<br />

we needtoget the balance of bringing<br />

young people into the workforce, if your<br />

business is keen to learn more and<br />

participate, Iwould encourage you to<br />

contact either Prudence Roberts or<br />

Chris King at the Hurunui District<br />

Council.<br />

Brad signalled his endorsement for<br />

the value of the programme with his<br />

simplemessage thatsupported and<br />

enabled young peopletoenter the work<br />

forcewith all the skills andattributes<br />

required.<br />

Brad is the Chief Executive and<br />

principal economist at Infometricswho<br />

has the ability to communicate complex<br />

and detailed trends in asimple,<br />

relatable and useful manner.<br />

His simple messagetoget through the<br />

tough economic future is to prioritise<br />

and consolidate spending for the year<br />

ahead.<br />

The economy is like apot of boiling<br />

water —intimes of tensionitneeds to<br />

continue to bubble away beforeitcan<br />

get back to afull rolling boil.<br />

We are in that tensionatpresent.<br />

Mayors fear super city<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s three mayors fear<br />

local democracy could be lost amid talk<br />

of a‘‘super city’’.<br />

The mayors were responding to the<br />

Christchurch City Council’s submission<br />

on the draft future for local government<br />

report, where it advocated for the city to<br />

become aunitary authority.<br />

Aunitary authority would incorporate<br />

the power and responsibility of a<br />

regional council.<br />

There are just six unitary authorities<br />

in New Zealand –Auckland, Gisborne,<br />

Nelson, Marlborough, Tasman and the<br />

Chatham Islands.<br />

Given the close relationship between<br />

the Christchurch, Selwyn and<br />

Waimakariri councils, the prospect of a<br />

Greater Christchurch unitary authority<br />

has been mooted.<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon said<br />

he was surprised to hear of the city<br />

council’s submission, but there was no<br />

appetite for amalgamation.<br />

‘‘One of the biggest challenges if you<br />

have aunitary authority is where would<br />

the boundaries be and who would look<br />

after the rivers.<br />

‘‘<strong>Canterbury</strong> stretches from Waitaki to<br />

Kaikōura and rivers are often the<br />

boundaries between districts, so who<br />

would look after the rivers which sit on<br />

the boundaries between districts.<br />

‘‘We don’t agree with everything<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> does, but we<br />

have agood relationship.’’<br />

Hurunui Mayor Marie Black said a<br />

unitary authority would ‘‘rob our<br />

communities of the voices that we have<br />

been advocating for across all the reform<br />

process’’.<br />

‘‘A super city is an interesting concept<br />

as where would you draw the boundaries<br />

and how does this capture the place of<br />

belonging which is very much afeature<br />

of how we relate to our community and<br />

our people.<br />

‘‘I would not see that aunitary<br />

authority would bring value to adistrict<br />

like the Hurunui.’’<br />

Kaikōura Mayor Craig Mackle said he<br />

was not surprised to hear of the<br />

Christchurch submission, but he feared<br />

aunitary authority could leave Hurunui<br />

and Kaikōura out on their own.<br />

‘‘I was guessing they were going to<br />

have crack at it.<br />

‘‘I don’t see we would be any better off.<br />

All Ican see is the big players<br />

demanding what they want.’’<br />

If there was going to be any<br />

amalgamation, Mr Mackle said he could<br />

live with apartnership between<br />

Kaikōura, Hurunui and Waimakariri.<br />

But his preference was for the status<br />

quo.<br />

‘‘We do work in with Hurunui and we<br />

have good relationships across <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.’’<br />

In its submission, Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> suggested the differences<br />

between regional councils and city and<br />

district councils ‘‘could be better<br />

articulated and considered’’.<br />

Public interest journalism delivered<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

Minor tweaks can be expected in Government ‘reset’<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Only minortweaks are expected from<br />

the Government’s‘‘reset’’ of Three<br />

Watersreform, Waimakariri Mayor<br />

Dan Gordon says.<br />

Mr Gordon attended ameeting at the<br />

Beehive on Tuesday with other Mayors<br />

and Local GovernmentMinister<br />

KieranMcAnulty to discuss possible<br />

changes to the government’s proposed<br />

reform.<br />

The Communities 4Local<br />

Democracy (C4LD)co­chairperson<br />

said it was ‘‘a positive meeting’’, but<br />

the Mr McAnulty did not addressthe<br />

Mayor’s concerns.<br />

‘‘We appreciated the chancetobe<br />

part of the discussion, but it appears<br />

only minorchanges are being<br />

considered.’’<br />

The possibility of creating more<br />

than the proposed four entities was<br />

raised, but it did not go far enough,Mr<br />

Gordon said.<br />

‘‘Forusitisnot simply about the<br />

number or sizeofentities proposed, it<br />

has always been about ownership and<br />

effective controland influence of our<br />

assets.<br />

‘‘It is an issue of basicproperty<br />

rights, which was apoint we made<br />

cleartothe Minister.’’<br />

Mr Gordon said thereneeded to be<br />

further movementfrom the<br />

Government before aconsensus could<br />

be achieved with councils and the<br />

widercommunity.<br />

‘‘We renewed our offer to work<br />

together with the Governmenttosee if<br />

we can find consensus.<br />

‘‘It would be ideal if support could<br />

be achieved that is cross­party, as if it<br />

is rushed it will simply become a<br />

politicalfootball and an issue at this<br />

year’s election.’’<br />

Mr Gordon and fellowC4LD cochairperson,<br />

Manawatū MayorHelen<br />

Worboys sent afollow up letter to Mr<br />

McAnulty and the Prime Minister to<br />

reiterate theirposition.<br />

Mr McAnulty said the purpose of the<br />

meeting was to seekinput from the<br />

Mayors before he presented proposals<br />

to Cabinet.<br />

‘‘From my perspective Ifelt the<br />

discussions were productive and<br />

informative. Local councils were clear<br />

on their thoughts on how we move<br />

forward together.’’<br />

He declined to discuss those<br />

conversations publicly as he was still<br />

working through the options. Mr<br />

McAnulty said he would now consult<br />

withthe sector and iwi.<br />

Publicinterest journalism funded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

Ok<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Mar <strong>30</strong> Mar 31 Apr 1 Apr 2 Apr 3 Apr 4 Apr 5<br />

Rise 7:42am<br />

Set 7:24pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

8:15am<br />

8:40pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:43am<br />

Set 7:22pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:05am<br />

9:29pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 7:44am<br />

Set 7:21pm<br />

Best 9:53am<br />

Times 10:16pm<br />

Ok<br />


Rise 6:46am<br />

Set 6:19pm<br />

Best 9:38am<br />

Times 10:00pm<br />

Rise 6:47am<br />

Set 6:17pm<br />

Best 10:21am<br />

Times 10:42pm<br />

Rise 6:48am<br />

Set 6:16pm<br />

Best 11:03am<br />

Times 11:24pm<br />

Rise 6:49am<br />

Set 6:14pm<br />

Rise 4:26pm Set 12:59am<br />

Set 2:02am<br />

Set 2:06am<br />

Set 3:10am<br />

Set 4:15am<br />

Set 5:19am<br />

Rise 5:04pm<br />

Rise 5:34pm<br />

Rise 4:59pm<br />

Rise 5:20pm<br />

Rise 5:40pm<br />

Rise 5:59pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming Moderate SE turning Gentle SW becoming Moderate Sturning<br />

Moderate SW turning Gentle Sbecoming<br />

fresh E<br />

E<br />

moderate S<br />

SE<br />

Gentle SW<br />

SE<br />

moderate E<br />

E1.9 mdecreasing<br />

E2.3 m<br />

to 1.4 m E1.2 m E1.0 m E0.9 m E0.9 m E0.9 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

Fair<br />

Fair<br />

Good<br />

Best 11:44am<br />

Times<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 12:23am 2.2 6:46am 0.8 1:15am 2.2 7:37am 0.8 2:05am 2.2 8:24am 0.8 2:52am 2.2 8:07am 0.8 2:36am 2.2 8:49am 0.7 3:17am 2.2 9:29am 0.7 3:56am 2.2 10:10am 0.7<br />

Mouth<br />

12:53pm 2.1 7:00pm 0.8 1:43pm 2.1 7:50pm 0.8 2:<strong>30</strong>pm 2.1 8:37pm 0.8 2:15pm 2.1 8:23pm 0.8 2:58pm 2.1 9:07pm 0.8 3:38pm 2.2 9:51pm 0.7 4:19pm 2.2 10:34pm 0.7<br />

Amberley 12:23am 2.2 6:46am 0.8 1:15am 2.2 7:37am 0.8 2:05am 2.2 8:24am 0.8 2:52am 2.2 8:07am 0.8 2:36am 2.2 8:49am 0.7 3:17am 2.2 9:29am 0.7 3:56am 2.2 10:10am 0.7<br />

Beach<br />

12:53pm 2.1 7:00pm 0.8 1:43pm 2.1 7:50pm 0.8 2:<strong>30</strong>pm 2.1 8:37pm 0.8 2:15pm 2.1 8:23pm 0.8 2:58pm 2.1 9:07pm 0.8 3:38pm 2.2 9:51pm 0.7 4:19pm 2.2 10:34pm 0.7<br />

12:32am 2.2 6:55am 0.8 1:24am 2.2 7:46am 0.8 2:14am 2.2 8:33am 0.8 2:01am 2.2 8:16am 0.8 2:45am 2.2 8:58am 0.7 3:26am 2.2 9:38am 0.7 4:05am 2.2 10:19am 0.7<br />

Motunau 1:02pm 2.1 7:09pm 0.8 1:52pm 2.1 7:59pm 0.8 2:39pm 2.1 8:46pm 0.8 2:24pm 2.1 8:32pm 0.8 3:07pm 2.1 9:16pm 0.8 3:47pm 2.2 10:00pm 0.7 4:28pm 2.2 10:43pm 0.7<br />

12:34am 2.2 6:57am 0.8 1:26am 2.2 7:48am 0.8 2:16am 2.2 8:35am 0.8 2:03am 2.2 8:18am 0.8 2:47am 2.2 9:00am 0.7 3:28am 2.2 9:40am 0.7 4:07am 2.2 10:21am 0.7<br />

Gore Bay 1:04pm 2.1 7:11pm 0.8 1:54pm 2.1 8:01pm 0.8 2:41pm 2.1 8:48pm 0.8 2:26pm 2.1 8:34pm 0.8 3:09pm 2.1 9:18pm 0.8 3:49pm 2.2 10:02pm 0.7 4:<strong>30</strong>pm 2.2 10:45pm 0.7<br />

12:33am 1.5 6:56am 0.4 1:22am 1.5 7:44am 0.4 2:10am 1.5 8:28am 0.4 2:54am 1.5 8:10am 0.4 2:37am 1.5 8:50am 0.4 3:18am 1.5 9:<strong>30</strong>am 0.4 4:00am 1.5 10:10am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura 1:03pm 1.4 7:04pm 0.4 1:49pm 1.4 7:52pm 0.4 2:33pm 1.4 8:38pm 0.4 2:16pm 1.4 8:23pm 0.4 2:58pm 1.4 9:07pm 0.4 3:40pm 1.4 9:50pm 0.4 4:22pm 1.5 10:33pm 0.4<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


Anight dancing and socialising<br />


Nearly nine years ago Paula Thackwell<br />

decided to provide social interaction for<br />

people with disabilities.<br />

She organised an evening for them<br />

and their carers at the Rangiora Baptist<br />

Church, where they could dance the<br />

night away, and have fun.<br />

The evening has become so popular<br />

people come from all over <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

Auckland and the West Coast.<br />

It is now also held twice ayear over<br />

two nights.<br />

The latest gig is this Friday (<strong>March</strong> 31),<br />

and Saturday (April 1) —with another<br />

two evenings planned in November.<br />

Organiser Paula Thackwell says it is<br />

not about making money.<br />

‘‘It is about providing agood nights<br />

entertainment and making great<br />

memories,’’ she says.<br />

Around 500 people, and about 50<br />

volunteers are expected to attend and<br />

listen to tunes of today and yesteryear,<br />

or dance until their hearts are content.<br />

Paula says Marion Outlaws, all the<br />

way from Westport, will be playing,<br />

because they wouldn’t give up the<br />

evening for ‘‘anything’’.<br />

DJ EMCEE will also provide plenty of<br />

music to ensure people have agreat<br />

evening.<br />

There are spot prizes provided by<br />

people from all over <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The Woodend Christian Camp has<br />

made its facilities available for out­oftowners<br />

for free to give people aholiday,<br />

particularly for those who seldom leave<br />

the facilities they live in.<br />

Entry is $5 and people wanting to<br />

attend should phone Paula urgently on<br />

(03) 313 8989 or email<br />

nanpthackwell@slingshot.co.nz.<br />

It is $5 per person at the door, with<br />

bottles of soft drink 50c each. Supper<br />

will be provided.<br />

Meanwhile Paula also runs an<br />

interdenominational Freedom Worship<br />

evening on the first Friday of the month<br />

(5pm to 7pm), also at the Rangiora<br />

Baptist Church facility, and on the<br />

second, third and fourth Fridays there is<br />

Freedom bowls from 7pm to 8pm,<br />

costing $3 ahead.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />


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Have an<br />

opinion<br />

on a local<br />

topic?<br />

Write us a<br />

Letter to<br />

theEditor!<br />

Email our<br />

Editor<br />

Robyn at<br />

robyn.bristow<br />

@ncnews<br />

.co.nz<br />

2021055<br />

Keeping theenergy flowing<br />

Concept design ... An artist’s impression of the proposed Wakatu Quay development in<br />

Kaikōura.<br />


Wakatu project revived<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

LocalDemocracy Reporter<br />

Are you looking for the opportunity to<br />

invest in Kaikōura’s future?<br />

The KaikōuraDistrict Council is<br />

seekinganew investmentpartner to<br />

reignite the WakatuQuay<br />

development.<br />

The council will go backtothe<br />

investmentmarket nextmonthtoseek<br />

interest fromprospective investors for<br />

the Kānoi ­ProvincialGrowth Fund<br />

project.<br />

It hasuntilJune this year to confirm<br />

the investmentarrangementswith the<br />

Ministry of Business, Innovation and<br />

Employment,beforeitcan secure the<br />

remainder of the$9.88million grant.<br />

Thealternativewas forthe council to<br />

take thelead, which would requirean<br />

additional $800,000 investmentfrom<br />

thecouncil.<br />

‘‘We recognise that the investment<br />

market is prettytightatthe moment,so<br />

we are looking at various options,’’<br />

chief executiveWill Doughty said.<br />

‘‘Thereason weregot thegrantwas to<br />

stimulate economic developmentand<br />

thisproject will reallyhelptodothat.<br />

‘‘There is astrong commitment from<br />

the council to move forward with this<br />

projectand we just need to work out<br />

what is possiblefinancially.’’<br />

Mr Doughty said any council<br />

investmentwould be loan funded and<br />

would be subjecttonext year’s2024/34<br />

LongTerm Plan process.<br />

If thecouncil wastotakethe lead,it<br />

would likelybeastaged development,<br />

with buildings constructed as tenants<br />

were lined up.<br />

Thebenefitfor the council in leading<br />

theprojectwouldbethe abilityto<br />

receive arental income, which could<br />

be usedfor servicingdebt.<br />

‘‘Oneofthe coreprinciples fromthe<br />

getgowas thatthe burdenwouldn’tfall<br />

on the ratepayer, so it has gottobeselfsustaining,’’<br />

Mr Doughty said.<br />

Theprojecthad come alongway in<br />

thethree years since MBIE first<br />

awarded the grant in early 2020.<br />

Later that yearthe council<br />

completedthe demolition and<br />

clearanceofthe old commercial<br />

fishingbuildings, before engaging<br />

Warren&Mahoney to develop the<br />

concept designs thefollowingyear.<br />

Last yearthe council installed anew<br />

power supply,upgradedthe water<br />

infrastructure and repaired the sea<br />

walls.<br />

Aresource consentfor the<br />

development of sixcommercial<br />

buildings was submittedinAugust last<br />

year and wasbeingconsidered by<br />

externalplanningconsultantsRMG.<br />

Butthe project suffered amajor<br />

setback in October lastyear when the<br />

preferredinvestment partner, Cooper<br />

Developments, withdrewfromthe<br />

project.<br />

‘‘We know so much more nowhaving<br />

gone throughthe process withCoopers<br />

than we did at the start of theprocess,<br />

so we areinamuchbetter position to<br />

move forward,’’ Mr Doughtysaid. The<br />

council is keentohearfromany<br />

prospectiveinvestors,including those<br />

looking to lead thedevelopment or<br />

interested in being atenant.<br />

Public interestjournalismfunded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

NoticeofHelicopter<br />

use formaintenance<br />

work on transmission<br />

linesin your area.<br />

Transpower, the owner and operator of the<br />

National Grid, is undertaking maintenance<br />

(conductorrepairs)onsections of its Benmore<br />

to Haywards HVDC transmission line (between<br />

Waiparaand Methven).<br />

We will be using alow flying helicopter with<br />

line worker suspended underneath working on<br />

the wirealong the line,ashighlighted on the<br />

accompanying map.Occasionally the helicopter<br />

mayland at selectedsites.<br />

The work is planned<br />

to occur between<br />

Tuesday11Apriland<br />

Saturday 22 April<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

The work is weather dependentand maychange at the<br />

lastminute. In the eventofbad weatherthe work will be<br />

rescheduled to the next fine weather day.<br />

72<br />

Helicopterwill be<br />

operating at low<br />

levels in aroundthe<br />

transmission line in<br />

highlighted zone.<br />

Methven<br />

77<br />

73<br />

Ashburton<br />

Oxford<br />

77<br />

Hororata<br />

It’s important to us that youare kept informed andupdatedonour activities.<br />

If yourequirefurther information,please call MylesStichmanon0274779 693.<br />

1<br />

Waipara<br />

Christchurch<br />

h c<br />

h<br />

7<br />

Amberley<br />

ey<br />

1<br />

Rangiora<br />

a<br />

Helicopter<br />

operating zone<br />

Substations<br />

Highways<br />

Other transmission<br />

lines<br />


NEWS<br />

8 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Millie’sdream comes true at NZ champs<br />


Millie McIlraith continues to be right on<br />

target for higher honours in the world of<br />

clay target shooting.<br />

The bubbly 16­year­old Hurunui<br />

College student shot her way into first<br />

reserve for the New Zealand Open<br />

women's Down the Line Team (DTL),<br />

while shooting at the New Zealand open<br />

DTL Nationals held at Hamilton<br />

recently.<br />

In just her third year of shooting clays,<br />

Millie is now ranked the sixth women<br />

shooter in New Zealand for DTL.<br />

‘‘It’s adream come true,’’ says Millie.<br />

She had no intention of attending the<br />

national championships in Hamilton,<br />

carefully watching her dollars, and<br />

making the most of the MainPower<br />

scholarship in partnership with the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport and Recreation<br />

Trust, awarded to her at last year’s<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sports Awards, which<br />

has improved her ability to shoot this<br />

year, for which she is really grateful.<br />

‘‘But then Igot acall at 7.<strong>30</strong>am on<br />

Monday, one week before the Nationals<br />

started, from the New Zealand Clay<br />

Shooting Association.<br />

‘‘Someone had pulled out of the South<br />

Island Junior team and they wanted me<br />

to go up and shoot.<br />

‘‘We found away,’’ says Millie, who is<br />

incredibly grateful for the support of the<br />

Youth Sport Scholarship.<br />

‘‘Without their support Iwouldn't<br />

have been able to attend.’’<br />

She arrived for the last three days of<br />

competition knowing she had some<br />

‘‘really important work to do under a<br />

large amount of pressure’’.<br />

Although the <strong>North</strong> Island junior team<br />

won the event, Millie top scored for the<br />

South Island junior team, and went on to<br />

win Gold in the New Zealand for the B<br />

grade single barrel event (one shot at a<br />

clay).<br />

Millie scored 46 out of 50, only missing<br />

four clays, which got her through to a<br />

shoot­off against two other shooters<br />

which she won.<br />

Her scores after the three days of<br />

shooting qualified her for first reserve<br />

in the New Zealand open Women's team.<br />

Millie was not called on to shoot, but<br />

says it was ahuge honour and an<br />

amazing experience.<br />

‘‘It was pretty crazy. It was agreat<br />

week with great people,’’ says Millie.<br />

She had agreat lead into the national<br />

championship, with her MainPower<br />

Scholarship enabling her to attend the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> District shoot where she<br />

won Top Women in <strong>Canterbury</strong> for eight<br />

of her nine events, and coming away<br />

being the top women in the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

district over the whole competition.<br />

She has some exciting plans ahead<br />

training for the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Schools ,the<br />

South Island secondary school’s, and<br />

national school’s shoots.<br />

Millie attributes alot of her success to<br />

the Amberley Gun Club.<br />

‘‘They are incredibly supportive, and<br />

very, very proud.<br />

‘‘They are great blokes, it's like having<br />

<strong>30</strong> granddads.’’<br />

Aside from her scholarship,<br />

sponsorship has also helped Millie to<br />

grow within the sport she loves.<br />

Kilwell Sports, Jansen Electrical and<br />

Gun City have also enabled Millie to<br />

continue to aim high.<br />

On target ... Millie McIlraith continues to<br />

impress with her clay target shooting.<br />







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Sorry, no eftpos available – cash and Internet banking.<br />

Please wear sturdy shoes<br />

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479 AshleyGorge Road, Oxford Phone 0272837279 www.thegorgenursery.co.nz

Childcare news is welcomed<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Aformer Hurunui district councillor<br />

hopes the issue of childcare allowances<br />

for elected members may finallybe<br />

resolved.<br />

Julia McLean welcomed newsLocal<br />

Government New Zealand (LGNZ)had<br />

released anew guidance on parentalleave<br />

and childcare allowances.<br />

‘‘How refreshing to see LGNZtake an<br />

activeroll in leading this discussion.<br />

‘‘In my time they leftitup to young<br />

elected memberstotry and convince<br />

councils.’’<br />

She was elected to the Hurunui District<br />

Council in 2016 as ayoungmum of three<br />

children and raisedthe question of<br />

childcareallowances.<br />

‘‘WhenIlook back it was pretty ballsy.It<br />

can be alonely journey when you<br />

representasmall minority.’’<br />

She wrotetothe Remuneration<br />

Authority at the time whichled to the<br />

provisionfor childcare subsidies being<br />

included in councillors’ allowances, but<br />

the Authority leftitup to councilstomake<br />

the decision.<br />

The recent announcement by LGNZ<br />

chief executive Susan Freeman­Greene<br />

followed news Rotorua Mayor Tania<br />

Tapsell is set to givebirth to ababy girl in<br />

June.<br />

Ms McLean said therewas alot of talk<br />

Welcome news ... Julia McLean is happy<br />

new guidance on parental leave and<br />

childcare allowances has been released.<br />


around encouragingyounger peopleto<br />

stand for local government, but there was<br />

not alwaysthe support available when<br />

theywere elected.<br />

She said it was not justaboutyoung<br />

mums, but anyonewho was aprimary<br />

caregiver.<br />

‘‘I had singlefathers telling me how<br />

muchofadifference it would maketo<br />

their decision to stand or continue<br />

standing.<br />

‘‘And it is not just about childcare, it<br />

could be someone lookingafter adisabled<br />

or an elderly family member.’’<br />

She said the demands on acouncillor<br />

meant meetingsand engagementscould<br />

be arranged at short notice,sochildcare<br />

arrangements were often madeonan<br />

‘‘adhoc basis’’,which could be costly.<br />

She suggestedgivingcouncillors a<br />

choiceover whatallowancesthey<br />

received,such as cellphone, travel costs,<br />

conference accommodation and meal<br />

allowances.<br />

‘‘When Ilook back, we had some nice<br />

food at conferences, but Iwouldrather<br />

have taken apacked lunch and had my<br />

childcare costs subsidised.’’<br />

Whileshe received supportatanational<br />

level, MsMcLeansaid she was surprised<br />

by the backlashshe received locally and<br />

the unwantedattention on social media.<br />

‘‘There were alot of nasty online<br />

comments. Ihad never really done<br />

Facebookbefore then and Imade the<br />

mistake of reading it.<br />

‘‘If anyonewantedtotake it down an<br />

ugly path,they could.’’<br />

Ms McLean, who served aterm on the<br />

council, recalled breastfeeding her baby<br />

in the middle of ameeting in Waiau after<br />

the earthquake.<br />

Public interest journalism is fundedby<br />

New Zealand on Air.<br />

Rga Airfield open takes flight<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />


HEALTH<br />

EXPO<br />




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Over120 Exhibitors &60FREE Workshops<br />

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www.bodymindspirit.co.nz<br />

Between 60 to 70 light aircraft couldbeon<br />

the ground at the RangioraAirfieldthis<br />

SaturdayApril 1, whenthe <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

RecreationalAircraft Club (CRAC) hosts<br />

their open day.<br />

CRACcommitteemember and<br />

organiser IainMcPhailsays the club<br />

holds an open day every coupleofyears.<br />

‘‘The idea is to connecttothe<br />

community as it givesthem agreat chance<br />

to see what theCRAC flyinthe air on a<br />

regular basis overhead.<br />

‘‘Italsoshowcases the diversity of<br />

aircraft our members haveinNew<br />

Zealand's largestflying club.<br />

‘‘Weare part of Rangiora and the<br />

greater <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> areaand the<br />

openday letsusshow offwhatwecan do.’’<br />

He saysthere willbeplenty of planes to<br />

lookatwithplanesofall shapesand sizes<br />

on show includingtrikes, microlights,and<br />

more.<br />

‘‘There will be amyriad of modeltypes<br />

there, including one that is beingbuiltin<br />

hanger one.<br />

‘‘Wewanttoshowitoff so peoplecan<br />

get to seewhat buildingasport aircraftis<br />

all about.’’<br />

The CRACopenday startsat10amand<br />

finishes at 3pm.<br />

Open day near ... <strong>Canterbury</strong> Recreational Aircraft Club member Iain McPhail with one<br />

of the 60 plus aircraft on show at the CRAC open day at Rangiora Airfield. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE<br />

Members are offering paid flights<br />

whichMrMcPhail sayscould be the start<br />

of someone's flyingcareer.<br />

‘‘Theflightsare about20­25 minutes in<br />

length andcouldbethe first entryin<br />

someone’s flyinglog book to carry on in<br />

the future.’’<br />

Mr McPhail says thereisfreeentryto<br />

the eventand children are mostwelcome.<br />

He advisesthe event willbewell<br />

signposted and to park in designated<br />

parking areas,but please no pets.<br />

The Widest<br />

Music Variety<br />

Tune in nowtolisten on<br />

104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />


Electric Heating<br />

Sorted.<br />

Nouveau<br />

Flat FanHeater2kW<br />

326998<br />

Nouveau<br />

OilColumn Heater1kW<br />

279321<br />

$34 98<br />

$64 98<br />

Goldair<br />

Ceramic Wall Heater<br />

2kW<br />

224293<br />

Goldair<br />

OilColumn Heater<br />

1.5kW<br />

399513<br />

$149<br />

$95<br />

Valid until 5th April <strong>2023</strong> or while stocks last<br />

100% LOCALLY<br />



KeepingCosy<br />

Sorted.<br />

Effects<br />

Hot WaterBottle 2Litre<br />

Assorted<br />

397826<br />

Effects<br />

Hot WaterBottle<br />

Assorted<br />

397825<br />

$17 98<br />

Nouveau<br />

Hot WaterBottle 2Litre<br />

Assorted<br />

349592<br />

Nouveau<br />

HeatPack Sloth<br />

328859<br />

Nouveau<br />

HeatPack Unicorn<br />

328858<br />

Nouveau<br />

HeatPack Rabbit<br />

349783<br />

$19 98<br />

$7 98 $12 98<br />

each<br />

Valid until 5th April <strong>2023</strong> or while stocks last<br />

100% LOCALLY<br />



NEWS<br />

12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Regional policy needed<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s food rescue<br />

organisationsays it backsacall for<br />

afood waste policy to be developed<br />

in the region.<br />

Satisfy Food Rescue<br />

chairperson Phillipa Hunt says<br />

food security has become more<br />

important in the wakeofnatural<br />

disastersand the Covid­19<br />

pandemic.<br />

Shewas respondingto<br />

commentsfrom Foodbank<br />

Aotearoa New Zealand chief<br />

executive JohnMilligan, who<br />

addressed last week’s<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)<br />

meeting calling for apolicy to<br />

reducefood waste in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘Food security is so important,<br />

particularly whenyou see natural<br />

disasters, droughts and<br />

pandemics, so we can be more<br />

resilientand it is going to become<br />

more of issue in the future,’’she<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Here in the Waimakariri,<br />

becausewerespondedtothe<br />

earthquakes, the systems were in<br />

place to respond to the Covid<br />

situation, which is where Food<br />

Secure<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> was able<br />

to be set up fairly quickly.<br />

‘‘Iwould be interested in seeing<br />

afood waste policy developed and<br />

we would want to be apart of it.’’<br />

Ms Hunt said when it cameto<br />

reducing food waste, it was about<br />

feeding peoplefirst, animals<br />

second and then composting.<br />

Going to landfill should only be a<br />

last resort, she said.<br />

Mr Milligan said globally the<br />

world was facing one of itsworst<br />

food crises in modern history.<br />

Rescuing food ... Satisfy Food Rescue chairperson Phillipa Hunt (centre)<br />

sorts out food with staff members Stef Van Meer (left) and Michelle<br />

Campbell.<br />


New Zealand was not immune,<br />

withCovid, supply chain issues,<br />

rising inflation, climate change<br />

and Cyclone Gabrielle.<br />

But he saidthere was enough<br />

foodavailable to ensureevery New<br />

Zealanderhad three nutritious<br />

meals aday, provided distribution<br />

and food wastechallenges couldbe<br />

overcome.<br />

‘‘One in five kids will have gone<br />

to school this morning without<br />

breakfastand many will go to bed<br />

without tea,’’ he toldthe ECan<br />

councillors.<br />

‘‘One­third of all of our food is<br />

totally wasted and it is something<br />

we need to workvery hard at<br />

combating.’’<br />

He said Canada and several<br />

Europeancountries had passed<br />

foodwastage laws.<br />

The office of the Prime<br />

Minister’sChiefScience Advisor<br />

produced areport on foodwaste<br />

lastyear,but the government had<br />

yet to produce apolicyor<br />

legislation.<br />

Foodwaste was aclimate<br />

change issue, being amajor<br />

producer of methane gas, with<br />

wasted loavesofbread being<br />

among the worstoffenders.<br />

Mr Milligan said <strong>Canterbury</strong> was<br />

feeling theeffects of food shortages<br />

arising from Cyclone Gabrielle,<br />

withfood and supportbeing<br />

redistributed to the <strong>North</strong> Island.<br />

Families who had left damaged<br />

homes and cometostaywith<br />

whānau in <strong>Canterbury</strong>were also<br />

needing support, he said.<br />

The ECan councillors votedto<br />

refer the mattertothe <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Joint Waste Committee.<br />

Publicinterestjournalism<br />

funded through New Zealand on<br />

Air.<br />

New home concept ... Work has begun on the foundations of the<br />

new Coldstream Tennis Club’s clubhouse facilities next door to the<br />

Mainpower Tennis Centre in Rangiora.<br />


New clubhouse begins<br />


Workhas started on anew<br />

clubhousefor theColdstream<br />

TennisClub at theMainpower<br />

TennisCentre in Rangiora.<br />

By the timethe competition<br />

starts in October, work is<br />

expected to have been<br />

completed on the newstate of<br />

the art clubhouse.<br />

After theconstructionofthe<br />

fully lit ten­court complex was<br />

completed last year, the<br />

clubhouseisthe final piece of<br />

aworld class facility for <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The 200sqm facilities are<br />

plannedtohave an extensive<br />

communalarea, ameeting<br />

room, cluboffice, male and<br />

female toilets and showers, a<br />

kitchen/barsection and apro<br />

shopfacility.<br />

Headcoach/clubmanager<br />

Stu Chalmers says Archco in<br />

Rangiora hasdonean<br />

incredible job withthe design.<br />

‘‘WDBuild havealreadymade<br />

astart to the buildingand<br />

there is considerablevisual<br />

progress now thatthe<br />

foundation work has<br />

commenced.’’<br />

ClubpresidentLaurence<br />

Smith says it hadbeen alot of<br />

hardwork by awonderful<br />

committee who had driven the<br />

project over thepastfew years.<br />

The complexcame about<br />

after the Rangioraand<br />

Southbrook Tennis clubs sold<br />

their properties and pooled<br />

their money to build anew<br />

complexfor members.<br />

‘‘The Waimakariri District<br />

Council then helped us out and<br />

providedthe landwhich we<br />

first resurfaced andthenbuilt<br />

the new courts andput lighting<br />

in. Nowthe clubhouseisunder<br />

way.’’<br />

The build is thelegacyofall<br />

the workbycommittees from<br />

the old tennis clubswhich<br />

havebeeninRangiora since<br />

the late1920’s, Mr Smith says.<br />

It is plannedtoholdagrand<br />

opening laterinthe year to<br />

markthe occasion.<br />

Let’sTalk<br />

aboutthe Draft<br />

Annual Plan<br />

<strong>2023</strong>/24<br />

We’reseeking your feedback on severaltopicsinthisyear’sDraft<br />

Annual Plan.These focusoncontinuing todeliver highlevelsof<br />

infrastructure, community facilities as well as protectingour natural<br />

environment.<br />

Specificallythe Councilisasking forfeedback on:<br />

• Investment needed to meet new water standards<br />

• Stormwater upgrades needed to respond to extreme weather events<br />

• Inflation fuelling higher roading costs.<br />

Have your say before Monday 17April <strong>2023</strong><br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

13<br />

Sponsored content<br />

What will local government look like?<br />

Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Deputy Chair Craig Pauling<br />

IT’S EASY to be swayedbythe<br />

view that bigger is better, andthat<br />

larger organisationscan usetheir<br />

size to generate savings,create<br />

efficiencies andreducecosts.<br />

Butbeing bigger doesn’tnecessarily<br />

mean abetter outcome,<br />

especiallyifyou’remerging<br />

organisationswithverydifferent<br />

responsibilities, values andskill<br />

sets–particularlywhere oneof<br />

thoseorganisations is thereto<br />

regulatethe other.<br />

The role,function andperformance<br />

of localand regional<br />

governmentisalwaystopical<br />

–for good reason.Wecollect<br />

your moneytodeliver localand<br />

regional services –which not<br />

everyone sees as critical to them,<br />

butweare required to do by law.<br />

These mattershave been magnifiedrecentlybypublicdebate<br />

on Three Waters, as well as the<br />

Government’sFuturefor Local<br />

Governmentreview, whichcould<br />

have far-reachingconsequences<br />

forwho does what,whatgets<br />

prioritised, andhow everything<br />

is funded.<br />

Some have also suggesteda<br />

unitaryauthorityfor Greater<br />

Christchurch,orasuper-city<br />

model–but whatisthis? Will it<br />

be better than thestatusquo –<br />

particularly when we consider<br />

thechallengeswefaceinrelation<br />

to climatechange, waterand<br />

biodiversity degradation, as<br />

well as upholdingthe Treaty of<br />

Waitangi?<br />

As theregionalgovernment,<br />

Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>manages<br />

airquality,landand water<br />

use, biodiversity andregion-wide<br />

planning.We’re also responsible<br />

for public transportservices<br />

(bus andferry networks), the<br />

Harbourmaster’s Office, protection<br />

from floodingand river<br />

management,environmental<br />

incident response andregional<br />

CivilDefence EmergencyManagement.<br />

Thisworkislong-term,<br />

geographically diverse, andfocused<br />

on ensuringthe protection<br />

of ouruniquenatural resources.<br />

Localcouncilsmanagethings<br />

like roading, building consents,<br />

subdivision, land useand<br />

development andcommunity<br />

facilities,includinglibraries.<br />

REVIEW: The Future for Local Government review is<br />

exploring all aspects ofwhat local and regional councils do.<br />

Like Three Waters, it could have far-reaching consequences.<br />

Theyalsomanagesupplyof<br />

drinking waterand wastewater<br />

services. Thisworkismore<br />

people-focused andprovidesthe<br />

facilities andservicesneededfor<br />

communities.<br />

Aunitary authoritywould<br />

have allthe responsibilities set<br />

out above–and whilethismay<br />

seemattractive–we should consider<br />

what this maymean, what<br />

couldbelostand whetheralternativesmay,infact,<br />

be better.<br />

Forexample, regional councils<br />

currentlyadministerconsents<br />

to localcouncils–providing an<br />

importantstewardship role as<br />

well as providingclear separation<br />

betweenthe useand managementofour<br />

precious natural<br />

resources.<br />

Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

provides theregionalperspective<br />

andplanningacrossWaitaha<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>,assisting with collaboration,alignment<br />

andbenefits<br />

–for example, regional land<br />

transport, riverand catchment<br />

management,coastal marine<br />

issues, andbiodiversityand<br />

biosecurityprogrammeswhere<br />

city anddistrictboundariesdon’t<br />

always take into accountkey<br />

environmentalfactors.<br />

Regional governmenthas also<br />

ledthe wayinbuildingstronger<br />

andmoremeaningfulrelationshipswithmanawhenua,<br />

largely<br />

duetothe shared interestsin<br />

natural resource andenvironmental<br />

management that iwiand<br />

hapū hold alongwiththe responsibilitiesofregional<br />

councils.<br />

These relationshipsare vitalfor<br />

ourfutureand will enable us to<br />

confront thekey environmental<br />

challenges we face.<br />

There will be change, that’s for<br />

certain. The review is exploring<br />

allaspects of what localand<br />

regional councils do, including<br />

funding, howwegiveeffect to<br />

te Tiriti oWaitangiareas of responsibility,<br />

andinvolvement of<br />

thecommunity in decisions.<br />

It’s importantthere is fullunderstandingofexactly<br />

what any<br />

newformand function for local<br />

government actually means. Ultimately,itmustdeliver<br />

ahealthy<br />

andthrivingenvironment and<br />

onewhere Waitaha<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

remainsafantasticplace to live,<br />

workand enjoy.<br />

We need to ensure we design<br />

asystemthatour grandchildren<br />

will thankusfor,one that is able<br />

to confront thekey challenges we<br />

arefacing. ThisiswhatEnvironment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> is committed<br />

to andwelookforward to workingwithour<br />

communities, Ngāi<br />

Tahu,central government andall<br />

ourlocal councils to achieve.<br />

Toitutemarae atane; Toitute<br />

maraeaTangaroa; Toituteiwi<br />

Protectand strengthen the<br />

realms of thelandand sea, and<br />

they will protectand strengthen<br />

thepeople.<br />

We’rehere<br />

to help<br />

E23/7675<br />

Need ahand with new farming regulations?<br />

We’recoming to your area to help.<br />

We knowthere’salot to getyour headaround, so we’re<br />

comingtoyour area to help youunderstand what’s required<br />

on your farm.<br />

Drop in and talk to ourstaffabout consentrequirements forwinter<br />

grazing,reducing,recording andreporting syntheticnitrogen useor<br />

anyother farming practices.<br />

Formoreinformation,visit ecan.govt.nz/drop-in<br />

OXFORD<br />

4April, 11-3pm<br />


34 Main Street<br />

SEFTON<br />

5April, 12-4pm<br />


591Upper Sefton Road

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Guiding learning in Kaiapoi’sred zone<br />


15<br />

Rangers, Guides, Brownies and Pippin<br />

girls,aged from five to 17 years,<br />

descended on Kaiapoi’s Red Zone last<br />

Thursday evening in searchof‘loot’.<br />

They searched in bushesand trees for<br />

minions and stuffedanimals, toys which<br />

Kaiapoi Brownies and Rakahuri Pippins<br />

unit team leader Kathryn Gibson had<br />

foundinopshops overthe past 12<br />

months.<br />

Theseincluded sloths, gorillas,<br />

monkeys, native birds, snakes, insects,<br />

spiders and geckos.<br />

The girls were divided into teams and<br />

also had to find pictures of predators,<br />

such as stoats,ferrets, hedgehogs and<br />

rats,which were hidden theretoraise<br />

awarenessofthe drivetobepredator<br />

free by 2050.<br />

The mission was to find four kinds of<br />

loot in the Capture M.I.A.R. (minions,<br />

insects, animals and rubbish).<br />

Mrs Gibson said once they foundthe<br />

‘loot’ theytook it to the check­in gazebo,<br />

wherepoints were awardedand collated.<br />

The girlstakingpart were from the<br />

Cust Guide Club, Rangiora Brownies,<br />

Rangiora Guides,Rakahuri Pippins,<br />

Kaiapoi Brownies, Kaiapoi Guides,<br />

Rakahuri Rangers and Burwood<br />

Brownies.<br />

The ‘loot’ search also included any<br />

rubbish foundinthe 1.1kmsquare area.<br />

Mrs Gibson said everyone had agreat<br />

time as they scurriedaroundthe open<br />

areasofthe red zone,and some girls<br />

were very goodatfinding rubbish, while<br />

others demonstrated theirdepth of<br />

knowledge about Girl Guidingatthe<br />

question and answer postsdotted about<br />

the course.<br />

Loot in hand ... Sophie Glynn, aged 9, a<br />

Kaiapoi Brownie member clutches her finds.<br />

Found ... Paige Harvie, aged 6, aKaiapoi Pippin with the<br />

toy owl she found while taking part in Girl Guiding <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s fun event in Kaiapoi on Thursday evening.<br />


Uncovered ... Suzi Haslett­Watts, aged 10, with aminion she found.<br />

Fun in red zone ... Kaiapoi Guide member Hazel Payne with the<br />

loot she found.

NEWS<br />

16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

The<br />

Widest<br />

Music<br />

Variety<br />

Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />

Do yousuffer from<br />

dizzinessorvertigo?<br />

Theseissues can be treated withvestibular physiotherapy.<br />

Our team of experienced physiotherapists haveall completed<br />

internationally recognised competency courses in Vestibular Rehabilitation.<br />

Contact our Dizziness Clinic:<br />

Nicole Vercoe, Clinical Lead,<br />

Physiotherapy<br />

Nicole.vercoe@lfbit.co.nz<br />

or on 03 335 0541<br />

Dizziness Clinic<br />

Targetedwillow<br />

removalonthe<br />

WaiparaRiver<br />

In April we arecontinuing our programme to<br />

mechanically remove invasivewillows from<br />

a15km sectionofthe WaiparaRiver between<br />

BarnettsRoad and theWaiparaRiver mouth.<br />

Access mayberestricted at times whileworks<br />

takeplacefor health and safety.<br />

Weed control clearsthe activepart of the river channel<br />

that carries fast flowing water duringfloods. Clearing<br />

the activechannelalsoallowsfor better habitat and can<br />

improve biodiversity.<br />

Visit ecan.govt.nz/current-works<br />

for moreinformation.<br />

E23/7636<br />

Trap building ... Traps have built from scratch.<br />

Predators trapped<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Arūnanga­led project is reconnecting<br />

young Kaikōura Māori and saving native<br />

bird species.<br />

Te Tau Wairehu oMarokura predator<br />

control project was established by Te<br />

Rūnanga oKaikōura in September 2021<br />

to provide employment to local youth<br />

and to lay predator traps along 120km of<br />

coastline.<br />

Last month the Jobs for Naturefundedproject<br />

celebrated one year<br />

since the first trap was laid, senior<br />

project co­ordinator Rawina Thomas<br />

said.<br />

‘‘It had never been done before, but<br />

we took it in our stride.<br />

‘‘We now employ 11 peopleand we are<br />

hopingtoexpand.’’<br />

The first six monthswas spent<br />

providingtraining and teaching young<br />

peoplehow to buildand set the traps.<br />

Along the way they have gained<br />

qualifications in pestmanagement and<br />

learntskills such as GIS mapping and<br />

first aid, with support fromTeHā o<br />

Mātauranga and the Kaikōura Mayors’<br />

Taskforce for Jobsprogramme.<br />

‘‘A lot our field workers are in their<br />

20s, so it is quite fresh for them,’’Ms<br />

Thomassaid.<br />

‘‘For many of them it is their first full<br />

time job, so their confidence is the<br />

biggest thing that has grown.<br />

‘‘The exciting thing for me as afield<br />

workerisweare engaging the next<br />

generation to be involved and giving<br />

them the skills to thrive and be industry<br />

leaders.’’<br />

The first trapwas laidatOaro, south<br />

of Kaikōura, in February last year, and<br />

the traplinewas finallylaid at<br />

Rakaitauheke (MarfellsBeach), near<br />

Lake Grassmere in Marlborough,last<br />

month.<br />

Traps have been laid every100 metres<br />

along the trapline and were stillbeing<br />

built so there were plentyofspares.<br />

Field workerscontinued to checkon<br />

the traps, with maintenance every three<br />

months, and atrapping app meantthe<br />

traps were monitored.<br />

Each trap has adouble mechanism<br />

with two catches possible, ‘‘and<br />

sometimes we get three in one’’.<br />

To date more than 1100predators<br />

have been caught, including rats,<br />

hedgehogs, mustelids, stoatsand<br />

rabbits. The sacrifice of the predators<br />

was respected with afarewell and<br />

burial, Ms Thomas said.<br />

‘‘A rat doesn’t see itself as arodentor<br />

apest. It does what it was borntodo, so<br />

we believe there is some honourinthat,<br />

so its sacrificeneeds to be honoured.’’<br />

The workisprotecting banded<br />

dotterel and Hutton’sshearwaterbirds,<br />


Field work ... Young Kaikōura Māori have<br />

been learning skills and protecting native<br />

birds.<br />

which were toanga to Ngāti Kurī.<br />

The projectalso had weeding<br />

contracts around the KowhaiRiverand<br />

Oaro Wetlands to ensure the young<br />

workers wereemployedfull time.<br />

Cultural development was abig part of<br />

the project, with the youthreconnecting<br />

with Māoritanga through waiata and<br />

karakia, Ms Thomas said.<br />

‘‘We do mihimihi to introduce<br />

ourselves and within that there is so<br />

much confidence whichhas been<br />

installed,which is awesomebecause<br />

they havebeen disconnected.’’<br />

Marokura was aNgāti Kurī tīpuna<br />

(ancestor).<br />

‘‘Te Tau Wairehu refers to where the<br />

sea spray falls to the coast, so our name<br />

means ‘the coast of Marokura’.’’<br />

The projectgrouphas engaged with<br />

schools in the Kaikōura district and<br />

with Ward and Seddon Schools, which<br />

were within the rūnangatakiwā<br />

(territory).<br />

Each schoolhas atrap to support the<br />

trapping programme. The project also<br />

ran aRangatahi employment<br />

programme, with local secondary<br />

schoolstudentsgaining employment<br />

duringthe school holidays and learning<br />

the skills.<br />

The Department of Conservationand<br />

acommunity trapping group also<br />

support the project.<br />

Public interestjournalism funded<br />

through New ZealandonAir.

Trees and vegetation<br />

What are you responsible for?<br />

Treestoo close to powerlines areahazardand amajor cause of powerfailures duringbad weather.<br />

They can breakpower linesand networkequipment, resulting in risk of serious injuryordeathas<br />

well ascausingwidespread powerinterruptions.This inconveniences farmsand households, affects<br />

business productivity andcauses damage to customers’ electronic equipment and appliances.<br />

Tree Owners’Responsibilities<br />

Underthe Electricity (HazardsfromTrees) Regulations,<br />

tree owners are responsible fortheirtrees; theresults<br />

of tree damage to powerlines canbeasignificant<br />

cost to atree owner. Pleasecheck your trees, hedges<br />

or shelterbeltsregularly.Ifyou are not sure what to<br />

look for, please call us so we can help.<br />

Remember,trees need to be kept asafedistance<br />

away frompower lines and other electricity network<br />

equipmentbecause:<br />

•Children that climb trees close to powerlines are at<br />

risk of serious injuryordeath.<br />

•Insevere weatherconditions,vegetation can<br />

becomeelectrically ‘live’and mayelectrocute<br />

anyone coming into contactwithit.<br />

•Trees and vegetation coming into contactwith<br />

powerlines can causepoweroutages, notjust for<br />

thetreeowners, butthe widercommunity.<br />

•Inbad weather,trees can topple or branchesbreak<br />

away causingdamage to powerlines resulting<br />

in apower outage. In snoworicy conditions, the<br />

additional weight on the tree can cause asimilar<br />

scenario.<br />

•Trees closetolines maycauseelectrical sparking<br />

resultinginfire.<br />

•Treeroots can growaround underground electricity<br />

cables, rupturingthe insulation and causing power<br />

outages.<br />

What do the Electricity (Hazards from Trees)<br />

Regulations mean to you?<br />

These regulations are to provide asafe electricity<br />

supply toyou and to protect the security of<br />

electricity supply to everyone in the community.<br />

The regulations place responsibilities on tree<br />

owners (you) and the electricity network operator<br />

(MainPower)<br />

Followingthe regulationswill helpensure security of<br />

supply to youand thewidercommunity.<br />

Please don’t wait to be reminded that your trees<br />

need to be cut. Be proactive, regularlyinspect your<br />

treesand if theyare in either the Notice Zone or the<br />

Growth Limit Zone theymustbetrimmed safely.<br />

Call us on 0800 <strong>30</strong> 90 80 forafree inspection anda<br />

quotefrom our utility arborists.Beaware thatifyour<br />

treescause anyproblems on our network, youcan be<br />

charged forall costs of repair.<br />

Alwaysremember: Touching live<br />

powerlines, ortreesclosetothe<br />

lines,can result in serious injury<br />

or death. Please ensure that you<br />

engagequalified contractors to<br />

carry out anytrimming work near<br />

powerlines.<br />

Noticeand GrowthLimit Zones<br />

Theregulationsspecifydifferentzones fortrees<br />

growingclosetopowerlines and other electricity<br />

network equipment: the NoticeZone and the<br />

Growth Limit Zone (illustrated below).<br />

Tree “A”<br />

In Notice Zone<br />

needs trimming soon<br />

Overheadline<br />

Notice<br />

Zone<br />

Tree“B”<br />

In Growth Limit Zone<br />

must be trimmed<br />

Growth<br />

LimitZone<br />

66,000V (highvoltage) 5.0 metres 4.0 metres<br />

33,000V (highvoltage) 3.5 metres 2.5 metres<br />

11,000V (high voltage) 2.6 metres 1.6metres<br />

400V /2<strong>30</strong>V (lowvoltage) 1.5metres 0.5 metres<br />

Notes:<br />

•These distances are from the power line, not the<br />

power pole.<br />

•These distances areaminimum and apply in all<br />

conditions, including high wind or snow.<br />

•Inmostinstances,the powerlines that go to a<br />

houseor building are lowvoltage powerlines.<br />

•Power lines that go down astreet maybelow or<br />

high voltage.<br />

Cut /TrimNotice<br />

If your tree is growingwithin the NoticeZone<br />

(TreeA)youwill receivealegal notice fromussaying<br />

thatitmustbetrimmed soon becauseitisgrowing<br />

tooclosetopowerlines and equipment.<br />

If your tree continues to grow into the Growth Limit<br />

Zone (TreeB)youwillreceive alegalnotice from<br />

us requiringthe treetobetrimmed (byaqualified<br />

contractor) within aspecifiedtime frame. This is<br />

because the tree is nowtooclose to powerlines and<br />

equipment, andcould cause apoweroutage and/<br />

or harmthe public.Asyou might expect,the notice<br />

zonesvarydepending on the voltage of the power<br />

lines.<br />

OffencesCommittedbyTreeOwners<br />

Thereare penalties fortree owners whodonot<br />

comply with awrittenrequesttocut their trees, or do<br />

notadvise MainPoweron0800<strong>30</strong>9080ofthe time<br />

andlocation of the cutting work.<br />

On summaryconviction, tree owners maybe liable<br />

for afinenot exceeding $10,000 andafurtherfine of<br />

$500for every dayonwhich the offence continues.<br />

If your treesare considered an immediate danger to<br />

our network, MainPowerhas an obligation to remove<br />

anyhazard. If youhave failedtokeep your trees<br />

clear of powerlines, or have notresponded toour<br />

requests, thenasthe tree owner youare responsible<br />

forall costsincurred by us to remove anyhazard.<br />

Cutting Trees NearLiveLines<br />

Trimmingtreesand vegetation close to powerlines<br />

can be extremelydangerousand must be undertaken<br />

by acompetent worker.When selecting acontractor<br />

please ensuretheyare trainedtocarry out this work.<br />

MainPower hasateam of experiencedand qualified<br />

utility arborists (arborists trained to work nearlive<br />

lines).Youmay engage MainPowerarborists, or other<br />

arborists of your choosing,but it is essential to ensure<br />

thatanyone workingnear powerlinesissuitably<br />

trainedand qualified to do so.<br />

Fall Hazard Zone<br />

Tree owners should be aware thattreespresent a<br />

hazard if theyfall anddamagepowerlines.The closest<br />

atree can be located is calculated on the basisofthe<br />

height of treeplus4metres. Checkthatyourtreesare<br />

outsidethe fall hazard zoneand consider trimming or<br />

removaltoavoid causingdamage and incurring future<br />

costs.<br />

Tree “C”<br />

Tree Cisoutside<br />

the fall zone.<br />

Contactus:<br />

Tree “D” is inside<br />

the fall zone and<br />

would damage<br />

the network.<br />

mainpower.co.nz<br />

info@mainpower.co.nz<br />

0800 <strong>30</strong> 90 80<br />

Further information on the Electricity (Hazardsfrom<br />

Trees) Regulations can be found on our website:<br />

mainpower.co.nz.<br />

If youhave anyconcerns about MainPower’sservice,<br />

pleasecall MainPoweron0800 <strong>30</strong> 90 80 to access<br />

ourcomplaint resolution service.<br />

If we are unable to resolveacomplaint to your<br />

satisfaction, Utilities DisputesLtd (UDL) providesa<br />

free andindependent service which can reviewand<br />

further investigatethe issues foryou.<br />

UDLcan be contacted on 0800 22 33 40,<br />

communications@udl.co.nz or visit www.udl.co.nz.

Do you Qualify for aRates Rebate?<br />

You Can Claim up to $700<br />

Towards Your Rates<br />

If you have not claimed arates rebate since July 2022, check your eligibility here.<br />

The Rates Rebate Scheme provides upto$700 for low income<br />

households paying rates for the home they were living in on 1July 2022.<br />

The rebate is based on your gross household income for the tax year<br />

ending on31<strong>March</strong> 2022 and is for the 2022/23 rates year.<br />

If you hold alicence to occupy agreement in aretirement village<br />

you may also qualify for arates rebate. Speak to your retirement<br />

village operator.<br />

Rates rebate income eligibility table –estimate only<br />

Gross household<br />

income<br />

Rates payable for the 2022/23 year<br />

$2,500 $2,750 $3,000 $3,250 $3,500 $3,750 $4,000 $4,400<br />

$25,000 -$34,000 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700<br />

$35,000 $695 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700<br />

$36,000 $570 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700<br />

$37,000 $445 $611 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700<br />

$38,000 $320 $486 $653 $700 $700 $700 $700 $700<br />

$39,000 $195 $361 $528 $695 $700 $700 $700 $700<br />

$40,000 $70 $236 $403 $570 $700 $700 $700 $700<br />

$41,000 $111 $278 $445 $611 $700 $700 $700<br />

$42,000 $153 $320 $486 $653 $700 $700<br />

$43,000 $195 $361 $528 $695 $700<br />

$44,000 $70 $236 $403 $570 $700<br />

$45,000 $111 $278 $445 $700<br />

$46,000 $153 $320 $586<br />

$47,000 $28 $195 $461<br />

$48,000 $70 $336<br />

$49,000 $211<br />

$50,000 $86<br />

Rates rebate<br />

• Use total annual rates<br />

• These figures are based onahousehold without dependent children, if<br />

you have dependents you may still qualify. Try the rates calculator at:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/your-council/rates/rates-rebate-scheme<br />

• You need to bring accurate information about your gross household<br />

income for the tax year ended 31 <strong>March</strong> 2022. Noevidence of<br />

income is needed if you have received astandard WINZ benefit or<br />

NZ Super for the whole tax year, although you will need evidence<br />

of the amount of any supplements received on top of the standard<br />

amount. Bring details of gross income from other sources including<br />

interest and dividends.<br />

Email delivery of rates<br />

Email rates@wmk.govt.nz from the email address that you would like<br />

your rates delivered to and confirm the rates assessment numbers that<br />

you would like tohave emailed.<br />

Direct Debit<br />

Visit waimakariri.govt.nz/online services or talk to Customer Services<br />

staff to set up adirect debit. Payments can be spread across the full<br />

12 months of the rating year, and provided payments are kept<br />

up-to-date there will be no penalty charges.<br />

Payment Plans<br />

Our team can help set up apayment plan if it’s becoming achallenge<br />

to keep up with rates payments. Email us at rates@wmk.govt.nz or<br />

phone 0800 965 468.<br />

Find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz

Hands on art for children<br />


Amberley youth are benefiting<br />

courtesyofacommunityyouth<br />

artsprogramme run by alocal<br />

artist.<br />

Carrie Keith saysshe wanted to<br />

create an arts space for children<br />

aged from eight to 18 to give them<br />

somewhere to go afterschool.<br />

‘‘I want the teenagers hereto<br />

get intothe arts, to give them<br />

more opportunities to express<br />

themselves creativity,’’<br />

Carrie says her goal is to be able<br />

to expandthe horizonsof<br />

teenagers in Amberley.<br />

‘‘I know from living in the<br />

townshipfor the past 18 years,<br />

there are few opportunities or<br />

attractions for young people to do<br />

after school.<br />

Throughher youthprogramme<br />

Carrieshopesthey will learnhow<br />

to paintmurals,tovisit and be<br />

inspired by attending art<br />

exhibitions in the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> district and in<br />

Christchurch ,and be creative<br />

with their time instead of sitting<br />

around bored all the time.’’<br />

The young artist/facilitator<br />

startedthe sessions, which are<br />

held every Thursday afternoon in<br />

the St John Hall in Amberley, to<br />

help developthe artistic talent in<br />

the district.<br />

‘‘I have truly been amazedat<br />

the talent that manyofthese<br />

young people possess.<br />

‘‘Some of these kids coming<br />

along to the sessions each week<br />

have unbelievable talent and<br />

even Iamlearningsomuch from<br />

them.’’<br />

As an artistCarrie saysshe<br />

works with acrylics, painting<br />

Hands on art ... Rachel Dalzell working with her sons Freddie, aged 8(left),<br />

and Walter, 4, drawing tractors which are afavourite topic of the boys.<br />


scenes fromaround her home and<br />

kiwianastyle pictures.<br />

Her passionfor working with<br />

the young started many yearsago<br />

when she was aStJohn Cadet in<br />

Amberley.<br />

She went on to studyyouth<br />

leadershipatthe University of<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Her Thursday afternoon art<br />

sessions are broken downinto<br />

three hourly sessionscateringto<br />

different age groups.<br />

She offersparticipants a<br />

chance to dabble in painting,clay,<br />

collage, paper mache, sketching<br />

and drawing whileofferingthem<br />

guidance and achancetofurther<br />

their creative experiences during<br />

the sessions.<br />

‘‘It’snot only about developing<br />

the creative talents of these young<br />

people, it’s also abouthelping<br />

them grow to embrace positive<br />

mentalhealth attitudes.’’<br />

‘‘It givesthe younginAmberley<br />

aplace to comeafterschool,<br />

where they can expand their<br />

creative horizons and relax with<br />

other like minded people.’’<br />

Rachel Dalzell brings her three<br />

children alongeach Thursday.<br />

‘‘They get quite excited looking<br />

forwardtothe sessions as it gives<br />

them something creative to do<br />

after school.’’<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

19<br />

Time for census<br />


Thereisstill time to do<br />

your census so you can<br />

make sureyou count.<br />

StatsNZcensus<br />

collectorswill be out and<br />

aboutincommunities<br />

untilMay 4tohelp people<br />

fill out their census forms.<br />

People in areas<br />

impacted by Cyclone<br />

Gabrielle have beengiven<br />

untilJune 1.<br />

Help will alsobe<br />

available to storm victims<br />

throughlocally­led events<br />

and on­the­ground<br />

support.<br />

The information<br />

gatheredensuresbetter<br />

decisions are madeon<br />

things likeproviding<br />

hospitals, schools,public<br />

transport and<br />

infrastructurelike roads.<br />

Census staffare also<br />

following up withpeople<br />

who haven’t completed a<br />

form yet.<br />

When acensus collector<br />

visits, they can help fill in<br />

census forms or provide<br />

new and additional<br />

census forms if needed.<br />

If you don’t haveapaper<br />

census formoranaccess<br />

code,call the helplineon<br />

0800 CENSUS (0800 236<br />

787) or go onlineatwww.<br />

census.govt.nz.<br />

Whilemost peopleare<br />

doingtheir censusonline,<br />

StatsNZishelping<br />

everyonecomplete the<br />

census in away that works<br />

for them, through<br />

providingmore paper<br />

forms, more census<br />

collectors, more work<br />

with communities, and<br />

more accessible formats<br />

and language support.<br />

Informationabout faceto­face<br />

supporttoanswer<br />

questions, and for help to<br />

get census forms<br />

completedisavailableat<br />

census.govt.nz/censussupport/.<br />

Afamilymember,<br />

friend, caregiver, support<br />

person, or trusted<br />

neighbour could also help<br />

complete census forms,or<br />

they can ask for acensus<br />

collectortovisit using the<br />

Helpline.<br />

People can mailtheir<br />

formstoStatsNZorcall<br />

0800 CENSUS (0800 236<br />

787).<br />

If theyneed acensus<br />

collectortopick them up.<br />

Thereisinformationfor<br />

people in arange of<br />

languages and other<br />

formats (NewZealand<br />

Sign Language, Braille,<br />

Easy Read, Large Print,<br />

and Audio) to ensure<br />

everyonehas whatthey<br />

need to take partand be<br />

counted in the<strong>2023</strong><br />

Census.<br />

You can find further<br />

informationatwww.<br />

census.govt.nz/ or at<br />

census.govt.nz/<br />

<strong>2023</strong>­census­news/.<br />

“Ifyou want something done right...” ADVERTISEMENT<br />


Like most keen gardeners,<br />

Keith would rather not<br />

depend on someone else for<br />

the upkeep of his <strong>North</strong>land<br />

garden but rather be out there<br />

mucking in himself.<br />

As summers turned into<br />

winters, Keith began to<br />

struggle to stay on top of<br />

the pruning, weeding, and<br />

mowing of his lawn. It came<br />

to a point where he, very<br />

reluctantly, hired agardener<br />

to mow his lawns.<br />

“It feels like only yesterday<br />

when Iwas bending down and<br />

doing the gardening without<br />

acare... Where the time has<br />

gone, I’ll never know!”<br />

As Keith sat there watching<br />

his lawn being hurriedly<br />

mown on a lower blade<br />

setting than he liked, he<br />

realised just how importantly<br />

mobility is to living agood<br />

life.<br />

“I now feel like an old<br />

geezer, resigned to doing a<br />

lot less. But the problem is<br />

if you want something done<br />

right, then you’ve got to do it<br />

yourself...” he told us.<br />

After talking to friends<br />

down at the local tavern,<br />

Keith was introduced to a<br />

company that specialises<br />

in age-supporting products<br />

called Koru Nutrition.<br />

He called their telephone<br />

number the next day and<br />

spoke to a nutritionist who<br />

explained how antioxidants<br />

could support him behind his<br />

lawn mower.<br />

“As I began to use Koru<br />

FX, I tentatively made my<br />

way into the garden. Within a<br />

fortnight, Iwas feeling more<br />

confident, as Ireally did feel<br />

like my joints were being<br />

supported.”<br />

The lawn is now long<br />

enough to stay green through<br />

the summer, the Buxus<br />

hedges are square, and<br />

Keith’s garden is back to<br />

looking its best.<br />

“The money I save from<br />

doing my own garden is<br />

great! Everyone should try<br />

Koru FXifthey are feeling<br />

restricted. Iwon’t leave the<br />

house without it.”<br />

Koru FXPro is full of the<br />

same powerful antioxidants<br />

as Keith’s Koru FX but now<br />

Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Koru Nutrition, Christchurch.<br />

“<br />

Photo/Shutterstock<br />

with increased almond and<br />

calendula oil to spread further<br />

over your shoulders, back,<br />

hips, and knees. Available in<br />

alarger recyclable tube, Koru<br />

FX Pro is your professionalgrade<br />

support at home.<br />

With many supported<br />

customers like Keith, why<br />

don’t you give us a call,<br />

or next time you’re in a<br />

community pharmacy ask<br />

to try Koru FX Pro out for<br />

yourself.<br />



2for $49.98<br />

Save $10<br />

Available in<br />

good pharmacies.

NEWS<br />

20 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Taking flight ... Members of Rangiora’s Air Cadets from 88 Squadron, at the Rangiora Airfield during their firsthand<br />

flight experience.<br />


Taking flight in Rangiora<br />


Rangiora’s Air Cadetsfrom 88<br />

Squadrontook flight last<br />

weekend.<br />

Thirty took the opportunity to<br />

take to the skiesand<br />

experience flight first­hand.<br />

For many, it was the first time<br />

beingincontrol of an aircraft<br />

and, throughthe mentoring of<br />

threecapable instructors from<br />

the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Recreational<br />

Aero Club, the cadets took full<br />

advantageofbeing able to<br />

applytheiraviationknowledge<br />

in apracticalenvironment.<br />

The highlight formany was<br />

the sensation of being above<br />

theirhouses, wavingtotheir<br />

parents below, executive<br />

officer of the No. 88 Squadron,<br />

Air TrainingCorps,Flying<br />

OfficerJ.J. Micallef,said.<br />

‘‘It was afantastic learning<br />

opportunity for the Rangiora<br />

Air Cadets, who not only got to<br />

experience flying,but also<br />

experienced aday filled with<br />

lessons on aviation knowledge,<br />

life skillsand presentation<br />

techniques, withmany<br />

expressing adesire to return to<br />

the skies as soonaspossible,’’<br />

he said.<br />

No. 88 Squadronwill be<br />

holding theirAnnualGeneral<br />

Meeting April, 6, at 7pm, at the<br />

Rangiora Airfield which all<br />

members of the public who<br />

want to know moreabout the<br />

squadron are welcome to<br />

attend.<br />

Flying Officer Micallef says<br />

the daywouldnot havebeen<br />

possible without the supportof<br />

the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Recreational<br />

AeroClub.<br />

‘‘Aswell as the wealth of<br />

experience and passion their<br />

instructors passed to the<br />

cadets, the club also made their<br />

entire fleet available in aid of<br />

supporting these <strong>30</strong> teenagers<br />

pursue their dreamofflying.’’<br />

The <strong>Canterbury</strong> Recreational<br />

AeroClub is having an open day<br />

at Rangiora Airfield this<br />

Saturday,April 1, from 10am to<br />

3pm.They willbeoffering<br />

select introductory flights<br />

throughout the day and<br />

processing new memberships .<br />

New group chair<br />

The Waimakariridistrict is<br />

well­served for advocacy of<br />

seniorresidents.<br />

New WaimakaririAgefriendly<br />

Advisory Group<br />

chairpersonNorman West<br />

says the district has<br />

organisations like Grey<br />

Power and his organisation<br />

to ensure older residents<br />

have avoice.<br />

The WaimakaririAgefriendly<br />

Advisory Group is<br />

an initiative of the<br />

WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council.<br />

Its purpose is to ensure<br />

the district, throughits<br />

planning and actions, meets<br />

the criteria for an agefriendly<br />

community as<br />

establishedbythe Officefor<br />

Seniors withinthe Ministry<br />

of Social Development.<br />

‘‘An age­friendly<br />

community is defined as a<br />

place where you can stay<br />

connected, healthy, active<br />

and respected, whatever<br />

your age,’’ Mr West says.<br />

Grey PowerisaNew<br />

Zealand­wide organisation<br />

working for older people.<br />

There is an active <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> branch.<br />

‘‘At its heart, Grey Power<br />

advocates to promote the<br />

welfare and wellbeingofall<br />

New Zealanders who are<br />

older,’’ Mr West says.<br />

‘‘It is an assertive and<br />

respectedvoice of influence<br />

in the national political<br />

arena.<br />

‘‘Many of the essential<br />

features of an age­friendly<br />

community are similarto, or<br />

sometimes the same as<br />

issues Grey Power<br />

advocates for.<br />

‘‘In this way the roles of<br />

Grey Power and Age­<br />

Friendly are<br />

complementary.’’<br />

The WaimakaririAgefriendly<br />

Advisory Group is<br />

community­led, comprising<br />

representativesoflocal<br />

groups,plus independent<br />

members.<br />

It has acommitment to<br />

ensuring good planning and<br />

servicedeliveryfor older<br />

people in the localarea.<br />

The group’srole sees it<br />

scrutinising and checking<br />

the appropriatenessand<br />

adequacy of the plans,<br />

actionsand service delivery<br />

of localand central<br />

government agencies which<br />

work with olderpeople, Mr<br />

West says.<br />

‘‘The current focus of the<br />

WaimakaririAge­friendly<br />

Advisory Group is to gather<br />

feedback and information<br />

which reflects older<br />

personslife experiences<br />

and check that the<br />

organisations who provide<br />

services for olderpeople<br />

are aware of gaps in<br />

provision and emerging<br />

needs.’’<br />

The advisory group usesa<br />

World Health Organisation<br />

check­list to measurea<br />

community’s agefriendliness,<br />

he says.<br />

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CAN-N 52

Young people key in economy<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

23<br />

HS Flyride<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />


Investing in young peopleisthe key to a<br />

sustainable economy in the Hurunui<br />

district, sayseconomistBrad Olsen.<br />

The Infometrics chief executive visited<br />

the Hurunuidistrictrecentlytomeet local<br />

businessesand the Hurunui Mayor’s<br />

Taskforce forJobs programme.<br />

Recent populationdata showed there<br />

were 2060 residentsinthe Hurunui<br />

district aged60to 69 years and just16<strong>30</strong><br />

aged 15 to 19 years, whichmeant as people<br />

retireditmight be difficult to replace<br />

them.<br />

Populationprojections nationally<br />

showed there were four workers for every<br />

retiree, but by 2060there was expectedto<br />

be justtwo workers for everyretiree.<br />

Mr Olsen said it required achange in<br />

thinking.<br />

‘‘This is oftenalongterm game. Bringing<br />

someone forward whomay not be at the<br />

top of theirgame now, but has the<br />

potential to takeyou intothe future is<br />

something Iwouldurge you to consider.<br />

‘‘We needtolook more at whatsort of<br />

people are available in the community.<br />

‘‘It is not that we don’t have enough<br />

people, it is aboutgetting the right sort of<br />

skills and removing some of thebarriers.’’<br />

Making it easier for parents and older<br />

people to either return or stay in the<br />

workforce were other solutions.<br />

Mr Olsen said we havenot seen the end<br />

of high interest rates.<br />

The Reserve Bank was attempting to<br />

‘‘contract the economy’’ because the<br />

country wastrying to do much, with too<br />

smallalabour pool.<br />

‘‘I characterise it like aboiling pot, it is<br />

boiling over so much thatwe’relosingstuff<br />

out the sides.<br />

‘‘It doesn’t mean we turnthe economy<br />

off, it just meansturningitdown to a<br />

simmer so we have enoughwater to boil<br />

Investng in youth ... Economist Brad Olsen was proud to receive aHurunui MTFJ<br />

(Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs) hoodie from Hurunui Mayor Marie Black.<br />


the pastawhen it comestodinnertime.<br />

‘‘If you pay more on yourmortgage, you<br />

have less money to spend on otherthings.’’<br />

Mr Olsen saidheknew first handhow<br />

difficult it wasfor youngpeople to buy a<br />

house.<br />

But his grandfathersuggesteditwas<br />

worse in the 1980s withinterest rates at 20<br />

percent, so he ran some numbers.<br />

Theaverage household in 1985 was<br />

paying48% of its income on mortgage<br />

payments,and 25 years later it reducedto<br />

an average 7% of income.<br />

Today young people are paying49% of<br />

their household incomeonmortgage<br />

payments,and it is projected they will still<br />

be paying22% of their incomein25years<br />

time.<br />

Mr Olsen said he saw no reasontobe<br />

concerned about the ‘‘brain drain’’, with<br />

youngpeople heading overseaswith the<br />

opening up of the border.<br />

‘‘Ourbest and brightest oftentravel<br />

overseas.<br />

‘‘Thedifference is last yearthere<br />

weren’t as many peoplecoming in.<br />

‘‘Nowthere are more people coming in,<br />

but they are fillingpositions from six to<br />

nine months ago.’’<br />

Whilethere was aperceptionofhigher<br />

wagesinAustralia, inflation was also<br />

higher.<br />

One solution was to makeiteasy for New<br />

Zealanders to come home.<br />

Publicinterestjournalismfunded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Adecision on aproposed flyride in<br />

Hanmer Springs is not expected until<br />

later in the year.<br />

Aconsent was granted to the Hanmer<br />

Springs Thermal Pools and Spa by the<br />

Hurunui District Council last year.<br />

But it was appealed to the<br />

Environment Court, with ahearing held<br />

from February 27.<br />

An Environment Court spokesperson<br />

said afurther hearing time was<br />

scheduled in July, so adecision will not<br />

be issued until after that.<br />

The resource consent application was<br />

to install and operate agravity­based<br />

recreation activity at Conical Hill<br />

Reserve.<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

Free trees<br />

Treesfor <strong>Canterbury</strong> has given away<br />

another 5000 nativeplants.<br />

TFC Manager, SteveBush says the<br />

organisation hasplantedordonated<br />

over 1,200,000 plants at no costtothe<br />

community.<br />

The communitygiveawayprogramme<br />

is opentocommunity organisations so<br />

they can obtain NZ native plants for<br />

theirschool or community project.<br />

This is for Schools, Preschools,<br />

Communitygroups, Churchgroups, or<br />

projectsonland with public access.<br />

‘‘If it is community based we would<br />

like to assist.’’<br />

All applicants have to do is send an<br />

emailtoTreesfor <strong>Canterbury</strong>, or a<br />

letter including detailsabouttheir<br />

group, acontactperson and phone<br />

number.<br />

SignatureMid Size<br />

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Mahraaz’sjourney<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

25<br />

It’s along stretch fromtraining as a<br />

graphic designer to managingadairy<br />

farm.<br />

But for Mahraaz Husseinithas been<br />

all part of his life’s journey since<br />

joining the industry in 2015.<br />

‘‘AllIdoisgive it my bestshot in<br />

everythingIundertake,’’ the former<br />

Fijian student said.<br />

Mahraaz lined up alongside four<br />

otherhopefuls at the recentfinals of<br />

the dairy farm manager of the year<br />

category in the <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>/<strong>North</strong><br />

OtagoDairyIndustryAwards.<br />

He camethird, in his thirdtiltatthe<br />

crown.<br />

‘‘In 2019 Imade the top five, in<br />

2020/21 Iwas runner up and thisyear I<br />

was third.<br />

‘‘I havetoadmit Ihonestlyfelt I<br />

wasn’t as preparedasIcould have<br />

been,’’ he says.<br />

When it came time to enter the<br />

competition he was snowed under with<br />

work on the Landcorp/Pāmu dairy<br />

propertyhemanages at Eyrewell.<br />

‘‘It was atough time of the yearfor<br />

us, with staff changing farms, but I<br />

gave it my best shot.’’<br />

He saysheencourages everyoneto<br />

enterthese awards as there is always<br />

something moretolearn fromthe<br />

experience.<br />

‘‘I lovethe feedback the judges give<br />

you afterthey have visited you on<br />

farm.’’<br />

He saysthe judgescame to the Pāmu<br />

property, oneoftwo in the Eyrewell<br />

Forest district of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

and spent an hour and half looking<br />

over the property, asking himtotalk<br />

aboutwhat has he done there, what<br />

they are doing on the farminrelation<br />

to animal welfareand pastoral care.<br />

On farm ... Mahraaz Hussein<br />


When he made the finals the judges<br />

came back, and he saidthe questions<br />

were much more intense.<br />

‘‘They go deeper into your<br />

operations,looking at all aspects of<br />

your managementprocess, the<br />

breeding and healthcare of your<br />

animals and the land.’’<br />

He says his answers reflected his<br />

plansfor the 450ha propertywhich<br />

mirror Pāmu’s guardianship pledge at<br />

EyrewellDairy.<br />

“Pāmu is not just aboutprofit; our<br />

goal is also to do what’sbest for the<br />

environment and thatmeansfarming<br />

in asustainable manner for future<br />

generations,” he says.<br />


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26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Supreme Award for Glenmark Springs<br />


Ian Knowleswas excited when he won a<br />

‘‘few category’’ awards in the<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Ballance Farm EnvironmentAwards.<br />

But was overwhelmedwhen he tookout<br />

the overallSupreme Award.<br />

Howeverheisnot restingonhis<br />

laurels.<br />

Ian says he hasa‘‘lotofwork ahead’’as<br />

he preparesfor the national event at Te<br />

PapainMay.<br />

The Ballance FarmEnvironment<br />

Awardsare run by the NZ Farm<br />

EnvironmentTrustand champion<br />

sustainable farmingand growing.<br />

Ian will jointhe Supremewinner from<br />

eachofthe eleven regions involved in the<br />

awardstobeconsidered for theGordon<br />

StephensonTrophy at the Trust’s<br />

National Showcase at Te PapainMay.<br />

The recipients of theGordon<br />

StephensonTrophy thenbecome <strong>2023</strong>’s<br />

National Ambassadors forSustainable<br />

Farming and Growing.<br />

The Waipara farmer,who farms in the<br />

WekaPass, saysthe experienceof<br />

entering theawards hasbeen great,with<br />

the judging panel preparing areport on<br />

his farming enterprise whichwill help<br />

him takethe property to the next level.<br />

He saysfor the past 10 years he has<br />

beeninvolvedasasponsor, so it had been<br />

verydifferenttobeon the ‘‘other side of<br />

the table’’.<br />

The judgessaid the Waipara farmwas<br />

agreatexample of continuallygathering<br />

dataand information about the property,<br />

and implementing strategies, practices,<br />

pasture, and livestocktofit the business.<br />

Ian Knowlesisgraduallybuying<br />

Alot of work ahead .... Ian Knowles in his woolshed.<br />

GlenmarkSpringsfrom Ian’sfamily trust,<br />

aiming to strike abalance between<br />

profitability andlifestyle.<br />

The 822ha(790ha effective)property is<br />

predominantlyasheep breeding and<br />

finishing operation.<br />

About<strong>30</strong>percentofits income derived<br />

from dairy support.<br />

Ian’sstrategy is to operatealow­cost<br />

businesswithahigh stocking rate.<br />

He runs 4000 composite ewes and 1000<br />

hoggets’,alongwith 350dairy cows.<br />

‘‘Thecowsare aprettygoodworkhore<br />

to keep thehill country clear.’’<br />


About<strong>30</strong>0hacan be cultivated,but the<br />

remainderistoo steep.<br />

Thecultivated areaismostlyreserved<br />

forewe hoggetsand lambs.<br />

Ianalsohas adiverse selection of other<br />

animals, includingalpacas,ostriches,<br />

peacocks,deer,turkeys, partridges,and<br />

quail–all well adapted to the Waipara<br />

climate.<br />

‘‘Theyare just ahobby, andifIwant<br />

something forthe freezer Ihaveamixed<br />

supermarkettochoosefrom,’’ says Ian.<br />

Ianstarted leasing and buying into the<br />

farm in 2015and sincethenhehas<br />

invested significantly to increase the<br />

farm’s efficiencyand profitability.<br />

Development is guidedbyresearch and<br />

on­farm trials, resultinginbig changesto<br />

the farms infrastructure, stocking rate<br />

and performance.<br />

There’s afocus on increasing<br />

production whilereducing the farms<br />

environmental footprint—all through<br />

simple systemsthat enable Ian to manage<br />

the farm efficiently.<br />

Stockare carefullybred for specific<br />

genetic traits, while winterfeedingis<br />

closely managed, soilsare wellcared for<br />

and nutrient use is tailored to seasons<br />

and soiland pasture requirements.<br />

Numerous trees have been planted,<br />

providingstockshade andshelter,plus<br />

enhancing biodiversityand carbon<br />

sequestration.<br />

The area’smicroclimate has been<br />

harnessed by plantingafruit orchard<br />

withabout 15 different varieties.<br />

To reduceerosion, boostshadeand<br />

protectwaterways,<strong>30</strong>00 poplarpoles<br />

havebeen planted,while about2km of<br />

shelterbeltshave beenestablished.<br />

Waterways are being fencedand<br />

riparian planting is underway,supported<br />

by theactive controlofpests.<br />

Ian seesthe farm as specialand enjoys<br />

sharingits space and producewith<br />

visitorsand friends alike.<br />

He also won the followingawards:<br />

Ballance Agri­NutrientsSoil<br />

Management Award.<br />

Beef+LambNew ZealandLivestock<br />

Farm Award.<br />

HillLaboratoriesAgri­ScienceAward.<br />

NorwoodFarming Efficiency Award.<br />

NZFET Climate Recognition Award.<br />


FARMER<br />









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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

27<br />

Ballance Awards ‘unexpected’<br />


For most farmers, enteringthe Ballance<br />

Farm Environment Awards is adaunting<br />

thought and to comeaway with even one<br />

or two prizes is ahugelyimpressive<br />

achievement. So when Oxford's Alistair<br />

and Genna Birdleft the awards night at<br />

The Rydges in Christchurchwith four<br />

framed certificates,they were over the<br />

moon.<br />

Gennasays it was completely<br />

unexpected,but the wholeassessment<br />

and judging process was ahuge and very<br />

valuable learning experience.<br />

The couple farm sheep and beef on 560<br />

hectares of flat, rollingand steep land, 10<br />

minutes out of Oxford.<br />

They also lease ablock of flat land,<br />

whichallows them to splittheir lambing.<br />

‘‘Given the geography of our property,<br />

we can get snow on and off for nine<br />

months of the year,’’ says Genna. ‘‘So we<br />

put the olderewes on the kinder, leased<br />

land to lamb,whilethe younger ones stay<br />

home.’’<br />

It doesn’t help that nearly 200 hectares,<br />

rightatthe back of the farm, and high<br />

abovesea level, is essentially what<br />

Gennadescribes as ineffective land.<br />

‘‘We lookedatturning it into forestry,<br />

but we decidedtoregeneratenatives on<br />

that block. Ithink that patch is one of the<br />

things that make this farm really special.<br />

We are waitingtohear backfrom MPI<br />

aboutwhether it will qualify for the<br />

Emissions Trading Scheme.<br />

‘‘It will take alot of upskilling in<br />

concepts,policiesand the management<br />

of the farm as awhole, but at the moment<br />

we are carbon­neutral.<br />

‘‘Alistair has doneahuge amountto<br />

sort out our waterways so they are clean<br />

downstream, but it wouldbegreat to<br />

have thatland protected,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘There’sahut up there and,even<br />

Over the moon ... Alistair and Genna Bird.<br />


though it’s private property, we open the<br />

tracks up to trampers and horse riders,<br />

for example, just to get up there and<br />

enjoy it.’’<br />

Genna says the judging for the awards<br />

was aseriously rigorous and thorough<br />

process.<br />

‘‘We had to presentand hear back from<br />

two panelsofjudges, who visited at<br />

different times of the year.<br />

‘‘They were expertsfrom all kinds of<br />

different areas—financial, agricultural,<br />

environmental,health and safety,<br />

succession planning —but the<br />

discussions,the ideas and the written<br />

feedback werehugely productive.<br />

‘‘We’ve already started implementing<br />

some of those really constructive<br />

suggestions,’’ she says.<br />

Alistair and Genna’s awardswere:<br />

The Bayley’s People in Primary<br />

Industries award for connectionwith the<br />

community (trampers and horse­riders).<br />

The NZ Farm Environment Trust<br />

Biodiversity award(thatregenerating<br />

back block).<br />

The Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>Water<br />

Quality award (Alistair's care of the<br />

headwaters,and planting and fencing of<br />

the streams on the property).<br />

The NZ Farm Environment Trust<br />

Innovationaward (forthe use of digital<br />

information and data in the farm system).<br />

WouldGenna and Alistair enter the<br />

awards again? Absolutely, saysGenna.<br />

‘‘Theprocess has taughtusmore about<br />

front­footing issues; being proactive, not<br />

reactive.Itwouldbegreat to enter again<br />

in acouple of years time, and see what<br />

else we can learn. And Iwouldencourage<br />

anyone else interestedindeveloping<br />

theirfarming business to do the same.’’<br />

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Proudly supporting sport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Leeston-Southbridge country champions<br />


Leeston­Southbridge are country<br />

cricket championsagainafter<br />

overcomingEllesmere rivals Darfield in<br />

alow­scoring final at Leeston Park on<br />

Saturday.<br />

The Plate final waswon by Oxford­<br />

Rangiora­Southbrook, beating Ohoka in<br />

anotherlow­scoringaffair at<br />

Mandeville.<br />

Afive­wicket haul for all­rounder<br />

Chris Beatsonand acomposedinnings<br />

by former Dutch international Tim<br />

Gruijters helpedguideLeeston­<br />

Southbridge to 2022/23 <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Country Premier One Daycompetition<br />

honours.<br />

After losing the tossand batting,<br />

visitors Darfield madeaslow yet steady<br />

start,negotiating the new ball paceof<br />

SamChamberlain andreaching 42/0.<br />

ButwhenBeatson came into the<br />

attack and removedboth openers,<br />

including Robbie Foulkes for17off 41<br />

balls,the homeXIstarted to wrestle<br />

controlofthe match.<br />

Most of the Darfield batsmen made<br />

decent startsbut allfailedtocapitalise<br />

and were dismissedbeforemaking any<br />

majorimpressions on the scoreboard.<br />

Leeston­Southbridge neverlet up in<br />

the fieldand their relentless discipline<br />

eventually sawDarfield crumpletobe<br />

all out for adisappointing125 in 36.3<br />

overs.<br />

Beatson was the starwith the ball,<br />

finishing with 5/14off 7.3 overs, with<br />

Dougald Munro,Gruijters, Ethan Booth<br />

and HarryChamberlain allpicking up<br />

one wicket apiece.<br />

Darfield were fireduptodefend the<br />

small total andsoon had Leeston­<br />

Southbridgeindirestraits.<br />

In reducing them to 3/7,Foulkeswas<br />

chief destroyer while Nick Jenkins<br />

knocked over<strong>Canterbury</strong> rep batsman<br />

Harry Chamberlain for athree­ball<br />

duck.<br />

But it wasGruijterswho used all his<br />

internationaland <strong>Canterbury</strong> Country<br />

experiencetosave the day, making42<br />

off86ballsand teaming up with Sam<br />

Chamberlain (35 off 66) in acrucial<br />

68­run partnership for the fifth wicket to<br />

steadythe ship.<br />

Anotherflurryofwickets kept<br />

Darfield's slimchances alive but the<br />

combined side knocked off the total to<br />

claim the championship with three<br />

wicketsand 6.5 overs remaining.<br />

Short scorecard<br />

Darfield125 (N Jenkins 18,RFoulkes<br />

17;CBeatson 5/14) losttoLeeston­<br />

Southbridge129/7 (T Gruijters 42, S<br />

Chamberlain 35; RFoulkes 3/22).<br />

Ohoka 95 (C Scott 3/18, JWaghorn 3/21,<br />

SFleming2/21)losttoOxford­Rangiora­<br />

Southbrook98/7 (D Fulton 31no,T<br />

Dwyer 24).<br />


Rangiora Golf Club<br />

9­hole golf results:<strong>March</strong>21Men’s Stableford: Alan Macdonald 25, 1;<br />

Erick Pollock 21, 2; John Gregan 20 c/b 3. David Klopper 20 c/b.<br />

Women: Rita Moore 19, 1; Ruth Crawford 17 c/b, 2; Lynn Muir 17 c/b, 3.<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

Daylight Savings Match: <strong>North</strong>/South: Judy Bruerton/JulieDay 1, David<br />

Rainey/Sue McIlroy 2, Judith Calder/Janice Pickering 3. E/W: Noreen<br />

Thompson/Tom Rose 1, Norm Shipley/Lesley Shipley 2, Heather<br />

Waldron/Margaret Smith 3.<br />

Autumn Pairs: N/S: Nita Sheasby/Julie Day 1, Veronica Hall/Dawn<br />

Simpson 2, Sue Solomons/Joyce Gray 3. E/W: Jenny Hassall/Pauline<br />

Miller 1, Richard Luisetti/Adrienne Paine 2, Dave Tocker/Andrew<br />

Findlay 3.<br />

Junior Evening: N/S: Alison Howie/Susan Kinley 1, Nevin Topp/Paul<br />

Williams 2, Annette Caldwell/Gail Dunlop 3. E/W: Anne Bagrie/Kate<br />

Whitehead 1, Stevie/Lynette Tillman 2, Gerard McRae/Denis Milne3.<br />

Presidents: N/S: Nita Sheasby/Veronica Hall 1, Wayne Hutchings/Tom<br />

Rose 2, Alison Howie/Pauline Miller 3. E/W: Janet Apperley/Gaynor<br />

Hurford 1, ShulaGuse/SueSolomons 2, Karen Manson/Joyce Gray 3.<br />

Amberley Golf Club<br />

<strong>March</strong> 25: RKeith 68, BFitzgerald 69, GSmith 69, GMcGeddie 70, S<br />

Hartley 72, BYates 73.<br />

Women. JCumming 68, DYates 70, JLucas 71, JYates 72.<br />

Mid Week Men:LBrown 37, NRhynd 36, SMilne 34.<br />

Mid Week Women: LWilly 44, SLee 33. Longest Putt: LWilly<br />

Flying high ... Jess Hendren in action in Christchurch.<br />

Jessleaps to victory<br />


Rangiora High School<br />

student,<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

AthleticsClub member and<br />

under20women’shighjump<br />

national champion,Jess<br />

Hendren,has been selected<br />

in aNew Zealandtraining<br />

development camp.<br />

Jess is spending fivedays<br />

on the GoldCoastthis week,<br />

before competinginthe<br />

Australianchampionship in<br />

April, as her outstanding<br />

form continues.<br />

An earlyseason ankle<br />

injury hampered Jess<br />

Hendren’s results in the<br />

premieropen women’s<br />

Classicmeetsinthe <strong>North</strong><br />

Island during January and<br />

February.<br />

Butplacing 4th at the<br />

international track meet in<br />

Christchurchthe weekprior<br />

to the New Zealand<br />

championships was aray of<br />


hope she had turned the<br />

corner.<br />

Wellington turned on<br />

idealconditions for<br />

athleticsatthe<br />

championships.<br />

Knownasajumpers<br />

surface,Jesswas in fine<br />

form taking out the under 20<br />

women's high jump,<br />

jumping her four heights<br />

clearuntil 1.75, and taking<br />

the championshipwith her<br />

leap of 1.70.<br />

Running for life at park<br />

For 12 hours thisSaturday April<br />

1, from10am till 10pm,<br />

hundreds of athletes of all ages<br />

willbejogging around Dudley<br />

ParkinRangioraastheytake<br />

partinthe <strong>2023</strong> <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Relay for life.<br />

Organiser, CancerSociety<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,say the<br />

money raisedwillgotowards<br />

helping peopleinthe<br />

community throughthe<br />

society’ssupport services,<br />

health promotion programmes<br />

and cancerresearch.<br />

The Relay For Life is one of<br />

the society’s biggestannual<br />

fundraisers and celebrates<br />

cancersurvivors in<br />

communitiesfrom diagnosis to<br />

treatmenttoremission­no<br />

matterwheretheyare in their<br />

cancerjourney.<br />

Runners enter either as<br />

teams or as individuals all<br />

helpingtoraise $75,000 for the<br />

society.<br />

Therewill be an opening<br />

ceremony and alap of honour<br />

markingthe startat10am.<br />



NEWS<br />

<strong>30</strong> The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Community collaboration<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

AKaiapoi initiative hopes to establish a<br />

much needed communitycentrethrough<br />

collaboration.<br />

The Kaiapoi Community Hub Trust has<br />

announced plans to builda$6.8million<br />

community hub in theformer red zone.<br />

The Waimakariri District Council is<br />

pitching in the first $1.6 million to fund<br />

earthworks and utilityservices.<br />

Afurther $200,000 has beenmade<br />

available from the MinistryofSocial<br />

Development, leaving the community to<br />

raise$5million.<br />

‘‘After Covid ­19 lockdowns we saw there<br />

was aneed for places where the community<br />

can connect,’’Waimakariri MayorDan<br />

Gordon said.<br />

‘‘Thehub model works well and we’ve<br />

had successfulexamples of community<br />

hubs in the district to date, suchas<br />

<strong>North</strong>brookstudios in Rangiora.’’<br />

But Mr Gordon said the Kaiapoihub<br />

wouldbeunique,with purpose­built<br />

facilitiesfor educational purposes and<br />

shared office space.<br />

‘‘Onething we do really well in the<br />

Waimakariri district is collaboration,itis<br />

one of our greatest strengths.’’<br />

The Kaiapoi Community Hub Trust is a<br />

collaboration betweenSatisfyFood Rescue<br />

and the Kaiapoi MenzShed,along with two<br />

independent trustees.<br />

Chairperson Anthony Van Meersaid the<br />

trustaimed to ‘‘create somecommunity<br />

vibrancy’’<br />

‘‘We don’t havethat shared facility in<br />

Kaiapoi like other areas do. We lost our<br />

picture theatreand this site will be bigger<br />

than TrousselotPark.’’<br />

SatisfyFood Rescue willoccupy the<br />

northern end of the development,with a<br />

purpose­builtfacility where food can be<br />

processedfor distribution to the region’s<br />

food banks.<br />

The Kaiapoi MenzShedplanned to build<br />

Community collaboration ... Kaiapoi<br />

Community Hub Trust trustees Heath Kelly<br />

(left), Keith Lawrence, Phillipa Hunt and<br />

chairperson Anthony Van Meer are excited<br />

about their project.<br />


threesheds,while ashared community<br />

facility with acommercial kitchen and a<br />

largegreen space would also be<br />

established.<br />

The trust also planned to build an<br />

auditorium, with the possibility of apicture<br />

theatre and recording studio.<br />

The Kaiapoi Croquet Club was also<br />

building on the site.<br />

Mr Van Meersaid other organisations<br />

had shownaninterestinjoiningthe<br />

project.<br />

‘‘We are open to ideasand forgroupswho<br />

want to join the trust.’’<br />

SatisfyFood Rescue chairperson<br />

PhillipaHunt said her organisation was<br />

‘‘excited’’ to be involved in aproject with a<br />

community focus.<br />

KeithLawrence said the Kaiapoi Menz<br />

Shed was established post­earthquake by<br />

‘‘four guysinagarage’’.<br />

Kaiapoi PromotionsAssociation<br />

chairperson Martin Pinkham said the hub<br />

wouldmake the ideallocation for the<br />

Kaiapoi Christmas Carnival and other<br />

community events.<br />

Whare planned at RHS<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

New whare ... Bruce Kearney is excited<br />

about plans to build anew cultural<br />

learning centre at Rangiora High School.<br />


Rangiora High School is seeking<br />

feedback on the design of anew<br />

cultural learning centre.<br />

The school’s board of trustees has<br />

approved plans to build a$1.2 million<br />

multi­purpose building, Te Whare<br />

Mātauranga (house of learning).<br />

Principal Bruce Kearney said he was<br />

thrilled to be able to share the plans<br />

with the school’s whanau community.<br />

‘‘To get awhare back on our land is<br />

important.<br />

‘‘We have aquintessential whare,<br />

but it is aprefab building as opposed to<br />

apurpose­built building, which covers<br />

all aspects of our cultural awareness.’’<br />

The board is seeking feedback on<br />

draft designs prepared by<br />

Christchurch firm Stufkens and<br />

Chambers Architects.<br />

Business manager David Lowe said<br />

the project would be funded from<br />

board reserves.<br />

‘‘It was one of the first things Bruce<br />

observed when he came here, how<br />

poorly our Māori students were served.<br />

‘‘There are asignificant number of<br />

Māori students in the school.’’<br />

He said the school had amaster plan<br />

with the Ministry of Education, which<br />

comprised several projects including a<br />

gymnasium and aperforming arts<br />

centre /hall, including awhare.<br />

‘‘They are all priorities, but the<br />

whare is the one thing we can get on<br />

with, as it does not require Ministry<br />

approval or funding.’’<br />

The school was engaging with Te<br />

Rūnanga oNgāiTūāhuriri and was<br />

keen for input into the detailed design,<br />

Mr Lowe said.<br />

The proposed building footprint was<br />

171 square metres, including amultiuse<br />

cultural and teaching space<br />

equivalent to 1.5 classrooms, awet<br />

room /dining space and ahuge 51<br />

square metre north­facing verandah.<br />

The teaching space would be big<br />

enough for 35 students, as an<br />

auditorium it would seat 65 people,<br />

while <strong>30</strong> people could be seated in the<br />

dining room.<br />

It will located on Wales Street at the<br />

northwest corner of the school<br />

grounds, facing Mt Grey.<br />

The completed whare will be<br />

available for hire by the community for<br />

cultural events.<br />

Feedback closes at the end of the<br />

month and it was hoped the new whare<br />

would be opened by the end of the<br />

year. It can viewed at sites.google.com/<br />

rangiorahigh.school.nz/tewhare­rhs/<br />

home.<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

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Maurice<br />

&Hamish<br />

Motunau 47 Lindsay Terrace<br />

Spectacular!<br />

This <strong>30</strong>.6ha(approx.) property is quite outstanding! With viewsin all directions and virtuallysurrounding residentialMotunau,<br />

southofthe river. This home is alarge five bedroom, three bathroom dwellingincluding three livingareas and adouble<br />

internal accessgarage. Thehouse is sited in suchaway as to maximise the views. It is well heatedwith 8zone ducted central<br />

heating from the twin, R32 Daikan inverter heat pumps, as well as the 24kwFisherDenniston, multi fuelburner whichis<br />

connectedtothecylinder by wet-backand aheat transfertothe twonearest bathrooms. With modern double glazing and<br />

quality curtains it is veryenergy efficient.Otherfeatures includealarge linencupboard, floor safe, induction hobs anddual<br />

oven in akitchen with the best viewswehave seen. Support buildings include asix-bay shed, withfive 6m x4.5mmetre deep<br />

bays,one 9metre bay, as well as a6mx4.5mshed,which doubles as awoodshed and garden shed. Two units of Council<br />

waterissupplied to a15,000 litre concrete tankand a<strong>30</strong>,000 litre plastic tank and theCouncil have confirmedanother unit of<br />

water, to enable apurchaser to take off afour hectare title.<br />

5 3 3 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Thursday 13th April, <strong>2023</strong> at 4.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 2Apr 1.00 -2.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL116268<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

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Waiau 52 Leslie Street<br />

Just right<br />

This beautifullypresented, sunny,three bedroom, newly clad brick home haskitchen,dining, separatelounge plus asleep-out,<br />

effectively givinga4th bedroom.The 1974 home has beengivenamakeoversince the earthquake, including new wallpaper<br />

throughout, anew bathroom, new carpet, asecondheat-pump, Kwila deck and the Logaire Apollo wood-burner hasbeen<br />

upgraded.The garage is approximately 6.85m x5.9m,with newbricks, there are anumber of storagesheds, woodshed, glass<br />

house, the 81m2threebay barnand an animalshelter.Ifyou need fast internet, thereis fibretothe property. The land is a<br />

good sizeat9460m2 andissubdivided into5paddocks, withsheep yards. The garden is attractive &the property has two<br />

entrances from Leslie Street,with onebeing for thelifestyle block. It will appeal to youngpeople wanting afirst home or to<br />

run ahorse or two andsomesheep, or to anyone wantingtouse theBarrhill and Templetonsiltloamstogrowsome<br />

vegetables. Waiau is an appealing place to live, with fishing and boatingatyour doorstep, aski-field closeby, ahardware<br />

store, supermarket, tearooms, baraswell as tennis, golf, bowling, netball andcricket clubs.<br />

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3 1 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 5th April, <strong>2023</strong> at 4.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 2Apr 10.<strong>30</strong> -11.00am<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL81739<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />


Check Out<br />








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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Young farmers to line up<br />


33<br />

Learner driver ... Nikky Shirtcliffe is ready to get behind the wheel. PHOTO:HURUNUI DISTRICT COUNCIL<br />

Support for young drivers<br />

Thismonthhas provedtobeamilestone<br />

for someofthe Hurunuidistrict’s learner<br />

drivers.<br />

The Hurunui District Council has<br />

launched adriving lesson programmeas<br />

partofits Driver Mentor Programme.<br />

The council is partofanationwide<br />

framework,toget morejob seekerswith<br />

Learner licencesbehind the wheel and<br />

reducingruralisolation.<br />

Waiparalocal 21­year­oldNikky<br />

Shirtcliffeisone of thosewho gotbehind<br />

the wheel,aftergetting her Learner<br />

Licenceamonth ago.<br />

She heard aboutthe programme<br />

throughher mumand theMayors’<br />

Taskforce forJobsprogramme.<br />

She saysgettinglessonsfrom adriver<br />

mentor helpseaseher nerves, andshe is<br />

looking forwardtoher confidence growing<br />

so shecan sither Restricted Licence this<br />

year.<br />

‘‘I wanttoget ajob helping elderly folk,’’<br />

she says.<br />

Drivingmentor Ward Shearman says the<br />

programmeisagreat way to build young<br />

people’sconfidence,and he enjoysthe<br />

rapport he buildswhen helpingthem<br />

navigatethe skill of driving.<br />

‘‘I think this is amazingand helps create<br />

safedrivers.’’<br />

Anotherdrivermentor John Stroh has<br />

doneplentyofdrivinginstructing, and<br />

seesthe biggerpicture of whatitmeans for<br />

young peopletobeable to drive.<br />

‘‘It’saleg up forayoung person to<br />

exercisetheirfreedom. I’m totally in<br />

supportofthis programme andIwish<br />

there weremoreopportunities likethis, to<br />

pushthrough barriers whichexistwith<br />

livinginarural community.’’<br />

Driver Programmeco­ordinator Emma<br />

Featherysays she is happy to seethe<br />

programmeunderway.<br />

‘‘Itwill create so muchconfidence<br />

among theseLearnerdrivers, openingup<br />

so many opportunities.’’<br />

To findout moreabout theDriver<br />

MentorProgramme,please visit hurunui.<br />

govt.nz/community/community­leddevelopment­projects/driver­mentorprogramme.<br />

This weekend’sNew Zealand Young<br />

Farmers (NZYF) Tasmanregional<br />

finalinHanmerSprings is one of<br />

sevenregional finals heldacrossthe<br />

country fromFebruary to April this<br />

year.<br />

No competition is ever the same,<br />

with eight finalists competingsideby­side<br />

throughoutthe day to finish<br />

set modules covering awide variety<br />

of challenging physical and mental<br />

tasks.<br />

During the long day of competition,<br />

whichstarts with set modules at 8am,<br />

the contestants will face two head to<br />

head challenges which have to be<br />

completedwithin an allocated<br />

<strong>30</strong>­minutetime limit per task.<br />

They arevying for aspot in the<br />

FMG Young Farmer of the Year<br />

GrandFinal to be held in Julyand<br />

the chance to win $70,000 of prizes.<br />

Now in its 55th season, the<br />

competition boasts astrongtrack<br />

record of showcasing the verybest<br />

talent and skillsNew Zealand’s<br />

agricultural industry sector has to<br />

offer.<br />

Tasman convener DeanGardiner<br />

said contestants will thenput their<br />

general knowledge andin­depth<br />

understanding of the farming<br />

industrytothe test in the famous<br />

FMG Young Farmer of the Year<br />

buzzer quiz being held in the Hanmer<br />

Springs Hallduring Saturday<br />

evening’s awards dinner, with doors<br />

open from 5.<strong>30</strong>pm.<br />

‘‘Thetasks theywill faceduring the<br />

day will be practical modulesbased<br />

around sponsorsproducts and a<br />

couple from out in leftfield which<br />

we, as the organising committee,<br />

have thought up to keepthem on<br />

Down to the wire ... Fencing is one of<br />

the challenges that is aregular feature of<br />

Young Farmers competitions, and one<br />

which contestants can prepare for in<br />

advance.<br />


their toes,’’ he said.<br />

Joining the contestants competing<br />

at the Amuri A&P Showgrounds, 15<br />

Heaton Street, Rotherham,on<br />

Saturday, April 1, will be the next<br />

generation of Young Farmers ­the<br />

AgriKidsNZand FMG Junior Young<br />

Farmer of the Year contestants, who<br />

willalsobechallenged.<br />

All finalists for each age groupwill<br />

compete in their respective<br />

categories at the Grand Final to be<br />

heldinTimaru.<br />


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What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

C4LD Meeting with Local Govt Minister<br />

Waimakariri Mayor and Co-Chair of<br />

Communities 4Local Democracy (C4LD)<br />

Dan Gordon, along with Co-Chair and Manawatu<br />

Mayor Helen Worboys, attended ameeting last<br />

week at the Beehive inWellington with the<br />

Minister of Local Government Kieran McAnulty<br />

to discuss their concerns with aspects of the<br />

Government-led Three Waters Reform.<br />

They were joined by Mayors from across<br />

New Zealand.<br />

"We appreciated the chance tobepart of the<br />

discussion," said Mayor Gordon.<br />

"Based on Tuesday’s discussions it appears some<br />

minor changes are being considered. However,<br />

there would need to be much further movement<br />

in order to achieve broad consensus and for the<br />

reforms be palatable to our member Councils and<br />

the wider community.<br />

"For us it’s not simply about the number or size<br />

of entities proposed, it has always been about<br />

ownership and effective control and influence of<br />

our assets. It’s anissue of basic property rights,<br />

which was apoint we made clear to the Minister.<br />

"We also made the point that there is no need to<br />

rush this reform. We renewed our offer to work<br />

together with the Government tosee if we can find<br />

consensus. It would be ideal if support could be<br />

achieved that is cross party, asifitisrushed it will<br />

simply become apolitical football and an issue at<br />

this year’s election.<br />

"We followed upour offer to work together in a<br />

letter to the Minister and Prime Minister. We<br />

now await the Governments response and hope<br />

that this 'reset' is exactly that and not simply a<br />

rehash of the current model window dressed<br />

with minor tweaks."<br />

Let’s Talk About Wolffs Road<br />

Suspension Bridge<br />

The Wolffs Road Suspension Bridge is a<br />

historically listed pedestrian bridge in West<br />

Eyreton that spans the Eyre River in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>. The 73m suspension bridge<br />

constructed circa 1948, was originally built to<br />

enable people and goods to cross the Eyre River<br />

when high water levels blocked the adjacent<br />

vehicle ford.<br />

The bridge has been in astate of disrepair<br />

for many years and is no longer usable as a<br />

pedestrian bridge. There is currently no walking<br />

track or clear access to either end of the bridge<br />

due to the overgrown vegetation.<br />

The bridge deckisapproximately3mabove the river<br />

bedlevel The structure consists of steel railiron<br />

towers, steelwiresuspension cables withatimber<br />

deck and transoms, and concrete suspension cable<br />

anchorages. The structure was listed as aCategory2<br />

Historic Place in February 1994.<br />

During the Long Term Plan process, a<br />

submission was received from the Cust and<br />

Districts Historical Records Society about<br />

the bridge. Concerns were raised about the<br />

suspension bridge falling further into disrepair,<br />

with the risk of losing this heritage item. The<br />

Society would like to see some of the heritage<br />

values be retained along with information panels<br />

on the history of the bridge.<br />

Asite inspection and bridge refurbishment<br />

options report completed in 2021 recommended<br />

disestablishing the structure.<br />

This would leave behind the substructure and<br />

cable anchors toberefurbished, retaining some of<br />

the heritage fabric of the structure. Information<br />

boards would be included so that visitors can learn<br />

more about the history of the bridge.<br />

We’re asking for the community’s feedback onthe<br />

preferred option. It should be noted that there is<br />

currently no funding available for the preferred<br />

option at present, funding would need to be sought<br />

through the Annual Plan or Council Long Term Plan<br />

process orvia external funders.<br />

Have your say at waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Stash Swap<br />

Browse fornew treasures and find<br />

ahome foryour unwanted craft<br />

supplies withnocash involved!<br />

Bring along your unwanted fabric, haberdashery,<br />

buttons, wool, lace, sewing patterns, craft books,<br />

paints, brushes, zips, needles, card and stamps<br />

from your craft stash!<br />

Saturday22April •10am–12pm<br />

RangioraLibrary<br />

Materials Drop Off:<br />

Monday 17 April–Friday 21April<br />

Find out more<br />

waimakaririlibraries.com<br />






Foil items<br />

belong in<br />

the bin.<br />

Scrap metal<br />

including lids can<br />

also be dropped at<br />

the Transfer Station<br />

for free.<br />

23/03-27/04 ART EXHIBITION<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Rethinking waste by turning it into fun toys<br />


35<br />

The seasonal and event promotion<br />

flags seen everyday adorning power<br />

and telegraph poles in many cities and<br />

towns usually go into thelandfill when<br />

their use is past.<br />

But thankstoa<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

woman’s idea, they are now being<br />

repurposed intoeducational toys for<br />

children’simagination .<br />

LesleyOttey, owner of Eco­Educate,<br />

says it’s been fun repurposing the<br />

used promotional flagsintocapes for<br />

children to play with.<br />

‘‘Withthe helpofpeople from<br />

Timebank Waimakariri, we set up a<br />

production line at Dudley Park and set<br />

about re­purposing the flagswhich<br />

would have just beendumped in a<br />

land fillifIhadn’tgot in the way.’’<br />

‘‘It’sall about rethinkingwaste and<br />

using it as aresource.’’<br />

She saysshe took the flags home and<br />

washedthem,making her clothes line<br />

look ‘‘really hilarious.’’<br />

‘‘The womenhelping me from the<br />

Timebank, cut and sewedonvelcro<br />

patches, making 33 waste warrior<br />

capes for children to playwith.’’<br />

She saysthe capes were then<br />

donated to Te Matauru Primary<br />

Schooland others will be sent to<br />

preschools and schools across<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘The kids at Te Matauru thought the<br />

Heroes ... Children from Te Matauru Primary School in Rangiora pose<br />

with their new waste warrior capes.<br />


capes werelovely.<br />

‘‘They can wearthem at school<br />

becausethey are easy to wear, easy to<br />

washand theycan evenuse themfor<br />

events.’’<br />

The rethinking educator says as<br />

waste warriorsthe children willbe<br />

thinkingabout waste,recycling, water<br />

and how to use it wisely, all while<br />

tending their worm farms at school.<br />

Otherplansfor the usedflags<br />

include turning them into parachutes<br />

for play in libraries, or handi­bags for<br />

op shops.<br />

She saysthis will be an ongoing<br />

project as there will always be fabric<br />

Rethinking waste ... Member of Timebank Waimakariri<br />

working on producing waste warrior capes for children.<br />

needing anew home and schools<br />

looking for resources.’’<br />

Eco­Educate employs 11 staff<br />

workingacross<strong>Canterbury</strong>, and is<br />

funded by and working with councils<br />

to reduce waste in landfills.<br />

Formore infocontact Lesley at:<br />

rethink@ecoeducate.co.nz<br />

Sons of agood Keen Man by Ivan<br />

Crump<br />

Published 25 years after Barry’s death,<br />

this offers anecdotes that grip,<br />

entertain, surprise and even provoke a<br />

few laughs. Each son writes frankly<br />

and movingly about how they have<br />

navigated life with and without Barry.<br />

AQuiet Kitchen, by Nici Wickes<br />

The underlying message of this book is<br />

that cooking for one doesn't have to<br />

mean TV dinners or beans on toast.<br />

Indeed, for foodies, cooking can and<br />

should be apassion, a<br />

refuge, asatisfying pursuit<br />

whatever your living<br />

situation.<br />

Aload of Bull, by Amanda King<br />

Astunning photographic book recording the<br />

extraordinary beauty of cattle. Amanda also tells<br />

brief stories of some of these animals, their<br />

personalities, and how the shoot day went.<br />

These titles are available in both Waimakariri<br />

and Hurunui libraries. Find out more about<br />

recent additions to the library collection by<br />

going to the library catalogue at waimakariri.<br />

kotui.org.nz or hurunui.kotui.org.nz or contact<br />

your local library.<br />

Have yougot an<br />

opinion about a<br />

storyyou’veread?<br />

Send us your<br />

Letters to the Editor!<br />

Send all letters to<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Letters are limited to 250 words and may be abridged.<br />

All letters are published at the Editor’s discretion.<br />

<strong>2023</strong>HurunuiCommunity Service<br />

Awards<br />

The HurunuiDistrict Council is<br />

calling for nominationsfor worthy<br />

recipientsofaCommunityService<br />

Award.These awards recognise along<br />

periodofexceptionalservicetothe<br />

community by residents of thedistrict.<br />

Nomination forms available at hurunui.<br />

govt.nz or ServiceCentres/Libraries in<br />

Amberley, Culverden, Cheviot,<br />

Hawarden andHanmer Springs.<br />

Completed formsto: Maree Hare,<br />

HurunuiDistrict Council P.O.Box 13,<br />

Amberley 7441, by 5.00 pm Monday1<br />

May <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

ArtsShowcase Hurunui<br />

The Hurunui Memorial Library,<br />

Amberley, is hosting an artsshowcase<br />

fromApril 14 to 17. Themes include:<br />

people's choice,themewinner,student<br />

art,raffles. Formore information visit<br />

any of the librariesorcouncil service<br />

centres in HurunuiDistrict.<br />

Elizabeth Ross –Paintings<br />

An exhibition of paintings by Kaiapoi<br />

artist ElizabethRosswhoseexquisite<br />

oil paintings of flowersand landscapes<br />




Do it all in our<br />

classifieds!<br />

Contact Amanda on<br />

03 313 2840 or email<br />

amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Read us online!<br />

Visit www.starnews.co.nz<br />

featureingalleriesthroughout NZ.This<br />

exhibition focusesonpeoniesand<br />

dahlias in vibrant attention grabbing<br />

colours. It is afree event based at the<br />

Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre, 176<br />

Williams Street, Kaiapoi, till April27.<br />

“Booksfrom Amberley Beach” by Mark<br />

Lander<br />

Fresh frominventing and installing<br />

paper mills in Rotorua, Kosrae<br />

Micronesia andSamoa; MarkLander<br />

has cooked up an exquisitefeast of book<br />

binding taonga. This free event willbe<br />

heldatthe Chamber Gallery Rangiora,<br />

Rangiora Library,141 PercivalStreet,<br />

Rangiora from April 16 to May 11.<br />

Oxford AreaSchoolObservatoryGuided<br />

Sky Tours<br />

Comesee neighbouring galaxies,<br />

emission nebulae, star clusters, and<br />

muchmoreatthe Oxford Area School<br />

Observatory. Sessions areopentothe<br />

public, recommended ages 5and up –<br />

mostFriday nights in winter starting<br />

April 14.There willalso be two morning<br />

sessions heldinJuly around Matariki<br />

rising.Refer to website oxford.<br />

ngawhetu.nzfor more details.<br />

Health &Beauty<br />


Yoga, four weeks for $68,<br />

Rangiora, starts Thursday<br />

13th April, 9.<strong>30</strong> to 11am.<br />

Enquiries and bookings<br />

Pamela Dwyer, please<br />

phone 027 721 2140<br />

pameladwyer4@gmail.com<br />

Member of Yoga New Zealand,<br />

NHPNZ, Sevalight<br />

Associates worldwide.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student onanindividually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for <strong>30</strong> +years. Give<br />

us acall (03) 313 3638 or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.<br />

kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 0<strong>30</strong> 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Pets<br />


pups for sale, male, working<br />

line German Shepherd,<br />

ready 16th April <strong>2023</strong>, of<br />

solid East German &Czech<br />

blood lines, Skye (imp<br />

from QLD) &Ted, bred for<br />

stability, strength, obedience,<br />

strong work / play<br />

drives. Great family pets &<br />

companions for life. Can be<br />

viewed at Loburn. Please<br />

telephone Allison or Cameron<br />

on 021 149 2210 or<br />

027 262 0394 for information.


36 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Big Daddys Limited, Big<br />

Daddys Liquor Rangiora,<br />

28 High Street, Rangiora<br />

7400 has made application<br />

to the district licensing<br />

committee (DLC) at<br />

Rangiora for the renewal<br />

of an OffLicence in respect<br />

of the premises situated at<br />

28 High Street, Rangiora<br />

known as Big Daddys<br />

Liquor Rangiora.<br />

The general nature ofthe<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Bottle store.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Sunday to Tuesday 10am<br />

to 9pm, Wednesday to<br />

Saturday 10am to 10pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing ofthe objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />

or email to records@wmk.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 131 of the sale and<br />

supply of alcohol act 2012.<br />

This is the first publication<br />

of this notice.<br />

2567141v1<br />

Public Notices<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

SSH Cuisine Ltd, 61 Main<br />

<strong>North</strong> Rd, Woodend has<br />

made application to the<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Rangiora for the renewal<br />

of an On-Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated<br />

at 61 Main <strong>North</strong> Road,<br />

Woodend known as Little<br />

Haveli Woodend.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be) sold<br />

under the licence are:<br />

Monday to Sunday, 11am to<br />

11pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may, not later than<br />

15 working days after the<br />

date of the publication of this<br />

notice, file anotice inwriting<br />

of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora or email to<br />

records@wmk.govt.nz.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the second publication<br />

of this notice. This notice<br />

was first published on 23 rd<br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

2567039v2<br />

Notice of AGM for<br />

Connect Hurunui Inc -TimeBank<br />

Date: Saturday 29 th April <strong>2023</strong>, 10.00 am<br />

Venue: Amberley Memorial Library<br />

-Meeting Room<br />

Any enquiries to 027 755 980.<br />

All Welcome<br />

2568771<br />

Deaths<br />

AULD, Robert John<br />

(John). On <strong>March</strong> 21st,<br />

aged 83 at Richmond.<br />

Loved brother and brotherin-law<br />

ofMargaret and the<br />

late Allan Scott of Rangiora,<br />

and Kevin and Caroline<br />

Auld of Kaiapoi and<br />

families.<br />

Entertainment<br />


school holiday event, The<br />

Boy With Wings,<br />

interactive puppetry show,<br />

Tuesday 18th April, 2pm,<br />

tickets (cash) family $60<br />

from Sally Mac’s, Amberley,<br />

Sefton Garage and<br />

Stan’s 7 Day Pharmacy,<br />

Rangiora or online<br />

www.balcairnhall.com.<br />

RANGIORA (N.C)<br />



Monday 3 rd April, 6.<strong>30</strong>pm<br />

Rangiora Showgrounds,<br />

Function centre,<br />

156 Ashley Street.<br />

Celebrating 50 th<br />

Anniversary<br />

Enquiries Bob 021 111 5534<br />

2567139<br />

Religious Notices<br />


Practical sessions<br />



4SUNDAYS<br />

2.<strong>30</strong> PM -4PM<br />

26 <strong>March</strong> to<br />

16 April <strong>2023</strong><br />

PHONE 03 312 8792<br />

renewalministries.nz<br />

@gmail.com<br />

2566373<br />

Home Services<br />

ROOF<br />


20yrs local<br />

experience.<br />

allroofs.co.nz<br />

027 416 05<strong>30</strong><br />

2533270<br />


We offer |Tāmātou mahi<br />

We offer varied flexible work arrangements options to<br />

supportabalance betweenwork, family,and personal life.<br />

Working for asmall council offers abreadth ofexperience<br />

you do not get working for alargerorganisation. Ourteam<br />

is relaxed, helpfuland friendly. We encourageand support<br />

individual learning and development by providing training<br />

where needed.<br />

About the role|MōTeTūranga<br />

Youwill be reporting tothe Management Accountant and<br />

carry out various tasks within the Rates Department,<br />

supportinganexperienced Rates Officer. This could include<br />

receiving and processing rates rebate applications, debt<br />

management, andresponding to requests from solicitors.<br />

This role evolves over time and depending on your<br />

experience and skillset you will provide support inother<br />

aspects of theFinance Team’s operations.<br />

Thisisapermanent role(0.8to1FTE) and is based in our<br />

Amberley Office, 40 minutes north of Christchurch.Nomore<br />

traffic whencommuting to work or parking hassles. We also<br />

have an established carpool system fromChristchurch.<br />

About you |Mōu<br />

Youhave several years’ experience in an administration<br />

type role, acustomer service background orhave worked<br />

in an account’s environment before. Alot of your work is<br />

computer based; you need to haveadvanceduser skills in<br />

Excel.<br />

Youare solution-focused and enjoy making this role your<br />

own. You are customer focused and feel comfortable<br />

picking upthe phone and talking toour rate payers about<br />

something they may feel uncomfortable about.<br />

Aboutus|Mō Mātou<br />

The Hurunui District’s small towns are awindow into<br />

the rural heartland. It is our vision tobeaworkplace that<br />

embraces diversity of thought which is shaped by our<br />

cultures, backgrounds, experiences,and personalities. We<br />

wanttohavethe rightpeopleinthe right placeatthe right<br />

timetoprovide infrastructureand services that aredifferent,<br />

effective, andappropriatetoour Hurunui community.<br />

For moreinformation, pleasecontactJason Beck, Chief<br />

Financial Officer, at jason.beck@hurunui.govt.nz or<br />

phone on 027 498 2638.<br />

To apply for this job go to: https://hdcjobs.co.nz/<br />

Vacancies&enter ref code: 6290555.<br />

Applications close14April <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

2568279<br />


This is afull time position dismantling electronic<br />

and electricalproducts for recycling.<br />

Applicants require:<br />

•Ability to work within asmall team but also<br />

as an individual<br />

•Excellent time management<br />

•Bephysicallyfit as lifting product is involved<br />

•Haveafull cleanlicence<br />

•Ability to use handtools.<br />

•Forkliftlicence beneficial but not essential<br />

Please email your CV and letter to:<br />

John.corney@e-cycle.co.nz<br />

2551817<br />

Executive Officer<br />

Torotoroa-Amberley School<br />

Apositionexists for anew Executive Officer at our<br />

wonderful school.<br />

Do you have excellent inter-personal skills?<br />

Can you work in ateam? Are you honest, reliable<br />

and confidential?<br />

This might be the job for you.<br />

Full knowledge of accounting skills essential,<br />

including using XERO and Ed Pay.<br />

25-<strong>30</strong> hours /week.<br />

Expressions of interest,<br />

including your CV and<br />

references to the Principal,<br />

Antony Criglington by 4pm,<br />

Wednesday 5April.<br />

principal@amberley.school.nz<br />

027 404 9119<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

2568504<br />

Rangiora High School<br />

Voluntary<br />

Reader-Writers<br />

Rangiora High School is proud to be a caring,<br />

community-based environment inspiring life-long<br />

learning. Students are at the centre of our work.<br />

We are seeking to expand our pool of voluntary<br />

Reader-Writers.<br />

If you are willing to volunteer on an occasional basis<br />

to assist students with dyslexia or other barriers<br />

by reading and/or writing or typing for them during<br />

assessments, please email Jacqui Evans, at:<br />

tyj@rangiorahigh.school.nz<br />

2567299<br />

WE NEED YOU!<br />

Deliverers required<br />

forthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

To findout more,<br />

contact:<br />

Mark Kelly<br />

South Island Distribution Manager<br />

P: 029 983 2293<br />

E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

WANTED to buy Ford,<br />

Holden, Chrysler or<br />

Chev’s, Classic cars. Any<br />

other types considered, any<br />

condition. Please phone<br />

Tony 027 313 5000.<br />

Travel &Tours<br />

Property Wanted<br />



•NOagentsfees,<br />

NO marketing costs,<br />

100% cash buyer with<br />

flexible conditions to<br />

suit your needs<br />

•Wespecialisein<br />

purchasing properties<br />

with deferred<br />

maintenance,<br />

as-is-where-is,<br />

partially complete<br />

projects/renovations<br />

and urgent cash sales<br />

•Your solicitorsfees<br />

coveredupto$2,000,<br />

with all contracts<br />

drafted subjecttoyour<br />

solicitorsapproval.<br />

Call Duncan todayon<br />

022421 7727 to see if<br />

selling privately could<br />

benefit YOU!<br />

<strong>North</strong> Island West CoastTour<br />

6days18th May<br />

Wanganui NewPlymouth Raglan<br />

$1895pp twin share<br />

Hokianga Cape Reinga Paihia<br />

8Days23rdAugust<br />

Tasmania 2024<br />

Chathams Islands <strong>2023</strong><br />

Daytrips<br />

Autumn Colours<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Wednesday<br />

19th April $25pp<br />

Tours<br />

Mt Cook<br />

Saturday<br />

27th May<br />

$65pp<br />

Firewood<br />

SPLIT Old Man Pine 3.7m<br />

@ $280, Split Hardwood<br />

Mix 3.7m @$400. Mobile<br />

021 993 497.<br />

Join our<br />

Mailing<br />

List<br />

TwoPasses<br />

Saturday<br />

24th June<br />

$55pp<br />

We canprovide shuttleandcoach hire<br />

Call Reid Tours 0800446 886<br />

Email:reidtours@xtra.co.nz www.reidtours.com<br />

Email to join our mailing list<br />

Livestock<br />



MEAT2U.NZ<br />

313 0022<br />

2466978<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BUILDERS Father &son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads,<br />

no job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Phone 027 318 4400.<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $80 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

www.theprogroup.co.nz/dpc9385.<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />


mowing, spraying,<br />

fertilizing, scarifier. Phone<br />

Hamish 027 349 7986.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />

Trade&Services<br />

Property Services Ltd<br />

Tree &hedge trimming<br />

Gardening<br />

Landscaping<br />

Gutter cleaning<br />

All aspects of<br />

property maintenance<br />

CALL US 03 260 4499<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />


plasterer matching &<br />

patching, no job too small,<br />

<strong>30</strong> yrs exp. Please phone<br />

022 189 8294.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 92<strong>30</strong>.<br />


Plastering &Painting<br />

Services<br />

Locals with <strong>30</strong> years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

2502479<br />

2362002<br />

House &Garden<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

027 216 0000<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

2225862<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

027 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />


Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />

Samsung andmore....<br />

“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Dr Jess Ross<br />

ACC RegisteredDrChiropractic<br />

Monday&Thursday<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

Judy McArthur<br />

MctimoneyChiropractic,Applied Kinesiology<br />

and Craniosacral|Fridays<br />

Phone 03 313 0350<br />

Select Health<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

Fencing<br />



Specialising in<br />

• Farm Fencing • Stock Yards<br />

• Post Driving<br />

Ph: Rangiora 03 312 8866<br />

Mobile: 027 213 1634<br />

Email: nathanandhayley@scorch.co.nz<br />

2564272<br />

2332343v2<br />

2548247<br />

Builder<br />

•New Builds •Renovations, Extensions<br />

• Repairs and Maintenance<br />

2549049<br />

Ring Mark 027 229 7310<br />

for afree quote<br />

www.longsilverconstruction.com<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

Bruce Evans<br />

131 Ohoka Road<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

03 327 3111<br />

021 293 6331<br />

compucare@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.compucare.co.nz<br />

Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />

Prompt professional services<br />

Kitchen Designer<br />

Paula Humphreys Design<br />

Certified Kitchen Designer<br />

2276525v2<br />

Virus &malware removal<br />

New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />




Advertise your trade or service in our<br />

Trusted Trades &Professional Services<br />

Phone Amanda today and get your<br />

business noticed 03 313 2840 or email<br />

amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 021 269 1817<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Glass Services<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />

ReplacementWindows<br />

Frameless Showers<br />

Splashbacks<br />

Balustrades<br />

Mirrors<br />

SecurityDoors<br />

WindowMaintenance<br />

1High Street, Rangiora | 03 313 1733<br />

leah.stewart@hagley.co.nz<br />

2227889v3<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 2<strong>30</strong> 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

2273277<br />

2533705<br />



Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

2269236<br />


Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



* I S<br />

HOURS<br />

8.<strong>30</strong>am -12noon<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-<strong>30</strong>44<br />

Engineering<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Irrigation &Filtration<br />

2490187<br />

Plasterer<br />

Interior<br />

Renovations<br />

Ltd<br />

Plasterboard,<br />

fixing &stopping<br />

Cornice<br />

Cove and<br />

stippled ceilings<br />

Registered<br />

Tradesman<br />

Call Mark<br />

027 438 0665<br />

From cost effective kitchens to<br />

award-winning bespoke designs<br />

• New builds and renovations<br />

• Kitchens, laundries, wardrobes<br />

• Member of NKBA<br />

• 1 Hour free consultation<br />

Phone Paula Humphreys<br />

027 239 5186<br />

paulahdesign@gmail.com<br />

www.paulahdesign.com<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

2556117d<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $<strong>30</strong> per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN 027 201 3<strong>30</strong>2<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Windows & Doors<br />


• New & Used<br />

• Timber & Aluminium<br />

• Windows & Doors<br />

8am-5pm Weekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 379 6159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax (03) 962 1012 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />

ncn1242200aa<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Rangiora Hyundai Isuzu<br />

WAS $ 57,990 +ORC<br />

WAS $ 89,990 +ORC<br />

NOW $ 49,990 +ORC<br />

NOW $ 85,490 +ORC<br />

$<br />

45,490 +ORC<br />

$<br />

47,990<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Hyundai Tucson NX4E 1.6T<br />

2WD 7DCT ELITE<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Hyundai Santa Fe TM 2.2D<br />


<strong>2023</strong> Hyundai Kona 2.0<br />

2WD LTDPE<br />

2020 Isuzu D-Max LS Manual<br />

Double Cab 4WD<br />

WAS $ 44,990<br />

NOW $ 43,990<br />

$<br />

134,990<br />

$<br />

15,990<br />

WAS $ 79,990<br />

NOW $ 74,990<br />

2016 Jeep Wrangler RUBICON<br />

3.6P/4WD/5AT<br />

2019 Toyota Land Cruiser 4WD<br />

2013 Hyundai ix35 2.4 GDI AWD<br />

A6<br />

2018 Volkswagen Touareg<br />

WAS $ 31,990<br />

NOW $ 28,990<br />

WAS $ 15,990<br />

NOW $ 14,490<br />

$<br />

27,990<br />

$<br />

15,990<br />

2018 Hyundai Santa Fe DM 2.2D<br />

7S PE<br />

2017 Mazda Demio<br />

2016 Mazda CX-5 2.2D GSX<br />

2010 Mazda 3Sporthatch SP25<br />

$<br />

31,990<br />

WAS $ 26,990<br />

NOW $ 25,990<br />

WAS $ 38,990<br />

NOW $ 35,990<br />

$<br />

17,990<br />

2015 Isuzu D-Max LS DC 3.0D 5SP<br />

Manual 2WD<br />

2016 Subaru XV 2016 Toyota Hilux 3.0TD 2WD<br />

DC<br />

2014 Mazda 32.0 5AT<br />

WAS $ 36,990<br />

NOW $ 35,990<br />

WAS $ 72,490<br />

NOW $ 69,990<br />

$<br />

37,990<br />

WAS $ 31,990<br />

NOW $ 28,990<br />

2021 Volkswagen T-Roc TSI Life<br />

DSG<br />

2022 Isuzu D-Max LS PLUS<br />

AUTO 4WD<br />

2022 Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid 1.6<br />

DCT6<br />

2013 Isuzu D-Max LS DCab Auto<br />

4WD<br />

WAS $ 43,990<br />

NOW $ 41,990<br />

WAS $ 32,990<br />

NOW $ 31,990<br />

$<br />

19,990<br />

$<br />

39,990<br />

2019 Isuzu D-Max LX DCab<br />

Manual 4X4<br />

2020 Hyundai Kona 2.0 2WD<br />

ELITE<br />

2020 Hyundai i20 5D A4<br />

1998 Toyota Land Cruiser VX<br />

Limited 4.5D 4WD<br />

Rangiora<br />

2Kingsford Smith Drive, Rangiora<br />

service@rangiorahyundai.co.nz<br />

03 928 3283<br />

OPEN Monday-Friday 8am-5.<strong>30</strong>pm |Saturday (Sales Only) 8am-4pm |Sunday CLOSED<br />


Thursday,<strong>March</strong> <strong>30</strong>,<strong>2023</strong> | Issue1039 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />


deals<br />




Sat 1 st –Sun 2 nd April<br />

Hornby · Colombo Mall · Colombo St · <strong>North</strong>wood<br />

12<br />

MONTHS<br />

$499 &over*<br />


on purchases<br />


36MONTHS<br />

$999 &over*<br />

on furnitureand beds<br />

Offers only available in-storeinChristchurch, at our Hornby, Colombo Mall, Colombo St and <strong>North</strong>wood stores. Available 1–2April only,while stock lasts. Stock may vary between stores –<br />

please call your local storetocheck availability.DEALSARE LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER. Trade not supplied. *Terms,conditions,exclusions and credit criteria apply.See page overfor details.

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